def main(_): os.environ["CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"] = "PCI_BUS_ID" gpu = str(get_available_gpus(FLAGS.gpu_num)) print('GPU devices: ', gpu) os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = gpu # ============================================================================ # ============================= TRAIN ======================================== # ============================================================================ print(sorted_str_dict(FLAGS.__dict__)) if FLAGS.resume_step is not None: print('Ready to resume from step %d.' % FLAGS.resume_step) assert FLAGS.gpu_num is not None, 'should specify the number of gpu.' assert FLAGS.gpu_num > 0, 'the number of gpu should be bigger than 0.' if FLAGS.eval_only: logdir = LogDir(FLAGS.database, model_id()) logdir.print_all_info() f_log = open( logdir.exp_dir + '/' + str( + '.txt', 'w') f_log.write('step,loss,precision,wd\n') f_log.write(sorted_str_dict(FLAGS.__dict__) + '\n') else: f_log, logdir, has_nan = train(FLAGS.resume_step) if has_nan: f_log.write('TEST:0,nan,nan\n') f_log.flush() return # ============================================================================ # ============================= EVAL ========================================= # ============================================================================ f_log.write('TEST:step,loss,precision\n') import glob i_ckpts = sorted(glob.glob(logdir.snapshot_dir + '/model.ckpt-*.index'), key=os.path.getmtime) # ============================================================================ # ======================== Eval for the last model =========================== # ============================================================================ i_ckpt = i_ckpts[-1].split('.index')[0] loss, precision = eval(i_ckpt) step = i_ckpt.split('-')[-1] print('%s %s] Step %s Test' % (str(, str(os.getpid()), step)) print('\t loss = %.4f, precision = %.4f' % (loss, precision)) f_log.write('TEST:%s,%f,%f\n' % (step, loss, precision)) f_log.flush() f_log.close()
def main(_): # ============================================================================ # ============================= TRAIN ======================================== # ============================================================================ print(sorted_str_dict(FLAGS.__dict__)) if FLAGS.resume_step is not None: print 'Ready to resume from step %d.' % FLAGS.resume_step assert FLAGS.gpu_num is not None, 'should specify the number of gpu.' assert FLAGS.gpu_num > 0, 'the number of gpu should be bigger than 0.' if FLAGS.eval_only: logdir = LogDir(FLAGS.database, FLAGS.log_dir, FLAGS.weight_decay_mode) logdir.print_all_info() f_log = open( logdir.exp_dir + '/' + str( + '.txt', 'w') f_log.write('step,loss,precision,wd\n') f_log.write(sorted_str_dict(FLAGS.__dict__) + '\n') else: f_log, logdir, has_nan = train(FLAGS.resume_step) if has_nan: f_log.write('TEST:0,nan,nan\n') f_log.flush() return # ============================================================================ # ============================= EVAL ========================================= # ============================================================================ f_log.write('TEST:step,loss,precision\n') import glob i_ckpts = sorted(glob.glob(logdir.snapshot_dir + '/model.ckpt-*.index'), key=os.path.getmtime) # ============================================================================ # ======================== Eval for the last model =========================== # ============================================================================ i_ckpt = i_ckpts[-1].split('.index')[0] precision = eval(i_ckpt) step = i_ckpt.split('-')[-1] print '%s %s] Step %s Test' % (str(, str(os.getpid()), step) print '\t precision = %.4f' % (precision) f_log.write('TEST:%s,%f\n' % (step, precision)) f_log.flush() f_log.close()
