Esempio n. 1
 def install(self, local_env={}, force=False):
     """ If not already installed, install given tool and all of its dependencies. """
     if self.set_env(local_env):
         if (not self.is_installed(local_env=local_env) and not self.tool_env['fatal_error']) or force:
             if not self.tool_env['dependencies_ok']:
                 if not self.resolve_dependencies():
                     print "----- ERROR resolving dependencies -----"
                     return False
             # Maybe the dependencies is all that was missing so check if 
             # the tool can be considered as installed now
             if not self.is_installed(local_env=local_env) or force:
                 print "Trying to install %s %s as user %s" % (self.tool_env['pkg_name'], self.tool_env['version'], env.user)
                 # TODO: Get complete file name list
                 files = ['']
                 install_cmd = sudo if self.tool_env['use_sudo'] else run
                 if not exists(self.tool_env['install_dir']):
                     install_cmd("mkdir -p %s" % self.tool_env['install_dir'])
                     install_cmd("chown %s %s" % (self.tool_env['user'], self.tool_env['install_dir']))
                 with nested(cd(self.tool_env['install_dir']), settings(hide('stdout'))):
                     for f in files:
                         install_cmd("wget --no-check-certificate %s" % (self.tool_env['url']+f))
                 if self.tool_env.has_key('shogun_env_script') and exists(self.tool_env['shogun_env_script']):
                     install_cmd("echo '. %s' > %s/" % (self.tool_env['shogun_env_script'], self.tool_env['install_dir']))
                     install_cmd("chmod +x %s/" % self.tool_env['install_dir'])
                     install_cmd('chown -R %s %s' % (env.user, self.tool_env['install_dir']))
                     print "ERROR: Required dependency file for not found (for Shogun)."
                     self.tool_env['fatal_error'] = True
         # Make sure the tool installed correctly
         if not self.tool_env['fatal_error'] and (self.tool_env['installed'] or self.is_installed()):
             return common.compose_successful_return(self.tool_env)
     print "----- Problem installing EasySVM -----"
     return self.tool_env
 def decorator(*args, **kwargs):
     with settings(
             hide('warnings', 'running', 'stdout', 'stderr'),
         result = run(pname)
     if result.return_code in [0, 1]: 
         return func(*args, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 3
def install_proftpd(env):
    """Highly configurable GPL-licensed FTP server software.
    version = "1.3.4c"
    postgres_ver = "9.1"
    url = "" % version
    modules = "mod_sql:mod_sql_postgres:mod_sql_passwd"
    extra_modules = env.get("extra_proftp_modules",
                            "")  # Comma separated list of extra modules
    if extra_modules:
        modules = "%s:%s" % (modules, extra_modules.replace(",", ":"))
    install_dir = os.path.join(env.install_dir, 'proftpd')
    remote_conf_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, "etc")
    # skip install if already present
    if exists(remote_conf_dir):
            "ProFTPd seems to already be installed in {0}".format(install_dir))
    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with cd(work_dir):
            run("wget %s" % url)
            with settings(hide('stdout')):
                run("tar xvzf %s" % os.path.split(url)[1])
            with cd("proftpd-%s" % version):
                run("CFLAGS='-I/usr/include/postgresql' ./configure --prefix=%s " \
                    "--disable-auth-file --disable-ncurses --disable-ident --disable-shadow " \
                    "--enable-openssl --with-modules=%s " \
                    "--with-libraries=/usr/lib/postgresql/%s/lib" % (install_dir, modules, postgres_ver))
                sudo("make install")
                sudo("make clean")
    # Get the init.d startup script
    initd_script = 'proftpd.initd'
    initd_url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, 'conf_files', initd_script)
    remote_file = "/etc/init.d/proftpd"
    sudo("wget --output-document=%s %s" % (remote_file, initd_url))
    sudo("chmod 755 %s" % remote_file)
    # Set the configuration file
    conf_file = 'proftpd.conf'
    conf_url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, 'conf_files', conf_file)
    remote_file = os.path.join(remote_conf_dir, conf_file)
    sudo("wget --output-document=%s %s" % (remote_file, conf_url))
    # Get the custom welcome msg file
    welcome_msg_file = 'welcome_msg.txt'
    welcome_url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, 'conf_files', welcome_msg_file)
    sudo("wget --output-document=%s %s" %
         (os.path.join(remote_conf_dir, welcome_msg_file), welcome_url))
    # Stow
    sudo("cd %s; stow proftpd" % env.install_dir)
    env.logger.debug("----- ProFTPd %s installed to %s -----" %
                     (version, install_dir))
Esempio n. 4
def install_proftpd(env):
    version = "1.3.3d"
    postgres_ver = "8.4"
    url = "" % version
    install_dir = os.path.join(env.install_dir, 'proftpd')
    remote_conf_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, "etc")
    # skip install if already present
    if exists(remote_conf_dir):
    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with cd(work_dir):
            run("wget %s" % url)
            with settings(hide('stdout')):
                run("tar xvzf %s" % os.path.split(url)[1])
            with cd("proftpd-%s" % version):
                run("CFLAGS='-I/usr/include/postgresql' ./configure --prefix=%s --disable-auth-file --disable-ncurses --disable-ident --disable-shadow --enable-openssl --with-modules=mod_sql:mod_sql_postgres:mod_sql_passwd --with-libraries=/usr/lib/postgres/%s/lib" % (install_dir, postgres_ver))
                sudo("make install")
                sudo("make clean")
                # Get init.d startup script
                initd_script = 'proftpd'
                initd_url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, 'conf_files', initd_script)
                sudo("wget --output-document=%s %s" % (os.path.join('/etc/init.d', initd_script), initd_url))
                sudo("chmod 755 %s" % os.path.join('/etc/init.d', initd_script))
                # Get configuration files
                proftpd_conf_file = 'proftpd.conf'
                welcome_msg_file = 'welcome_msg.txt'
                conf_url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, 'conf_files', proftpd_conf_file)
                welcome_url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, 'conf_files', welcome_msg_file)
                sudo("wget --output-document=%s %s" % (os.path.join(remote_conf_dir, proftpd_conf_file), conf_url))
                sudo("wget --output-document=%s %s" % (os.path.join(remote_conf_dir, welcome_msg_file), welcome_url))
                sudo("cd %s; stow proftpd" % env.install_dir)
def start_services(site_name):
    run('sudo service nginx reload')
    with settings(
        run('sudo start gunicorn-%s' % site_name)
Esempio n. 6
 def install(self, local_env={}):
     """ If not already installed, install given tool and all of its dependencies. """
     if self.set_env(local_env):
         if not self.is_installed(local_env=local_env):
             print "Trying to install %s %s as user %s" % (self.tool_env['pkg_name'], self.tool_env['version'], env.user)
             packages = ['gcc', 'g++', 'octave3.0-headers', 'python-dev', 'python-numpy', 
                 'liblapack-dev', 'libatlas3gf-base', 'python-numpy-ext', 'python-matplotlib',
             install_cmd = sudo if self.tool_env['use_sudo'] else run
             with common.make_tmp_dir(self.tool_env) as work_dir:
                 with nested(cd(work_dir), settings(hide('stdout'))):
                     install_cmd("wget %s" % self.tool_env['url'])
                     install_cmd("tar xvjf %s" % os.path.split(self.tool_env['url'])[1])
                     with cd("shogun-%s/src" % self.tool_env['version']):
                         install_cmd("./configure --prefix=%s --interfaces=libshogun,libshogunui,python,python_modular,octave" % self.tool_env['install_dir'])
                         print "Making Shogun..."
                         install_cmd("make install")
             install_cmd("echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH' > %s/" % (self.tool_env['install_dir'], self.tool_env['install_dir']))
             install_cmd("cd %s/lib; ln -s python* python" % self.tool_env['install_dir'])
             install_cmd("echo 'export PYTHONPATH=%s/lib/python/dist-packages:$PYTHONPATH' >> %s/" % (self.tool_env['install_dir'], self.tool_env['install_dir']))
             install_cmd("chmod +x %s/" % self.tool_env['install_dir'])
             install_dir_root = os.path.join(self.tool_env['install_dir_root'], self.tool_env['pkg_name'])
