def plot_sky(trace, m): # plot sky position for a full orbit xs_phase = np.linspace(0, 1, num=1000) with m.model: ts_full = xs_phase * m.P + m.t_periastron predict_full = m.orbit.get_relative_angles(ts_full, m.parallax) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, figsize=(4, 4)) for sample in xo.get_samples_from_trace(trace, size=20): # we'll want to cache these functions when we evaluate many samples rho_full, theta_full = xo.eval_in_model( predict_full, point=sample, model=m.model ) x_full = rho_full * np.cos(theta_full) # X North y_full = rho_full * np.sin(theta_full) ax.plot(y_full, x_full, color="C0", lw=0.8, alpha=0.7) xs = d.wds[1] * np.cos(d.wds[3]) # X is north ys = d.wds[1] * np.sin(d.wds[3]) # Y is east ax.plot(ys, xs, "ko") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\Delta \delta$ ['']") ax.set_xlabel(r"$\Delta \alpha \cos \delta$ ['']") ax.invert_xaxis() ax.plot(0, 0, "k*") ax.set_aspect("equal", "datalim") fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.18, right=0.82) return fig
def evaluate_prediction_quantiles(event, pm_model, trace, t_grid, alert_time): """ Evaluates median model prediciton in data space. """ n_samples = 500 samples = xo.get_samples_from_trace(trace, size=n_samples) with pm_model: # Compute the trajectory of the lens trajectory = ca.trajectory.Trajectory( event, alert_time + T.exp(pm_model.ln_delta_t0), pm_model.u0, pm_model.tE) u_dense = trajectory.compute_trajectory(t_grid) # Compute the magnification mag_dense = (u_dense**2 + 2) / (u_dense * T.sqrt(u_dense**2 + 4)) F_base = 10**(-(pm_model.m_b - 22.0) / 2.5) # Compute the mean model prediction = pm_model.f * F_base * mag_dense + (1 - pm_model.f) * F_base # Evaluate model for each sample on a fine grid n_pts_dense = T.shape(t_grid)[0].eval() n_bands = len(event.light_curves) prediction_eval = np.zeros((n_samples, n_bands, n_pts_dense)) # Evaluate predictions in model context with pm_model: for i, sample in enumerate(samples): prediction_eval[i] = xo.eval_in_model(prediction, sample) for i in range(n_bands): q = np.percentile(prediction_eval[:, i, :], [16, 50, 84], axis=0) return q
def plot_sep_pa(trace, m): # plot separation and PA across the observed dates ts_obs = np.linspace( np.min(d.wds[0]) - 300, np.max(d.wds[0]) + 300, num=1000 ) # days with m.model: predict_fine = m.orbit.get_relative_angles(ts_obs, m.parallax) # we can plot the maximum posterior solution to see # pkw = {'marker':".", "color":"k", 'ls':""} ekw = {"color": "C1", "marker": "o", "ls": ""} fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, sharex=True, figsize=(6, 4)) ax[0].set_ylabel(r'$\rho\,$ ["]') ax[1].set_ylabel(r"P.A. [radians]") ax[1].set_xlabel("JD [days]") for sample in xo.get_samples_from_trace(trace, size=20): # we'll want to cache these functions when we evaluate many samples rho_fine, theta_fine = xo.eval_in_model( predict_fine, point=sample, model=m.model ) ax[0].plot(ts_obs, rho_fine, "C0") ax[1].plot(ts_obs, theta_fine, "C0") # get map sol for tot_rho_err tot_rho_err = np.sqrt(d.wds[2] ** 2 + np.exp(2 * np.median(trace["logRhoS"]))) tot_theta_err = np.sqrt(d.wds[4] ** 2 + np.exp(2 * np.median(trace["logThetaS"]))) # ax[0].plot(d.wds[0], d.wds[1], **pkw) ax[0].errorbar(d.wds[0], d.wds[1], yerr=tot_rho_err, **ekw) # ax[1].plot(jds, theta_data, **pkw) ax[1].errorbar(d.wds[0], d.wds[3], yerr=tot_theta_err, **ekw) return fig
