def create_ads(self, fb_account_id, fb_adset_id, fb_creative_id, logger): """ create multi ads in one adset with one creative""" error_reasons = [] ad_infos = [] ad_error_infos = [] try: api_batch = self.api.new_batch() def callback_success(response, ad_info = []): ''' nothing to do for success''' pass def callback_failure(response, ad_info = [], error_reasons = [], ad_error_infos = []): ''' add ad_id to fail_list''' error_info_dict = {} response_error = response.error() error_info_dict['body']= response_error.body() try: error_user_msg = error_info_dict['body']['error']['error_user_msg'] except Exception as e: error_reasons.append(error_info_dict) else: error_reasons.append(error_user_msg) ad_error_infos.append(ad_info) count = 0 MAX_ADSET_NUM_PER_BATCH = 25 for i in range(100): callback_failure = partial( callback_failure, ad_info = ad_info, error_reasons = error_reasons, ad_error_infos = ad_error_infos, ) callback_success = partial( callback_success, ad_info = ad_info, ) ad = Ad(parent_id='act_' + str(fb_account_id)) ad.update({ 'test_ad', Ad.Field.status:, Ad.Field.ad_id: fb_ad_id, Ad.Field.creative: { Ad.Field.Creative.creative_id: fb_creative_id, }, }) ad.remote_create(batch=api_batch, success=callback_success, failure=callback_failure,) count = count + 1 if count > MAX_ADSET_NUM_PER_BATCH: api_batch.execute() api_batch = self.api.new_batch() count = 0 api_batch.execute() except Exception as e: logger.exception(e)
def s5_create_ad(self, accountid, name, adsetid, creativeid, appinfo): """ Step 5: finally create the ad within our campaign, ad set and creative. See [Ad Group]( for further details on the API used here. """ ad = Ad(parent_id=accountid) ad[] = name ad[Ad.Field.adset_id] = adsetid ad[Ad.Field.creative] = {'creative_id': str(creativeid)} tracking_specs = [ {'action.type': ['mobile_app_install'], 'application': [appinfo['fbapplication_id']]}, {'action.type': ['app_custom_event'], 'application': [appinfo['fbapplication_id']]} ] ad[Ad.Field.tracking_specs] = tracking_specs ad.remote_create(params={ 'status': Ad.Status.paused }) return ad[]
def delete_ad(self, fb_ad_id, logger): """ delete ad""" try: logger.debug('delete fb_ad_id %d' % fb_ad_id) if fb_ad_id > 0: ad = Ad(str(fb_ad_id)) ad.remote_delete() except Exception as e: logger.exception(e)
def gen_ad_preview(self, ad_id, ad_format='MOBILE_FEED_STANDARD'): # ?string if not ad_id: return None if ad_format is None: ad_format = 'MOBILE_FEED_STANDARD' ad = Ad(ad_id) params = {'ad_format': ad_format} preview = ad.get_ad_preview(None, params) return preview.get_html()
def createAd(self, name, adset, adcrea, status): ad = Ad() params = { name, Ad.Field.adset_id: adset.get_id_assured(), Ad.Field.creative: adcrea, Ad.Field.redownload: True, Ad.Field.status: status } ad.api_create(parent_id=self.get_id_assured(), params=params) return ad
def get_ad_insights(ad): ad = Ad(ad) params = { 'time_range': { 'since': '2015-04-01', 'until': '2015-04-03', }, 'time_increment': 1, } insights = ad.get_insights(params=params) return insights
def get_ad_info(ad): ad = Ad(ad) fields = [, Ad.Field.adset_id, Ad.Field.creative,, Ad.Field.conversion_specs, Ad.Field.created_time, ] ad.remote_read(fields=fields) return ad
def create_ad(self, fb_account_id, fb_adset_id, fb_creative_id, logger): """ create ad""" try: ad = Ad(parent_id='act_' + str(fb_account_id)) ad.update({ 'test_ad', Ad.Field.status:, Ad.Field.adset_id: fb_adset_id, Ad.Field.creative: { Ad.Field.Creative.creative_id: fb_creative_id, }, }) ad.remote_create() except Exception as e: logger.exception(e)
def create_ad(ad_set=None, creative=None): if ad_set is None: ad_set = create_adset() if creative is None: creative = create_creative() ad = Ad(parent_id=test_config.account_id) ad[] = unique_name('My Ad') ad[Ad.Field.adset_id] = ad_set.get_id_assured() ad['status'] = Ad.Status.paused ad[Ad.Field.creative] = { 'creative_id': creative.get_id_assured(), } ad.remote_create() atexit.register(remote_delete, ad) return ad