             install_cmd('if [ ! -d %s/default ]; then ln -s %s %s/default; fi' % (install_dir_root, self.tool_env['install_dir'], install_dir_root))
             install_cmd('chown -R %s:%s %s' % (env.user, env.user, install_dir_root))
         if self.tool_env['installed'] or self.is_installed():
             return common.compose_successful_return(self.tool_env)
     print "----- Problem installing Shogun -----"
     return self.tool_env
Esempio n. 7
def _install_postgresql():
    version = "8.4.4"
    url = "" % (version, version)
    install_dir = os.path.join(env.install_dir, "postgresql")
    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with contextlib.nested(cd(work_dir), settings(hide('stdout'))):
            run("wget %s" % url)
            run("tar xvzf %s" % os.path.split(url)[1])
            with cd("postgresql-%s" % version):
                run("./configure --prefix=%s" % install_dir)
                with settings(hide('stdout')):
                    print "Making PostgreSQL..."
                sudo("make install")
                sudo("cd %s; stow postgresql" % env.install_dir)
                print(green("----- PostgreSQL installed -----"))
def _create_virtual_host(source_folder, site_name):
    run('''cd %s && sed "s/SITENAME/%s/g" deploy_tools/nginx.template.conf | sudo tee /etc/nginx/sites-available/%s''' %
        (source_folder, site_name, site_name))
    with settings(
        run('''sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/%s /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/%s''' % (site_name, site_name))
Esempio n. 9
def _install_boto():
    install_dir = env.install_dir + "/boto"
    with contextlib.nested(cd(env.install_dir), settings(hide('stdout'))):
        sudo("git clone")
        with cd(install_dir):
            sudo("python install")
            version = run('python -c"import boto; print boto.__version__"')
            print(green("----- boto %s installed -----" % version))
Esempio n. 10
def install_proftpd(env):
    """Highly configurable GPL-licensed FTP server software.
    version = "1.3.4c"
    postgres_ver = "9.1"
    url = "" % version
    modules = "mod_sql:mod_sql_postgres:mod_sql_passwd"
    extra_modules = env.get("extra_proftp_modules", "")  # Comma separated list of extra modules
    if extra_modules:
        modules = "%s:%s" % (modules, extra_modules.replace(",", ":"))
    install_dir = os.path.join(env.install_dir, 'proftpd')
    remote_conf_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, "etc")
    # Skip install if already available
    if env.safe_exists(remote_conf_dir):
        env.logger.debug("ProFTPd seems to already be installed in {0}".format(install_dir))
    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with cd(work_dir):
            env.safe_run("wget %s" % url)
            with settings(hide('stdout')):
                env.safe_run("tar xvzf %s" % os.path.split(url)[1])
            with cd("proftpd-%s" % version):
                env.safe_run("CFLAGS='-I/usr/include/postgresql' ./configure --prefix=%s "
                    "--disable-auth-file --disable-ncurses --disable-ident --disable-shadow "
                    "--enable-openssl --with-modules=%s "
                    "--with-libraries=/usr/lib/postgresql/%s/lib" % (install_dir, modules, postgres_ver))
                env.safe_sudo("make install")
                env.safe_sudo("make clean")
    # Get the init.d startup script
    initd_script = 'proftpd.initd'
    initd_url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, 'conf_files', initd_script)
    remote_file = "/etc/init.d/proftpd"
    env.safe_sudo("wget --output-document=%s %s" % (remote_file, initd_url))
    env.safe_sed(remote_file, 'REPLACE_THIS_WITH_CUSTOM_INSTALL_DIR', install_dir, use_sudo=True)
    env.safe_sudo("chmod 755 %s" % remote_file)
    # Set the configuration file
    conf_file = 'proftpd.conf'
    remote_file = os.path.join(remote_conf_dir, conf_file)
    if "postgres_port" not in env:
        env.postgres_port = '5910'
    if "galaxy_ftp_user_password" not in env:
        env.galaxy_ftp_user_password = '******'
    proftpd_conf = {'galaxy_uid': env.safe_run('id -u galaxy'),
                    'galaxy_fs': '/mnt/galaxy',  # Should be a var but uncertain how to get it
                    'install_dir': install_dir}
    _setup_conf_file(env, remote_file, conf_file, overrides=proftpd_conf,
    # Get the custom welcome msg file
    welcome_msg_file = 'welcome_msg.txt'
    welcome_url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, 'conf_files', welcome_msg_file)
    env.safe_sudo("wget --output-document=%s %s" %
       (os.path.join(remote_conf_dir, welcome_msg_file), welcome_url))
    # Stow
    env.safe_sudo("cd %s; stow proftpd" % env.install_dir)
    env.logger.debug("----- ProFTPd %s installed to %s -----" % (version, install_dir))
Esempio n. 11
def install_proftpd(env):
    """Highly configurable GPL-licensed FTP server software.
    version = "1.3.4c"
    postgres_ver = "9.1"
    url = "" % version
    modules = "mod_sql:mod_sql_postgres:mod_sql_passwd"
    extra_modules = env.get("extra_proftp_modules", "")  # Comma separated list of extra modules
    if extra_modules:
        modules = "%s:%s" % (modules, extra_modules.replace(",", ":"))
    install_dir = os.path.join(env.install_dir, 'proftpd')
    remote_conf_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, "etc")
    # Skip install if already available
    if env.safe_exists(remote_conf_dir):
        env.logger.debug("ProFTPd seems to already be installed in {0}".format(install_dir))
    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with cd(work_dir):
            env.safe_run("wget %s" % url)
            with settings(hide('stdout')):
                env.safe_run("tar xvzf %s" % os.path.split(url)[1])
            with cd("proftpd-%s" % version):
                env.safe_run("CFLAGS='-I/usr/include/postgresql' ./configure --prefix=%s "
                    "--disable-auth-file --disable-ncurses --disable-ident --disable-shadow "
                    "--enable-openssl --with-modules=%s "
                    "--with-libraries=/usr/lib/postgresql/%s/lib" % (install_dir, modules, postgres_ver))
                env.safe_sudo("make install")
                env.safe_sudo("make clean")
    # Get the init.d startup script
    initd_script = 'proftpd.initd'
    initd_url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, 'conf_files', initd_script)
    remote_file = "/etc/init.d/proftpd"
    env.safe_sudo("wget --output-document=%s %s" % (remote_file, initd_url))
    env.safe_sed(remote_file, 'REPLACE_THIS_WITH_CUSTOM_INSTALL_DIR', install_dir, use_sudo=True)
    env.safe_sudo("chmod 755 %s" % remote_file)
    # Set the configuration file
    conf_file = 'proftpd.conf'
    remote_file = os.path.join(remote_conf_dir, conf_file)
    if "postgres_port" not in env:
        env.postgres_port = '5910'
    if "galaxy_ftp_user_password" not in env:
        env.galaxy_ftp_user_password = '******'
    proftpd_conf = {'galaxy_uid': env.safe_run('id -u galaxy'),
                    'galaxy_fs': '/mnt/galaxy',  # Should be a var but uncertain how to get it
                    'install_dir': install_dir}
    _setup_conf_file(env, remote_file, conf_file, overrides=proftpd_conf,
    # Get the custom welcome msg file
    welcome_msg_file = 'welcome_msg.txt'
    welcome_url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, 'conf_files', welcome_msg_file)
    env.safe_sudo("wget --output-document=%s %s" %
       (os.path.join(remote_conf_dir, welcome_msg_file), welcome_url))
    # Stow
    env.safe_sudo("cd %s; stow proftpd" % env.install_dir)
    env.logger.debug("----- ProFTPd %s installed to %s -----" % (version, install_dir))
Esempio n. 12
def install_sge(env):
    out_dir = "ge6.2u5"
    url = "%s/ge62u5_lx24-amd64.tar.gz" % CDN_ROOT_URL
    install_dir = env.install_dir
    if exists(os.path.join(install_dir, out_dir)):
    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with contextlib.nested(cd(work_dir), settings(hide('stdout'))):
            run("wget %s" % url)
            sudo("chown %s %s" % (env.user, install_dir))
            run("tar -C %s -xvzf %s" % (install_dir, os.path.split(url)[1]))
Esempio n. 13
def install_sge(env):
    out_dir = "ge6.2u5"
    url = "%s/ge62u5_lx24-amd64.tar.gz" % CDN_ROOT_URL
    install_dir = env.install_dir
    if exists(os.path.join(install_dir, out_dir)):
    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with contextlib.nested(cd(work_dir), settings(hide('stdout'))):
            run("wget %s" % url)
            sudo("chown %s %s" % (env.user, install_dir))
            run("tar -C %s -xvzf %s" % (install_dir, os.path.split(url)[1]))
Esempio n. 14
def install_nginx(env):
    """Nginx open source web server.
    version = "1.2.0"
    url = "" % version