# truths=truth, labels=["S1", "S2", "w1", "w2", "log_Q"], ) fig.savefig('../results/test_results/gp_model/test_gp_corner.png') plt.close('all') # # Generate 50 realizations of the prediction sampling randomly from the chain # N_pred = 50 pred_mu = np.empty((N_pred, len(true_t))) pred_var = np.empty((N_pred, len(true_t))) with model: pred = gp.predict(true_t, return_var=True, predict_mean=True) for i, sample in enumerate( xo.get_samples_from_trace(trace, size=N_pred)): pred_mu[i], pred_var[i] = xo.eval_in_model(pred, sample) # Plot the predictions for i in range(len(pred_mu)): mu = pred_mu[i] sd = np.sqrt(pred_var[i]) label = None if i else "prediction" art = plt.fill_between(true_t, mu + sd, mu - sd, color="C1", alpha=0.1) art.set_edgecolor("none") plt.plot(true_t, mu, color="C1", label=label, alpha=0.1) plt.errorbar(t, y, yerr=yerr, fmt=".k", capsize=0, label="data") plt.plot(true_t, true_y, "k", lw=1.5, alpha=0.3, label="truth") plt.legend(fontsize=12, loc=2) plt.xlabel("t")
) _ = corner.corner(samples) # %% [markdown] # The "posterior predictive" plot that I like to make isn't the same as a "posterior predictive check" (which can be a good thing to do too). # Instead, I like to look at the predictions of the model in the space of the data. # We could have saved these predictions using a `pymc3.Deterministic` distribution, but that adds some overhead to each evaluation of the model so instead, we can use :func:`exoplanet.utils.get_samples_from_trace` to loop over a few random samples from the chain and then the :func:`exoplanet.eval_in_model` function to evaluate the prediction just for those samples. # %% # Generate 50 realizations of the prediction sampling randomly from the chain N_pred = 50 pred_mu = np.empty((N_pred, len(true_t))) pred_var = np.empty((N_pred, len(true_t))) with model: pred = gp.predict(true_t, return_var=True, predict_mean=True) for i, sample in enumerate(xo.get_samples_from_trace(trace, size=N_pred)): pred_mu[i], pred_var[i] = xo.eval_in_model(pred, sample) # Plot the predictions for i in range(len(pred_mu)): mu = pred_mu[i] sd = np.sqrt(pred_var[i]) label = None if i else "prediction" art = plt.fill_between(true_t, mu + sd, mu - sd, color="C1", alpha=0.1) art.set_edgecolor("none") plt.plot(true_t, mu, color="C1", label=label, alpha=0.1) plt.errorbar(t, y, yerr=yerr, fmt=".k", capsize=0, label="data") plt.plot(true_t, true_y, "k", lw=1.5, alpha=0.3, label="truth") plt.legend(fontsize=12, loc=2) plt.xlabel("t")
""" phase = get_phase(data[0]) # evaluate the model with the current parameter settings offset = offset_dict[label] d = data[1] - offset resid = d - model err = np.sqrt(data[2]**2 + np.exp(2 * err_dict[label])) color = color_dict[label] a.errorbar(phase, d, yerr=err, label=label, **ekw, color=color) a_r.errorbar(phase, resid, yerr=err, **ekw, color=color) for sample in xo.get_samples_from_trace(trace, size=1): # we'll want to cache these functions when we evaluate many samples rv1_m = xo.eval_in_model(rv1, point=sample, model=m.model) rv2_m = xo.eval_in_model(rv2, point=sample, model=m.model) ax1.plot(xs_phase, rv1_m, **pkw) ax2.plot(xs_phase, rv2_m, **pkw) err_dict = { "CfA": sample["logjittercfa"], "Keck": sample["logjitterkeck"], "FEROS": sample["logjitterferos"], "du Pont": sample["logjitterdupont"], } offset_dict = {
