Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self,
     self.robots = tuple(robots)
     self.limits = limits
     self.movable = tuple(movable)
     self.collisions = collisions
     self.goal_holding = goal_holding
     self.goal_confs = goal_confs
     self.obstacles = tuple(body for body in get_bodies()
                            if body not in self.robots + self.movable)
     self.custom_limits = {}
     if self.limits is not None:
         for robot in self.robots:
                 robot, self.limits))
     self.initial_confs = {
         robot: Conf(robot, get_base_joints(robot))
         for robot in self.robots
     self.initial_poses = {body: Pose(body) for body in self.movable}
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self,
        self.body_from_name = dict(body_from_name)
        self.robots = tuple(robots)
        self.limits = limits
        self.collisions = collisions
        self.goal_confs = dict(goal_confs)

        robot_bodies = set(map(self.get_body, self.robots))
        self.obstacles = tuple(body for body in get_bodies()
                               if body not in robot_bodies)
        self.custom_limits = {}
        if self.limits is not None:
            for body in robot_bodies:
                    get_custom_limits(body, self.limits, yaw_limit=(0, 0)))
        self.initial_confs = {
            name: Conf(self.get_body(name),
            for name in self.robots
Esempio n. 3
def pddlstream_from_problem(problem):
    # TODO: push and attach to movable objects

    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))
    constant_map = {}

    # TODO: action to generically connect to the roadmap
    # TODO: could check individual vertices first
    # TODO: dynamically generate the roadmap in interesting parts of the space
    # TODO: visibility graphs for sparse roadmaps
    # TODO: approximate robot with isotropic geometry
    # TODO: make the effort finite if applied to the roadmap vertex

    samples = []
    init = []
    for robot, conf in problem.initial_confs.items():
        init += [('Robot', robot), ('Conf', robot, conf),
                 ('AtConf', robot, conf), ('Free', robot)]
    for body, pose in problem.initial_poses.items():
        init += [('Body', body), ('Pose', body, pose), ('AtPose', body, pose)]

    goal_literals = []
    goal_literals += [('Holding', robot, body)
                      for robot, body in problem.goal_holding.items()]
    for robot, base_values in problem.goal_confs.items():
        q_goal = Conf(robot, get_base_joints(robot), base_values)
        init += [('Conf', robot, q_goal)]
        goal_literals += [('AtConf', robot, q_goal)]
    goal_formula = And(*goal_literals)

    # TODO: assuming holonomic for now
    [body] = problem.robots

    with LockRenderer():
        init += create_vertices(problem, body, samples)
        #init += create_edges(problem, body, samples)

    stream_map = {
        'test-cfree-conf-pose': from_test(get_test_cfree_conf_pose(problem)),
        'test-cfree-traj-pose': from_test(get_test_cfree_traj_pose(problem)),
        # TODO: sample pushes rather than picks/places
        'sample-grasp': from_gen_fn(get_grasp_generator(problem)),
        'compute-ik': from_fn(get_ik_fn(problem)),
        'compute-motion': from_fn(get_motion_fn(problem)),
        'test-reachable': from_test(lambda *args: False),
        'Cost': get_cost_fn(problem),
    #stream_map = 'debug'

    return PDDLProblem(domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map,
                       init, goal_formula)
Esempio n. 4
def pddlstream_from_problem(problem, teleport=False):
    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))
    constant_map = {'{}'.format(name).lower(): name
                    for name in problem.initial_confs.keys()}

    edges = set()
    init = [
    for name, conf in problem.initial_confs.items():
        init += [
            ('Robot', name),
            ('Conf', conf),
            ('AtConf', name, conf),
            Equal(('Speed', name), DIST_PER_TIME),
            Equal(('BatteryCapacity', name), MAX_ENERGY),
            Equal(('RechargeRate', name), CHARGE_PER_TIME),
            Equal(('ConsumptionRate', name), BURN_PER_TIME),
            Equal(('Energy', name), INITIAL_ENERGY),

    goal_literals = [

    for name, base_values in problem.goal_confs.items():
        body = problem.get_body(name)
        joints = get_base_joints(body)
        #extend_fn = get_extend_fn(body, joints, resolutions=5*BASE_RESOLUTIONS)
        #q_init = problem.initial_confs[name]
        #path = [q_init] + [Conf(body, joints, q) for q in extend_fn(q_init.values, base_values)]
        #edges.update(zip(path, path[1:]))
        #q_goal = path[-1]
        q_goal = Conf(body, joints, base_values)
        init += [('Conf', q_goal)]
        goal_literals += [('AtConf', name, q_goal)]
    goal_formula = And(*goal_literals)

    robot = list(map(problem.get_body, problem.initial_confs))[0]
    with LockRenderer():
        init += [('Conf', q) for _, n, q in create_vertices(problem, robot, [], samples_per_ft2=6)]

    #vertices = {v for edge in edges for v in edge}
    #handles = []
    #for vertex in vertices:
    #    handles.extend(draw_point(point_from_conf(vertex.values), size=0.05))

    #for conf1, conf2 in edges:
    #    traj = linear_trajectory(conf1, conf2)
    #    init += [
    #        ('Conf', conf1),
    #        ('Traj', traj),
    #        ('Conf', conf2),
    #        ('Motion', conf1, traj, conf2),
    #    ]

    cfree_traj_traj_test = get_test_cfree_traj_traj(problem)
    cfree_traj_traj_list_gen_fn = from_test(cfree_traj_traj_test)
    traj_traj_collision_test = negate_test(cfree_traj_traj_test)
    stream_map = {
        'test-cfree-conf-conf': cfree_traj_traj_list_gen_fn,
        'test-cfree-traj-conf': cfree_traj_traj_list_gen_fn,
        'test-cfree-traj-traj': cfree_traj_traj_list_gen_fn,
        'ConfConfCollision': traj_traj_collision_test,
        'TrajConfCollision': traj_traj_collision_test,
        'TrajTrajCollision': traj_traj_collision_test,
        'compute-motion': from_fn(get_motion_fn2(problem)),
        'TrajDistance': get_distance_fn(),
    #stream_map = 'debug'

    problem = PDDLProblem(domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map, init, goal_formula)

    return problem, edges