    install_dir = os.path.join(env.install_dir, "nginx")
    remote_conf_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, "conf")

    # Skip install if already present
    if exists(remote_conf_dir) and contains(os.path.join(remote_conf_dir, "nginx.conf"), "/cloud"):
        env.logger.debug("Nginx already installed; not installing it again.")

    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with contextlib.nested(cd(work_dir), settings(hide('stdout'))):
            modules = _get_nginx_modules(env)
            module_flags = " ".join(["--add-module=../%s" % x for x in modules])
            run("wget %s" % url)
            run("tar xvzf %s" % os.path.split(url)[1])
            with cd("nginx-%s" % version):
                run("./configure --prefix=%s --with-ipv6 %s "
                    "--user=galaxy --group=galaxy --with-debug "
                    "--with-http_ssl_module --with-http_gzip_static_module" %
                    (install_dir, module_flags))
                sed("objs/Makefile", "-Werror", "")
                sudo("make install")
                sudo("cd %s; stow nginx" % env.install_dir)

    nginx_conf_file = 'nginx.conf'
    url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, nginx_conf_file)
    with cd(remote_conf_dir):
        sudo("wget --output-document=%s/%s %s" % (remote_conf_dir, nginx_conf_file, url))

    nginx_errdoc_file = 'nginx_errdoc.tar.gz'
    url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, nginx_errdoc_file)
    remote_errdoc_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, "html")
    with cd(remote_errdoc_dir):
        sudo("wget --output-document=%s/%s %s" % (remote_errdoc_dir, nginx_errdoc_file, url))
        sudo('tar xvzf %s' % nginx_errdoc_file)