def PLD(tpf, planet_mask=None, aperture=None, return_soln=False, return_quick_corrected=False, sigma=5, trim=0, ndraws=1000): ''' Use exoplanet, pymc3 and theano to perform PLD correction Parameters ---------- tpf : lk.TargetPixelFile Target Pixel File to Correct planet_mask : np.ndarray Boolean array. Cadences where planet_mask is False will be excluded from the PLD correction. Use this to mask out planet transits. ''' if planet_mask is None: planet_mask = np.ones(len(tpf.time), dtype=bool) if aperture is None: aperture = tpf.pipeline_mask time = np.asarray(tpf.time, np.float64) if trim > 0: flux = np.asarray(tpf.flux[:, trim:-trim, trim:-trim], np.float64) flux_err = np.asarray(tpf.flux_err[:, trim:-trim, trim:-trim], np.float64) aper = np.asarray(aperture, bool)[trim:-trim, trim:-trim] else: flux = np.asarray(tpf.flux, np.float64) flux_err = np.asarray(tpf.flux_err, np.float64) aper = np.asarray(aperture, bool) raw_flux = np.asarray(np.nansum(flux[:, aper], axis=(1)), np.float64) raw_flux_err = np.asarray( np.nansum(flux_err[:, aper]**2, axis=(1))**0.5, np.float64) raw_flux_err /= np.median(raw_flux) raw_flux /= np.median(raw_flux) raw_flux -= 1 # Setting to Parts Per Thousand keeps us from hitting machine precision errors... raw_flux *= 1e3 raw_flux_err *= 1e3 # Build the first order PLD basis # X_pld = np.reshape(flux[:, aper], (len(flux), -1)) saturation = (np.nanpercentile(flux, 100, axis=0) > 175000) X_pld = np.reshape(flux[:, aper & ~saturation], (len(tpf.flux), -1)) extra_pld = np.zeros((len(time), np.any(saturation, axis=0).sum())) idx = 0 for column in saturation.T: if column.any(): extra_pld[:, idx] = np.sum(flux[:, column, :], axis=(1, 2)) idx += 1 X_pld = np.hstack([X_pld, extra_pld]) # Remove NaN pixels X_pld = X_pld[:, ~((~np.isfinite(X_pld)).all(axis=0))] X_pld = X_pld / np.sum(flux[:, aper], axis=-1)[:, None] # Build the second order PLD basis and run PCA to reduce the number of dimensions X2_pld = np.reshape(X_pld[:, None, :] * X_pld[:, :, None], (len(flux), -1)) # Remove NaN pixels X2_pld = X2_pld[:, ~((~np.isfinite(X2_pld)).all(axis=0))] U, _, _ = np.linalg.svd(X2_pld, full_matrices=False) X2_pld = U[:, :X_pld.shape[1]] # Construct the design matrix and fit for the PLD model X_pld = np.concatenate((np.ones((len(flux), 1)), X_pld, X2_pld), axis=-1) # Create a matrix with small numbers along diagonal to ensure that # X.T * sigma^-1 * X is not singular, and prevent it from being non-invertable diag = np.diag((1e-8 * np.ones(X_pld.shape[1]))) if (~np.isfinite(X_pld)).any(): raise ValueError('NaNs in components.') if (np.any(raw_flux_err == 0)): raise ValueError('Zeros in raw_flux_err.') def build_model(mask=None, start=None): ''' Build a PYMC3 model Parameters ---------- mask : np.ndarray Boolean array to mask