Esempio n. 1
def place_order(action: str, symbol: str, quantity: float, quantity_type: str):
        Calls the{ORDER_ID}/orders API and
        places a simple (single leg) Market order (BUY/SELL) valid through the day for the specified
        symbol and dollar amount.

        Returns the order id as extracted from the location header. If the order ID
        cannot be found, it will return a the two character tag which was randomly
        generated during this call


    if quantity_type not in ['SHARES', 'DOLLARS', 'ALL_SHARES']:
        raise ValidationError(
            "Invalid quantity type supplied: %s" % quantity_type, None)

    if (action) not in ('BUY', 'SELL'):
        raise ValidationError("Invalid trading actions supplied: %s" % action,

    td_account_id = get_credentials()[0]

    tag = generate_tag()

    order = {
        "orderLegCollection": [{
            "instruction": action,
            "quantity": quantity,
            "quantityType": quantity_type,
            "instrument": {
                "assetType": "EQUITY",
                "symbol": symbol

    headers = request(
        '' % td_account_id,
        None, order)[0]

    # fetch the order id from the headers, This is where it's stored
    # --> {ORDER_ID}
        order_id = str(headers['Location'].rsplit('/', 1)[-1])
        order_id = tag

    return order_id
Esempio n. 2
def get_fiscal_year_period(year: int, extend_by_days: int):
    returns the first and last day of a year's fiscal period.
    For example:
      2018 -> ('2018-01-01', '2019-12-31')

    the end date can be extended by "extend_by_days"
    For example:
      (2018, 10) -> ('2018-01-01', '2019-01-10')

    year : int
      the fiscal year in question
    extend_by_days : int
      number of days by which to extend the fiscal period.
      This is done to account for the fact that financial statements may be submitted
      shortly after the fiscal period ends 
    A tuple of strings containing the start and end date of the fiscal period
    if year < 2000:
        raise ValidationError("Invalid Date. Must be >= 2000", None)

    if extend_by_days < 0 or extend_by_days > 350:
        raise ValidationError("Invalid extend_by_days. Must between 0 and 350",

    start = datetime(year, 1, 1)
    end = datetime(year, 12, 31) + timedelta(days=extend_by_days)
    return (date_to_string(start), date_to_string(end))
    def __init__(self, ticker_list: list, analysis_period: str,
                 current_price_date: date, output_size: int):
            Initializes the strategy given the ticker list, analysis period
            and output size.

            The period is used to determine the range of financial data required
            to perform the analysis, while the output size will limit the number
            of securities that are recommended by the strategy.

            ticker_list : list of tickers to be included in the analisys
            analysis_period: The analysis period as a string. E.g. '2020-06'
            output_size : number of recommended securities that will be returned
                by this strategy

        if ticker_list == None or len(ticker_list.ticker_symbols) < 2:
            raise ValidationError(
                "Ticker List must contain at least 2 symbols", None)

        if output_size == 0:
            raise ValidationError("Output size must be at least 1", None)

            self.analysis_period = pd.Period(analysis_period, 'M')
        except Exception as e:
            raise ValidationError("Could not parse Analysis Period", e)

        self.ticker_list = ticker_list

        self.output_size = output_size

        if (current_price_date == None):
            business_date = self.current_price_date = util.get_business_date(

            self.current_price_date = business_date
            self.current_price_date = current_price_date

         self.analysis_end_date) = intrinio_util.get_month_period_range(

        if (self.analysis_start_date > self.current_price_date):
            raise ValidationError(
                "Price Date: [%s] must be greater than the Analysis Start Date [%s]"
                % (self.current_price_date, self.analysis_start_date), None)

        if (self.analysis_end_date > self.current_price_date):
            logging.debug("Setting analysis end date to 'today'")
            self.analysis_end_date = self.current_price_date

        self.recommendation_set = None
        self.raw_dataframe = None
        self.recommendation_dataframe = None
def mark_to_market(data_frame: object, price_date: datetime):
        Peforms a Mark to Market on a Pandas dataframe representing
        a ranked portfolio, and given a price date. This is used
        to calculate returns on a portfolio generated by one of the

