Esempio n. 1
def get_fortran_file(steering_file, module):
    Get the fortran file from a cas (looks into coupled steering files as well)

    @param steering_file Name of the steering file
    @param module Name of the module
    dico = path.join(environ['HOMETEL'], 'sources', module, module + '.dico')
    cas = TelemacCas(steering_file, dico)
    fortran_file = cas.get('FORTRAN FILE', '')

    if fortran_file == '':
        # Only searching in coupled files for telemac2d and telemac3d
        fortran_file = None
        if module in ["telemac2d", "telemac3d"]:
            cpl_with = cas.get('COUPLING WITH', '')
            if cpl_with == '':
                return None
            cpl_mods = cpl_with.lower().split(';')
            for cpl_mod in cpl_mods:
                cpl_dico = path.join(environ['HOMETEL'], 'sources', cpl_mod,
                                     cpl_mod + '.dico')
                cpl_steering_file = cas.get(cpl_mod.upper() + ' STEERING FILE')
                # Some coupled module do not have a dictionary (nestor, waqtel)
                if path.exists(cpl_dico):
                    cpl_cas = TelemacCas(cpl_steering_file, cpl_dico)
                    fortran_file = cpl_cas.get('FORTRAN FILE', '')
                    del cpl_cas
                    if fortran_file != '':
                        return fortran_file
            return None

    return fortran_file
def get_result_file_name(module, cas_file):
       Returns the name of the result file for a given case.

       @param module	name of the telemac module
       @param cas_file	name of the telemac steering file
    dico_file = path.join(environ['HOMETEL'], 'sources', module, module+'.dico')
    cas = TelemacCas(cas_file, dico_file)
    res_file = cas.get(KEY_RES[module])
    return res_file
Esempio n. 3
class Study(object):
    Define a study it can them be split, compiled, run, merge
    def __init__(self, steering_file, code_name, working_dir):
        Init function

        @param steering_file (string) Name of the steering file to run
        @param code_name (string) Name of the module used
        @param working_dir_name (string) If not empty will be the name of the
                                         working directory
        if not path.exists(steering_file):
            raise TelemacException(\
              "Could not find your steering file :\n{}".format(steering_file))
        self.steering_file = steering_file
        self.case_dir = path.dirname(path.realpath(self.steering_file))
        self.working_dir = ''
        self.code_name = code_name
        self.sortie_file = ''
        self.exe_name = ''
        self.run_cmd = ''
        self.mpi_cmd = ''
        self.par_cmd = ''

        # Getting configuration information
        self.cfgname = CFGS.cfgname
        self.cfg = CFGS.configs[CFGS.cfgname]

        # Searching for the dictionary associated with the steering case
        self.dico_file = path.join(self.cfg['MODULES'][self.code_name]['path'],
                                   self.code_name + '.dico')
        if not path.exists(self.dico_file):
            raise StudyException(self,\
                'Could not find the dictionary file: {}'.format(self.dico_file))

        # ~~> processing steegin file
        self.cas = TelemacCas(self.steering_file, self.dico_file)

        # parsing informations for coupled modules steering files
        cplages = self.cas.get('COUPLING WITH', '').split(',')

        self.ncnode = 1
        self.nctile = 1
        self.ncsize = self.cas.get('PARALLEL PROCESSORS', default=1)
        self.lang = self.cas.lang

        self.cpl_cases = {}

        #/!\ having done the loop this way it will not check for DELWAQ
        cpl_codes = []
        for cplage in cplages:
            for mod in self.cfg['MODULES']:
                if mod in cplage.lower():

        for code in cpl_codes:
            # ~~~~ Extract the CAS File name ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
            cas_name_cpl = self.cas.get(\
                      code.upper()+' STEERING FILE')
            cas_name_cpl = path.join(self.case_dir, cas_name_cpl)

            if not path.isfile(cas_name_cpl):
                raise StudyException(self,\
                     'Missing coupling steering file for '+code+': '+\