cadences. Cadences that are False will be excluded from the model fit start : dict MAP Solution from exoplanet Returns ------- model : pymc3.model.Model A pymc3 model map_soln : dict Best fit solution ''' if mask is None: mask = np.ones(len(time), dtype=bool) with pm.Model() as model: # GP # -------- logs2 = pm.Normal("logs2", mu=np.log(np.var(raw_flux[mask])), sd=4) # pm.Potential("logs2_prior1", tt.switch(logs2 < -3, -np.inf, 0.0)) logsigma = pm.Normal("logsigma", mu=np.log(np.std(raw_flux[mask])), sd=4) logrho = pm.Normal("logrho", mu=np.log(150), sd=4) kernel =, log_sigma=logsigma) gp =, time[mask], tt.exp(logs2) + raw_flux_err[mask]**2) # Motion model #------------------ A =[mask].T, gp.apply_inverse(X_pld[mask])) A = A + diag # Add small numbers to diagonal to prevent it from being singular B =[mask].T, gp.apply_inverse(raw_flux[mask, None])) C = tt.slinalg.solve(A, B) motion_model = pm.Deterministic("motion_model",[mask], C)[:, 0]) # Likelihood #------------------ pm.Potential("obs", gp.log_likelihood(raw_flux[mask] - motion_model)) # gp predicted flux gp_pred = gp.predict() pm.Deterministic("gp_pred", gp_pred) pm.Deterministic("weights", C) # Optimize #------------------ if start is None: start = model.test_point map_soln = xo.optimize(start=start, vars=[logsigma]) map_soln = xo.optimize(start=start, vars=[logrho, logsigma]) map_soln = xo.optimize(start=start, vars=[logsigma]) map_soln = xo.optimize(start=start, vars=[logrho, logsigma]) map_soln = xo.optimize(start=map_soln, vars=[logs2]) map_soln = xo.optimize(start=map_soln, vars=[logrho, logsigma, logs2]) return model, map_soln, gp # First rough correction'Optimizing roughly') with silence(): model0, map_soln0, gp = build_model(mask=planet_mask) # Remove outliers, make sure to remove a few nearby points incase of flares. with model0: motion =, map_soln0['weights']).reshape(-1) stellar = xo.eval_in_model(gp.predict(time), map_soln0) corrected = raw_flux - motion - stellar mask = ~sigma_clip(corrected, sigma=sigma).mask mask = ~(convolve(mask, Box1DKernel(3), fill_value=1) != 1) mask &= planet_mask # Optimize PLD'Optimizing without outliers') with silence(): model, map_soln, gp = build_model(mask, map_soln0) lc_fig = _plot_light_curve(map_soln, model, mask, time, raw_flux, raw_flux_err, X_pld, gp) if return_soln: motion =, map_soln['weights']).reshape(-1) with model: stellar = xo.eval_in_model(gp.predict(time), map_soln) return model, map_soln, motion, stellar if return_quick_corrected: raw_lc = tpf.to_lightcurve() clc = lk.KeplerLightCurve( time=time, flux=(raw_flux - stellar - motion) * 1e-3 + 1, flux_err=(raw_flux_err) * 1e-3, time_format=raw_lc.time_format, centroid_col=tpf.estimate_centroids()[0], centroid_row=tpf.estimate_centroids()[0], quality=raw_lc.quality,, campaign=raw_lc.campaign, quarter=raw_lc.quarter, mission=raw_lc.mission, cadenceno=raw_lc.cadenceno, targetid=raw_lc.targetid, ra=raw_lc.ra, dec=raw_lc.dec, label='{} PLD Corrected'.format(raw_lc.targetid)) return clc # Burn in sampler = xo.PyMC3Sampler() with model: burnin = sampler.tune(tune=np.max([int(ndraws * 0.3), 150]), start=map_soln, step_kwargs=dict(target_accept=0.9), chains=4) # Sample