class ChildFactory: def preExec(self): os.setpgrp() def __init__(self, configuration, name): self.log = Logger('worker ' + str(name), configuration.log.worker) def createProcess(self, program, universal=False): try: process = subprocess.Popen( program.split(' '), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=universal, preexec_fn=self.preExec, ) self.log.debug('spawn process %s' % program) except KeyboardInterrupt: process = None except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError, ValueError): self.log.error('could not spawn process %s' % program) process = None if process: try: fcntl.fcntl(process.stderr, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK) except IOError: self.destroyProcess(process) process = None return process def destroyProcess(self, process): try: process.terminate() process.wait()'terminated process PID %s' % except OSError, e: # No such processs if e[0] != errno.ESRCH: self.log.error('PID %s died' %
class ChildFactory: def preExec (self): os.setpgrp() def __init__ (self, configuration, name): self.log = Logger('worker ' + str(name), configuration.log.worker) def createProcess (self, program, universal=False): try: process = subprocess.Popen([program], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=universal, preexec_fn=self.preExec, ) self.log.debug('spawn process %s' % program) except KeyboardInterrupt: process = None except (subprocess.CalledProcessError,OSError,ValueError): self.log.error('could not spawn process %s' % program) process = None if process: try: fcntl.fcntl(process.stderr, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK) except IOError: self.destroyProcess(process) process = None return process def destroyProcess (self, process): try: process.terminate() process.wait()'terminated process PID %s' % except OSError, e: # No such processs if e[0] != errno.ESRCH: self.log.error('PID %s died' %
class Supervisor (object): alarm_time = 0.1 # regular backend work second_frequency = int(1/alarm_time) # when we record history minute_frequency = int(60/alarm_time) # when we want to average history increase_frequency = int(5/alarm_time) # when we add workers decrease_frequency = int(60/alarm_time) # when we remove workers saturation_frequency = int(20/alarm_time) # when we report connection saturation interface_frequency = int(300/alarm_time) # when we check for new interfaces # import os # clear = [hex(ord(c)) for c in os.popen('clear').read()] # clear = ''.join([chr(int(c,16)) for c in ['0x1b', '0x5b', '0x48', '0x1b', '0x5b', '0x32', '0x4a']]) def __init__ (self,configuration): configuration = load() self.configuration = configuration # Only here so the introspection code can find them self.log = Logger('supervisor', configuration.log.supervisor) self.log.error('Starting exaproxy version %s' % configuration.proxy.version) self.signal_log = Logger('signal', configuration.log.signal) self.log_writer = SysLogWriter('log', configuration.log.destination, configuration.log.enable, level=configuration.log.level) self.usage_writer = UsageWriter('usage', configuration.usage.destination, configuration.usage.enable) self.log_writer.setIdentifier(configuration.daemon.identifier) #self.usage_writer.setIdentifier(configuration.daemon.identifier) if configuration.debug.log: self.log_writer.toggleDebug() self.usage_writer.toggleDebug() self.log.error('python version %s' % sys.version.replace(os.linesep,' ')) self.log.debug('starting %s' % sys.argv[0]) = PID(self.configuration) self.daemon = Daemon(self.configuration) self.poller = Poller(self.configuration.daemon) self.poller.setupRead('read_proxy') # Listening proxy sockets self.poller.setupRead('read_web') # Listening webserver sockets self.poller.setupRead('read_icap') # Listening icap sockets self.poller.setupRead('read_workers') # Pipes carrying responses from the child processes self.poller.setupRead('read_resolver') # Sockets currently listening for DNS responses self.poller.setupRead('read_client') # Active clients self.poller.setupRead('opening_client') # Clients we have not yet read a request from self.poller.setupWrite('write_client') # Active clients with buffered data to send self.poller.setupWrite('write_resolver') # Active DNS requests with buffered data to send self.poller.setupRead('read_download') # Established connections self.poller.setupWrite('write_download') # Established connections we have buffered data to send to self.poller.setupWrite('opening_download') # Opening connections self.monitor = Monitor(self) = Page(self) self.manager = RedirectorManager( self.configuration, self.poller, ) self.content = ContentManager(self,configuration) self.client = ClientManager(self.poller, configuration) self.resolver = ResolverManager(self.poller, self.configuration, configuration.dns.retries*10) self.proxy = Server('http proxy',self.poller,'read_proxy', configuration.http.connections) self.web = Server('web server',self.poller,'read_web', configuration.web.connections) self.icap = Server('icap server',self.poller,'read_icap', configuration.icap.connections) self.reactor = Reactor(self.configuration, self.web, self.proxy, self.icap, self.manager, self.content, self.client, self.resolver, self.log_writer, self.usage_writer, self.poller) self._shutdown = True if self.daemon.filemax == 0 else False # stop the program self._softstop = False # stop once all current connection have been dealt with self._reload = False # unimplemented self._toggle_debug = False # start logging a lot self._decrease_spawn_limit = 0 self._increase_spawn_limit = 0 self._refork = False # unimplemented self._pdb = False # turn on pdb debugging self._listen = None # listening change ? None: no, True: listen, False: stop listeing self.wait_time = 5.0 # how long do we wait at maximum once we have been soft-killed self.local = set() # what addresses are on our local interfaces self.interfaces() signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, self.sigquit) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.sigterm) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.sigterm) # signal.signal(signal.SIGABRT, self.sigabrt) # signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, self.sighup) signal.signal(signal.SIGTRAP, self.sigtrap) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self.sigusr1) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, self.sigusr2) signal.signal(signal.SIGTTOU, self.sigttou) signal.signal(signal.SIGTTIN, self.sigttin) signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.sigalrm) # make sure we always have data in history # (done in zero for dependencies reasons) def sigquit (self,signum, frame): if self._softstop: self.signal_log.critical('multiple SIG INT received, shutdown') self._shutdown = True else: self.signal_log.critical('SIG INT received, soft-stop') self._softstop = True self._listen = False def sigterm (self,signum, frame): self.signal_log.critical('SIG TERM received, shutdown request') if os.environ.get('PDB',False): self._pdb = True else: self._shutdown = True # def sigabrt (self,signum, frame): #'SIG INFO received, refork request') # self._refork = True # def sighup (self,signum, frame): #'SIG HUP received, reload request') # self._reload = True def sigtrap (self,signum, frame): self.signal_log.critical('SIG TRAP received, toggle debug') self._toggle_debug = True def sigusr1 (self,signum, frame): self.signal_log.critical('SIG USR1 received, decrease worker number') self._decrease_spawn_limit += 1 def sigusr2 (self,signum, frame): self.signal_log.critical('SIG USR2 received, increase worker number') self._increase_spawn_limit += 1 def sigttou (self,signum, frame): self.signal_log.critical('SIG TTOU received, stop listening') self._listen = False def sigttin (self,signum, frame): self.signal_log.critical('SIG IN received, star listening') self._listen = True def sigalrm (self,signum, frame): self.signal_log.debug('SIG ALRM received, timed actions') self.reactor.running = False signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL,self.alarm_time,self.alarm_time) def interfaces (self): local = set(['','::1']) for interface in getifaddrs(): if not in (AF_INET,AF_INET6): continue if interface.address not in self.local:'found new local ip %s (%s)' % (interface.address, local.add(interface.address) for ip in self.local: if ip not in local:'removed local ip %s' % ip) if local == self.local:'no ip change') else: self.local = local def run (self): if