            # ~~ Read the coupled CAS File ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
            dico_file_plage = path.join(self.cfg['MODULES'][code]['path'],
                                        code + '.dico')
            cas_plage = TelemacCas(cas_name_cpl, dico_file_plage)

            self.cpl_cases[code] = cas_plage

        # ~~> structural assumptions
        self.bin_path = path.join(self.cfg['root'], 'builds', self.cfgname,
        self.obj_path = self.cfg['MODULES'][self.code_name]['path'].replace(\
               path.join(self.cfg['root'], 'sources'),
               path.join(self.cfg['root'], 'builds', self.cfgname, 'obj'))
        self.lib_path = path.join(self.cfg['root'], 'builds', self.cfgname,


    def set_working_dir(self, working_dir_name=''):
        Set the working directory for the study by default:

        @param working_dir_name (string) If not empty will be the name of the
                                         working directory
        # ~~> default temporary directory name
        # /!\ includes date/time in the name
        tmp_dir = self.case_dir+sep+\
                  path.basename(self.steering_file) + '_' + \
                  strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%Hh%Mmin%Ss", localtime())
        wdir = tmp_dir
        self.working_dir = wdir
        self.sortie_file = wdir
        # ~~> user defined directory name
        if working_dir_name != '':
            wdir = path.join(self.case_dir, working_dir_name)
            self.working_dir = wdir

    def create_working_dir(self):
        Creates the working_dir for the study
        # ~~> dealing with the temporary directory
        if not path.exists(self.working_dir):

    def set_ncsize(self, ncsize, ncnode, nctile):
        Overwrite the nimber of parallel processor in the steering file

        @param ncsize (int) The total number of cores
        @param nctile (int): number of cores per node given by user
        @param ncnode (int): number of nodes given by user
        self.nctile, self.ncnode, ncsize = \
                check_para_tilling(nctile, ncnode,
                                   ncsize, 1, self.ncsize)
        if self.cfg['MPI'] != {}:
            ncsize = max(1, ncsize)
        elif ncsize > 1:
            raise StudyException(self,\
              '\nParallel inconsistency: ' \
              '\n     +> you may be using an inappropriate configuration: '\
              +self.cfgname+ \
              '\n     +> or may be wishing for scalar mode while setting to '\
              +str(ncsize)+' processors')
        if self.cfg['MPI'] == {}:
            ncsize = 0
        # ~~ Forces keyword if parallel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        # /!\ in case of multiple CAS files, you have to have the same ncsize
        self.cas.set('PARALLEL PROCESSORS', ncsize)
        # Adding in coupled cas file as well
        for code in self.cpl_cases:
            self.cpl_cases[code].set('PARALLEL PROCESSORS', ncsize)
        self.ncsize = ncsize

    def fill_working_dir(self, use_link=False):
        Filling temporary folder copying files

        @param use_link (boolean) If True making link instead of copy
        # >>> Placing yourself where the CAS File is
        # >>> Copy INPUT files into wdir
        # Adding section name to CAS file information as the coupled
        # module might have sections and zones as well

        for cas_cpl in self.cpl_cases.values():
        # >>> Placing yourself into the wdir
        # >>> Creating LNG file

    def build_mpi_cmd(self, hosts):
        Set the mpi command string

        @param hosts (string) Name of the host on which to run the mpi command
        # ~~> MPI host file provided through the command line
        if hosts != '':
            if 'HOSTS' in self.cfg['MPI']:
                self.cfg['MPI']['HOSTS'] = hosts.replace(':', ' ')
                self.cfg['MPI'].update({'HOSTS': hosts.replace(':', ' ')})
        # ~~> MPI Command line and options ( except <exename> )
        # /!\ cfg['MPI'] is also modified
        mpicmd = get_mpi_cmd(self.cfg['MPI'])\
                  .replace('<root>', self.cfg['root'])
        # mpi_exec supports: -n <ncsize> -wdir <wdir> <exename>
        mpicmd = mpicmd.replace('<ncsize>', str(self.ncsize))
        # >>> Parallel execution configuration
        mpi = mpicmd
        # ~~> filling in the blanks
        mpi = mpi.replace('<wdir>', self.working_dir)
        self.mpi_cmd = mpi

    def set_exe(self):
        Set the name of the executable of the study
        ext = self.cfg['SYSTEM']['sfx_exe']
        user_fortran = self.cas.get("FORTRAN FILE")
        # If we have a user_fortran
        if user_fortran != '':
            use_file = 'out_user_fortran' + ext
            exe_name = path.join(self.working_dir, use_file)
            exe_file = path.join(self.bin_path, self.code_name + ext)
            use_file = 'out_' + path.basename(exe_file)
            exe_name = path.join(self.working_dir, use_file)