# You are hereby granted a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to # use, copy, modify, and distribute this software in source code or binary # form for use in connection with the web services and APIs provided by # Facebook. # As with any software that integrates with the Facebook platform, your use # of this software is subject to the Facebook Developer Principles and # Policies []. This copyright notice # shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. from import fixtures ad_id = fixtures.create_ad().get_id() # _DOC open [ADGROUP_READ_CONVERSION_BID] # _DOC vars [ad_id] from facebookads.objects import Ad ad = Ad(ad_id) ad.remote_read(fields=[Ad.Field.conversion_specs, 'bid_type']) # _DOC close [ADGROUP_READ_CONVERSION_BID]
# use, copy, modify, and distribute this software in source code or binary # form for use in connection with the web services and APIs provided by # Facebook. # As with any software that integrates with the Facebook platform, your use # of this software is subject to the Facebook Developer Principles and # Policies []. This copyright notice # shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. from import fixtures ad_id = fixtures.create_ad().get_id() # _DOC open [ADGROUP_UPDATE_STATUS] # _DOC vars [ad_id] from facebookads.objects import Ad ad = Ad(ad_id) ad.remote_update(params={ 'status': Ad.Status.paused, }) # _DOC close [ADGROUP_UPDATE_STATUS]
# You are hereby granted a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to # use, copy, modify, and distribute this software in source code or binary # form for use in connection with the web services and APIs provided by # Facebook. # As with any software that integrates with the Facebook platform, your use # of this software is subject to the Facebook Developer Principles and # Policies []. This copyright notice # shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. from import fixtures ad_id = fixtures.create_ad().get_id() # _DOC open [ADGROUP_READ] # _DOC vars [ad_id] from facebookads.objects import Ad ad = Ad(ad_id) ad.remote_read(fields=[]) # _DOC close [ADGROUP_READ]
# DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. from import fixtures from facebookads import test_config ad_account_id = test_config.account_id ad_set_id = fixtures.create_adset().get_id() creative_id = fixtures.create_creative().get_id() pixel_id = fixtures.create_ad_conversion_pixel().get_id() # !_DOC [pruno] # _DOC open [ADGROUP_CREATE_TRACKING_ADCONVERSIONPIXELS] # _DOC vars [ad_account_id:s, ad_set_id, creative_id, pixel_id] from facebookads.objects import Ad ad = Ad(parent_id=ad_account_id) ad.update({ 'test', Ad.Field.adset_id: ad_set_id, Ad.Field.creative: { 'creative_id': creative_id, }, Ad.Field.tracking_specs: { 'action.type': 'offsite_conversion', 'offsite_pixel': pixel_id, }, }) ad.remote_create() # _DOC close [ADGROUP_CREATE_TRACKING_ADCONVERSIONPIXELS] ad.remote_delete()
# You are hereby granted a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to # use, copy, modify, and distribute this software in source code or binary # form for use in connection with the web services and APIs provided by # Facebook. # As with any software that integrates with the Facebook platform, your use # of this software is subject to the Facebook Developer Principles and # Policies []. This copyright notice # shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. from import fixtures ad_id = fixtures.create_ad().get_id() # _DOC open [ADGROUP_READ_ADLABELS] # _DOC vars [ad_id] from facebookads.objects import Ad ad = Ad(ad_id) ad.remote_read(fields=[Ad.Field.adlabels]) # _DOC close [ADGROUP_READ_ADLABELS]
# THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. from import fixtures ad_id = fixtures.create_ad().get_id() # _DOC oncall [pruno] # _DOC open [ADGROUP_GET_INSIGHTS_PLACE_PAGE_ID] # _DOC vars [ad_id] from facebookads.objects import Ad, Insights fields = [ Insights.Field.impressions, Insights.Field.call_to_action_clicks, ] params = { 'breakdowns': Insights.Breakdown.place_page_id, } ad = Ad(ad_id) insights = ad.get_insights(fields, params) # _DOC close [ADGROUP_GET_INSIGHTS_PLACE_PAGE_ID]
def create_carousel_ad( self, accountid, page_id, site_link, caption, message, optimization_goal, billing_event, bid_amount, name, targeting, products, call_to_action_type=None, ): """ There are 5 steps in this sample: 1. Create a campaign 2. Create an ad set 3. For each product: a. Upload the