Esempio n. 1
def checkout_adam(fork='bigdatagenomics', branches=[]):
    Makes a fresh checkout of ADAM from github. Applies requested branches. Branch
    list should contain either tuples of two strings where the first string is the
    repository and the second string is the branch, or strings, where the string is
    the branch to merge.

    run('rm -rf adam')
    run('git clone' % fork)

    # apply pull requests
    run('git config --global --add remote.origin.fetch "+refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/*"'
    for branch in branches:
        if isinstance(branch, basestring):
            run('git merge %s' % branch)
        elif isinstance(branch, tuple):
            run('git pull %s %s' % branch)
        elif not confirm(
                'Unsure how to process %s, not a string or tuple. Continue anyways?'
                % str(branch)):
            abort('Aborting at user request.')

    # cd to top
Esempio n. 2
def uninstall():
    """Uninstall python"""
    version = get_config()['version']

    install_dir = os.path.join(_INSTALL_DIR, 'python')
    if version != 'all':
        install_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, version)

    fab.puts("Removing {0}".format(install_dir))
    if fab.confirm("Are you sure?", default=False):
        fab.sudo("rm -rf '{0}'".format(install_dir))
        fab.puts("Python {0} uninstalled".format(version))
Esempio n. 3
def uninstall():
    """Uninstall nginx HTTP server"""
    version = get_config()['version']

    install_dir = os.path.join(_INSTALL_DIR, 'nginx')
    if version != 'all':
        install_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, version)

    fab.puts("Removing {0}".format(install_dir))
    if fab.confirm("Are you sure?", default=False):
        fab.sudo("rm -rf '{0}'".format(install_dir))
        fab.puts("Nginx {0} uninstalled".format(version))
Esempio n. 4
def checkout_adam(fork='bigdatagenomics', branches=[]):
    Makes a fresh checkout of ADAM from github. Applies requested branches. Branch
    list should contain either tuples of two strings where the first string is the
    repository and the second string is the branch, or strings, where the string is
    the branch to merge.

    run('rm -rf adam')
    run('git clone' % fork)
    # apply pull requests
    run('git config --global --add remote.origin.fetch "+refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/*"')
    for branch in branches:
        if isinstance(branch, basestring):
            run('git merge %s' % branch)
        elif isinstance(branch, tuple):
            run('git pull %s %s' % branch)
        elif not confirm('Unsure how to process %s, not a string or tuple. Continue anyways?' % str(branch)):
            abort('Aborting at user request.')

    # cd to top
Esempio n. 5
def put_task():"mkdir -p /tmp/install")
    with api.settings(warn_only=True):
        result = api.put(lpackpath, rpackpath)  # 上传安装包
    if result.failed and not api.confirm("put file failed, Continue[y/n]?"):
        api.abort("Aborting file put task")