Esempio n. 1
def run_map_coloring(adjacency_file, num_colors=4, map_type=None):

    :param adjacency_file: a txt file with contrys and thir nighbers
    :param num_colors:a selaction from the user
    :param map_type: the type of map we are useing
    :return: if there is a solotion it shows it and None if there is no
    countries = read_adj_file(adjacency_file)
    list_of_items = []
    for key in countries.keys():
    dict_items_to_vals = {}
    for key in countries.keys():
        dict_items_to_vals[key] = "color"
    if num_colors == 1:
        return None
        set_of_assignments = num_colors_check(num_colors)
        if general_backtracking(list_of_items, dict_items_to_vals, 0,
                                set_of_assignments, legal_assignment_func,

            return dict_items_to_vals
            return None
Esempio n. 2
def run_game(sudoku_file, print_mode=False):
    state = load_game(sudoku_file)
    if print_mode:

    ret = general_backtracking(
        [key for key, value in state.items() if value == 0], state, 0,
        range(1, 10), check_board)
    if print_mode:
Esempio n. 3
def back_track_degree_heuristic(adj_dict, colors):
    '''A function that sort all the countries by num of there neighbors and than preform the
     genral back track'''
    color_dic = {key: None for key in adj_dict}
    block_dic = re.get_land_blocks(adj_dict)
    for block in block_dic:
        list_of_countreys = list(block_dic[block])
        list_of_countreys = sorted(list_of_countreys,
                                   key=lambda x: len(adj_dict[x]),
        if not general_backtracking(list_of_countreys, color_dic, 0, colors,
                                    re.legal_coloring_func, adj_dict):
            return None
    return color_dic
def run_game(sudoku_file, print_mode=False):
    :param sudoku_file: a location for a sudoku file
    :param print_mode: a boolean indicating to print the solution or not
    :return: True if a solution exists False otherwise
    board = load_game(sudoku_file)
    empty_cells = get_empty_cells_in_sudoku(board)
    solution_exits = general_backtracking(empty_cells, board, 0,
                                          LEGAL_ASSIGNMENTS, check_board)
    if print_mode:
        if solution_exits:

    return solution_exits
Esempio n. 5
def run_game(sudoku_file, print_mode=False):
    '''A function that use the general_backtracking function to soulve the sudouko table
    :return true if the table is solvable and print the board if so
    the function will and False if the table is unsolvable'''
    board = load_game(sudoku_file)
    set_of_ass = []
    for i in range(1, 10):
    list_of_items = [i for i in board if board[i] == 0]
    if general_backtracking(list_of_items, board, 0, set_of_ass, check_board):
        print_mode = True
    if print_mode == True:
        return True
    return False
Esempio n. 6
def run_map_coloring(adjacency_file, num_colors = 4, map_type = None):
    This set colors for a given list of countries on a map so that no
    neighboring countries will have the same color. if there is no such option,
     the function will return None
    :param adjacency_file: path
    :param num_colors: the amount of colors to check
    :return: if there is a solution - a dictionary representing countries
    and their colors.
    dict_of_neighbor = read_adj_file(adjacency_file)
    colored_map = {}
    for country in dict_of_neighbor.keys():
        colored_map[country] = ""
    if general_backtracking(list(colored_map.keys()), colored_map, 0,
                    COLORS[:num_colors], legal_color, dict_of_neighbor):
        return colored_map
def run_game(sudoku_file, print_mode=False):
    starting_index = 0
    list_of_items = []

    board = load_game(sudoku_file)

    for key in board:
        if board[key] == EMPTY_CELL:

    if general_backtracking(list_of_items, board, starting_index,
                            SUDOKU_ASSIGNMENTS, check_board):
        print_mode = True

    if print_mode == True:
Esempio n. 8
def back_track_degree_heuristic(adj_dict, colors):
    :param adj_dict:  dictionary whose keys are the names of the countries
                    and the values of each key are neighboring of the country.
    :param colors: List of colors that are allowed to paint the countries
    :return: The output of the helper_run_map_coloring function that returns
             True if possible paint all the country in a different color
             from all neighboring countries, and None if not.
    dict_items_to_vals = {}
    for key in adj_dict.keys():
        dict_items_to_vals[key] = "color"
    max_list = max_finder(adj_dict)
    if general_backtracking(max_list, dict_items_to_vals, 0, colors,
                            ex11_map_coloring.legal_assignment_func, adj_dict):
        return dict_items_to_vals
        return None
def back_track_FC(adj_dict, colors):
    use general backtracking in order to solve map coloring problem with an
    improvement of neighbours legality forward checking per recursion stage
    :param adj_dict: dict contains countries in the map & their neighbours
    :param colors: list containing all legal colors
    :return: dict with the solution of {country : color}, or None if no
    list_of_items = list(adj_dict.keys())
    color_map = adj_dict.fromkeys(adj_dict, None)
    # naming the check func
    legal_assignment_func = FC_check
    if general_backtracking(list_of_items, color_map, mc.START_INDEX, colors,
                            legal_assignment_func, adj_dict, colors):
        return color_map
        return None
Esempio n. 10
def run_game(sudoku_file, print_mode=False):