with model: trace = sampler.sample(draws=ndraws, chains=4) varnames = ["logrho", "logsigma", "logs2"] pm.traceplot(trace, varnames=varnames) samples = pm.trace_to_dataframe(trace, varnames=varnames) corner.corner(samples) # Generate 50 realizations of the prediction sampling randomly from the chain N_pred = 50 pred_mu = np.empty((N_pred, len(time))) pred_motion = np.empty((N_pred, len(time))) with model: pred = gp.predict(time) for i, sample in enumerate( tqdm(xo.get_samples_from_trace(trace, size=N_pred), total=N_pred)): pred_mu[i] = xo.eval_in_model(pred, sample) pred_motion[i, :] =, sample['weights']).reshape(-1) star_model = np.mean(pred_mu + pred_motion, axis=0) star_model_err = np.std(pred_mu + pred_motion, axis=0) raw_lc = tpf.to_lightcurve() meta = { 'samples': samples, 'trace': trace, 'pred_mu': pred_mu, 'pred_motion': pred_motion } clc = lk.KeplerLightCurve( time=time, flux=(raw_flux - star_model) * 1e-3 + 1, flux_err=((raw_flux_err**2 + star_model_err**2)**0.5) * 1e-3, time_format=raw_lc.time_format, centroid_col=tpf.estimate_centroids()[0], centroid_row=tpf.estimate_centroids()[0], quality=raw_lc.quality,, campaign=raw_lc.campaign, quarter=raw_lc.quarter, mission=raw_lc.mission, cadenceno=raw_lc.cadenceno, targetid=raw_lc.targetid, ra=raw_lc.ra, dec=raw_lc.dec, label='{} PLD Corrected'.format(raw_lc.targetid), meta=meta) return clc
def plot_sep_pa(trace, m): # Plot the astrometric fits. # 1 square panel on left, then 3 rows of panels on right (rho, theta, v_B) # set up the figure # plot styles pkw = {"marker": "o", "ms": 3, "color": "k", "ls": "", "zorder": 20} lkw = {"ls": "-", "lw": 0.5} ekw = { "marker": "o", "ms": 3, "ls": "", "elinewidth": 0.8, "zorder": 20, "color": "k", } kekw = {**ekw, "color": "maroon"} xx = 7.1 # [in] textwidth hmargin = 0.0 tmargin = 0.45 bmargin = 0.5 lmargin = 0.5 rmargin = 0.5 mmargin = 0.75 ax_width = (xx - lmargin - rmargin - mmargin) / 2 cax_frac = 0.7 cax_margin = 0.05 cax_height = 0.08 ax_height = ax_width sax_height = (ax_height - hmargin) / 3 yy = ax_height + tmargin + bmargin fig = plt.figure(figsize=(xx, yy)) ax_sky = fig.add_axes( [lmargin / xx, bmargin / yy, ax_width / xx, ax_height / yy]) ax_sky.set_xlabel(r"$\Delta \alpha \cos \delta\; [{}^{\prime\prime}]$") ax_sky.set_ylabel(r"$\Delta \delta\; [{}^{\prime\prime}]$") # ax_sky.invert_xaxis() cax = fig.add_axes([ (lmargin + (1 - cax_frac) * ax_width / 2) / xx, (bmargin + ax_height + cax_margin) / yy, cax_frac * ax_width / xx, cax_height / yy, ]) # load and plot the gas image here; routine in # frame width also set there plot_gas(ax_sky, cax) # set colorbar label cax.tick_params( axis="both", labelsize="small", labeltop=True, labelbottom=False, which="both", direction="in", bottom=False, top=True, pad=2, ) cax.xaxis.set_label_position("top") cax.set_xlabel(r"$v_\mathrm{BARY} \quad {\rm[km\,s^{-1}]}$", labelpad=2) # plot the star ax_sky.plot(0, 0, "*", ms=5, color="k", mew=0.1, zorder=99) # plot the sky positions X_ABs = d.wds[1] * np.cos(d.wds[3]) # north Y_ABs = d.wds[1] * np.sin(d.wds[3]) # east ax_sky.plot(Y_ABs, X_ABs, **pkw) plot_errorbar(ax_sky, d.wds[3], d.wds[1], d.wds[4], d.wds[2], color="C0", lw=0.8) # make