Esempio n. 1
def setup_slaves():
    print "Setting up slave %s" %
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        sudo('service postgresql stop')

    host = env.roledefs['master'][0]
    if host not in env.addresses:
        raise KeyError("could not find master IP address")
    print host
    master_ip = env.addresses[host]['eth0']

    append(pg_conf, 'wal_level = hot_standby', use_sudo = True)
    append(pg_conf, 'max_wal_senders = 5', use_sudo = True)
    append(pg_conf, 'wal_keep_segments = 32', use_sudo = True)
    append(pg_conf, 'hot_standby = on', use_sudo = True)
    with cd(os.path.dirname(data_path)):
        with settings(warn_only=True):
            sudo('mv main main.%d' % time.time() )
        print "Starting backup from master %s" % master_ip
        sudo('pg_basebackup -P -x -h %s -U project -D main' % master_ip)
        sudo('rm -f main/backup_label')
        sudo('chown -R postgres:postgres main')
        print "Done."
    append(recovery_conf, "standby_mode = 'on'", use_sudo = True)
    append(recovery_conf, "primary_conninfo = 'host=%s user=project'" % master_ip, use_sudo = True)
    sudo('service postgresql start')
Esempio n. 2
def setup_database():
    """Create the application database and associated user with a temporary password"""
    with hide('output', 'running'):
        with settings(warn_only=True):
            psql("CREATE USER project UNENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'project';")
            psql("ALTER ROLE project REPLICATION LOGIN;")
        with settings(warn_only=True):
            psql("CREATE DATABASE project ENCODING 'UTF-8';")
        psql("GRANT ALL ON DATABASE project TO project;")
Esempio n. 3
def _setup_database():
    quer_criar_template = False
    quer_criar_user = False
    quer_criar_db = False
    puts_blue("Setup do Bano de Dados")
    with cd('%(django_user_home)s' % env):
        if 'postgis' in env.django_settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE']:
            # template postgis existe
            with settings(hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'warnings'), warn_only=True):
                res = sudo('psql -tAc "SELECT \'template_postgis_encontrado\';" template_postgis', user='******')
                if not 'template_postgis_encontrado' in res:
                    # quer criar o template postgis?
                    quer_criar_template = console.confirm(u'quer criar o template postgis?')
        if quer_criar_template:
            script_path = '%s/scripts/' % base_path
            remote = '/opt/django/'
            if not files.exists(remote, use_sudo=True, verbose=False):
            sudo('/bin/bash %s' % remote, user='******')
            # cria template postgis

        rolname = env.django_settings.DATABASES['default']['USER']
        # user existe
        with settings(hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'warnings'), warn_only=True):
            res = sudo(
                'psql -tAc \
                "SELECT \'user_encontrado\' FROM ( \
                    SELECT count(*) FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname=\'%s\'\
                ) AS COUNT WHERE COUNT.count >= 1;"' % rolname,
            if not 'user_encontrado' in res:
                quer_criar_user = console.confirm(u'quer criar o user %s?' % rolname)

        if quer_criar_user:

        database = env.django_settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME']
        # user existe
        with settings(hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'warnings'), warn_only=True):
            res = sudo('psql -tAc "SELECT \'BD_encontrado\';" %s' % database, user='******')
            if not 'BD_encontrado' in res:
                quer_criar_db = console.confirm(u'quer criar o Database %s?' % database)
        if quer_criar_db:

