def handleSavePackage(self, client, filename=None, onDone=None): """ Save the current package 'filename' is the filename to save the package to 'onDone' will be evaled after saving instead or redirecting to the new location (in cases of package name changes). (This is used where the user goes file|open when their package is changed and needs saving) """ filename = Path(filename) saveDir = filename.dirname() if saveDir and not saveDir.exists(): client.alert(_(u'Cannot access directory named ') + unicode(saveDir) + _(u'. Please use ASCII names.')) return oldName = if not filename: filename = self.package.filename assert (filename, ('Somehow save was called without a filename ' 'on a package that has no default filename.')) if not filename.lower().endswith('.elp'): filename += '.elp' # This can change the package name client.alert(_(u'Package saved to: %s' % filename)) if onDone: client.sendScript(onDone) elif != oldName: self.webServer.root.putChild(, self)'Package saved, redirecting client to /%s' % client.sendScript('top.location = "/%s"' % \'utf8'))
def exportWebSite(self, client, filename, webDir, stylesDir): """ Export 'client' to a web site, 'webDir' is just read from config.webDir 'stylesDir' is where to copy the style sheet information from """ imagesDir = webDir.joinpath('images') scriptsDir = webDir.joinpath('scripts') templatesDir = webDir.joinpath('templates') filename = Path(filename) if filename.basename() != filename /= if not filename.exists(): filename.makedirs() elif not filename.isdir(): client.alert(_(u'Filename %s is a file, cannot replace it') % filename) log.error("Couldn't export web page: "+ "Filename %s is a file, cannot replace it" % filename) return else: filename.rmtree() filename.mkdir() websiteExport = WebsiteExport(stylesDir, filename, imagesDir, scriptsDir, templatesDir) websiteExport.export(self.package) self._startFile(filename)
def launchBrowser(config, packageName): """ Launch the configured webbrowser for this platform """ url = u'%s/%s' % (G.application.exeAppUri, quote(packageName))"url " + url) dfbrw=mywebbrowser.get() withdefaultbrowser=True if config.browser!=None: try: config.browser = mywebbrowser.get(config.browser) if not log.error("Unable to open defined browser: " + withdefaultbrowser = True else: withdefaultbrowser = False except: browser_path = Path(config.browser) if browser_path.exists():"path browser " + browser_path.abspath()) mywebbrowser.register("custom-browser" , None, mywebbrowser.BackgroundBrowser(browser_path.abspath()), -1) config.browser = mywebbrowser.get("custom-browser") if not log.error("Unable to open custom defined browser: " + browser_path.abspath()) withdefaultbrowser=True else: withdefaultbrowser=False if withdefaultbrowser: config.browser = dfbrw, new=0, autoraise=True) if hasattr(config.browser, "name"):"Defined Browser: " +
def handleSavePackage(self, client, filename=None, onDone=None): """ Save the current package 'filename' is the filename to save the package to 'onDone' will be evaled after saving instead or redirecting to the new location (in cases of package name changes). (This is used where the user goes file|open when their package is changed and needs saving) """ filename = Path(filename) saveDir = filename.dirname() if saveDir and not saveDir.isdir(): client.alert(_(u'Cannot access directory named ') + unicode(saveDir) + _(u'. Please use ASCII names.')) return oldName = if not filename: filename = self.package.filename assert (filename, 'Somehow save was called without a filename on a package that has no default filename.') filename = self.b4save(client, filename, '.elp', _(u'SAVE FAILED!')) try: # This can change the package name (self.config.configDir/'unsavedWork.elp').remove() except Exception, e: client.alert(_('SAVE FAILED!\n%s' % str(e))) raise
def testUpgradeAppDir(self): """ Tests that config files with 'appDataDir' are upgraded to 'configDir' """ # Write the old style config file configPath = Path(u'test.exe.conf') if configPath.exists(): configPath.remove() oldParser = ConfigParser() system = oldParser.addSection('system') system.appDataDir = 'my old app data dir' oldParser.write(configPath) del system del oldParser # Make the config instance load it Config._getConfigPathOptions = lambda self: ['test.exe.conf'] myconfig = Config() myconfig.loadSettings() # Check if it reads the old value into the new variable assert not hasattr(myconfig, 'appDataDir') self.assertEquals(myconfig.configPath, 'test.exe.conf') self.assertEquals(myconfig.configDir, 'my old app data dir') # Check if it has upgraded the file and added in some nice default values newParser = ConfigParser() self.assertEquals(newParser.system.configDir, 'my old app data dir')
def loadSettings(self): """ Loads the settings from the exe.conf file. Overrides the defaults set in __init__ """ def defVal(dummy, option): """If something is not in the config file, just use the default in 'self'""" return getattr(self, option) self.configParser.defaultValue = defVal self.upgradeFile() if self.configParser.has_section('system'): system = self.configParser.system self.webDir = Path(system.webDir) self.xulDir = Path(system.xulDir) self.localeDir = Path(system.localeDir) self.port = int(system.port) self.browserPath = Path(system.browserPath) self.dataDir = Path(system.dataDir) self.configDir = Path(system.configDir) if not self.dataDir.isdir(): self.dataDir = tempfile.gettempdir() self.webDir = self.webDir.expand().abspath() if not self.configDir.exists(): self.configDir.mkdir() if self.configParser.has_section('user'): if self.configParser.user.has_option('locale'): self.locale = self.configParser.user.locale self.recentProjects = [] if self.configParser.has_section('recent_projects'): recentProjectsSection = self.configParser.recent_projects for key, path in recentProjectsSection.items(): self.recentProjects.append(path) self.locale = chooseDefaultLocale(self.localeDir)
def _setupConfigFile(self, configParser): """ Override this to setup any customised config settings """ # Set up the system section system = configParser.addSection('system') system.exePath = 'exe/exe' system.exeDir = 'exe' system.webDir = 'exe/webui' system.localeDir = 'exe/locale' system.configDir = 'tmp' system.port = 8081 # Make a temporary dir where we can save packages and exports etc tmpDir = Path('tmp') if not tmpDir.exists(): tmpDir.mkdir() dataDir = tmpDir / 'data' if not dataDir.exists(): dataDir.mkdir() system.dataDir = dataDir system.browserPath = 'not really used in tests so far' # Setup the logging section logging = configParser.addSection('logging') logging.root = 'DEBUG'
def uploadFile(self): """Store pdf in package, gets sides from pdf, if self.sides isn't empty """ filePath = self.path log.debug(u"uploadFile " + unicode(filePath)) if not self.parentNode or not self.parentNode.package: log.error("something is wrong with the file") ## replace all non-digits and non-usefull stuff with '' self.pages = sub("[^\d,-]", "", self.pages) if self.pages != "": input = PdfFileReader(file(filePath, "rb")) lastPage = input.getNumPages() - 1 # last page toimport = PdfIdevice.__parseImportPages(self.pages, lastPage) log.debug("Parsed pages: " + str(toimport)) output = PdfFileWriter() for page in toimport: output.addPage(input.getPage(page)) log.debug("Found pages to import %s" % toimport) tmp = os.tmpnam() + ".pdf" log.debug("Tempfile is %s" % tmp) outputStream = file(tmp, "wb") output.write(outputStream) outputStream.close() resourceFile = Path(tmp) self.file = Resource(self, resourceFile) log.debug("Uploaded %s, pages: %s" % (tmp, toimport)) os.remove(tmp) filePath = tmp resourceFile = Path(filePath) if resourceFile.isfile(): self.file = Resource(self, resourceFile) log.debug(u"uploaded " + self.path)
def themeHasConfigXML(style): themePath = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir / style) themeXMLFile = themePath.joinpath("config.xml") themeHasXML = False if themeXMLFile.exists(): themeHasXML = True return themeHasXML
def __setConfigPath(self): """ sets self.configPath to the filename of the config file that we'll use. In descendant classes set self.configFileOptions to a list of directories where the configDir should be in order of preference. If no config files can be found in these dirs, it will force creation of the config file in the top dir """ # If there's an EXECONF environment variable, use it self.configPath = None configFileOptions = map(Path, self._getConfigPathOptions()) if "EXECONF" in os.environ: envconf = Path(os.environ["EXECONF"]) if envconf.isfile(): self.configPath = os.environ["EXECONF"] # Otherwise find the most appropriate existing file if self.configPath is None: for confPath in configFileOptions: if confPath.isfile(): self.configPath = confPath break else: # If no config files exist, create and use the # first one on the list self.configPath = configFileOptions[0] folder = self.configPath.abspath().dirname() if not folder.exists(): folder.makedirs() self.configPath.touch() # Now make our configParser self.configParser.autoWrite = True
def handleSavePackage(self, client, filename=None, onDone=None): """ Save the current package 'filename' is the filename to save the package to 'onDone' will be evaled after saving instead or redirecting to the new location (in cases of package name changes). (This is used where the user goes file|open when their package is changed and needs saving) """ filename = Path(filename) saveDir = filename.dirname() if saveDir and not saveDir.isdir(): client.alert(_(u'Cannot access directory named ') + unicode(saveDir) + _(u'. Please use ASCII names.')) return oldName = # If the script is not passing a filename to us, # Then use the last filename that the package was loaded from/saved to if not filename: filename = self.package.filename assert filename, 'Somehow save was called without a filename on a package that has no default filename.' # Add the extension if its not already there and give message if not saved filename = self.b4save(client, filename, '.elp', _(u'SAVE FAILED!')) try: # This can change the package name except Exception, e: client.alert(_('SAVE FAILED!\n%s' % str(e))) raise
def _process(self, request): """ Delegates processing of args to blocks """ # Still need to call parent ( process # because the idevice pane needs to know that new idevices have been # added/edited.. self.parent.process(request) if ("action" in request.args and request.args["action"][0] == u"saveChange"): log.debug(u"process savachange:::::") log.debug(u"package name: " + for block in self.blocks: block.process(request) # now that each block and corresponding elements have been processed, # it's finally safe to remove any images/etc which made it into # tinyMCE's previews directory, as they have now had their # corresponding resources created: webDir = Path(G.application.tempWebDir) previewDir = webDir.joinpath('previews') for root, dirs, files in os.walk(previewDir, topdown=False): for name in files: os.remove(os.path.join(root, name)) log.debug(u"After authoringPage process" + repr(request.args))
def render_POST(self, request): """ function replaced by nevow_clientToServerEvent to avoid POST message """ log.debug("render_POST " + repr(request.args)) data = {} try: locale = request.args['locale'][0] self.config.locale = locale self.config.locales[locale].install(unicode=True) self.config.configParser.set('user', 'locale', locale) internalAnchors = request.args['internalAnchors'][0] self.config.internalAnchors = internalAnchors self.config.configParser.set('user', 'internalAnchors', internalAnchors) browser = request.args['browser'][0] if browser == "None": browser = None try: self.config.browser = mywebbrowser.get(browser) except Exception as e: browser_path = Path(browser) if browser_path.exists(): mywebbrowser.register('custom-browser' , None, mywebbrowser.BackgroundBrowser(browser_path.abspath()), -1) self.config.browser = mywebbrowser.get('custom-browser') else: raise e self.config.configParser.set('system', 'browser', browser) showWizardOnStart = request.args['showWizardOnStart'][0] self.config.showWizardOnStart = showWizardOnStart self.config.configParser.set('user', 'showWizardOnStart', showWizardOnStart) except Exception as e: log.exception(e) return json.dumps({'success': False, 'errorMessage': _("Failed to save preferences wizard")}) return json.dumps({'success': True, 'data': data})
def handleExtractPackage(self, client, filename): """ Create a new package consisting of the current node and export """ filename = Path(filename) saveDir = filename.dirname() if saveDir and not saveDir.exists(): client.alert(_(u'Cannot access directory named ') + unicode(saveDir) + _(u'. Please use ASCII names.')) return if not filename.lower().endswith('.elp'): filename += '.elp' if Path(filename).exists(): client.alert(_(u'EXPORT FAILED.\n"%s" already exists.\n' 'Please try again with ' 'a different filename') % filename) return package = Package(filename.namebase) = = extractNode = self.package.currentNode.clone() extractNode.mergeIntoPackage(package) package.root = package.currentNode = extractNode client.alert(_(u'Package saved to: %s' % filename))
def exportSinglePage(self, client, filename, webDir, stylesDir): """ Export 'client' to a single web page, 'webDir' is just read from config.webDir 'stylesDir' is where to copy the style sheet information from """ imagesDir = webDir.joinpath('images') scriptsDir = webDir.joinpath('scripts') templatesDir = webDir.joinpath('templates') filename = Path(filename) if filename.basename() != filename /= if not filename.exists(): filename.makedirs() elif not filename.isdir(): client.alert(_(u'Filename %s is a file, cannot replace it') % filename) log.error("Couldn't export web page: "+ "Filename %s is a file, cannot replace it" % filename) return else: try: filename.rmtree() filename.mkdir() except Exception, e: client.alert(_('There was an error in the export:\n%s') % str(e)) return
def __init__(self, config, styleDir, filename, prefix="", report=False, skipNavigation=False, ustadMobileMode=False, ustadMobileTestMode=False): #Added ustadMobileTestMode for Course Test Mode. """ 'stylesDir' is the directory where we can copy the stylesheets from 'outputDir' is the directory that will be [over]written with the website """ self.config = config self.imagesDir = config.webDir/"images" self.scriptsDir = config.webDir/"scripts" self.cssDir = config.webDir/"css" self.templatesDir = config.webDir/"templates" self.stylesDir = Path(styleDir) self.filename = Path(filename) self.pages = [] self.prefix = prefix = report self.skipNavigation = skipNavigation self.ustadMobileMode = ustadMobileMode self.ustadMobileTestMode = ustadMobileTestMode #Added for Course Test Mode self.styleSecureMode = config.styleSecureMode self.config = config self.imagesDir = config.webDir/"images" self.scriptsDir = config.webDir/"scripts" self.cssDir = config.webDir/"css" self.templatesDir = config.webDir/"templates" self.stylesDir = Path(styleDir) self.filename = Path(filename) self.pages = [] self.prefix = prefix = report
def handleExport(self, client, exportType, filename): """ Called by js. Exports the current package to one of the above formats 'exportType' can be one of 'singlePage' 'webSite' 'zipFile' 'textFile' or 'scorm' 'filename' is a file for scorm pages, and a directory for websites """ webDir = Path(self.config.webDir) stylesDir = webDir.joinpath('style', exportDir = Path(filename).dirname() if exportDir and not exportDir.exists(): client.alert(_(u'Cannot access directory named ') + unicode(exportDir) + _(u'. Please use ASCII names.')) return if exportType == 'singlePage': self.exportSinglePage(client, filename, webDir, stylesDir) elif exportType == 'webSite': self.exportWebSite(client, filename, stylesDir) elif exportType == 'zipFile': self.exportWebZip(client, filename, stylesDir) elif exportType == 'textFile': self.exportText(client, filename) elif exportType == "scorm": self.exportScorm(client, filename, stylesDir, "scorm1.2") elif exportType == "scorm2004": self.exportScorm(client, filename, stylesDir, "scorm2004") else: self.exportIMS(client, filename, stylesDir)
def handleExtractPackage(self, client, filename, existOk): """ Create a new package consisting of the current node and export 'existOk' means the user has been informed of existance and ok'd it """ filename = Path(filename) saveDir = filename.dirname() if saveDir and not saveDir.exists(): client.alert(_(u'Cannot access directory named ') + unicode(saveDir) + _(u'. Please use ASCII names.')) return if not filename.lower().endswith('.elp'): filename += '.elp' if Path(filename).exists() and existOk != 'true': msg = _(u'"%s" already exists.\nPlease try again with a different filename') % filename client.alert(_(u'EXTRACT FAILED!\n%s' % msg)) return try: package = Package(filename.namebase) = = extractNode = self.package.currentNode.clone() extractNode.mergeIntoPackage(package) package.root = package.currentNode = extractNode except Exception, e: client.alert(_('EXTRACT FAILED!\n%s' % str(e))) raise
def testUpgradeTo0_20(self): """ Creates a package similar to what 0.19 would and tests if it upgrades ok """ fn = Path('0.19 resources upgrade test.elp') assert fn.isfile() or fn.islink() package = self.package.__class__.load(fn) assert hasattr(package, 'resources') assert len(package.resources) == 8, len(package.resources) for checksum, resources in package.resources.items(): storageNames = [] userNames = [] for res in resources: storageNames.append(res.storageName) userNames.append(res.userName) assert len(set(storageNames)) == 1, 'Two identical resources have different storage names:\n%s' % storageNames allResourceNames = [] for reses in package.resources.values(): allResourceNames.append(reses[0].storageName) filenames = [path.basename() for path in package.resourceDir.files()] withoutDups = set(filenames) - set(allResourceNames) assert withoutDups == set([]), "Duplicate files weren't deleted %s" % withoutDups assert len(filenames) == len(allResourceNames) assert len(filenames) > 0, 'All resources have been deleted!'