        The dataframe must contain the following columuns:

        * ticker
        * analysis_price

        and will add:

        * current_price
        * actual_return

        data_frame : Pandas DataFrame
            portfolio dataframe
        price_date : datetime
            price date, current or historical

        A new dataframe with the added columns

        ValidationError if parameters are incorrect
        DataError if there are problems reading price data

    if (data_frame is None or price_date is None):
        raise ValidationError(
            "Invalid Parameters supplied to Mark to Market calculation", None)

    if ('ticker' not in data_frame.columns
            or 'analysis_price' not in data_frame.columns):
        raise ValidationError(
            "Could not extract required fields for Mark to Market calculation",

    mmt_prices = []

    for ticker in data_frame['ticker']:
            latest_price = intrinio_data.get_latest_close_price(
                ticker, price_date, 5)[1]
        except Exception as e:
            raise DataError("Could not perform MMT calculation", e)

    data_frame['current_price'] = mmt_prices
    data_frame['actual_return'] = (
        data_frame['current_price'] -
        data_frame['analysis_price']) / data_frame['analysis_price']
    return data_frame
def mark_to_market(data_frame: object, ticker_col_name: str,
                   price_col_name: str, price_date: date):
        Peforms a Mark to Market on a Pandas dataframe representing
        a set of stocks given a price date. This is used
        to calculate returns on a portfolio generated by one of the

        The dataframe must contain a ticker and price column, which are defined
        via the parameters and will add:

        * current_price
        * actual_return

        data_frame: Pandas DataFrame
            Portfolio dataframe
        ticker_col_name: str
            Name of the ticker column
        price_col_name: str
            Name of the price column
        price_date: date
            Price date, current or historical

        A new dataframe with the added columns


    if (data_frame is None or price_date is None):
        raise ValidationError(
            "Invalid Parameters supplied to Mark to Market calculation", None)

    if (ticker_col_name not in data_frame.columns
            or price_col_name not in data_frame.columns):
        raise ValidationError(
            "Could not extract required fields for Mark to Market calculation",

    mmt_prices = []

    for ticker in data_frame[ticker_col_name]:
            latest_price = intrinio_data.get_daily_stock_close_prices(
                ticker, price_date, price_date)

        except Exception as e:
            raise DataError("Could not perform MMT calculation", e)

    data_frame['current_price'] = mmt_prices
    data_frame['actual_return'] = (
        data_frame['current_price'] -
        data_frame[price_col_name]) / data_frame[price_col_name]
    return data_frame
    def test_simple_exception_nocause(self):

        self.assertEqual(str(ValidationError("Cannot do XYZ", None)), "Validation Error: Cannot do XYZ")
        self.assertEqual(str(CalculationError("Cannot do XYZ", None)), "Calculation Error: Cannot do XYZ")
        self.assertEqual(str(DataError("Cannot do XYZ", None)), "Data Error: Cannot do XYZ")
        self.assertEqual(str(ReportError("Cannot do XYZ", None)), "Report Error: Cannot do XYZ")

        self.assertEqual(repr(ValidationError("Cannot do XYZ", None)), "Validation Error: Cannot do XYZ")
        self.assertEqual(repr(CalculationError("Cannot do XYZ", None)), "Calculation Error: Cannot do XYZ")
        self.assertEqual(repr(DataError("Cannot do XYZ", None)), "Data Error: Cannot do XYZ")
        self.assertEqual(repr(ReportError("Cannot do XYZ", None)), "Report Error: Cannot do XYZ")
    def generate_report(self, report_filename: str):
            Generates a report and all associated worksheets

            report_filename : str
                Name of the output report

                In case the report could not be generate because it was not properly
                In case of any errors preparing or generating the report.



