Esempio n. 1
    def get_q_density(*args):
	Returns the array of complex charge densities in Coulomb/meter.
        if _get_n(*args) != 0:
            if _get_iptflq(*args) != -1:
                return _PyNEC.nec_structure_currents_get_q_density(*args)
                error_msg = "The printing of charge densities has not been requested."
                raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
            error_msg = "There are no wires in the structure."
            raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
Esempio n. 2
    def get_current(*args):
	Returns the array of complex currents in Ampere.
        if _get_n(*args) != 0:
            _iptflg = _get_iptflg(*args)
            if _iptflg != -1:
                return _PyNEC.nec_structure_currents_get_current(*args)
                error_msg = "The printing of currents has not been requested."
                raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
            error_msg = "There are no wires in the structure."
            raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
Esempio n. 3
    def get_q_density_segment_length(*args):
	Returns the array of segment lengths in meters for the printing of charge densities.
        if _get_n(*args) != 0:
            if _get_iptflq(*args) != -1:
                return _PyNEC.nec_structure_currents_get_q_density_segment_length(
                error_msg = "The printing of charge densities has not been requested."
                raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
            error_msg = "There are no wires in the structure."
            raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
Esempio n. 4
    def get_gain_type(*args):
	Returns the type of gain computed : power or directive gain.
    	if _get_ifar(*args) != 1 :
		ipd = _get_rp_ipd(*args)
		if ipd == 0 :
			return "Power gain"
		elif ipd == 1 :
			return "Directive gain"
		else :
			error_msg = "Unknown gain type."
			raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
	else :
		error_msg = "No computing of gain has been requested."
		raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
 def get_keys(self, cr, uid, ids, context={}):
     aeat_obj = self.pool['']
     for wizard in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
         record = self.pool[''].browse(
             cr, uid, context.get('active_id'), context=context)
         directory = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(record.path_folder),
                                  'certificates', cr.dbname, record.folder)
         file = base64.decodestring(record.file)
         if tuple(map(int, OpenSSL.__version__.split('.'))) < (0, 15):
             raise exceptions.Warning(
                 _('OpenSSL version is not supported. Upgrade to 0.15 '
                   'or greater.'))
             if directory and not os.path.exists(directory):
             with pfx_to_pem(file, wizard.password,
                             directory) as private_key:
                 aeat_obj.write(cr, uid,,
                                {'private_key': private_key})
             with pfx_to_crt(file, wizard.password,
                             directory) as public_key:
                 aeat_obj.write(cr, uid,,
                                {'public_key': public_key})
         except Exception as e:
             if e.args:
                 args = list(e.args)
             raise exceptions.osv_exception(args[-1])
     return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
Esempio n. 6
 def execute(self, method, arg_list, kwarg_dict=None):
         res = self.api.execute_kw(self.db, self.uid, self.pwd, self.model,
                                   method, arg_list, kwarg_dict or {})
         return res
         raise exceptions.Warning("Mete algun dato por lo menos")
Esempio n. 7
    def get_gain_minor_axis(*args):
	Returns the array of minor axis gains in dB provided the output format chosen is format 0.
    	if _get_rp_output_format(*args)==0 :
		return _reshape(_PyNEC.nec_radiation_pattern_get_gain_horiz(*args),*args)
	else :
		error_msg="The computing of the 'minor axis' gain has not been requested. Try and get the horizontal gain instead."
		raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
Esempio n. 8
    def get_gain_vert(*args):
	Returns the array of vertical gains provided the output format chosen is format 1.
    	if _get_rp_output_format(*args)==1 :
		return _reshape(_PyNEC.nec_radiation_pattern_get_gain_vert(*args),*args)
    	else :
		error_msg="The computing of the vertical gain has not been requested. Try and get the 'major axis' gain instead."
		raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
Esempio n. 9
    def get_radial_attenuation(self):
	Returns the radial attenuation (no units) provided the calculation mode chosen is different from mode 1.
