Esempio n. 1
def push():
    Build docs and zip for upload to RTD
    v = get_version('short')
    local("cd docs/_build/html && zip -r ../ ." % v)
Esempio n. 2
def check_settings():
    Validate the users settings conf prior to deploy.
    valid = True
    if not get_version() >= '1.0':
        print "FABRIC ERROR: Woven is only compatible with Fabric < 1.0"
        valid = False
    if not env.MEDIA_ROOT or not env.MEDIA_URL:
        print "MEDIA ERROR: You must define a MEDIA_ROOT & MEDIA_URL " \
            "in your"
        print "even if plan to deploy your media separately to your project"
        valid = False
    if not env.TEMPLATE_DIRS:
        print "TEMPLATES_DIRS ERROR: You must define a TEMPLATES_DIRS " \
            "in your"
        valid = False
        print "DATABASE SETTINGS ERROR: The default database engine " \
            "has not been defined in your file"
        print "At a minimum you must define an sqlite3 database for " \
            "woven to deploy,"
        print "or define a database backend is managed outside of woven."
        valid = False
    if not valid:
Esempio n. 3
#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys

from setuptools import setup, find_packages

from fabric.version import get_version

readme = open('README').read()

v = get_version('short')
long_description = """
To find out what's new in this version of Fabric, please see `the changelog

You can also install the `in-development version
<>`_ using
pip, with `pip install fabric==dev`.




For more information, please see the Fabric website or execute ``fab --help``.
""" % (v, readme)

Esempio n. 4
year =
copyright = u'%d, Christian Vest Hansen and Jeffrey E. Forcier' % year

# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
# built documents.

# Add this checkout's local Fabric module to sys.path. Allows use of
# fabric.version in here, and ensures that the autodoc stuff also works.
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '..')))
from fabric.version import get_version

# Get version info
# Branch-only name
version = get_version('branch')
# The full human readable version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
release = get_version('normal')

# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
# for a list of supported languages.
#language = None

# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some
# non-false value, then it is used:
#today = ''
# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call.
#today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y'

# List of documents that shouldn't be included in the build.
Esempio n. 5
    'passwords': {},
    'path': '',
    'path_behavior': 'append',
    'port': None,
    'real_fabfile': None,
    'roles': [],
    'roledefs': {},
    'skip_bad_hosts': False,
    # -S so sudo accepts passwd via stdin, -p with our known-value prompt for
    # later detection (thus %s -- gets filled with env.sudo_prompt at runtime)
    'sudo_prefix': "sudo -S -p '%s' ",
    'sudo_prompt': 'sudo password:'******'use_exceptions_for': {'network': False},
    'use_shell': True,
    'user': None,
    'version': get_version('short')

# Fill in exceptions settings
exceptions = ['network']
exception_dict = {}
for e in exceptions:
    exception_dict[e] = False
env.use_exceptions_for = _AliasDict(exception_dict,
    aliases={'everything': exceptions})

# Add in option defaults
for option in env_options:
    env[option.dest] = option.default
Esempio n. 6

# Environment dictionary - actual dictionary object

# Global environment dict. Currently a catchall for everything: config settings
# such as global deep/broad mode, host lists, username etc.
# Most default values are specified in `env_options` above, in the interests of
# preserving DRY.
env = _AttributeDict({
    # Version number for --version
    'version': get_version(),
    'sudo_prompt': 'sudo password:'******'again_prompt': 'Sorry, try again.\n',
    'use_shell': True,
    'roledefs': {},
    'cwd': ''

# Add in option defaults
for option in env_options:
    env[option.dest] = option.default

# Command dictionary
Esempio n. 7
long_description = """
To find out what's new in this version of Fabric, please see `the changelog

You can also install the `in-development version
<>`_ using
pip, with `pip install fabric==dev`.




For more information, please see the Fabric website or execute ``fab --help``.
""" % (get_version('short'), readme)

    description='Fabric is a simple, Pythonic tool for remote execution and deployment.',
    author='Jeff Forcier',
    tests_require=['nose', 'fudge'],
    install_requires=['pycrypto >= 1.9', 'paramiko >=1.7.6'],
        'console_scripts': [
Esempio n. 8
copyright = u'2009, Christian Vest Hansen and Jeffrey E. Forcier'

# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
# built documents.