        wb = Workbook()

        # Assemble the report

        if len(self.worksheet_list) == 0:
            raise ValidationError("No worksheets were supplied to the report",

        if report_filename is None or report_filename == "":
            raise ValidationError("No report filename was supplied", None)

        for (report_worksheet, worksheet_tile,
             dcf_model) in self.worksheet_list:
            self.price_dict[worksheet_tile] = dcf_model.calculate_dcf_price()

            source_worksheet = report_worksheet.create_worksheet(
            target_worksheet = wb.create_sheet(worksheet_tile)

            self.__copy_worksheet__(source_worksheet, target_worksheet)

        output_report_name = '%s%s' % (self.output_path, report_filename)

        except Exception as e:
            raise ReportError("Error saving report", e)
def validate_commandline_parameters(year: int, month: int,
                                    current_price_date: datetime):
        Validates command line parameters and throws an exception
        if they are not properly set.
    if (year < 2000 or (month not in range(1, 13))):
        raise ValidationError("Parameters out of range", None)

    if datetime(year, month, 1) >= current_price_date:
        raise ValidationError(
            "Price Date must be in future compared to analysis period", None)
    def __init__(self, ticker_list: list, data_year: int, data_month: int,
                 output_size: int):
            Initializes the class with the ticker list, a year and a month.

            The year and month are used to set the context of the analysis,
            meaning that financial data will be used for that year/month.
            This is done to allow the analysis to be run in the past and test the
            quality of the results.

            ticker_list : list of tickers to be included in the analisys
            ticker_source_name : The source of the ticker list. E.g. DOW30, or SP500
            year : analysis year
            month : analysis month
            output_size : number of recommended securities that will be returned
                by this strategy


        if (ticker_list is None or len(ticker_list) == 0):
            raise ValidationError("No ticker list was supplied", None)

        if len(ticker_list) < 2:
            raise ValidationError("You must supply at least 2 ticker symbols",

        if output_size <= 0:
            raise ValidationError("Output size must be at least 1", None)

         self.analysis_end_date) = intrinio_util.get_month_date_range(
             data_year, data_month)

        if (self.analysis_end_date >
            logging.debug("Setting analysis end date to 'today'")
            self.analysis_end_date =

        self.ticker_list = ticker_list

        self.output_size = output_size
        self.data_date = "%d-%d" % (data_year, data_month)

        self.recommendation_set = None
        self.raw_dataframe = None
        self.recommendation_dataframe = None
    def from_configuration(cls, configuration: object, app_ns: str):
            See BaseStrategy.from_configuration for documentation
        today = pd.to_datetime('today').date()

            config_params = dict(configuration.config[cls.CONFIG_SECTION])

            ticker_file_name = config_params['ticker_list_file_name']
            output_size = int(config_params['output_size'])
        except Exception as e:
            raise ValidationError(
                "Could not read MACD Crossover Strategy configuration parameters",

        ticker_list = TickerList.try_from_s3(app_ns, ticker_file_name)
        analysis_period = (pd.Period(today, 'M') - 1).strftime("%Y-%m")

        current_price_date = util.get_business_date(

        return cls(ticker_list, analysis_period, current_price_date,
    def __init__(self, path, **kwargs):
            Initializes the cache

            path : str
            The path where the cache will be located

            max_cache_size_bytes : int (kwargs)
            (optional) the maximum size of the cache in bytes

            A tuple of strings containing the start and end date of the fiscal period

            max_cache_size_bytes = kwargs['max_cache_size_bytes']
        except KeyError:
            # default max cache is 4GB
            max_cache_size_bytes = 4e9


            self.disk_cache = Cache(path, size_limit=int(max_cache_size_bytes))
        except Exception as e:
            raise ValidationError('invalid max cache size', e)

        log.debug("Cache was initialized: %s" % path)
def get_service_inputs(app_ns: str):
        Returns the required inputs for the recommendation service given
        the application namespace used to identify the appropriate cloud resources.