    sudo("mkdir -p %s" % env.install_dir)
    if not exists("%s/nginx" % env.install_dir):
        sudo("ln -s %s/sbin/nginx %s/nginx" % (install_dir, env.install_dir))
    # If the guessed symlinking did not work, force it now
    cloudman_default_dir = "/opt/galaxy/sbin"
    if not exists(cloudman_default_dir):
        sudo("mkdir -p %s" % cloudman_default_dir)
    if not exists(os.path.join(cloudman_default_dir, "nginx")):
        sudo("ln -s %s/sbin/nginx %s/nginx" % (install_dir, cloudman_default_dir))
    env.logger.debug("Nginx {0} installed to {1}".format(version, install_dir))
Esempio n. 15
def install_nginx(env):
    """Nginx open source web server.
    version = "1.2.0"
    url = "" % version

    install_dir = os.path.join(env.install_dir, "nginx")
    remote_conf_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, "conf")

    # Skip install if already present
    if exists(remote_conf_dir) and contains(os.path.join(remote_conf_dir, "nginx.conf"), "/cloud"):
        env.logger.debug("Nginx already installed; not installing it again.")

    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with contextlib.nested(cd(work_dir), settings(hide('stdout'))):
            modules = _get_nginx_modules(env)
            module_flags = " ".join(["--add-module=../%s" % x for x in modules])
            run("wget %s" % url)
            run("tar xvzf %s" % os.path.split(url)[1])
            with cd("nginx-%s" % version):
                run("./configure --prefix=%s --with-ipv6 %s "
                    "--user=galaxy --group=galaxy --with-debug "
                    "--with-http_ssl_module --with-http_gzip_static_module" %
                    (install_dir, module_flags))
                sed("objs/Makefile", "-Werror", "")
                sudo("make install")
                sudo("cd %s; stow nginx" % env.install_dir)

    defaults = {"galaxy_home": "/mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central"}
    _setup_conf_file(env, os.path.join(remote_conf_dir, "nginx.conf"), "nginx.conf", defaults=defaults)

    nginx_errdoc_file = 'nginx_errdoc.tar.gz'
    url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, nginx_errdoc_file)
    remote_errdoc_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, "html")
    with cd(remote_errdoc_dir):
        sudo("wget --output-document=%s/%s %s" % (remote_errdoc_dir, nginx_errdoc_file, url))
        sudo('tar xvzf %s' % nginx_errdoc_file)

    sudo("mkdir -p %s" % env.install_dir)
    if not exists("%s/nginx" % env.install_dir):
        sudo("ln -s %s/sbin/nginx %s/nginx" % (install_dir, env.install_dir))
    # If the guessed symlinking did not work, force it now
    cloudman_default_dir = "/opt/galaxy/sbin"
    if not exists(cloudman_default_dir):
        sudo("mkdir -p %s" % cloudman_default_dir)
    if not exists(os.path.join(cloudman_default_dir, "nginx")):
        sudo("ln -s %s/sbin/nginx %s/nginx" % (install_dir, cloudman_default_dir))
    env.logger.debug("Nginx {0} installed to {1}".format(version, install_dir))
Esempio n. 16
def install_proftpd(env):
    """Highly configurable GPL-licensed FTP server software.
    version = "1.3.4c"
    postgres_ver = "9.1"
    url = "" % version
    modules = "mod_sql:mod_sql_postgres:mod_sql_passwd"
    extra_modules = env.get("extra_proftp_modules", "")  # Comma separated list of extra modules
    if extra_modules:
        modules = "%s:%s" % (modules, extra_modules.replace(",", ":"))
    install_dir = os.path.join(env.install_dir, 'proftpd')
    remote_conf_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, "etc")
    # skip install if already present
    if exists(remote_conf_dir):
        env.logger.debug("ProFTPd seems to already be installed in {0}".format(install_dir))
    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with cd(work_dir):
            run("wget %s" % url)
            with settings(hide('stdout')):
                run("tar xvzf %s" % os.path.split(url)[1])
            with cd("proftpd-%s" % version):
                run("CFLAGS='-I/usr/include/postgresql' ./configure --prefix=%s " \
                    "--disable-auth-file --disable-ncurses --disable-ident --disable-shadow " \
                    "--enable-openssl --with-modules=%s " \
                    "--with-libraries=/usr/lib/postgresql/%s/lib" % (install_dir, modules, postgres_ver))
                sudo("make install")
                sudo("make clean")
    # Get the init.d startup script
    initd_script = 'proftpd.initd'
    initd_url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, 'conf_files', initd_script)
    remote_file = "/etc/init.d/proftpd"
    sudo("wget --output-document=%s %s" % (remote_file, initd_url))
    sed(remote_file, 'REPLACE_THIS_WITH_CUSTOM_INSTALL_DIR', install_dir, use_sudo=True)
    sudo("chmod 755 %s" % remote_file)
    # Set the configuration file
    conf_file = 'proftpd.conf'
    conf_url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, 'conf_files', conf_file)
    remote_file = os.path.join(remote_conf_dir, conf_file)
    sudo("wget --output-document=%s %s" % (remote_file, conf_url))
    sed(remote_file, 'REPLACE_THIS_WITH_CUSTOM_INSTALL_DIR', install_dir, use_sudo=True)
    # Get the custom welcome msg file
    welcome_msg_file = 'welcome_msg.txt'
    welcome_url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, 'conf_files', welcome_msg_file)
    sudo("wget --output-document=%s %s" % (os.path.join(remote_conf_dir, welcome_msg_file), welcome_url))
    # Stow
    sudo("cd %s; stow proftpd" % env.install_dir)
    env.logger.debug("----- ProFTPd %s installed to %s -----" % (version, install_dir))
Esempio n. 17
def _get_sge():
    sge_dir = 'ge6.2u5'
    url = "%s/ge62u5_lx24-amd64.tar.gz" % CDN_ROOT_URL
    install_dir = env.install_dir
    if not exists(os.path.join(install_dir, sge_dir, 'ge-6.2u5-bin-lx24-amd64.tar.gz') or \
        os.path.join(install_dir, sge_dir, 'ge-6.2u5-common.tar.gz')):
        with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
            with contextlib.nested(cd(work_dir), settings(hide('stdout'))):
                run("wget %s" % url)
                sudo("chown %s %s" % (env.user, install_dir))
                run("tar -C %s -xvzf %s" % (install_dir, os.path.split(url)[1]))
                print(green("----- SGE downloaded and extracted to '%s' -----" % install_dir))
        print(green("SGE already exists at '%s'" % install_dir))
Esempio n. 18
def install_sge(env):
    """Sun Grid Engine.
    out_dir = "ge6.2u5"
    url = "%s/ge62u5_lx24-amd64.tar.gz" % CDN_ROOT_URL
    install_dir = env.install_dir
    if env.safe_exists(os.path.join(install_dir, out_dir)):
    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with contextlib.nested(cd(work_dir), settings(hide('stdout'))):
            env.safe_run("wget %s" % url)
            env.safe_sudo("chown %s %s" % (env.user, install_dir))
            env.safe_run("tar -C %s -xvzf %s" % (install_dir, os.path.split(url)[1]))
    env.logger.debug("SGE setup")
Esempio n. 19
def install_sge(env):
    """Sun Grid Engine.
    out_dir = "ge6.2u5"
    url = "%s/ge62u5_lx24-amd64.tar.gz" % CDN_ROOT_URL
    install_dir = env.install_dir
    if env.safe_exists(os.path.join(install_dir, out_dir)):
    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with contextlib.nested(cd(work_dir), settings(hide('stdout'))):
            env.safe_run("wget %s" % url)
            env.safe_sudo("chown %s %s" % (env.user, install_dir))
            env.safe_run("tar -C %s -xvzf %s" % (install_dir, os.path.split(url)[1]))
    env.logger.debug("SGE setup")
Esempio n. 20
def install_nginx(env):

