Esempio n. 1
def test_dxf_export_two_attribute(entity, processor):
    attribs = DXFNamespace(processor, entity)
    tagwriter = TagCollector()
    attribs.export_dxf_attribs(tagwriter, ['handle', 'owner'])
    assert len(tagwriter.tags) == 2
    assert tagwriter.tags[0] == (5, 'FFFF')
    assert tagwriter.tags[1] == (330, 'ABBA')
def test_dxf_export_two_attribute(entity, processor):
    attribs = DXFNamespace(processor, entity)
    tagwriter = TagCollector()
    attribs.export_dxf_attribs(tagwriter, ["handle", "owner"])
    assert len(tagwriter.tags) == 2
    assert tagwriter.tags[0] == (5, "FFFF")
    assert tagwriter.tags[1] == (330, "ABBA")
Esempio n. 3
def test_is_supported(entity, processor):
    attribs = DXFNamespace(processor, entity)
    assert attribs.is_supported('linetype') is True
    assert attribs.is_supported(
    ) is True  # ezdxf does not care about DXF versions at runtime
    assert attribs.is_supported('xxx_mozman_xxx') is False
Esempio n. 4
def test_default_values(entity, processor):
    attribs = DXFNamespace(processor, entity)
    assert attribs.layer == '0'
    assert attribs.color == 256
    assert attribs.linetype == 'BYLAYER'
    # this attributes do not really exist
    assert attribs.hasattr('layer') is False
    assert attribs.hasattr('color') is False
    assert attribs.hasattr('linetype') is False
def test_default_values(entity, processor):
    attribs = DXFNamespace(processor, entity)
    assert attribs.layer == "0"
    assert attribs.color == 256
    assert attribs.linetype == "BYLAYER"
    # this attributes do not really exist
    assert attribs.hasattr("layer") is False
    assert attribs.hasattr("color") is False
    assert attribs.hasattr("linetype") is False
Esempio n. 6
def test_get_value_with_default(entity, processor):
    attribs = DXFNamespace(processor, entity)
    # return existing values
    assert attribs.get('handle', '0') == 'FFFF'
    # return given default value not DXF default value, which would be '0'
    assert attribs.get('layer', 'mozman') == 'mozman'
    # attribute has to a valid DXF attribute
    with pytest.raises(DXFAttributeError):
        _ = attribs.get('hallo', 0)

    # attribs without default returns None -> will not exported to DXF file
    assert attribs.color_name is None
Esempio n. 7
def test_delete_attribs(entity, processor):
    attribs = DXFNamespace(processor, entity)
    attribs.layer = 'mozman'
    assert attribs.layer == 'mozman'
    del attribs.layer

    # default value
    assert attribs.layer == '0'
    with pytest.raises(DXFAttributeError):
        del attribs.color
    attribs.discard('color')  # delete silently if not exists
    with pytest.raises(DXFAttributeError):
        del attribs.color
def test_delete_attribs(entity, processor):
    attribs = DXFNamespace(processor, entity)
    attribs.layer = "mozman"
    assert attribs.layer == "mozman"
    del attribs.layer

    # default value
    assert attribs.layer == "0"
    with pytest.raises(DXFAttributeError):
        del attribs.color
    attribs.discard("color")  # delete silently if not exist
    with pytest.raises(DXFAttributeError):
        del attribs.unsupported_attribute
Esempio n. 9
def test_cloning(entity, processor):
    attribs = DXFNamespace(processor, entity)
    attribs.color = 77
    attribs2 = attribs.copy(entity)
    # clone everything
    assert attribs2._entity is attribs._entity
    assert attribs2.handle is attribs.handle
    assert attribs2.owner is attribs.owner
    assert attribs2.color == 77
    # do not harm original entity
    assert attribs._entity is entity
    assert attribs.handle == 'FFFF'
    assert attribs.owner == 'ABBA'
    # change clone
    attribs2.color = 13
    assert attribs.color == 77
    assert attribs2.color == 13
Esempio n. 10
def test_deepcopy_usage(entity, processor):
    attribs = DXFNamespace(processor, entity)
    attribs.color = 77