        A tuple containing the latest SecurityRecommendationSet
        and Portfolio objects. If a portfolio does not exist, it will
        create a new one.
    '''"Loading latest recommendations")
    recommendation_set = SecurityRecommendationSet.from_s3(app_ns)

    if not recommendation_set.is_current(
        raise ValidationError("Current recommendation set is not valid", None)

    try:"Loading current portfolio")
        pfolio = Portfolio.from_s3(app_ns)
    except AWSError as e:
        if e.resource_not_found():
            pfolio = None
            raise e

    return (pfolio, recommendation_set)
Esempio n. 13
def _read_company_data_point(ticker: str, tag: str):
      Helper function that will read the Intrinio company API for the supplied ticker
      and return the value

      The numerical value of the datapoint

    # check the cache first
    cache_key = "%s-%s-%s-%s" % (INTRINIO_CACHE_PREFIX,
                                 "company_data_point_number", ticker, tag)
    api_response =

    if api_response is None:
        # else call the API directly
            api_response = COMPANY_API.get_company_data_point_number(
                ticker, tag)

            cache.write(cache_key, api_response)
        except ApiException as ae:
            raise DataError(
                "Error retrieving ('%s') -> '%s' from Intrinio Company API" %
                (ticker, tag), ae)
        except Exception as e:
            raise ValidationError(
                "Error parsing ('%s') -> '%s' from Intrinio Company API" %
                (ticker, tag), e)

    return api_response
def get_business_date_offset(business_date: date, days_offset: int):
        Returns the business date offest by 'days_offset' business date.

        For example, the day before the observed 4th of July will return
        the following Monday:

        (2020/07/02, 1) -> 2020/07/06

        if the business date is not valid, the method will throw a ValidationError

    nyse_cal = mcal.get_calendar('NYSE')

    if days_offset > 0:
        market_calendar = nyse_cal.schedule(
            business_date + timedelta(days=int(days_offset * 1.5)))
        market_calendar = nyse_cal.schedule(
            business_date + timedelta(days=int(days_offset * 1.5)),
        # reverse the calendar order
        market_calendar = market_calendar.iloc[::-1]

    # if business_date is not valid, raise an exception
    except Exception as e:
        raise ValidationError(
            "Cannot offset %s by %d days because %s is not a valid business date"
            % (business_date, days_offset, business_date), e)

    return market_calendar.index[abs(days_offset)].to_pydatetime().date()
    def test_simple_exception_with_stringcause(self):

        validation_error = ValidationError("Cannot do XYZ", "Some Error")

            "Validation Error: Cannot do XYZ. Caused by: Some Error")
    def _read_price_metrics(self, ticker_symbol: str):
            Helper function that downloads the data required by the strategy.

            A Tuple with the following elements:
            current_price: float
                The Current price for the ticker symbol
            macd_lines: list
                The past 3 days of MACD values
                The past 3 days of MACD Singal values

        dict_key = self.analysis_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

        current_price_dict = intrinio_data.get_daily_stock_close_prices(
            ticker_symbol, self.analysis_date, self.analysis_date

        macd_dict = intrinio_data.get_macd_indicator(
            ticker_symbol, self.analysis_date, self.analysis_date, self.macd_fast_period, self.macd_slow_period, self.macd_signal_period

            current_price = current_price_dict[dict_key]
            macd_line = macd_dict[dict_key]['macd_line']
            signal_line = macd_dict[dict_key]['signal_line']
        except Exception as e:
            raise ValidationError(
                "Could not read pricing data for %s" % ticker_symbol, e)

        return (current_price, macd_line, signal_line)
    def from_configuration(cls, configuration: object, app_ns: str):
            See BaseStrategy.from_configuration for documentation