class StandaloneConfig(Config): """ The StandaloneConfig overrides the Config class with ready-to-run specific configuration """ def _overrideDefaultVals(self): """ Setup with our default settings """ self.exePath = Path(sys.argv[0]) if self.exePath.isfile(): self.exePath = self.exePath.dirname() exePath = self.exePath # Override the default settings self.webDir = exePath self.configDir = exePath/'config' self.localeDir = exePath/'locale' self.stylesDir = Path(exePath/'style').abspath() self.styles = [] self.lastDir = exePath def _getConfigPathOptions(self): """ Returns the best places for a linux config file """ return [self.configDir/'exe.conf']
class StandaloneConfig(Config): """ The StandaloneConfig overrides the Config class with ready-to-run specific configuration """ def _overrideDefaultVals(self): """ Setup with our default settings """ self.exePath = Path(sys.argv[0]) if self.exePath.isfile(): self.exePath = self.exePath.dirname() exePath = self.exePath self.webDir = exePath self.dataDir = exePath/'packages' if not self.dataDir.exists(): self.dataDir.makedirs() self.configDir = exePath/'config' self.localeDir = exePath/'locale' self.xulrunnerPath = exePath/'xulrunner/xulrunner' self.styles = [] self.browserPath = exePath/'firefox'/'firefox.exe' def _getConfigPathOptions(self): """ Returns the best places for a linux config file """ return [self.configDir/'exe.conf']
def __setConfigPath(self): """ sets self.configPath to the filename of the config file that we'll use. In descendant classes set self.configFileOptions to a list of directories where the configDir should be in order of preference. If no config files can be found in these dirs, it will force creation of the config file in the top dir """ self.configPath = None configFileOptions = map(Path, self._getConfigPathOptions()) if "EXECONF" in os.environ: envconf = Path(os.environ["EXECONF"]) if envconf.isfile(): self.configPath = os.environ["EXECONF"] if self.configPath is None: for confPath in configFileOptions: if confPath.isfile(): self.configPath = confPath break else: self.configPath = configFileOptions[0] folder = self.configPath.abspath().dirname() if not folder.exists(): folder.makedirs() self.configPath.touch() self.configParser.autoWrite = True
def setFlash(self, flashPath): """ Store the image in the package Needs to be in a package to work. """ log.debug(u"setFlash "+unicode(flashPath)) resourceFile = Path(flashPath) assert(self.idevice.parentNode, 'Flash '' has no parentNode') assert(self.idevice.parentNode.package, 'iDevice '' has no package') if resourceFile.isfile(): if self.flashResource: self.flashResource.delete() self.idevice.userResources.remove(self.flashResource) try: flvDic = FLVReader(resourceFile) self.height = flvDic["height"] +30 self.width = flvDic["width"] self.flashResource = Resource(self.idevice.parentNode.package, resourceFile) self.idevice.userResources.append(self.flashResource) except AssertionError: log.error('File %s is not a flash movie' % resourceFile) else: log.error('File %s is not a file' % resourceFile)
def setUp(self): """ Creates an application and almost launches it. """ # Make whatever config class that application uses only look for our # Set up our customised config file logFileName = Path('tmp/app data/test.conf') sys.argv[0] = 'exe/exe' Config._getConfigPathOptions = lambda s: [logFileName] if not logFileName.dirname().exists(): logFileName.dirname().makedirs() confParser = ConfigParser() self._setupConfigFile(confParser) confParser.write(logFileName) # Start up the app and friends if G.application is None: G.application = Application() = G.application G.application = self.client = FakeClient() self.package = Package('temp') self.session = FakeSession(), self.session) self.mainpage =[self.session.uid]['temp'] self.mainpage.idevicePane.client = self.client
def handleExternalResources(self, html): html_content_lower = html.lower() start_index = 0 start_index = self._findNextTagStart(html_content_lower, start_index, ['img']) while start_index != -1: res_src = self._getSrcForTag(html, start_index) if res_src is not None and res_src.startswith("http://"): new_file_basename = self.url2ascii(res_src) new_file_name = str(self.workingDir/new_file_basename) new_file_path = Path(self.workingDir/new_file_basename) if new_file_path.exists() is False: urllib.urlretrieve(res_src, new_file_name) old_length = len(html) html = html.replace(res_src, new_file_name) html_content_lower = html.lower() new_length = len(html) length_difference = old_length - new_length start_index += length_difference end_tag_index = html_content_lower.find(">", start_index); start_index = self._findNextTagStart(html_content_lower,end_tag_index , ['img']) return html
def __init__(self): """ Initialise """ self.configPath = None self.configParser = ConfigParser() self.exePath = Path(sys.argv[0]).abspath() self.webDir = self.exePath.dirname() self.xulDir = self.exePath.dirname() self.localeDir = self.exePath.dirname() / "locale" self.port = 51235 self.dataDir = Path(".") self.configDir = Path(".") self.browserPath = Path("firefox") self.locale = chooseDefaultLocale(self.localeDir) self.styles = [] self._overrideDefaultVals() self.webDir = Path(self.webDir) if not (self.webDir / "scripts").isdir() and (self.webDir / "webui").isdir(): self.webDir /= "webui" self.xulDir = Path(self.xulDir) if not (self.xulDir / "scripts").isdir() and (self.xulDir / "xului").isdir(): self.xulDir /= "xului" self.__setConfigPath() self._writeDefaultConfigFile() self.loadSettings() self.setupLogging() self.loadStyles() self.loadLocales()
def doTest(self, ExporterClass): """Exports a package with meta data""" # Load our test package package = Package.load('testPackage.elp') # Do the export outFilename = Path('') exporter = ExporterClass(, '../exe/webui/style/default', outFilename) exporter.export(package) # Check that it made a nice zip file assert outFilename.exists() # See if the manifest file was created zipped = ZipFile(outFilename) filenames = zipped.namelist() assert 'imsmanifest.xml' in filenames, filenames self._testManifest('imsmanifest.xml')) # Test that all the node's html files have been generated pagenodes = Set([p.node for p in exporter.pages]) othernodes = Set(self._getNodes([], package.root)) assert pagenodes == othernodes for page in exporter.pages: self._testPage(page, zipped) # Clean up zipped.close()
def handleExtractPackage(self, client, filename, existOk): """ Create a new package consisting of the current node and export 'existOk' means the user has been informed of existance and ok'd it """ filename = Path(filename) saveDir = filename.dirname() if saveDir and not saveDir.exists(): client.alert(_(u"Cannot access directory named ") + unicode(saveDir) + _(u". Please use ASCII names.")) return if not filename.lower().endswith(".elp"): filename += ".elp" if Path(filename).exists() and existOk != "true": msg = _(u'"%s" already exists.\nPlease try again with a different filename') % filename client.alert(_(u"EXTRACT FAILED!\n%s" % msg)) return try: newPackage = self.package.extractNode() newNode = newPackage.root if newNode: newNode.RenamedNodePath(isExtract=True) except Exception, e: client.alert(_("EXTRACT FAILED!\n%s" % str(e))) raise
def updateIdevices(self): """ Update new style HTML/Javascript idevices in user directory. Copy only when the files are newer """ idevice_src_dir=self.webDir/'templates'/'idevices' idevice_dst_dir=self.configDir/"idevices" for dir, subdirs, files in os.walk(idevice_src_dir): reldirpath = idevice_src_dir.relpathto(dir) for file in files: dst_file = idevice_dst_dir/reldirpath/file src_file = Path(dir)/file src_mtime = src_file.mtime if not dst_file.exists() or src_mtime > dst_file.mtime: #check dir if not dst_file.dirname().isdir(): dst_file.dirname().makedirs() if file == "idevice.xml" and dst_file.exists(): #We need to update the file whilst preserving if it's visible or not.... dst_xml = etree.parse(dst_file).getroot() ns = dst_xml.nsmap.get(None) visible_val = dst_xml.find(".//{%s}visible" % ns).text src_xml = etree.parse(src_file) src_xml.find(".//{%s}visible" % ns).text = visible_val dst_fd = open(dst_file, "w") dst_fd.write(etree.tostring(src_xml, encoding = "UTF-8", pretty_print = True)) dst_fd.flush() dst_fd.close() else: src_file.copy(dst_file)
def loadSettings(self): """ Loads the settings from the exe.conf file. Overrides the defaults set in __init__ """ def defVal(dummy, option): """If something is not in the config file, just use the default in 'self'""" return getattr(self, option) self.configParser.defaultValue = defVal self.upgradeFile() if self.configParser.has_section("system"): system = self.configParser.system self.webDir = Path(system.webDir) self.xulDir = Path(system.xulDir) self.localeDir = Path(system.localeDir) self.port = int(system.port) self.browserPath = Path(system.browserPath) self.dataDir = Path(system.dataDir) self.configDir = Path(system.configDir) if not self.dataDir.isdir(): self.dataDir = tempfile.gettempdir() self.webDir = self.webDir.expand().abspath() if not self.configDir.exists(): self.configDir.mkdir() if self.configParser.has_section("user"): if self.configParser.user.has_option("locale"): self.locale = self.configParser.user.locale return self.locale = chooseDefaultLocale(self.localeDir)
def render(self, request): if "sendWhat" in request.args: if request.args['sendWhat'][0] == 'dirs': pathdir = Path(unquote( request.args['node'][0].decode('utf-8'))) l = [] if pathdir == '/' and sys.platform[:3] == "win": for d in get_drives(): try: if is_readable(Path(d)): icon = None else: icon = '../jsui/extjs/resources/themes/images/gray/grid/hmenu-lock.gif' l.append({ "realtext": d, "text": d, "id": d + '\\', "icon": icon }) except: pass else: for d in pathdir.dirs(): try: if not '.') or sys.platform[:3] == "win": if not iswinlink(d.abspath()): if is_readable(d): icon = None else: icon = '../jsui/extjs/resources/themes/images/gray/grid/hmenu-lock.gif' l.append({ "realtext":, "text": getname(d), "id": d.abspath(), "icon": icon }) except: pass elif request.args['sendWhat'][0] == 'both': pathdir = Path(unquote(request.args['dir'][0].decode('utf-8'))) items = [] if pathdir == '/' and sys.platform[:3] == "win": for drive in get_drives(): d = Path(drive + '\\') items.append({ "name": drive, "realname": drive + '\\', "size": 0, "type": 'directory', "modified": 0, "is_readable": is_readable(d), "is_writable": is_writable(d) }) else: parent = pathdir.parent if (parent == pathdir): realname = '/' else: realname = parent.abspath() items.append({ "name": '.', "realname": pathdir.abspath(), "size": pathdir.size, "type": "directory", "modified": int(pathdir.mtime), "is_readable": is_readable(pathdir), "is_writable": is_writable(pathdir) }) items.append({ "name": '..', "realname": realname, "size": parent.size, "type": "directory", "modified": int(parent.mtime), "is_readable": is_readable(parent), "is_writable": is_writable(parent) }) try: for d in pathdir.listdir(): try: if not '.') or sys.platform[:3] == "win": if not iswinlink(d.abspath()): if d.isdir(): pathtype = "directory" elif d.isfile(): if is_readable(d): pathtype = repr( mimetypes.guess_type(, False)[0]) else: pathtype = "file" elif d.islink(): pathtype = "link" else: pathtype = "None" items.append({ "name": getname(d), "realname": d.abspath(), "size": d.size, "type": pathtype, "modified": int(d.mtime), "is_readable": is_readable(d), "is_writable": is_writable(d) }) except: pass G.application.config.lastDir = pathdir except: pass l = { "totalCount": len(items), 'results': len(items), 'items': items } return json.dumps(l).encode('utf-8') elif "query" in request.args: query = request.args['query'][0] pathdir = Path(unquote(request.args['dir'][0].decode('utf-8'))) items = [] if pathdir == '/' and sys.platform[:3] == "win": for d in get_drives(): items.append({ "name": d, "realname": d + '\\', "size": 0, "type": 'directory', "modified": 0 }) else: parent = pathdir.parent if (parent == pathdir): realname = '/' else: realname = parent.abspath() for d in pathdir.listdir(): try: if d.isdir(): pathtype = "directory" elif d.isfile(): if is_readable(d): pathtype = repr( mimetypes.guess_type(, False)[0]) else: pathtype = "file" elif d.islink(): pathtype = "link" else: pathtype = "None" if items.append({ "name": getname(d), "realname": d.abspath(), "size": d.size, "type": pathtype, "modified": int(d.mtime), "is_readable": is_readable(d), "is_writable": is_writable(d) }) except: pass l = { "totalCount": len(items), 'results': len(items), 'items': items } return json.dumps(l).encode('utf-8') return ""
def ideviceHeader(e, style, mode): dT = getExportDocType() lb = "\n" #Line breaks #Default HTML tags: articleTag = "div" headerTag = "div" titleTag = "h2" if dT == "HTML5": articleTag = "article" headerTag = "header" titleTag = "h1" themePath = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir / style) themeXMLFile = themePath.joinpath("config.xml") themeHasXML = themeHasConfigXML(style) w = '' # Common wrapper o = '' # Old HTML (themes with no config.xml file) h = '' # New HTML w2 = '' eEm = '' if e.idevice.emphasis > 0: w2 = '<div class="iDevice_inner">' + lb w2 += '<div class="iDevice_content_wrapper">' + lb eEm = ' em_iDevice' if mode == "preview" and themeHasXML: w += '<' + articleTag + ' class="iDevice_wrapper ' + e.idevice.klass + eEm + '" id="id' + + '">' + lb w += u"<div class=\"iDevice emphasis" + unicode(e.idevice.emphasis) + "\" " if mode == "preview": w += u"ondblclick=\"submitLink('edit', " + + ", 0);\"" w += ">" + lb if e.idevice.emphasis > 0: h += '<' + headerTag + ' class="iDevice_header"' if e.idevice.icon: displayIcon = True # The following lines should be replaced by something like: ''' if hasattr(e.idevice, 'originalicon'): if e.idevice.icon==e.idevice.originalicon: displayIcon = False ''' k = e.idevice.klass i = e.idevice.icon if (k == 'ListaIdevice' and i == 'question') or ( k == 'CasestudyIdevice' and i == 'casestudy' ) or (k == 'GalleryIdevice' and i == 'gallery') or ( k == 'ClozeIdevice' and i == 'question' ) or (k == 'ReflectionIdevice' and i == 'reflection') or ( k == 'QuizTestIdevice' and i == 'question') or ( k == 'TrueFalseIdevice' and i == 'question') or ( k == 'MultiSelectIdevice' and i == 'question') or (k == 'MultichoiceIdevice' and i == 'question'): displayIcon = False # /end iconPath = '/style/' + style + '/icon_' + e.idevice.icon + '.gif' if mode == "view": iconPath = 'icon_' + e.idevice.icon + '.gif' myIcon = themePath.joinpath("icon_" + e.idevice.icon + ".gif") if myIcon.exists(): o += u'<img alt="" class="iDevice_icon" src="' + iconPath + '" />' if (e.idevice.icon + "Idevice") != e.idevice.klass: if myIcon.exists() and displayIcon: h += ' style="background-image:url(' + iconPath + ')"' else: log.debug("Idevice %s at node %s has no icon" % (e.idevice._title, e.idevice.parentNode._title)) t = e.idevice.title fullT = u'<' + titleTag + ' class="iDeviceTitle">' + t + '</' + titleTag + '>' if (t == ""): fullT = u'<span class="iDeviceTitle"> </span>' o += u"<" + titleTag + " class=\"iDeviceTitle\">" + t + "</" + titleTag + ">" h += '>' h += fullT h += '</' + headerTag + '>' + lb if e.idevice.emphasis <= 0: h = "" o = "" if themeHasXML: return w + h + w2 else: return w + o + w2
# GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # =========================================================================== ''' Add to corresponding po file the tinymce lang strings Depends on demjson python module to parse json and polib. "apt-get install python-demjson python-polib" ''' from exe.engine.path import Path import demjson import polib if __name__ == '__main__': basedir = Path() / 'exe' / 'webui' / 'scripts' / 'tinymce_3.5.7' / 'jscripts' / 'tiny_mce' pos = {} for path in basedir.walk('en*.js'): pathdir = path.dirname() f = path.bytes() s = '{' + f.partition('{')[2] s = s.rpartition('}')[0] + '}' srcjson = demjson.decode(s) for pathfile in pathdir.files(): if pathfile.basename() not in ['en.js', 'en_dlg.js'] and len(pathfile.basename()) == len(path.basename()): fl = pathfile.bytes() sl = '{' + fl.partition('{')[2] sl = sl.rpartition('}')[0] + '}' langjson = demjson.decode(sl) def append_string(string, key, json, srcstring):
def copyFiles(self, package): """ Copy all the files used by the website. """ # Copy the style files to the output dir # But not nav.css if os.path.isdir(self.stylesDir): styleFiles = [self.stylesDir / '..' / 'popup_bg.gif'] styleFiles += self.stylesDir.files("*.*") if "nav.css" in styleFiles: styleFiles.remove("nav.css") self.stylesDir.copylist(styleFiles, self.outputDir) # copy the package's resource files for resourceFile in package.resourceDir.walkfiles(): file = package.resourceDir.relpathto(resourceFile) if ("/" in file): Dir = Path(self.outputDir / file[:file.rindex("/")]) if not Dir.exists(): Dir.makedirs() resourceFile.copy(self.outputDir / Dir) else: resourceFile.copy(self.outputDir) listCSSFiles = getFilesCSSToMinify('singlepage', self.stylesDir) exportMinFileCSS(listCSSFiles, self.outputDir) # copy script files. my_style = G.application.config.styleStore.getStyle( # jQuery if my_style.hasValidConfig(): if my_style.get_jquery() == True: jsFile = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_jquery.js') jsFile.copyfile(self.outputDir / 'exe_jquery.js') else: jsFile = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_jquery.js') jsFile.copyfile(self.outputDir / 'exe_jquery.js') dT = common.getExportDocType() if dT == "HTML5": jsFile = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_html5.js') jsFile.copyfile(self.outputDir / 'exe_html5.js') # Minify common.js file listFiles = getFilesJSToMinify('singlepage', self.scriptsDir) exportMinFileJS(listFiles, self.outputDir) # Create lang file langFile = open(self.outputDir + '/common_i18n.js', "w") langFile.write(common.getJavaScriptStrings(False)) langFile.close() # Incluide eXe's icon if the Style doesn't have one themePath = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir / themeFavicon = themePath.joinpath("favicon.ico") if not themeFavicon.exists(): faviconFile = (self.imagesDir / 'favicon.ico') faviconFile.copyfile(self.outputDir / 'favicon.ico') #JR Metemos los reproductores necesarios self.compruebaReproductores( if package.license == "license GFDL": # include a copy of the GNU Free Documentation Licence ext = 'html' if G.application.config.cutFileName == "1": ext = 'htm' (self.templatesDir / 'fdl' + '.' + ext).copyfile(self.outputDir / 'fdl' + '.' + ext)
def __renderIcons(self, style): """ Return xhtml string for dispay all icons """ iconpath = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir/style) iconfiles = iconpath.files("icon_*") html = '<div id="styleIcons"><div style="height:300px;overflow:auto">' for iconfile in iconfiles: iconname = iconfile.namebase icon = iconname.split("_", 1)[1] iconExists = False iconExtension = "gif" myIcon = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir/style/iconname + ".gif") if myIcon.exists(): iconExists = True iconValue = icon+'.'+iconExtension iconSrc = '/style/%s/icon_%s' % (style, iconValue) else: myIcon = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir/style/iconname + ".png") if myIcon.exists(): iconExists = True iconExtension = "png" iconValue = icon+'.'+iconExtension iconSrc = '/style/%s/icon_%s' % (style, iconValue) else: myIcon = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir/style/iconname + ".svg") if myIcon.exists(): iconExists = True iconExtension = "svg" iconValue = icon+'.'+iconExtension iconSrc = '/style/%s/icon_%s' % (style, iconValue) if iconExists: filename = "/style/%s/%s.%s" % (style, iconname, iconExtension) html += u'<div style="float:left; text-align:center; width:105px;\n' html += u'margin-right:10px; margin-bottom:15px" > ' html += u'<img src="%s" \n' % filename html += u"style=\"border:1px solid #E8E8E8;padding:5px;cursor:pointer;max-width:60px;max-height:60px;height:auto\" onclick=\"window[0].selectStyleIcon('%s',this, '%s', '%s')\" title=\"%s.%s\">\n" % (icon, iconSrc,, icon ,iconExtension) html += u'<br /><span style="display:inline-block;width:100px;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis">%s.%s</span></div>\n' % (icon, iconExtension) html += '</div></div>' return html
def __renderHeader(self): #TinyMCE lang (user preference) myPreferencesPage = self.webServer.preferences """Generates the header for AuthoringPage""" html = common.docType() ################################################################################# ################################################################################# html += u'<html xmlns="" lang="' + myPreferencesPage.getSelectedLanguage( ) + '">\n' html += u'<head>\n' html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/css/exe.css\" />" # Use the Style's base.css file if it exists themePath = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir / themeBaseCSS = themePath.joinpath("base.css") if themeBaseCSS.exists(): html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/style/%s/base.css\" />" % else: html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/style/base.css\" />" html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/css/exe_wikipedia.css\" />" html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/scripts/exe_effects/exe_effects.css\" />" html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/scripts/exe_highlighter/exe_highlighter.css\" />" html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/scripts/exe_games/exe_games.css\" />" html += u"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/style/%s/content.css\" />" % if G.application.config.assumeMediaPlugins: html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\">var exe_assume_media_plugins = true;</script>\n" #JR: anado una variable con el estilo estilo = u'/style/%s/content.css' % html += common.getJavaScriptStrings() # The games require additional strings html += common.getGamesJavaScriptStrings() html += u"<script type=\"text/javascript\">" html += u"var exe_style = '%s';" % estilo # uses exe_style_dirname to auto-select the current style (just a provisional solution) html += u"var exe_style_dirname = '%s'; top.exe_style_dirname = exe_style_dirname;" % html += u"var exe_package_name='" + + "';" html += 'var exe_export_format="' + common.getExportDocType( ) + '".toLowerCase();' html += 'var exe_editor_mode="' + myPreferencesPage.getEditorMode( ) + '";' html += 'var exe_editor_version="' + myPreferencesPage.getEditorVersion( ) + '";' html += '</script>\n' html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="../jsui/native.history.js"></script>\n' html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/authoring.js"></script>\n' html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/exe_jquery.js"></script>\n' html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/exe_lightbox/exe_lightbox.js"></script>\n' html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/exe_effects/exe_effects.js"></script>\n' html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/exe_highlighter/exe_highlighter.js"></script>\n' html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/exe_games/exe_games.js"></script>\n' html += u'<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/common.js"></script>\n' html += '<script type="text/javascript">document.write(decodeURIComponent("%3Cscript src=\'" + eXeLearning_settings.wysiwyg_path + "\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E"));</script>' html += '<script type="text/javascript">document.write(decodeURIComponent("%3Cscript src=\'" + eXeLearning_settings.wysiwyg_settings_path + "\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E"));</script>' html += u'<title>"+_("eXe : elearning XHTML editor")+"</title>\n' html += u'<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; ' html += u' charset=UTF-8" />\n' style = G.application.config.styleStore.getStyle( if style.hasValidConfig: html += style.get_edition_extra_head() html += u'</head>\n' return html