product's image and get an image hash b. Create a story attachment using the product's creative elements 4. Prepare the ad creative 5. Create the ad using the ad creative """ daily_budget = 10000 """ Step 1: Create new campaign with WEBSITE_CLICKS objective See [Campaign Group]( for further details on the API used here. """ campaign = Campaign(parent_id=accountid) campaign[] = name + ' Campaign' campaign[Campaign.Field.objective] = \ Campaign.Objective.link_clicks campaign.remote_create(params={'status': Campaign.Status.paused}) """ Step 2: Create AdSet using specified optimization goal, billing event and bid. See [AdSet]( for further details on the API used here. """ ad_set = AdSet(parent_id=accountid) ad_set[AdSet.Field.campaign_id] = campaign.get_id_assured() ad_set[] = name + ' AdSet' ad_set[AdSet.Field.optimization_goal] = optimization_goal ad_set[AdSet.Field.billing_event] = billing_event ad_set[AdSet.Field.bid_amount] = bid_amount ad_set[AdSet.Field.daily_budget] = daily_budget ad_set[AdSet.Field.targeting] = targeting ad_set.remote_create() story_attachments = [] """ Step 3: Upload images and get image hashes for use in ad creative. See [Ad Image]( for further details on the API used here. Then create a new attachment with the product's creative """ call_to_action = { 'type': call_to_action_type, 'value': { 'link': site_link, 'link_caption': call_to_action_type, } } if call_to_action_type else None for product in products: img = AdImage(parent_id=accountid) img[AdImage.Field.filename] = product['image_path'] img.remote_create() image_hash = img.get_hash() attachment = AttachmentData() attachment[] = product['link'] attachment[] = product['name'] attachment[ AttachmentData.Field.description] = product['description'] attachment[AttachmentData.Field.image_hash] = image_hash if call_to_action: attachment[ AttachmentData.Field.call_to_action] = call_to_action story_attachments.append(attachment) """ Step 4: Prepare the ad creative including link information Note that here we specify multi_share_optimized = True this means you can add up to 10 products and Facebook will automatically select the best performing 5 to show in the ad. Facebook will also select the best ordering of those products. """ link = LinkData() link[] = site_link link[link.Field.caption] = caption link[link.Field.child_attachments] = story_attachments link[link.Field.multi_share_optimized] = True link[link.Field.call_to_action] = call_to_action story = ObjectStorySpec() story[story.Field.page_id] = page_id story[story.Field.link_data] = link creative = AdCreative() creative[] = name + ' Creative' creative[AdCreative.Field.object_story_spec] = story """ Step 5: Create the ad using the above creative """ ad = Ad(parent_id=accountid) ad[] = name + ' Ad' ad[Ad.Field.adset_id] = ad_set.get_id_assured() ad[Ad.Field.creative] = creative ad.remote_create(params={'status': Ad.Status.paused}) return (campaign, ad_set, ad)
# Policies []. This copyright notice # shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. from import fixtures from facebookads.objects import AdLabel ad_label_id = fixtures.create_adlabel().get_id() ad_label_name = fixtures.create_adlabel()[] ad_id = fixtures.create_ad().get_id() # _DOC oncall [ritu] # _DOC open [ADGROUP_UPDATE_LABELS] # _DOC vars [ad_id, ad_label_id, ad_label_name:s] from facebookads.objects import Ad, AdLabel ad = Ad(ad_id) ad[Ad.Field.adlabels] = [ { ad_label_id}, { ad_label_name}, ] ad.remote_update() # _DOC close [ADGROUP_UPDATE_LABELS]
# use, copy, modify, and distribute this software in source code or binary # form for use in connection with the web services and APIs provided by # Facebook. # As with any software that integrates with the Facebook platform, your use # of this software is subject to the Facebook Developer Principles and # Policies []. This copyright notice # shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. from import fixtures ad_id = fixtures.create_ad().get_id() # _DOC open [ADGROUP_GET_PREVIEW_MOBILE_INTERSTITIAL] # _DOC vars [ad_id] from facebookads.objects import Ad, AdPreview ad = Ad(ad_id) ad.get_ad_preview(params={ 'ad_format': AdPreview.AdFormat.mobile_interstitial, }) # _DOC close [ADGROUP_GET_PREVIEW_MOBILE_INTERSTITIAL]
