def calc_R_Zh_relationship(self):
        calc_R_Zh_relationship calculates the power law fit for Zh based
        upon scattered radar parameters. It returns the scale and exponential
        parameter a and b in the first tuple, and the second returned argument
        gives the covariance matrix of the fit.

        popt, pcov = expfit(np.power(10, 0.1 * self.Zh[self.rain_rate > 0]),
                            self.rain_rate[self.rain_rate > 0])
        return popt, pcov
    def calc_R_kdp_relationship(self):
        calc_R_kdp_relationship calculates a power fit for the rainfall-kdp
        relationship based upon the calculated radar parameters(which should
        have already been run). It returns the scale and exponential
        parameter a and b in the first tuple, and the second returned argument
        gives the covariance matrix of the fit.

        popt, pcov = expfit(self.Kdp[self.rain_rate > 0],
                            self.rain_rate[self.rain_rate > 0])

        return popt, pcov
Esempio n. 3
    def calculate_R_Zh_relationship(self):
        calculate_R_Zh_relationship calculates the power law fit for Zh based
        upon scattered radar parameters. It returns the scale and exponential
        parameter a and b in the first tuple, and the second returned argument
        gives the covariance matrix of the fit.

        popt: tuple
            a,b,c fits for relationship.
        pcov: array
            Covariance matrix of fits.

        popt, pcov = expfit(np.power(10, 0.1 * self.fields['Zh']['data'][self.rain_rate['data'] > 0]),
                            self.fields['rain_rate']['data'][self.fields['rain_rate']['data'] > 0])
        return popt, pcov
    def calculate_R_Kdp_relationship(self):
        calculate_R_kdp_relationship calculates a power fit for the rainfall-kdp
        relationship based upon the calculated radar parameters(which should
        have already been run). It returns the scale and exponential
        parameter a and b in the first tuple, and the second returned argument
        gives the covariance matrix of the fit.

        if 'rain_rate' in self.fields.keys():
            filt = np.logical_and(self.fields['Kdp']['data'] > 0,
                                  self.fields['rain_rate']['data'] > 0)
            popt, pcov = expfit(self.fields['Kdp']['data'][filt],

            return popt, pcov
            print("Please run calculate_RR() function first.")
            return None
Esempio n. 5
def ajuste(fn, x, y):
    """ Calcula os coeficientes de um ajuste usando o método dos mínimos
            fn: uma string indicando a forma da função a ser ajustada.
            x: o vetor contendo as abscissas.
            y: o vetor contendo as ordenadas.
         Saída:  a função ajustada e uma legenda para ela. A legenda poderá ser
                 usada em um gráfico do matplotlib.

    if fn == 'n':
        # Ajusta os coeficientes de um polinômio de grau 1
        coefs = np.polyfit(x, y, 1)
        f = np.poly1d(coefs)
        legenda = legenda_poli(coefs)
    elif fn == 'n^2':
        # Ajusta os coeficientes de um polinômio de grau 2
        coefs = np.polyfit(x, y, 2)
        f = np.poly1d(coefs)
        legenda = legenda_poli(coefs)
    elif fn == 'nln(n)':
        # Ajusta os coeficientes a e b da função  f(n)= a*n*ln(n) + b
        coefs = nlognfit(x, y)
        a, b = coefs
        f = lambda n: a * n * np.log(n) + b
        legenda = legenda_nln(a, b)
    elif fn == 'ln(n)':
        # Ajusta os coeficientes a e b da função  f(n)= a*ln(n) + b
        coefs = logfit(x, y)
        a, b = coefs
        f = lambda n: a * np.log(n) + b
        legenda = legenda_ln(a, b)
    elif fn == 'e(n)':
        # Ajusta os coeficientes a e b da função  f(n)= ae^(bx)
        coefs = expfit(x, y)
        a, b = coefs
        f = lambda n: a * np.exp(b * n)
        legenda = legenda_en(a, b)
        print("A função 'ajuste' nao esta preparada para ajustar " + fn)
    return (f, '$' + legenda + '$')
Esempio n. 6
    def calculate_R_Kdp_relationship(self):
        calculate_R_kdp_relationship calculates a power fit for the rainfall-kdp
        relationship based upon the calculated radar parameters(which should
        have already been run). It returns the scale and exponential
        parameter a and b in the first tuple, and the second returned argument
        gives the covariance matrix of the fit.

        if 'rain_rate' in self.fields.keys():
            filt = np.logical_and(
                self.fields['Kdp']['data'] > 0, self.fields['rain_rate']['data'] > 0)
            popt, pcov = expfit(self.fields['Kdp']['data'][filt],

            return popt, pcov
            print("Please run calculate_RR() function first.")
            return None
    def calculate_R_Zh_relationship(self):
        calculate_R_Zh_relationship calculates the power law fit for Zh based
        upon scattered radar parameters. It returns the scale and exponential
        parameter a and b in the first tuple, and the second returned argument
        gives the covariance matrix of the fit.

        popt: tuple
            a,b,c fits for relationship.
        pcov: array
            Covariance matrix of fits.

        popt, pcov = expfit(
                0.1 * self.fields['Zh']['data'][self.rain_rate['data'] > 0]),
                self.fields['rain_rate']['data'] > 0])
        return popt, pcov
Esempio n. 8
RHS1 = [ r + 1/p for p in ps_]
print r - rr

# rl = [laplace_mechanism(compute_sum_ti_p(p, data) , len(ps)*1.0/EPSILON) for p in ps]
# rl = [laplace_mechanism(compute_sum_ti_p(p, data) , len(ps)*1.0/EPSILON) for p in ps]
# rl1 = [laplace_mechanism(compute_sum_ti_p_log(p, data), bb*len(ps)*1.0/EPSILON) for p in ps]
rl_ = [compute_sum_ti_p(p, data) for p in ps_]
rl1_ = [compute_sum_ti_p_log(p, data) for p in ps_]

etm = [
        laplace_mechanism(compute_sum_ti_p_log(ps[i], data) , bb*1.0/(0.8*EPSILON/2.0*2.0*(i+1)/len(ps)/(len(ps)+1.0)  )   ) /
        laplace_mechanism(compute_sum_ti_p(ps[i], data) , 1.0/( 0.8*EPSILON/2.0*2.0*(i+1)/len(ps)/(len(ps)+1.0)))
        for i in range(len(ps))

fit = expfit(ps, 10, 1)
a0 = np.ones(2)
alp,bet,lam,aopt = fit.getOptCoeffs(etm,a0)
y = fit.getCurrentState()

# fit = expfit(ps, 30, 1)
# a0 = np.ones(2)
# alp,bet,lam,aopt = fit.getOptCoeffs(rl,a0)
# y = fit.getCurrentState()
# fit = expfit(ps, 30, 1)
# a0 = np.ones(2)
# alp,bet,lam,aopt = fit.getOptCoeffs(rl1,a0)
# y1 = fit.getCurrentState()

# z = np.polyfit(ps, rl, 2)