Esempio n. 4
def git_pull():
    with cd(env.code_root):
        with settings(hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'warnings'), warn_only=True):
            res = sudo('git checkout -b %(branch)s' % env, user=env.django_user)
        if 'failed' in res:
            sudo('git checkout %(branch)s' % env, user=env.django_user)
        sudo('git pull origin %(branch)s' % env, user=env.django_user)
Esempio n. 5
def _git_clone():
    with settings(hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'warnings'), warn_only=True):
        with cd(env.code_root):
            res = sudo('git pull origin %(branch)s' % env, user=env.django_user)
    logging.error('code root not exists: %s' % res)
    if 'No such file or directory' in res:
        sudo('git clone %(repository)s %(code_root)s' % env, user=env.django_user)
Esempio n. 6
 def get_file_task(remote_path, local_path, user='******', password='******'):
     # Task to grab file from host and return result
     env.user = user
     env.password = password
     env.parallel = True
     with settings(warn_only=True):
         return get(remote_path, local_path)
Esempio n. 7
def bower_install():
    print yellow('\nInstalling Bower dependencies')
    with shell_env(HOME=env.deploy_user_home):
        with settings(password=env.sd_password):
            with cd('%s/%s' % (env.repos_dir, REPOSITORY[1])):
                sudo('npm install -d', user=env.deploy_user)
                sudo('bower update', user=env.deploy_user)
Esempio n. 8
def pylint_file(filenames, **kwargs):
    apply pylint to the file specified,
    return the filename, score

    command = "pylint "

    if 'rcfile' in kwargs and kwargs['rcfile'] is not None:
        command += " --rcfile={0} ".format(kwargs['rcfile'])

    command = command + ' '.join(filenames)

    # we use fabric to run the pylint command, hiding the normal fab
    # output and warnings
    with hide('output', 'running', 'warnings'), settings(warn_only=True):
        result = local(command, capture=True)

    score = 0.0
    # parse the output from pylint for the score
    for line in result.split('\n'):
        if re.match("E....:.", line):
        if "Your code has been rated at" in line:
            score = re.findall("\d+.\d\d", line)[0]

    score = float(score)
    return filenames, score
Esempio n. 9
def bower_install():
    print yellow('\nInstalling Bower dependencies')
    with shell_env(HOME=env.deploy_user_home):
        with settings(password=env.sd_password):
            with cd('%s/%s' % (env.repos_dir, REPOSITORY[1])):
                sudo('npm install -d', user=env.deploy_user)
                sudo('bower update', user=env.deploy_user)
Esempio n. 10
def _test(option, path, use_sudo):
    if isinstance(path, Path):
        path = str(path)

    with settings(hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'warnings'),
        return run_or_sudo(f'test {option} {quote(path)}', use_sudo).succeeded
Esempio n. 11
def _supervisor_restart():
    with settings(hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'warnings'), warn_only=True):
        res = sudo('%(supervisorctl)s restart %(supervisor_program_name)s' % env)
    if 'ERROR' in res:
        print red_bg("%s NOT STARTED!" % env.supervisor_program_name)
        print green_bg("%s correctly started!" % env.supervisor_program_name)
Esempio n. 12
def _supervisor_restart():
    with settings(hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'warnings'), warn_only=True):
        res = sudo('%(supervisorctl)s restart %(supervisor_program_name)s' % env)
    if 'ERROR' in res:
        print red_bg("%s NOT STARTED!" % env.supervisor_program_name)
        print green_bg("%s correctly started!" % env.supervisor_program_name)
Esempio n. 13
def finish_configuring_slave():
    with settings(host_string=env.pgslave_user_host):
        # upload repmgr.conf on slave server
        repmgr_context = dict(cluster_name=env.cluster_name,
        repmgr_conf_file = 'conf/repmgr/repmgr.conf'
        if not isfile(repmgr_conf_file):
            repmgr_conf_file = '%s/%s' % (pg_fabrep_path, repmgr_conf_file)
        upload_template(repmgr_conf_file, env.master_pgdata_path,
                        context=repmgr_context, backup=False)
        slave_postgresql_conf = "%spostgresql.conf" % env.slave_pgdata_path
        slave_postgresql_conf_bck = "%spostgresql.conf.bck" % env.slave_pgdata_path
        sudo('mv %s %s' % (slave_postgresql_conf, slave_postgresql_conf_bck))
        sudo("sed '/hot_standby =/c hot_standby = on' %s > %s" % \
             (slave_postgresql_conf_bck, slave_postgresql_conf))
        sudo("mkdir -p %s" % env.slave_pgconf_path)
        sudo("cp %spg_hba.conf %s" % (env.slave_pgdata_path, env.slave_pgconf_path))
        sudo("cp %spg_ident.conf %s" % (env.slave_pgdata_path, env.slave_pgconf_path))
        sudo("cp %spostgresql.conf %s" % (env.slave_pgdata_path, env.slave_pgconf_path))
        run("sudo -u postgres pg_ctl -D /var/lib/postgresql/%(postgres_version)s/%(cluster_name)s/ start" % env)
Esempio n. 14
 def get_file_task(remote_path, local_path, user='******', password='******'):
     # Task to grab file from host and return result
     env.user = user
     env.password = password
     env.parallel = True
     with settings(warn_only=True):
         return get(remote_path, local_path)
Esempio n. 15
def restart_nginx():
    print yellow('\nRestarting Gunicorn')
    with settings(password=env.sd_password):
        sudo('service nginx restart')