    :param sudoku_file: input file location
    :param print_mode: should we print in case of solution
    :return: True if there is a solution, False otherwise
    board = load_game(sudoku_file)
    list_of_items = []
    for key in board.keys():
        if board[key] == 0:
    set_of_assignments = range(1, 10)
    legal_assignment_func = check_board
    if general_backtracking(list_of_items, board, 0, set_of_assignments,
        if print_mode:
        return True
        return False
def run_map_coloring(adjacency_file, num_colors=4, map_type=None):
    :param adjacency_file: a file containing nodes and their connections
    :return: a dict representing the nodes and their connections
    :param num_colors: the number of colors to paint the map in
    :param map_type: not implemented in my code
    :return: True if a solution exists False otherwise
    nodes_and_connections_dict = read_adj_file(adjacency_file)
    list_of_nodes = list(nodes_and_connections_dict.keys())
    nodes_coloring = {}

    solution_exits = general_backtracking(list_of_nodes, nodes_coloring, 0,

    if solution_exits:
        return nodes_coloring

    return None
def run_game(sudoku_file, print_mode=False):
    This function checks if the given Sudoku board has solution.
    if it is and print_mode=True - prints the solution.
    :param sudoku_file: path
    :param print_mode: boolean variable. default to False.
    :return: True or False
    game_borad = load_game(sudoku_file)
    list_of_items = []
    # create a list of the empty squares:
    for key in game_borad.keys():
        if game_borad[key] == 0:
    if general_backtracking(sorted(list_of_items), game_borad, 0, range(1, 10),
        if print_mode is True:
        return True
        return False
Esempio n. 13
def run_map_coloring(adjacency_file, num_colors=4, map_type=None):
    main func - solving map coloring problem using general backtracking
    :param adjacency_file: dict contains countries in the map & their
    :param num_colors: number of wanted colors for solving the problem
    :param map_type:
    :return: dict with the solution of {country : color}, or None if no
    adjacency = read_adj_file(adjacency_file)
    color_map = dict(adjacency)
    list_of_items = list(adjacency.keys())
    set_of_assignments = COLORS[:num_colors]
    legal_assignment_func = check_map
    if general_backtracking(list_of_items, color_map, START_INDEX,
                            set_of_assignments, legal_assignment_func,
        return color_map
        return None
def back_track_degree_heuristic(adj_dict, colors):
    use general backtracking in order to solve map coloring problem with an
    improvement of list_of_items sorted by countries with  maximal to minimal
    num of neighbours
    :param adj_dict: dict contains countries in the map & their neighbours
    :param colors: list containing all legal colors
    :return: dict with the solution of {country : color}, or None if no
    neighbour_num = {}  # dict with {countries : number of neighbours
    for country in adj_dict:
        neighbour_num[country] = len(adj_dict[country])
    list_of_items = sorted(neighbour_num, key=neighbour_num.get, reverse=True)
    color_map = adj_dict.fromkeys(adj_dict, None)
    # naming the check func
    legal_assignment_func = mc.check_map
    if general_backtracking(list_of_items, color_map, mc.START_INDEX, colors,
                            legal_assignment_func, adj_dict):
        return color_map
        return None
Esempio n. 15
def run_game(sudoku_file, print_mode=False):
    the main function of the game
    :param sudoku_file: file that contains a sudoku table
    :param print_mode: Accepted as False. If the user wants to print the board
                       he needs to input true in the run commend
    :return: True or false depending on the solution of the board if the user
             changes the print mode to true it will print the bord if we have
             a solution
    board = load_game(sudoku_file)
    set_of_assignments = LEGAL_NUMBERS_RANGE
    list_of_items = empty_position_exists(board, [])
    if general_backtracking(list_of_items, board, 0, set_of_assignments,
        if print_mode:
        return True
        if print_mode:
        return False
            if neibhour not in map.keys():
                print("missing " + str(neibhour))
                return False
            if map[neibhour] == map[item]:
                print(str(item), str(neibhour), "have the same color")
                return False
    return True

if __name__ == "__main__":
    items = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    assignments = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

    # 0.1
    expected = True
    result = general_backtracking(items, {}, 0, assignments, legal_assignment2)
    check(0.1, expected, result, "")

    # 0.2
    expected = True
    result = general_backtracking(items, {}, 0, assignments, legal_assignment3)
    check(0.2, expected, result, "")

    # 0.3
    expected = False
    result = general_backtracking(items, {}, 0, assignments, legal_assignment4)
    check(0.3, expected, result, "")

    # 0.4
    expected = True
    result = general_backtracking(items, {}, 0, assignments,
Esempio n. 17
def run_map_coloring(adjacency_file, num_colors=4, map_type=None):
    graph = read_adj_file(adjacency_file)
    State = {key: None for key in graph.keys()}
    general_backtracking([key for key in graph.keys()], State, 0,
                         COLORS[:num_colors], check_map, graph)
number_of_queens_list = [8, 4, 3]
expected_result = [True, True, False]

for i in range(len(number_of_queens_list)):
    number_of_queens = number_of_queens_list[i]
    expected = expected_result[i]
    print('Running the ' + str(number_of_queens) +
          ' queens problem   ---->   ',
        queens = make_queen_list(number_of_queens)
        stating_dict = make_starting_queen_dict(queens)
        board = make_board(number_of_queens)
        with Timeout2.Timeout(420):
            student_result = ex11_backtrack.general_backtracking(
                queens, stating_dict, 0, board, is_location_safe)
        if isinstance(student_result, bool) and student_result == expected:
            print("test passed!\n")
            print('test failed...')
            print('expected: ' + str(expected) + '. but got ' +
            print(str(BIG_TEST_FAIL_REDUCTION) + " points were reduced\n")
            total_points = total_points - BIG_TEST_FAIL_REDUCTION
    except Exception as e:
        print("your code raised and exception: ")
        print(str(BIG_TEST_FAIL_REDUCTION) + " points were reduced\n")
        total_points = total_points - BIG_TEST_FAIL_REDUCTION