def train(resume_step=None): # < preparing arguments > if FLAGS.float_type == 16: print('\n< using tf.float16 >\n') float_type = tf.float16 else: print('\n< using tf.float32 >\n') float_type = tf.float32 new_layer_names = FLAGS.new_layer_names if FLAGS.new_layer_names is not None: new_layer_names = new_layer_names.split(',') # < data set > data_list = FLAGS.subsets_for_training.split(',') if len(data_list) < 1: data_list = ['train'] list_images = [] list_labels = [] with tf.device('/cpu:0'): reader = SegmentationImageReader( FLAGS.database, data_list, (FLAGS.train_image_size, FLAGS.train_image_size), FLAGS.random_scale, random_mirror=True, random_blur=True, random_rotate=FLAGS.random_rotate, color_switch=FLAGS.color_switch, scale_rate=(FLAGS.scale_min, FLAGS.scale_max)) for _ in xrange(FLAGS.gpu_num): image_batch, label_batch = reader.dequeue(FLAGS.batch_size) list_images.append(image_batch) list_labels.append(label_batch) # < network > model = pspnet_mg.PSPNetMG( reader.num_classes, mode='train',, bn_mode='frozen' if FLAGS.bn_frozen else 'gather', data_format=FLAGS.data_format, initializer=FLAGS.initializer, fine_tune_filename=FLAGS.fine_tune_filename, wd_mode=FLAGS.weight_decay_mode, gpu_num=FLAGS.gpu_num, float_type=float_type, has_aux_loss=FLAGS.has_aux_loss, train_like_in_paper=FLAGS.train_like_in_paper, structure_in_paper=FLAGS.structure_in_paper, new_layer_names=new_layer_names, loss_type=FLAGS.loss_type, consider_dilated=FLAGS.consider_dilated) train_ops = model.build_train_ops(list_images, list_labels) # < log dir and model id > logdir = LogDir(FLAGS.database, model_id()) logdir.print_all_info() if not os.path.exists(logdir.log_dir): print('creating ', logdir.log_dir, '...') os.mkdir(logdir.log_dir) if not os.path.exists(logdir.database_dir): print('creating ', logdir.database_dir, '...') os.mkdir(logdir.database_dir) if not os.path.exists(logdir.exp_dir): print('creating ', logdir.exp_dir, '...') os.mkdir(logdir.exp_dir) if not os.path.exists(logdir.snapshot_dir): print('creating ', logdir.snapshot_dir, '...') os.mkdir(logdir.snapshot_dir) gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth=False) config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False, gpu_options=gpu_options, allow_soft_placement=True) sess = tf.Session(config=config) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) init = [ tf.global_variables_initializer(), tf.local_variables_initializer() ] # < convert npy to .ckpt > step = 0 if '.npy' in FLAGS.fine_tune_filename: # This can transform .npy weights with variables names being the same to the tf ckpt model. fine_tune_variables = [] npy_dict = np.load(FLAGS.fine_tune_filename).item() new_layers_names = ['Momentum'] for v in tf.global_variables(): if any(elem in for elem in new_layers_names): continue name =':0')[0] if name not in npy_dict: continue v.load(npy_dict[name], sess) fine_tune_variables.append(v) saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=fine_tune_variables), logdir.snapshot_dir + '/model.ckpt', global_step=0) return # < load pre-trained model> import_variables = tf.trainable_variables() if FLAGS.fine_tune_filename is not None and resume_step is None: fine_tune_variables = [] new_layers_names = model.new_layers_names new_layers_names.append('Momentum') new_layers_names.append('up_sample') for v in import_variables: if any(elem in for elem in new_layers_names): print('< Finetuning Process: not import %s >' % continue fine_tune_variables.append(v) loader = tf.train.Saver(var_list=fine_tune_variables, allow_empty=True) loader.restore(sess, FLAGS.fine_tune_filename) print('< Succesfully loaded fine-tune model from %s. >' % FLAGS.fine_tune_filename) elif resume_step is not None: # ./snapshot/model.ckpt-3000 i_ckpt = logdir.snapshot_dir + '/model.ckpt-%d' % resume_step loader = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=0) loader.restore(sess, i_ckpt) step = resume_step print('< Succesfully loaded model from %s at step=%s. >' % (i_ckpt, resume_step)) else: print('< Not import any model. >') f_log = open(logdir.exp_dir + '/' + str( + '.txt', 'w') f_log.write('step,loss,precision,wd\n') f_log.write(sorted_str_dict(FLAGS.