self.daemon.drop_privileges(): self.log.critical('Could not drop privileges to \'%s\'. Refusing to run as root' % self.daemon.user) self.log.critical('Set the environment value USER to change the unprivileged user') self._shutdown = True elif not self.initialise(): self._shutdown = True signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL,self.alarm_time,self.alarm_time) count_second = 0 count_minute = 0 count_increase = 0 count_decrease = 0 count_saturation = 0 count_interface = 0 while True: count_second = (count_second + 1) % self.second_frequency count_minute = (count_minute + 1) % self.minute_frequency count_increase = (count_increase + 1) % self.increase_frequency count_decrease = (count_decrease + 1) % self.decrease_frequency count_saturation = (count_saturation + 1) % self.saturation_frequency count_interface = (count_interface + 1) % self.interface_frequency try: if self._pdb: self._pdb = False import pdb pdb.set_trace() # check for IO change with select # must follow the reactor so we are sure to go through the reactor at least once # and flush any logs if self._shutdown: self._shutdown = False self.shutdown() break elif self._reload: self._reload = False self.reload() elif self._refork: self._refork = False self.signal_log.warning('refork not implemented') # stop listening to new connections # refork the program (as we have been updated) # just handle current open connection if self._softstop: if self._listen == False: self.proxy.rejecting() self._listen = None if self.client.softstop(): self._shutdown = True # only change listening if we are not shutting down elif self._listen is not None: if self._listen: self._shutdown = not self.proxy.accepting() self._listen = None else: self.proxy.rejecting() self._listen = None if self._toggle_debug: self._toggle_debug = False self.log_writer.toggleDebug() if self._increase_spawn_limit: number = self._increase_spawn_limit self._increase_spawn_limit = 0 self.manager.low += number self.manager.high = max(self.manager.low,self.manager.high) for _ in range(number): self.manager.increase() if self._decrease_spawn_limit: number = self._decrease_spawn_limit self._decrease_spawn_limit = 0 self.manager.high = max(1,self.manager.high-number) self.manager.low = min(self.manager.high,self.manager.low) for _ in range(number): self.manager.decrease() # save our monitoring stats if count_second == 0: self.monitor.second() expired = self.reactor.client.expire() self.reactor.log.debug('events : ' + ', '.join('%s:%d' % (k,len(v)) for (k,v) in else: expired = 0 if expired: self.proxy.notifyClose(None, count=expired) if count_minute == 0: self.monitor.minute() # make sure we have enough workers if count_increase == 0: self.manager.provision() # and every so often remove useless workers if count_decrease == 0: self.manager.deprovision() # report if we saw too many connections if count_saturation == 0: self.proxy.saturation() self.web.saturation() if self.configuration.daemon.poll_interfaces and count_interface == 0: self.interfaces() except KeyboardInterrupt: self.log.critical('^C received') self._shutdown = True except OSError,e: # This shoould never happen as we are limiting how many connections we accept if e.errno == 24: # Too many open files self.log.critical('Too many opened files, shutting down') for line in traceback.format_exc().split('\n'): self.log.critical(line) self._shutdown = True else: self.log.critical('unrecoverable io error') for line in traceback.format_exc().split('\n'): self.log.critical(line) self._shutdown = True finally:
class ClientManager (object): unproxy = ProxyProtocol().parseRequest def __init__(self, poller, configuration): self.total_sent4 = 0L self.total_sent6 = 0L self.total_requested = 0L self.norequest = TimeCache(configuration.http.idle_connect) self.bysock = {} self.byname = {} self.buffered = [] self._nextid = 0 self.poller = poller self.log = Logger('client', configuration.log.client) self.proxied = configuration.http.proxied self.max_buffer = configuration.http.header_size def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.byname def getnextid(self): self._nextid += 1 return str(self._nextid) def expire (self,number=100): count = 0 for sock in self.norequest.expired(number): client = self.norequest.get(sock,[None,])[0] if client: self.cleanup(sock, count += 1 return count def newConnection(self, sock, peer, source): name = self.getnextid() client = Client(name, sock, peer, self.log, self.max_buffer) self.norequest[sock] = client, source self.byname[name] = client, source # watch for the opening request self.poller.addReadSocket('opening_client', client.sock)'new id %s (socket %s) in clients : %s' % (name, sock, sock in self.bysock)) return peer def readRequest(self, sock): """Read only the initial HTTP headers sent by the client""" client, source = self.norequest.get(sock, (None, None)) if client: name, peer, request, content = client.readData() if request: self.total_requested += 1 # headers can be read only once self.norequest.pop(sock, (None, None)) # we have now read the client's opening request self.poller.removeReadSocket('opening_client', client.sock) elif request is None: self.cleanup(sock, else: self.log.error('trying to read headers from a client that does not exist %s' % sock) name, peer, request, content, source = None, None, None, None, None if request and self.proxied is True and source == 'proxy': client_ip, client_request = self.unproxy(request) if client_ip and client_request: peer = client_ip request = client_request client.setPeer(client_ip) return name, peer, request, content, source def readDataBySocket(self, sock): client, source = self.bysock.get(sock, (None, None)) if client: name, peer, request, content = client.readData() if request: self.total_requested += 1 # Parsing of the new request will be handled asynchronously. Ensure that # we do not read anything from the client until a request has been sent # to the remote webserver. # Since we just read a request, we know that the cork is not currently # set and so there's no risk of it being erroneously removed. self.poller.corkReadSocket('read_client', sock) elif request is None: self.cleanup(sock, else: self.log.error('trying to read from a client that does not exist %s' % sock) name, peer, request, content = None, None, None, None return name, peer, request, content, source def readDataByName(self, name): client, source = self.byname.get(name, (None, None)) if client: name, peer, request, content = client.readData() if request: self.total_requested += 1 # Parsing of the new request will be handled asynchronously. Ensure that # we do not read anything from the client until a request has been sent # to the remote webserver. # Since we just read a request, we know that the cork is not currently # set and so there's no risk of it being erroneously removed. self.poller.corkReadSocket('read_client', client.sock) elif request is None: self.cleanup(client.sock, name) else: self.log.error('trying to read from a client that does not exist %s' % name) name, peer, request, content = None, None, None, None return name, peer, request, content def sendDataBySocket(self, sock, data): client, source = self.bysock.get(sock, (None, None)) if client: name = res = client.writeData(data) if res is None: # close the client connection self.cleanup(sock, buffered, had_buffer, sent4, sent6 = None, None, 0, 0 result = None buffer_change = None else: buffered, had_buffer, sent4, sent6 = res self.total_sent4 += sent4 self.total_sent6 += sent6 result = buffered if buffered: if sock not in self.buffered: self.buffered.append(sock) buffer_change = True # watch for the socket's send buffer becoming less than full self.poller.addWriteSocket('write_client', client.sock) else: buffer_change = False elif had_buffer and sock in self.buffered: self.buffered.remove(sock) buffer_change = True # we no longer care about writing to the client self.poller.removeWriteSocket('write_client', client.sock) else: buffer_change = False else: result = None buffer_change = None name = None return result, buffer_change, name, source def sendDataByName(self, name, data): client, source = self.byname.get(name, (None, None)) if client: res = client.writeData(data) if res is None: # we cannot write to the client so clean it up self.cleanup(client.sock, name) buffered, had_buffer, sent4, sent6 = None, None, 0, 0 result = None buffer_change = None else: buffered, had_buffer, sent4, sent6 = res self.total_sent4 += sent4 self.total_sent6 += sent6 result = buffered if buffered: if client.sock not in self.buffered: self.buffered.append(client.sock) buffer_change = True # watch for the socket's send buffer becoming less than full self.poller.addWriteSocket('write_client', client.sock) else: buffer_change = False elif had_buffer and client.sock in self.buffered: self.buffered.remove(client.sock) buffer_change = True # we no longer care about writing to the client self.poller.removeWriteSocket('write_client', client.sock) else: buffer_change = False else: result = None buffer_change = None return result, buffer_change, client def startData(self, name, data, remaining): # NOTE: soo ugly but fast to code nb_to_read = 0 if type(remaining) == type(''): if 'chunked' in remaining: mode = 'chunked' else: mode = 'passthrough' elif remaining > 0: mode = 'transfer' nb_to_read = remaining elif remaining == 0: mode = 'request' else: mode = 'passthrough' client, source = self.byname.get(name, (None, None)) if client: try: command, d = data except (ValueError, TypeError): self.log.error('invalid command sent to client %s' % name) self.cleanup(client.sock, name) res = None else: if client.sock not in self.bysock: # Start checking for content sent by the client self.bysock[client.sock] = client, source # watch for the client sending new data self.poller.addReadSocket('read_client', client.sock) # make sure we don't somehow end up with this still here self.norequest.pop(client.sock, (None,None)) # NOTE: always done already in readRequest self.poller.removeReadSocket('opening_client', client.sock) res = client.startData(command, d) else: res = client.restartData(command, d) # If we are here then we must have prohibited reading from the client # and it must otherwise have been in a readable state self.poller.uncorkReadSocket('read_client', client.sock) if res is not None: buffered, had_buffer, sent4, sent6 = res # buffered data we read with the HTTP headers name, peer, request, content = client.readRelated(mode,nb_to_read) if request: self.total_requested += 1'reading multiple requests') self.cleanup(client.sock, name) buffered, had_buffer = None, None content = None elif request is None: self.cleanup(client.sock, name) buffered, had_buffer = None, None content = None else: # we cannot write to the client so clean it up self.cleanup(client.sock, name) buffered, had_buffer = None, None content = None if buffered: if client.sock not in self.buffered: self.buffered.append(client.sock) # watch for the socket's send buffer becoming less than full self.poller.addWriteSocket('write_client', client.sock) elif had_buffer and client.sock in self.buffered: self.buffered.remove(client.sock) # we no longer care about writing to the client self.poller.removeWriteSocket('write_client', client.sock) else: content = None return client, content, source def corkUploadByName(self, name): client, source = self.byname.get(name, (None, None)) if client: self.poller.corkReadSocket('read_client', client.sock) def uncorkUploadByName(self, name): client, source = self.byname.get(name, (None, None)) if client: if client.sock in self.bysock: self.poller.uncorkReadSocket('read_client', client.sock) def cleanup(self, sock, name): self.log.debug('cleanup for socket %s' % sock) client, source = self.bysock.get(sock, (None,None)) client, source = (client,None) if client else self.norequest.get(sock, (None,None)) client, source = (client,None) or self.byname.get(name, (None,None)) self.bysock.pop(sock, None) self.norequest.pop(sock, (None,None)) self.byname.pop(name, None) if client: self.poller.removeWriteSocket('write_client', client.sock) self.poller.removeReadSocket('read_client', client.sock) self.poller.removeReadSocket('opening_client', client.sock) client.shutdown() else: self.log.error('COULD NOT CLEAN UP SOCKET %s' % sock) if sock in self.buffered: self.buffered.remove(sock) def softstop (self): if len(self.byname) > 0 or len(self.norequest) > 0: return False self.log.critical('no more client connection, exiting.') return True def stop(self): for client, source in self.bysock.itervalues(): client.shutdown() for client, source in self.norequest.itervalues(): client.shutdown() self.poller.clearRead('read_client') self.poller.clearRead('opening_client') self.poller.clearWrite('write_client') self.bysock = {} self.norequest = {} self.byname = {} self.buffered = []
class Supervisor (object): alarm_time = 0.1 # regular backend work second_frequency = int(1/alarm_time) # when we record history minute_frequency = int(60/alarm_time) # when we want to average history increase_frequency = int(5/alarm_time) # when we add workers decrease_frequency = int(60/alarm_time) # when we remove workers saturation_frequency = int(20/alarm_time) # when we report connection saturation interface_frequency = int(300/alarm_time) # when we check for new interfaces # import os # clear = [hex(ord(c)) for c in os.popen('clear').read()] # clear = ''.join([chr(int(c,16)) for c in ['0x1b', '0x5b', '0x48', '0x1b', '0x5b', '0x32', '0x4a']]) def __init__ (self,configuration): configuration = load() self.configuration = configuration # Only here so the introspection code can find them self.log = Logger('supervisor', configuration.log.supervisor) self.log.error('Starting exaproxy version %s' % configuration.proxy.version) self.signal_log = Logger('signal', configuration.log.signal) self.log_writer = SysLogWriter('log', configuration.log.destination, configuration.log.enable, level=configuration.log.level) self.usage_writer = UsageWriter('usage', configuration.usage.destination, configuration.usage.enable) sys.exitfunc = self.log_writer.writeMessages self.log_writer.setIdentifier(configuration.daemon.identifier) #self.usage_writer.setIdentifier(configuration.daemon.identifier) if configuration.debug.log: self.log_writer.toggleDebug() self.usage_writer.toggleDebug() self.log.error('python version %s' % sys.version.replace(os.linesep,' ')) self.log.debug('starting %s' % sys.argv[0]) = PID(self.configuration) self.daemon = Daemon(self.configuration) self.poller = Poller(self.configuration.daemon) self.poller.setupRead('read_proxy') # Listening proxy sockets self.poller.setupRead('read_web') # Listening webserver sockets self.poller.setupRead('read_icap') # Listening icap sockets self.poller.setupRead('read_redirector') # Pipes carrying responses from the redirector process self.poller.setupRead('read_resolver') # Sockets currently listening for DNS responses self.poller.setupRead('read_client') # Active clients self.poller.setupRead('opening_client') # Clients we have not yet read a request from self.poller.setupWrite('write_client') # Active clients with buffered data to send self.poller.setupWrite('write_resolver') # Active DNS requests with buffered data to send self.poller.setupRead('read_download') # Established connections self.poller.setupWrite('write_download') # Established connections we have buffered data to send to self.poller.setupWrite('opening_download') # Opening connections self.monitor = Monitor(self) = Page(self) self.content = ContentManager(self,configuration) self.client = ClientManager(self.poller, configuration) self.resolver = ResolverManager(self.poller, self.configuration, configuration.dns.retries*10) self.proxy = Server('http proxy',self.poller,'read_proxy', configuration.http.connections) self.web = Server('web server',self.poller,'read_web', configuration.web.connections) self.icap = Server('icap server',self.poller,'read_icap', configuration.icap.connections) self._shutdown = True if self.daemon.filemax == 0 else False # stop the program self._softstop = False # stop once all current connection have been dealt with self._reload = False # unimplemented self._toggle_debug = False # start logging a lot self._decrease_spawn_limit = 0 self._increase_spawn_limit = 0 self._refork = False # unimplemented self._pdb = False # turn on pdb debugging self._listen = None # listening change ? None: no, True: listen, False: stop listeing self.wait_time = 5.0 # how long do we wait at maximum once we have been soft-killed self.local = set() # what addresses are on our local interfaces if not self.initialise(): self._shutdown = True elif self.daemon.drop_privileges(): self.log.critical('Could not drop privileges to \'%s\'. Refusing to run as root' % self.daemon.user) self.log.critical('Set the environment value USER to change the unprivileged user') self._shutdown = True # fork