        analysis_date = util.get_business_date(

            config_params = dict(configuration.config[cls.CONFIG_SECTION])

            ticker_file_name = config_params['ticker_list_file_name']
            divergence_factor_threshold = float(
            macd_fast_period = int(config_params['macd_fast_period'])
            macd_slow_period = int(config_params['macd_slow_period'])
            macd_signal_period = int(config_params['macd_signal_period'])
        except Exception as e:
            raise ValidationError(
                "Could not read MACD Crossover Strategy configuration parameters", e)

        ticker_list = TickerList.try_from_s3(app_ns, ticker_file_name)

        return cls(ticker_list, analysis_date, divergence_factor_threshold, macd_fast_period, macd_slow_period, macd_signal_period)
Esempio n. 18
def get_credentials():
        Read the TD Credentials from the environment or throws an exception
    def read_from_env(env_name: str):
            reads a TD credential variable from the environment.
            If not found add it to the "missing" list to improve
            the error message.
            return os.environ.get(env_name)
        except Exception:


    td_account_id = read_from_env('TDAMERITRADE_ACCOUNT_ID')
    td_client_id = read_from_env('TDAMERITRADE_CLIENT_ID')
    td_refresh_token = read_from_env('TDAMERITRADE_REFRESH_TOKEN')

    if len(missing_variables) > 0:
        raise ValidationError(
            "Could not read TDAmeritrade credentials from environment. Missing %s"
            % str(missing_variables), None)

    return (td_account_id, td_client_id, td_refresh_token)
Esempio n. 19
    def reprice(self, price_date: datetime):
            Reads the current prices, computes the latest returns
            and updates the portfolio object.

        # Update the current returns in the securities set
        for security in self.model['securities_set']:
            analysis_price = security['analysis_price']
             latest_price) = intrinio_data.get_latest_close_price(
                 security['ticker_symbol'], price_date, 5)
            security['current_price'] = latest_price

        # if a portfolio exsts, reprice it too
        if not self.is_empty():
            for security in self.model['current_portfolio']['securities']:
                purchase_price = security['purchase_price']
                 latest_price) = intrinio_data.get_latest_close_price(
                     security['ticker_symbol'], price_date, 5)
                security['current_price'] = latest_price


        # finally set the price date
            price_date = parser.parse(price_date_str)
        except Exception as e:
            raise ValidationError(
                "Could parse price date returned by Intrinio API", e)

        self.model['price_date'] = util.date_to_iso_utc_string(price_date)"Repriced portfolio for date of %s" % str(price_date))
def get_year_date_range(year: int, extend_by_days: int):
      returns the first and last day of the supplied year formatted in a way
      that can be supplied to the Intrinion SDK

      For example:
        2018 -> ('2018-01-01', '2019-12-31')

      the end date can be extended by "extend_by_days"
      For example:
        (2018, 10) -> ('2018-01-01', '2019-01-10')

      year : int
        the year in question
      extend_by_days : int
        number of days by which to extend the end date period.

      A tuple of strings containing the start and end date.

    if extend_by_days < 0 or extend_by_days > 350:
        raise ValidationError(
            "Invalid extend_by_days. Must between 0 and 350", None)

    start = datetime(year, 1, 1)
    end = datetime(year, 12, 31) + timedelta(days=extend_by_days)
    return(date_to_string(start), date_to_string(end))
Esempio n. 21
def get_service_inputs(app_ns: str):
        Returns the required inputs for the recommendation service given
        the application namespace used to identify the appropriate cloud resources.