__dict__) + '\n') print('\n< training process begins >\n') average_loss = 0.0 show_period = 20 snapshot = FLAGS.snapshot max_iter = FLAGS.train_max_iter lrn_rate = FLAGS.lrn_rate lr_step = [] if FLAGS.lr_step is not None: temps = FLAGS.lr_step.split(',') for t in temps: lr_step.append(int(t)) saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=2) t0 = None wd_rate = FLAGS.weight_decay_rate wd_rate2 = FLAGS.weight_decay_rate2 if FLAGS.save_first_iteration == 1:, logdir.snapshot_dir + '/model.ckpt', global_step=step) has_nan = False while step < max_iter + 1: if FLAGS.poly_lr == 1: lrn_rate = ((1 - 1.0 * step / max_iter)**0.9) * FLAGS.lrn_rate step += 1 if len(lr_step) > 0 and step == lr_step[0]: lrn_rate *= FLAGS.step_size lr_step.remove(step) _, loss, wd, precision = [train_ops, model.loss, model.wd, model.precision_op], feed_dict={ model.lrn_rate_ph: lrn_rate, model.wd_rate_ph: wd_rate, model.wd_rate2_ph: wd_rate2 }) if math.isnan(loss) or math.isnan(wd): print('\nloss or weight norm is nan. Training Stopped!\n') has_nan = True break average_loss += loss if step % snapshot == 0:, logdir.snapshot_dir + '/model.ckpt', global_step=step)[tf.local_variables_initializer()]) if step % show_period == 0: left_hours = 0 if t0 is not None: delta_t = ( - t0).total_seconds() left_time = (max_iter - step) / show_period * delta_t left_hours = left_time / 3600.0 t0 = average_loss /= show_period f_log.write('%d,%f,%f,%f\n' % (step, average_loss, precision, wd)) f_log.flush() print('%s %s] Step %s, lr = %f, wd_rate = %f, wd_rate_2 = %f ' \ % (str(, str(os.getpid()), step, lrn_rate, wd_rate, wd_rate2)) print('\t loss = %.4f, precision = %.4f, wd = %.4f' % (average_loss, precision, wd)) print('\t estimated time left: %.1f hours. %d/%d' % (left_hours, step, max_iter)) average_loss = 0.0 coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads) return f_log, logdir, has_nan # f_log and logdir returned for eval.
def train(resume_step=None): global_step = tf.get_variable('global_step', [], dtype=tf.int64, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0), trainable=False) image_size = FLAGS.train_image_size print '================', if FLAGS.data_type == 16: print 'using tf.float16 =====================' data_type = tf.float16 print 'can not use float16 at this moment, because of, if using fused_bn, the learning will be nan', print ', no idea what happened.' else: print 'using tf.float32 =====================' data_type = tf.float32 if FLAGS.database == 'CityScapes': from database.cityscapes_reader import CityScapesReader as ImageReader num_classes = 19 data_list = FLAGS.subsets_for_training.split(',') if len(data_list) < 1: data_list = ['train'] else: print("Unknown database %s" % FLAGS.database) return print data_list images = [] labels = [] with tf.device('/cpu:0'): reader = ImageReader( FLAGS.server, data_list, (image_size, image_size), FLAGS.random_scale, random_mirror=True, random_blur=True, random_rotate=FLAGS.random_rotate, color_switch=FLAGS.color_switch, scale_rate=(FLAGS.scale_min, FLAGS.scale_max)) print '================ Database Info ================' for i in range(FLAGS.gpu_num): with tf.device('/cpu:0'): image_batch, label_batch = reader.dequeue(FLAGS.batch_size) images.append(image_batch) labels.append(label_batch) wd_rate_ph = tf.placeholder(data_type, shape=()) wd_rate2_ph = tf.placeholder(data_type, shape=()) lrn_rate_ph = tf.placeholder(data_type, shape=()) new_layer_names = FLAGS.new_layer_names if FLAGS.new_layer_names is not None: new_layer_names = new_layer_names.split(',') assert 'pspnet' in resnet = 'resnet_v1_101' PSPModel = pspnet_mg.PSPNetMG with tf.variable_scope(resnet): model = PSPModel(num_classes, lrn_rate_ph, wd_rate_ph, wd_rate2_ph, mode='train', bn_epsilon=FLAGS.epsilon, resnet=resnet, norm_only=FLAGS.norm_only, initializer=FLAGS.initializer, fix_blocks=FLAGS.fix_blocks, fine_tune_filename=FLAGS.fine_tune_filename, bn_ema=FLAGS.ema_decay, bn_frozen=FLAGS.bn_frozen, wd_mode=FLAGS.weight_decay_mode, fisher_filename=FLAGS.fisher_filename, gpu_num=FLAGS.gpu_num, float_type=data_type, fisher_epsilon=FLAGS.fisher_epsilon, has_aux_loss=FLAGS.has_aux_loss, train_like_in_paper=FLAGS.train_like_in_paper, structure_in_paper=FLAGS.structure_in_paper, new_layer_names=new_layer_names, loss_type=FLAGS.loss_type) model.inference(images) model.build_train_op(labels) names = [] num_params = 0 for v in tf.trainable_variables(): # print names.append( num = 1 for i in v.get_shape().as_list(): num *= i num_params += num print "Trainable parameters' num: %d" % num_params print 'iou precision shape: ', model.predictions.get_shape(), labels[0].get_shape() pred = tf.reshape(model.predictions, [-1, ]) gt = tf.reshape(labels[0], [-1, ]) indices = tf.squeeze(tf.where(tf.less_equal(gt, num_classes - 1)), 1) gt = tf.cast(tf.gather(gt, indices), tf.int32) pred = tf.gather(pred, indices) precision_op, update_op = tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_mean_iou(pred, gt, num_classes=num_classes) # ========================= end of building model ================================ step = 0 logdir = LogDir(FLAGS.database, FLAGS.log_dir, FLAGS.weight_decay_mode) logdir.print_all_info() if not os.path.exists(logdir.log_dir): print 'creating ', logdir.log_dir, '...' os.mkdir(logdir.log_dir) if not os.path.exists(logdir.database_dir): print 'creating ', logdir.database_dir, '...' os.mkdir(logdir.database_dir) if not os.path.exists(logdir.exp_dir): print 'creating ', logdir.exp_dir, '...' os.mkdir(logdir.exp_dir) if not os.path.exists(logdir.snapshot_dir): print 'creating ', logdir.snapshot_dir, '...' os.mkdir(logdir.snapshot_dir) init = [tf.global_variables_initializer(), tf.local_variables_initializer()] gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth=False) config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False, gpu_options=gpu_options, allow_soft_placement=True) sess = tf.Session(config=config) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) import_variables = tf.trainable_variables() if FLAGS.fix_blocks > 0 or FLAGS.bn_frozen > 0: import_variables = tf.global_variables() if '.npy' in FLAGS.fine_tune_filename: # This can transform .npy weights with variables names being the same to the tf ckpt model. fine_tune_variables = [] npy_dict = np.load(FLAGS.fine_tune_filename).item() new_layers_names = ['Momentum'] for v in tf.global_variables(): print '=====Saving initial snapshot process:', if any(elem in for elem in new_layers_names): print 'not import', continue name =':0')[0] if name not in npy_dict: print 'not find', continue v.load(npy_dict[name], sess) print 'saving', fine_tune_variables.append(v) saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=fine_tune_variables), logdir.snapshot_dir + '/model.ckpt', global_step=0) return if FLAGS.fine_tune_filename is not None and resume_step is None: fine_tune_variables = [] new_layers_names = model.new_layers_names new_layers_names.append('Momentum') for v in import_variables: if any(elem in for elem in new_layers_names): print '=====Finetuning Process: not import %s' % continue fine_tune_variables.append(v) loader = tf.train.Saver(var_list=fine_tune_variables) loader.restore(sess, FLAGS.fine_tune_filename) print('=====Succesfully loaded fine-tune model from %s.' % FLAGS.fine_tune_filename) elif resume_step is not None: # ./snapshot/model.ckpt-3000 i_ckpt = logdir.snapshot_dir + '/model.ckpt-%d' % resume_step loader = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=0) loader.restore(sess, i_ckpt) step = resume_step print('=====Succesfully loaded model from %s at step=%s.' % (i_ckpt, resume_step)) else: print '=====Not import any model.' print '=========================== training process begins =================================' f_log = open(logdir.exp_dir + '/' + str( + '.txt', 'w') f_log.write('step,loss,precision,wd\n') f_log.write(sorted_str_dict(FLAGS.__dict__) + '\n') average_loss = 0.0 show_period = 20 snapshot = FLAGS.snapshot max_iter = FLAGS.train_max_iter lrn_rate = FLAGS.lrn_rate lr_step = [] if FLAGS.lr_step is not None: temps = FLAGS.lr_step.split(',') for t in temps: lr_step.append(int(t)) # fine_tune_variables = [] # for v in tf.global_variables(): # if 'Momentum' in # continue # print '=====Saving initial snapshot process: saving %s' % # fine_tune_variables.append(v) # # saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=fine_tune_variables) #, logdir.snapshot_dir + '/model.ckpt', global_step=0) saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=2) t0 = None wd_rate = FLAGS.weight_decay_rate wd_rate2 = FLAGS.weight_decay_rate2 if FLAGS.save_first_iteration == 1:, logdir.snapshot_dir + '/model.ckpt', global_step=step) has_nan = False while step < max_iter + 1: if FLAGS.poly_lr == 1: lrn_rate = ((1-1.0*step/max_iter)**0.9) * FLAGS.lrn_rate step += 1 if len(lr_step) > 0 and step == lr_step[0]: lrn_rate *= FLAGS.step_size lr_step.remove(step) _, loss, wd, update, precision =[ model.train_op, model.loss, model.wd, update_op, precision_op ], feed_dict={ lrn_rate_ph: lrn_rate, wd_rate_ph: wd_rate, wd_rate2_ph: wd_rate2 } ) if math.isnan(loss) or math.isnan(wd): print 'loss or weight norm is nan. Training Stopped!' has_nan = True break average_loss += loss if step % snapshot == 0:, logdir.snapshot_dir + '/model.ckpt', global_step=step)[tf.local_variables_initializer()]) if step % show_period == 0: left_hours = 0 if t0 is not None: delta_t = ( - t0).seconds left_time = (max_iter - step) / show_period * delta_t left_hours = left_time/3600.0 t0 = average_loss /= show_period if step == 0: average_loss *= show_period f_log.write('%d,%f,%f,%f\n' % (step, average_loss, precision, wd)) f_log.flush() print '%s %s] Step %s, lr = %f, wd_rate = %f, wd_rate_2 = %f ' \ % (str(, str(os.getpid()), step, lrn_rate, wd_rate, wd_rate2) print '\t loss = %.4f, precision = %.4f, wd = %.4f' % (average_loss, precision, wd) print '\t estimated time left: %.1f hours. %d/%d' % (left_hours, step, max_iter) average_loss = 0.0 coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads) return f_log, logdir, has_nan # f_log and logdir returned for eval.
def train(resume_step=None): global_step = tf.get_variable('global_step', [], dtype=tf.int64, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0), trainable=False) print('================', end='') if FLAGS.data_type == 16: print('using tf.float16 =====================') data_type = tf.float16 else: print('using tf.float32 =====================') data_type = tf.float32 wd_rate_ph = tf.placeholder(data_type, shape=()) wd_rate2_ph = tf.placeholder(data_type, shape=()) lrn_rate_ph = tf.placeholder(data_type, shape=()) with tf.variable_scope(FLAGS.resnet): images, labels, num_classes = dataset_reader.build_input( FLAGS.batch_size, 'train', examples_per_class=FLAGS.examples_per_class, dataset=FLAGS.database, resize_image=FLAGS.resize_image, color_switch=FLAGS.color_switch, blur=FLAGS.blur) model = resnet.ResNet(num_classes, lrn_rate_ph, wd_rate_ph, wd_rate2_ph, optimizer=FLAGS.optimizer, mode='train', bn_epsilon=FLAGS.epsilon, resnet=FLAGS.resnet, norm_only=FLAGS.norm_only, initializer=FLAGS.initializer, fix_blocks=FLAGS.fix_blocks, fine_tune_filename=FLAGS.fine_tune_filename, bn_ema=FLAGS.ema_decay, wd_mode=FLAGS.weight_decay_mode, fisher_filename=FLAGS.fisher_filename, gpu_num=FLAGS.gpu_num, fisher_epsilon=FLAGS.fisher_epsilon, float_type=data_type, separate_regularization=FLAGS.separate_reg) model.inference(images) model.build_train_op(labels) names = [] num_params = 0 for v in tf.trainable_variables(): # print names.append( num = 1 for i in v.get_shape().as_list(): num *= i num_params += num print("Trainable parameters' num: %d" % num_params) precisions = tf.nn.in_top_k(tf.cast(model.predictions, tf.float32), model.labels, 1) precision_op = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(precisions, tf.float32)) # ========================= end of building model ================================ step = 0 saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=0) logdir = LogDir(FLAGS.database, FLAGS.log_dir, FLAGS.weight_decay_mode) logdir.print_all_info() if not os.path.exists(logdir.log_dir): print('creating ', logdir.log_dir, '...') os.mkdir(logdir.log_dir) if not os.path.exists(logdir.database_dir): print('creating ', logdir.database_dir, '...') os.mkdir(logdir.database_dir) if not os.path.exists(logdir.exp_dir): print('creating ', logdir.exp_dir, '...') os.mkdir(logdir.exp_dir) if not os.path.exists(logdir.snapshot_dir): print('creating ', logdir.snapshot_dir, '...') os.mkdir(logdir.snapshot_dir) init = [ tf.global_variables_initializer(), tf.local_variables_initializer() ] gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth=False) config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False, gpu_options=gpu_options) sess = tf.Session(config=config) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) import_variables = tf.trainable_variables() if FLAGS.fix_blocks > 0: import_variables = tf.global_variables() if FLAGS.fine_tune_filename is not None and resume_step is None: fine_tune_variables = [] new_layers_names = model.new_layers_names new_layers_names.append('Momentum') for v in import_variables: if any(elem in for elem in new_layers_names): print('not loading %s' % continue fine_tune_variables.append(v) loader = tf.train.Saver(var_list=fine_tune_variables) loader.restore(sess, FLAGS.fine_tune_filename) print('Succesfully loaded fine-tune model from %s.' % FLAGS.fine_tune_filename) elif resume_step is not None: # ./snapshot/model.ckpt-3000 i_ckpt = logdir.snapshot_dir + '/model.ckpt-%d' % resume_step saver.restore(sess, i_ckpt) step = resume_step print('Succesfully loaded model from %s at step=%s.' % (i_ckpt, resume_step)) else: print('Not import any model.') print( '=========================== training process begins =================================' ) f_log = open(logdir.exp_dir + '/' + str( + '.txt', 'w') f_log.write('step,loss,precision,wd\n') f_log.write(sorted_str_dict(FLAGS.__dict__) + '\n') average_loss = 0.0 average_precision = 0.0 show_period = 20 snapshot = FLAGS.snapshot max_iter = FLAGS.train_max_iter lrn_rate = FLAGS.lrn_rate lr_step = [] if FLAGS.lr_step is not None: temps = FLAGS.lr_step.split(',') for t in temps: lr_step.append(int(t)) t0 = None wd_rate = FLAGS.weight_decay_rate wd_rate2 = FLAGS.weight_decay_rate2 while step < max_iter + 1: step += 1 if FLAGS.lr_policy == 'step': if len(lr_step) > 0 and step == lr_step[0]: lrn_rate *= FLAGS.step_size lr_step.remove(step) elif FLAGS.lr_policy == 'poly': lrn_rate = ((1 - 1.0 * (step - 1) / max_iter)**0.9) * FLAGS.lrn_rate