async def slowmode( self, ctx: commands.Context, *, time: UserFriendlyTime(converter=commands.TextChannelConverter, default=False, assume_reason=True) ) -> None: """Enables slowmode, max 6h Examples: !!slowmode 2h !!slowmode 2h #general !!slowmode off !!slowmode 0s #general """ duration = timedelta() channel = if time.dt: duration = time.dt - ctx.message.created_at if time.arg: if isinstance(time.arg, str): try: channel = await commands.TextChannelConverter().convert( ctx, time.arg) except commands.BadArgument: if time.arg != 'off': raise else: channel = time.arg seconds = int(duration.total_seconds()) if seconds > 21600: await ctx.send('Slowmode only supports up to 6h max at the moment') else: fmt = format_timedelta(duration, assume_forever=False) await channel.edit(slowmode_delay=int(duration.total_seconds())) await self.send_log(ctx, channel, fmt) if duration.total_seconds(): await ctx.send(f'Enabled `{fmt}` slowmode on {channel.mention}' ) else: await ctx.send(f'Disabled slowmode on {channel.mention}')
async def timestamp(created): delta = format_timedelta(ctx.message.created_at - created) guild_config = await created += timedelta(hours=guild_config.time_offset) return f"{delta} ago ({created.strftime('%H:%M:%S')})"
async def timestamp(created): delta = format_timedelta(ctx.message.created_at - created) offset = (await ctx.guild_config()).get('time_offset', 0) created += timedelta(hours=offset) return f"{delta} ago ({created.strftime('%H:%M:%S')})"