        A tuple containing the latest SecurityRecommendationSet
        and Portfolio objects. If a portfolio does not exist, it will
        create a new one.
    '''"Loading latest recommendations")
    recommendation_set = SecurityRecommendationSet.from_s3(

    business_date = util.get_business_date(

    if not recommendation_set.is_current(business_date):
        raise ValidationError("Current recommendation set is not valid", None)

    try:"Loading current portfolio")
        pfolio = Portfolio.from_s3(app_ns, constants.S3_PORTFOLIO_OBJECT_NAME)
    except AWSError as e:
        if e.resource_not_found():
            pfolio = None
            raise e

    return (pfolio, recommendation_set)
Esempio n. 22
    def __init__(self, template_name: str):

        # assign this to a local variable so that it can be mocked
        if template_name == None or len(template_name) == 0:
            raise ValidationError("Invalid parameters", None)

        self.template_name = template_name
    def test_retry_server_errors_validtion_error(self):
        mock = Mock(side_effect=ValidationError("Mock Error", None))
        test_function = intrinio_data.retry_server_errors(mock)

        with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):

        self.assertEqual(mock.call_count, 1)
    def from_parameters(cls, creation_date: datetime, valid_from: datetime,
                        valid_to: datetime, price_date: datetime,
                        strategy_name: str, security_type: str,
                        securities_set: dict):
            Initializes This class by supplying all required parameters.

            The "securities_set" is a ticker->price dictionary. E.g.

                'AAPL': 123.45,
                'XO' : 234.56,

        if (strategy_name is None or strategy_name == ""
                or security_type is None or security_type == ""
                or securities_set is None or len(securities_set) == 0):
            raise ValidationError(
                "Could not initialize Portfolio objects from parameters", None)

            cls.model = {
                "set_id": str(uuid.uuid1()),
                "creation_date": util.date_to_iso_utc_string(creation_date),
                "valid_from": util.date_to_iso_string(valid_from),
                "valid_to": util.date_to_iso_string(valid_to),
                "price_date": util.date_to_iso_string(price_date),
                "strategy_name": strategy_name,
                "security_type": security_type,
                "securities_set": []

            for ticker in securities_set.keys():
        except Exception as e:
            raise ValidationError(
                "Could not initialize Portfolio objects from parameters", e)

        return cls.from_dict(cls.model)
    def test_simple_exception_with_chainedcause(self):

        root_cause = Exception("Root Cause")
        chained_cause = Exception("Some reason", root_cause)

        ve = ValidationError("Cannot do XYZ", chained_cause)

        # mac os and linux produce slightly different results
        self.assertTrue("Validation Error: Cannot do XYZ. Caused by: ('Some reason', Exception('Root Cause" in str(ve))
    def test_simple_exception_with_exceptioncause(self):

        empty_dict = {}

  "Error in test setup")
        except KeyError as ke:
            ve = ValidationError("Cannot do XYZ", ke)
            self.assertEqual(str(ve), "Validation Error: Cannot do XYZ. Caused by: 'XXX'")
 def validate_model(self):
         (Re)validates the model
         validate(self.model, self.schema,
     except Exception as e:
         raise ValidationError(
             "Could not validate %s model" % self.model_name, e)
    def get_stackname_from_stackarn(arn: str):

        # arn:aws:cloudformation:region:acct:stack/app-infra-base/c9481160-6df5-11ea-ac9f-121b58656156
            arn_elements = arn.split(':')
            stack_id = arn_elements[5]

            stack_elements = stack_id.split("/")
            return stack_elements[1]
        except Exception as e:
            raise ValidationError("Could not parse stack ID from arn", e)
def datetime_to_iso_utc_string(date: datetime):
        Converts a date object into an 8601 string using UTC
    if date is None:
        return "None"

        return date.astimezone(pytz.UTC).isoformat()
    except Exception as e:
        raise ValidationError("Could not convert date to string", e)
def get_business_date_list(start_date: date, end_date: date):
        given a calendar date, returns the nearest past business date
    if start_date >= end_date:
        raise ValidationError("Start date must be before end date")

    nyse_cal = mcal.get_calendar('NYSE')

    market_calendar = nyse_cal.schedule(start_date, end_date)
    business_date_list = [ for date in list(market_calendar.index)]
    return business_date_list