#fab development:user=<conejo|rcanepa|pillin> update_repos bower_install grunt_build restart_nginx
Esempio n. 16
def _standby_clone():
    """ With "node1" server running, we want to use the clone standby
    command in repmgr to copy over the entire PostgreSQL database cluster
    onto the "node2" server. """
    # manualy:
    # $ mkdir -p /var/lib/postgresql/9.1/testscluster/
    # $ rsync -avz --rsh='ssh -p2222' [email protected]:/var/lib/postgresql/9.1/testscluster/ /var/lib/postgresql/9.1/testscluster/

    with settings(hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'warnings'), warn_only=True):
        puts(green('Start cloning the master'))
        repmgr_clone_command = 'repmgr -D %(slave_pgdata_path)s -d %(sync_db)s -p %(cluster_port)s -U %(sync_user)s -R postgres --verbose standby clone %(pgmaster_ip)s' % env
        puts("-" * 40)
        res = sudo(repmgr_clone_command, user='******')
        if 'Can not connect to the remote host' in res or 'Connection to database failed' in res:
            puts("-" * 40)
            puts("-" * 40)
            puts("Master server is %s reachable." % red("NOT"))
            puts("%s you can try to CLONE the slave manually [%s]:" % (green("BUT"), red("at your own risk")))
            puts("On the slave server:")
            puts("$ sudo -u postgres rsync -avz --rsh='ssh -p%(master_ssh_port)s' postgres@%(pgmaster_ip)s:%(master_pgdata_path)s %(slave_pgdata_path)s --exclude=pg_xlog* --exclude=pg_control --exclude=*.pid" % env)
            puts("$ fab <cluster_task_name> finish_configuring_slave")
Esempio n. 17
def _test_nginx_conf():
        Testa configurações do nginx
    with settings(hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'warnings'), warn_only=True):
        res = sudo('nginx -t -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf')
    if 'test failed' in res:
        abort(red('NGINX configuration test failed! Please review your parameters.'))
Esempio n. 18
def test_nginx_conf():
    with settings(
            hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'warnings'), warn_only=True):
        res = sudo('nginx -t -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf')
    if 'test failed' in res:
            'NGINX configuration test failed!'
            ' Please review your parameters.'))
Esempio n. 19
def _create_django_user():
    with settings(hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'warnings'), warn_only=True):
        res = sudo('useradd -d %(django_user_home)s -m -r %(django_user)s' % env)
    if 'already exists' in res:
        puts('User \'%(django_user)s\' already exists, will not be changed.' % env)
    #  set password
    sudo('passwd %(django_user)s' % env)
Esempio n. 20
def _create_django_user():
    with settings(hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'warnings'), warn_only=True):
        res = sudo('useradd -d %(django_user_home)s -m -r %(django_user)s' % env)
    if 'already exists' in res:
        puts('User \'%(django_user)s\' already exists, will not be changed.' % env)
    #  set password
    sudo('passwd %(django_user)s' % env)
Esempio n. 21
def _setup_permissions():
    with settings(hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'warnings'), warn_only=True):
        res = sudo('usermod -G nginx %s' % env.django_user)
    if 'does not exist' in res:
        res = sudo('usermod -G www-data %s' % env.django_user)
        sudo('chown -R %(django_user)s:www-data %(django_user_home)s' % env)
        sudo('chown -R %(django_user)s:nginx %(django_user_home)s' % env)