    attribs2 = deepcopy(attribs)
    # clone everything
    assert attribs2._entity is attribs._entity
    assert attribs2.handle is attribs.handle
    assert attribs2.owner is attribs.owner
    assert attribs2.color == 77
    # do not harm original entity
    assert attribs._entity is entity
    assert attribs.handle == "FFFF"
    assert attribs.owner == "ABBA"
    # change clone
    attribs2.color = 13
    assert attribs.color == 77
    assert attribs2.color == 13
Esempio n. 11
def test_dxf_export_one_attribute(entity, processor):
    attribs = DXFNamespace(processor, entity)
    tagwriter = TagCollector()
    attribs.export_dxf_attribs(tagwriter, 'handle')
    assert len(tagwriter.tags) == 1
    assert tagwriter.tags[0] == (5, 'FFFF')
    with pytest.raises(DXFAttributeError):
        attribs.export_dxf_attribute(tagwriter, 'mozman')
Esempio n. 12
def test_value_types(entity, processor):
    attribs = DXFNamespace(processor, entity)
    attribs.handle = None  # None is always accepted, attribute is ignored at export
    assert attribs.handle is None
    attribs.handle = 'XYZ'
    assert attribs.handle == 'XYZ', 'handle is just a string'
    attribs.handle = 123
    assert attribs.handle == '123', 'handle is just a string'
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        attribs.color = 'xxx'

    attribs.start = (1, 2, 3)  # type: Vector
    assert attribs.start == (1, 2, 3)
    assert attribs.start.x == 1
    assert attribs.start.y == 2
    assert attribs.start.z == 3
Esempio n. 13
def test_value_types(entity, processor):
    attribs = DXFNamespace(processor, entity)
    attribs.handle = (
        None  # None is always accepted, attribute is ignored at export
    assert attribs.handle is None
    attribs.handle = "XYZ"
    assert attribs.handle == "XYZ", "handle is just a string"
    attribs.handle = 123
    assert attribs.handle == "123", "handle is just a string"
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        attribs.color = "xxx"

    attribs.start = (1, 2, 3)  # type: Vec3
    assert attribs.start == (1, 2, 3)
    assert attribs.start.x == 1
    assert attribs.start.y == 2
    assert attribs.start.z == 3
Esempio n. 14
def test_load_doublettes():
    from ezdxf.lldxf.attributes import DefSubclass, DXFAttr
    from ezdxf.lldxf.tags import Tags, DXFTag
    subclass = DefSubclass('AcDbTest', {
        'test1': DXFAttr(1),
        'test2': DXFAttr(2),
        'test3': DXFAttr(1),  # same group code for different attribute

    class TestEntity(DXFEntity):
        DXFATTRIBS = DXFAttributes(subclass)

    data = Tags([
        DXFTag(1, '1'),
        DXFTag(2, '2'),
        DXFTag(1, '3'),
    ns = DXFNamespace(entity=TestEntity())
    SubclassProcessor.load_tags_into_namespace(ns, data, subclass)
    assert ns.test1 == '1'
    assert ns.test2 == '2'
    assert ns.test3 == '3'
Esempio n. 15
def test_set_values(entity, processor):
    attribs = DXFNamespace(processor, entity)
    attribs.handle = 'CDEF'
    assert attribs.handle == 'CDEF'
    attribs.set('owner', 'DADA')
    assert attribs.owner == 'DADA'
    # set new attribute
    attribs.color = 7
    assert attribs.color == 7
    attribs.set('linetype', 'DOT')
    assert attribs.linetype == 'DOT'
    # attribute has to a valid DXF attribute
    with pytest.raises(DXFAttributeError):
        attribs.hallo = 0
    with pytest.raises(DXFAttributeError):
        attribs.set('hallo', 0)
Esempio n. 16
 def dxf(self, processor, entity):
     ns = DXFNamespace(processor, entity)
     ns.color = 7
     ns.handle = "ABBA"
     ns.owner = "FEFE"
     return ns
Esempio n. 17
def test_handle_and_owner(entity, processor):
    attribs = DXFNamespace(processor, entity)
    assert attribs.handle == 'FFFF'
    assert attribs.owner == 'ABBA'
    assert attribs._entity is entity
Esempio n. 18
def load_tags_fast(cls, subclass, data):
    ns = DXFNamespace(entity=cls())
    mapping = group_code_mapping(subclass)
    proc = SubclassProcessor(ExtendedTags(tags=data))
    unprocessed_tags = proc.fast_load_dxfattribs(ns, mapping, 0)
    return ns, unprocessed_tags
Esempio n. 19
def test_dxftype(entity, processor):
    attribs = DXFNamespace(processor, entity)
    assert attribs.dxftype == 'DXFENTITY'
Esempio n. 20
def test_set_values(entity, processor):
    attribs = DXFNamespace(processor, entity)
    attribs.handle = "CDEF"
    assert attribs.handle == "CDEF"
    attribs.set("owner", "DADA")
    assert attribs.owner == "DADA"
    # set new attribute
    attribs.color = 7
    assert attribs.color == 7
    attribs.set("linetype", "DOT")
    assert attribs.linetype == "DOT"
    # attribute has to a valid DXF attribute
    with pytest.raises(DXFAttributeError):
        attribs.hallo = 0
    with pytest.raises(DXFAttributeError):
        attribs.set("hallo", 0)