def copyFiles(self, package, outputDir): """ Copy all the files used by the website. """ if os.path.isdir(self.stylesDir): # Copy the style files to the output dir styleFiles = [self.stylesDir / '..' / 'popup_bg.gif'] styleFiles += self.stylesDir.files("*.*") self.stylesDir.copylist(styleFiles, outputDir) # copy the package's resource files for resourceFile in package.resourceDir.walkfiles(): file = package.resourceDir.relpathto(resourceFile) if ("/" in file): Dir = Path(outputDir / file[:file.rindex("/")]) if not Dir.exists(): Dir.makedirs() resourceFile.copy(outputDir / Dir) else: resourceFile.copy(outputDir) listCSSFiles = getFilesCSSToMinify('website', self.stylesDir) exportMinFileCSS(listCSSFiles, outputDir) # copy script files. my_style = G.application.config.styleStore.getStyle( # jQuery listFiles = [] listOutFiles = [] if my_style.hasValidConfig: if my_style.get_jquery() == True: jsFile = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_jquery.js') jsFile.copyfile(outputDir / 'exe_jquery.js') else: listFiles += [self.scriptsDir / 'exe_jquery.js'] listOutFiles += [outputDir / 'exe_jquery.js'] # Minify common.js file listFiles = getFilesJSToMinify('website', self.scriptsDir) exportMinFileJS(listFiles, outputDir) # Create lang file langFile = open(outputDir + '/common_i18n.js', "w") langFile.write(common.getJavaScriptStrings(False)) langFile.close() #dT = common.getExportDocType() dT = common.getExportDocType() if dT == "HTML5": jsFile = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_html5.js') jsFile.copyfile(outputDir / 'exe_html5.js') # Incluide eXe's icon if the Style doesn't have one themePath = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir / themeFavicon = themePath.joinpath("favicon.ico") if not themeFavicon.exists(): faviconFile = (self.imagesDir / 'favicon.ico') faviconFile.copyfile(outputDir / 'favicon.ico') # copy players for media idevices. hasFlowplayer = False hasMagnifier = False hasXspfplayer = False hasGallery = False hasFX = False hasSH = False hasGames = False hasWikipedia = False isBreak = False hasInstructions = False hasMediaelement = False hasTooltips = False hasABCMusic = False listIdevicesFiles = [] for page in self.pages: if isBreak: break for idevice in page.node.idevices: if (hasFlowplayer and hasMagnifier and hasXspfplayer and hasGallery and hasFX and hasSH and hasGames and hasWikipedia and hasInstructions and hasMediaelement and hasTooltips and hasABCMusic): isBreak = True break if not hasFlowplayer: if 'flowPlayer.swf' in idevice.systemResources: hasFlowplayer = True if not hasMagnifier: if 'mojomagnify.js' in idevice.systemResources: hasMagnifier = True if not hasXspfplayer: if 'xspf_player.swf' in idevice.systemResources: hasXspfplayer = True if not hasGallery: hasGallery = common.ideviceHasGallery(idevice) if not hasFX: hasFX = common.ideviceHasFX(idevice) if not hasSH: hasSH = common.ideviceHasSH(idevice) if not hasGames: hasGames = common.ideviceHasGames(idevice) if not hasWikipedia: if 'WikipediaIdevice' == idevice.klass: hasWikipedia = True if not hasInstructions: if 'TrueFalseIdevice' == idevice.klass or 'MultichoiceIdevice' == idevice.klass or 'VerdaderofalsofpdIdevice' == idevice.klass or 'EleccionmultiplefpdIdevice' == idevice.klass: hasInstructions = True if not hasMediaelement: hasMediaelement = common.ideviceHasMediaelement(idevice) if not hasTooltips: hasTooltips = common.ideviceHasTooltips(idevice) if not hasABCMusic: hasABCMusic = common.ideviceHasABCMusic(idevice) if hasattr(idevice, "_iDeviceDir"): listIdevicesFiles.append( (Path(idevice._iDeviceDir) / 'export')) common.exportJavaScriptIdevicesFiles(page.node.idevices, outputDir) if hasFlowplayer: videofile = (self.templatesDir / 'flowPlayer.swf') videofile.copyfile(outputDir / 'flowPlayer.swf') controlsfile = (self.templatesDir / 'flowplayer.controls.swf') controlsfile.copyfile(outputDir / 'flowplayer.controls.swf') if hasMagnifier: videofile = (self.templatesDir / 'mojomagnify.js') videofile.copyfile(outputDir / 'mojomagnify.js') if hasXspfplayer: videofile = (self.templatesDir / 'xspf_player.swf') videofile.copyfile(outputDir / 'xspf_player.swf') if hasGallery: exeLightbox = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_lightbox') exeLightbox.copyfiles(outputDir) if hasFX: exeEffects = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_effects') exeEffects.copyfiles(outputDir) if hasSH: exeSH = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_highlighter') exeSH.copyfiles(outputDir) if hasGames: exeGames = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_games') exeGames.copyfiles(outputDir) # Add game js string to common_i18n langGameFile = open(outputDir + '/common_i18n.js', "a") langGameFile.write(common.getGamesJavaScriptStrings(False)) langGameFile.close() if hasABCMusic: pluginScripts = (self.scriptsDir / 'tinymce_4/js/tinymce/plugins/abcmusic/export') pluginScripts.copyfiles(outputDir) if hasWikipedia: wikipediaCSS = (self.cssDir / 'exe_wikipedia.css') wikipediaCSS.copyfile(outputDir / 'exe_wikipedia.css') if hasInstructions: common.copyFileIfNotInStyle('panel-amusements.png', self, outputDir) common.copyFileIfNotInStyle('stock-stop.png', self, outputDir) if hasMediaelement: mediaelement = (self.scriptsDir / 'mediaelement') mediaelement.copyfiles(outputDir) dT = common.getExportDocType() if dT != "HTML5": jsFile = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_html5.js') jsFile.copyfile(outputDir / 'exe_html5.js') if hasTooltips: exe_tooltips = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_tooltips') exe_tooltips.copyfiles(outputDir) if hasattr(package, 'exportSource') and package.exportSource: (G.application.config.webDir / 'templates' / 'content.xsd').copyfile(outputDir / 'content.xsd') (outputDir / '').write_bytes(encodeObject(package)) (outputDir / 'contentv3.xml').write_bytes( encodeObjectToXML(package)) ext = 'html' if G.application.config.cutFileName == "1": ext = 'htm' if package.license == "license GFDL": # include a copy of the GNU Free Documentation Licence (self.templatesDir / 'fdl' + '.' + ext).copyfile(outputDir / 'fdl' + '.' + ext)
class IMSExport(object): """ Exports an eXe package as a SCORM package """ def __init__(self, config, styleDir, filename): """ Initialize 'styleDir' is the directory from which we will copy our style sheets (and some gifs) """ self.config = config self.imagesDir = config.webDir/"images" self.scriptsDir = config.webDir/"scripts" self.templatesDir = config.webDir/"templates" self.schemasDir = config.webDir/"schemas/ims" self.styleDir = Path(styleDir) self.filename = Path(filename) self.pages = [] def export(self, package): """ Export SCORM package """ # First do the export to a temporary directory outputDir = TempDirPath() # Copy the style sheet files to the output dir # But not nav.css styleFiles = [self.styleDir/'..'/'base.css'] styleFiles += [self.styleDir/'..'/'popup_bg.gif'] styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.css") if "nav.css" in styleFiles: styleFiles.remove("nav.css") styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.jpg") styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.gif") styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.png") styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.js") styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.html") self.styleDir.copylist(styleFiles, outputDir) # copy the package's resource files package.resourceDir.copyfiles(outputDir) # Export the package content self.pages = [ IMSPage("index", 1, package.root) ] self.generatePages(package.root, 2) uniquifyNames(self.pages) for page in self.pages: # Create the manifest file manifest = Manifest(self.config, outputDir, package, self.pages) # Copy the scripts - with modification by self.scriptsDir.copylist(('libot_drag.js', 'lernmodule_net.js', 'common.js'), outputDir) self.schemasDir.copylist(('imscp_v1p1.xsd', 'imsmd_v1p2p2.xsd', 'ims_xml.xsd'), outputDir) # copy players for media idevices. hasFlowplayer = False hasMagnifier = False hasXspfplayer = False isBreak = False for page in self.pages: if isBreak: break for idevice in page.node.idevices: if (hasFlowplayer and hasMagnifier and hasXspfplayer): isBreak = True break if not hasFlowplayer: if 'flowPlayer.swf' in idevice.systemResources: hasFlowplayer = True if not hasMagnifier: if 'magnifier.swf' in idevice.systemResources: hasMagnifier = True if not hasXspfplayer: if 'xspf_player.swf' in idevice.systemResources: hasXspfplayer = True if hasFlowplayer: videofile = (self.templatesDir/'flowPlayer.swf') videofile.copyfile(outputDir/'flowPlayer.swf') if hasMagnifier: videofile = (self.templatesDir/'magnifier.swf') videofile.copyfile(outputDir/'magnifier.swf') if hasXspfplayer: videofile = (self.templatesDir/'xspf_player.swf') videofile.copyfile(outputDir/'xspf_player.swf') if package.license == "GNU Free Documentation License": # include a copy of the GNU Free Documentation Licence (self.templatesDir/'fdl.html').copyfile(outputDir/'fdl.html') # Zip it up! self.filename.safeSave(self.doZip, _('EXPORT FAILED!\nLast succesful export is %s.'), outputDir) # Clean up the temporary dir outputDir.rmtree() def doZip(self, fileObj, outputDir): """ Actually does the zipping of the file. Called by 'Path.safeSave' """ zipped = ZipFile(fileObj, "w") for scormFile in outputDir.files(): zipped.write(scormFile, scormFile.basename().encode('utf8'), ZIP_DEFLATED) zipped.close() def generatePages(self, node, depth): """ Recursive function for exporting a node. 'outputDir' is the temporary directory that we are exporting to before creating zip file """ for child in node.children: pageName = child.titleShort.lower().replace(" ", "_") pageName = re.sub(r"\W", "", pageName) if not pageName: pageName = "__" page = IMSPage(pageName, depth, child) self.pages.append(page) self.generatePages(child, depth + 1)
#!/usr/bin/python # from setuptools import setup from exe.engine import version from exe.engine.path import Path # Before we install, make sure all the mimetex binaries are executable Path('exe/webui/templates/mimetex.cgi').chmod(0755) Path('exe/webui/templates/mimetex.64.cgi').chmod(0755) files = { '/usr/share/exe': ["README", "COPYING", "NEWS", "ChangeLog", "exe/webui/mr_x.gif"], '/usr/share/applications': ["exe.desktop"], '/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps': ["exe.png"], } def dataFiles(baseSourceDir, baseDestDir, sourceDirs): """Recursively get all the files in these directories""" global files from exe.engine.path import Path baseSourceDir = Path(baseSourceDir) baseDestDir = Path(baseDestDir) sourceDirs = map(Path, sourceDirs) for sourceDir in sourceDirs: sourceDir = baseSourceDir / sourceDir for subDir in list(sourceDir.walkdirs()) + [sourceDir]: if set( ('CVS', '.svn', 'tinymce_3.5.4.1')) & set(subDir.splitall()):
def renderEdit(self, style): """ Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block """ html = u'<div>' html += '<span class="js-idevice-title-label">' html += '<label for="title''">'+_('Title')+':</label> ' html += common.elementInstruc(_('The title and the icon are not required. If you leave them empty the iDevice will have no emphasis.')) html += '</span>' html += common.hiddenField("iconiDevice" +, self.idevice.icon) html += u'<a class="js-show-icon-panel-button" href="javascript:showMessageBox(\'iconpanel\');" title="%s"><img src="/images/stock-insert-image.png" alt="%s" width="16" height="16" /></a>' % (_('Select an icon'),_('Choose an Image')) # Get icon source (if it exists) icon = self.idevice.icon icon_exists = False if icon != '': idevice_icon = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir / style / 'icon_' + self.idevice.icon + '.gif') if idevice_icon.exists(): icon_exists = True else: idevice_icon = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir/style/"icon_" + self.idevice.icon + ".png") if idevice_icon.exists(): icon_exists = True else: idevice_icon = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir/style/"icon_" + self.idevice.icon + ".svg") if idevice_icon.exists(): icon_exists = True # Icon HTML element html += u'<img class="js-idevide-icon-preview" name="iconiDevice%s" id="iconiDevice"' % ( if icon_exists: html += u' src="/style/%s/icon_%s%s"' % (style, icon, idevice_icon.ext) else: html += u' src="/images/empty.gif"' html += u'/>' # Delete button html += u'<a href="javascript:deleteIcon(%s);" id="deleteIcon%s" class="deleteIcon" title="%s"' % (,, _('Delete')) # If the icon doesn't exists if not icon_exists: html += u' style="display: none;"' html += u'>' html += u'<img class="js-delete-icon" alt="%s" src="%s"/>' % (_('Delete'), '/images/stock-delete.png') html += u'</a>' html += common.textInput("title" +, self.idevice.title) html += u'<div class="js-icon-panel-container">' html += u'<div id="iconpaneltitle">%s</div>' % _("Icons") html += u'<div id="iconpanelcontent">' html += self.__renderIcons(style) html += u'</div>' html += u"</div>" for element in self.elements: html += element.renderEdit() html += self.renderEditButtons() html += u"</div>" return html
class WebsiteExport(object): """ WebsiteExport will export a package as a website of HTML pages """ def __init__(self, config, styleDir, filename, prefix=""): """ 'stylesDir' is the directory where we can copy the stylesheets from 'outputDir' is the directory that will be [over]written with the website """ self.config = config self.imagesDir = config.webDir / "images" self.scriptsDir = config.webDir / "scripts" self.templatesDir = config.webDir / "templates" self.stylesDir = Path(styleDir) self.filename = Path(filename) self.pages = [] self.prefix = prefix def exportZip(self, package): """ Export web site Cleans up the previous packages pages and performs the export """ outputDir = TempDirPath() # Import the Website Page class. If the style has it's own page class # use that, else use the default one. if (self.stylesDir / "").exists(): global WebsitePage module = imp.load_source("websitepage", self.stylesDir / "") WebsitePage = module.WebsitePage self.pages = [WebsitePage("index", 1, package.root)] self.generatePages(package.root, 1) uniquifyNames(self.pages) prevPage = None thisPage = self.pages[0] for nextPage in self.pages[1:]:, prevPage, nextPage, self.pages) prevPage = thisPage thisPage = nextPage, prevPage, None, self.pages) self.copyFiles(package, outputDir) # Zip up the website package self.filename.safeSave( self.doZip, _('EXPORT FAILED!\nLast succesful export is %s.'), outputDir) # Clean up the temporary dir outputDir.rmtree() def doZip(self, fileObj, outputDir): """ Actually saves the zip data. Called by 'Path.safeSave' """ zipped = ZipFile(fileObj, "w") for scormFile in outputDir.files(): zipped.write(scormFile, scormFile.basename().encode('utf8'), ZIP_DEFLATED) zipped.close() def export(self, package): """ Export web site Cleans up the previous packages pages and performs the export """ outputDir = self.filename if not outputDir.exists(): outputDir.mkdir() # Import the Website Page class. If the style has it's own page class # use that, else use the default one. if (self.stylesDir / "").exists(): global WebsitePage module = imp.load_source("websitepage", self.stylesDir / "") WebsitePage = module.WebsitePage self.pages = [WebsitePage(self.prefix + "index", 1, package.root)] self.generatePages(package.root, 1) uniquifyNames(self.pages) prevPage = None thisPage = self.pages[0] for nextPage in self.pages[1:]:, prevPage, nextPage, self.pages) prevPage = thisPage thisPage = nextPage, prevPage, None, self.pages) if self.prefix == "": self.copyFiles(package, outputDir) def copyFiles(self, package, outputDir): """ Copy all the files used by the website. """ # Copy the style sheet files to the output dir styleFiles = [self.stylesDir / '..' / 'base.css'] styleFiles += [self.stylesDir / '..' / 'popup_bg.gif'] styleFiles += self.stylesDir.files("*.css") styleFiles += self.stylesDir.files("*.jpg") styleFiles += self.stylesDir.files("*.gif") styleFiles += self.stylesDir.files("*.png") styleFiles += self.stylesDir.files("*.js") styleFiles += self.stylesDir.files("*.html") styleFiles += self.stylesDir.files("*.ico") self.stylesDir.copylist(styleFiles, outputDir) # copy the package's resource files package.resourceDir.copyfiles(outputDir) # copy script files. self.scriptsDir.copylist(('libot_drag.js', 'common.js'), outputDir) # copy players for media idevices. hasFlowplayer = False hasMagnifier = False hasXspfplayer = False isBreak = False for page in self.pages: if isBreak: break for idevice in page.node.idevices: if (hasFlowplayer and hasMagnifier and hasXspfplayer): isBreak = True break if not hasFlowplayer: if 'flowPlayer.swf' in idevice.systemResources: hasFlowplayer = True if not hasMagnifier: if 'magnifier.swf' in idevice.systemResources: hasMagnifier = True if not hasXspfplayer: if 'xspf_player.swf' in idevice.systemResources: hasXspfplayer = True if hasFlowplayer: videofile = (self.templatesDir / 'flowPlayer.swf') videofile.copyfile(outputDir / 'flowPlayer.swf') # JR: anadimos los controles controlsfile = (self.templatesDir / 'flowplayer.controls.swf') controlsfile.copyfile(outputDir / 'flowplayer.controls.swf') if hasMagnifier: videofile = (self.templatesDir / 'magnifier.swf') videofile.copyfile(outputDir / 'magnifier.swf') if hasXspfplayer: videofile = (self.templatesDir / 'xspf_player.swf') videofile.copyfile(outputDir / 'xspf_player.swf') if package.license == "GNU Free Documentation License": # include a copy of the GNU Free Documentation Licence (self.templatesDir / 'fdl.html').copyfile(outputDir / 'fdl.html') def generatePages(self, node, depth): """ Recursively generate pages and store in pages member variable for retrieving later """ for child in node.children: pageName = child.titleShort.lower().replace(" ", "_") pageName = re.sub(r"\W", "", pageName) if not pageName: pageName = "__" self.pages.append(WebsitePage(self.prefix + pageName, depth, child)) self.generatePages(child, depth + 1)
class Config(object): """ The Config class contains the configuration information for eXe. """ # To build link to git revision baseGitWebURL = '' # Class attributes optionNames = { 'system': ('webDir', 'jsDir', 'port', 'dataDir', 'configDir', 'localeDir', 'stylesRepository', 'browser', 'mediaProfilePath', 'videoMediaConverter_ogv', 'videoMediaConverter_3gp', 'videoMediaConverter_mpg', 'videoMediaConverter_avi', 'audioMediaConverter_ogg', 'audioMediaConverter_au', 'audioMediaConverter_mp3', 'audioMediaConverter_wav', 'ffmpegPath'), 'user': ('locale', 'lastDir', 'showPreferencesOnStart', 'showNewVersionWarningOnStart', 'defaultStyle', 'eXeUIversion', 'showIdevicesGrouped', 'docType', 'editorMode', 'editorVersion', 'defaultLicense', 'forceEditableExport', 'cutFileName', 'autosaveTime', 'metadataWarning'), } idevicesCategories = { # Use Experimental for complex non-tested iDevices and Hidden for those that should not be added any more 'activity': [x_('Text and Tasks')], 'reading activity': [x_('Text and Tasks')], 'dropdown activity': [x_('Interactive Activities')], 'java applet': [x_('Interactive Activities')], 'wiki article': [x_('Other Contents')], 'case study': [x_('Text and Tasks')], 'preknowledge': [x_('Text and Tasks')], 'scorm quiz': [x_('Interactive Activities')], 'fpd - multi choice activity': [x_('FPD')], 'fpd - cloze activity': [x_('FPD')], 'fpd - cloze activity (modified)': [x_('FPD')], 'fpd - multi select activity': [x_('FPD')], 'fpd - true/false activity': [x_('FPD')], 'fpd - situation': [x_('FPD')], 'fpd - quotation': [x_('FPD')], 'fpd - you should know': [x_('FPD')], 'fpd - highlighted': [x_('FPD')], 'fpd - translation': [x_('FPD')], 'fpd - guidelines students': [x_('FPD')], 'fpd - guidelines teacher': [x_('FPD')], 'fpd - a step ahead': [x_('FPD')], 'fpd - a piece of advice': [x_('FPD')], 'fpd - think about it (with feedback)': [x_('FPD')], 'fpd - think about it (without feedback)': [x_('FPD')], 'fpd - free text': [x_('FPD')], 'image gallery': [x_('Other Contents')], 'image magnifier': [x_('Other Contents')], 'note': [x_('Other Contents')], 'objectives': [x_('Text and Tasks')], 'multi-choice': [x_('Interactive Activities')], 'multi-select': [x_('Interactive Activities')], 'true-false question': [x_('Interactive Activities')], 'reflection': [x_('Text and Tasks')], 'cloze activity': [x_('Interactive Activities')], 'rss': [x_('Other Contents')], 'external web site': [x_('Other Contents')], 'free text': [x_('Text and Tasks')], 'click in order game': [x_('Hidden')], 'hangman game': [x_('Hidden')], 'place the objects': [x_('Interactive Activities')], 'memory match game': [x_('Hidden')], 'file attachments': [x_('Other Contents')], 'sort items': [x_('Hidden')] } @classmethod def getConfigPath(cls): obj = cls.__new__(cls) obj.configParser = ConfigParser() obj._overrideDefaultVals() obj.__setConfigPath() return obj.configPath def __init__(self): """ Initialise """ self.configPath = None self.configParser = ConfigParser(self.onWrite) # Set default values # exePath is the whole path and filename of the exe executable self.exePath = Path(sys.argv[0]).abspath() # webDir is the parent directory for styles,scripts and templates self.webDir = self.exePath.dirname() self.jsDir = self.exePath.dirname() self.locales = {} # localeDir is the base directory where all the locales are stored self.localeDir = self.exePath.dirname() / "locale" # port is the port the exe webserver will listen on # (previous default, which earlier users might still use, was 8081) self.port = 51235 # dataDir is the default directory that is shown to the user # to save packages and exports in self.dataDir = Path(".") # configDir is the dir for storing user profiles # and user made idevices and the config file self.configDir = Path(".") # FM: New Styles Directory path self.stylesDir = Path(self.configDir / 'style').abspath() # FM: Default Style name self.defaultStyle = u"INTEF" # Styles repository XML-RPC endpoint # self.stylesRepository = '' self.stylesRepository = '' # browser is the name of a predefined browser specified # at # None for system default self.browser = None # docType is the HTML export format self.docType = 'HTML5' # internalAnchors indicate which exe_tmp_anchor tags to generate for each tinyMCE field # available values = "enable_all", "disable_autotop", or "disable_all" self.internalAnchors = "enable_all" self.lastDir = None self.showPreferencesOnStart = "1" self.showNewVersionWarningOnStart = "1" self.showIdevicesGrouped = "1" # tinymce option self.editorMode = 'permissive' self.editorVersion = '4' # styleSecureMode : if this [user] key is = 0 , exelearning can run python files in styles # as , ... ( deactivate secure mode ) self.styleSecureMode = "1" # styles is the list of style names available for loading self.styles = [] # The documents that we've recently looked at self.recentProjects = [] # canonical (English) names of iDevices not to show in the iDevice pane self.hiddeniDevices = [] # Media conversion programs used for XML export system self.videoMediaConverter_ogv = "" self.videoMediaConverter_3gp = "" self.videoMediaConverter_avi = "" self.videoMediaConverter_mpg = "" self.audioMediaConverter_ogg = "" self.audioMediaConverter_au = "" self.audioMediaConverter_mp3 = "" self.audioMediaConverter_wav = "" self.ffmpegPath = "" self.mediaProfilePath = self.exePath.dirname() / 'mediaprofiles' # likewise, a canonical (English) names of iDevices not to show in the # iDevice pane but, contrary to the hiddens, these are ones that the # configuration can specify to turn ON: self.deprecatediDevices = [ "flash with text", "flash movie", "mp3", "attachment" ] # by default, only allow embedding of media types for which a # browser plugin is found: self.defaultLicense = 'creative commons: attribution - share alike 4.0' self.assumeMediaPlugins = False # Force the editable export when loading an existing # package with it disabled (defaults to disabled) self.forceEditableExport = "0" # Content templates directory self.templatesDir = Path(self.configDir / 'content_template').abspath() # Default template that will be used to all new content self.defaultContentTemplate = "Base" # JS Idevices directory self.jsIdevicesDir = Path(self.configDir / 'scripts' / 'idevices').abspath() # Let our children override our defaults depending # on the OS that we're running on self._overrideDefaultVals() # locale is the language of the user. localeDir can be overridden # that's why we must set it _after_ the call to _overrideDefaultVals() self.locale = chooseDefaultLocale(self.localeDir) # Format the files and images to standard ISO 9660 self.cutFileName = "0" self.autosaveTime = "10" self.metadataWarning = "1" # Try to make the defaults a little intelligent # Under devel trees, webui is the default webdir self.webDir = Path(self.webDir) if not (self.webDir/'scripts').isdir() \ and (self.webDir/'webui').isdir(): self.webDir /= 'webui' self.jsDir = Path(self.jsDir) if not (self.jsDir/'scripts').isdir() \ and (self.jsDir/'jsui').isdir(): self.jsDir /= 'jsui' # Find where the config file will be saved self.