Esempio n. 1
 def update_page(self, page_id, new_idevice_id = None, new_idevice_cssclass = None, new_idevice_type = None):
     """Regenerate script and link elements as they are required for the idevices on the page"""
     page_path = self._get_page_path(page_id)
     #According to the epub spec: contents MUST be XHTML not just HTML
     page_html_el = etree.parse(page_path).getroot()
     ns_xhtml = page_html_el.nsmap.get(None)
     #check and see if we need to add the div dom element for the new idevice
     if new_idevice_id is not None:
         from exe.engine.epubpackage import EPUBPackage
         idevice_container_el = EPUBPackage.get_idevice_container_el(page_html_el)
         idevice_div_el = etree.SubElement(idevice_container_el, "{%s}div" % ns_xhtml)
         idevice_div_el.set("id", "id%s" % new_idevice_id)
         idevice_div_el.set("class", new_idevice_cssclass)
         idevice_div_el.set("data-idevice-type", new_idevice_type)
         idevice_div_el.text = " "
     page_idevice_els = page_html_el.findall(".//{%s}*[@data-idevice-type]" % ns_xhtml)
     required_css = []
     required_js = []
     for idevice in page_idevice_els:
         idevice_type = idevice.get("data-idevice-type")
         idevice_def_el = self.get_idevice_el(idevice_type)[1]
         self.get_idevice_required_files(idevice_def_el, res_types=["css"], required_files = required_css)
         self.get_idevice_required_files(idevice_def_el, res_types=["script"], required_files = required_js)
     #now build the resource list, remove any existing generated script and  link elements, add ones we need
     page_head_el = page_html_el.find("./{%s}head" % ns_xhtml)
     for auto_item in page_head_el.findall(".//{%s}*[@data-exeres='true']" % ns_xhtml):
     for css_file in required_css:
         link_el = etree.SubElement(page_head_el, "{%s}link" % ns_xhtml)
         link_el.set("rel", "stylesheet")
         link_el.set("type", "text/css")
         link_el.set("href", css_file)
         link_el.set("data-exeres", "true")
     for js_script in required_js:
         script_el = etree.SubElement(page_head_el, "{%s}script" % ns_xhtml)
         script_el.set("src", js_script)
         script_el.set("type", "text/javascript")
         script_el.set("data-exeres", "true")
         script_el.text = "\n"
     updated_src = etree.tostring(page_html_el, encoding="UTF-8", pretty_print = True)
     page_fd = open(page_path, "w")
     self.save_page(page_html_el, page_path)