        self.exe_name = exe_name
        self.run_cmd = self.exe_name

    def compile_exe(self):
        Compile the executable

        @param hpcpass (boolean) If True not creating the PARAL and CONFIG
        @param split (boolean) If True only doing split part
        @param bypass (boolean) If True bypassing errors
        # >>> Placing yourself in the temporary folder

        self.exe_name = process_executable(\
            self.bin_path, self.lib_path,
            self.obj_path, self.cfg['SYSTEM'],
            self.cfg['TRACE'], self.code_name)

    def generate_mpi_files(self):
        Generate the PARAL and HOSTFILE files need by telemac-mascaret

        if self.cfg['MPI'] != {}:
            # ~~> MPI host file ( may be re-written by the HPC INFILE script )
            hostfile = self.cfg['MPI']['HOSTFILE']
            hosts = []
            n = 0
            while n < self.ncsize:
                for i in self.cfg['MPI']['HOSTS'].split():
                    n += 1
                    if n == self.ncsize:
            # ~~> Creating the HOST file
            put_file_content(hostfile, hosts)
            # ~~> Creating the PARA file
            put_file_content('PARAL', [
                str(len(self.working_dir + sep)), self.working_dir + sep, ''

    def partionning(self, use_link):
        Running partionning of the input files
        # No partitionning to do
        if self.ncsize <= 1:
        # ~~> Path
        bin_path = path.join(self.cfg['root'], 'builds', self.cfgname, 'bin')
        parcmd = get_partel_cmd(bin_path, self.cfg, self.mpi_cmd)
        # >>> Add running command
        self.par_cmd = parcmd

        # ~~> Run PARTEL for the base files
        # Global GEO file
        g_geo, g_fmt_geo, g_conlim = get_glogeo(self.cas)
        # Setting section, zone, weirs file (needed by partel) but only
        # available in telemac2d
        if self.code_name == 'telemac2d':
            # section file
            if 'SECTIONS INPUT FILE' in self.cas.in_files:
                submit = self.cas.in_files['SECTIONS INPUT FILE']
                section_name = submit.split(';')[1]
                section_name = ''
            # Zone file
            if 'ZONES FILE' in self.cas.in_files:
                submit = self.cas.in_files['ZONES FILE']
                zone_name = submit.split(';')[1]
                zone_name = ''
            # Weirs are only passed to partel if type of weirs == 2
            if 'WEIRS FILE' in self.cas.values and \
               self.cas.values.get('TYPE OF WEIRS', 0) == 2:
                submit = self.cas.in_files['WEIRS FILE']
                weir_name = submit.split(';')[1]
                weir_name = ''
            section_name = ''
            zone_name = ''
            weir_name = ''
        # Identify the partitioner to use for Partel
        i_part = get_partitionner(self.cas.get('PARTITIONING TOOL'))
        #Are we gonna concatenate the output of partel or not ?
        concat = self.cas.get('CONCATENATE PARTEL OUTPUT', '')
        s_concat = 'YES' if concat else 'NO'

        # ~~> Run partitioning/duplication for all input files
        run_partition(parcmd, self.cas, g_geo, g_fmt_geo, g_conlim,
                      self.ncsize, section_name, zone_name, weir_name,
                      use_link, i_part, s_concat)

        # Same actions for coupled steering files
        for cas_cpl in self.cpl_cases.values():
            g_geo, g_fmt_geo, g_conlim = get_glogeo(cas_cpl)
            run_partition(parcmd, cas_cpl, g_geo, g_fmt_geo, g_conlim,
                          self.ncsize, '', '', '', use_link, i_part, s_concat)

    def set_sortie(self, sortie_file, merge):
        Defining name of 'sortie' files
        if not sortie_file:
            self.sortie_file = None
            if merge:
                # try re-using existing/latest sortie file with same root name
                output_dir = path.join(self.working_dir,
                sortie_file = get_latest_output_files(output_dir)[0]
                self.sortie_file = path.basename(sortie_file)
                # define the filename (basename) of the sortie file
                self.sortie_file = path.basename(self.sortie_file) + '.sortie'

    def run_local(self):
        Local run of the study (sequential or parallel)
        print('\n\n' + self.run_cmd + '\n\n')
        # ~~> here you go run
        run_code(self.run_cmd, self.sortie_file)

    def run_hpc_exe(self, options, job_id=''):
        Run only the execution of telemac-mascaret executable in job scheduler