__setConfigPath() # Fill in any undefined config options with our defaults self._writeDefaultConfigFile() # Now we are ready to serve the application self.loadSettings() self.setupLogging() self.loadLocales() self.loadStyles() self.loadTemplates() def _overrideDefaultVals(self): """ Override this to override the default config values """ def _getConfigPathOptions(self): """ Override this to give a list of possible config filenames in order of preference """ return ['exe.conf'] def _writeDefaultConfigFile(self): """ [Over]writes 'self.configPath' with a default config file (auto write is on so we don't need to write the file at the end) """ if not G.application.portable: for sectionName, optionNames in self.optionNames.items(): for optionName in optionNames: defaultVal = getattr(self, optionName) self.configParser.setdefault(sectionName, optionName, defaultVal) # Logging can't really be changed from inside the program at the moment... self.configParser.setdefault('logging', 'root', 'INFO') def __setConfigPath(self): """ sets self.configPath to the filename of the config file that we'll use. In descendant classes set self.configFileOptions to a list of directories where the configDir should be in order of preference. If no config files can be found in these dirs, it will force creation of the config file in the top dir """ # If there's an EXECONF environment variable, use it self.configPath = None configFileOptions = map(Path, self._getConfigPathOptions()) if "EXECONF" in os.environ: envconf = Path(os.environ["EXECONF"]) if envconf.isfile(): self.configPath = os.environ["EXECONF"] # Otherwise find the most appropriate existing file if self.configPath is None: for confPath in configFileOptions: if confPath.isfile(): self.configPath = confPath break else: # If no config files exist, create and use the # first one on the list self.configPath = configFileOptions[0] folder = self.configPath.abspath().dirname() if not folder.exists(): folder.makedirs() self.configPath.touch() # Now make our configParser self.configParser.autoWrite = True def upgradeFile(self): """ Called before loading the config file, removes or upgrades any old settings. """ if self.configParser.has_section('system'): system = self.configParser.system if system.has_option('appDataDir'): # Older config files had configDir stored as appDataDir self.configDir = Path(system.appDataDir) self.stylesDir = Path(self.configDir) / 'style' self.templatesDir = Path(self.configDir) / 'content_template' self.jsIdevicesDir = Path( self.configDir) / 'scripts' / 'idevices' # We'll just upgrade their config file for them for now... system.configDir = self.configDir system.stylesDir = Path(self.configDir) / 'style' system.templatesDir = Path(self.configDir) / 'content_template' system.jsIdevicesDir = Path( self.configDir) / 'scripts' / 'idevices' del system.appDataDir self.audioMediaConverter_au = system.audioMediaConverter_au self.audioMediaConverter_wav = system.audioMediaConverter_wav self.videoMediaConverter_ogv = system.videoMediaConverter_ogv self.videoMediaConverter_3gp = system.videoMediaConverter_3gp self.videoMediaConverter_avi = system.videoMediaConverter_avi self.videoMediaConverter_mpg = system.videoMediaConverter_mpg self.audioMediaConverter_ogg = system.audioMediaConverter_ogg self.audioMediaConverter_mp3 = system.audioMediaConverter_mp3 self.ffmpegPath = system.ffmpegPath self.mediaProfilePath = system.mediaProfilePath if system.has_option('greDir'): # No longer used, system should automatically support del system.greDir if system.has_option('xulDir'): del system.xulDir # if system.has_option('browser'): # del system.browser def loadSettings(self): """ Loads the settings from the exe.conf file. Overrides the defaults set in __init__ """ # Set up the parser so that if a certain value is not in the config # file, it will use the value from our default values def defVal(dummy, option): """If something is not in the config file, just use the default in 'self'""" return getattr(self, option) self.configParser.defaultValue = defVal self.upgradeFile() # System Section if self.configParser.has_section('system'): system = self.configParser.system self.port = int(system.port) self.browser = None if system.browser == u"None" else system.browser self.stylesRepository = system.stylesRepository if not G.application.portable: self.dataDir = Path(system.dataDir) self.configDir = Path(system.configDir) self.webDir = Path(system.webDir) self.stylesDir = Path(self.configDir) / 'style' self.templatesDir = Path(self.configDir) / 'content_template' self.jsIdevicesDir = Path( self.configDir) / 'scripts' / 'idevices' self.jsDir = Path(system.jsDir) else: self.stylesDir = Path(self.webDir / 'style').abspath() self.templatesDir = Path(self.webDir / 'content_template').abspath() self.jsIdevicesDir = Path(self.webDir / 'scripts' / 'idevices').abspath() self.assumeMediaPlugins = False if self.configParser.has_option('system', 'assumeMediaPlugins'): value = system.assumeMediaPlugins.strip().lower() if value == "1" or value == "yes" or value == "true" or value == "on": self.assumeMediaPlugins = True # If the dataDir points to some other dir, fix it if not self.dataDir.isdir(): self.dataDir = tempfile.gettempdir() # make the webDir absolute, to hide path joins of relative paths self.webDir = self.webDir.expand().abspath() # If the configDir doesn't exist (as it may be a default setting with a # new installation) create it if not self.configDir.exists(): self.configDir.mkdir() if not G.application.standalone: # FM: Copy styles if not os.path.exists(self.stylesDir) or not os.listdir( self.stylesDir): self.copyStyles() else: self.updateStyles() # Copy templates if not os.path.exists(self.templatesDir) or not os.listdir( self.templatesDir): self.copyTemplates() else: self.updateTemplates() # Copy JavaScript Idevices if not os.path.exists(self.jsIdevicesDir) or not os.listdir( self.jsIdevicesDir): self.copy_js_idevices() else: self.update_js_idevices() else: if G.application.portable: if == 'posix': self.stylesDir = Path(self.webDir / '..' / '..' / '..' / 'style') self.templatesDir = Path(self.webDir / '..' / '..' / '..' / 'content_template') self.jsIdevicesDir = Path(self.webDir / '..' / '..' / '..' / 'scripts' / 'idevices') else: self.stylesDir = Path(self.webDir / '..' / 'style') self.templatesDir = Path(self.webDir / '..' / 'content_template') self.jsIdevicesDir = Path(self.webDir / '..' / 'scripts' / 'idevices') if not os.path.exists(self.stylesDir) or not os.listdir( self.stylesDir): self.copyStyles() if not os.path.exists(self.templatesDir) or not os.listdir( self.templatesDir): self.copyTemplates() if not os.path.exists(self.jsIdevicesDir) or not os.listdir( self.jsIdevicesDir): self.copy_js_idevices() else: self.stylesDir = Path(self.webDir / 'style').abspath() self.templatesDir = Path(self.webDir / 'content_template').abspath() self.jsIdevicesDir = Path(self.webDir / 'scripts' / 'idevices').abspath() # Get the list of recently opened projects self.recentProjects = [] if self.configParser.has_section('recent_projects'): recentProjectsSection = self.configParser.recent_projects # recentProjectsSection.items() is in the wrong order, keys are alright. # Sorting list by key before adding to self.recentProjects, to avoid wrong ordering # in Recent Projects menu list recentProjectsItems = recentProjectsSection.items() recentProjectsItems.sort() for key, path in recentProjectsItems: self.recentProjects.append(path) # Load the list of "hidden" iDevices self.hiddeniDevices = [] if self.configParser.has_section('idevices'): idevicesSection = self.configParser.idevices for key, value in idevicesSection.items(): # emulate standard library's getboolean() value = value.strip().lower() if value == "0" or value == "no" or value == "false" or \ value == "off": self.hiddeniDevices.append(key.lower()) # self.deprecatediDevices = [ "flash with text", "flash movie", ...] # and UN-Load from the list of "deprecated" iDevices if self.configParser.has_section('deprecated'): deprecatedSection = self.configParser.deprecated for key, value in deprecatedSection.items(): # emulate standard library's getboolean() value = value.strip().lower() if value == "1" or value == "yes" or value == "true" or \ value == "on": if key.lower() in self.deprecatediDevices: self.deprecatediDevices.remove(key.lower()) # Load the "user" section if self.configParser.has_section('user'): if self.configParser.user.has_option('editorMode'): self.editorMode = self.configParser.user.editorMode if self.configParser.user.has_option('editorVersion'): self.editorVersion = self.configParser.user.editorVersion if self.configParser.user.has_option('docType'): self.docType = self.configParser.user.docType common.setExportDocType(self.configParser.user.docType) if self.configParser.user.has_option('defaultStyle'): self.defaultStyle = self.configParser.user.defaultStyle if self.configParser.user.has_option('styleSecureMode'): self.styleSecureMode = self.configParser.user.styleSecureMode if self.configParser.user.has_option('internalAnchors'): self.internalAnchors = self.configParser.user.internalAnchors if self.configParser.user.has_option('lastDir'): self.lastDir = self.configParser.user.lastDir if self.configParser.user.has_option('showPreferencesOnStart'): self.showPreferencesOnStart = self.configParser.user.showPreferencesOnStart if self.configParser.user.has_option( 'showNewVersionWarningOnStart'): self.showNewVersionWarningOnStart = self.configParser.user.showNewVersionWarningOnStart if self.configParser.user.has_option('showIdevicesGrouped'): self.showIdevicesGrouped = self.configParser.user.showIdevicesGrouped if self.configParser.user.has_option('locale'): self.locale = self.configParser.user.locale if self.configParser.user.has_option('defaultLicense'): self.defaultLicense = self.configParser.user.defaultLicense if self.configParser.user.has_option('forceEditableExport'): self.forceEditableExport = self.configParser.user.forceEditableExport if self.configParser.user.has_option('cutFileName'): self.cutFileName = self.configParser.user.cutFileName if self.configParser.user.has_option('autosaveTime'): self.autosaveTime = self.configParser.user.autosaveTime if self.configParser.user.has_option('metadataWarning'): self.metadataWarning = self.configParser.user.metadataWarning def onWrite(self, configParser): """ Called just before the config file is written. We use it to fill out any settings that are stored here and not in the config parser itself """ # Recent projects self.configParser.delete('recent_projects') recentProjectsSection = self.configParser.addSection('recent_projects') for num, path in enumerate(self.recentProjects): recentProjectsSection[str(num)] = path def setupLogging(self): """ setup logging file """ try: hdlr = RotatingFileHandler(self.configDir / 'exe.log', 'a', 500000, 10) hdlr.doRollover() except OSError: # ignore the error we get if the log file is logged hdlr = logging.FileHandler(self.configDir / 'exe.log') format = "%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s" log = logging.getLogger() hdlr.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(format)) log.addHandler(hdlr) loggingLevels = { "DEBUG": logging.DEBUG, "INFO": logging.INFO, "WARNING": logging.WARNING, "ERROR": logging.ERROR, "CRITICAL": logging.CRITICAL } if self.configParser.has_section('logging'): for logger, level in self.configParser._sections["logging"].items( ): if logger == "root": logging.getLogger().setLevel(loggingLevels[level]) else: logging.getLogger(logger).setLevel(loggingLevels[level]) if not G.application.portable:"************** eXe logging started **************")"version = %s" % version.version)"configPath = %s" % self.configPath)"exePath = %s" % self.exePath)"libPath = %s" % Path(twisted.__path__[0]).splitpath()[0])"browser = %s" % self.browser)"webDir = %s" % self.webDir)"jsDir = %s" % self.jsDir)"localeDir = %s" % self.localeDir)"port = %d" % self.port)"dataDir = %s" % self.dataDir)"configDir = %s" % self.configDir)"locale = %s" % self.locale)"internalAnchors = %s" % self.internalAnchors)"License = %s" % self.defaultLicense) def loadStyles(self): """ Scans the eXe style directory and builds a list of styles """ self.styleStore = StyleStore(self) listStyles = self.styleStore.getStyles() for style in listStyles: self.styles.append(style) # print style def loadTemplates(self): """ Scans the eXe templates directory and builds a list of templates """ self.templateStore = TemplateStore(self) self.templateStore.load() def copyStyles(self): bkstyle = self.webDir / 'style' dststyle = self.stylesDir if os.path.exists(bkstyle): if os.path.exists(dststyle) and not os.listdir(self.stylesDir): shutil.rmtree(dststyle) shutil.copytree(bkstyle, dststyle) def updateStyles(self): bkstyle = self.webDir / 'style' dststyle = self.stylesDir if os.stat(bkstyle).st_mtime - os.stat(dststyle).st_mtime > 1: for name in os.listdir(bkstyle): bksdirstyle = os.path.join(bkstyle, name) dstdirstyle = os.path.join(dststyle, name) if os.path.isdir(bksdirstyle): if os.path.exists(dstdirstyle): shutil.rmtree(dstdirstyle) shutil.copytree(bksdirstyle, dstdirstyle) else: shutil.copy(bksdirstyle, dstdirstyle) def copyTemplates(self): template_backup = self.webDir / 'content_template' dest_template = self.templatesDir if os.path.exists(template_backup): if os.path.exists(dest_template) and not os.listdir( self.dest_template): shutil.rmtree(dest_template) shutil.copytree(template_backup, dest_template) def updateTemplates(self): template_backup = self.webDir / 'content_template' dest_template = self.templatesDir if os.stat(template_backup).st_mtime - os.stat( dest_template).st_mtime > 1: for name in os.listdir(template_backup): current_template = os.path.join(template_backup, name) current_dest_template = os.path.join(dest_template, name) if os.path.isdir(current_template): if os.path.exists(current_dest_template): shutil.rmtree(current_dest_template) shutil.copytree(current_template, current_dest_template) else: shutil.copy(current_template, current_dest_template) def copy_js_idevices(self): """ Copies the default JS Idevices to the configuration folder. It's usually only executed the first time eXe is installed or the moment the user updates to the first version that used them. :rtype: void """ # Get the path where the JsIdevices are jsidevices_backup = self.webDir / 'scripts' / 'idevices' # Check if the path exists (if it doesn't there is nothing to be done) if os.path.exists(jsidevices_backup): # Remove the user's JsIdevices directory in case it exists if os.path.exists( self.jsIdevicesDir) and not os.listdir(self.jsIdevicesDir): shutil.rmtree(self.jsIdevicesDir) # Copy the JsIdevices shutil.copytree(jsidevices_backup, self.jsIdevicesDir) def update_js_idevices(self): """ Update JS Idevices from the ones that come with eXe. This will be done everytime eXe is started, so in case any JsIdevice is updated it will automatically update the first time the user opens eXe. :rtype: void """ # Get the path where the JsIdevices are jsidevices_backup = self.webDir / 'scripts' / 'idevices' # Compare the directories' modification time to see if the update is necessary if os.stat(jsidevices_backup).st_mtime - os.stat( self.jsIdevicesDir).st_mtime > 1: # Go through all JsIdevices for name in os.listdir(jsidevices_backup): # Copy the Idevice current_idevice = os.path.join(jsidevices_backup, name) current_dest_idevice = os.path.join(self.jsIdevicesDir, name) # This shouldn't really be necessary, but we keep it as # it would copy the exact structure of the 'idevices' folder. if os.path.isdir(current_idevice): if os.path.exists(current_dest_idevice): shutil.rmtree(current_dest_idevice) shutil.copytree(current_idevice, current_dest_idevice) else: shutil.copy(current_idevice, current_dest_idevice) def loadLocales(self): """ Scans the eXe locale directory and builds a list of locales """ log = logging.getLogger() log.debug("loadLocales") gettext.install('exe', self.localeDir, True) for subDir in self.localeDir.dirs(): if (subDir / 'LC_MESSAGES' / '').exists(): self.locales[subDir.basename()] = \ gettext.translation('exe', self.localeDir, languages=[str(subDir.basename())]) if self.locale not in self.locales: self.locale = 'en' log.debug("loading locale %s" % self.locale) self.locales[self.locale].install(unicode=True) __builtins__['c_'] = lambda s: self.locales[self.locale].ugettext( s) if s else s
def render_POST(self, request): """ function replaced by nevow_clientToServerEvent to avoid POST message """ log.debug("render_POST " + repr(request.args)) data = {} try: locale = request.args['locale'][0] self.config.locale = locale self.config.locales[locale].install(unicode=True) self.config.configParser.set('user', 'locale', locale) internalAnchors = request.args['internalAnchors'][0] self.config.internalAnchors = internalAnchors self.config.configParser.set('user', 'internalAnchors', internalAnchors) editormodesel = request.args['editorMode'][0] self.config.editorMode = editormodesel self.config.configParser.set('user', 'editorMode', editormodesel) editorveresel = request.args['editorVersion'][0] self.config.editorVersion = editorveresel self.config.configParser.set('user', 'editorVersion', editorveresel) doctypesel = request.args['docType'][0] self.config.docType = doctypesel self.config.configParser.set('user', 'docType', doctypesel) defaultLicense = request.args['defaultLicense'][0] self.config.defaultLicense = defaultLicense self.config.configParser.set('user', 'defaultLicense', defaultLicense) forceEditableExport = request.args['forceEditableExport'][0] self.config.forceEditableExport = forceEditableExport self.config.configParser.set('user', 'forceEditableExport', forceEditableExport) browser = request.args['browser'][0] if browser == "None": browser = None try: self.config.browser = mywebbrowser.get(browser) except Exception as e: browser_path = Path(browser) if browser_path.exists(): mywebbrowser.register( 'custom-browser', None, mywebbrowser.BackgroundBrowser(browser_path.abspath()), -1) self.config.browser = mywebbrowser.get('custom-browser') else: raise e self.config.configParser.set('system', 'browser', browser) showPreferencesOnStart = request.args['showPreferencesOnStart'][0] self.config.showPreferencesOnStart = showPreferencesOnStart self.config.configParser.set('user', 'showPreferencesOnStart', showPreferencesOnStart) except Exception as e: log.exception(e) return json.dumps({ 'success': False, 'errorMessage': _("Failed to save preferences") }) return json.dumps({'success': True, 'data': data})
def renameForMerging(self, newPackage): """ to help the merging code in twisted/persisted/ when it finds that this resource's storageName is already in use with the merging destination package, newPackage. Finds a new unique name by prepending "m1_", "m2_", etc... note: new name should, of course, be unique to both the resource's current source package, as well as the destinateion newPackage. """ old_name = self._storageName found_new_name = False new_name_attempt = 0 preMergePackage = self.package # make sure that this possibly old resource HAS a proper checksum: self.checksumCheck() if self.checksum in newPackage.resources: # okay, this resource IS already in the newPackage, # but does it have the same name? if self._storageName \ == newPackage.resources[self.checksum][0]._storageName: # nothing else to do, so leave found_name_name as False: found_new_name = False else: # names differ! # ==> we need to rebuild the iDevice content from below, # but just set the new_name as that which is already # stored in the newPackage: new_name = newPackage.resources[self.checksum][0]._storageName found_new_name = True while not found_new_name: # try prepending a merge suffix to the storageName, # and see if that already exists in EITHER the src OR dst package. # try "m1_", or "m2_", etc... new_name_attempt += 1 new_name_suffix = "m" \ + str(new_name_attempt) + "_" new_name = new_name_suffix \ + self.storageName if newPackage.findResourceByName(new_name) is None \ and preMergePackage.findResourceByName(new_name) is None: found_new_name = True if found_new_name: log.warn("Renaming Resource from \"" + self.storageName + "\" to \"" + new_name) # rename the actual file, which is still located # in the preMergePackage temporary resourceDir: old_path = Path(preMergePackage.resourceDir)\ .joinpath(self.storageName) new_path = Path(preMergePackage.resourceDir)\ .joinpath(new_name) newFullFileName = Path(old_path).rename(new_path) def updateIdevice(self): from exe.engine.appletidevice import AppletIdevice from exe.engine.galleryidevice import GalleryIdevice if isinstance(self._idevice, AppletIdevice): # note that it COULD make it this far IF an AppletIdevice # has the same resource, but by a different storageName, as # another iDevice in the destination package: raise Exception(_(u"renamed a Resource for an Applet Idevice, and it should not have even made it this far!")) elif isinstance(self._idevice, GalleryIdevice): # Re-generate the GalleryIdevice popupHTML, # but it's best to re-generate as an AfterUpgradeHandler, # since its OTHER resources (some of which might themselves # be renamed with the merge) might not have been updated yet! if self._idevice._createHTMLPopupFile not in \ G.application.afterUpgradeHandlers: G.application.afterUpgradeHandlers.append( self._idevice._createHTMLPopupFile) else: # if this is one of the many iDevices (generic or otherwise) # which uses a FieldWithResources field, then the content # will need to be changed directly. this_field = self._idevice.getResourcesField(self) from exe.engine.field import FieldWithResources if this_field is not None\ and isinstance(this_field, FieldWithResources): # 1. just change .content_w_resourcePaths directly: old_resource_path = "resources/" + old_name new_resource_path = "resources/" + new_name this_field.content_w_resourcePaths = \ this_field.content_w_resourcePaths.replace( old_resource_path, new_resource_path) # 2. copy .content_w_resourcePaths directly into .content # ONLY IF .content is already defined! if hasattr(this_field, 'content'): this_field.content = this_field.content_w_resourcePaths # 3. re-create .content_wo_resourcePaths through Massage*() # ONLY IF .content_wo_resourcePaths is already defined! if hasattr(this_field, 'content_wo_resourcePaths'): this_field.content_wo_resourcePaths = \ this_field.MassageContentForRenderView() else: # Any other iDevice is assumed to simply have a direct # link to the resource and need nothing else done. # ==> nothing else to do, eh? log.warn("Unaware of any other specific resource-renaming " + "activities necessary for this type of idevice: " + repr(self._idevice)) # and update the renamed storage name: old_name = self._storageName for resource in preMergePackage.resources[self.checksum]: if resource._storageName == old_name: resource._storageName = new_name # And also update references to this resource # in its content, according to the specific _idevice updateIdevice(resource)