the right-column plots yr_lim = (1990, 2020) ax_sep = fig.add_axes([ (lmargin + ax_width + mmargin) / xx, (2 * (sax_height + hmargin) + bmargin) / yy, ax_width / xx, sax_height / yy, ]) ax_pa = fig.add_axes([ (lmargin + ax_width + mmargin) / xx, (sax_height + hmargin + bmargin) / yy, ax_width / xx, sax_height / yy, ]) ax_V = fig.add_axes([ (lmargin + ax_width + mmargin) / xx, bmargin / yy, ax_width / xx, sax_height / yy, ]) # get the mean value of all samples to use for errorbars and offset sep_err = np.sqrt(d.wds[2]**2 + np.exp(2 * np.mean(trace["logRhoS"]))) ax_sep.errorbar(jd_to_year(d.wds[0]), d.wds[1], yerr=sep_err, **ekw) ax_sep.set_ylabel(r"$\rho\;[{}^{\prime\prime}]$") ax_sep.set_xlim(*yr_lim) ax_sep.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) pa_err = np.sqrt(d.wds[4]**2 + np.exp(2 * np.mean(trace["logThetaS"]))) ax_pa.errorbar(jd_to_year(d.wds[0]), d.wds[3] / deg + 360, yerr=pa_err / deg, **ekw) ax_pa.set_ylabel(r"$\theta\ [{}^\circ]$") ax_pa.set_xlim(*yr_lim) ax_pa.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) VB_err = np.sqrt(d.keck3[2]**2 + np.exp(2 * np.mean(trace["logjitterkeck"]))) ax_V.errorbar( jd_to_year(d.keck3[0]), d.keck3[1] - np.mean(trace["offsetKeck"]), yerr=VB_err, **kekw, label="Keck", ) ax_V.set_xlim(*yr_lim) ax_V.set_ylim(6, 11) ax_V.set_ylabel(r"$v_\mathrm{B} \quad [\mathrm{km\;s}^{-1}$]") ax_V.set_xlabel("Epoch [yr]") ax_V.legend( loc="upper left", fontsize="xx-small", labelspacing=0.5, handletextpad=0.2, borderpad=0.4, borderaxespad=1.0, ) ###### # Plot the orbits on the sep_pa.pdf figure ###### # define new Theano variables to get the # 1) absolute X,Y,Z positions evaluated over the full orbital period # 2) the sep, PA values evaluated over the observational window # 3) the vB evaluated over the observational window # phases for the full orbital period phases = np.linspace(0, 1.0, num=500) # times for the observational window (unchanging) t_yr = Time(np.linspace(*yr_lim, num=500), format="byear").byear # [yrs] t_obs = Time(np.linspace(*yr_lim, num=500), format="byear").jd - jd0 # [days] with m.model: # the reason why we can refer to m.orbit_outer here (rather than, say) # m.model.orbit_outer, is because orbit_outer is actually in the scope of the # model module. It is in the *context* of the pymc3 model.model. # so we need both, for it to make sense. # convert phases to times stretching the full orbital period [days] t_period = phases * m.P_outer # [days] # 1) absolute X,Y,Z positions evaluated over the full orbital period pos_outer = m.orbit_outer.get_relative_position(t_period, m.parallax) # 2) the sep, PA values evaluated over the observational window angles_outer = m.orbit_outer.get_relative_angles(t_obs, m.parallax) # 3) the vB evaluated over the observational window rv3 = ( conv * m.orbit_outer.get_planet_velocity(t_obs)[2] + m.gamma_outer # do not include the offset, because we are plotting in the CfA frame # + m.offset_keck ) # iterate among several samples to plot the orbits on the sep_pa.pdf figure. for sample in xo.get_samples_from_trace(trace, size=30): vBs = xo.eval_in_model(rv3, point=sample, model=m.model) # we