the redirector process before performing any further setup redirector = fork_redirector(self.poller, self.configuration) # create threads _after_ all forking is done self.redirector = redirector_message_thread(redirector) self.reactor = Reactor(self.configuration, self.web, self.proxy, self.icap, self.redirector, self.content, self.client, self.resolver, self.log_writer, self.usage_writer, self.poller) self.interfaces() signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, self.sigquit) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.sigterm) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.sigterm) # signal.signal(signal.SIGABRT, self.sigabrt) # signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, self.sighup) signal.signal(signal.SIGTRAP, self.sigtrap) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self.sigusr1) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, self.sigusr2) signal.signal(signal.SIGTTOU, self.sigttou) signal.signal(signal.SIGTTIN, self.sigttin) signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.sigalrm) # make sure we always have data in history # (done in zero for dependencies reasons) def exit (self): sys.exit() def sigquit (self,signum, frame): if self._softstop: self.signal_log.critical('multiple SIG INT received, shutdown') self._shutdown = True else: self.signal_log.critical('SIG INT received, soft-stop') self._softstop = True self._listen = False def sigterm (self,signum, frame): self.signal_log.critical('SIG TERM received, shutdown request') if os.environ.get('PDB',False): self._pdb = True else: self._shutdown = True # def sigabrt (self,signum, frame): #'SIG INFO received, refork request') # self._refork = True # def sighup (self,signum, frame): #'SIG HUP received, reload request') # self._reload = True def sigtrap (self,signum, frame): self.signal_log.critical('SIG TRAP received, toggle debug') self._toggle_debug = True def sigusr1 (self,signum, frame): self.signal_log.critical('SIG USR1 received, decrease worker number') self._decrease_spawn_limit += 1 def sigusr2 (self,signum, frame): self.signal_log.critical('SIG USR2 received, increase worker number') self._increase_spawn_limit += 1 def sigttou (self,signum, frame): self.signal_log.critical('SIG TTOU received, stop listening') self._listen = False def sigttin (self,signum, frame): self.signal_log.critical('SIG IN received, star listening') self._listen = True def sigalrm (self,signum, frame): self.reactor.running = False signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL,self.alarm_time,self.alarm_time) def interfaces (self): local = set(['','::1']) for interface in getifaddrs(): if not in (AF_INET,AF_INET6): continue if interface.address not in self.local:'found new local ip %s (%s)' % (interface.address, local.add(interface.address) for ip in self.local: if ip not in local:'removed local ip %s' % ip) if local == self.local:'no ip change') else: self.local = local def run (self): signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL,self.alarm_time,self.alarm_time) count_second = 0 count_minute = 0 count_saturation = 0 count_interface = 0 while True: count_second = (count_second + 1) % self.second_frequency count_minute = (count_minute + 1) % self.minute_frequency count_saturation = (count_saturation + 1) % self.saturation_frequency count_interface = (count_interface + 1) % self.interface_frequency try: if self._pdb: self._pdb = False import pdb pdb.set_trace() # check for IO change with select status = if status is False: self._shutdown = True # must follow the reactor so we are sure to go through the reactor at least once # and flush any logs if self._shutdown: self._shutdown = False self.shutdown() break elif self._reload: self._reload = False self.reload() elif self._refork: self._refork = False self.signal_log.warning('refork not implemented') # stop listening to new connections # refork the program (as we have been updated) # just handle current open connection if self._softstop: if self._listen == False: self.proxy.rejecting() self._listen = None if self.client.softstop(): self._shutdown = True # only change listening if we are not shutting down elif self._listen is not None: if self._listen: self._shutdown = not self.proxy.accepting() self._listen = None else: self.proxy.rejecting() self._listen = None if self._toggle_debug: self._toggle_debug = False self.log_writer.toggleDebug() if self._decrease_spawn_limit: count = self._decrease_spawn_limit self.redirector.decreaseSpawnLimit(count) self._decrease_spawn_limit = 0 if self._increase_spawn_limit: count = self._increase_spawn_limit self.redirector.increaseSpawnLimit(count) self._increase_spawn_limit = 0 # save our monitoring stats if count_second == 0: self.monitor.second() expired = self.reactor.client.expire() else: expired = 0 if expired: self.proxy.notifyClose(None, count=expired) if count_minute == 0: self.monitor.minute() # report if we saw too many connections if count_saturation == 0: self.proxy.saturation() self.web.saturation() if self.configuration.daemon.poll_interfaces and count_interface == 0: self.interfaces() except KeyboardInterrupt: self.log.critical('^C received') self._shutdown = True except OSError,e: # This shoould never happen as we are limiting how many connections we accept if e.errno == 24: # Too many open files self.log.critical('Too many opened files, shutting down') for line in traceback.format_exc().split('\n'): self.log.critical(line) self._shutdown = True else: self.log.critical('unrecoverable io error') for line in traceback.format_exc().split('\n'): self.log.critical(line) self._shutdown = True finally:
try: import cProfile as profile except: import profile if not configuration.profile.destination or configuration.profile.destination == 'stdout':'Supervisor().run()') __exit(configuration.debug.memory, 0) notice = '' profiled = configuration.profile.destination if os.path.isdir(profiled): notice = 'profile can not use this filename as outpout, it is not a directory (%s)' % profiled if os.path.exists(configuration.profile.destination): notice = 'profile can not use this filename as outpout, it already exists (%s)' % profiled if not notice: log.debug('profiling ....')'main()', filename=configuration.profile.destination) else: log.debug("-" * len(notice)) log.debug(notice) log.debug("-" * len(notice)) main() __exit(configuration.debug.memory, 0) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
class ClientManager(object): unproxy = ProxyProtocol().parseRequest def __init__(self, poller, configuration): self.total_sent4 = 0L self.total_sent6 = 0L self.total_requested = 0L self.norequest = TimeCache(configuration.http.idle_connect) self.bysock = {} self.byname = {} self.buffered = [] self._nextid = 0 self.poller = poller self.log = Logger('client', configuration.log.client) self.proxied = configuration.http.proxied self.max_buffer = configuration.http.header_size def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.byname def getnextid(self): self._nextid += 1 return str(self._nextid) def expire(self, number=100): count = 0 for sock in self.norequest.expired(number): client = self.norequest.get(sock, [ None, ])[0] if client: self.cleanup(sock, count += 1 return count def newConnection(self, sock, peer, source): name = self.getnextid() client = Client(name, sock, peer, self.log, self.max_buffer) self.norequest[sock] = client, source self.byname[name] = client, source # watch for the opening request self.poller.addReadSocket('opening_client', client.sock)'new id %s (socket %s) in clients : %s' % (name, sock, sock in self.bysock)) return peer def readRequest(self, sock): """Read only the initial HTTP headers sent by the client""" client, source = self.norequest.get(sock, (None, None)) if client: name, peer, request, content = client.readData() if request: self.total_requested += 1 # headers can be read only once self.norequest.pop(sock, (None, None)) # we have now read the client's opening request self.poller.removeReadSocket('opening_client', client.sock) elif request is None: self.cleanup(sock, else: self.log.error( 'trying to read headers from a client that does not exist %s' % sock) name, peer, request, content, source = None, None, None, None, None if request and self.proxied is True and source == 'proxy': client_ip, client_request = self.unproxy(request) if client_ip and client_request: peer = client_ip request = client_request client.setPeer(client_ip) return