# As with any software that integrates with the Facebook platform, your use # of this software is subject to the Facebook Developer Principles and # Policies []. This copyright notice # shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. from import fixtures ad_id = fixtures.create_ad().get_id() # _DOC oncall [raven] # _DOC open [ADGROUP_GET_LEADS_FILTER] # _DOC vars [ad_id] from facebookads.objects import Ad import datetime yesterday = - datetime.timedelta(1) timestamp = yesterday.strftime("%s") ad = Ad(ad_id) leads = ad.get_leads(params={"filtering": [{"field": "time_created", "operator": "GREATER_THAN", "value": timestamp}]}) # _DOC close [ADGROUP_GET_LEADS_FILTER]
# You are hereby granted a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to # use, copy, modify, and distribute this software in source code or binary # form for use in connection with the web services and APIs provided by # Facebook. # As with any software that integrates with the Facebook platform, your use # of this software is subject to the Facebook Developer Principles and # Policies []. This copyright notice # shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. from import fixtures ad_id = fixtures.create_ad().get_id() # _DOC open [ADGROUP_ARCHIVE] # _DOC vars [ad_group_id] from facebookads.objects import Ad ad = Ad(ad_id) ad.remote_archive() # _DOC close [ADGROUP_ARCHIVE]
# use, copy, modify, and distribute this software in source code or binary # form for use in connection with the web services and APIs provided by # Facebook. # As with any software that integrates with the Facebook platform, your use # of this software is subject to the Facebook Developer Principles and # Policies []. This copyright notice # shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. from import fixtures ad_id = fixtures.create_ad().get_id() # _DOC open [ADGROUP_GET_PREVIEW_MOBILE_BANNER] # _DOC vars [ad_id] from facebookads.objects import Ad, AdPreview ad = Ad(ad_id) ad.get_ad_preview(params={ 'ad_format': AdPreview.AdFormat.mobile_banner, }) # _DOC close [ADGROUP_GET_PREVIEW_MOBILE_BANNER]
def create_multiple_link_clicks_ads( self, accountid, pageid, name, titles, bodies, urls, image_paths, targeting, optimization_goal, billing_event, bid_amount, daily_budget=None, lifetime_budget=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, ): """ There are 7 steps in this sample: 1. Create a campaign 2. Create an ad set 3. Upload images 4. Make combinations of specified creative elements 5. Prepare an API batch 6. For each creative combination, add a call to the batch to create a new ad 7. Execute API batch Params: * `accountid` is your Facebook AdAccount id * `name` is a string of basename of your ads. * `page` is the Facebook page used to publish the ads * `titles` array of strings of what user will see as ad title * `bodies` array of strings of what user will see as ad body * `image_paths` array of image file paths * `targeting` is a JSON string specifying targeting info of your ad See [Targeting Specs]( for details. * `optimization_goal` the optimization goal for the adsets * `billing_event` what you want to pay for * `bid_amount` how much you want to pay per billing event * `daily_budget` is integer number in your currency. E.g., if your currency is USD, dailybudget=1000 says your budget is 1000 USD * `lifetime_budget` lifetime budget for created ads * `start_time` when the campaign should start * `end_time` when the campaign should end """ my_account = AdAccount(fbid=accountid) """ Take different title body url and image paths, create a batch of ads based on the permutation of these elements """ # Check for bad specs if daily_budget is None: if lifetime_budget is None: raise TypeError( 'One of daily_budget or lifetime_budget must be defined.') elif end_time is None: raise TypeError( 'If lifetime_budget is defined, end_time must be defined.') """ Step 1: Create new campaign with WEBSITE_CLICKS objective See [Campaign Group]( for further details on the API used here. """ campaign = Campaign(parent_id=accountid) campaign[] = name + ' Campaign' campaign[Campaign.Field.objective] = \ Campaign.Objective.link_clicks campaign.remote_create(params={ 