    version = "0.7.67"
    upload_module_version = "2.0.12"
    upload_url = "" \
                 "nginx_upload_module-%s.tar.gz" % upload_module_version
    url = "" % version

    install_dir = os.path.join(env.install_dir, "nginx")
    remote_conf_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, "conf")

    # skip install if already present
    if exists(remote_conf_dir) and contains(
            os.path.join(remote_conf_dir, "nginx.conf"), "/cloud"):

    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with contextlib.nested(cd(work_dir), settings(hide('stdout'))):
            run("wget %s" % upload_url)
            run("tar -xvzpf %s" % os.path.split(upload_url)[1])
            run("wget %s" % url)
            run("tar xvzf %s" % os.path.split(url)[1])
            with cd("nginx-%s" % version):
                run("./configure --prefix=%s --with-ipv6 --add-module=../nginx_upload_module-%s --user=galaxy --group=galaxy --with-http_ssl_module --with-http_gzip_static_module"
                    % (install_dir, upload_module_version))
                sudo("make install")
                sudo("cd %s; stow nginx" % env.install_dir)

    nginx_conf_file = 'nginx.conf'
    url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, nginx_conf_file)
    with cd(remote_conf_dir):
        sudo("wget --output-document=%s/%s %s" %
             (remote_conf_dir, nginx_conf_file, url))

    nginx_errdoc_file = 'nginx_errdoc.tar.gz'
    url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, nginx_errdoc_file)
    remote_errdoc_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, "html")
    with cd(remote_errdoc_dir):
        sudo("wget --output-document=%s/%s %s" %
             (remote_errdoc_dir, nginx_errdoc_file, url))
        sudo('tar xvzf %s' % nginx_errdoc_file)

    cloudman_default_dir = "/opt/galaxy/sbin"
    sudo("mkdir -p %s" % cloudman_default_dir)
    if not exists("%s/nginx" % cloudman_default_dir):
        sudo("ln -s %s/sbin/nginx %s/nginx" %
             (install_dir, cloudman_default_dir))
Esempio n. 21
def _mount_ebs():
    with v_settings(host_string=env.hosts[0]):
        if not exists(DEST_DATA_DIR):
            sudo("mkdir -p %s" % DEST_DATA_DIR)
        # Check if DEST_DATA_DIR is empty before attempting to mount
        with settings(hide('stderr'), warn_only=True): 
            result = sudo('[ "$(ls -A %s)" ]' % DEST_DATA_DIR)
        if result.failed:
            print "Directory '%s' is empty. Good." % DEST_DATA_DIR
            if not SNAP_ID:
                # If not recreating a volume from a snapshot, create file system before mounting
                sudo("mkfs.xfs %s" % env.vol_device)
            sudo("mount -t xfs %s %s" % (env.vol_device, DEST_DATA_DIR))
            sudo("chown %s %s" % (env.user, DEST_DATA_DIR))
            print "ERROR: data dir '%s' is not empty? Did not mount device '%s'" % (DEST_DATA_DIR, env.vol_device)
 def install(self, local_env={}, force=False):
     """ If not already installed, install given tool and all of its dependencies. """
     if self.set_env(local_env):
         if (not self.is_installed(local_env=local_env)
                 and not self.tool_env['fatal_error']) or force:
             if not self.tool_env['dependencies_ok']:
                 if not self.resolve_dependencies():
                     print "----- ERROR resolving dependencies -----"
                     return False
             # Maybe the dependencies is all that was missing so check if
             # the tool can be considered as installed now
             if not self.is_installed(local_env=local_env) or force:
                 print "Trying to install %s %s as user %s" % (
                     self.tool_env['pkg_name'], self.tool_env['version'],
                 # TODO: Get complete file name list
                 files = ['']
                 install_cmd = sudo if self.tool_env['use_sudo'] else run
                 if not exists(self.tool_env['install_dir']):
                     install_cmd("mkdir -p %s" %
                     install_cmd("chown %s %s" %
                 with nested(cd(self.tool_env['install_dir']),
                     for f in files:
                         install_cmd("wget --no-check-certificate %s" %
                                     (self.tool_env['url'] + f))
                 if self.tool_env.has_key('shogun_env_script') and exists(
                     install_cmd("echo '. %s' > %s/" %
                     install_cmd("chmod +x %s/" %
                     install_cmd('chown -R %s %s' %
                                 (env.user, self.tool_env['install_dir']))
                     print "ERROR: Required dependency file for not found (for Shogun)."
                     self.tool_env['fatal_error'] = True
         # Make sure the tool installed correctly
         if not self.tool_env['fatal_error'] and (self.tool_env['installed']
                                                  or self.is_installed()):
             return common.compose_successful_return(self.tool_env)
     print "----- Problem installing EasySVM -----"
     return self.tool_env
Esempio n. 23
def _install_nginx():
    version = "1.2.0"
    upload_module_version = "2.2.0"
    upload_url = "" \
                 "nginx_upload_module-%s.tar.gz" % upload_module_version
    url = "" % version
    install_dir = os.path.join(env.install_dir, "nginx")
    remote_conf_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, "conf")
    # skip install if already present
    if exists(remote_conf_dir) and contains(os.path.join(remote_conf_dir, "nginx.conf"), "/cloud"):
    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with contextlib.nested(cd(work_dir), settings(hide('stdout'))):
            run("wget %s" % upload_url)
            run("tar -xvzpf %s" % os.path.split(upload_url)[1])
            run("wget %s" % url)
            run("tar xvzf %s" % os.path.split(url)[1])
            with cd("nginx-%s" % version):
                run("./configure --prefix=%s --with-ipv6 --add-module=../nginx_upload_module-%s "
                    "--user=galaxy --group=galaxy --with-http_ssl_module --with-http_gzip_static_module "
                    "--with-cc-opt=-Wno-error --with-debug" % (install_dir, upload_module_version))
                sudo("make install")
                with settings(warn_only=True):
                    sudo("cd %s; stow nginx" % env.install_dir)
    nginx_conf_file = 'nginx.conf'
    url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, nginx_conf_file)
    with cd(remote_conf_dir):
        sudo("wget --output-document=%s/%s %s" % (remote_conf_dir, nginx_conf_file, url))
    nginx_errdoc_file = 'nginx_errdoc.tar.gz'
    url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, nginx_errdoc_file)
    remote_errdoc_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, "html")
    with cd(remote_errdoc_dir):
        sudo("wget --output-document=%s/%s %s" % (remote_errdoc_dir, nginx_errdoc_file, url))
        sudo('tar xvzf %s' % nginx_errdoc_file)
    cloudman_default_dir = "/opt/cloudman/sbin"
    sudo("mkdir -p %s" % cloudman_default_dir)
    if not exists("%s/nginx" % cloudman_default_dir):
        sudo("ln -s %s/sbin/nginx %s/nginx" % (install_dir, cloudman_default_dir))
    print(green("----- nginx installed and configured -----"))
Esempio n. 24
def install_nginx(env):
    version = "0.7.67"
    url = "" % version

