Esempio n. 1
def assert_sanity (val, validators):
	Use validators for assertion.

	This actually works much like `sanitize` other than converting errors to
	AssertionErrors and serving as a signal of intent in code. Note that this
	accepts a single value - If you want to  sanitize a whole list in the same
	way, use a list comprehension.

	For example::

		>>> assert_sanity (1, int)
		>>> from konval import IsEqualOrMore, ToLength
		>>> x = assert_sanity ('2', [float, IsEqualOrMore(1)])
		>>> x
		>>> assert_sanity (['a', 'b'], [ToLength(), float, IsEqualOrMore(3)])
		Traceback (most recent call last):
		AssertionError: 2.0 is lower than 3

		return sanitize (val, validators)
	except exceptions.Exception as err:
		raise exceptions.AssertionError (str (err))
		raise exceptions.AssertionError ("an error occurred when sanitizing '%s'" % val)
Esempio n. 2
    def success(self, err, h):
        beta = 0.0
        alpha = 1.0 / 8.0 - beta * 0.2
        safe = 0.9
        minscale = 0.333
        maxscale = 6.0
        if np.isnan(h):
            raise exceptions.AssertionError('stepsize is NaN')
        if err <= 1.0:
            if err == 0.0:
                scale = maxscale
                scale = safe * np.power(err, -alpha) * np.power(err, beta)
                if scale < minscale:
                    scale = minscale
                if scale > maxscale:
                    scale = maxscale
            if self.reject:
                self.hnext = h * min(scale, 1.0)
                self.hnext = h * scale
            self.errold = max(err, 1.0e-4)
            self.reject = False
            if DEBUG:
                print 'Accept, ', h
            return (True, h)

            scale = max(safe * np.power(err, -alpha), minscale)
            h *= scale
            if DEBUG:
                print 'Reject, ', h
            self.reject = True
            return (False, h)
Esempio n. 3
def test_exception_message_deprecated():
    import exceptions
    x = exceptions.AssertionError()
    with OutputCatcher() as output:

    expected = ""
    Assert(expected in output.stderr, output.stderr)
Esempio n. 4
def test_exception_message_deprecated():
    import exceptions
    x = exceptions.AssertionError()
    with OutputCatcher() as output:

    expected = "DeprecationWarning: BaseException.message has been deprecated as of Python 2.6"
    Assert(expected in output.stderr)
 def test_creation_failure_with_invalid_flag_argument(self):
     id_ = 'i{0}'.format(uuid.uuid4())
         raise exceptions.AssertionError("Expected CloudifyClientError")
     except CloudifyClientError, e:
         self.assertEqual(400, e.status_code)
             BAD_PARAMETERS_ERROR_CODE, e.error_code)
Esempio n. 6
    def successful(self):
        Return whether the call completed without raising an exception.
        Will raise AssertionError if the result is not ready.

        if not self.ready():
            raise exceptions.AssertionError("Function is not ready")
        res = self._q.get()

        if isinstance(res, Exception):
            return False
        return True
 def test_creation_failure_when_plugin_not_found_host_agent(self):
     from cloudify_rest_client.exceptions import DeploymentPluginNotFound
     id_ = 'i{0}'.format(uuid.uuid4())
         raise exceptions.AssertionError(
             "Expected DeploymentPluginNotFound error")
     except DeploymentPluginNotFound, e:
         self.assertEqual(400, e.status_code)
Esempio n. 8
 def dialect_impl(self, dialect):
         return self.impl_dict[dialect]
         # see if the dialect has an adaptation of the TypeDecorator itself
         adapted_decorator = dialect.type_descriptor(self)
         if adapted_decorator is not self:
             result = adapted_decorator.dialect_impl(dialect)
             self.impl_dict[dialect] = result
             return result
         typedesc = dialect.type_descriptor(self.impl)
         tt = self.copy()
         if not isinstance(tt, self.__class__):
             raise exceptions.AssertionError(
                 "Type object %s does not properly implement the copy() method, it must return an object of type %s"
                 % (self, self.__class__))
         tt.impl = typedesc
         self.impl_dict[dialect] = tt
         return tt
Esempio n. 9
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     if not hasattr(self.__class__, 'impl'):
         raise exceptions.AssertionError(
             "TypeDecorator implementations require a class-level variable 'impl' which refers to the class of type being decorated"
     self.impl = self.__class__.impl(*args, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 10
def Ellipse_Circle(a, b, N):
	Function for calculating the potential and added mass coefficients 
	for an ellipse where a is the half major axis and b is the half 
	minor axis. When a=b we have a circle.