'status': Campaign.Status.paused, }) """ Step 2: Create AdSet using specified optimization goal, billing event and bid. See [AdSet]( for further details on the API used here. """ # Create ad set ad_set = AdSet(parent_id=accountid) ad_set[AdSet.Field.campaign_id] = campaign.get_id_assured() ad_set[] = name + ' AdSet' ad_set[AdSet.Field.optimization_goal] = optimization_goal ad_set[AdSet.Field.billing_event] = billing_event ad_set[AdSet.Field.bid_amount] = bid_amount if daily_budget: ad_set[AdSet.Field.daily_budget] = daily_budget else: ad_set[AdSet.Field.lifetime_budget] = lifetime_budget if end_time: ad_set[AdSet.Field.end_time] = end_time if start_time: ad_set[AdSet.Field.start_time] = start_time ad_set[AdSet.Field.targeting] = targeting ad_set.remote_create() """ Step 3: Upload images and get image hashes for use in ad creative. See [Ad Image]( for further details on the API used here. """ # Upload the images first one by one image_hashes = [] for image_path in image_paths: img = AdImage(parent_id=accountid) img[AdImage.Field.filename] = image_path img.remote_create() image_hashes.append(img.get_hash()) ADGROUP_BATCH_CREATE_LIMIT = 10 ads_created = [] def callback_failure(response): raise response.error() """ Step 4: Using itertools.product get combinations of creative elements. """ for creative_info_batch in generate_batches( itertools.product(titles, bodies, urls, image_hashes), ADGROUP_BATCH_CREATE_LIMIT): """ Step 5: Create an API batch so we can create all ad creatives with one HTTP request. See [Batch Requests]( for further details on batching API calls. """ api_batch = my_account.get_api_assured().new_batch() for title, body, url, image_hash in creative_info_batch: # Create the ad """ Step 6: For each combination of creative elements, add to the batch an API call to create a new Ad and specify the creative inline. See [AdGroup]( for further details on creating Ads. """ ad = Ad(parent_id=accountid) ad[] = name + ' Ad' ad[Ad.Field.adset_id] = ad_set.get_id_assured() ad[Ad.Field.creative] = { AdCreative.Field.object_story_spec: { "page_id": pageid, "link_data": { "message": body, "link": url, "caption": title, "image_hash": image_hash } }, } ad.remote_create(batch=api_batch, failure=callback_failure) ads_created.append(ad) """ Step 7: Execute the batched API calls See [Batch Requests]( for further details on batching API calls. """ api_batch.execute() return [campaign, ad_set, ads_created]
# As with any software that integrates with the Facebook platform, your use # of this software is subject to the Facebook Developer Principles and # Policies []. This copyright notice # shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. from facebookads import test_config from import fixtures ad_account_id = test_config.account_id test_ad = fixtures.create_ad() ad_id = test_ad.get_id_assured() # _DOC oncall [duliomatos] # _DOC open [ADGROUP_GET_REACHESTIMATE] # _DOC vars [ad_id] from facebookads.objects import Ad ad = Ad(ad_id) reach_estimate = ad.get_reach_estimate() print(reach_estimate) # _DOC close [ADGROUP_GET_REACHESTIMATE]
# You are hereby granted a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to # use, copy, modify, and distribute this software in source code or binary # form for use in connection with the web services and APIs provided by # Facebook. # As with any software that integrates with the Facebook platform, your use # of this software is subject to the Facebook Developer Principles and # Policies []. This copyright notice # shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. from import fixtures ad_id = fixtures.create_ad().get_id() # _DOC open [ADGROUP_DELETE] # _DOC vars [ad_id] from facebookads.objects import Ad ad = Ad(ad_id) ad.remote_delete() # _DOC close [ADGROUP_DELETE]
# As with any software that integrates with the Facebook platform, your use # of this software is subject to the Facebook Developer Principles and # Policies []. This copyright notice # shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. from import fixtures ad_id = fixtures.create_ad().get_id() # _DOC open [ADGROUP_GET_TARGETING_DESCRIPTION] # _DOC vars [ad_id] from facebookads.objects import Ad ad = Ad(ad_id) targeting_description = ad.get_targeting_description() # Output the targeting description for description in targeting_description['targetingsentencelines']: print(description['content']) for child in description['children']: print("\t" + child) # _DOC close [ADGROUP_GET_TARGETING_DESCRIPTION]
# use, copy, modify, and distribute this software in source code or binary # form for use in connection with the web services and APIs provided by # Facebook. # As with any software that integrates with the Facebook platform, your use # of this software is subject to the Facebook Developer Principles and # Policies []. This copyright notice # shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. from import fixtures ad_id = fixtures.create_ad().get_id() ad_label_id = fixtures.create_adlabel().get_id() # _DOC open [ADGROUP_REMOVE_LABELS] # _DOC vars [ad_id, ad_label_id] from facebookads.objects import Ad ad = Ad(ad_id) adlabels = [ad_label_id] ad.remove_labels(adlabels) # _DOC close [ADGROUP_REMOVE_LABELS]
print("**** DONE: Image uploaded:") pp.pprint(img) # The image hash can be found using img[AdImage.Field.hash] ### Create a creative. creative = AdCreative(parent_id=my_account.get_id_assured()) creative.update({ AdCreative.Field.title: 'Visit Seattle', AdCreative.Field.body: 'Beautiful Puget Sound!', AdCreative.Field.object_url: '', AdCreative.Field.image_hash: img.get_hash(), }) creative.remote_create() print("**** DONE: Creative created:") pp.pprint(creative) ### Get excited, we are finally creating an ad!!! ad = Ad(parent_id=my_account.get_id_assured()) ad.update({ 'Puget Sound impression ad', Ad.Field.adset_id: ad_set.get_id_assured(), Ad.Field.creative: { Ad.Field.Creative.creative_id: creative.get_id_assured(), }, }) ad.remote_create(params={ 'status': AdSet.Status.paused, }) print("**** DONE: Ad created:") pp.pprint(ad)
from facebookads.objects import Ad from facebookads.adobjects.campaign import Campaign import header import create_adset import dynamic_cards choice = raw_input( "Please enter yes to create a new Adset or enter no to choose existing one.\n" ).lower() if 'yes' in choice: adset_id = create_adset.create_adset() else: adset_id = raw_input("Please enter adset id.\n") dynamic_cards.create_creative() ad = Ad(parent_id=header.my_account['id']) ad[] = 'My Ad' ad[Ad.Field.adset_id] = adset_id ad[Ad.Field.status] = Campaign.Status.paused ad[Ad.Field.creative] = {'creative_id': str(dynamic_cards.creative['id'])} ad.remote_create() print ad[Ad.Field.success]
# use, copy, modify, and distribute this software in source code or binary # form for use in connection with the web services and APIs provided by # Facebook. # As with any software that integrates with the Facebook platform, your use # of this software is subject to the Facebook Developer Principles and # Policies []. This copyright notice # shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. from import fixtures ad_id = fixtures.create_ad().get_id() ad_label_id = fixtures.create_adlabel().get_id() # _DOC open [ADGROUP_ADD_LABELS] # _DOC vars [ad_group_id, ad_label_id] from facebookads.objects import Ad ad = Ad(ad_id) adlabels = [ad_label_id] ad.add_labels(adlabels) # _DOC close [ADGROUP_ADD_LABELS]
# THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. from import fixtures from facebookads import test_config ad_account_id = test_config.account_id ad_set_id = fixtures.create_adset().get_id() creative_id = fixtures.create_creative().get_id() # _DOC open [ADGROUP_CREATE_REDOWNLOAD] # _DOC vars [ad_set_id, creative_id, ad_account_id:s] from facebookads.objects import Ad ad = Ad(parent_id=ad_account_id) ad[] = 'My Ad' ad[Ad.Field.adset_id] = ad_set_id ad[Ad.Field.creative] = {'creative_id': creative_id} ad[Ad.Field.redownload] = True ad.remote_create(params={ 'status': Ad.Status.paused, }) # _DOC close [ADGROUP_CREATE_REDOWNLOAD] ad.remote_delete()
# FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. from import fixtures from facebookads import test_config ad_account_id = test_config.account_id ad_set_id = fixtures.create_adset().get_id() creative_id = fixtures.create_creative().get_id() pixel_id = fixtures.create_ads_pixel().get_id() # _DOC open [ADGROUP_CREATE_OFFSITE_CONVERSION_TRACKING] # _DOC vars [ad_account_id:s, ad_set_id, creative_id, pixel_id] from facebookads.objects import Ad ad = Ad(parent_id=ad_account_id) ad.update({ Ad.Field.adset_id: ad_set_id, 'Offsite Conversions Ad', Ad.Field.creative: { 'creative_id': creative_id, }, Ad.Field.tracking_specs: [ { 'action.type': 'offsite_conversion', 'fb_pixel': pixel_id, }, ], }) ad.remote_create(params={ 'status': Ad.Status.paused,
def create_carousel_ad(caption, adset_id, ad_name, times, design_list, account_id, land_on_design, url, campaign_tag): logger = logging.getLogger('testlogger') logger.debug("In create carousel") conn = None simple_list = [] account_medium_list = { "act_940036526039709": "fb_ocpc", "act_938286879548007": "acpm", "act_1010404049002956": "acpm", "act_1385041538425866": "acpm", "act_1128744890502204": "jcpc", "act_10152414205523137": "int", "act_972844956092199": "exp" } utm_medium = account_medium_list[account_id] try: urlparse.uses_netloc.append("postgres") database_url = urlparse.urlparse(constants.database_url) conn = psycopg2.connect(database=database_url.path[1:], user=database_url.username, password=database_url.password, host=database_url.hostname, port=database_url.port) curr = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) for i in xrange(times): design_id = design_list[i] curr.execute( 'SELECT discount_percent,designer_id from designs where id=' + str(design_id)) row = curr.fetchone() curr.execute( 'SELECT id,photo_file_name FROM images where design_id = ' + str(design_id)) rows = curr.fetchone() curr.execute( 'SELECT name FROM "categories" INNER JOIN "categories_designs" ON "categories"."id" = "categories_designs"."category_id" WHERE design_id =' + str(design_id)) category_name = curr.fetchone() image_link = image_hash.get_image_link(rows['photo_file_name'], rows['id']) if row['discount_percent'] is None: row['discount_percent'] = 0 product1 = AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment() if land_on_design: product1[ AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment.Field. link] = '' + str( row['designer_id'] ) + '/designs/' + str( design_id ) + '?utm_source=facebook-auto&utm_medium=' + utm_medium + '&utm_campaign=' + campaign_tag else: product1[ AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment.Field. link] = url + '?pid=' + str( design_id ) + '&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=' + utm_medium + '&utm_campaign=' + campaign_tag product1[AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment.Field. name] = category_name['name'] action = AdCreativeLinkDataCallToAction() link_value = AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue() link_value[AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue.Field. link_title] = 'Discount ' + str( row['discount_percent']) + '%' action[AdCreativeLinkDataCallToAction.Field. type] = AdCreativeLinkDataCallToAction.Type.shop_now action[AdCreativeLinkDataCallToAction.Field.value] = link_value product1[AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment.Field. call_to_action] = action product1[AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment.Field. description] = 'Discount ' + str( row['discount_percent']) + '%' product1[AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment.Field. image_hash] = image_hash.get_image_hash( image_link, rows[1], account_id) sleep(0.5) simple_list.append(product1) link = AdCreativeLinkData() link[ link.Field. link] = url + '&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=' + utm_medium + '&utm_campaign=' + campaign_tag link[link.Field.child_attachments] = simple_list link[ link.Field. caption] = url + '&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=' + utm_medium + '&utm_campaign=' + campaign_tag call_to_action_button = AdCreativeLinkDataCallToAction() call_to_action_button[ AdCreativeLinkDataCallToAction.Field. type] = AdCreativeLinkDataCallToAction.Type.shop_now link[link.Field.call_to_action] = call_to_action_button link[link.Field.message] = caption story = AdCreativeObjectStorySpec() story[story.Field.page_id] = constants.page_id story[story.Field.link_data] = link creative = AdCreative(parent_id=account_id) creative[] = 'MPA Creative' creative[AdCreative.Field.object_story_spec] = story creative.remote_create() creative = json.loads(str(creative).replace('<AdCreative> ', '')) ad = Ad(parent_id=account_id) ad[] = ad_name ad[Ad.Field.adset_id] = adset_id ad[Ad.Field.status] = Campaign.Status.paused ad[Ad.Field.creative] = {'creative_id': str(creative['id'])}'Creating Ad') ad.remote_create() except psycopg2.DatabaseError, e: logger.error('Error %s' % e) return False
