Esempio n. 1
    def testContactRates2(self):
        undirected = True
        numVertices = 10
        graph = HIVGraph(numVertices, undirected)

        maleVertex = graph.getVertex(0)
        maleVertex[HIVVertices.genderIndex] = HIVVertices.male
        femaleVertex = maleVertex.copy()
        femaleVertex[HIVVertices.genderIndex] = HIVVertices.female

        for i in range(5): 
            graph.setVertex(i, maleVertex)
            graph.setVertex(i+5, femaleVertex)

        V = graph.getVertexList().getVertices()

        contactList = range(numVertices)

        #Test that the parameters alpha and C do the right thing
        hiddenDegSeq = self.gen.rvs(size=graph.getNumVertices())
        rates = HIVRates(graph, hiddenDegSeq)
        t = 0.2
        logging.debug("Rates with no existing contacts")
        contactRateInds, contactRates = rates.contactRates(range(numVertices), contactList, t)

        #When there are no contacts the choice is easy and some random new contacts
        #are chosen.
        #Now test differences in choice between existing and new contact.
        t = 0.3
        for i in range(5):
            rates.contactEvent(i, i+5, t)

        rates.alpha = 1.0
        logging.debug("Rates with default alpha=" + str(rates.alpha))
        contactRateInds, contactRates = rates.contactRates(range(numVertices), contactList, 0.4)

        for i in range(5):
            self.assertTrue(contactRates[i] == rates.contactRate)
            self.assertTrue(contactRateInds[i] == i+5)

        #Now try changing alpha
        logging.debug("Rates with alpha=0.5")
        contactRateInds, contactRates = rates.contactRates(range(numVertices), contactList, 0.4)
        #Observed probabilities change as expected

        #Now increase time and observe probabilities
        logging.debug("Rates with t=20")
        contactRateInds, contactRates = rates.contactRates(range(numVertices), contactList, 20)

        #Test we don't pick from removed
        graph.getVertexList().setInfected(0, t)
        graph.getVertexList().setInfected(4, t)
        graph.getVertexList().setInfected(7, t)
        graph.getVertexList().setInfected(8, t)
        #graph.getVertexList().setDetected(4, t, HIVVertices.randomDetect)
        #graph.getVertexList().setDetected(7, t, HIVVertices.randomDetect)
        rates.removeEvent(4, HIVVertices.randomDetect, t)
        rates.removeEvent(7, HIVVertices.randomDetect, t)

        infectedSet = graph.getInfectedSet()
        susceptibleSet = graph.getSusceptibleSet()
        removedSet = graph.getRemovedSet()
        contactSet = infectedSet.union(susceptibleSet)

        infectedList = list(infectedSet)
        removedList = list(removedSet)
        contactList = list(contactSet)

        contactRateInds, contactRates = rates.contactRates(infectedList, contactList, 20)
        #Contacts cannot be in removed set 
        self.assertTrue(numpy.intersect1d(contactRateInds, numpy.array(removedList)).shape[0]==0)