def step(self, dt, annotate=None):

            to_annotate = utils.to_annotate(annotate)

            if to_annotate:
                scheme = self.scheme()
                var = scheme.solution()
                fn_space = var.function_space()

                current_var = adjglobals.adj_variables[var]
                if not adjglobals.adjointer.variable_known(current_var):
                    solving.register_initial_conditions([(var, current_var)], linear=True)

                identity_block = utils.get_identity_block(fn_space)
                frozen_expressions = expressions.freeze_dict()
                frozen_constants = constant.freeze_dict()
                rhs = PointIntegralRHS(self, dt, current_var, frozen_expressions, frozen_constants)
                next_var =

                eqn = libadjoint.Equation(next_var, blocks=[identity_block], targets=[next_var], rhs=rhs)
                cs = adjglobals.adjointer.register_equation(eqn)

            super(PointIntegralSolver, self).step(dt)

            if to_annotate:
                curtime = float(scheme.t())
                scheme.t().assign(curtime)  # so that d-a sees the time update, which is implict in step

                solving.do_checkpoint(cs, next_var, rhs)

                if dolfin.parameters["adjoint"]["record_all"]:
                    adjglobals.adjointer.record_variable(next_var, libadjoint.MemoryStorage(adjlinalg.Vector(var)))
def annotate_split(bigfn, idx, smallfn, bcs):
    fn_space = smallfn.function_space().collapse()
    test = backend.TestFunction(fn_space)
    trial = backend.TrialFunction(fn_space)
    eq_lhs = backend.inner(test, trial)*backend.dx

    diag_name = "Split:%s:" % idx + hashlib.md5(str(eq_lhs) + "split" + str(smallfn) + str(bigfn) + str(idx) + str(random.random())).hexdigest()

    diag_deps = []
    diag_block = libadjoint.Block(diag_name, dependencies=diag_deps, test_hermitian=backend.parameters["adjoint"]["test_hermitian"], test_derivative=backend.parameters["adjoint"]["test_derivative"])

    solving.register_initial_conditions([(bigfn, adjglobals.adj_variables[bigfn])], linear=True, var=None)

    var =
    frozen_expressions_dict = expressions.freeze_dict()

    def diag_assembly_cb(dependencies, values, hermitian, coefficient, context):
        '''This callback must conform to the libadjoint Python block assembly
        interface. It returns either the form or its transpose, depending on
        the value of the logical hermitian.'''

        assert coefficient == 1

        value_coeffs=[ for v in values]
        eq_l = eq_lhs

        if hermitian:
            adjoint_bcs = [utils.homogenize(bc) for bc in bcs if isinstance(bc, backend.DirichletBC)] + [bc for bc in bcs if not isinstance(bc, backend.DirichletBC)]
            if len(adjoint_bcs) == 0: adjoint_bcs = None
            return (adjlinalg.Matrix(backend.adjoint(eq_l), bcs=adjoint_bcs), adjlinalg.Vector(None, fn_space=fn_space))
            return (adjlinalg.Matrix(eq_l, bcs=bcs), adjlinalg.Vector(None, fn_space=fn_space))
    diag_block.assemble = diag_assembly_cb

    rhs = SplitRHS(test, bigfn, idx)

    eqn = libadjoint.Equation(var, blocks=[diag_block], targets=[var], rhs=rhs)

    cs = adjglobals.adjointer.register_equation(eqn)
    solving.do_checkpoint(cs, var, rhs)

    if backend.parameters["adjoint"]["fussy_replay"]:
        mass = eq_lhs
        smallfn_massed = backend.Function(fn_space)
        backend.solve(mass == backend.action(mass, smallfn), smallfn_massed)
        assert False, "No idea how to assign to a subfunction yet .. "
        #assignment.dolfin_assign(bigfn, smallfn_massed)

    if backend.parameters["adjoint"]["record_all"]:
        smallfn_record = backend.Function(fn_space)
        assignment.dolfin_assign(smallfn_record, smallfn)
        adjglobals.adjointer.record_variable(var, libadjoint.MemoryStorage(adjlinalg.Vector(smallfn_record)))
Esempio n. 3
def annotate(*args, **kwargs):
    """This routine handles all of the annotation, recording the solves as they
    happen so that libadjoint can rewind them later."""

    if "matrix_class" in kwargs:
        matrix_class = kwargs["matrix_class"]
        del kwargs["matrix_class"]
        matrix_class = adjlinalg.Matrix

    if "initial_guess" in kwargs:
        initial_guess = kwargs["initial_guess"]
        del kwargs["initial_guess"]
        initial_guess = False

    replace_map = False
    if "replace_map" in kwargs:
        replace_map = kwargs["replace_map"]
        del kwargs["replace_map"]

    if isinstance(args[0], ufl.classes.Equation):
        # annotate !