    if a == b:
        print('For a circle with radius R0 = %.2f' % a)

    elif a > b:
            'For an ellipse with half major axis a0 = %.2f'
            'and half minor axis b0 = %.2f' % (a, b))

        raise exceptions.AssertionError(
            'The major axis a must be larger than the minor axis b')
        # As required in the text for the assignment

    # Values for the potential and the added mass coefficients. achieved from
    # different choice of N that needs to be stored in lists for later use
    phi11_ = []
    Exact_phi_ = []
    m11_ = []
    m22_ = []
    m66_ = []

    for N in N_list:
        print 'With %d segments we have:' % N

        # Matrix for storing values achieved from the lhs of the equation
        A = zeros((N, N))

        # Array(vector) for storing values for the rhs of the equation
        B11 = zeros(N)
        B22 = zeros(N)
        B66 = zeros(N)

        dtheta = linspace(0, 2 * pi, N + 1)  # division into N segments
        # Evaluation points
        x = a * cos(
            dtheta)  # the x position of the start/end point of a segment
        y = b * sin(
            dtheta)  # the y position of the start/end point of a segment

        # Collocation points
        # Centroid of each segment S(i)
        xbar = (x[1:] + x[:-1]) / 2.0
        ybar = (y[1:] + y[:-1]) / 2.0

        # Length of each segment dS = sqrt(d(x0,y0)^2 - d(x1,y1)^2)
        # (x,y) position - next (x,y) position
        dS = linalg.norm(array([x[1:], y[1:]]) - array([x[:-1], y[:-1]]),

        # Normal vector components of the segments
        n1 = -(y[1:] - y[:-1]) / dS  # -dy/dS

        n2 = (x[1:] - x[:-1]) / dS  # dx/dS

        n6 = (xbar * n2 - ybar * n1)  # x*n2 - y*n1

        for i in range(N):
            # Array transpose to get [x,y] position of a point on the circumference
            r1 = linalg.norm(array([x[:-1], y[:-1]]).T -
                             array([xbar[i], ybar[i]]),

            r2 = linalg.norm(array([x[1:], y[1:]]).T -
                             array([xbar[i], ybar[i]]),

            # Opening angle of segment S(i)
            theta = -arccos((dS**2 - r2**2 - r1**2) / (-2 * r2 * r1))
            theta[isnan(theta)] = 0

            #Calculates the right-hand side of the integral eq.(24)
            h11 = (log(r1) + log(r2)) * 0.5 * dS
            h22 = (log(r1) + log(r2)) * 0.5 * dS
            h66 = (log(r1) + log(r2)) * 0.5 * dS

            #Adds the angles to the matrix A
            A[i] = theta  # N matrices that are NxN
            fill_diagonal(A, -pi)  #replace diagonal entries with -pi

            #Adds rhs to the B-arrays
            B11[i] = sum(n1 * h11)
            B22[i] = sum(n2 * h22)
            B66[i] = sum(n6 * h66)

        # Calculates phi for the three directions
        # Solve the linear matrix equation A*phi=B
        phi11 = linalg.solve(A, B11)

        phi22 = linalg.solve(A, B22)
        phi66 = linalg.solve(A, B66)

        # Calculates the added mass coefficients
        m11 = sum(phi11 * n1 * dS)

        m22 = sum(phi22 * n2 * dS)

        m66 = sum(phi66 * n6 * dS)

        if a > b:
            Exact_m11 = pi * b**2
            Error_m11 = Exact_m11 - m11
            plot(N, Error_m11, 'r*', markersize=6, label='m_{11}')
            print('The error in the added mass coefficient m11 is %.5f' %

            Exact_m22 = pi * a**2
            Error_m22 = Exact_m22 - m22
            plot(N, Error_m22, 'k^', markersize=6, label='m_{22}')
            print('The error in the added mass coefficient m22 is %.5f' %

            Exact_m66 = (1.0 / 8.0) * pi * ((a**2) - (b**2))**2
            Error_m66 = Exact_m66 - m66
            plot(N, Error_m66, 'gs', markersize=6, label='m_{66}')
            print('The error in the added mass coefficient m66 is %.5f' %

        if a == b:
            Exact_phi = -(a**2 * xbar) / (xbar**2 + ybar**2)
            Error_phi = abs(Exact_phi - phi11).max()
                'The maximum error between the exact and the numerical potential is %.5f'
                % Error_phi)