    install_dir = os.path.join(env.install_dir, "nginx")
    remote_conf_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, "conf")

    # skip install if already present
    if exists(remote_conf_dir) and contains(
            os.path.join(remote_conf_dir, "nginx.conf"), "/cloud"):

    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with contextlib.nested(cd(work_dir), settings(hide('stdout'))):
            modules = _get_nginx_modules(env)
            module_flags = " ".join(
                ["--add-module=../%s" % x for x in modules])
            run("wget %s" % url)
            run("tar xvzf %s" % os.path.split(url)[1])
            with cd("nginx-%s" % version):
                run("./configure --prefix=%s --with-ipv6 %s "
                    "--user=galaxy --group=galaxy "
                    "--with-http_ssl_module --with-http_gzip_static_module" %
                    (install_dir, module_flags))
                sed("objs/Makefile", "-Werror", "")
                sudo("make install")
                sudo("cd %s; stow nginx" % env.install_dir)

    nginx_conf_file = 'nginx.conf'
    url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, nginx_conf_file)
    with cd(remote_conf_dir):
        sudo("wget --output-document=%s/%s %s" %
             (remote_conf_dir, nginx_conf_file, url))

    nginx_errdoc_file = 'nginx_errdoc.tar.gz'
    url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, nginx_errdoc_file)
    remote_errdoc_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, "html")
    with cd(remote_errdoc_dir):
        sudo("wget --output-document=%s/%s %s" %
             (remote_errdoc_dir, nginx_errdoc_file, url))
        sudo('tar xvzf %s' % nginx_errdoc_file)

    sudo("mkdir -p %s" % env.install_dir)
    if not exists("%s/nginx" % env.install_dir):
        sudo("ln -s %s/sbin/nginx %s/nginx" % (install_dir, env.install_dir))
Esempio n. 25
 def is_installed(self, local_env={}):
     """ Check if the current tool and its dependencies are installed. Optionally, 
     missing dependencies may be installed."""
     if not self.tool_env['env_set']: 
     print "Checking if %s %s is installed..." % (self.tool_env['pkg_name'], self.tool_env['version'])
     if not self.tool_env['dependencies_ok']:
         if not self.resolve_dependencies(install=False):
             return False        
     install_cmd = sudo if self.tool_env['use_sudo'] else run
     with nested(cd(self.tool_env['install_dir']), settings(hide('stdout'), warn_only=True)):
         result = install_cmd("source; python --help")
         if result.return_code == 0:
             self.tool_env['installed'] = True
             print "%s %s is installed in %s" % (str(self.tool_env['pkg_name']).upper(), self.tool_env['version'], self.tool_env['install_dir'])
             return True
     print "%s %s is not installed." % (self.tool_env['pkg_name'], self.tool_env['version'])
     return False
Esempio n. 26
def install_nginx(env):
    version = "0.7.67"
    url = "" % version

    install_dir = os.path.join(env.install_dir, "nginx")
    remote_conf_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, "conf")

    # skip install if already present
    if exists(remote_conf_dir) and contains(os.path.join(remote_conf_dir, "nginx.conf"), "/cloud"):