        # Unpack the arguments, using the same routine as the real Dolfin solve call
        unpacked_args = compatibility._extract_args(*args, **kwargs)
        eq = unpacked_args[0]
        u = unpacked_args[1]
        bcs = unpacked_args[2]
        J = unpacked_args[3]
        # create a deep copy of the parameters. They can be of type
        # backend.Parameters or just a list
        if type(unpacked_args[7]) == backend.Parameters:
            solver_parameters = backend.Parameters(unpacked_args[7])
            solver_parameters = copy.deepcopy(unpacked_args[7])

        if isinstance(eq.lhs, ufl.Form) and isinstance(eq.rhs, ufl.Form):
            eq_lhs = eq.lhs
            eq_rhs = eq.rhs
            eq_bcs = bcs
            linear = True
            eq_lhs, eq_rhs = define_nonlinear_equation(eq.lhs, u)
            F = eq.lhs
            eq_bcs = []
            linear = False

    elif isinstance(args[0], compatibility.matrix_types()):
        linear = True
            eq_lhs = args[0].form
        except (KeyError, AttributeError) as e:
            raise libadjoint.exceptions.LibadjointErrorInvalidInputs(
                "dolfin_adjoint did not assemble your form, and so does not recognise your matrix. Did you from dolfin_adjoint import *?"

            eq_rhs = args[2].form
        except (KeyError, AttributeError) as e:
            raise libadjoint.exceptions.LibadjointErrorInvalidInputs(
                "dolfin_adjoint did not assemble your form, and so does not recognise your right-hand side. Did you from dolfin_adjoint import *?"

        u = args[1]
        u = u.function

        solver_parameters = {}

            solver_parameters["linear_solver"] = args[3]
        except IndexError:

            solver_parameters["preconditioner"] = args[4]
        except IndexError:

            eq_bcs = misc.uniq(args[0].bcs + args[2].bcs)
        except AttributeError:
            assert not hasattr(args[0], "bcs") and not hasattr(args[2], "bcs")
            eq_bcs = []
        print "args[0].__class__: ", args[0].__class__
        raise libadjoint.exceptions.LibadjointErrorNotImplemented("Don't know how to annotate your equation, sorry!")

    # Suppose we are solving for a variable w, and that variable shows up in the
    # coefficients of eq_lhs/eq_rhs.
    # Does that mean:
    #  a) the /previous value/ of that variable, and you want to timestep?
    #  b) the /value to be solved for/ in this solve?
    # i.e. is it timelevel n-1, or n?
    # if Dolfin is doing a linear solve, we want case a);
    # if Dolfin is doing a nonlinear solve, we want case b).
    # so if we are doing a nonlinear solve, we bump the timestep number here
    # /before/ we map the coefficients -> dependencies,
    # so that libadjoint records the dependencies with the right timestep number.
    if not linear:
        # Register the initial condition before the first nonlinear solve
        register_initial_conditions([[u, adjglobals.adj_variables[u]]], linear=False)
        var =
        var = None

    # Set up the data associated with the matrix on the left-hand side. This goes on the diagonal
    # of the 'large' system that incorporates all of the timelevels, which is why it is prefixed
    # with diag.
    diag_name = hashlib.md5(
        str(eq_lhs) + str(eq_rhs) + str(u) + str(random.random())
    ).hexdigest()  # we don't have a useful human-readable name, so take the md5sum of the string representation of the forms
    diag_deps = [
        for coeff in ufl.algorithms.extract_coefficients(eq_lhs)
        if hasattr(coeff, "function_space")
    diag_coeffs = [coeff for coeff in ufl.algorithms.extract_coefficients(eq_lhs) if hasattr(coeff, "function_space")]

    if (
        initial_guess and linear
    ):  # if the initial guess matters, we're going to have to add this in as a dependency of the system
        initial_guess_var = adjglobals.adj_variables[u]

    diag_block = libadjoint.Block(

    # Similarly, create the object associated with the right-hand side data.
    if linear:
        rhs = adjrhs.RHS(eq_rhs)
        rhs = adjrhs.NonlinearRHS(eq_rhs, F, u, bcs, mass=eq_lhs, solver_parameters=solver_parameters, J=J)