class Config: """ The Config class contains the configuration information for eXe. """ # Class attributes optionNames = { 'system': ( 'webDir', 'xulDir', 'port', 'dataDir', 'configDir', 'localeDir', 'browserPath', ), 'user': ('locale', 'latexpath'), } def __init__(self): """ Initialise """ self.configPath = None self.configParser = ConfigParser(self.onWrite) # Set default values # exePath is the whole path and filename of the exe executable self.exePath = Path(sys.argv[0]).abspath() # webDir is the parent directory for styles,scripts and templates self.webDir = self.exePath.dirname() # xulDir is the parent directory for styles,scripts and templates self.xulDir = self.exePath.dirname() # localeDir is the base directory where all the locales are stored self.localeDir = self.exePath.dirname() / "locale" # port is the port the exe webserver will listen on # (previous default, which earlier users might still use, was 8081) self.port = 51235 # dataDir is the default directory that is shown to the user # to save packages and exports in self.dataDir = Path(".") # configDir is the dir for storing user profiles # and user made idevices and the config file self.configDir = Path(".") # browserPath is the entire pathname to firefox self.browserPath = Path("firefox") # locale is the language of the user self.locale = chooseDefaultLocale(self.localeDir) # internalAnchors indicate which exe_tmp_anchor tags to generate for each tinyMCE field # available values = "enable_all", "disable_autotop", or "disable_all" self.internalAnchors = "enable_all" # styles is the list of style names available for loading self.styles = [] # The documents that we've recently looked at self.recentProjects = [] # canonical (English) names of iDevices not to show in the iDevice pane self.hiddeniDevices = [] # likewise, a canonical (English) names of iDevices not to show in the # iDevice pane but, contrary to the hiddens, these are ones that the # configuration can specify to turn ON: self.deprecatediDevices = [ "flash with text", "flash movie", "mp3", \ "attachment"] # by default, only allow embedding of media types for which a # browser plugin is found: self.assumeMediaPlugins = False # Let our children override our defaults depending # on the OS that we're running on self._overrideDefaultVals() # Try to make the defaults a little intelligent # Under devel trees, webui is the default webdir self.webDir = Path(self.webDir) if not (self.webDir/'scripts').isdir() \ and (self.webDir/'webui').isdir(): self.webDir /= 'webui' # Under devel trees, xului is the default xuldir self.xulDir = Path(self.xulDir) if not (self.xulDir/'scripts').isdir() \ and (self.xulDir/'xului').isdir(): self.xulDir /= 'xului' # Latex distribution path if environment wasn't set properly self.latexpath = "" # Find where the config file will be saved self.__setConfigPath() # Fill in any undefined config options with our defaults self._writeDefaultConfigFile() # Now we are ready to serve the application self.loadSettings() self.setupLogging() self.loadStyles() self.loadLocales() def _overrideDefaultVals(self): """ Override this to override the default config values """ def _getConfigPathOptions(self): """ Override this to give a list of possible config filenames in order of preference """ return ['exe.conf'] def _writeDefaultConfigFile(self): """ [Over]writes 'self.configPath' with a default config file (auto write is on so we don't need to write the file at the end) """ for sectionName, optionNames in self.optionNames.items(): for optionName in optionNames: defaultVal = getattr(self, optionName) self.configParser.setdefault(sectionName, optionName, defaultVal) # Logging can't really be changed from inside the program at the moment... self.configParser.setdefault('logging', 'root', 'INFO') def _getWinFolder(self, code): """ Gets one of the windows famous directorys depending on 'code' Possible values can be found at: """ from ctypes import WinDLL, create_unicode_buffer dll = WinDLL('shell32') # The '5' and the '0' from the below call come from # google: "ShellSpecialConstants" result = create_unicode_buffer(260) resource = dll.SHGetFolderPathW(None, code, None, 0, result) if resource != 0: return Path('') else: return Path(result.value) def __setConfigPath(self): """ sets self.configPath to the filename of the config file that we'll use. In descendant classes set self.configFileOptions to a list of directories where the configDir should be in order of preference. If no config files can be found in these dirs, it will force creation of the config file in the top dir """ # If there's an EXECONF environment variable, use it self.configPath = None configFileOptions = map(Path, self._getConfigPathOptions()) if "EXECONF" in os.environ: envconf = Path(os.environ["EXECONF"]) if envconf.isfile(): self.configPath = os.environ["EXECONF"] # Otherwise find the most appropriate existing file if self.configPath is None: for confPath in configFileOptions: if confPath.isfile(): self.configPath = confPath break else: # If no config files exist, create and use the # first one on the list self.configPath = configFileOptions[0] folder = self.configPath.abspath().dirname() if not folder.exists(): folder.makedirs() self.configPath.touch() # Now make our configParser self.configParser.autoWrite = True def upgradeFile(self): """ Called before loading the config file, removes or upgrades any old settings. """ if self.configParser.has_section('system'): system = self.configParser.system if system.has_option('appDataDir'): # Older config files had configDir stored as appDataDir self.configDir = Path(system.appDataDir) # We'll just upgrade their config file for them for now... system.configDir = self.configDir del system.appDataDir if system.has_option('greDir'): # No longer used, system should automatically support del system.greDir def loadSettings(self): """ Loads the settings from the exe.conf file. Overrides the defaults set in __init__ """ # Set up the parser so that if a certain value is not in the config # file, it will use the value from our default values def defVal(dummy, option): """If something is not in the config file, just use the default in 'self'""" return getattr(self, option) self.configParser.defaultValue = defVal self.upgradeFile() # System Section if self.configParser.has_section('system'): system = self.configParser.system self.webDir = Path(system.webDir) self.xulDir = Path(system.xulDir) self.localeDir = Path(system.localeDir) self.port = int(system.port) self.browserPath = Path(system.browserPath) self.dataDir = Path(system.dataDir) self.configDir = Path(system.configDir) self.assumeMediaPlugins = False if self.configParser.has_option('system', \ 'assumeMediaPlugins'): value = system.assumeMediaPlugins.strip().lower() if value == "1" or value == "yes" or value == "true" or \ value == "on": self.assumeMediaPlugins = True # If the dataDir points to some other dir, fix it if not self.dataDir.isdir(): self.dataDir = tempfile.gettempdir() # make the webDir absolute, to hide path joins of relative paths self.webDir = self.webDir.expand().abspath() # If the configDir doesn't exist (as it may be a default setting with a # new installation) create it if not self.configDir.exists(): self.configDir.mkdir() # Get the list of recently opened projects self.recentProjects = [] if self.configParser.has_section('recent_projects'): recentProjectsSection = self.configParser.recent_projects for key, path in recentProjectsSection.items(): self.recentProjects.append(path) # Load the list of "hidden" iDevices self.hiddeniDevices = [] if self.configParser.has_section('idevices'): idevicesSection = self.configParser.idevices for key, value in idevicesSection.items(): # emulate standard library's getboolean() value = value.strip().lower() if value == "0" or value == "no" or value == "false" or \ value == "off": self.hiddeniDevices.append(key.lower()) #self.deprecatediDevices = [ "flash with text", "flash movie", ...] # and UN-Load from the list of "deprecated" iDevices if self.configParser.has_section('deprecated'): deprecatedSection = self.configParser.deprecated for key, value in deprecatedSection.items(): # emulate standard library's getboolean() value = value.strip().lower() if value == "1" or value == "yes" or value == "true" or \ value == "on": if key.lower() in self.deprecatediDevices: self.deprecatediDevices.remove(key.lower()) # Load the "user" section if self.configParser.has_section('user'): if self.configParser.user.has_option('internalAnchors'): self.internalAnchors = self.configParser.user.internalAnchors if self.configParser.user.has_option('locale'): self.locale = self.configParser.user.locale return self.locale = chooseDefaultLocale(self.localeDir) def onWrite(self, configParser): """ Called just before the config file is written. We use it to fill out any settings that are stored here and not in the config parser itself """ # Recent projects self.configParser.delete('recent_projects') recentProjectsSection = self.configParser.addSection('recent_projects') for num, path in enumerate(self.recentProjects): recentProjectsSection[str(num)] = path def setupLogging(self): """ setup logging file """ try: hdlr = RotatingFileHandler(self.configDir / 'exe.log', 'a', 500000, 10) hdlr.doRollover() except OSError: # ignore the error we get if the log file is logged hdlr = logging.FileHandler(self.configDir / 'exe.log') format = "%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s" log = logging.getLogger() hdlr.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(format)) log.addHandler(hdlr) loggingLevels = { "DEBUG": logging.DEBUG, "INFO": logging.INFO, "WARNING": logging.WARNING, "ERROR": logging.ERROR, "CRITICAL": logging.CRITICAL } if self.configParser.has_section('logging'): for logger, level in self.configParser._sections["logging"].items( ): if logger == "root": logging.getLogger().setLevel(loggingLevels[level]) else: logging.getLogger(logger).setLevel(loggingLevels[level])"************** eXe logging started **************")"configPath = %s" % self.configPath)"exePath = %s" % self.exePath)"browserPath = %s" % self.browserPath)"webDir = %s" % self.webDir)"xulDir = %s" % self.xulDir)"localeDir = %s" % self.localeDir)"port = %d" % self.port)"dataDir = %s" % self.dataDir)"configDir = %s" % self.configDir)"locale = %s" % self.locale)"internalAnchors = %s" % self.internalAnchors) def loadStyles(self): """ Scans the eXe style directory and builds a list of styles """ log = logging.getLogger() self.styles = [] styleDir = self.webDir / "style" localeStyleDir = self.configDir / "style" if not os.path.exists(localeStyleDir): os.makedirs(localeStyleDir) log.debug("loadStyles from %s" % styleDir) for subDir in styleDir.dirs(): if self.__checkStyle(subDir): styleName = subDir.basename() log.debug(" adding style to style/%s" % styleName) self.styles.append(styleName) # adding style from config to style/locale for subDir in localeStyleDir.dirs(): if self.__checkStyle(subDir): styleName = "locale/" + subDir.basename() log.debug(" adding locale style to style/%s" % styleName) self.styles.append(styleName) def __checkStyle(self, style): '''Checks if it's valid style''' styleSheet = style / 'content.css' return styleSheet.exists() def loadLocales(self): """ Scans the eXe locale directory and builds a list of locales """ log = logging.getLogger() log.debug("loadLocales") gettext.install('exe', self.localeDir, True) self.locales = {} for subDir in self.localeDir.dirs(): if (subDir / 'LC_MESSAGES' / '').exists(): self.locales[subDir.basename()] = \ gettext.translation('exe', self.localeDir, languages=[str(subDir.basename())]) if subDir.basename() == self.locale: locale = subDir.basename() log.debug(" loading locale %s" % locale) self.locales[locale].install(unicode=True)
def __init__(self): """ Initialise """ self.configPath = None self.configParser = ConfigParser(self.onWrite) # Set default values # exePath is the whole path and filename of the exe executable self.exePath = Path(sys.argv[0]).abspath() # webDir is the parent directory for styles,scripts and templates self.webDir = self.exePath.dirname() # xulDir is the parent directory for styles,scripts and templates self.xulDir = self.exePath.dirname() # localeDir is the base directory where all the locales are stored self.localeDir = self.exePath.dirname() / "locale" # port is the port the exe webserver will listen on # (previous default, which earlier users might still use, was 8081) self.port = 51235 # dataDir is the default directory that is shown to the user # to save packages and exports in self.dataDir = Path(".") # configDir is the dir for storing user profiles # and user made idevices and the config file self.configDir = Path(".") # browserPath is the entire pathname to firefox self.browserPath = Path("firefox") # locale is the language of the user self.locale = chooseDefaultLocale(self.localeDir) # internalAnchors indicate which exe_tmp_anchor tags to generate for each tinyMCE field # available values = "enable_all", "disable_autotop", or "disable_all" self.internalAnchors = "enable_all" # styles is the list of style names available for loading self.styles = [] # The documents that we've recently looked at self.recentProjects = [] # canonical (English) names of iDevices not to show in the iDevice pane self.hiddeniDevices = [] # likewise, a canonical (English) names of iDevices not to show in the # iDevice pane but, contrary to the hiddens, these are ones that the # configuration can specify to turn ON: self.deprecatediDevices = [ "flash with text", "flash movie", "mp3", \ "attachment"] # by default, only allow embedding of media types for which a # browser plugin is found: self.assumeMediaPlugins = False # Let our children override our defaults depending # on the OS that we're running on self._overrideDefaultVals() # Try to make the defaults a little intelligent # Under devel trees, webui is the default webdir self.webDir = Path(self.webDir) if not (self.webDir/'scripts').isdir() \ and (self.webDir/'webui').isdir(): self.webDir /= 'webui' # Under devel trees, xului is the default xuldir self.xulDir = Path(self.xulDir) if not (self.xulDir/'scripts').isdir() \ and (self.xulDir/'xului').isdir(): self.xulDir /= 'xului' # Latex distribution path if environment wasn't set properly self.latexpath = "" # Find where the config file will be saved self.__setConfigPath() # Fill in any undefined config options with our defaults self._writeDefaultConfigFile() # Now we are ready to serve the application self.loadSettings() self.setupLogging() self.loadStyles() self.loadLocales()
def handleAudioVideoTags(self, htmlContent, mediaParams = {}): htmlContentLower = htmlContent.lower() tagNames = ['audio', 'video'] countAudio = 0 countVideo = 0 audioInFile = "" videoInFile = "" videoOutFile = "" startIndex = 0 while startIndex != -1: startIndex = self._findNextTagStart(htmlContentLower, startIndex, tagNames) if startIndex == -1: break tagName = htmlContentLower[startIndex+1:startIndex+6] mediaName = self._getSrcForTag(htmlContent, startIndex) #find the media base name without the extension and the current extension mediaNameParts = os.path.splitext(mediaName) if len(mediaNameParts) < 2: #does not have a file extension - confused! #TODO: More warning stuff here break mediaBaseName = mediaNameParts[0] mediaExtension = mediaNameParts[1][1:] workingDir = ExportMediaConverter.workingDir conversionCommandBase = "" inFilePath = workingDir/mediaName #handle audio conversion if tagName == "audio": countAudio = countAudio + 1 targetFormat = self.configParser.get("media", "audioformat") if targetFormat == "au": conversionCommandBase = ExportMediaConverter.appConfig.audioMediaConverter_au elif targetFormat == "mp3": conversionCommandBase = ExportMediaConverter.appConfig.audioMediaConverter_mp3 elif targetFormat == "ogg": conversionCommandBase = ExportMediaConverter.appConfig.audioMediaConverter_ogg elif targetFormat == "wav": conversionCommandBase = ExportMediaConverter.appConfig.audioMediaConverter_wav if tagName == "video": countVideo = countVideo + 1 targetFormat = self.configParser.get("media", "videoformat") if targetFormat == "3gp": conversionCommandBase = ExportMediaConverter.appConfig.videoMediaConverter_3gp elif targetFormat == "mpg": conversionCommandBase = ExportMediaConverter.appConfig.videoMediaConverter_mpg elif targetFormat == "ogv": conversionCommandBase = ExportMediaConverter.appConfig.videoMediaConverter_ogv elif targetFormat == "avi": conversionCommandBase = ExportMediaConverter.appConfig.videoMediaConverter_avi newFileName = mediaBaseName + "." + targetFormat outFilePath = workingDir + "/" + newFileName if tagName == "audio": audioInFile = mediaName elif tagName == "video": videoInFile = mediaName videoOutFile = newFileName workingDir = Path(inFilePath).parent cmdEnv = {'PATH' : os.environ['PATH'] } exeDir = globals.application.config.exePath.parent mediaToolsDir = str(exeDir/"mediaconverters") if sys.platform[:3] == "win": cmdEnv['PATH'] = mediaToolsDir + os.pathsep + cmdEnv['PATH'] cmdEnv['SYSTEMROOT'] = os.environ['SYSTEMROOT'] conversionCommand = conversionCommandBase \ % {"infile" : mediaName, "outfile" : newFileName} print "Converting: run %s\n" % conversionCommand call(conversionCommand, shell=True, cwd=workingDir, env=cmdEnv) htmlContent = htmlContent.replace(mediaName, newFileName) # go forward so we don't find the same one again startIndex = startIndex + 1 #see if we have one audio and one video - in which case auto mix them if countVideo == 1 and countAudio == 1: audioInFileAbs = workingDir + "/" + audioInFile videoInFileAbs = workingDir + "/" + videoInFile combinedOutFile = workingDir + "/" + videoOutFile print "Mixing Video/Audio" mixCommand = ExportMediaConverter.appConfig.ffmpegPath + " -i %(audioin)s -i %(videoin)s -s qcif -vcodec h263 -acodec libvo_aacenc -ac 1 -ar 8000 -r 25 -ab 32 -y -aspect 4:3 %(videoout)s" \ % { "audioin" : audioInFileAbs, "videoin" : videoInFileAbs, "videoout" : combinedOutFile} print "Running command %s \n" % mixCommand call(mixCommand, shell=True) #remove the <script part that exe made for FF3- compatibility #TODO: potential case sensitivity issue here -but exe always makes lower case... startScriptIndex = self._findNextTagStart(htmlContent, 0, ["script"]) if startScriptIndex != -1: endScriptIndex = htmlContent.find("</script>") + 9 htmlContent = htmlContent[:startScriptIndex] + htmlContent[endScriptIndex:] return htmlContent
def loadSettings(self): """ Loads the settings from the exe.conf file. Overrides the defaults set in __init__ """ # Set up the parser so that if a certain value is not in the config # file, it will use the value from our default values def defVal(dummy, option): """If something is not in the config file, just use the default in 'self'""" return getattr(self, option) self.configParser.defaultValue = defVal self.upgradeFile() # System Section if self.configParser.has_section('system'): system = self.configParser.system self.webDir = Path(system.webDir) self.xulDir = Path(system.xulDir) self.localeDir = Path(system.localeDir) self.port = int(system.port) self.browserPath = Path(system.browserPath) self.dataDir = Path(system.dataDir) self.configDir = Path(system.configDir) self.assumeMediaPlugins = False if self.configParser.has_option('system', \ 'assumeMediaPlugins'): value = system.assumeMediaPlugins.strip().lower() if value == "1" or value == "yes" or value == "true" or \ value == "on": self.assumeMediaPlugins = True # If the dataDir points to some other dir, fix it if not self.dataDir.isdir(): self.dataDir = tempfile.gettempdir() # make the webDir absolute, to hide path joins of relative paths self.webDir = self.webDir.expand().abspath() # If the configDir doesn't exist (as it may be a default setting with a # new installation) create it if not self.configDir.exists(): self.configDir.mkdir() # Get the list of recently opened projects self.recentProjects = [] if self.configParser.has_section('recent_projects'): recentProjectsSection = self.configParser.recent_projects for key, path in recentProjectsSection.items(): self.recentProjects.append(path) # Load the list of "hidden" iDevices self.hiddeniDevices = [] if self.configParser.has_section('idevices'): idevicesSection = self.configParser.idevices for key, value in idevicesSection.items(): # emulate standard library's getboolean() value = value.strip().lower() if value == "0" or value == "no" or value == "false" or \ value == "off": self.hiddeniDevices.append(key.lower()) #self.deprecatediDevices = [ "flash with text", "flash movie", ...] # and UN-Load from the list of "deprecated" iDevices if self.configParser.has_section('deprecated'): deprecatedSection = self.configParser.deprecated for key, value in deprecatedSection.items(): # emulate standard library's getboolean() value = value.strip().lower() if value == "1" or value == "yes" or value == "true" or \ value == "on": if key.lower() in self.deprecatediDevices: self.deprecatediDevices.remove(key.lower()) # Load the "user" section if self.configParser.has_section('user'): if self.configParser.user.has_option('internalAnchors'): self.internalAnchors = self.configParser.user.internalAnchors if self.configParser.user.has_option('locale'): self.locale = self.configParser.user.locale return self.locale = chooseDefaultLocale(self.localeDir)
class Epub3Export(object): """ Exports an eXe package as a epub 3 package The 'Hello World' of a epub 3 publication might contain files: mimetype META-INF/container.xml Content/HelloWorld.opf Content/HelloWorld.xhtml """ def __init__(self, config, styleDir, filename): """ Initialize 'styleDir' is the directory from which we will copy our style sheets (and some gifs) """ self.config = config self.imagesDir = config.webDir / "images" self.scriptsDir = config.webDir / "scripts" self.cssDir = config.webDir / "css" self.templatesDir = config.webDir / "templates" self.schemasDir = config.webDir / "schemas/ims" self.styleDir = Path(styleDir) self.filename = Path(filename) self.pages = [] def export(self, package): """ Export epub 3 package """ # First do the export to a temporary directory outputDir = TempDirPath() ''' fileDir = outputDir/"META-INF" fileDir.mkdir() fileDir = outputDir/"Content" fileDir.mkdir() ''' metainfPages = Path(outputDir.abspath() + '/META-INF') # metainfPages = outputDir/'META-INF' metainfPages.mkdir() contentPages = Path(outputDir.abspath() + '/EPUB') # contentPages = outputDir/'Content' contentPages.mkdir() # print contentPages.abspath() # print outputDir.abspath() # Export the package content self.pages = [Epub3Cover("cover", 1, package.root)] self.generatePages(package.root, 2) uniquifyNames(self.pages) cover = None for page in self.pages: if hasattr(page, 'cover'): cover = page.cover # Create mimetype file mimetypeFile = open(outputDir.abspath() + '/mimetype', "w") mimetypeFile.write('application/epub+zip') mimetypeFile.close() # Copy the style sheet files to the output dir # But not nav.css styleFiles = [self.styleDir / '..' / 'base.css'] styleFiles += [self.styleDir / '..' / 'popup_bg.gif'] styleFiles += [f for f in self.styleDir.files("*.css") if f.basename() != "nav.css"] styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.jpg") styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.gif") styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.png") styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.js") styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.html") styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.ttf") styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.eot") styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.otf") styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.woff") # FIXME for now, only copy files referenced in Common Cartridge # this really should apply to all exports, but without a manifest # of the files needed by an included stylesheet it is too restrictive package.resourceDir.copyfiles(contentPages) self.styleDir.copylist(styleFiles, contentPages) self.scriptsDir.copylist(('common.js',), contentPages) # copy players for media idevices. hasFlowplayer = False hasMagnifier = False hasXspfplayer = False hasGallery = False hasFX = False hasSH = False hasGames = False hasWikipedia = False isBreak = False hasInstructions = False hasTooltips = False for page in self.pages: if isBreak: break for idevice in page.node.idevices: if (hasFlowplayer and hasMagnifier and hasXspfplayer and hasGallery and hasFX and hasSH and hasGames and hasWikipedia): isBreak = True break if not hasFlowplayer: if 'flowPlayer.swf' in idevice.systemResources: hasFlowplayer = True if not hasMagnifier: if 'mojomagnify.js' in idevice.systemResources: hasMagnifier = True if not hasXspfplayer: if 'xspf_player.swf' in idevice.systemResources: hasXspfplayer = True if not hasGallery: hasGallery = common.ideviceHasGallery(idevice) if not hasFX: hasFX = common.ideviceHasFX(idevice) if not hasSH: hasSH = common.ideviceHasSH(idevice) if not hasGames: hasGames = common.ideviceHasGames(idevice) if not hasWikipedia: if 'WikipediaIdevice' == idevice.klass: hasWikipedia = True if not hasInstructions: if 'TrueFalseIdevice' == idevice.klass or 'MultichoiceIdevice' == idevice.klass or 'VerdaderofalsofpdIdevice' == idevice.klass or 'EleccionmultiplefpdIdevice' == idevice.klass: hasInstructions = True if not hasTooltips: hasTooltips = common.ideviceHasTooltips(idevice) if hasFlowplayer: videofile = (self.templatesDir / 'flowPlayer.swf') videofile.copyfile(contentPages / 'flowPlayer.swf') controlsfile = (self.templatesDir / 'flowplayer.controls.swf') controlsfile.copyfile(contentPages / 'flowplayer.controls.swf') if hasMagnifier: videofile = (self.templatesDir / 'mojomagnify.js') videofile.copyfile(contentPages / 'mojomagnify.js') if hasXspfplayer: videofile = (self.templatesDir / 'xspf_player.swf') videofile.copyfile(contentPages / 'xspf_player.swf') if hasGallery: exeLightbox = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_lightbox') exeLightbox.copyfiles(contentPages) if hasFX: exeEffects = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_effects') exeEffects.copyfiles(contentPages) if hasSH: exeSH = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_highlighter') exeSH.copyfiles(contentPages) if hasGames: exeGames = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_games') exeGames.copyfiles(contentPages) if hasWikipedia: wikipediaCSS = (self.cssDir / 'exe_wikipedia.css') wikipediaCSS.copyfile(contentPages / 'exe_wikipedia.css') if hasInstructions: common.copyFileIfNotInStyle('panel-amusements.png', self, contentPages) common.copyFileIfNotInStyle('stock-stop.png', self, contentPages) if hasTooltips: exe_tooltips = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_tooltips') exe_tooltips.copyfiles(contentPages) my_style = G.application.config.styleStore.getStyle( if my_style.hasValidConfig: if my_style.get_jquery() == True: jsFile = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_jquery.js') jsFile.copyfile(contentPages / 'exe_jquery.js') else: jsFile = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_jquery.js') jsFile.copyfile(contentPages / 'exe_jquery.js') # if hasattr(package, 'exportSource') and package.exportSource: # (G.application.config.webDir / 'templates' / 'content.xsd').copyfile(outputDir / 'content.xsd') # (outputDir / '').write_bytes(encodeObject(package)) # (outputDir / 'contentv3.xml').write_bytes(encodeObjectToXML(package)) if package.license == "license GFDL": # include a copy of the GNU Free Documentation Licence (self.templatesDir / 'fdl.html').copyfile(contentPages / 'fdl.html') # Create the nav.xhtml file container = NavEpub3(self.pages, contentPages) # Create the publication file publication = PublicationEpub3(self.config, contentPages, package, self.pages, cover)"package.opf") # Create the container file container = ContainerEpub3(metainfPages)"container.xml") # Zip it up! self.filename.safeSave(self.doZip, _(u'EXPORT FAILED!\nLast succesful export is %s.'), outputDir) # Clean up the temporary dir outputDir.rmtree() def doZip(self, fileObj, outputDir): """ Actually does the zipping of the file. Called by 'Path.safeSave' """ zipped = ZipFile(fileObj, "w") mimetype = outputDir / "mimetype" zipped.write(mimetype, "mimetype", ZIP_STORED) for epubFile in outputDir.walkfiles(): if epubFile.basename() == 'mimetype': continue relativePath = epubFile.basename() parentdir = epubFile.splitpath()[0] while (outputDir.basename() != parentdir.basename()): relativePath = parentdir.basename() / relativePath parentdir = parentdir.splitpath()[0] zipped.write(epubFile, relativePath.encode('utf8'), compress_type=ZIP_DEFLATED) zipped.close() def generatePages(self, node, depth): """ Recursive function for exporting a node. 'node' is the node that we are making a page for 'depth' is the number of ancestors that the page has +1 (ie. root is 1) """ pageName = node.titleShort.lower().replace(" ", u"_") pageName = re.sub(r"\W", "", pageName) if not pageName: pageName = u"__" if pageName[0] in [unicode(i) for i in range(0, 10)]: pageName = u'_' + pageName page = Epub3Page(pageName, depth, node) self.pages.append(page) for child in node.children: self.generatePages(child, depth + 1)