can select orbits which have a higher vB[-1] than vB[0] # and colorize them # increasing = vBs[-1] > vBs[0] if sample["increasing"]: lkw["color"] = "C0" ax_V.plot(t_yr, vBs, **lkw, zorder=1) else: lkw["color"] = "C1" ax_V.plot(t_yr, vBs, **lkw, zorder=0) rho, theta = xo.eval_in_model(angles_outer, point=sample, model=m.model) ax_sep.plot(t_yr, rho, **lkw) ax_pa.plot(t_yr, theta / deg + 360, **lkw) X, Y, Z = xo.eval_in_model(pos_outer, point=sample, model=m.model) ax_sky.plot(Y, X, **lkw) return fig
def plot_interior_RV(trace, m): """ plot the interior RV Args: trace : pymc3 trace m : the reference to the model module """ # choose the plot styles color_dict = {"CfA": "C5", "Keck": "C2", "FEROS": "C3", "du Pont": "C4"} hkw = {"lw": 1.0, "color": "0.4", "ls": ":"} pkw = {"ls": "-", "lw": 0.5, "color": "C0"} ekw = {"marker": ".", "ms": 2.5, "ls": "", "elinewidth": 0.6, "zorder": 20} # set the figure dimensions lmargin = 0.47 rmargin = lmargin bmargin = 0.4 tmargin = 0.05 mmargin = 0.07 mmmargin = 0.15 ax_height = 1.0 ax_r_height = 0.4 # \textwidth=7.1in # \columnsep=0.3125in # column width = (7.1 - 0.3125)/2 = 3.393 xx = 3.393 ax_width = xx - lmargin - rmargin yy = bmargin + tmargin + 2 * mmargin + mmmargin + 2 * ax_height + 2 * ax_r_height # fill out the axes fig = plt.figure(figsize=(xx, yy)) ax1 = fig.add_axes([ lmargin / xx, 1 - (tmargin + ax_height) / yy, ax_width / xx, ax_height / yy ]) ax1_r = fig.add_axes([ lmargin / xx, 1 - (tmargin + mmargin + ax_height + ax_r_height) / yy, ax_width / xx, ax_r_height / yy, ]) ax1_r.axhline(0.0, **hkw) ax2 = fig.add_axes([ lmargin / xx, (bmargin + mmargin + ax_r_height) / yy, ax_width / xx, ax_height / yy, ]) ax2_r = fig.add_axes( [lmargin / xx, bmargin / yy, ax_width / xx, ax_r_height / yy]) ax2_r.axhline(0.0, **hkw) xs_phase = np.linspace(0, 1, num=500) # define new Theano variables to get the continuous model RVs and the # discrete models RVs to plot with m.model: # the reason why we can refer to m.P_inner here (rather than, say) # m.model.P_inner, is because P_inner is actually in the scope of the # model module. It is in the *context* of the pymc3 model.model. # so we need both, for it to make sense. ts_phases = xs_phase * m.P_inner + m.t_periastron_inner # new theano var rv1, rv2 = m.get_RVs(ts_phases, ts_phases, 0.0) # We want to plot the model and data phased to a single reference orbit # this means we need to take out any additional motion to gamma_A relative # to the reference orbit from both the model and data gamma_A_epoch = m.get_gamma_A(ts_phases[0]) err_dict = { "CfA": m.logjit_cfa, "Keck": m.logjit_keck, "FEROS": m.logjit_feros, "du Pont": m.logjit_dupont, } offset_dict = { "CfA": 0.0, "Keck": m.offset_keck, "FEROS": m.offset_feros, "du Pont": m.offset_dupont, } def get_centered_rvs(label, data1, data2): """ Return the data and model discrete velocities centered on the reference epoch bary velocity """ t1 = tt.as_tensor_variable(data1[0]) t2 = tt.as_tensor_variable(data2[0]) offset = offset_dict[label] d1_corrected = data1[1] - offset - m.get_gamma_A( t1) + gamma_A_epoch d2_corrected = data2[1] - offset - m.get_gamma_A( t2) + gamma_A_epoch