# Preserve original path
oldpath = sys.path[:]
# Nab path containing 'fabric' checkout
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.join('..', '..', __file__)))
# Import
from fabric.version import get_version
# Get version info
# The short X.Y version.
version = get_version(line_only=True)
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
release = get_version(verbose=True)

# Restore old path
sys.path = oldpath[:]

# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
# for a list of supported languages.
#language = None

# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some
# non-false value, then it is used:
#today = ''
# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call.
Esempio n. 9
    def deploy(self,patch=False):
        Deploy your project
        if not self.local_path:
            if env.verbosity:
                print "Warning: No %s set in project settings. Skipping %s..."% (self.setting,self.deploy_type)
                return False
        if self.installed and not patch and self.versioned:
            if env.verbosity:
                print,"Warning: %s version %s already deployed. Skipping..."% (self.deploy_type,self.fullname)
            return False
        elif not self.installed and not patch:
            run('mkdir -p '+self.deploy_root)
            #Webserver must be able to write into the public directory in the case of fileuploads
            #TODO - Make this optional??
            if self.deploy_type == 'public':
                sudo("chown -R www-data:sudo %s" % self.deploy_root[:-1]) #strip trailing /
                sudo("chmod -R ug+w %s"% self.deploy_root[:-1])
        elif not self.installed and patch and self.versioned:
            if env.verbosity:
                print,"Warning: Cannot patch %s. This version %s does not exist. Skipping.."% (self.deploy_type,self.fullname)
            return False
        l = local('ls '+self.local_path).rstrip()
        if not l:
            if env.verbosity:
                print "Warning: Theres are no files to deploy for %s. Skipping.."% self.deploy_type
            return False
        #bug in fabric 0.9 on rsync on alternate port fixed in 1.0
        fab_vers = int(get_version(form='short')[0])
        if fab_vers < 1:
            extra_opts = '--rsh="ssh -p%s"'% env.port

        #to save a bit of network usage if there is an existing version we will copy that first
        if self.versioned:
            av = active_version()
            if av and not patch:
                av_root = self.deploy_root.replace(self.fullname,av)
                dest_root = self.deploy_root.replace(self.deploy_type+'/','')
                run('cp -R %s %s'% (av_root,dest_root))
            elif patch:
        else: delete = False
        if self.dest_path_postfix:
            self.last_postfix = self.dest_path_postfix.split('/')[-2] #since -1 will be trailing slash and thus empty
            postfix = self.dest_path_postfix.replace(self.last_postfix+'/','')
            remote_dir = self.deploy_root[:-1]+postfix
            run('mkdir -p '+remote_dir)

            self.last_postfix = self.deploy_type
            remote_dir = env.deployment_root+'/'.join(['env',self.fullname])
        staging_dir = self.stage_local_files()


        #delete orphaned .pyc - specific to projects & remove 'woven' from installed apps
        if self.deploy_type == 'project':
            run("find %s -name '*.pyc' -delete"% self.deploy_root)

        if env.verbosity:
            if patch: print,"PATCHED %s "% (self.deploy_type)
            else: print,"DEPLOYED %s "% (self.deploy_type)
Esempio n. 10
        "port": default_port,
        "real_fabfile": None,
        "roles": [],
        "roledefs": {},
        "skip_bad_hosts": False,
        "ssh_config_path": default_ssh_config_path,
        # -S so sudo accepts passwd via stdin, -p with our known-value prompt for
        # later detection (thus %s -- gets filled with env.sudo_prompt at runtime)
        "sudo_prefix": "sudo -S -p '%(sudo_prompt)s' ",
        "sudo_prompt": "sudo password:"******"sudo_user": None,
        "use_exceptions_for": {"network": False},
        "use_shell": True,
        "use_ssh_config": False,
        "user": None,
        "version": get_version("short"),

# Fill in exceptions settings
exceptions = ["network"]
exception_dict = {}
for e in exceptions:
    exception_dict[e] = False
env.use_exceptions_for = _AliasDict(exception_dict, aliases={"everything": exceptions})

# Add in option defaults
for option in env_options:
    env[option.dest] = option.default
Esempio n. 11
def deploy_files(local_dir, remote_dir, pattern = '',rsync_exclude=['*.pyc','.*'], use_sudo=False):
    Generic deploy function for cases where one or more files are being deployed to a host.
    Wraps around ``rsync_project`` and stages files locally and/or remotely
    for network efficiency.
    ``local_dir`` is the directory that will be deployed.
    ``remote_dir`` is the directory the files will be deployed to.
    Directories will be created if necessary.
    Note: Unlike other ways of deploying files, all files under local_dir will be
    deployed into remote_dir. This is the equivalent to cp -R local_dir/* remote_dir.