    # We need to check if this is the first equation,
    # so that we can register the appropriate initial conditions.
    # These equations are necessary so that libadjoint can assemble the
    # relevant adjoint equations for the adjoint variables associated with
    # the initial conditions.
    assert len(rhs.coefficients()) == len(rhs.dependencies())
        zip(rhs.coefficients(), rhs.dependencies()) + zip(diag_coeffs, diag_deps), linear=linear, var=var

    # c.f. the discussion above. In the linear case, we want to bump the
    # timestep number /after/ all of the dependencies' timesteps have been
    # computed for libadjoint.
    if linear:
        var =

    # With the initial conditions out of the way, let us now define the callbacks that
    # define the actions of the operator the user has passed in on the lhs of this equation.

    # Our equation may depend on Expressions, and those Expressions may have parameters
    # (e.g. for time-dependent boundary conditions).
    # In order to successfully replay the forward solve, we need to keep those parameters around.
    # In, we overloaded the Expression class to record all of the parameters
    # as they are set. We're now going to copy that dictionary as it is at the annotation time,
    # so that we can get back to this exact state:
    frozen_expressions = expressions.freeze_dict()
    frozen_constants = constant.freeze_dict()

    def diag_assembly_cb(dependencies, values, hermitian, coefficient, context):
        """This callback must conform to the libadjoint Python block assembly
        interface. It returns either the form or its transpose, depending on
        the value of the logical hermitian."""

        assert coefficient == 1

        value_coeffs = [ for v in values]
        eq_l = backend.replace(eq_lhs, dict(zip(diag_coeffs, value_coeffs)))

        kwargs = {"cache": eq_l in caching.assembled_fwd_forms}  # should we cache our matrices on the way backwards?

        if hermitian:
            # Homogenise the adjoint boundary conditions. This creates the adjoint
            # solution associated with the lifted discrete system that is actually solved.
            adjoint_bcs = [utils.homogenize(bc) for bc in eq_bcs if isinstance(bc, backend.DirichletBC)] + [
                bc for bc in eq_bcs if not isinstance(bc, backend.DirichletBC)
            if len(adjoint_bcs) == 0:
                adjoint_bcs = None
                adjoint_bcs = misc.uniq(adjoint_bcs)

            kwargs["bcs"] = adjoint_bcs
            kwargs["solver_parameters"] = solver_parameters
            kwargs["adjoint"] = True

            if initial_guess:
                kwargs["initial_guess"] = value_coeffs[dependencies.index(initial_guess_var)]

            if replace_map:
                kwargs["replace_map"] = dict(zip(diag_coeffs, value_coeffs))

            return (
                    backend.adjoint(eq_l, reordered_arguments=ufl.algorithms.extract_arguments(eq_l)), **kwargs
                adjlinalg.Vector(None, fn_space=u.function_space()),

            kwargs["bcs"] = misc.uniq(eq_bcs)
            kwargs["solver_parameters"] = solver_parameters
            kwargs["adjoint"] = False

            if initial_guess:
                kwargs["initial_guess"] = value_coeffs[dependencies.index(initial_guess_var)]

            if replace_map:
                kwargs["replace_map"] = dict(zip(diag_coeffs, value_coeffs))

            return (matrix_class(eq_l, **kwargs), adjlinalg.Vector(None, fn_space=u.function_space()))

    diag_block.assemble = diag_assembly_cb

    def diag_action_cb(dependencies, values, hermitian, coefficient, input, context):
        value_coeffs = [ for v in values]
        eq_l = backend.replace(eq_lhs, dict(zip(diag_coeffs, value_coeffs)))

        if hermitian:
            eq_l = backend.adjoint(eq_l)

        output = coefficient * backend.action(eq_l,

        return adjlinalg.Vector(output)

    diag_block.action = diag_action_cb

    if len(diag_deps) > 0:
        # If this block is nonlinear (the entries of the matrix on the LHS
        # depend on any variable previously computed), then that will induce
        # derivative terms in the adjoint equations. Here, we define the
        # callback libadjoint will need to compute such terms.
        def derivative_action(
            dependencies, values, variable, contraction_vector, hermitian, input, coefficient, context
            dolfin_variable = values[dependencies.index(variable)].data
            dolfin_values = [ for val in values]

            current_form = backend.replace(eq_lhs, dict(zip(diag_coeffs, dolfin_values)))

            deriv = backend.derivative(current_form, dolfin_variable)
            args = ufl.algorithms.extract_arguments(deriv)
            deriv = backend.replace(deriv, {args[1]:})  # contract over the middle index

            # Assemble the G-matrix now, so that we can apply the Dirichlet BCs to it
            if len(ufl.algorithms.extract_arguments(ufl.algorithms.expand_derivatives(coefficient * deriv))) == 0:
                return adjlinalg.Vector(None)

            G = coefficient * deriv

            if hermitian:
                output = backend.action(backend.adjoint(G),
                output = backend.action(G,

            return adjlinalg.Vector(output)

        diag_block.derivative_action = derivative_action

        def derivative_outer_action(
            dependencies, values, variable, contraction_vector, hermitian, input, coefficient, context
            dolfin_variable = values[dependencies.index(variable)].data
            dolfin_values = [ for val in values]

            current_form = backend.replace(eq_lhs, dict(zip(diag_coeffs, dolfin_values)))

            deriv = backend.derivative(current_form, dolfin_variable)
            args = ufl.algorithms.extract_arguments(deriv)
            deriv = backend.replace(deriv, {args[2]:})  # contract over the outer index

            # Assemble the G-matrix now, so that we can apply the Dirichlet BCs to it
            if len(ufl.algorithms.extract_arguments(ufl.algorithms.expand_derivatives(coefficient * deriv))) == 0:
                return adjlinalg.Vector(None)

            G = coefficient * deriv

            if hermitian:
                output = backend.action(backend.adjoint(G),
                output = backend.action(G,

            return adjlinalg.Vector(output)

        diag_block.derivative_outer_action = derivative_outer_action

        def second_derivative_action(
            dolfin_inner_variable = values[dependencies.index(inner_variable)].data
            dolfin_outer_variable = values[dependencies.index(outer_variable)].data
            dolfin_values = [ for val in values]

            current_form = backend.replace(eq_lhs, dict(zip(diag_coeffs, dolfin_values)))

            deriv = backend.derivative(current_form, dolfin_inner_variable)
            args = ufl.algorithms.extract_arguments(deriv)
            deriv = backend.replace(deriv, {args[1]:})  # contract over the middle index

            deriv = backend.derivative(deriv, dolfin_outer_variable)
            args = ufl.algorithms.extract_arguments(deriv)
            deriv = backend.replace(deriv, {args[1]:})  # contract over the middle index

            # Assemble the G-matrix now, so that we can apply the Dirichlet BCs to it
            if len(ufl.algorithms.extract_arguments(ufl.algorithms.expand_derivatives(coefficient * deriv))) == 0:
                return adjlinalg.Vector(None)

            G = coefficient * deriv

            if hermitian:
                output = backend.action(backend.adjoint(G),
                output = backend.action(G,

            return adjlinalg.Vector(output)

        diag_block.second_derivative_action = second_derivative_action

    eqn = libadjoint.Equation(var, blocks=[diag_block], targets=[var], rhs=rhs)

    cs = adjglobals.adjointer.register_equation(eqn)
    do_checkpoint(cs, var, rhs)

    return linear
Esempio n. 4
  def solve(self, *args, **kwargs):

    timer = backend.Timer("Matrix-free solver")

    annotate = True
    if "annotate" in kwargs:
      annotate = kwargs["annotate"]
      del kwargs["annotate"]

    if len(args) == 3:
      A = args[0]
      x = args[1]
      b = args[2]
    elif len(args) == 2:
      A = self.operators[0]
      x = args[0]
      b = args[1]

    if annotate:
      if not isinstance(A, AdjointKrylovMatrix):
          A = AdjointKrylovMatrix(A.form)
        except AttributeError:
          raise libadjoint.exceptions.LibadjointErrorInvalidInputs("Your A has to either be an AdjointKrylovMatrix or have been assembled after backend_adjoint was imported.")

      if not hasattr(x, 'function'):
        raise libadjoint.exceptions.LibadjointErrorInvalidInputs("Your x has to come from code like down_cast(my_function.vector()).")

      if not hasattr(b, 'form'):
        raise libadjoint.exceptions.LibadjointErrorInvalidInputs("Your b has to have the .form attribute: was it assembled with from backend_adjoint import *?")

      if not hasattr(A, 'dependencies'):
        backend.info_red("A has no .dependencies method; assuming no nonlinear dependencies of the matrix-free operator.")
        coeffs = []
        dependencies = []
        coeffs = [coeff for coeff in A.dependencies() if hasattr(coeff, 'function_space')]
        dependencies = [adjglobals.adj_variables[coeff] for coeff in coeffs]

      if len(dependencies) > 0:
        assert hasattr(A, "set_dependencies"), "Need a set_dependencies method to replace your values, if you have nonlinear dependencies ... "

      rhs = adjrhs.RHS(b.form)

      diag_name = hashlib.md5(str(hash(A)) + str(random.random())).hexdigest()
      diag_block = libadjoint.Block(diag_name, dependencies=dependencies, test_hermitian=backend.parameters["adjoint"]["test_hermitian"], test_derivative=backend.parameters["adjoint"]["test_derivative"])

      solving.register_initial_conditions(zip(rhs.coefficients(),rhs.dependencies()) + zip(coeffs, dependencies), linear=False, var=None)

      var =

      frozen_expressions_dict = expressions.freeze_dict()
      frozen_parameters = self.parameters.to_dict()

      def diag_assembly_cb(dependencies, values, hermitian, coefficient, context):
        '''This callback must conform to the libadjoint Python block assembly
        interface. It returns either the form or its transpose, depending on
        the value of the logical hermitian.'''

        assert coefficient == 1


        if len(dependencies) > 0:
          A.set_dependencies(dependencies, [ for val in values])

        if hermitian:
          A_transpose = A.hermitian()
          return (MatrixFree(A_transpose, fn_space=x.function.function_space(), bcs=A_transpose.bcs,
                             parameters=frozen_parameters), adjlinalg.Vector(None, fn_space=x.function.function_space()))
          return (MatrixFree(A, fn_space=x.function.function_space(), bcs=b.bcs,
                             parameters=frozen_parameters), adjlinalg.Vector(None, fn_space=x.function.function_space()))
      diag_block.assemble = diag_assembly_cb

      def diag_action_cb(dependencies, values, hermitian, coefficient, input, context):
        A.set_dependencies(dependencies, [ for val in values])

        if hermitian:
          acting_mat = A.transpose()
          acting_mat = A

        output_fn = backend.Function(
        acting_mat.mult(, output_fn.vector())
        vec = output_fn.vector()
        for i in range(len(vec)):
          vec[i] = coefficient * vec[i]

        return adjlinalg.Vector(output_fn)
      diag_block.action = diag_action_cb

      if len(dependencies) > 0:
        def derivative_action(dependencies, values, variable, contraction_vector, hermitian, input, coefficient, context):
          A.set_dependencies(dependencies, [ for val in values])

          action = A.derivative_action(values[dependencies.index(variable)].data,, hermitian,, coefficient)
          return adjlinalg.Vector(action)
        diag_block.derivative_action = derivative_action

      eqn = libadjoint.Equation(var, blocks=[diag_block], targets=[var], rhs=rhs)
      cs = adjglobals.adjointer.register_equation(eqn)
      solving.do_checkpoint(cs, var, rhs)

    out = backend.PETScKrylovSolver.solve(self, *args)

    if annotate:
      if backend.parameters["adjoint"]["record_all"]:
        adjglobals.adjointer.record_variable(var, libadjoint.MemoryStorage(adjlinalg.Vector(x.function)))


    return out