rv1_base, rv2_base = m.get_RVs(t1, t2, 0.0) rv1_corrected = rv1_base - m.get_gamma_A(t1) + gamma_A_epoch rv2_corrected = rv2_base - m.get_gamma_A(t2) + gamma_A_epoch e1 = np.sqrt(data1[2]**2 + np.exp(2 * err_dict[label])) e2 = np.sqrt(data2[2]**2 + np.exp(2 * err_dict[label])) return ( t1, d1_corrected, e1, rv1_corrected, t2, d2_corrected, e2, rv2_corrected, ) # repack to yield a set of corrected data, errors, and corrected model velocities rv_cfa0 = get_centered_rvs("CfA", d.cfa1, d.cfa2) rv_keck0 = get_centered_rvs("Keck", d.keck1, d.keck2) rv_feros0 = get_centered_rvs("FEROS", d.feros1, d.feros2) rv_dupont0 = get_centered_rvs("du Pont", d.dupont1, d.dupont2) # data, then phase them, then plot them. def phase_and_plot(rv_package, label): """ Calculate inner orbit radial velocities and residuals for a given dataset and star. Args: data: tuple containing (date, rv, err) model: model rvs evaluated at date (with no offset) a: primary matplotlib axes a_r: residual matplotlib axes label: instrument that acquired data Returns: None """ ( t1, d1_corrected, e1, rv1_corrected, t2, d2_corrected, e2, rv2_corrected, ) = rv_package phase1 = get_phase(t1) phase2 = get_phase(t2) # evaluate the model with the current parameter settings color = color_dict[label] ax1.errorbar(phase1, d1_corrected, yerr=e1, label=label, **ekw, color=color) ax1_r.errorbar(phase1, d1_corrected - rv1_corrected, yerr=e1, **ekw, color=color) ax2.errorbar(phase2, d2_corrected, yerr=e2, label=label, **ekw, color=color) ax2_r.errorbar(phase2, d2_corrected - rv2_corrected, yerr=e2, **ekw, color=color) # plot many samples for the RV trace for sample in xo.get_samples_from_trace(trace, size=10): rv1_m = xo.eval_in_model(rv1, point=sample, model=m.model) rv2_m = xo.eval_in_model(rv2, point=sample, model=m.model) ax1.plot(xs_phase, rv1_m, **pkw) ax2.plot(xs_phase, rv2_m, **pkw) # get just a single sample to plot the data and model for sample in xo.get_samples_from_trace(trace, size=1): # create a phasing function local to these sampled values of # t_periastron and period def get_phase(dates): return ((dates - sample["tPeriastronInner"]) % sample["PInner"]) / sample["PInner"] # Plot the data and residuals for this sample phase_and_plot(xo.eval_in_model(rv_cfa0, point=sample, model=m.model), "CfA") phase_and_plot(xo.eval_in_model(rv_keck0, point=sample, model=m.model), "Keck") phase_and_plot( xo.eval_in_model(rv_feros0, point=sample, model=m.model), "FEROS") phase_and_plot( xo.eval_in_model(rv_dupont0, point=sample, model=m.model), "du Pont") ax1.legend( loc="upper left", fontsize="xx-small", labelspacing=0.5, handletextpad=0.2, borderpad=0.4, borderaxespad=1.0, ) ax1.set_ylabel(r"$v_\mathrm{Aa}$ [$\mathrm{km s}^{-1}$]", labelpad=0) ax1_r.set_ylabel(r"$O-C$", labelpad=-1) ax2.set_ylabel(r"$v_\mathrm{Ab}$ [$\mathrm{km s}^{-1}$]", labelpad=-5) ax2_r.set_ylabel(r"$O-C$", labelpad=-2) ax2_r.set_xlabel("phase") ax = [ax1, ax1_r, ax2, ax2_r] for a in ax: a.set_xlim(0, 1) ax1.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax1_r.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax2.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) return fig