elif FLAGS.lr_policy == 'linear': lrn_rate = FLAGS.lrn_rate / step else: lrn_rate = FLAGS.lrn_rate _, loss, wd, precision = [model.train_op, model.loss, model.wd, precision_op], feed_dict={ lrn_rate_ph: lrn_rate, wd_rate_ph: wd_rate, wd_rate2_ph: wd_rate2 }) average_loss += loss average_precision += precision if FLAGS.save_first_iteration == 1 or step % snapshot == 0:, logdir.snapshot_dir + '/model.ckpt', global_step=step) if step % show_period == 0: left_hours = 0 if t0 is not None: delta_t = ( - t0).seconds left_time = (max_iter - step) / show_period * delta_t left_hours = left_time / 3600.0 t0 = average_loss /= show_period average_precision /= show_period if step == 0: average_loss *= show_period average_precision *= show_period f_log.write('%d,%f,%f,%f\n' % (step, average_loss, average_precision, wd)) f_log.flush() print('%s %s] Step %s, lr = %f, wd_rate = %f, wd_rate_2 = %f ' \ % (str(, str(os.getpid()), step, lrn_rate, wd_rate, wd_rate2)) print('\t loss = %.4f, precision = %.4f, wd = %.4f' % (average_loss, average_precision, wd)) print('\t estimated time left: %.1f hours. %d/%d' % (left_hours, step, max_iter)) average_loss = 0.0 average_precision = 0.0 coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads) return f_log, logdir # f_log returned for eval.
def train(resume_step=None): global_step = tf.get_variable('global_step', [], dtype=tf.int64, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0), trainable=False) image_size = FLAGS.train_image_size print '================', if FLAGS.data_type == 16: print 'using tf.float16 =====================' data_type = tf.float16 print 'can not use float16 at this moment, because of, if using fused_bn, the learning will be nan', print ', no idea what happened.' else: print 'using tf.float32 =====================' data_type = tf.float32 data_list = FLAGS.subsets_for_training.split(',') if len(data_list) < 1: data_list = ['train'] print data_list images = [] labels = [] with tf.device('/cpu:0'): IMG_MEAN = np.array((103.939, 116.779, 123.68), dtype=np.float32) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() reader = ImageReader('./data/train', 'train.txt', '480,480', 'true', 'true', 255, IMG_MEAN, coord) print '================ Database Info ================' for i in range(FLAGS.gpu_num): with tf.device('/cpu:0'): image_batch, label_batch = reader.dequeue(FLAGS.batch_size) images.append(image_batch) labels.append(label_batch) wd_rate_ph = tf.placeholder(data_type, shape=()) wd_rate2_ph = tf.placeholder(data_type, shape=()) lrn_rate_ph = tf.placeholder(data_type, shape=()) resnet = 'resnet_v1_50' ResnetModel = resnet_v1_50.ResNet with tf.variable_scope(resnet): model = ResnetModel(num_classes, lrn_rate_ph, wd_rate_ph, wd_rate2_ph, mode='train', bn_epsilon=FLAGS.epsilon, norm_only=FLAGS.norm_only, initializer=FLAGS.initializer, fix_blocks=FLAGS.fix_blocks, fine_tune_filename=FLAGS.fine_tune_filename, wd_mode=FLAGS.weight_decay_mode, fisher_filename=FLAGS.fisher_filename) model.inference(images) model.build_train_op(labels) print 'iou precision shape: ', model.predictions.get_shape( ), labels[0].get_shape() pred = tf.reshape(model.predictions, [ -1, ]) gt = tf.reshape(labels[0], [ -1, ]) indices = tf.squeeze(tf.where(tf.less_equal(gt, num_classes - 1)), 1) gt = tf.cast(tf.gather(gt, indices), tf.int32) pred = tf.gather(pred, indices) precision_op, update_op = tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_mean_iou( pred, gt, num_classes=num_classes) # ========================= end of building model ================================ step = 0 logdir = LogDir(FLAGS.database, FLAGS.log_dir, FLAGS.weight_decay_mode) logdir.print_all_info() if not os.path.exists(logdir.log_dir): print 'creating ', logdir.log_dir, '...' os.mkdir(logdir.log_dir) if