    ``pattern`` finds all the pathnames matching a specified glob pattern relative
    to the local_dir according to the rules used by the Unix shell.
    ``pattern`` enhances the basic functionality by allowing the python | to include
    multiple patterns. eg '*.txt|Django*'
    ``rsync_exclude`` as per ``rsync_project``
    Returns a list of directories and files created on the host.
    #normalise paths
    if local_dir[-1] == os.sep: local_dir = local_dir[:-1]
    if remote_dir[-1] == '/': remote_dir = remote_dir[:-1]
    created_list = []
    staging_dir = local_dir
    #resolve pattern into a dir:filename dict
    local_files = _get_local_files(local_dir,pattern)
    #If we are only copying specific files or rendering templates we need to stage locally
    if local_files: staging_dir = _stage_local_files(local_dir, local_files)
    remote_staging_dir = '/home/%s/.staging'% env.user
    if not exists(remote_staging_dir):
        run(' '.join(['mkdir -pv',remote_staging_dir])).split('\n')
        created_list = [remote_staging_dir]
    #bug in fabric 0.9 on rsync on alternate port fixed in 1.0
    fab_vers = int(get_version(form='short')[0])
    if fab_vers < 1: extra_opts = '--rsh="ssh -p%s"'% env.port
    else: extra_opts = None
    #upload into remote staging

    #create the final destination
    created_dir_list = mkdirs(remote_dir, use_sudo)

    func = use_sudo and sudo or run
    #cp recursively -R from the staging to the destination and keep a list
    remote_base_path = '/'.join([remote_staging_dir,os.path.basename(local_dir),'*'])
    copy_file_list = func(' '.join(['cp -Ruv',remote_base_path,remote_dir])).split('\n')
    if copy_file_list[0]: created_list += [file.split(' ')[2][1:-1] for file in copy_file_list if file]

    #cleanup any tmp staging dir
    if staging_dir <> local_dir:
    return created_list
Esempio n. 12
#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys

from setuptools import setup, find_packages

from fabric.version import get_version

readme = open("README").read()

v = get_version("short")
long_description = """
To find out what's new in this version of Fabric, please see `the changelog

You can also install the `in-development version
<>`_ using
pip, with `pip install fabric==dev`.




For more information, please see the Fabric website or execute ``fab --help``.
""" % (
Esempio n. 13
#!/usr/bin/env python

from setuptools import setup, find_packages

from fabric.version import get_version

    description='Fabric is a simple, Pythonic tool for remote execution and deployment.',
    long_description=open('README').read() + """
For more information, please see the Fabric website or execute ``fab --help``.
    author='Jeff Forcier',
    install_requires=['pycrypto >=1.9'],
        'console_scripts': [
            'fab = fabric.main:main',
          'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
          'Environment :: Console',
          'Intended Audience :: Developers',
          'Intended Audience :: System Administrators',
          'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License',
          'Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X',
Esempio n. 14


For more information, please see the Fabric website or execute ``fab --help``.
""" % (readme)

if sys.version_info[:2] < (2, 6):
    install_requires = ['paramiko>=1.10,<1.13']
    install_requires = ['paramiko>=1.10,<2.0']

    'Fabric is a simple, Pythonic tool for remote execution and deployment.',
    author='Jeff Forcier',
    tests_require=['nose', 'fudge<1.0', 'jinja2'],
    entry_points={'console_scripts': [
        'fab = fabric.main:main',
        'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
Esempio n. 15
    'path_behavior': 'append',
    'port': None,
    'real_fabfile': None,
    'roles': [],
    'roledefs': {},
    'skip_bad_hosts': False,
    # -S so sudo accepts passwd via stdin, -p with our known-value prompt for
    # later detection (thus %s -- gets filled with env.sudo_prompt at runtime)
    'sudo_prefix': "sudo -S -p '%s' ",
    'sudo_prompt': 'sudo password:'******'use_exceptions_for': {
        'network': False
    'use_shell': True,
    'user': None,
    'version': get_version('short')

# Fill in exceptions settings
exceptions = ['network']
exception_dict = {}
for e in exceptions:
    exception_dict[e] = False
env.use_exceptions_for = _AliasDict(exception_dict,
                                    aliases={'everything': exceptions})

# Add in option defaults
for option in env_options:
    env[option.dest] = option.default

Esempio n. 16
        local('git submodule update --init --recursive')
        fuller_log = local('git log -n1 --pretty=fuller', capture=True)
        hist.log_latest(repo_url, refspec, repo_dir, fuller_log)

    if repo_dir in local_clones:
        del local_clones[repo_dir]

    # delete all undocumented local clones
    for lc in local_clones.keys():
        with lcd(clone_basepath_local):
            local('rm -rf %s' % lc)

    if save_history:
        cuisine.file_write(remote_hist_path, hist.dump())

    if( get_version() >= '1.6.2' ):
        # signature changed in this version
        passwrd = get_password( user, host, port )
        passwrd = get_password()

    prompts = [ 'Are you sure you want to continue connecting', ".* password:"******"-p %s" % port
    hostcheck_string = "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=%s" % ('yes' if check_hostkey else 'no') 
    gateway_string   = "" if not env.gateway else "%s ssh" % env.gateway
    rsh_parts        = [ port_string, hostcheck_string, gateway_string ]
    rsh_string       = "--rsh='ssh %s'" % " ".join(rsh_parts)

    user_at_host = "%s@%s" % (user, host)