            Exact_m11 = pi * a**2
            Error_m11 = Exact_m11 - m11
                'The maximum error between the exact and the numerical added mass coefficient m11 is %.5f'
                % Error_m11)
        if N == 20:
            legend(loc='best', numpoints=1)
    title('Error as a function of the resolution')
    xlabel('Number of segments N')
    ylabel('Error in the computed values compared to the exact ones')
    xlim((0, 1600))
    ylim((-10, 600))

    return m11_, m22_, m66_, Exact_m11, Exact_m22, Exact_m66  # in case of an ellipse
Esempio n. 11
 def dy(self, h, RHS_class):
     # dy estimator. Like RK5, but more -- 12 stages!
     ytemp = self.gen_array()
     y = self.y
     dydx = self.dydx
     x = self.x
     if not (y is self.y and dydx is self.dydx and x is self.x):
         raise exceptions.AssertionError('Oh noes!')
     # 1
     ytemp[:] = self.y + h * dc.a21 * self.dydx[:]
     # 2
     RHS_class.deriv(x + dc.c2 * h, ytemp, self.k2)
     ytemp[:] = y + h * (dc.a31 * dydx + dc.a32 * self.k2)
     # 3
     RHS_class.deriv(x + dc.c3 * h, ytemp, self.k3)
     ytemp[:] = y + h * (dc.a41 * dydx + dc.a43 * self.k3)
     # 4
     RHS_class.deriv(x + dc.c4 * h, ytemp, self.k4)
     ytemp[:] = y + h * (dc.a51 * dydx + dc.a53 * self.k3 +
                         dc.a54 * self.k4)
     # 5
     RHS_class.deriv(x + dc.c5 * h, ytemp, self.k5)
     ytemp[:] = y + h * (dc.a61 * dydx + dc.a64 * self.k4 +
                         dc.a65 * self.k5)
     # 6
     RHS_class.deriv(x + dc.c6 * h, ytemp, self.k6)
     ytemp[:] = y + h * (dc.a71 * dydx + dc.a74 * self.k4 +
                         dc.a75 * self.k5 + dc.a76 * self.k6)
     # 7
     RHS_class.deriv(x + dc.c7 * h, ytemp, self.k7)
     ytemp[:] = y + h * (dc.a81 * dydx + dc.a84 * self.k4 + dc.a85 * self.k5
                         + dc.a86 * self.k6 + dc.a87 * self.k7)
     # 8
     RHS_class.deriv(x + dc.c8 * h, ytemp, self.k8)
     ytemp[:] = y + h * (dc.a91 * dydx + dc.a94 * self.k4 +
                         dc.a95 * self.k5 + dc.a96 * self.k6 +
                         dc.a97 * self.k7 + dc.a98 * self.k8)
     # 9
     RHS_class.deriv(x + dc.c9 * h, ytemp, self.k9)
     ytemp[:] = y + h * (dc.a101 * dydx + dc.a104 * self.k4 + dc.a105 *
                         self.k5 + dc.a106 * self.k6 + dc.a107 * self.k7 +
                         dc.a108 * self.k8 + dc.a109 * self.k9)
     # 10
     RHS_class.deriv(x + dc.c10 * h, ytemp, self.k10)
     ytemp[:] = y + h * (dc.a111 * dydx + dc.a114 * self.k4 +
                         dc.a115 * self.k5 + dc.a116 * self.k6 +
                         dc.a117 * self.k7 + dc.a118 * self.k8 +
                         dc.a119 * self.k9 + dc.a1110 * self.k10)
     # 11
     RHS_class.deriv(x + dc.c11 * h, ytemp, self.k2)
     xph = x + h
     ytemp[:] = y + h * (
         dc.a121 * dydx + dc.a124 * self.k4 + dc.a125 * self.k5 +
         dc.a126 * self.k6 + dc.a127 * self.k7 + dc.a128 * self.k8 +
         dc.a129 * self.k9 + dc.a1210 * self.k10 + dc.a1211 * self.k2)
     # 12
     RHS_class.deriv(xph, ytemp, self.k3)
     self.k4[:] = dc.b1 * dydx + dc.b6 * self.k6 + dc.b7 * self.k7 + dc.b8 * self.k8 + dc.b9 * self.k9 + dc.b10 * self.k10 + dc.b11 * self.k2 + dc.b12 * self.k3
     # yout:
     self.yout = y + h * self.k4
     # Two error estimators:
     self.yerr[:] = self.k4 - dc.bhh1 * dydx - dc.bhh2 * self.k9 - dc.bhh3 * self.k3
     self.yerr2[:] = dc.er1 * dydx + dc.er6 * self.k6 + dc.er7 * self.k7 + dc.er8 * self.k8 + dc.er9 * self.k9 + dc.er10 * self.k10 + dc.er11 * self.k2 + dc.er12 * self.k3