    sudo('chmod -R g+x %(django_user_home)s' % env)
Esempio n. 22
def _git_clone():
        Faz um clone de um repositório
    puts_blue("== CLONE do repositório ...", 1, bg=107)

    with settings(hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'warnings'), warn_only=True):
        with cd('%(django_user_home)s' % env):
            sudo('git clone %(repository)s %(code_root)s' % env, user=env.django_user)
    with cd(env.code_root):
        sudo('git fetch' % env, user=env.django_user)
        sudo('git checkout %(branch)s' % env, user=env.django_user)
Esempio n. 23
def update_repos():
    print yellow('\nUpdating project GitHub repos')
    with shell_env(HOME=env.deploy_user_home):
        with settings(password=env.sd_password):
            if not exists(env.repos_dir):
                sudo('mkdir %s' % env.repos_dir)
                sudo('chown -R %s:%s %s' % (env.deploy_user, env.deploy_user, env.repos_dir))
            with cd(env.repos_dir):
                if not exists('%s/%s' % (env.repos_dir, REPOSITORY[1])):
                    sudo('git clone %s %s' % (REPOSITORY[0], REPOSITORY[1]), user=env.deploy_user)
                with cd(REPOSITORY[1]):
                    sudo('git checkout %s' % REPOSITORY[2], user=env.deploy_user)
                    sudo('git pull origin %s' % REPOSITORY[2], user=env.deploy_user)
Esempio n. 24
    def iperf_server_pid(command, user="******", password="******"):
        Task to discover iperf (running in server mode) PID
        :param command: command to obtain iperf PID
        :param user: username of remote user
        :param password: password of remote user
        env.user = user
        env.password = password
        env.parallel = True
        with settings(warn_only=True):
            return run(command, pty=False, combine_stderr=True)
    def iperf_server_pid(command, user='******', password='******'):
        Task to discover iperf (running in server mode) PID
        :param command: command to obtain iperf PID
        :param user: username of remote user
        :param password: password of remote user
        env.user = user
        env.password = password
        env.parallel = True
        with settings(warn_only=True):
            return run(command, pty=False, combine_stderr=True)
    def iperf_server_command(command, user='******', password='******'):
        Run given iperf command on specific host

        :param command: iperf command with arguments
        :param user: username of remote user
        :param password: password of remote user
        env.user = user
        env.password = password
        env.parallel = True
        with settings(warn_only=True):
            return run(command, pty=False, combine_stderr=True)
Esempio n. 27
    def iperf_server_command(command, user="******", password="******"):
        Run given iperf command on specific host

        :param command: iperf command with arguments
        :param user: username of remote user
        :param password: password of remote user
        env.user = user
        env.password = password
        env.parallel = True
        with settings(warn_only=True):
            return run(command, pty=False, combine_stderr=True)
Esempio n. 28
def _create_django_user():
        Função que cria e verifica se o usuário Django Existe
    puts_blue(u" Cria usuário __django__ ...", 1, bg=107)
    puts_blue("== Verifica / Cria usuário 'django' ...", 1, bg=107)
    with settings(hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'warnings'), warn_only=True):
        res = sudo('useradd -d %(django_user_home)s -m -r %(django_user)s -s /bin/bash' % env)
    if 'already exists' in res:
        puts('User \'%(django_user)s\' already exists, will not be changed.' % env)
        #  set password
    sudo('passwd %(django_user)s' % env)
def dc_restart(service_name='', cmd=''):
    Restarts a service, executing optional command before restart
    Execute as:
    fab using_project:<project-name> dc_restart:<service_name>[,<cmd>]
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        if cmd is not None and cmd != '':
            dc_run(options='', service_name=service_name, cmd=cmd)
        dc_up(options='-d', service_name=service_name)
        dc_logs(options='-f', service_name=service_name)
Esempio n. 30
def update_repos():
    print yellow('\nUpdating project GitHub repos')
    with shell_env(HOME=env.deploy_user_home):
        with settings(password=env.sd_password):
            if not exists(env.repos_dir):
                sudo('mkdir %s' % env.repos_dir)
                sudo('chown -R %s:%s %s' %
                     (env.deploy_user, env.deploy_user, env.repos_dir))
            with cd(env.repos_dir):
                if not exists('%s/%s' % (env.repos_dir, REPOSITORY[1])):
                    sudo('git clone %s %s' % (REPOSITORY[0], REPOSITORY[1]),
                with cd(REPOSITORY[1]):
                    sudo('git checkout %s' % REPOSITORY[2],
                    sudo('git pull origin %s' % REPOSITORY[2],
Esempio n. 31
def _atualiza_projs(database_name):
    if os.path.exists('projs.json'):
        j = json.load(open('projs.json'))
        query_file_path = '/tmp/%(project)s_query.sql' % env
        fd = StringIO() = '%(project)s_query.sql' % env
        sudo('touch %s' % query_file_path)
        for key, value in j.items():
            fd.write(value['postgis'] + '\n')
            srid_key = '<%s>' % key
            with settings(warn_only=True):
                res = sudo('grep -H "%s" /usr/share/proj/epsg ' % srid_key)
                if not srid_key in res:
                    string_epsg = "%s %s" % (srid_key, value['proj4text'])
                    sudo("echo '%s' >> %s" % (string_epsg, '/usr/share/proj/epsg'))

        put(fd, query_file_path, use_sudo=True)
    sudo("psql %s < %s" % (database_name, query_file_path), user='******')
Esempio n. 32
def git_seed(commit=None, ignore_untracked_files=False):
    seed a git repository (and create if necessary) [remote]

    # check if the local repository is dirty
    dirty_working_copy = git_is_dirty(ignore_untracked_files)
    if dirty_working_copy:
            'Working copy is dirty. This check can be overridden by\n'
            ' try adding allow_dirty to your call.')

    # check if the remote repository exists and create it if necessary

    # use specified commit or HEAD
    commit = commit or git_head_rev()

    # finish execution if remote repository has commit already
    if git_exists(env.code_root, commit):
        puts(green('Commit ') + commit + green(' exists already'))

    # push the commit to the remote repository
    # (note that pushing to the master branch will not change the contents
    # of the working directory)

    puts(green('Pushing commit ') + commit)

    with settings(warn_only=True):
        force = (env.git_force_push) and '-f' or ''
        push = local(
            'git push git+ssh://%s@%s:%s%s %s:refs/heads/master %s' % (
                env.user,, env.port, env.code_root,
                commit, force))

    if push.failed:
            '%s is a non-fast-forward\n'
            'push. The seed will abort so you don\'t lose information.'
            ' If you are doing this\nintentionally try user'
            ' force_push and add it to your call.' % commit)
Esempio n. 33
def _supervisor_restart():
        Restarta o supervisor
    puts_blue(" __restart__ da aplicação via supervisor ...", 1, bg=107)
    with settings(hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'warnings'), warn_only=True):
        res = sudo('%(supervisorctl)s stop %(supervisor_program_name)s' % env)
        puts_blue("-> Parando App:")
        puts_blue(" Mensagem do supervisor: %s " % (res))