name, peer, request, content, source def readDataBySocket(self, sock): client, source = self.bysock.get(sock, (None, None)) if client: name, peer, request, content = client.readData() if request: self.total_requested += 1 # Parsing of the new request will be handled asynchronously. Ensure that # we do not read anything from the client until a request has been sent # to the remote webserver. # Since we just read a request, we know that the cork is not currently # set and so there's no risk of it being erroneously removed. self.poller.corkReadSocket('read_client', sock) elif request is None: self.cleanup(sock, else: self.log.error( 'trying to read from a client that does not exist %s' % sock) name, peer, request, content = None, None, None, None return name, peer, request, content, source def readDataByName(self, name): client, source = self.byname.get(name, (None, None)) if client: name, peer, request, content = client.readData() if request: self.total_requested += 1 # Parsing of the new request will be handled asynchronously. Ensure that # we do not read anything from the client until a request has been sent # to the remote webserver. # Since we just read a request, we know that the cork is not currently # set and so there's no risk of it being erroneously removed. self.poller.corkReadSocket('read_client', client.sock) elif request is None: self.cleanup(client.sock, name) else: self.log.error( 'trying to read from a client that does not exist %s' % name) name, peer, request, content = None, None, None, None return name, peer, request, content def sendDataBySocket(self, sock, data): client, source = self.bysock.get(sock, (None, None)) if client: name = res = client.writeData(data) if res is None: # close the client connection self.cleanup(sock, buffered, had_buffer, sent4, sent6 = None, None, 0, 0 result = None buffer_change = None else: buffered, had_buffer, sent4, sent6 = res self.total_sent4 += sent4 self.total_sent6 += sent6 result = buffered if buffered: if sock not in self.buffered: self.buffered.append(sock) buffer_change = True # watch for the socket's send buffer becoming less than full self.poller.addWriteSocket('write_client', client.sock) else: buffer_change = False elif had_buffer and sock in self.buffered: self.buffered.remove(sock) buffer_change = True # we no longer care about writing to the client self.poller.removeWriteSocket('write_client', client.sock) else: buffer_change = False else: result = None buffer_change = None name = None return result, buffer_change, name, source def sendDataByName(self, name, data): client, source = self.byname.get(name, (None, None)) if client: res = client.writeData(data) if res is None: # we cannot write to the client so clean it up self.cleanup(client.sock, name) buffered, had_buffer, sent4, sent6 = None, None, 0, 0 result = None buffer_change = None else: buffered, had_buffer, sent4, sent6 = res self.total_sent4 += sent4 self.total_sent6 += sent6 result = buffered if buffered: if client.sock not in self.buffered: self.buffered.append(client.sock) buffer_change = True # watch for the socket's send buffer becoming less than full self.poller.addWriteSocket('write_client', client.sock) else: buffer_change = False elif had_buffer and client.sock in self.buffered: self.buffered.remove(client.sock) buffer_change = True # we no longer care about writing to the client self.poller.removeWriteSocket('write_client', client.sock) else: buffer_change = False else: result = None buffer_change = None return result, buffer_change, client def startData(self, name, data, remaining): # NOTE: soo ugly but fast to code nb_to_read = 0 if type(remaining) == type(''): if 'chunked' in remaining: mode = 'chunked' else: mode = 'passthrough' elif remaining > 0: mode = 'transfer' nb_to_read = remaining elif remaining == 0: mode = 'request' else: mode = 'passthrough' client, source = self.byname.get(name, (None, None)) if client: try: command, d = data except (ValueError, TypeError): self.log.error('invalid command sent to client %s' % name) self.cleanup(client.sock, name) res = None else: if client.sock not in self.bysock: # Start checking for content sent by the client self.bysock[client.sock] = client, source # watch for the client sending new data self.poller.addReadSocket('read_client', client.sock) # make sure we don't somehow end up with this still here self.norequest.pop(client.sock, (None, None)) # NOTE: always done already in readRequest self.poller.removeReadSocket('opening_client', client.sock) res = client.startData(command, d) else: res = client.restartData(command, d) # If we are here then we must have prohibited reading from the client # and it must otherwise have been in a readable state self.poller.uncorkReadSocket('read_client', client.sock) if res is not None: buffered, had_buffer, sent4, sent6 = res # buffered data we read with the HTTP headers name, peer, request, content = client.readRelated( mode, nb_to_read) if request: self.total_requested += 1'reading multiple requests') self.cleanup(client.sock, name) buffered, had_buffer = None, None content = None elif request is None: self.cleanup(client.sock, name) buffered, had_buffer = None, None content = None else: # we cannot write to the client so clean it up self.cleanup(client.sock, name) buffered, had_buffer = None, None content = None if buffered: if client.sock not in self.buffered: self.buffered.append(client.sock) # watch for the socket's send buffer becoming less than full self.poller.addWriteSocket('write_client', client.sock) elif had_buffer and client.sock in self.buffered: self.buffered.remove(client.sock) # we no longer care about writing to the client self.poller.removeWriteSocket('write_client', client.sock) else: content = None return client, content, source def corkUploadByName(self, name): client, source = self.byname.get(name, (None, None)) if client: self.poller.corkReadSocket('read_client', client.sock) def uncorkUploadByName(self, name): client, source = self.byname.get(name, (None, None)) if client: if client.sock in self.bysock: self.poller.uncorkReadSocket('read_client', client.sock) def cleanup(self, sock, name): self.log.debug('cleanup for socket %s' % sock) client, source = self.bysock.get(sock, (None, None)) client, source = (client, None) if client else self.norequest.get( sock, (None, None)) client, source = (client, None) or self.byname.get(name, (None, None)) self.bysock.pop(sock, None) self.norequest.pop(sock, (None, None)) self.byname.pop(name, None) if client: self.poller.removeWriteSocket('write_client', client.sock) self.poller.removeReadSocket('read_client', client.sock) self.poller.removeReadSocket('opening_client', client.sock) client.shutdown() else: self.log.error('COULD NOT CLEAN UP SOCKET %s' % sock) if sock in self.buffered: self.buffered.remove(sock) def softstop(self): if len(self.byname) > 0 or len(self.norequest) > 0: return False self.log.critical('no more client connection, exiting.') return True def stop(self): for client, source in self.bysock.itervalues(): client.shutdown() for client, source in self.norequest.itervalues(): client.shutdown() self.poller.clearRead('read_client') self.poller.clearRead('opening_client') self.poller.clearWrite('write_client') self.bysock = {} self.norequest = {} self.byname = {} self.buffered = []
