def workload_characterization(): '''path = r'/Users/rachananarayanacharya/MLbasedDBMStuning/Data/' # use your path all_files = glob.glob(path + "/*.csv") li = [] for filename in all_files: df = pd.read_csv(filename, index_col=None, header=0) li.append(df) df = pd.concat(li, axis=0, ignore_index=True) train_df, test_df = train_test_split(df, test_size=0.2)''' #train_df=pd.read_pickle("../../Data/WorkloadFiles/workload_11.pkl",compression=None) train_df3=pd.read_csv("../../Data/CSVFiles/Online_workloadB_preprocessed.csv") #train_df1=pd.read_csv("../../Data/CSVFiles/Online_workloadC_preprocessed.csv") train_df2=pd.read_csv("../../Data/CSVFiles/Offline_workload_preprocessed.csv") frames = [train_df2, train_df3] train_df = pd.concat(frames) train_df=train_df.fillna(0) model = FA() X=train_df.to_numpy() print("Shape of the data:",X.shape) n_rows, n_cols = X.shape model=model._fit(X, 50, 10000) components = model.components_.T.copy() print("After Components: ",components.shape) c_algo="kmeans" # kmeans or em clustering_model, det=select_clustering_model(c_algo), min_cluster=1, max_cluster=min(n_cols - 1, 20), estimator_params={'n_init': 50}), clustering_model.cluster_map_) print("Optimal no of clusters:",det.optimal_num_clusters_) #print(clustering_model.cluster_map_) pruned_metrics = clustering_model.cluster_map_[det.optimal_num_clusters_].get_closest_samples() print("pruned metrics:",pruned_metrics) idx_set = columnsToPrune(pruned_metrics) cols_rem = [] for i in range(14,373): if i not in idx_set: cols_rem.append(i) print(len(idx_set)) print_pruned_metrics(idx_set, train_df, c_algo) loadWorkLoadRemCols(cols_rem) writeCSV("pruned_metric.csv",pruned_metrics)
def make_nfa(self): """make NFA from the state graph""" nfa = FA() for current in self.all_states(self.start): for edge in current.move: for next_node in current.move[edge]: nfa.connect(,, edge) nfa.set_start( nfa.add_final( return nfa
def output_plain(this): FA.output_plain(this, "NFA", "Thompson NFA")
def output_dot(this): FA.output_dot(this, "NFA")
def to_fa(otatable, n): """Given an ota table, build a finite automaton. """ ### First, need to transform the resettimedwords of the elements in S_U_R ### to clock valuation timedwords with reset informations. #S_U_R = [s for s in otatable.S] + [r for r in otatable.R] #table_elements = [Element(dRTWs_to_lRTWs(e.tws), e.value) for e in S_U_R] table_elements = [s for s in otatable.S] + [r for r in otatable.R] ### build a finite automaton ## FAStates rtw_alphabet = [] states = [] initstate_name = "" accept_names = [] value_name_dict = {} sink_name = "" for s, i in zip(otatable.S, range(1, len(otatable.S) + 1)): name = str(i) value_name_dict[s.whichstate()] = name init = False accept = False if s.tws == []: init = True initstate_name = name if s.value[0] == 1: accept = True accept_names.append(name) if s.value[0] == -1: sink_name = name temp_state = FAState(name, init, accept) states.append(temp_state) ## FATrans trans_number = 0 trans = [] for r in table_elements: if r.tws == []: continue resettimedwords = [tw for tw in r.tws] w = resettimedwords[:-1] a = resettimedwords[len(resettimedwords) - 1] if a not in rtw_alphabet: rtw_alphabet.append(a) source = "" target = "" #label = [a] for element in table_elements: if w == element.tws: source = value_name_dict[element.whichstate()] if resettimedwords == element.tws: target = value_name_dict[element.whichstate()] need_newtran = True for tran in trans: if source == tran.source and target == if a.action == tran.label[0].action and a.reset == tran.label[ 0].reset: need_newtran = False if a not in tran.label: tran.label.append(a) break if need_newtran == True: temp_tran = FATran(trans_number, source, target, [a]) trans.append(temp_tran) trans_number = trans_number + 1 fa = FA("FA_" + str(n), rtw_alphabet, states, trans, initstate_name, accept_names) return fa, sink_name