        @return job_id (integer) Id of the job that was launched
        # /!\ This is being done in parallel when multiple cas_files
        #if not hpcpass:
        # ~~> HPC Command line launching runcode
        hpccmd = get_hpc_cmd(self.cfg['HPC']).replace('<root>',
        hpccmd = hpccmd.replace('<wdir>', self.working_dir)
        # ~~> HPC dependency between jobs
        hpcjob = get_hpc_depend(self.cfg['HPC'])
        if hpcjob != '' and job_id != '':
            hpccmd = hpccmd + ' ' + hpcjob.replace('<jobid>', job_id)
        # ~~> HPC queueing script
        stdin_file = self.cfg['HPC']['STDIN'][0]  # only one key for now
        stdin = self.cfg['HPC']['STDIN'][1]
        stdin, sortie = self.fill_hpc_stdin(stdin, options)
        # working from working dir
        stdin = stdin.replace('<wdir>', self.working_dir)
        # ~~> Recreate the <mpi_exec> (option --hpc)
        stdin = stdin.replace('<exename>', self.run_cmd)
        # /!\ serial mode
        stdin = stdin.replace('<mpi_cmdexec>', self.run_cmd)

        # ~~> Write to HPC_STDIN
        put_file_content(stdin_file, stdin.split('\n'))

        # ~~> here you go run
        run_code(hpccmd, sortie)

        job_id = get_file_content(sortie)[0].strip()
        print('... Your simulation ('+self.steering_file+\
              ') has been launched through the queue.\n')
        print('   +> You need to wait for completion before re-collecting'\
              'files using the option --merge\n')

        return job_id

    def fill_hpc_stdin(self, stdin, options):
        Replacing tags in file with the one given in options

        @param stdin (string) The content of HPC_STDIN
        @param options (Values) Options of the script

        @return (stdin, sortie) The update content of HPC_STDIN and sortie
        if self.cfg['MPI'] != {}:
            stdin = stdin.replace('<hosts>', self.cfg['MPI']['HOSTS'])
        stdin = stdin.replace('<root>', self.cfg['root'])
        stdin = stdin.replace('<configName>', self.cfgname)
        stdin = stdin.replace('<ncsize>', str(self.ncsize))
        stdin = stdin.replace('<nctile>', str(self.nctile))
        stdin = stdin.replace('<ncnode>', str(self.ncnode))
        stdin = stdin.replace('<email>',
        stdin = stdin.replace('<jobname>', options.jobname)
        time = strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%Hh%Mmin%Ss", localtime())
        stdin = stdin.replace('<time>', time)
        stdin = stdin.replace('<queue>', options.hpc_queue)
        stdin = stdin.replace('<walltime>', options.walltime)
        stdin = stdin.replace('<codename>', self.code_name)
        stdin = stdin.replace('\n ', '\n')
        stdin = stdin.replace('<wdir>', self.case_dir)

        sortie = 'hpc-job.sortie'
        if options.sortie_file:
            sortie = self.sortie_file
        stdin = stdin.replace('<sortiefile>', sortie)

        return stdin, sortie

    def run_hpc_full(self, options, job_id=''):
        Rerun whole script in jpbscheduler

        @return job_id (integer) Id of the job that was launched
        # ~~> HPC Command line launching runcode
        hpccmd = get_hpc_cmd(self.cfg['HPC']).replace('<root>',
        hpccmd = hpccmd.replace('<wdir>', self.working_dir)

        # ~~> HPC dependency between jobs
        hpcjob = get_hpc_depend(self.cfg['HPC'])
        if hpcjob != '' and job_id != '':
            hpccmd = hpccmd + ' ' + hpcjob.replace('<jobid>', job_id)

        # ~~> HPC queueing script
        stdin_file = self.cfg['HPC']['STDIN'][0]  # only one key for now

        stdin = self.cfg['HPC']['STDIN'][1]
        stdin = stdin.replace('<exename>', self.steering_file)
        # Replacing tags by options values
        stdin, sortie = self.fill_hpc_stdin(stdin, options)