    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with contextlib.nested(cd(work_dir), settings(hide("stdout"))):
            modules = _get_nginx_modules(env)
            module_flags = " ".join(["--add-module=../%s" % x for x in modules])
            run("wget %s" % url)
            run("tar xvzf %s" % os.path.split(url)[1])
            with cd("nginx-%s" % version):
                    "./configure --prefix=%s --with-ipv6 %s "
                    "--user=galaxy --group=galaxy "
                    "--with-http_ssl_module --with-http_gzip_static_module" % (install_dir, module_flags)
                sed("objs/Makefile", "-Werror", "")
                sudo("make install")
                sudo("cd %s; stow nginx" % env.install_dir)

    nginx_conf_file = "nginx.conf"
    url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, nginx_conf_file)
    with cd(remote_conf_dir):
        sudo("wget --output-document=%s/%s %s" % (remote_conf_dir, nginx_conf_file, url))

    nginx_errdoc_file = "nginx_errdoc.tar.gz"
    url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, nginx_errdoc_file)
    remote_errdoc_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, "html")
    with cd(remote_errdoc_dir):
        sudo("wget --output-document=%s/%s %s" % (remote_errdoc_dir, nginx_errdoc_file, url))
        sudo("tar xvzf %s" % nginx_errdoc_file)