class ContentManager(object): downloader_factory = Content def __init__(self, supervisor, configuration): self.total_sent4 = 0L self.total_sent6 = 0L self.opening = {} self.established = {} self.byclientid = {} self.buffered = [] self.retry = [] self.configuration = configuration self.supervisor = supervisor self.poller = supervisor.poller self.log = Logger('download', self.location = os.path.realpath(os.path.normpath(configuration.web.html)) = self._header = {} def hasClient(self, client_id): return client_id in self.byclientid def getLocalContent(self, code, name): filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.location, name)) if not filename.startswith(self.location + os.path.sep): filename = '' if os.path.isfile(filename): try: stat = os.stat(filename) except IOError: # NOTE: we are always returning an HTTP/1.1 response content = 'close', http(501, 'local file is inaccessible %s' % str(filename)) else: if filename in self._header : cache_time, header = self._header[filename] else: cache_time, header = None, None if cache_time is None or cache_time < stat.st_mtime: header = file_header(code, stat.st_size, filename) self._header[filename] = stat.st_size, header content = 'file', (header, filename) else: self.log.debug('local file is missing for %s: %s' % (str(name), str(filename))) # NOTE: we are always returning an HTTP/1.1 response content = 'close', http(501, 'could not serve missing file %s' % str(filename)) return content def readLocalContent(self, code, reason, data={}): filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.location, reason)) if not filename.startswith(self.location + os.path.sep): filename = '' if os.path.isfile(filename): try: with open(filename) as fd: body = % data # NOTE: we are always returning an HTTP/1.1 response content = 'close', http(code, body) except IOError: self.log.debug('local file is missing for %s: %s' % (str(reason), str(filename))) # NOTE: we are always returning an HTTP/1.1 response content = 'close', http(501, 'could not serve missing file %s' % str(reason)) else: self.log.debug('local file is missing for %s: %s' % (str(reason), str(filename))) # NOTE: we are always returning an HTTP/1.1 response content = 'close', http(501, 'could not serve missing file %s' % str(reason)) return content def getDownloader(self, client_id, host, port, command, request): downloader = self.byclientid.get(client_id, None) if downloader: # NOTE: with pipeline, consequent request could go to other sites if the browser knows we are a proxy # NOTE: therefore the second request could reach the first site # NOTE: and we could kill the connection before the data is fully back to the client # NOTE: in practice modern browser are too clever and test for it ! if host != or port != downloader.port: self.endClientDownload(client_id) downloader = None else: newdownloader = False if isipv4(host): bind = self.configuration.tcp4.bind elif isipv6(host): bind = self.configuration.tcp6.bind else: # should really never happen self.log.critical('the host IP address is neither IPv4 or IPv6 .. what year is it ?') return None, False if downloader is None: # supervisor.local is replaced when interface are changed, so do not cache or reference it in this class if host in self.supervisor.local: for h,p in if (h == '*' or h == host) and (p == '*' or p == port): break else: # we did not break return None, False downloader = self.downloader_factory(client_id, host, port, bind, command, request, self.log) newdownloader = True if downloader.sock is None: return None, False return downloader, newdownloader def getContent(self, client_id, command, args): try: if command == 'download': try: host, port, upgrade, length, request = args.split('\0', 4) except (ValueError, TypeError), e: raise ParsingError() downloader, newdownloader = self.getDownloader(client_id, host, int(port), command, request) if downloader is not None: content = ('stream', '') if upgrade in ('', 'http/1.0', 'http/1.1'): length = int(length) if length.isdigit() else length else: length = -1 else: content = self.getLocalContent('400', 'noconnect.html') length = 0 elif command == 'connect': try: host, port, request = args.split('\0', 2) except (ValueError, TypeError), e: raise ParsingError() downloader, newdownloader = self.getDownloader(client_id, host, int(port), command, '') if downloader is not None: content = ('stream', '') length = -1 # the client can send as much data as it wants else: content = self.getLocalContent('400', 'noconnect.html') length = 0
__exit(configuration.debug.memory,0) try: import cProfile as profile except: import profile if not configuration.profile.destination or configuration.profile.destination == 'stdout':'Supervisor().run()') __exit(configuration.debug.memory,0) notice = '' profiled = configuration.profile.destination if os.path.isdir(profiled): notice = 'profile can not use this filename as outpout, it is not a directory (%s)' % profiled if os.path.exists(configuration.profile.destination): notice = 'profile can not use this filename as outpout, it already exists (%s)' % profiled if not notice: log.debug('profiling ....')'main()',filename=configuration.profile.destination) else: log.debug("-"*len(notice)) log.debug(notice) log.debug("-"*len(notice)) main() __exit(configuration.debug.memory,0) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
class Redirector(Thread): # TODO : if the program is a function, fork and run :) ICAPParser = ICAPParser def __init__(self, configuration, name, request_box, program): self.configuration = configuration self.icap_parser = self.ICAPParser(configuration) self.enabled = configuration.redirector.enable self.protocol = configuration.redirector.protocol self._transparent = configuration.http.transparent self.log = Logger('worker ' + str(name), configuration.log.worker) self.usage = UsageLogger('usage', configuration.log.worker) self.universal = True if self.protocol == 'url' else False self.icap = self.protocol[len('icap://'):].split( '/')[0] if self.protocol.startswith('icap://') else '' r, w = os.pipe() # pipe for communication with the main thread self.response_box_write = os.fdopen(w, 'w', 0) # results are written here self.response_box_read = os.fdopen(r, 'r', 0) # read from the main thread self.wid = name # a unique name self.creation = time.time() # when the thread was created # self.last_worked = self.creation # when the thread last picked a task self.request_box = request_box # queue with HTTP headers to process self.program = program # the squid redirector program to fork self.running = True # the thread is active self.stats_timestamp = None # time of the most recent outstanding request to generate stats self._proxy = 'ExaProxy-%s-id-%d' % (configuration.proxy.version, os.getpid()) if self.protocol == 'url': self.classify = self._classify_url if self.protocol.startswith('icap://'): self.classify = self._classify_icap # Do not move, we need the forking AFTER the setup self.process = self._createProcess( ) # the forked program to handle classification Thread.__init__(self) def _createProcess(self): if not self.enabled: return def preexec(): # Don't forward signals. os.setpgrp() try: process = subprocess.Popen( [ self.program, ], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=self.universal, preexec_fn=preexec, ) self.log.debug('spawn process %s' % self.program) except KeyboardInterrupt: process = None except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError, ValueError): self.log.error('could not spawn process %s' % self.program) process = None if process: try: fcntl.fcntl(process.stderr, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK) except IOError: self.destroyProcess() process = None return process def destroyProcess(self): if not self.enabled: return self.log.debug('destroying process %s' % self.program) if not self.process: return try: if self.process: self.process.terminate() self.process.wait()'terminated process PID %s' % except OSError, e: # No such processs if e[0] != errno.ESRCH: self.log.error('PID %s died' %
class ContentManager(object): downloader_factory = Content def __init__(self, supervisor, configuration): self.total_sent4 = 0L self.total_sent6 = 0L self.opening = {} self.established = {} self.byclientid = {} self.buffered = [] self.retry = [] self.configuration = configuration self.supervisor = supervisor self.poller = supervisor.poller self.log = Logger('download', self.location = os.path.realpath( os.path.normpath(configuration.web.html)) = self._header = {} def hasClient(self, client_id): return client_id in self.byclientid def getLocalContent(self, code, name): filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.location, name)) if not filename.startswith(self.location + os.path.sep): filename = '' if os.path.isfile(filename): try: stat = os.stat(filename) except IOError: # NOTE: we are always returning an HTTP/1.1 response content = 'close', http( 501, 'local file is inaccessible %s' % str(filename)) else: if filename in self._header: cache_time, header = self._header[filename] else: cache_time, header = None, None if cache_time is None or cache_time < stat.st_mtime: header = file_header(code, stat.st_size, filename) self._header[filename] = stat.st_size, header content = 'file', (header, filename) else: self.log.debug('local file is missing for %s: %s' % (str(name), str(filename))) # NOTE: we are always returning an HTTP/1.1 response content = 'close', http( 501, 'could not serve missing file %s' % str(filename)) return content def readLocalContent(self, code, reason, data={}): filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.location, reason)) if