not os.path.exists(logdir.database_dir): print 'creating ', logdir.database_dir, '...' os.mkdir(logdir.database_dir) if not os.path.exists(logdir.exp_dir): print 'creating ', logdir.exp_dir, '...' os.mkdir(logdir.exp_dir) if not os.path.exists(logdir.snapshot_dir): print 'creating ', logdir.snapshot_dir, '...' os.mkdir(logdir.snapshot_dir) init = [ tf.global_variables_initializer(), tf.local_variables_initializer() ] gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth=False) config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False, gpu_options=gpu_options, allow_soft_placement=True) sess = tf.Session(config=config) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) import_variables = tf.trainable_variables() if FLAGS.fix_blocks > 0 or FLAGS.bn_frozen > 0: import_variables = tf.global_variables() if FLAGS.fine_tune_filename is not None and resume_step is None: fine_tune_variables = [] new_layers_names = model.new_layers_names new_layers_names.append('Momentum') new_layers_names.append('up_sample') for v in import_variables: if any(elem in for elem in new_layers_names): print '=====Finetuning Process: not import %s' % continue fine_tune_variables.append(v) loader = tf.train.Saver(var_list=fine_tune_variables, allow_empty=True) loader.restore(sess, FLAGS.fine_tune_filename) print('=====Succesfully loaded fine-tune model from %s.' % FLAGS.fine_tune_filename) elif resume_step is not None: # ./snapshot/model.ckpt-3000 i_ckpt = './model/model.ckpt-%d' % resume_step loader = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=0) loader.restore(sess, i_ckpt) step = resume_step print('=====Succesfully loaded model from %s at step=%s.' % (i_ckpt, resume_step)) else: print '=====Not import any model.' print '=========================== training process begins =================================' f_log = open(logdir.exp_dir + '/' + str( + '.txt', 'w') f_log.write('step,loss,precision,wd\n') f_log.write(sorted_str_dict(FLAGS.__dict__) + '\n') average_loss = 0.0 show_period = 20 snapshot = FLAGS.snapshot max_iter = FLAGS.train_max_iter lrn_rate = FLAGS.lrn_rate lr_step = [] if FLAGS.lr_step is not None: temps = FLAGS.lr_step.split(',') for t in temps: lr_step.append(int(t)) saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=2) t0 = None wd_rate = FLAGS.weight_decay_rate wd_rate2 = FLAGS.weight_decay_rate2 if FLAGS.save_first_iteration == 1:, logdir.snapshot_dir + '/model.ckpt', global_step=step) has_nan = False while step < max_iter + 1: if FLAGS.poly_lr == 1: lrn_rate = ((1 - 1.0 * step / max_iter)**0.9) * FLAGS.lrn_rate step += 1 if len(lr_step) > 0 and step == lr_step[0]: lrn_rate *= FLAGS.step_size lr_step.remove(step) _, loss, wd, update, precision = [model.train_op, model.loss, model.wd, update_op, precision_op], feed_dict={ lrn_rate_ph: lrn_rate, wd_rate_ph: wd_rate, wd_rate2_ph: wd_rate2 }) average_loss += loss if step % snapshot == 0:, logdir.snapshot_dir + '/model.ckpt', global_step=step)[tf.local_variables_initializer()]) if step % show_period == 0: left_hours = 0 if t0 is not None: delta_t = ( - t0).seconds left_time = (max_iter - step) / show_period * delta_t left_hours = left_time / 3600.0 t0 = average_loss /= show_period if step == 0: average_loss *= show_period f_log.write('%d,%f,%f,%f\n' % (step, average_loss, precision, wd)) f_log.flush() print '%s %s] Step %s, lr = %f, wd_rate = %f, wd_rate_2 = %f ' \ % (str(, str(os.getpid()), step, lrn_rate, wd_rate, wd_rate2) print '\t loss = %.4f, precision = %.4f, wd = %.4f' % ( average_loss, precision, wd) print '\t estimated time left: %.1f hours. %d/%d' % ( left_hours, step, max_iter) average_loss = 0.0 coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads) return f_log, logdir, has_nan # f_log and logdir returned for eval.