    	if (_get_ifar(self) != 1) :
		_range = _get_range(self)
		if (_range >= 1.0e-20) :
			_wavelength = _get_wavelength(self) 
			exrm = 1.0 / _range;
			exra = _range/ _wavelength;
			exra = -360.0*(exra - math.floor(exra));
			return ("EXP(-JKR)/R : %.5e at phase %.2f degrees" % (exrm, exra))
		else :
			error_msg = "The radial distance value is bellow 1E-20 : the attenuation is ignored."
			raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
	else :
		error_msg = "The radial attenuation is not available for this calculation mode."
		raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
Esempio n. 10
    def get_radial_distance(*args):
	Returns the radial distance in meters provided the calculation mode chosen is different from mode 1.
    	if _get_ifar(*args) != 1 :
		return _get_range(*args)
	else :
		error_msg = " The radial distance is not defined for this calculation mode."
		raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg) 
Esempio n. 11
    def get_normalized_gain(self):
	Returns the array of normalized gains in dB.
    	if (_get_rp_normalization(*args)) != 0 :
		return _get_gain(self)-self.get_normalization_factor()
    	else :
		error_msg = "No normalization has been requested."
		raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
Esempio n. 12
def _get_rp_ipd(arg0):
	Returns the flag (no units) which indicates the type of gain computed : power or directive gain.
	if _get_ifar(arg0) != 1 :
		return _PyNEC.nec_radiation_pattern_get_rp_ipd(arg0)
	else :
		error_msg = "No computing of gain has been requested."
		raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
Esempio n. 13
def _get_rp_average(arg0):
	Returns the flag (no units) which indicates whether the average gain will be computed or not.
	if _get_ifar(arg0) != 1 :
		return _PyNEC.nec_radiation_pattern_get_rp_power_average(arg0)
	else :
		error_msg = "No computing of gain has been requested."
		raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
Esempio n. 14
def _get_rp_output_format(arg0):
	Returns the flag (no units) which indicates the output format chosen.
	if _get_ifar(arg0) != 1 :
		return _PyNEC.nec_radiation_pattern_get_rp_output_format(arg0)
	else :
		error_msg = "No computing of gain has been requested."
		raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
Esempio n. 15
def _get_rp_normalization(arg0):
	Returns the flag (no units) which indicates the target of the normalization process.
	if _get_ifar(arg0) != 1 :
		return _PyNEC.nec_radiation_pattern_get_rp_normalization(arg0)
	else :
		error_msg = "No computing of gain has been requested."
		raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
Esempio n. 16
    def get_e_r(*args):
	Returns the array of complex radial-component of electric field E in Volt/meter - only available for the calculation mode 1.
    	if _get_ifar(*args) == 1 :
		return _reshape(_PyNEC.nec_radiation_pattern_get_e_r(*args),*args)
	else :
		error_msg="The radial field is not available for this calculation mode."
		raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
Esempio n. 17
    def get_patch_e_y(*args):
	Returns the complex y-component of the currents (in Amps/meter).
        if _get_m(*args) != 0:
            return _PyNEC.nec_structure_currents_get_patch_e_y(*args)
            error_msg = "There are no patches in the structure."
            raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
Esempio n. 18
    def get_patch_e_z(*args):
	Returns the complex z-component of the electric field E.
        if _get_m(*args) != 0:
            return _PyNEC.nec_structure_currents_get_patch_e_z(*args)
            error_msg = "There are no patches in the structure."
            raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
Esempio n. 19
    def get_normalization_factor(*args):
	Returns the normalization factor in dB provided a normalization has been requested.
    	if (_get_rp_normalization(*args)) != 0 :
		return _PyNEC.nec_radiation_pattern_get_normalization_factor(*args)
	else :
		error_msg = "No normalization has been requested."
		raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
Esempio n. 20
    def get_patch_center_z(*args):
	Returns the array of z-coordinate of patch centers.
        if _get_m(*args) != 0:
            return _PyNEC.nec_structure_currents_get_patch_center_z(*args)
            error_msg = "There are no patches in the structure."
            raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
Esempio n. 21
    def get_current_phi(*args):
	Returns the array of phi angles in degrees for the printing of currents, provided the format designed for a receiving pattern has been requested.
        if _get_n(*args) != 0:
            _iptflg = _get_iptflg(*args)
            if _iptflg != -1:
                if _iptflg == 1 or _iptflg == 2:
                    return _PyNEC.nec_structure_currents_get_current_phi(*args)
                    error_msg = "Wrong ouptut format."
                    raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
                error_msg = "The printing of currents has not been requested."
                raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
            error_msg = "There are no wires in the structure."
            raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
Esempio n. 22
    def get_e_x(*args):
	Returns the array of x_components of the electric field.
    	if(_get_nfeh(*args) != 1):
		return _PyNEC.nec_near_field_pattern_get_field_x(*args)
		error_msg = "This result is a Near Magnetic Field Pattern. Try and get 'h_x' instead."
		raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
Esempio n. 23
    def get_patch_tangent_vector2(*args):
	Returns the array of complex tangent vector 2 of the patches.
        if _get_m(*args) != 0:
            return _PyNEC.nec_structure_currents_get_patch_tangent_vector2(
            error_msg = "There are no patches in the structure."
            raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
Esempio n. 24
    def get_current_segment_length(*args):
	Returns the array of segment lengths in meters for the printing of currents, provided the standard output format has been requested.
        if _get_n(*args) != 0:
            _iptflg = _get_iptflg(*args)
            if _iptflg != -1:
                if _iptflg == -2 or _iptflg == 0:
                    return _PyNEC.nec_structure_currents_get_current_segment_length(
                    error_msg = "Wrong ouptut format."
                    raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
                error_msg = "The printing of currents has not been requested."
                raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
            error_msg = "There are no wires in the structure."
            raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
Esempio n. 25
    def get_average_gain(*args):
	Returns the array of average power gains in dB, provided its computation has been requested.
	if _rpa==1 or _rpa==2 : 
		return _PyNEC.nec_radiation_pattern_get_average_gain(*args)
	else :
		error_msg="The computing of the average gain has not been requested."
		raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
Esempio n. 26
    def get_average_solid_angle(*args):
	Returns the solid angle in steradians used in the averaging process, provided the computation of an average gain has been requested.
	if _rpa==1 or _rpa==2 :
		return _PyNEC.nec_radiation_pattern_get_average_solid_angle(*args)
	else :
		error_msg="The computing of the average gain has not been requested."
		raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
Esempio n. 27
    def get_gain_type(*args):
	Returns the type of gain computed : power or directive gain.
    	ipd = _get_rp_ipd(*args)
	if ipd == 0 :
		return "Power gain"
	elif ipd == 1 :
		return "Directive gain"
	else :
		error_msg = "Unknown gain type : " + ipd.__str__() + "."
		raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
Esempio n. 28
    def get_averaging_mode(*args):
	Returns the averaging mode.
	if _rpa == 0 :
		return "No averaging requested"
	elif _rpa == 1 :
		return "Averaging of the total gain requested"
	else :
		error_msg = "Unknown averaging mode : " + _rpa.__str__() + "."
		raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)	
Esempio n. 29
    def get_output_format(*args):
	Returns the type of output format.
	_output_format = _get_rp_output_format(*args)
	if _output_format == 0 :
		return 'major axis, minor axis and total gain computed'
	elif _output_format == 1 :
		return 'vertical, horizontal ant total gain printed'
	else :
		error_msg = "Unknown output format."
		raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)
Esempio n. 30
    def get_current_output_format(*args):
	Returns the output format used for the printing of currents, provided it has been requested.
        _iptflg = _get_iptflg(*args)
        if _iptflg != -1:
            if _iptflg == -2 or _iptflg == 0:
                return 'Standard output format'
            elif _iptflg == 1 or _iptflg == 2:
                return 'Format designed for a receiving pattern'
                error_msg = "Unknown output format."
                raise exceptions.Warning(error_msg)