    cloudman_default_dir = "/opt/galaxy/sbin"
    sudo("mkdir -p %s" % cloudman_default_dir)
    if not exists("%s/nginx" % cloudman_default_dir):
        sudo("ln -s %s/sbin/nginx %s/nginx" % (install_dir, cloudman_default_dir))
Esempio n. 27
 def install(self, local_env={}, force=False):
     """ If not already installed, install given tool and all of its dependencies. """
     if self.set_env(local_env):
         if (not self.is_installed(local_env=local_env) and not self.tool_env['fatal_error']) or force:
             if not self.tool_env['dependencies_ok']:
                 if not self.resolve_dependencies():
                     print "----- ERROR resolving dependencies -----"
                     return False
             # Maybe the dependencies is all that was missing so check if 
             # the tool can be considered as installed now
             if not self.is_installed(local_env=local_env) or force:
                 print "Trying to install %s %s as user %s" % (str(self.tool_env['pkg_name']).upper(), self.tool_env['version'], env.user)
                 install_cmd = sudo if self.tool_env['use_sudo'] else run
                 with nested(cd(self.tool_env['install_dir']), settings(hide('stdout'))):
                     install_cmd("wget %s" % self.tool_env['url'])
                     install_cmd("wget %s" % self.tool_env['url2'])
                     install_cmd("tar xfvj %s; rm %s" % (os.path.split(self.tool_env['url'])[1], os.path.split(self.tool_env['url'])[1]))
                     install_cmd("tar xfvz %s; rm %s" % (os.path.split(self.tool_env['url2'])[1], os.path.split(self.tool_env['url2'])[1]))
                     install_cmd("mv asp-%s/* .; rm -rf asp-%s" % (self.tool_env['version'], self.tool_env['version']))
                     # find a way to provide xmls
                     if not exists('%s/tools/signals' % self.tool_env['galaxy_dir']):
                         install_cmd('mkdir %s/tools/signals' % self.tool_env['galaxy_dir'])
                         with settings(warn_only=True):
                             install_cmd("sed -i '1i if [ -n \"${PACKAGE_BASE+x}\" ]; then cd %s; fi'" % (self.tool_env['install_dir'], self.tool_env['pkg_name']))
                             install_cmd('mv %s.xml %s/tools/signals/' % (self.tool_env['pkg_name'], self.tool_env['pkg_name'], self.tool_env['galaxy_dir']))
                             install_cmd("chmod +x %s/tools/signals/" % (self.tool_env['galaxy_dir'], self.tool_env['pkg_name']))
                             install_cmd('chown -R %s %s/tools/signals' % (env.user, self.tool_env['galaxy_dir']))
                 if self.tool_env.has_key('shogun_env_script') and exists(self.tool_env['shogun_env_script']):
                     install_cmd("echo '. %s' > %s/" % (self.tool_env['shogun_env_script'], self.tool_env['install_dir']))
                     install_cmd("echo 'export PATH=%s:$PATH' >> %s/" % (self.tool_env['install_dir'], self.tool_env['install_dir']))
                     install_cmd("echo 'export PYTHONPATH=%s:$PYTHONPATH' >> %s/" % (self.tool_env['install_dir'], self.tool_env['install_dir']))
                     install_cmd("chmod +x %s/" % self.tool_env['install_dir'])
                     install_dir_root = os.path.join(self.tool_env['install_dir_root'], self.tool_env['pkg_name'])
                     install_cmd('if [ ! -d %s/default ]; then ln -s %s %s/default; fi' % (install_dir_root, self.tool_env['install_dir'], install_dir_root))
                     install_cmd('chown -R %s %s' % (env.user, install_dir_root))
                     print "ERROR: Required dependency file for not found (for Shogun)."
                     self.tool_env['fatal_error'] = True
         # Make sure the tool installed correctly
         if not self.tool_env['fatal_error'] and (self.tool_env['installed'] or self.is_installed()):
             return common.compose_successful_return(self.tool_env)
     print "----- Problem installing ASP -----"
     return self.tool_env
Esempio n. 28
def install_proftpd(env):
    version = "1.3.3d"
    postgres_ver = "8.4"
    url = "" % version
    install_dir = os.path.join(env.install_dir, 'proftpd')
    remote_conf_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, "etc")
    # skip install if already present
    if exists(remote_conf_dir):
    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with cd(work_dir):
            run("wget %s" % url)
            with settings(hide('stdout')):
                run("tar xvzf %s" % os.path.split(url)[1])
            with cd("proftpd-%s" % version):
                run("CFLAGS='-I/usr/include/postgresql' ./configure --prefix=%s --disable-auth-file --disable-ncurses --disable-ident --disable-shadow --enable-openssl --with-modules=mod_sql:mod_sql_postgres:mod_sql_passwd --with-libraries=/usr/lib/postgres/%s/lib"
                    % (install_dir, postgres_ver))
                sudo("make install")
                sudo("make clean")
                # Get init.d startup script
                initd_script = 'proftpd'
                initd_url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, 'conf_files',
                sudo("wget --output-document=%s %s" %
                     (os.path.join('/etc/init.d', initd_script), initd_url))
                sudo("chmod 755 %s" %
                     os.path.join('/etc/init.d', initd_script))
                # Get configuration files
                proftpd_conf_file = 'proftpd.conf'
                welcome_msg_file = 'welcome_msg.txt'
                conf_url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, 'conf_files',
                welcome_url = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_URL, 'conf_files',
                sudo("wget --output-document=%s %s" % (os.path.join(
                    remote_conf_dir, proftpd_conf_file), conf_url))
                sudo("wget --output-document=%s %s" % (os.path.join(
                    remote_conf_dir, welcome_msg_file), welcome_url))
                sudo("cd %s; stow proftpd" % env.install_dir)
Esempio n. 29
 def is_installed(self, local_env={}, install_dependencies=False):
     """ Check if the current tool and its dependencies are installed. Optionally, 
     missing dependencies may be installed."""
     if not self.tool_env['env_set']:
     print "Checking if %s %s is installed..." % (str(
         self.tool_env['pkg_name']).upper(), self.tool_env['version'])
     if not self.tool_env['dependencies_ok']:
         if not self.resolve_dependencies(install=False):
             return False
     install_cmd = sudo if self.tool_env['use_sudo'] else run
     with nested(cd(self.tool_env['install_dir']),
                 settings(hide('stdout'), warn_only=True)):
         result = install_cmd("source; asp --organism=Worm dna.fa")
         if result.return_code == 0:
             self.tool_env['installed'] = True
             print "%s %s is installed in %s" % (
                 self.tool_env['version'], self.tool_env['install_dir'])
             return True
     print "%s %s is not installed." % (str(
         self.tool_env['pkg_name']).upper(), self.tool_env['version'])
     return False
Esempio n. 30
def _install_proftpd():
    version = "1.3.3d"
    postgres_ver = "8.4"
    url = "" % version
    install_dir = os.path.join(env.install_dir, 'proftpd')
    remote_conf_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, "etc")
    # skip install if already present
    if exists(remote_conf_dir):
    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with cd(work_dir):
            run("wget %s" % url)
            with settings(hide('stdout')):
                run("tar xzf %s" % os.path.split(url)[1])
            with cd("proftpd-%s" % version):
                run("CFLAGS='-I/usr/include/postgresql' ./configure --prefix=%s --disable-auth-file --disable-ncurses --disable-ident --disable-shadow --enable-openssl --with-modules=mod_sql:mod_sql_postgres:mod_sql_passwd --with-libraries=/usr/lib/postgres/%s/lib" % (install_dir, postgres_ver))
                sudo("make install")
                sudo("make clean")
    # Get init.d startup script
    proftp_initd_script = 'proftpd'
    local_proftp_initd_path = os.path.join('conf_files',proftp_initd_script)
    remote_proftpd_initd_path = os.path.join('/etc/init.d',proftp_initd_script)
    _put_as_user(local_proftp_initd_path,remote_proftpd_initd_path, user='******')
    sudo('chmod 755 %s' % remote_proftpd_initd_path)
    # Get configuration files
    proftpd_conf_file = 'proftpd.conf'
    local_conf_path = os.path.join('conf_files',proftpd_conf_file)
    remote_conf_path = os.path.join(remote_conf_dir,proftpd_conf_file) 
    welcome_msg_file = 'welcome_msg.txt'
    local_welcome_msg_path = os.path.join('conf_files',welcome_msg_file)
    remote_welcome_msg_path = os.path.join(remote_conf_dir, welcome_msg_file)
    _put_as_user(local_conf_path,remote_conf_path, user='******')
    _put_as_user(local_welcome_msg_path,remote_welcome_msg_path, user='******')
    sudo("cd %s; stow proftpd" % env.install_dir)
    print(green("----- ProFTPd %s installed to %s -----" % (version, install_dir)))
Esempio n. 31
 def install(self, local_env={}, force=False):
     """ If not already installed, install given tool and all of its dependencies. """
     if self.set_env(local_env):
         if (not self.is_installed(local_env=local_env)
                 and not self.tool_env['fatal_error']) or force:
             if not self.tool_env['dependencies_ok']:
                 if not self.resolve_dependencies():
                     print "----- ERROR resolving dependencies -----"
                     return False
             # Maybe the dependencies is all that was missing so check if
             # the tool can be considered as installed now
             if not self.is_installed(local_env=local_env) or force:
                 print "Trying to install %s %s as user %s" % (
                     self.tool_env['version'], env.user)
                 install_cmd = sudo if self.tool_env['use_sudo'] else run
                 with nested(cd(self.tool_env['install_dir']),
                     install_cmd("wget %s" % self.tool_env['url'])
                     install_cmd("wget %s" % self.tool_env['url2'])
                     install_cmd("tar xfvj %s; rm %s" %
                     install_cmd("tar xfvz %s; rm %s" %
                     install_cmd("mv asp-%s/* .; rm -rf asp-%s" %
                     # find a way to provide xmls
                     if not exists('%s/tools/signals' %
                         install_cmd('mkdir %s/tools/signals' %
                         with settings(warn_only=True):
                                 "sed -i '1i if [ -n \"${PACKAGE_BASE+x}\" ]; then cd %s; fi'"
                                 % (self.tool_env['install_dir'],
                                 'mv %s.xml %s/tools/signals/' %
                             install_cmd("chmod +x %s/tools/signals/" %
                                 'chown -R %s %s/tools/signals' %
                                 (env.user, self.tool_env['galaxy_dir']))
                 if self.tool_env.has_key('shogun_env_script') and exists(
                     install_cmd("echo '. %s' > %s/" %
                         "echo 'export PATH=%s:$PATH' >> %s/" %
                         "echo 'export PYTHONPATH=%s:$PYTHONPATH' >> %s/"
                         % (self.tool_env['install_dir'],
                     install_cmd("chmod +x %s/" %
                     install_dir_root = os.path.join(
                         'if [ ! -d %s/default ]; then ln -s %s %s/default; fi'
                         % (install_dir_root, self.tool_env['install_dir'],
                     install_cmd('chown -R %s %s' %
                                 (env.user, install_dir_root))
                     print "ERROR: Required dependency file for not found (for Shogun)."
                     self.tool_env['fatal_error'] = True
         # Make sure the tool installed correctly
         if not self.tool_env['fatal_error'] and (self.tool_env['installed']
                                                  or self.is_installed()):
             return common.compose_successful_return(self.tool_env)
     print "----- Problem installing ASP -----"
     return self.tool_env