def export(self, package): """ Export epub 3 package """ # First do the export to a temporary directory outputDir = TempDirPath() ''' fileDir = outputDir/"META-INF" fileDir.mkdir() fileDir = outputDir/"Content" fileDir.mkdir() ''' metainfPages = Path(outputDir.abspath() + '/META-INF') # metainfPages = outputDir/'META-INF' metainfPages.mkdir() contentPages = Path(outputDir.abspath() + '/EPUB') # contentPages = outputDir/'Content' contentPages.mkdir() # print contentPages.abspath() # print outputDir.abspath() # Export the package content self.pages = [Epub3Cover("cover", 1, package.root)] self.generatePages(package.root, 2) uniquifyNames(self.pages) cover = None for page in self.pages: if hasattr(page, 'cover'): cover = page.cover # Create mimetype file mimetypeFile = open(outputDir.abspath() + '/mimetype', "w") mimetypeFile.write('application/epub+zip') mimetypeFile.close() # Copy the style sheet files to the output dir # But not nav.css styleFiles = [self.styleDir / '..' / 'base.css'] styleFiles += [self.styleDir / '..' / 'popup_bg.gif'] styleFiles += [f for f in self.styleDir.files("*.css") if f.basename() != "nav.css"] styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.jpg") styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.gif") styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.png") styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.js") styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.html") styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.ttf") styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.eot") styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.otf") styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.woff") # FIXME for now, only copy files referenced in Common Cartridge # this really should apply to all exports, but without a manifest # of the files needed by an included stylesheet it is too restrictive package.resourceDir.copyfiles(contentPages) self.styleDir.copylist(styleFiles, contentPages) self.scriptsDir.copylist(('common.js',), contentPages) # copy players for media idevices. hasFlowplayer = False hasMagnifier = False hasXspfplayer = False hasGallery = False hasFX = False hasSH = False hasGames = False hasWikipedia = False isBreak = False hasInstructions = False hasTooltips = False for page in self.pages: if isBreak: break for idevice in page.node.idevices: if (hasFlowplayer and hasMagnifier and hasXspfplayer and hasGallery and hasFX and hasSH and hasGames and hasWikipedia): isBreak = True break if not hasFlowplayer: if 'flowPlayer.swf' in idevice.systemResources: hasFlowplayer = True if not hasMagnifier: if 'mojomagnify.js' in idevice.systemResources: hasMagnifier = True if not hasXspfplayer: if 'xspf_player.swf' in idevice.systemResources: hasXspfplayer = True if not hasGallery: hasGallery = common.ideviceHasGallery(idevice) if not hasFX: hasFX = common.ideviceHasFX(idevice) if not hasSH: hasSH = common.ideviceHasSH(idevice) if not hasGames: hasGames = common.ideviceHasGames(idevice) if not hasWikipedia: if 'WikipediaIdevice' == idevice.klass: hasWikipedia = True if not hasInstructions: if 'TrueFalseIdevice' == idevice.klass or 'MultichoiceIdevice' == idevice.klass or 'VerdaderofalsofpdIdevice' == idevice.klass or 'EleccionmultiplefpdIdevice' == idevice.klass: hasInstructions = True if not hasTooltips: hasTooltips = common.ideviceHasTooltips(idevice) if hasFlowplayer: videofile = (self.templatesDir / 'flowPlayer.swf') videofile.copyfile(contentPages / 'flowPlayer.swf') controlsfile = (self.templatesDir / 'flowplayer.controls.swf') controlsfile.copyfile(contentPages / 'flowplayer.controls.swf') if hasMagnifier: videofile = (self.templatesDir / 'mojomagnify.js') videofile.copyfile(contentPages / 'mojomagnify.js') if hasXspfplayer: videofile = (self.templatesDir / 'xspf_player.swf') videofile.copyfile(contentPages / 'xspf_player.swf') if hasGallery: exeLightbox = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_lightbox') exeLightbox.copyfiles(contentPages) if hasFX: exeEffects = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_effects') exeEffects.copyfiles(contentPages) if hasSH: exeSH = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_highlighter') exeSH.copyfiles(contentPages) if hasGames: exeGames = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_games') exeGames.copyfiles(contentPages) if hasWikipedia: wikipediaCSS = (self.cssDir / 'exe_wikipedia.css') wikipediaCSS.copyfile(contentPages / 'exe_wikipedia.css') if hasInstructions: common.copyFileIfNotInStyle('panel-amusements.png', self, contentPages) common.copyFileIfNotInStyle('stock-stop.png', self, contentPages) if hasTooltips: exe_tooltips = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_tooltips') exe_tooltips.copyfiles(contentPages) my_style = G.application.config.styleStore.getStyle( if my_style.hasValidConfig: if my_style.get_jquery() == True: jsFile = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_jquery.js') jsFile.copyfile(contentPages / 'exe_jquery.js') else: jsFile = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_jquery.js') jsFile.copyfile(contentPages / 'exe_jquery.js') # if hasattr(package, 'exportSource') and package.exportSource: # (G.application.config.webDir / 'templates' / 'content.xsd').copyfile(outputDir / 'content.xsd') # (outputDir / '').write_bytes(encodeObject(package)) # (outputDir / 'contentv3.xml').write_bytes(encodeObjectToXML(package)) if package.license == "license GFDL": # include a copy of the GNU Free Documentation Licence (self.templatesDir / 'fdl.html').copyfile(contentPages / 'fdl.html') # Create the nav.xhtml file container = NavEpub3(self.pages, contentPages) # Create the publication file publication = PublicationEpub3(self.config, contentPages, package, self.pages, cover)"package.opf") # Create the container file container = ContainerEpub3(metainfPages)"container.xml") # Zip it up! self.filename.safeSave(self.doZip, _(u'EXPORT FAILED!\nLast succesful export is %s.'), outputDir) # Clean up the temporary dir outputDir.rmtree()
def export(self, package): """ Export epub 3 package """ # First do the export to a temporary directory outputDir = TempDirPath() ''' fileDir = outputDir/"META-INF" fileDir.mkdir() fileDir = outputDir/"Content" fileDir.mkdir() ''' metainfPages = Path(outputDir.abspath() + '/META-INF') # metainfPages = outputDir/'META-INF' metainfPages.mkdir() contentPages = Path(outputDir.abspath() + '/EPUB') # contentPages = outputDir/'Content' contentPages.mkdir() # print contentPages.abspath() # print outputDir.abspath() # Export the package content self.pages = [Epub3Cover("cover", 1, package.root)] self.generatePages(package.root, 2) uniquifyNames(self.pages) cover = None for page in self.pages:, self.pages) if hasattr(page, 'cover'): cover = page.cover # Create mimetype file mimetypeFile = open(outputDir.abspath() + '/mimetype', "w") mimetypeFile.write('application/epub+zip') mimetypeFile.close() # Create common_i18n file langFile = open(contentPages + '/common_i18n.js', "w") langFile.write(common.getJavaScriptStrings(False)) langFile.close() # Copy the style files to the output dir # But not nav.css styleFiles = [self.styleDir /'..'/ 'popup_bg.gif'] styleFiles += [f for f in self.styleDir.files("*.*") if f.basename() not in ['nav.css']] # FIXME for now, only copy files referenced in Common Cartridge # this really should apply to all exports, but without a manifest # of the files needed by an included stylesheet it is too restrictive # Add fallback document for possible image links if Path(self.styleDir/'fallback.xhtml').exists(): styleFiles += [self.styleDir /'fallback.xhtml'] else: styleFiles += [self.styleDir/'..'/'fallback.xhtml'] # copy the package's resource files for resourceFile in package.resourceDir.walkfiles(): fn = package.resourceDir.relpathto(resourceFile) if ("/" in fn): Dir = Path(contentPages/fn[:fn.rindex("/")]) if not Dir.exists(): Dir.makedirs() resourceFile.copy(contentPages/Dir) else: resourceFile.copy(contentPages) self.styleDir.copylist(styleFiles, contentPages) # copy players for media idevices. hasFlowplayer = False hasMagnifier = False hasXspfplayer = False hasGallery = False hasFX = False hasSH = False hasGames = False hasElpLink = False hasWikipedia = False isBreak = False hasInstructions = False hasTooltips = False hasABCMusic = False for page in self.pages: if isBreak: break for idevice in page.node.idevices: if (hasFlowplayer and hasMagnifier and hasXspfplayer and hasGallery and hasFX and hasSH and hasGames and hasElpLink and hasWikipedia and hasInstructions and hasTooltips and hasABCMusic): isBreak = True break if not hasFlowplayer: if 'flowPlayer.swf' in idevice.systemResources: hasFlowplayer = True if not hasMagnifier: if 'mojomagnify.js' in idevice.systemResources: hasMagnifier = True if not hasXspfplayer: if 'xspf_player.swf' in idevice.systemResources: hasXspfplayer = True if not hasGallery: hasGallery = common.ideviceHasGallery(idevice) if not hasFX: hasFX = common.ideviceHasFX(idevice) if not hasSH: hasSH = common.ideviceHasSH(idevice) if not hasGames: hasGames = common.ideviceHasGames(idevice) if not hasElpLink: hasElpLink = common.ideviceHasElpLink(idevice,package) if not hasWikipedia: if 'WikipediaIdevice' == idevice.klass: hasWikipedia = True if not hasInstructions: if 'TrueFalseIdevice' == idevice.klass or 'MultichoiceIdevice' == idevice.klass or 'VerdaderofalsofpdIdevice' == idevice.klass or 'EleccionmultiplefpdIdevice' == idevice.klass: hasInstructions = True if not hasTooltips: hasTooltips = common.ideviceHasTooltips(idevice) if not hasABCMusic: hasABCMusic = common.ideviceHasABCMusic(idevice) common.exportJavaScriptIdevicesFiles(page.node.idevices, contentPages); if hasFlowplayer: videofile = (self.templatesDir / 'flowPlayer.swf') videofile.copyfile(contentPages / 'flowPlayer.swf') controlsfile = (self.templatesDir / 'flowplayer.controls.swf') controlsfile.copyfile(contentPages / 'flowplayer.controls.swf') if hasMagnifier: videofile = (self.templatesDir / 'mojomagnify.js') videofile.copyfile(contentPages / 'mojomagnify.js') if hasXspfplayer: videofile = (self.templatesDir / 'xspf_player.swf') videofile.copyfile(contentPages / 'xspf_player.swf') if hasGallery: exeLightbox = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_lightbox') exeLightbox.copyfiles(contentPages) if hasFX: exeEffects = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_effects') exeEffects.copyfiles(contentPages) if hasSH: exeSH = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_highlighter') exeSH.copyfiles(contentPages) if hasGames: exeGames = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_games') exeGames.copyfiles(contentPages) # Add game js string to common_i18n langGameFile = open(contentPages + '/common_i18n.js', "a") langGameFile.write(common.getGamesJavaScriptStrings(False)) langGameFile.close() if hasElpLink or package.get_exportElp(): # Export the elp file currentPackagePath = Path(package.filename) currentPackagePath.copyfile(contentPages/'.elp') if hasWikipedia: wikipediaCSS = (self.cssDir / 'exe_wikipedia.css') wikipediaCSS.copyfile(contentPages / 'exe_wikipedia.css') if hasInstructions: common.copyFileIfNotInStyle('panel-amusements.png', self, contentPages) common.copyFileIfNotInStyle('stock-stop.png', self, contentPages) if hasTooltips: exe_tooltips = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_tooltips') exe_tooltips.copyfiles(contentPages) if hasABCMusic: pluginScripts = (self.scriptsDir/'tinymce_4/js/tinymce/plugins/abcmusic/export') pluginScripts.copyfiles(contentPages) my_style = G.application.config.styleStore.getStyle( if my_style.hasValidConfig: if my_style.get_jquery() == True: jsFile = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_jquery.js') jsFile.copyfile(contentPages / 'exe_jquery.js') else: jsFile = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_jquery.js') jsFile.copyfile(contentPages / 'exe_jquery.js') # Copy and minify CSS files css_files = getFilesCSSToMinify('epub3', self.styleDir) exportMinFileCSS(css_files, contentPages) # Copy and minify JS files js_files = getFilesJSToMinify('epub3', self.scriptsDir) exportMinFileJS(js_files, contentPages) # if hasattr(package, 'exportSource') and package.exportSource: # (G.application.config.webDir / 'templates' / 'content.xsd').copyfile(outputDir / 'content.xsd') # (outputDir / '').write_bytes(encodeObject(package)) # (outputDir / 'contentv3.xml').write_bytes(encodeObjectToXML(package)) if package.license == "license GFDL": # include a copy of the GNU Free Documentation Licence (self.templatesDir / 'fdl.html').copyfile(contentPages / 'fdl.html') # Create the nav.xhtml file container = NavEpub3(self.pages, contentPages) # Create the publication file publication = PublicationEpub3(self.config, contentPages, package, self.pages, cover)"package.opf") # Create the container file container = ContainerEpub3(metainfPages)"container.xml") # Zip it up! self.filename.safeSave(self.doZip, _(u'EXPORT FAILED!\nLast succesful export is %s.'), outputDir) # Clean up the temporary dir outputDir.rmtree()
class SinglePageExport(object): """ SinglePageExport will export a package as a website of HTML pages """ def __init__(self, stylesDir, outputDir, imagesDir, scriptsDir, cssDir, templatesDir): """ 'stylesDir' is the directory where we can copy the stylesheets from 'outputDir' is the directory that will be [over]written with the website """ self.html = "" = None = None self.stylesDir = Path(stylesDir) self.outputDir = Path(outputDir) self.imagesDir = Path(imagesDir) self.scriptsDir = Path(scriptsDir) self.cssDir = Path(cssDir) self.templatesDir = Path(templatesDir) = None # Create the output dir if it doesn't already exist if not self.outputDir.exists(): self.outputDir.mkdir() def export(self, package, for_print=0): """ Export web site Cleans up the previous packages pages and performs the export """ = = SinglePage("index", 1, package.root)"index.html", for_print) self.copyFiles(package) def copyFiles(self, package): """ Copy all the files used by the website. """ # Copy the style sheet files to the output dir # But not nav.css styleFiles = [self.stylesDir/'..'/'base.css'] styleFiles += [self.stylesDir/'..'/'popup_bg.gif'] styleFiles += self.stylesDir.files("*.css") if "nav.css" in styleFiles: styleFiles.remove("nav.css") styleFiles += self.stylesDir.files("*.jpg") styleFiles += self.stylesDir.files("*.gif") styleFiles += self.stylesDir.files("*.png") styleFiles += self.stylesDir.files("*.js") styleFiles += self.stylesDir.files("*.html") styleFiles += self.stylesDir.files("*.ico") styleFiles += self.stylesDir.files("*.ttf") styleFiles += self.stylesDir.files("*.eot") styleFiles += self.stylesDir.files("*.otf") styleFiles += self.stylesDir.files("*.woff") self.stylesDir.copylist(styleFiles, self.outputDir) # copy the package's resource files package.resourceDir.copyfiles(self.outputDir) # copy script files. - with modification by self.scriptsDir.copylist(('libot_drag.js', 'common.js', 'lernmodule_net.js'), self.outputDir) #JR Metemos los reproductores necesarios self.compruebaReproductores( if package.license == "GNU Free Documentation License": # include a copy of the GNU Free Documentation Licence (self.templatesDir/'fdl.html').copyfile(self.outputDir/'fdl.html') def compruebaReproductores(self, node): """ Comprobamos si hay que meter algun reproductor """ # copy players for media idevices. hasFlowplayer = False hasMagnifier = False hasXspfplayer = False hasGallery = False for idevice in node.idevices: if (hasFlowplayer and hasMagnifier and hasXspfplayer and hasGallery): break if not hasFlowplayer: if 'flowPlayer.swf' in idevice.systemResources: hasFlowplayer = True if not hasMagnifier: if 'magnifier.swf' in idevice.systemResources: hasMagnifier = True if not hasXspfplayer: if 'xspf_player.swf' in idevice.systemResources: hasXspfplayer = True if not hasGallery: if 'GalleryIdevice' == idevice.klass: hasGallery = True if hasFlowplayer: videofile = (self.templatesDir/'flowPlayer.swf') videofile.copyfile(self.outputDir/'flowPlayer.swf') controlsfile = (self.templatesDir/'flowplayer.controls.swf') controlsfile.copyfile(self.outputDir/'flowplayer.controls.swf') if hasMagnifier: videofile = (self.templatesDir/'magnifier.swf') videofile.copyfile(self.outputDir/'magnifier.swf') if hasXspfplayer: videofile = (self.templatesDir/'xspf_player.swf') videofile.copyfile(self.outputDir/'xspf_player.swf') if hasGallery: imageGalleryCSS = (self.cssDir/'exe_lightbox.css') imageGalleryCSS.copyfile(self.outputDir/'exe_lightbox.css') imageGalleryJS = (self.scriptsDir/'exe_lightbox.js') imageGalleryJS.copyfile(self.outputDir/'exe_lightbox.js') self.imagesDir.copylist(('exeGallery_actions.png', 'exeGallery_loading.gif'), self.outputDir) for child in node.children: self.compruebaReproductores(child)
def _addOurselvesToPackage(self, oldPath): """ Adds ourselves into self._package.resources. Don't call if self._package is None. Does no copying or anything. Just sticks us in the list and sets our storage name """ # new safety mechanism for old corrupt packages which # have non-existent resources that are being deleted and such: if not hasattr(self, 'checksum') or self.checksum is None: if self._package is None: log.warn("Resource " + repr(self) + " has no checksum " \ + "(probably no source file), but is being removed "\ + "anyway, so ignoring.") return else: if oldPath.isfile(): log.warn("Resource " + repr(self) + " has no checksum; " \ + " adding and continuing...") # see if a few basic checks here can get it going to add: self.checksum = oldPath.md5 else: log.warn("Resource " + repr(self) + " has no checksum " \ + "(and no source file), and was being added to "\ + "package " + repr(self._package) + "; ignoring.") return # Add ourselves to our new package's list of resources if not hasattr(self._package, 'resources'): log.error( "_AddOurselvesToPackage called with an invalid package: " + " no resources on package " + repr(self._package) + "; possibly after a deepcopy") return if not hasattr(self._package, 'resourceDir'): log.error( "_AddOurselvesToPackage called with an invalid package: " + " no resourceDir on package " + repr(self._package) + "; possibly an old/corrupt resource or package") return # We want to prevent eXe from removing images while loading a package as # it won't update the references to that resource # Check if there are any resources exactly like this siblings = self._package.resources.setdefault(self.checksum, []) if siblings: # If we're in the resource dir, and already have a filename that's different to our siblings, delete the original file # It probably means we're upgrading from pre-single-file-resources or someone has created the file to be imported inside the resource dir # We are assuming that it's not a file used by other resources... if not self._package.isLoading: newName = siblings[0]._storageName if oldPath.dirname( ) == self._package.resourceDir and self._storageName != newName: oldPath.remove() self._storageName = newName else: if Path(oldPath).dirname() == self._package.resourceDir: log.debug( u"StorageName=%s was already in self._package resources" % self._storageName) else: filename = (self._package.resourceDir / oldPath.basename()) storageName = self._fn2ascii(filename) if G.application.config.cutFileName == "1" and self._package != None: if self._package.isChanged: original = (self._package.resourceDir / storageName) storageName = self.uniquePath(original, 0) else: storageName = (self._package.resourceDir / storageName).unique() else: storageName = (self._package.resourceDir / storageName).unique() self._storageName = str(Path(storageName).basename()) oldPath.copyfile(self.path) if not self._package.resources.get(self.checksum, []) or self._package.isLoading: # prevent doubling-up (as might occur when cleaning corrupt files) siblings.append(self)
def testReferenceCounting(self): """ Make 3 resources with different names but same md5, ensure they are reference counted properly """ res1 = Path('my.resource1.bin') res2 = Path('my.resource2.bin') res3 = Path('my.resource3.bin') for res in (res1, res2, res3): res.write_bytes('SOME NICE DATA') res1md5 = res1.md5 res4 = Path('tmp/my.resource1.bin') if not res4.dirname().exists(): res4.dirname().makedirs() res4.write_bytes('SOME *DIFFERENT* DATA') res4md5 = res4.md5 res1, res2, res3, res4 = map(lambda f: Resource(self.package, f), (res1, res2, res3, res4)) assert res1.storageName == 'my.resource1.bin', res1.storageName assert res2.storageName == 'my.resource1.bin', res2.storageName assert res3.storageName == 'my.resource1.bin', res3.storageName assert res4.storageName == 'my.resource1.1.bin', res4.storageName assert res4.userName == 'my.resource1.bin', res4.userName assert len(self.package.resources) == 2 assert len(self.package.resources[res1.path.md5]) == 3 assert len(self.package.resources[res4.path.md5]) == 1 assert self.package.resources[res4md5][0] is res4 # Now start deleting things res4path = Path(res4.path) assert res4path.exists() res4.delete() assert not res4path.exists() assert res4md5 not in self.package.resources assert not res4path.exists() res1path = Path(res1.path) assert res1path.exists() res2.delete() assert res1path.exists() assert res2 not in self.package.resources[res1md5] res1.delete() assert res1path.exists() assert res1 not in self.package.resources[res1md5] res3.delete() assert res1md5 not in self.package.resources assert not res1path.exists()