not filename.startswith(self.location + os.path.sep): filename = '' if os.path.isfile(filename): try: with open(filename) as fd: body = % data # NOTE: we are always returning an HTTP/1.1 response content = 'close', http(code, body) except IOError: self.log.debug('local file is missing for %s: %s' % (str(reason), str(filename))) # NOTE: we are always returning an HTTP/1.1 response content = 'close', http( 501, 'could not serve missing file %s' % str(reason)) else: self.log.debug('local file is missing for %s: %s' % (str(reason), str(filename))) # NOTE: we are always returning an HTTP/1.1 response content = 'close', http( 501, 'could not serve missing file %s' % str(reason)) return content def getDownloader(self, client_id, host, port, command, request): downloader = self.byclientid.get(client_id, None) if downloader: # NOTE: with pipeline, consequent request could go to other sites if the browser knows we are a proxy # NOTE: therefore the second request could reach the first site # NOTE: and we could kill the connection before the data is fully back to the client # NOTE: in practice modern browser are too clever and test for it ! if host != or port != downloader.port: self.endClientDownload(client_id) downloader = None else: newdownloader = False if isipv4(host): bind = self.configuration.tcp4.bind elif isipv6(host): bind = self.configuration.tcp6.bind else: # should really never happen self.log.critical( 'the host IP address is neither IPv4 or IPv6 .. what year is it ?' ) return None, False if downloader is None: # supervisor.local is replaced when interface are changed, so do not cache or reference it in this class if host in self.supervisor.local: for h, p in if (h == '*' or h == host) and (p == '*' or p == port): break else: # we did not break return None, False downloader = self.downloader_factory(client_id, host, port, bind, command, request, self.log) newdownloader = True if downloader.sock is None: return None, False return downloader, newdownloader def getContent(self, client_id, command, args): try: if command == 'download': try: host, port, upgrade, length, request = args except (ValueError, TypeError), e: raise ParsingError() downloader, newdownloader = self.getDownloader( client_id, host, int(port), command, request) if downloader is not None: content = ('stream', '') if upgrade in ('', 'http/1.0', 'http/1.1'): length = int(length) if length.isdigit() else length else: length = -1 else: content = self.getLocalContent('400', 'noconnect.html') length = 0 elif command == 'connect': try: host, port, request = args except (ValueError, TypeError), e: raise ParsingError() downloader, newdownloader = self.getDownloader( client_id, host, int(port), command, '') if downloader is not None: content = ('stream', '') length = -1 # the client can send as much data as it wants else: content = self.getLocalContent('400', 'noconnect.html') length = 0
class Redirector (Thread): # TODO : if the program is a function, fork and run :) def __init__ (self, configuration, name, request_box, program): self.configuration = configuration self.enabled = configuration.redirector.enable self.protocol = configuration.redirector.protocol self._transparent = configuration.http.transparent self.log = Logger('worker ' + str(name), configuration.log.worker) self.usage = UsageLogger('usage', configuration.log.worker) self.universal = True if self.protocol == 'url' else False self.icap = self.protocol[len('icap://'):].split('/')[0] if self.protocol.startswith('icap://') else '' r, w = os.pipe() # pipe for communication with the main thread self.response_box_write = os.fdopen(w,'w',0) # results are written here self.response_box_read = os.fdopen(r,'r',0) # read from the main thread self.wid = name # a unique name self.creation = time.time() # when the thread was created # self.last_worked = self.creation # when the thread last picked a task self.request_box = request_box # queue with HTTP headers to process self.program = program # the squid redirector program to fork self.running = True # the thread is active self.stats_timestamp = None # time of the most recent outstanding request to generate stats self._proxy = 'ExaProxy-%s-id-%d' % (configuration.proxy.version,os.getpid()) if self.protocol == 'url': self.classify = self._classify_url if self.protocol.startswith('icap://'): self.classify = self._classify_icap # Do not move, we need the forking AFTER the setup self.process = self._createProcess() # the forked program to handle classification Thread.__init__(self) def _createProcess (self): if not self.enabled: return def preexec(): # Don't forward signals. os.setpgrp() try: process = subprocess.Popen([self.program,], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=self.universal, preexec_fn=preexec, ) self.log.debug('spawn process %s' % self.program) except KeyboardInterrupt: process = None except (subprocess.CalledProcessError,OSError,ValueError): self.log.error('could not spawn process %s' % self.program) process = None if process: try: fcntl.fcntl(process.stderr, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK) except IOError: self.destroyProcess() process = None return process def destroyProcess (self): if not self.enabled: return self.log.debug('destroying process %s' % self.program) if not self.process: return try: if self.process: self.process.terminate() self.process.wait()'terminated process PID %s' % except OSError, e: # No such processs if e[0] != errno.ESRCH: self.log.error('PID %s died' %
class Supervisor(object): alarm_time = 0.1 # regular backend work second_frequency = int(1 / alarm_time) # when we record history minute_frequency = int(60 / alarm_time) # when we want to average history increase_frequency = int(5 / alarm_time) # when we add workers decrease_frequency = int(60 / alarm_time) # when we remove workers saturation_frequency = int( 20 / alarm_time) # when we report connection saturation interface_frequency = int(300 / alarm_time) # when we check for new interfaces # import os # clear = [hex(ord(c)) for c in os.popen('clear').read()] # clear = ''.join([chr(int(c,16)) for c in ['0x1b', '0x5b', '0x48', '0x1b', '0x5b', '0x32', '0x4a']]) def __init__(self, configuration): self.configuration = configuration # Only here so the introspection code can find them self.log = Logger('supervisor', configuration.log.supervisor) self.log.error('Starting exaproxy version %s' % configuration.proxy.version) self.signal_log = Logger('signal', configuration.log.signal) self.log_writer = SysLogWriter('log', configuration.log.destination, configuration.log.enable, level=configuration.log.level) self.usage_writer = UsageWriter('usage', configuration.usage.destination, configuration.usage.enable) sys.exitfunc = self.log_writer.writeMessages self.log_writer.setIdentifier(configuration.daemon.identifier) #self.usage_writer.setIdentifier(configuration.daemon.identifier) if configuration.debug.log: self.log_writer.toggleDebug() self.usage_writer.toggleDebug() self.log.error('python version %s' % sys.version.replace(os.linesep, ' ')) self.log.debug('starting %s' % sys.argv[0]) = PID(self.configuration) self.daemon = Daemon(self.configuration) self.poller = Poller(self.configuration.daemon) self.poller.setupRead('read_proxy') # Listening proxy sockets self.poller.setupRead('read_web') # Listening webserver sockets self.poller.setupRead('read_icap') # Listening icap sockets self.poller.setupRead('read_tls') # Listening tls sockets self.poller.setupRead('read_passthrough') # Listening raw data sockets self.poller.setupRead( 'read_redirector' ) # Pipes carrying responses from the redirector process self.poller.setupRead( 'read_resolver') # Sockets currently listening for DNS responses self.poller.setupRead('read_client') # Active clients self.poller.setupRead( 'opening_client') # Clients we have not yet read a request from self.poller.setupWrite( 'write_client') # Active clients with buffered data to send self.poller.setupWrite( 'write_resolver') # Active DNS requests with buffered data to send self.poller.setupRead('read_download') # Established connections self.poller.setupWrite( 'write_download' ) # Established connections we have buffered data to send to self.poller.setupWrite('opening_download') # Opening connections self.poller.setupRead('read_interrupt') # Scheduled events self.poller.setupRead( 'read_control' ) # Responses from commands sent to the redirector process self.monitor = Monitor(self) = Page(self) self.content = ContentManager(self, configuration) self.client = ClientManager(self.poller, configuration) self.resolver = ResolverManager(self.poller, self.configuration, configuration.dns.retries * 10) self.proxy = Server('http proxy', self.poller, 'read_proxy', configuration.http) self.web = Server('web server', self.poller, 'read_web', configuration.web) self.icap = Server('icap server', self.poller, 'read_icap', configuration.icap) self.tls = Server('tls server', self.poller, 'read_tls', configuration.tls) self.passthrough = InterceptServer('passthrough server', self.poller, 'read_passthrough', configuration.passthrough) self._shutdown = True if self.daemon.filemax == 0 else False # stop the program self._softstop = False # stop once all current connection have been dealt with self._reload = False # unimplemented self._toggle_debug = False # start logging a lot self._decrease_spawn_limit = 0 self._increase_spawn_limit = 0 self._refork = False # unimplemented self._pdb = False # turn on pdb debugging self._listen = None # listening change ? None: no, True: listen, False: stop listeing self.wait_time = 5.0 # how long do we wait at maximum once we have been soft-killed self.local = set() # what addresses are on our local interfaces if not self.initialise(): self._shutdown = True elif self.daemon.drop_privileges(): self.log.critical( 'Could not drop privileges to \'%s\'. Refusing to run as root' % self.daemon.user) self.log.critical( 'Set the environment value USER to change the unprivileged user' ) self._shutdown = True # fork the redirector process before performing any further setup redirector = fork_redirector(self.poller, self.configuration) # use simple blocking IO for communication with the redirector process self.redirector = redirector_message_thread(redirector) # NOTE: create threads _after_ all forking is done # regularly interrupt the reactor for maintenance self.interrupt_scheduler = alarm_thread(self.poller, self.alarm_time) self.reactor = Reactor(self.configuration, self.web, self.proxy, self.passthrough, self.icap, self.tls, self.redirector, self.content, self.client, self.resolver, self.log_writer, self.usage_writer, self.poller) self.interfaces() signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, self.sigquit) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.sigterm) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.sigterm) # signal.signal(signal.SIGABRT, self.sigabrt) # signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, self.sighup) signal.signal(signal.SIGTRAP, self.sigtrap) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self.sigusr1) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, self.sigusr2) signal.signal(signal.SIGTTOU, self.sigttou) signal.signal(signal.SIGTTIN, self.sigttin) # make sure we always have data in history # (done in zero for dependencies reasons) if self._shutdown is False: self.redirector.requestStats() command, control_data = self.redirector.readResponse() stats_data = control_data if command == 'STATS' else None stats = self.monitor.statistics(stats_data) ok = if ok: self.redirector.requestStats() else: self._shutdown = True def exit(self): sys.exit() def sigquit(self, signum, frame): if self._softstop: self.signal_log.critical('multiple SIG INT received, shutdown') self._shutdown = True else: self.signal_log.critical('SIG INT received, soft-stop') self._softstop = True self._listen = False def sigterm(self, signum, frame): self.signal_log.critical('SIG TERM received, shutdown request') if os.environ.get('PDB', False): self._pdb = True else: self._shutdown = True # def sigabrt (self,signum, frame): #'SIG INFO received, refork request') # self._refork = True # def sighup (self,signum, frame): #'SIG HUP received, reload request') # self._reload = True def sigtrap(self, signum, frame): self.signal_log.critical('SIG TRAP received, toggle debug') self._toggle_debug = True def sigusr1(self, signum, frame): self.signal_log.critical('SIG USR1 received, decrease worker number') self._decrease_spawn_limit += 1 def sigusr2(self, signum, frame): self.signal_log.critical('SIG USR2 received, increase worker number') self._increase_spawn_limit += 1 def sigttou(self, signum, frame): self.signal_log.critical('SIG TTOU received, stop listening') self._listen = False def sigttin(self, signum, frame): self.signal_log.critical('SIG IN received, star listening') self._listen = True def interfaces(self): local = {'', '::1'} for interface in getifaddrs(): if not in (AF_INET, AF_INET6): continue if interface.address not in self.local:'found new local ip %s (%s)' % (interface.address, local.add(interface.address) for ip in self.local: if ip not in local:'removed local ip %s' % ip) if local == self.local:'no ip change') else: self.local = local def run(self): count_second = 0 count_minute = 0 count_saturation = 0 count_interface = 0 events = {'read_interrupt'} while True: count_second = (count_second + 1) % self.second_frequency count_minute = (count_minute + 1) % self.minute_frequency count_saturation = (count_saturation + 1) % self.saturation_frequency count_interface = (count_interface + 1) % self.interface_frequency try: if self._pdb: self._pdb = False import pdb pdb.set_trace() # prime the alarm if 'read_interrupt' in events: self.interrupt_scheduler.setAlarm() # check for IO change with select status, events = # shut down the server if a child process disappears if status is False: self._shutdown = True # respond to control responses immediately if 'read_control' in events: command, control_data = self.redirector.readResponse() if command == 'STATS': ok = self.doStats(count_second, count_minute, control_data) if ok is False: self._shutdown = True # jump straight back into the reactor if we haven't yet received an # interrupt event if 'read_interrupt' not in events: continue # clear the alarm condition self.interrupt_scheduler.acknowledgeAlarm() # must follow the reactor so we are sure to go through the reactor at least once # and flush any logs if self._shutdown: self._shutdown = False self.shutdown() break elif self._reload: self._reload = False self.reload() elif self._refork: self._refork = False self.signal_log.warning('refork not implemented') # stop listening to new connections # refork the program (as we have been updated) # just handle current open connection # ask the redirector process for stats self.redirector.requestStats() if self._softstop: if self._listen == False: self.proxy.rejecting() self._listen = None if self.client.softstop(): self._shutdown = True # only change listening if we are not shutting down elif self._listen is not None: if self._listen: self._shutdown = not self.proxy.accepting() self._listen = None else: self.proxy.rejecting() self._listen = None if self._toggle_debug: self._toggle_debug = False self.log_writer.toggleDebug() if self._decrease_spawn_limit: count = self._decrease_spawn_limit self.redirector.decreaseSpawnLimit(count) self._decrease_spawn_limit = 0 if self._increase_spawn_limit: count = self._increase_spawn_limit self.redirector.increaseSpawnLimit(count) self._increase_spawn_limit = 0 # cleanup idle connections # TODO: track all idle connections, not just the ones that have never sent data expired = self.reactor.client.expire() for expire_source, expire_count in expired.items(): if expire_source == 'proxy': self.proxy.notifyClose(None, count=expire_count) elif expire_source == 'icap': self.icap.notifyClose(None, count=expire_count) elif expire_source == 'passthrough': self.passthrough.notifyClose(None, count=expire_count) elif expire_source == 'tls': self.tls.notifyClose(None, count=expire_count) elif expire_source == 'web': self.web.notifyClose(None, count=expire_count) # report if we saw too many connections if count_saturation == 0: self.proxy.saturation() self.web.saturation() if self.configuration.daemon.poll_interfaces and count_interface == 0: self.interfaces() except KeyboardInterrupt: self.log.critical('^C received') self._shutdown = True except OSError, e: # This shoould never happen as we are limiting how many connections we accept if e.errno == 24: # Too many open files self.log.critical('Too many opened files, shutting down') for line in traceback.format_exc().split('\n'): self.log.critical(line) self._shutdown = True else: self.log.critical('unrecoverable io error') for line in traceback.format_exc().split('\n'): self.log.critical(line) self._shutdown = True finally: