Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self, msg):  # Temporarily uses the Message instance as the input
     super(Named, self).__init__()
     guid_stream = msg._getStream('__nameid_version1.0/__substg1.0_00020102')
     entry_stream = msg._getStream('__nameid_version1.0/__substg1.0_00030102')
     names_stream = msg._getStream('__nameid_version1.0/__substg1.0_00040102')
     gl = len(guid_stream)
     el = len(entry_stream)
     nl = len(names_stream)
     # TODO guid stream parsing
     # TODO entry_stream parsing
     entries = []
     for x in divide(entry_stream, 8):
         tmp = constants.STNP_ENT.unpack(x)
             'id': tmp[0],
             'pid': tmp[2],
             'guid': tmp[1] >> 1,
             'pkind': tmp[1] & 1,
     names = []
     pos = 0
     while pos < nl:
         l = constants.STNP_NAM.unpack(names_stream[pos:pos + 4])[0]
         pos += 4
         names.append(names_stream[pos:pos + l].decode('utf_16_le'))
         pos += round_up(l, 4)
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, msg):
        super(Named, self).__init__()
        self.__msg = msg
        guid_stream = self._getStream('__substg1.0_00020102')
        entry_stream = self._getStream('__substg1.0_00030102')
        names_stream = self._getStream('__substg1.0_00040102')
        guid_stream = self._getStream('__substg1.0_00020102', False) if guid_stream is None else guid_stream
        entry_stream = self._getStream('__substg1.0_00030102', False) if entry_stream is None else entry_stream
        names_stream = self._getStream('__substg1.0_00040102', False) if names_stream is None else names_stream
        self.guid_stream = guid_stream
        self.entry_stream = entry_stream
        self.names_stream = names_stream
        guid_stream_length = len(guid_stream)
        entry_stream_length = len(entry_stream)
        names_stream_length = len(names_stream)
        # TODO guid stream parsing
        guids = tuple([None, constants.GUID_PS_MAPI, constants.GUID_PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS] + [bytesToGuid(x) for x in divide(guid_stream, 16)])
        # TODO entry_stream parsing
        entries = []
        for x in divide(entry_stream, 8):
            tmp = constants.STNP_ENT.unpack(x)
            entry = {
                'id': tmp[0],
                'pid': tmp[2],
                'guid_index': tmp[1] >> 1,
                'pkind': tmp[1] & 1, # 0 if numerical, 1 if string
            entry['guid'] = guids[entry['guid_index']]

        # Parse the names stream.
        names = {}
        pos = 0
        while pos < names_stream_length:
            name_length = constants.STNP_NAM.unpack(names_stream[pos:pos+4])[0]
            pos += 4 # Move to the start of the
            names[pos - 4] = names_stream[pos:pos+name_length].decode('utf_16_le') # Names are stored in the dictionary as the position they start at
            pos += roundUp(name_length, 4)

        self.entries = entries
        self.__names = names
        self.__guids = guids
        self.__properties = []
        for entry in entries:
            streamID = properHex(0x8000 + entry['pid'])
            msg._registerNamedProperty(entry, entry['pkind'], names[entry['id']] if entry['pkind'] == constants.STRING_NAMED else None)
            if msg.ExistsTypedProperty(streamID):
                self.__properties.append(StringNamedProperty(entry, names[entry['id']], msg._getTypedData(streamID)) if entry['pkind'] == constants.STRING_NAMED else NumericalNamedProperty(entry, msg._getTypedData(streamID)))
        self.__propertiesDict = {}
        for property in self.__properties:
            self.__propertiesDict[ if isinstance(property, StringNamedProperty) else property.propertyID] = property
Esempio n. 3
 def __init__(self, stream, type=None, skip=None):
     self.__stream = stream
     self.__pos = 0
     self.__len = len(stream)
     self.__props = {}
     self.__naid = None
     self.__nrid = None
     self.__ac = None
     self.__rc = None
     if type != None:
         self.__intel = constants.INTELLIGENCE_SMART
         if type == constants.TYPE_MESSAGE:
             skip = 32
             self.__naid, self.__nrid, self.__ac, self.__rc = constants.ST1.unpack(
         elif type == constants.TYPE_MESSAGE_EMBED:
             skip = 24
             self.__naid, self.__nrid, self.__ac, self.__rc = constants.ST1.unpack(
             skip = 8
         self.__intel = constants.INTELLIGENCE_DUMB
         if skip == None:
             # This section of the skip handling is not very good.
             # While it does work, it is likely to create extra
             # properties that are created from the properties file's
             # header data. While that won't actually mess anything
             # up, it is far from ideal. Basically, this is the dumb
             # skip length calculation. Preferably, we want the type
             # to have been specified so all of the additional fields
             # will have been filled out
             skip = self.__len % 16
             if skip == 0:
                 skip = 32
     streams = divide(self.__stream[skip:], 16)
     for st in streams:
         a = create_prop(st)
         self.__props[] = a
     self.__pl = len(self.__props)
Esempio n. 4
 def __init__(self, stream, type=None, skip=None):
     self.__stream = stream
     self.__pos = 0
     self.__len = len(stream)
     self.__props = {}
     self.__naid = None
     self.__nrid = None
     self.__ac = None
     self.__rc = None
     if type is not None:
         self.__intel = constants.INTELLIGENCE_SMART
         if type == constants.TYPE_MESSAGE:
             skip = 32
             self.__naid, self.__nrid, self.__ac, self.__rc = constants.ST1.unpack(self.__stream[:24])
         elif type == constants.TYPE_MESSAGE_EMBED:
             skip = 24
             self.__naid, self.__nrid, self.__ac, self.__rc = constants.ST1.unpack(self.__stream[:24])
             skip = 8
         self.__intel = constants.INTELLIGENCE_DUMB
         if skip is None:
             # This section of the skip handling is not very good.
             # While it does work, it is likely to create extra
             # properties that are created from the properties file's
             # header data. While that won't actually mess anything
             # up, it is far from ideal. Basically, this is the dumb
             # skip length calculation. Preferably, we want the type
             # to have been specified so all of the additional fields
             # will have been filled out
             skip = self.__len % 16
             if skip == 0:
                 skip = 32
     streams = divide(self.__stream[skip:], 16)
     for st in streams:
         a = create_prop(st)
         self.__props[] = a
     self.__pl = len(self.__props)
Esempio n. 5
    def _getTypedStream(self, filename, prefix=True, _type=None):
        Gets the contents of the specified stream as the type that
        it is supposed to be.

        Rather than the full filename, you should only feed this
        function the filename sans the type. So if the full name
        is "__substg1.0_001A001F", the filename this function
        should receive should be "__substg1.0_001A".

        If you know for sure what type the stream is before hand,
        you can specify it as being one of the strings in the
        constant FIXED_LENGTH_PROPS_STRING or

        If you have not specified the type, the type this function
        returns in many cases cannot be predicted. As such, when
        using this function it is best for you to check the type
        that it returns. If the function returns None, that means
        it could not find the stream specified.
        filename = self.fix_path(filename, prefix)
        for x in (filename +
                  _type, ) if _type is not None else self.slistDir():
            if x.startswith(filename) and x.find('-') == -1:
                contents = self._getStream(x, False)
                if len(contents) == 0:
                    return True, None  # We found the file, but it was empty.
                extras = []
                _type = x[-4:]
                if x[-4] == '1':  # It's a multiple
                    if _type in ('101F', '101E'):
                        streams = len(
                            contents) // 4  # These lengths are normal.
                    elif _type == '1102':
                        streams = len(
                        ) // 8  # These lengths have 4 0x00 bytes at the end for seemingly no reason. They are "reserved" bytes
                    elif _type in ('1002', '1003', '1004', '1005', '1007',
                                   '1040', '1048'):
                            streams = self.mainProperties[x[-8:]].realLength
                                'Could not find matching VariableLengthProp for stream {}'
                            streams = len(contents) // (
                                2 if _type == '1002' else 4 if _type in
                                ('1003', '1004') else 8 if type in
                                ('1005', '1007', '1040') else 16)
                        raise NotImplementedError(
                            'The stream specified is of type {}. We don\'t currently understand exactly how this type works. If it is mandatory that you have the contents of this stream, please create an issue labled "NotImplementedError: _getTypedStream {}".'
                            .format(_type, _type))
                    if _type in ('101F', '101E', '1102'):
                        if self.Exists(x + '-00000000', False):
                            for y in range(streams):
                                if self.Exists(x + '-' + properHex(y, 8),
                                            x + '-' + properHex(y, 8), False))
                    elif _type in ('1002', '1003', '1004', '1005', '1007',
                                   '1040', '1048'):
                        extras = divide(
                            (2 if _type == '1002' else 4 if _type in (
                                '1004') else 8 if type in ('1005', '1007',
                                                           '1040') else 16))
                        contents = streams
                return True, parseType(int(_type, 16), contents,
                                       self.stringEncoding, extras)
        return False, None  # We didn't find the stream.