        # Building command
        runcmd = ' ' + self.code_name + ' --mpi '
        if options.config_name != '':
            runcmd = runcmd + ' -c ' + options.cfgname
        if options.config_file != '':
            runcmd = runcmd + ' -f ' + options.config_file
        if options.root_dir != '':
            runcmd = runcmd + ' -r ' + options.root_dir
        runcmd = runcmd + ' -s '
        if options.tmpdirectory:
            runcmd = runcmd + ' -t '
        runcmd = runcmd + ' -w ' + self.working_dir
        runcmd = runcmd + ' --nctile ' + str(self.nctile)
        runcmd = runcmd + ' --ncnode ' + str(self.ncnode)
        runcmd = runcmd + ' --ncsize ' + str(self.ncsize)
        if options.split:
            runcmd = runcmd + ' --split '
        if options.compileonly:
            runcmd = runcmd + ' -x '
        if options.merge:
            runcmd = runcmd + ' --merge '
            runcmd = runcmd + ' --run '
        runcmd = runcmd + ' ' + self.steering_file
        stdin = stdin.replace('<py_runcode>', runcmd)

        # ~~> Write to HPC_STDIN
        put_file_content(stdin_file, stdin.split('\n'))

        # ~~> here you go run
        run_code(hpccmd, sortie)

        job_id = get_file_content(sortie)[0].strip()
        print('... Your simulation ('+self.steering_file+\
              ') has been launched through the queue.\n')
        print('    +> You need to wait for completion '\
              'before checking on results.\n')

        return job_id

    def run(self, options):
        Running the study

        @param hpcpass (boolean) ???
        @param options (Values) options of
        # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
        # ~~ Running the Executable ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        # You need to do this if ...
        #     - options.split is out already
        #     - options.compileonly is out already
        #     - if, obvisouly this is the main run of the executable
        # Inputs ...
        #     - runcmd if options.hpc
        #     - cas_files[name]['run'] and cas_files[name]['sortie'] otherwise
        # update mpi command if necessary
        if self.cfg['MPI'] != {} or options.mpi:
            self.run_cmd = self.mpi_cmd.replace('<exename>', self.exe_name)
        if self.cfg['HPC'] == {} or options.mpi:

        # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
        # ~~ Handling the HPC before running ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        # You need to do this if ...
        #     - if, obvisouly this is the main executable to run
        # Inputs ...
        #     - ncsize, nctilem ncnode, wdir, casdir, options, code_name
        #     - cfg['HPC']['STDIN'] and cfg['MPI']['HOSTS']
        #     - cas_files.values()[0]['sortie'] and cas_files.values()[0]['exe']
        #     - cas_files[name]['run']
        # Outputs ...
        #     > runcmd and put_file_content(stdinfile,)
        elif 'STDIN' not in self.cfg['HPC']:
            raise StudyException(self,\
                   '\nI would need the key hpc_stdin in you '\
                   'configuration so I can launch your simulation '\
                   'on the HPC queue.')
        elif 'EXCODE' in self.cfg['HPC']:
        elif 'PYCODE' in self.cfg['HPC']:

    def merge(self):
        Run gretel on file that need it
        # No merging to do
        if self.ncsize <= 1:
        # ~~> Path
        bin_path = path.join(self.cfg['root'], 'builds', self.cfgname, 'bin')
        execmd = get_gretel_cmd(bin_path, self.cfg)\
                  .replace('<root>', self.cfg['root'])
        # ~~> Run GRETEL
        # Global GEO file
        cas = self.cas
        g_geo, g_fmt_geo, g_bnd = get_glogeo(cas)
                execmd, cas, g_geo, g_fmt_geo, g_bnd,

        # Running it for coupled steering files
        for cas_cpl in self.cpl_cases.values():
            g_geo, g_fmt_geo, g_bnd = get_glogeo(cas_cpl)
                    execmd, cas_cpl, g_geo, g_fmt_geo, g_bnd,

    def gather(self, sortie_file, nozip):
        Gather back output files

        @param sortie_file (boolean) If True copying log from working_dir
        @param nozip (boolean) If False log files are zipped together
        sortiefiles = []
        # ~~> copying all primary result files
        cas = self.cas
        files = process_ecr(cas, self.case_dir, self.sortie_file, self.ncsize)
        if sortie_file:
        # ~~> copying all coupled result files
        for cas_cpl in self.cpl_cases.values():
            files = process_ecr(cas_cpl, self.case_dir, None, self.ncsize)
            if sortie_file:
        # ~~> zipping sortie files if necessary
        if not nozip and self.ncsize > 1 and sortie_file:

        # ~~> post-processing the ARTEMIS animation file if necessary
        if self.code_name == 'artemis':
            value = self.cas.get('FREE SURFACE FILE')
            if value.strip() != '':
                files = process_artnim(cas, self.case_dir)

    def delete_working_dir(self):
        Delete the working dir
def scan_xcas(fle):
    @brief : read the xml file to extract the list of input file
    :param fle: xcas file of mascaret computation
    :return: list of file needed for computation
    inputfile = []
    tree = ET.parse(fle)
    root = tree.getroot()
    root2 = root[0]

    # looking for geometry

    # looking for laws
    lois = root2.find('parametresLoisHydrauliques').find('lois')
    for loi in lois:

    #looking for initial conditions
    linits = root2.find('parametresConditionsInitiales').find('ligneEau')
    if linits.find('LigEauInit').text == 'true':

    #looking for "casier"
    if root2.find('parametresCasier') is not None:

    #looking for "paramtresPhysique"
    if root2.find('parametresTraceur') is not None:
        root_tracer = root2.find('parametresTraceur')
        if root_tracer.find(
                'parametresConcentrationsInitialesTraceur') is not None:

        if root_tracer.find('parametresNumeriquesQualiteEau') is not None:

        lois = root_tracer.find('parametresLoisTraceur').find('loisTracer')
        for loi in lois:

    #looking for "Courlis"
    if root2.find('parametresGeneraux').find('optionCourlis') is not None:

        casfile = root2.find('parametresGeneraux')\
        dicofile = path.join(CFGS.get_root(), "sources", "mascaret", "data",

        cas = TelemacCas(casfile, dicofile)
        geo_courlis = cas.get('FICHIER DE GEOMETRIE COURLIS')

    return inputfile
def pre_api(my_vnv_study):
    Duplicate study for api run

    @param my_vnv_study (vnv_study) The study in which to add api runs

    _, old_time = my_vnv_study.action_time['pre']
    my_vnv_study.action_time['pre'] = [False, 0.0]
    start_time = time.time()

    for name, study in my_vnv_study.studies.items():
        api_name = name + "_api"

        # We need to copy all the files from study into the new study
        # Build directory for api study
        api_vnv_working_dir = my_vnv_study.build_vnv_working_dir(api_name)

        # Temporary study just to copy the files


        cmd = "cd {wdir} && mpirun -n {ncsize} {module} {cas} --double-run"\
                        ncsize=max(1, study.ncsize),

        # Handle in coupling cases when the coupled steering file is using the
        # same file as the main one
        # This does not work with the api as we do not have a temporary folder
        cas = study.cas
        in_files = [cas.get(key) for key in cas.in_files]

        pwd = getcwd()


        modified = False
        for mod, tmp_cpl_cas in study.cpl_cases.items():
            # Looking for input file that is in both the main steering and the
            # coupled one
            cpl_cas = TelemacCas(path.basename(tmp_cpl_cas.file_name),
            for key in cpl_cas.in_files:
                ffile = cpl_cas.get(key)
                if ffile in in_files:
                    root, ext = path.splitext(ffile)
                    new_file = root + '_' + mod + ext
                    print(" ~> Copying {} -> {}".format(ffile, new_file))
                    # Copying file
                    shutil.copy2(path.join(api_vnv_working_dir, ffile),
                                 path.join(api_vnv_working_dir, new_file))
                    print(" ~> Modifying in {}: {}".format(mod, key))
                    # Changing value in steering file
                    cpl_cas.set(key, new_file)

                    modified = True
            # If we made some modification overwritting the steering case
            if modified:
            del cpl_cas


        my_vnv_study.add_command(api_name, cmd)

    end_time = time.time()
    # Updating action_time information
    my_vnv_study.action_time['pre'] = [True, old_time + end_time - start_time]