def export(self, package): """ Export SCORM package """ # First do the export to a temporary directory outputDir = TempDirPath() self.metadataType = package.exportMetadataType # copy the package's resource files package.resourceDir.copyfiles(outputDir) # copy the package's resource files, only non existant in outputDir # outputDirFiles = outputDir.files() # for rfile in package.resourceDir.files(): # if rfile not in outputDirFiles: # rfile.copy(outputDir) # copy the package's resource files, only indexed in package.resources # for md5 in package.resources.values(): # for resource in md5: # resource.path.copy(outputDir) # Export the package content # Import the Scorm Page class , if the secure mode is off. If the style has it's own page class # use that, else use the default one. if self.styleSecureMode=="0": if (self.styleDir/"").exists(): global ScormPage module = imp.load_source("ScormPage",self.styleDir/"") ScormPage = module.ScormPage self.pages = [ ScormPage("index", 1, package.root, scormType=self.scormType, metadataType=self.metadataType) ] self.generatePages(package.root, 2) uniquifyNames(self.pages) for page in self.pages: if not self.hasForum: for idevice in page.node.idevices: if hasattr(idevice, "isForum"): if == "moodle": self.hasForum = True break # Create the manifest file manifest = Manifest(self.config, outputDir, package, self.pages, self.scormType, self.metadataType)"imsmanifest.xml") if self.hasForum:"discussionforum.xml") # Copy the style sheet files to the output dir styleFiles = [self.styleDir/'..'/'base.css'] styleFiles += [self.styleDir/'..'/'popup_bg.gif'] # And with all the files of the style we avoid problems: styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.*") if self.scormType == "commoncartridge": for sf in styleFiles[:]: if sf.basename() not in manifest.dependencies: styleFiles.remove(sf) self.styleDir.copylist(styleFiles, outputDir) # Copy the scripts dT = common.getExportDocType() if dT == "HTML5": jsFile = (self.scriptsDir/'exe_html5.js') jsFile.copyfile(outputDir/'exe_html5.js') # jQuery my_style = G.application.config.styleStore.getStyle( if my_style.hasValidConfig: if my_style.get_jquery() == True: jsFile = (self.scriptsDir/'exe_jquery.js') jsFile.copyfile(outputDir/'exe_jquery.js') else: jsFile = (self.scriptsDir/'exe_jquery.js') jsFile.copyfile(outputDir/'exe_jquery.js') if self.scormType == "commoncartridge": jsFile = (self.scriptsDir/'common.js') jsFile.copyfile(outputDir/'common.js') if self.scormType == "scorm2004" or self.scormType == "scorm1.2": self.scriptsDir.copylist(('SCORM_API_wrapper.js', 'SCOFunctions.js', 'lernmodule_net.js', 'lernmodule_net_custom.js', 'common.js'), outputDir) # about SCHEMAS: schemasDir = "" if self.scormType == "scorm1.2": schemasDir = self.schemasDir/"scorm1.2" schemasDir.copylist(('imscp_rootv1p1p2.xsd', 'imsmd_rootv1p2p1.xsd', 'adlcp_rootv1p2.xsd', 'lom.xsd', 'lomCustom.xsd', 'ims_xml.xsd'), outputDir) elif self.scormType == "scorm2004": schemasDir = self.schemasDir/"scorm2004" schemasDir.copylist(('adlcp_v1p3.xsd', 'adlnav_v1p3.xsd', 'adlseq_v1p3.xsd', 'datatypes.dtd', 'imscp_v1p1.xsd', 'imsssp_v1p0.xsd', 'imsss_v1p0.xsd', 'imsss_v1p0auxresource.xsd', 'imsss_v1p0control.xsd', 'imsss_v1p0delivery.xsd', 'imsmd_rootv1p2p1.xsd', 'imsss_v1p0limit.xsd', 'imsss_v1p0objective.xsd', 'imsss_v1p0random.xsd', 'imsss_v1p0rollup.xsd', 'imsss_v1p0seqrule.xsd', 'imsss_v1p0util.xsd', 'ims_xml.xsd', 'lom.xsd', 'lomCustom.xsd', 'xml.xsd', 'XMLSchema.dtd'), outputDir) try: import shutil, errno shutil.copytree(schemasDir/"common", outputDir/"common") shutil.copytree(schemasDir/"extend", outputDir/"extend") shutil.copytree(schemasDir/"unique", outputDir/"unique") shutil.copytree(schemasDir/"vocab", outputDir/"vocab") except OSError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.ENOTDIR: shutil.copy(schemasDir, outputDir) else: raise # copy players for media idevices. hasFlowplayer = False hasMagnifier = False hasXspfplayer = False hasGallery = False hasWikipedia = False isBreak = False hasInstructions = False hasMediaelement = False for page in self.pages: if isBreak: break for idevice in page.node.idevices: if (hasFlowplayer and hasMagnifier and hasXspfplayer and hasGallery and hasWikipedia and hasInstructions and hasMediaelement): isBreak = True break if not hasFlowplayer: if 'flowPlayer.swf' in idevice.systemResources: hasFlowplayer = True if not hasMagnifier: if 'mojomagnify.js' in idevice.systemResources: hasMagnifier = True if not hasXspfplayer: if 'xspf_player.swf' in idevice.systemResources: hasXspfplayer = True if not hasGallery: hasGallery = common.ideviceHasGallery(idevice) if not hasWikipedia: if 'WikipediaIdevice' == idevice.klass: hasWikipedia = True if not hasInstructions: if 'TrueFalseIdevice' == idevice.klass or 'MultichoiceIdevice' == idevice.klass or 'VerdaderofalsofpdIdevice' == idevice.klass or 'EleccionmultiplefpdIdevice' == idevice.klass: hasInstructions = True if not hasMediaelement: hasMediaelement = common.ideviceHasMediaelement(idevice) if hasFlowplayer: videofile = (self.templatesDir/'flowPlayer.swf') videofile.copyfile(outputDir/'flowPlayer.swf') controlsfile = (self.templatesDir/'flowplayer.controls.swf') controlsfile.copyfile(outputDir/'flowplayer.controls.swf') if hasMagnifier: videofile = (self.templatesDir/'mojomagnify.js') videofile.copyfile(outputDir/'mojomagnify.js') if hasXspfplayer: videofile = (self.templatesDir/'xspf_player.swf') videofile.copyfile(outputDir/'xspf_player.swf') if hasGallery: imageGalleryCSS = (self.cssDir/'exe_lightbox.css') imageGalleryCSS.copyfile(outputDir/'exe_lightbox.css') imageGalleryJS = (self.scriptsDir/'exe_lightbox.js') imageGalleryJS.copyfile(outputDir/'exe_lightbox.js') self.imagesDir.copylist(('exe_lightbox_close.png', 'exe_lightbox_loading.gif', 'exe_lightbox_next.png', 'exe_lightbox_prev.png'), outputDir) if hasWikipedia: wikipediaCSS = (self.cssDir/'exe_wikipedia.css') wikipediaCSS.copyfile(outputDir/'exe_wikipedia.css') if hasInstructions: common.copyFileIfNotInStyle('panel-amusements.png', self, outputDir) common.copyFileIfNotInStyle('stock-stop.png', self, outputDir) if hasMediaelement: mediaelement = (self.scriptsDir/'mediaelement') mediaelement.copyfiles(outputDir) if dT != "HTML5": jsFile = (self.scriptsDir/'exe_html5.js') if self.scormType == "scorm1.2" or self.scormType == "scorm2004": if package.license == "license GFDL": # include a copy of the GNU Free Documentation Licence (self.templatesDir/'fdl.html').copyfile(outputDir/'fdl.html') if hasattr(package, 'scowsinglepage') and package.scowsinglepage: page = SinglePage("singlepage_index", 1, package.root)"singlepage_index.html") # Incluide eXe's icon if the Style doesn't have one themePath = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir/ themeFavicon = themePath.joinpath("favicon.ico") if not themeFavicon.exists(): faviconFile = (self.imagesDir/'favicon.ico') faviconFile.copyfile(outputDir/'favicon.ico') if hasattr(package, 'scowwebsite') and package.scowwebsite: website = WebsiteExport(self.config, self.styleDir, outputDir, "website_") website.export(package) (self.styleDir/'nav.css').copyfile(outputDir/'nav.css') # Incluide eXe's icon if the Style doesn't have one themePath = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir/ themeFavicon = themePath.joinpath("favicon.ico") if not themeFavicon.exists(): faviconFile = (self.imagesDir/'favicon.ico') faviconFile.copyfile(outputDir/'favicon.ico') if hasattr(package, 'exportSource') and package.exportSource: (G.application.config.webDir/'templates'/'content.xsd').copyfile(outputDir/'content.xsd') (outputDir/'').write_bytes(encodeObject(package)) (outputDir/'contentv3.xml').write_bytes(encodeObjectToXML(package)) # Zip it up! self.filename.safeSave(self.doZip, _('EXPORT FAILED!\nLast succesful export is %s.'), outputDir) # Clean up the temporary dir outputDir.rmtree()
class ScormExport(object): """ Exports an eXe package as a SCORM package """ def __init__(self, config, styleDir, filename, scormType): """ Initialize 'styleDir' is the directory from which we will copy our style sheets (and some gifs) """ self.config = config self.imagesDir = config.webDir / "images" self.scriptsDir = config.webDir / "scripts" self.cssDir = config.webDir / "css" self.templatesDir = config.webDir / "templates" self.schemasDir = config.webDir / "schemas" self.styleDir = Path(styleDir) self.filename = Path(filename) self.pages = [] self.hasForum = False self.scormType = scormType self.styleSecureMode = config.styleSecureMode def export(self, package): """ Export SCORM package """ # First do the export to a temporary directory outputDir = TempDirPath() self.metadataType = package.exportMetadataType # copy the package's resource files package.resourceDir.copyfiles(outputDir) # copy the package's resource files, only non existant in outputDir # outputDirFiles = outputDir.files() # for rfile in package.resourceDir.files(): # if rfile not in outputDirFiles: # rfile.copy(outputDir) # copy the package's resource files, only indexed in package.resources # for md5 in package.resources.values(): # for resource in md5: # resource.path.copy(outputDir) # Export the package content # Import the Scorm Page class , if the secure mode is off. If the style has it's own page class # use that, else use the default one. if self.styleSecureMode == "0": if (self.styleDir / "").exists(): global ScormPage module = imp.load_source("ScormPage", self.styleDir / "") ScormPage = module.ScormPage self.pages = [ ScormPage("index", 1, package.root, scormType=self.scormType, metadataType=self.metadataType) ] self.generatePages(package.root, 2) uniquifyNames(self.pages) for page in self.pages: if not self.hasForum: for idevice in page.node.idevices: if hasattr(idevice, "isForum"): if == "moodle": self.hasForum = True break # Create the manifest file manifest = Manifest(self.config, outputDir, package, self.pages, self.scormType, self.metadataType)"imsmanifest.xml") if self.hasForum:"discussionforum.xml") # Copy the style sheet files to the output dir styleFiles = [self.styleDir / '..' / 'popup_bg.gif'] # And with all the files of the style we avoid problems: styleFiles += self.styleDir.files("*.*") if self.scormType == "commoncartridge": for sf in styleFiles[:]: if sf.basename() not in manifest.dependencies: styleFiles.remove(sf) self.styleDir.copylist(styleFiles, outputDir) listCSSFiles = getFilesCSSToMinify('scorm', self.styleDir) exportMinFileCSS(listCSSFiles, outputDir) # Copy the scripts dT = common.getExportDocType() if dT == "HTML5": #listFiles+=[self.scriptsDir/'exe_html5.js'] #listOutFiles+=[outputDir/'exe_html5.js'] jsFile = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_html5.js') jsFile.copyfile(outputDir / 'exe_html5.js') # jQuery my_style = G.application.config.styleStore.getStyle( if my_style.hasValidConfig: if my_style.get_jquery() == True: #listFiles+=[self.scriptsDir/'exe_jquery.js'] #listOutFiles+=[outputDir/'exe_jquery.js'] jsFile = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_jquery.js') jsFile.copyfile(outputDir / 'exe_jquery.js') else: #listFiles+=[self.scriptsDir/'exe_jquery.js'] #listOutFiles+=[outputDir/'exe_jquery.js'] jsFile = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_jquery.js') jsFile.copyfile(outputDir / 'exe_jquery.js') if self.scormType == "commoncartridge" or self.scormType == "scorm2004" or self.scormType == "scorm1.2": listFiles = getFilesJSToMinify('scorm', self.scriptsDir) exportMinFileJS(listFiles, outputDir) if self.scormType == "scorm2004" or self.scormType == "scorm1.2": self.scriptsDir.copylist( ('SCORM_API_wrapper.js', 'SCOFunctions.js'), outputDir) # about SCHEMAS: schemasDir = "" if self.scormType == "scorm1.2": schemasDir = self.schemasDir / "scorm1.2" schemasDir.copylist(('imscp_rootv1p1p2.xsd', 'imsmd_rootv1p2p1.xsd', 'adlcp_rootv1p2.xsd', 'lom.xsd', 'lomCustom.xsd', 'ims_xml.xsd'), outputDir) elif self.scormType == "scorm2004": schemasDir = self.schemasDir / "scorm2004" schemasDir.copylist( ('adlcp_v1p3.xsd', 'adlnav_v1p3.xsd', 'adlseq_v1p3.xsd', 'datatypes.dtd', 'imscp_v1p1.xsd', 'imsssp_v1p0.xsd', 'imsss_v1p0.xsd', 'imsss_v1p0auxresource.xsd', 'imsss_v1p0control.xsd', 'imsss_v1p0delivery.xsd', 'imsmd_rootv1p2p1.xsd', 'imsss_v1p0limit.xsd', 'imsss_v1p0objective.xsd', 'imsss_v1p0random.xsd', 'imsss_v1p0rollup.xsd', 'imsss_v1p0seqrule.xsd', 'imsss_v1p0util.xsd', 'ims_xml.xsd', 'lom.xsd', 'lomCustom.xsd', 'xml.xsd', 'XMLSchema.dtd'), outputDir) try: import shutil, errno shutil.copytree(schemasDir / "common", outputDir / "common") shutil.copytree(schemasDir / "extend", outputDir / "extend") shutil.copytree(schemasDir / "unique", outputDir / "unique") shutil.copytree(schemasDir / "vocab", outputDir / "vocab") except OSError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.ENOTDIR: shutil.copy(schemasDir, outputDir) else: raise # copy players for media idevices. hasFlowplayer = False hasMagnifier = False hasXspfplayer = False hasGallery = False hasFX = False hasSH = False hasGames = False hasWikipedia = False isBreak = False hasInstructions = False hasMediaelement = False hasTooltips = False for page in self.pages: if isBreak: break for idevice in page.node.idevices: if (hasFlowplayer and hasMagnifier and hasXspfplayer and hasGallery and hasFX and hasSH and hasGames and hasWikipedia and hasInstructions and hasMediaelement and hasTooltips): isBreak = True break if not hasFlowplayer: if 'flowPlayer.swf' in idevice.systemResources: hasFlowplayer = True if not hasMagnifier: if 'mojomagnify.js' in idevice.systemResources: hasMagnifier = True if not hasXspfplayer: if 'xspf_player.swf' in idevice.systemResources: hasXspfplayer = True if not hasGallery: hasGallery = common.ideviceHasGallery(idevice) if not hasFX: hasFX = common.ideviceHasFX(idevice) if not hasSH: hasSH = common.ideviceHasSH(idevice) if not hasGames: hasGames = common.ideviceHasGames(idevice) if not hasWikipedia: if 'WikipediaIdevice' == idevice.klass: hasWikipedia = True if not hasInstructions: if 'TrueFalseIdevice' == idevice.klass or 'MultichoiceIdevice' == idevice.klass or 'VerdaderofalsofpdIdevice' == idevice.klass or 'EleccionmultiplefpdIdevice' == idevice.klass: hasInstructions = True if not hasMediaelement: hasMediaelement = common.ideviceHasMediaelement(idevice) if not hasTooltips: hasTooltips = common.ideviceHasTooltips(idevice) if hasFlowplayer: videofile = (self.templatesDir / 'flowPlayer.swf') videofile.copyfile(outputDir / 'flowPlayer.swf') controlsfile = (self.templatesDir / 'flowplayer.controls.swf') controlsfile.copyfile(outputDir / 'flowplayer.controls.swf') if hasMagnifier: videofile = (self.templatesDir / 'mojomagnify.js') videofile.copyfile(outputDir / 'mojomagnify.js') if hasXspfplayer: videofile = (self.templatesDir / 'xspf_player.swf') videofile.copyfile(outputDir / 'xspf_player.swf') if hasGallery: exeLightbox = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_lightbox') exeLightbox.copyfiles(outputDir) if hasFX: exeEffects = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_effects') exeEffects.copyfiles(outputDir) if hasSH: exeSH = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_highlighter') exeSH.copyfiles(outputDir) if hasGames: exeGames = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_games') exeGames.copyfiles(outputDir) if hasWikipedia: wikipediaCSS = (self.cssDir / 'exe_wikipedia.css') wikipediaCSS.copyfile(outputDir / 'exe_wikipedia.css') if hasInstructions: common.copyFileIfNotInStyle('panel-amusements.png', self, outputDir) common.copyFileIfNotInStyle('stock-stop.png', self, outputDir) if hasMediaelement: mediaelement = (self.scriptsDir / 'mediaelement') mediaelement.copyfiles(outputDir) if dT != "HTML5": jsFile = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_html5.js') if hasTooltips: exe_tooltips = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_tooltips') exe_tooltips.copyfiles(outputDir) if self.scormType == "scorm1.2" or self.scormType == "scorm2004": if package.license == "license GFDL": # include a copy of the GNU Free Documentation Licence (self.templatesDir / 'fdl.html').copyfile(outputDir / 'fdl.html') if hasattr(package, 'scowsinglepage') and package.scowsinglepage: page = SinglePage("singlepage_index", 1, package.root) / "singlepage_index.html") # Incluide eXe's icon if the Style doesn't have one themePath = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir / themeFavicon = themePath.joinpath("favicon.ico") if not themeFavicon.exists(): faviconFile = (self.imagesDir / 'favicon.ico') faviconFile.copyfile(outputDir / 'favicon.ico') if hasattr(package, 'scowwebsite') and package.scowwebsite: website = WebsiteExport(self.config, self.styleDir, outputDir, "website_") website.export(package) (self.styleDir / 'nav.css').copyfile(outputDir / 'nav.css') # Incluide eXe's icon if the Style doesn't have one themePath = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir / themeFavicon = themePath.joinpath("favicon.ico") if not themeFavicon.exists(): faviconFile = (self.imagesDir / 'favicon.ico') faviconFile.copyfile(outputDir / 'favicon.ico') if hasattr(package, 'exportSource') and package.exportSource: (G.application.config.webDir / 'templates' / 'content.xsd').copyfile(outputDir / 'content.xsd') (outputDir / '').write_bytes(encodeObject(package)) (outputDir / 'contentv3.xml').write_bytes( encodeObjectToXML(package)) # Zip it up! self.filename.safeSave( self.doZip, _('EXPORT FAILED!\nLast succesful export is %s.'), outputDir) # Clean up the temporary dir outputDir.rmtree() def doZip(self, fileObj, outputDir): """ Actually does the zipping of the file. Called by 'Path.safeSave' """ # Zip up the scorm package zipped = ZipFile(fileObj, "w") ## old method: only files could be copied: # for scormFile in outputDir.files(): # zipped.write(scormFile, # scormFile.basename().encode('utf8'), # ZIP_DEFLATED) ## but some folders must be included also, so: outputlen = len(outputDir) + 1 for base, dirs, files in os.walk(outputDir): for file in files: fn = os.path.join(base, file) zipped.write(fn, fn[outputlen:].encode('utf8'), ZIP_DEFLATED) # zipped.close() def generatePages(self, node, depth): """ Recursive function for exporting a node. 'node' is the node that we are making a page for 'depth' is the number of ancestors that the page has +1 (ie. root is 1) """ for child in node.children: pageName = child.titleShort.lower().replace(" ", "_") pageName = re.sub(r"\W", "", pageName) if not pageName: pageName = "__" page = ScormPage(pageName, depth, child, scormType=self.scormType, metadataType=self.metadataType) self.pages.append(page) self.generatePages(child, depth + 1)
def compruebaReproductores(self, node): """ Comprobamos si hay que meter algun reproductor """ # copy players for media idevices. hasFlowplayer = False hasMagnifier = False hasXspfplayer = False hasGallery = False hasFX = False hasSH = False hasGames = False hasElpLink = False hasWikipedia = False hasInstructions = False hasMediaelement = False hasTooltips = False hasABCMusic = False listIdevicesFiles = [] for idevice in node.idevices: if (hasFlowplayer and hasMagnifier and hasXspfplayer and hasGallery and hasFX and hasSH and hasGames and hasElpLink and hasWikipedia and hasInstructions and hasMediaelement and hasTooltips and hasABCMusic): break if not hasFlowplayer: if 'flowPlayer.swf' in idevice.systemResources: hasFlowplayer = True if not hasMagnifier: if 'mojomagnify.js' in idevice.systemResources: hasMagnifier = True if not hasXspfplayer: if 'xspf_player.swf' in idevice.systemResources: hasXspfplayer = True if not hasGallery: hasGallery = common.ideviceHasGallery(idevice) if not hasFX: hasFX = common.ideviceHasFX(idevice) if not hasSH: hasSH = common.ideviceHasSH(idevice) if not hasGames: hasGames = common.ideviceHasGames(idevice) if not hasElpLink: hasElpLink = common.ideviceHasElpLink(idevice, if not hasWikipedia: if 'WikipediaIdevice' == idevice.klass: hasWikipedia = True if not hasInstructions: if 'TrueFalseIdevice' == idevice.klass or 'MultichoiceIdevice' == idevice.klass or 'VerdaderofalsofpdIdevice' == idevice.klass or 'EleccionmultiplefpdIdevice' == idevice.klass: hasInstructions = True if not hasMediaelement: hasMediaelement = common.ideviceHasMediaelement(idevice) if not hasTooltips: hasTooltips = common.ideviceHasTooltips(idevice) if not hasABCMusic: hasABCMusic = common.ideviceHasABCMusic(idevice) if hasattr(idevice, "_iDeviceDir"): listIdevicesFiles.append( (idevice.get_jsidevice_dir() / 'export')) if hasFlowplayer: videofile = (self.templatesDir / 'flowPlayer.swf') videofile.copyfile(self.outputDir / 'flowPlayer.swf') controlsfile = (self.templatesDir / 'flowplayer.controls.swf') controlsfile.copyfile(self.outputDir / 'flowplayer.controls.swf') if hasMagnifier: videofile = (self.templatesDir / 'mojomagnify.js') videofile.copyfile(self.outputDir / 'mojomagnify.js') if hasXspfplayer: videofile = (self.templatesDir / 'xspf_player.swf') videofile.copyfile(self.outputDir / 'xspf_player.swf') if hasGallery: exeLightbox = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_lightbox') exeLightbox.copyfiles(self.outputDir) if hasFX: exeEffects = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_effects') exeEffects.copyfiles(self.outputDir) if hasSH: exeSH = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_highlighter') exeSH.copyfiles(self.outputDir) if hasGames: exeGames = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_games') exeGames.copyfiles(self.outputDir) # Add game js string to common_i18n langGameFile = open(self.outputDir + '/common_i18n.js', "a") langGameFile.write(common.getGamesJavaScriptStrings(False)) langGameFile.close() if hasElpLink or # Export the elp file currentPackagePath = Path( currentPackagePath.copyfile(self.outputDir / + '.elp') if hasWikipedia: wikipediaCSS = (self.cssDir / 'exe_wikipedia.css') wikipediaCSS.copyfile(self.outputDir / 'exe_wikipedia.css') if hasInstructions: common.copyFileIfNotInStyle('panel-amusements.png', self, self.outputDir) common.copyFileIfNotInStyle('stock-stop.png', self, self.outputDir) if hasMediaelement: mediaelement = (self.scriptsDir / 'mediaelement') mediaelement.copyfiles(self.outputDir) dT = common.getExportDocType() if dT != "HTML5": jsFile = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_html5.js') jsFile.copyfile(self.outputDir / 'exe_html5.js') if hasTooltips: exe_tooltips = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_tooltips') exe_tooltips.copyfiles(self.outputDir) if hasABCMusic: pluginScripts = (self.scriptsDir / 'tinymce_4/js/tinymce/plugins/abcmusic/export') pluginScripts.copyfiles(self.outputDir) for child in node.children: self.compruebaReproductores(child) common.exportJavaScriptIdevicesFiles(node.idevices, self.outputDir)