        #start app
        res = sudo('%(supervisorctl)s start %(supervisor_program_name)s' % env)
        puts_blue("-> Reiniciando a App:")
        if 'ERROR' in res:
            puts_red("-> Erro ao reiniciar a app : %s" % env.supervisor_program_name)
            puts_green("      %s   iniciado com sucesso           " % env.supervisor_program_name)

        puts_blue(" Mensagem do supervisor: %s " % (res))
Esempio n. 34
def pyflakes_file(filenames, verbose=False):

    Appyly pyflakes to file specified,
    return (filenames, score)
    command = 'pyflakes ' + ' '.join(filenames)

    # we use fabric to run the pyflakes command, hiding the normal fab
    # output and warnings
    with hide('output', 'running', 'warnings'), settings(warn_only=True):
        result = local(command, capture=True)

    flakes = 0
    data = [x for x in result.split('\n') if x.strip()]
    if len(data) != 0:
        #We have at least one flake, find the rest
        flakes = count_flakes(data, verbose) + 1
        flakes = 0

    return filenames, flakes
Esempio n. 35
def _setup_database():
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        postgres.user(env.psql_user, password=env.psql_password)
        postgres.database(env.psql_db, owner=env.psql_user)
Esempio n. 36
def setup():
    #  test configuration start
    if not test_configuration():
        if not console.confirm("Configuration test %s! Do you want to continue?" % red_bg('failed'), default=False):
            abort("Aborting at user request.")
    #  test configuration end
    if env.ask_confirmation:
        if not console.confirm("Are you sure you want to setup %s cluster?" % green(env.cluster_name.upper()), default=False):
            abort("Aborting at user request.")
    puts(green_bg('Start setup...'))
    start_time =

    # Start configuring master server
    with settings(host_string=env.pgmaster_user_host):
        print "%s configuring master server!" % green_bg("Start")
        with settings(hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'warnings'), warn_only=True):
            res = sudo("pg_createcluster --start %(postgres_version)s %(cluster_name)s -p %(cluster_port)s" % env)
        if 'already exists' in res:
            puts(green("Cluster '%(cluster_name)s' already exists, will not be changed." % env))
        if 'Error: port %s is already used' % env.cluster_port in res:
        with cd(env.master_pgdata_path):
            with settings(hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'warnings'), warn_only=True):
                run('''sudo -u postgres psql -p %(cluster_port)s -c "CREATE USER %(sync_user)s SUPERUSER ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '%(sync_pass)s';"''' % env, shell=False)
                run('''sudo -u postgres createdb -p %(cluster_port)s --owner %(sync_user)s --template template0 --encoding=UTF8 --lc-ctype=en_US.UTF-8 --lc-collate=en_US.UTF-8 %(sync_db)s''' % env, shell=False)
                run('''sudo -u postgres psql -p %(cluster_port)s -c "GRANT CREATE, CONNECT ON DATABASE %(sync_db)s TO %(sync_user)s WITH GRANT OPTION;"''' % env, shell=False)
        postgres_conf_file = 'conf/postgres/postgresql.conf'
        if not isfile(postgres_conf_file):
            postgres_conf_file = '%s/%s' % (pg_fabrep_path, postgres_conf_file)
        upload_template(postgres_conf_file, env.master_pgconf_path,
                            context=env, backup=False)
        if env.verbose:
            puts("Uploaded postgresql.conf from %s to %s" % (green(abspath(postgres_conf_file)), green(env.master_pgconf_path)))
        # start preparing pg_hba.conf file
        replication_hba = '%sreplication_hba.conf' % env.master_pgconf_path
        pg_hba = '%spg_hba.conf' % env.master_pgconf_path
        pg_hba_bck = '%spg_hba.conf.bck' % env.master_pgconf_path
        pg_hba_file = 'conf/postgres/pg_hba.conf'
        if not isfile(pg_hba_file):
            pg_hba_file = '%s/%s' % (pg_fabrep_path, pg_hba_file)
        upload_template(pg_hba_file, replication_hba,
                        context=env, backup=False)
        sudo('mv %s %s' % (pg_hba, pg_hba_bck))
        sudo("sed -n -e '/START REPLICATION RULES/,/END REPLICATION RULES/!p' %s > %s" % (pg_hba_bck, pg_hba))
        sudo("cat %s >> %s" % (replication_hba, pg_hba))
        sudo("rm %s" % replication_hba)
        # upload repmgr.conf on master server
        repmgr_context = dict(cluster_name=env.cluster_name,
                              ssh_port=22,  # we don't need here
        repmgr_conf_file = 'conf/repmgr/repmgr.conf'
        if not isfile(repmgr_conf_file):
            repmgr_conf_file = '%s/%s' % (pg_fabrep_path, repmgr_conf_file)
        upload_template(repmgr_conf_file, env.master_pgdata_path,
                        context=repmgr_context, backup=False)
        sudo("""echo -e "# Added by pg_fabrep\nexport PGDATA='/var/lib/postgresql/%(postgres_version)s/%(cluster_name)s'\nexport PGPORT=%(cluster_port)s">/var/lib/postgresql/.bash_profile""" % env)
        sudo("pg_ctlcluster %(postgres_version)s %(cluster_name)s restart" % env)

    # Start configuring the slave
    with settings(host_string=env.pgslave_user_host):
        print "%s configuring slave server!" % green_bg("Start")
        sudo('rm -rf %s' % env.slave_pgdata_path)
        sudo('mkdir -p %s' % env.slave_pgdata_path)
        sudo('chown postgres:postgres %s' % env.slave_pgdata_path)
        finish_configuring_slave()  # you can start it manually

    #  TODO: ...
    # # repmgr register master
    # with settings(host_string=env.master_host_local_ip):
    #     sudo('repmgr -f %srepmgr.conf --verbose master register' % \
    #          env.master_pgdata_path, user='******')
    # # repmgr register slave
    # with settings(host_string=env.slave_host):
    #     sudo('repmgr -f %srepmgr.conf --verbose standby register' % \
    #          env.slave_pgdata_path, user='******')
    end_time =
    finish_message = '[%s] Correctly finished in %i seconds' % \
    (green(end_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')), (end_time - start_time).seconds)
Esempio n. 37
def host_type():
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        run('uname -a')
Esempio n. 38
def _setup_database():
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        postgres.user(env.psql_user, password=env.psql_password)
        postgres.database(env.psql_db, owner=env.psql_user)
Esempio n. 39
def host_type():
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        run('uname -a')
Esempio n. 40
def run_command_with_remote_prompts(ip, username, password, command, prompts):
    set_fabric_environment(ip, username, password)
    operations.env.prompts = prompts
    with operations.settings(abort_on_prompts=False):
Esempio n. 41
def supervisor_restart():
    with settings(
            hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'warnings'), warn_only=True):
        res = sudo('%(supervisorctl)s restart all' % env)
    if 'ERROR' in res:
        print red_bg("%s NOT STARTED!" % env.supervisor_program_name)
Esempio n. 42
def clean():
    """Clean the packaged zip"""
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        local('rm %s' % get_zip_file())
Esempio n. 43
def restart_nginx():
    print yellow('\nRestarting Gunicorn')
    with settings(password=env.sd_password):
        sudo('service nginx restart')

#fab development:user=<conejo|rcanepa|pillin> update_repos bower_install grunt_build restart_nginx
Esempio n. 44
def grunt_build():
    print yellow('\nBuilding project static files')
    with shell_env(HOME=env.deploy_user_home):
        with settings(password=env.sd_password):
            with cd('%s/%s' % (env.repos_dir, REPOSITORY[1])):
                sudo('grunt build')
Esempio n. 45
def grunt_build():
    print yellow('\nBuilding project static files')
    with shell_env(HOME=env.deploy_user_home):
        with settings(password=env.sd_password):
            with cd('%s/%s' % (env.repos_dir, REPOSITORY[1])):
                sudo('grunt build')