class SinglePageExport(object): """ SinglePageExport will export a package as a website of HTML pages """ def __init__(self, stylesDir, outputDir, imagesDir, scriptsDir, cssDir, templatesDir): """ 'stylesDir' is the directory where we can copy the stylesheets from 'outputDir' is the directory that will be [over]written with the website """ self.html = "" = None = None self.stylesDir = Path(stylesDir) self.outputDir = Path(outputDir) self.imagesDir = Path(imagesDir) self.scriptsDir = Path(scriptsDir) self.cssDir = Path(cssDir) self.templatesDir = Path(templatesDir) = None # Create the output dir if it doesn't already exist if not self.outputDir.exists(): self.outputDir.mkdir() def export(self, package, for_print=0): """ Export web site Cleans up the previous packages pages and performs the export """ = = SinglePage("index", 1, package.root) ext = 'html' if G.application.config.cutFileName == "1": ext = 'htm' / "index" + '.' + ext, for_print) if hasattr(package, 'exportSource') and package.exportSource and not for_print: (G.application.config.webDir / 'templates' / 'content.xsd').copyfile(self.outputDir / 'content.xsd') (self.outputDir / '').write_bytes( encodeObject(package)) (self.outputDir / 'contentv3.xml').write_bytes( encodeObjectToXML(package)) self.copyFiles(package) def copyFiles(self, package): """ Copy all the files used by the website. """ # Copy the style files to the output dir # But not nav.css if os.path.isdir(self.stylesDir): styleFiles = [self.stylesDir / '..' / 'popup_bg.gif'] styleFiles += self.stylesDir.files("*.*") if "nav.css" in styleFiles: styleFiles.remove("nav.css") self.stylesDir.copylist(styleFiles, self.outputDir) # copy the package's resource files for resourceFile in package.resourceDir.walkfiles(): file = package.resourceDir.relpathto(resourceFile) if ("/" in file): Dir = Path(self.outputDir / file[:file.rindex("/")]) if not Dir.exists(): Dir.makedirs() resourceFile.copy(self.outputDir / Dir) else: resourceFile.copy(self.outputDir) listCSSFiles = getFilesCSSToMinify('singlepage', self.stylesDir) exportMinFileCSS(listCSSFiles, self.outputDir) # copy script files. my_style = G.application.config.styleStore.getStyle( # jQuery if my_style.hasValidConfig(): if my_style.get_jquery() == True: jsFile = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_jquery.js') jsFile.copyfile(self.outputDir / 'exe_jquery.js') else: jsFile = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_jquery.js') jsFile.copyfile(self.outputDir / 'exe_jquery.js') dT = common.getExportDocType() if dT == "HTML5": jsFile = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_html5.js') jsFile.copyfile(self.outputDir / 'exe_html5.js') # Minify common.js file listFiles = getFilesJSToMinify('singlepage', self.scriptsDir) exportMinFileJS(listFiles, self.outputDir) # Create lang file langFile = open(self.outputDir + '/common_i18n.js', "w") langFile.write(common.getJavaScriptStrings(False)) langFile.close() # Incluide eXe's icon if the Style doesn't have one themePath = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir / themeFavicon = themePath.joinpath("favicon.ico") if not themeFavicon.exists(): faviconFile = (self.imagesDir / 'favicon.ico') faviconFile.copyfile(self.outputDir / 'favicon.ico') #JR Metemos los reproductores necesarios self.compruebaReproductores( if package.license == "license GFDL": # include a copy of the GNU Free Documentation Licence ext = 'html' if G.application.config.cutFileName == "1": ext = 'htm' (self.templatesDir / 'fdl' + '.' + ext).copyfile(self.outputDir / 'fdl' + '.' + ext) def compruebaReproductores(self, node): """ Comprobamos si hay que meter algun reproductor """ # copy players for media idevices. hasFlowplayer = False hasMagnifier = False hasXspfplayer = False hasGallery = False hasFX = False hasSH = False hasGames = False hasElpLink = False hasWikipedia = False hasInstructions = False hasMediaelement = False hasTooltips = False hasABCMusic = False listIdevicesFiles = [] for idevice in node.idevices: if (hasFlowplayer and hasMagnifier and hasXspfplayer and hasGallery and hasFX and hasSH and hasGames and hasElpLink and hasWikipedia and hasInstructions and hasMediaelement and hasTooltips and hasABCMusic): break if not hasFlowplayer: if 'flowPlayer.swf' in idevice.systemResources: hasFlowplayer = True if not hasMagnifier: if 'mojomagnify.js' in idevice.systemResources: hasMagnifier = True if not hasXspfplayer: if 'xspf_player.swf' in idevice.systemResources: hasXspfplayer = True if not hasGallery: hasGallery = common.ideviceHasGallery(idevice) if not hasFX: hasFX = common.ideviceHasFX(idevice) if not hasSH: hasSH = common.ideviceHasSH(idevice) if not hasGames: hasGames = common.ideviceHasGames(idevice) if not hasElpLink: hasElpLink = common.ideviceHasElpLink(idevice, if not hasWikipedia: if 'WikipediaIdevice' == idevice.klass: hasWikipedia = True if not hasInstructions: if 'TrueFalseIdevice' == idevice.klass or 'MultichoiceIdevice' == idevice.klass or 'VerdaderofalsofpdIdevice' == idevice.klass or 'EleccionmultiplefpdIdevice' == idevice.klass: hasInstructions = True if not hasMediaelement: hasMediaelement = common.ideviceHasMediaelement(idevice) if not hasTooltips: hasTooltips = common.ideviceHasTooltips(idevice) if not hasABCMusic: hasABCMusic = common.ideviceHasABCMusic(idevice) if hasattr(idevice, "_iDeviceDir"): listIdevicesFiles.append( (idevice.get_jsidevice_dir() / 'export')) if hasFlowplayer: videofile = (self.templatesDir / 'flowPlayer.swf') videofile.copyfile(self.outputDir / 'flowPlayer.swf') controlsfile = (self.templatesDir / 'flowplayer.controls.swf') controlsfile.copyfile(self.outputDir / 'flowplayer.controls.swf') if hasMagnifier: videofile = (self.templatesDir / 'mojomagnify.js') videofile.copyfile(self.outputDir / 'mojomagnify.js') if hasXspfplayer: videofile = (self.templatesDir / 'xspf_player.swf') videofile.copyfile(self.outputDir / 'xspf_player.swf') if hasGallery: exeLightbox = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_lightbox') exeLightbox.copyfiles(self.outputDir) if hasFX: exeEffects = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_effects') exeEffects.copyfiles(self.outputDir) if hasSH: exeSH = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_highlighter') exeSH.copyfiles(self.outputDir) if hasGames: exeGames = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_games') exeGames.copyfiles(self.outputDir) # Add game js string to common_i18n langGameFile = open(self.outputDir + '/common_i18n.js', "a") langGameFile.write(common.getGamesJavaScriptStrings(False)) langGameFile.close() if hasElpLink or # Export the elp file currentPackagePath = Path( currentPackagePath.copyfile(self.outputDir / + '.elp') if hasWikipedia: wikipediaCSS = (self.cssDir / 'exe_wikipedia.css') wikipediaCSS.copyfile(self.outputDir / 'exe_wikipedia.css') if hasInstructions: common.copyFileIfNotInStyle('panel-amusements.png', self, self.outputDir) common.copyFileIfNotInStyle('stock-stop.png', self, self.outputDir) if hasMediaelement: mediaelement = (self.scriptsDir / 'mediaelement') mediaelement.copyfiles(self.outputDir) dT = common.getExportDocType() if dT != "HTML5": jsFile = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_html5.js') jsFile.copyfile(self.outputDir / 'exe_html5.js') if hasTooltips: exe_tooltips = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_tooltips') exe_tooltips.copyfiles(self.outputDir) if hasABCMusic: pluginScripts = (self.scriptsDir / 'tinymce_4/js/tinymce/plugins/abcmusic/export') pluginScripts.copyfiles(self.outputDir) for child in node.children: self.compruebaReproductores(child) common.exportJavaScriptIdevicesFiles(node.idevices, self.outputDir) def hasUncutResources(self): """ Check if any of the resources in the exported package has an uncut filename """ for idevice in for resource in idevice.userResources: if type(resource) == Resource and len( resource.storageName) > 12: return True return False
class WebsiteExport(object): """ WebsiteExport will export a package as a website of HTML pages """ def __init__(self, config, styleDir, filename, prefix="", report=False): """ 'stylesDir' is the directory where we can copy the stylesheets from 'outputDir' is the directory that will be [over]written with the website """ self.config = config self.imagesDir = config.webDir / "images" self.scriptsDir = config.webDir / "scripts" self.cssDir = config.webDir / "css" self.templatesDir = config.webDir / "templates" self.stylesDir = Path(styleDir) self.filename = Path(filename) self.pages = [] self.prefix = prefix = report self.styleSecureMode = config.styleSecureMode def exportZip(self, package): """ Export web site Cleans up the previous packages pages and performs the export """ outputDir = TempDirPath() # Import the Website Page class , if the secure mode is off. If the style has it's own page class # use that, else use the default one. if self.styleSecureMode == "0": if (self.stylesDir / "").exists(): global WebsitePage module = imp.load_source("websitepage", self.stylesDir / "") WebsitePage = module.WebsitePage self.pages = [WebsitePage("index", 0, package.root)] self.generatePages(package.root, 1) uniquifyNames(self.pages) prevPage = None thisPage = self.pages[0] for nextPage in self.pages[1:]:, prevPage, nextPage, self.pages) prevPage = thisPage thisPage = nextPage, prevPage, None, self.pages) self.copyFiles(package, outputDir) # Zip up the website package self.filename.safeSave( self.doZip, _('EXPORT FAILED!\nLast succesful export is %s.'), outputDir) # Clean up the temporary dir outputDir.rmtree() def doZip(self, fileObj, outputDir): """ Actually saves the zip data. Called by 'Path.safeSave' """ zipped = ZipFile(fileObj, "w") for scormFile in outputDir.walkfiles(): zipped.write(scormFile, outputDir.relpathto(scormFile), ZIP_DEFLATED) zipped.close() def appendPageReport(self, page, package): ext = 'html' if G.application.config.cutFileName == "1": ext = 'htm' if not page.node.idevices: += u'"%s","%s",%d,"%s",,,,,,\n' % ( package.filename, page.node.title, page.depth, + '.' + ext) for idevice in page.node.idevices: if not idevice.userResources: += u'"%s","%s",%d,"%s","%s","%s",,,,\n' % ( package.filename, page.node.title, page.depth, + '.' + ext, idevice.klass, idevice.title) for resource in idevice.userResources: if type(resource) == Resource: += u'"%s","%s",%d,"%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","%s"\n' % ( package.filename, page.node.title, page.depth, + '.' + ext, idevice.klass, idevice.title, resource.storageName, resource.userName, resource.path, resource.checksum) else: += u'"%s",%d,"%s","%s","%s","%s",,,\n' % ( package.filename, page.node.title, page.depth, + '.' + ext, idevice.klass, idevice.title, resource) def export(self, package): """ Export web site Cleans up the previous packages pages and performs the export """ if not outputDir = self.filename if not outputDir.exists(): outputDir.mkdir() # Import the Website Page class. If the style has it's own page class # use that, else use the default one. if (self.stylesDir / "").exists(): global WebsitePage module = imp.load_source("websitepage", self.stylesDir / "") WebsitePage = module.WebsitePage self.pages = [WebsitePage(self.prefix + "index", 0, package.root)] self.generatePages(package.root, 1) uniquifyNames(self.pages) prevPage = None thisPage = self.pages[0] if = u'"%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","%s"\n' % ( 'File', 'Page Name', 'Level', 'Page File Name', 'Idevice Type', 'Idevice Title', 'Resource File Name', 'Resource User Name', 'Resource Path', 'Resource Checksum') self.appendPageReport(thisPage, package) for nextPage in self.pages[1:]: if self.appendPageReport(nextPage, package) else:, prevPage, nextPage, self.pages) prevPage = thisPage thisPage = nextPage if not, prevPage, None, self.pages) if self.prefix == "": self.copyFiles(package, outputDir) return outputDir else: self.filename.write_text(, 'utf-8') def copyFiles(self, package, outputDir): """ Copy all the files used by the website. """ if os.path.isdir(self.stylesDir): # Copy the style files to the output dir styleFiles = [self.stylesDir / '..' / 'popup_bg.gif'] styleFiles += self.stylesDir.files("*.*") self.stylesDir.copylist(styleFiles, outputDir) # copy the package's resource files for resourceFile in package.resourceDir.walkfiles(): file = package.resourceDir.relpathto(resourceFile) if ("/" in file): Dir = Path(outputDir / file[:file.rindex("/")]) if not Dir.exists(): Dir.makedirs() resourceFile.copy(outputDir / Dir) else: resourceFile.copy(outputDir) listCSSFiles = getFilesCSSToMinify('website', self.stylesDir) exportMinFileCSS(listCSSFiles, outputDir) # copy script files. my_style = G.application.config.styleStore.getStyle( # jQuery listFiles = [] listOutFiles = [] if my_style.hasValidConfig: if my_style.get_jquery() == True: jsFile = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_jquery.js') jsFile.copyfile(outputDir / 'exe_jquery.js') else: listFiles += [self.scriptsDir / 'exe_jquery.js'] listOutFiles += [outputDir / 'exe_jquery.js'] # Minify common.js file listFiles = getFilesJSToMinify('website', self.scriptsDir) exportMinFileJS(listFiles, outputDir) # Create lang file langFile = open(outputDir + '/common_i18n.js', "w") langFile.write(common.getJavaScriptStrings(False)) langFile.close() #dT = common.getExportDocType() dT = common.getExportDocType() if dT == "HTML5": jsFile = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_html5.js') jsFile.copyfile(outputDir / 'exe_html5.js') # Incluide eXe's icon if the Style doesn't have one themePath = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir / themeFavicon = themePath.joinpath("favicon.ico") if not themeFavicon.exists(): faviconFile = (self.imagesDir / 'favicon.ico') faviconFile.copyfile(outputDir / 'favicon.ico') # copy players for media idevices. hasFlowplayer = False hasMagnifier = False hasXspfplayer = False hasGallery = False hasFX = False hasSH = False hasGames = False hasWikipedia = False isBreak = False hasInstructions = False hasMediaelement = False hasTooltips = False hasABCMusic = False listIdevicesFiles = [] for page in self.pages: if isBreak: break for idevice in page.node.idevices: if (hasFlowplayer and hasMagnifier and hasXspfplayer and hasGallery and hasFX and hasSH and hasGames and hasWikipedia and hasInstructions and hasMediaelement and hasTooltips and hasABCMusic): isBreak = True break if not hasFlowplayer: if 'flowPlayer.swf' in idevice.systemResources: hasFlowplayer = True if not hasMagnifier: if 'mojomagnify.js' in idevice.systemResources: hasMagnifier = True if not hasXspfplayer: if 'xspf_player.swf' in idevice.systemResources: hasXspfplayer = True if not hasGallery: hasGallery = common.ideviceHasGallery(idevice) if not hasFX: hasFX = common.ideviceHasFX(idevice) if not hasSH: hasSH = common.ideviceHasSH(idevice) if not hasGames: hasGames = common.ideviceHasGames(idevice) if not hasWikipedia: if 'WikipediaIdevice' == idevice.klass: hasWikipedia = True if not hasInstructions: if 'TrueFalseIdevice' == idevice.klass or 'MultichoiceIdevice' == idevice.klass or 'VerdaderofalsofpdIdevice' == idevice.klass or 'EleccionmultiplefpdIdevice' == idevice.klass: hasInstructions = True if not hasMediaelement: hasMediaelement = common.ideviceHasMediaelement(idevice) if not hasTooltips: hasTooltips = common.ideviceHasTooltips(idevice) if not hasABCMusic: hasABCMusic = common.ideviceHasABCMusic(idevice) if hasattr(idevice, "_iDeviceDir"): listIdevicesFiles.append( (Path(idevice._iDeviceDir) / 'export')) common.exportJavaScriptIdevicesFiles(page.node.idevices, outputDir) if hasFlowplayer: videofile = (self.templatesDir / 'flowPlayer.swf') videofile.copyfile(outputDir / 'flowPlayer.swf') controlsfile = (self.templatesDir / 'flowplayer.controls.swf') controlsfile.copyfile(outputDir / 'flowplayer.controls.swf') if hasMagnifier: videofile = (self.templatesDir / 'mojomagnify.js') videofile.copyfile(outputDir / 'mojomagnify.js') if hasXspfplayer: videofile = (self.templatesDir / 'xspf_player.swf') videofile.copyfile(outputDir / 'xspf_player.swf') if hasGallery: exeLightbox = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_lightbox') exeLightbox.copyfiles(outputDir) if hasFX: exeEffects = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_effects') exeEffects.copyfiles(outputDir) if hasSH: exeSH = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_highlighter') exeSH.copyfiles(outputDir) if hasGames: exeGames = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_games') exeGames.copyfiles(outputDir) # Add game js string to common_i18n langGameFile = open(outputDir + '/common_i18n.js', "a") langGameFile.write(common.getGamesJavaScriptStrings(False)) langGameFile.close() if hasABCMusic: pluginScripts = (self.scriptsDir / 'tinymce_4/js/tinymce/plugins/abcmusic/export') pluginScripts.copyfiles(outputDir) if hasWikipedia: wikipediaCSS = (self.cssDir / 'exe_wikipedia.css') wikipediaCSS.copyfile(outputDir / 'exe_wikipedia.css') if hasInstructions: common.copyFileIfNotInStyle('panel-amusements.png', self, outputDir) common.copyFileIfNotInStyle('stock-stop.png', self, outputDir) if hasMediaelement: mediaelement = (self.scriptsDir / 'mediaelement') mediaelement.copyfiles(outputDir) dT = common.getExportDocType() if dT != "HTML5": jsFile = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_html5.js') jsFile.copyfile(outputDir / 'exe_html5.js') if hasTooltips: exe_tooltips = (self.scriptsDir / 'exe_tooltips') exe_tooltips.copyfiles(outputDir) if hasattr(package, 'exportSource') and package.exportSource: (G.application.config.webDir / 'templates' / 'content.xsd').copyfile(outputDir / 'content.xsd') (outputDir / '').write_bytes(encodeObject(package)) (outputDir / 'contentv3.xml').write_bytes( encodeObjectToXML(package)) ext = 'html' if G.application.config.cutFileName == "1": ext = 'htm' if package.license == "license GFDL": # include a copy of the GNU Free Documentation Licence (self.templatesDir / 'fdl' + '.' + ext).copyfile(outputDir / 'fdl' + '.' + ext) def generatePages(self, node, depth): """ Recursively generate pages and store in pages member variable for retrieving later """ for child in node.children: # assure lower pagename, without whitespaces or alphanumeric characters: pageName = child.titleShort.lower().replace(" ", "_") pageName = re.sub(r"\W", "", pageName) if not pageName: pageName = "__" self.pages.append(WebsitePage(self.prefix + pageName, depth, child)) self.generatePages(child, depth + 1) def hasUncutResources(self): """ Check if any of the resources in the exported package has an uncut filename """ for page in self.pages: for idevice in page.node.idevices: for resource in idevice.userResources: if type(resource) == Resource and len( resource.storageName) > 12: return True return False
def loadSettings(self): """ Loads the settings from the exe.conf file. Overrides the defaults set in __init__ """ # Set up the parser so that if a certain value is not in the config # file, it will use the value from our default values def defVal(dummy, option): """If something is not in the config file, just use the default in 'self'""" return getattr(self, option) self.configParser.defaultValue = defVal self.upgradeFile() # System Section if self.configParser.has_section('system'): system = self.configParser.system self.port = int(system.port) self.browser = None if system.browser == u"None" else system.browser self.stylesRepository = system.stylesRepository if not G.application.portable: self.dataDir = Path(system.dataDir) self.configDir = Path(system.configDir) self.webDir = Path(system.webDir) self.stylesDir = Path(self.configDir) / 'style' self.templatesDir = Path(self.configDir) / 'content_template' self.jsIdevicesDir = Path( self.configDir) / 'scripts' / 'idevices' self.jsDir = Path(system.jsDir) else: self.stylesDir = Path(self.webDir / 'style').abspath() self.templatesDir = Path(self.webDir / 'content_template').abspath() self.jsIdevicesDir = Path(self.webDir / 'scripts' / 'idevices').abspath() self.assumeMediaPlugins = False if self.configParser.has_option('system', 'assumeMediaPlugins'): value = system.assumeMediaPlugins.strip().lower() if value == "1" or value == "yes" or value == "true" or value == "on": self.assumeMediaPlugins = True # If the dataDir points to some other dir, fix it if not self.dataDir.isdir(): self.dataDir = tempfile.gettempdir() # make the webDir absolute, to hide path joins of relative paths self.webDir = self.webDir.expand().abspath() # If the configDir doesn't exist (as it may be a default setting with a # new installation) create it if not self.configDir.exists(): self.configDir.mkdir() if not G.application.standalone: # FM: Copy styles if not os.path.exists(self.stylesDir) or not os.listdir( self.stylesDir): self.copyStyles() else: self.updateStyles() # Copy templates if not os.path.exists(self.templatesDir) or not os.listdir( self.templatesDir): self.copyTemplates() else: self.updateTemplates() # Copy JavaScript Idevices if not os.path.exists(self.jsIdevicesDir) or not os.listdir( self.jsIdevicesDir): self.copy_js_idevices() else: self.update_js_idevices() else: if G.application.portable: if == 'posix': self.stylesDir = Path(self.webDir / '..' / '..' / '..' / 'style') self.templatesDir = Path(self.webDir / '..' / '..' / '..' / 'content_template') self.jsIdevicesDir = Path(self.webDir / '..' / '..' / '..' / 'scripts' / 'idevices') else: self.stylesDir = Path(self.webDir / '..' / 'style') self.templatesDir = Path(self.webDir / '..' / 'content_template') self.jsIdevicesDir = Path(self.webDir / '..' / 'scripts' / 'idevices') if not os.path.exists(self.stylesDir) or not os.listdir( self.stylesDir): self.copyStyles() if not os.path.exists(self.templatesDir) or not os.listdir( self.templatesDir): self.copyTemplates() if not os.path.exists(self.jsIdevicesDir) or not os.listdir( self.jsIdevicesDir): self.copy_js_idevices() else: self.stylesDir = Path(self.webDir / 'style').abspath() self.templatesDir = Path(self.webDir / 'content_template').abspath() self.jsIdevicesDir = Path(self.webDir / 'scripts' / 'idevices').abspath() # Get the list of recently opened projects self.recentProjects = [] if self.configParser.has_section('recent_projects'): recentProjectsSection = self.configParser.recent_projects # recentProjectsSection.items() is in the wrong order, keys are alright. # Sorting list by key before adding to self.recentProjects, to avoid wrong ordering # in Recent Projects menu list recentProjectsItems = recentProjectsSection.items() recentProjectsItems.sort() for key, path in recentProjectsItems: self.recentProjects.append(path) # Load the list of "hidden" iDevices self.hiddeniDevices = [] if self.configParser.has_section('idevices'): idevicesSection = self.configParser.idevices for key, value in idevicesSection.items(): # emulate standard library's getboolean() value = value.strip().lower() if value == "0" or value == "no" or value == "false" or \ value == "off": self.hiddeniDevices.append(key.lower()) # self.deprecatediDevices = [ "flash with text", "flash movie", ...] # and UN-Load from the list of "deprecated" iDevices if self.configParser.has_section('deprecated'): deprecatedSection = self.configParser.deprecated for key, value in deprecatedSection.items(): # emulate standard library's getboolean() value = value.strip().lower() if value == "1" or value == "yes" or value == "true" or \ value == "on": if key.lower() in self.deprecatediDevices: self.deprecatediDevices.remove(key.lower()) # Load the "user" section if self.configParser.has_section('user'): if self.configParser.user.has_option('editorMode'): self.editorMode = self.configParser.user.editorMode if self.configParser.user.has_option('editorVersion'): self.editorVersion = self.configParser.user.editorVersion if self.configParser.user.has_option('docType'): self.docType = self.configParser.user.docType common.setExportDocType(self.configParser.user.docType) if self.configParser.user.has_option('defaultStyle'): self.defaultStyle = self.configParser.user.defaultStyle if self.configParser.user.has_option('styleSecureMode'): self.styleSecureMode = self.configParser.user.styleSecureMode if self.configParser.user.has_option('internalAnchors'): self.internalAnchors = self.configParser.user.internalAnchors if self.configParser.user.has_option('lastDir'): self.lastDir = self.configParser.user.lastDir if self.configParser.user.has_option('showPreferencesOnStart'): self.showPreferencesOnStart = self.configParser.user.showPreferencesOnStart if self.configParser.user.has_option( 'showNewVersionWarningOnStart'): self.showNewVersionWarningOnStart = self.configParser.user.showNewVersionWarningOnStart if self.configParser.user.has_option('showIdevicesGrouped'): self.showIdevicesGrouped = self.configParser.user.showIdevicesGrouped if self.configParser.user.has_option('locale'): self.locale = self.configParser.user.locale if self.configParser.user.has_option('defaultLicense'): self.defaultLicense = self.configParser.user.defaultLicense if self.configParser.user.has_option('forceEditableExport'): self.forceEditableExport = self.configParser.user.forceEditableExport if self.configParser.user.has_option('cutFileName'): self.cutFileName = self.configParser.user.cutFileName if self.configParser.user.has_option('autosaveTime'): self.autosaveTime = self.configParser.user.autosaveTime if self.configParser.user.has_option('metadataWarning'): self.metadataWarning = self.configParser.user.metadataWarning