def create_carousel_ad(caption, adset_id, ad_name, design_list, land_on_design, url, campaign_tag, country_code): FORMAT = '%(name)s:%(levelname)s:%(asctime)-15s:%(message)s' logging.basicConfig(filename='%s-facebook-automated.log' %, format=FORMAT, level=logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger('create_carousel')'In create carousel') connection = None simple_list = [] utm_medium = 'exp' try: connection = header.create_connection( os.environ['FB_APP_DATABASE_URL']) cursor = connection.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) for design_id in design_list: cursor.execute( 'SELECT designer_id,discount_price from designs where id=' + str(design_id[0])) row = cursor.fetchone() cursor.execute( 'SELECT id,photo_file_name FROM images where design_id = ' + str(design_id[0])) rows = cursor.fetchone() cursor.execute( 'SELECT name FROM "categories" INNER JOIN "categories_designs" ON "categories"."id" = "categories_designs"."category_id" WHERE design_id =' + str(design_id[0])) category_name = cursor.fetchone() cursor.execute( "SELECT rate FROM currency_converts WHERE country_code = '" + country_code + "'") rate = cursor.fetchone() image_link = image_hash.get_image_link(rows['photo_file_name'], rows['id']) product1 = AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment() if land_on_design: product1[ AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment.Field. link] = '' + str( row['designer_id'] ) + '/designs/' + str( design_id[0] ) + '?utm_source=facebook-auto&utm_medium=' + utm_medium + '&utm_campaign=' + campaign_tag else: product1[ AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment.Field. link] = url + '?pid=' + str( design_id ) + '&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=' + utm_medium + '&utm_campaign=' + campaign_tag product1[AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment.Field. name] = category_name['name'] price = (row['discount_price'] * 1.0 / rate['rate']) product1[AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment.Field. description] = 'Price: $' + str(round(price, 2))['photo_file_name']) product1[AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment.Field. image_hash] = image_hash.get_image_hash( image_link, rows['photo_file_name']) sleep(10) simple_list.append(product1) link = AdCreativeLinkData() link[] = '' link[link.Field.child_attachments] = simple_list link[link.Field.caption] = caption story = AdCreativeObjectStorySpec() story[story.Field.page_id] = header.page_id story[story.Field.link_data] = link creative = AdCreative(parent_id=header.my_account['id']) creative[] = 'MPA Creative' creative[AdCreative.Field.object_story_spec] = story creative.remote_create() creative = json.loads(str(creative).replace('<AdCreative> ', '')) ad = Ad(parent_id=header.my_account['id']) ad[] = ad_name ad[Ad.Field.adset_id] = adset_id ad[Ad.Field.status] = Campaign.Status.paused ad[Ad.Field.creative] = {'creative_id': str(creative['id'])}'Creating Ad') ad.remote_create() except psycopg2.DatabaseError, e: logging.error('Error %s' % e) return False
def create_lead_ad( self, account_id, name, page_id, form_id, optimization_goal, billing_event, bid_amount, daily_budget, targeting, image_path, message, link, caption, description, cta_type='SIGN_UP', ): """ Create Campaign """ campaign = Campaign(parent_id=account_id) campaign[] = name + ' Campaign' campaign[Campaign.Field.objective] = \ Campaign.Objective.lead_generation campaign[Campaign.Field.buying_type] = \ campaign.remote_create(params={'status': Campaign.Status.paused}) """ Create AdSet """ adset = AdSet(parent_id=account_id) adset[AdSet.Field.campaign_id] = campaign.get_id_assured() adset[] = name + ' AdSet' adset[AdSet.Field.promoted_object] = { 'page_id': page_id, } adset[AdSet.Field.optimization_goal] = optimization_goal adset[AdSet.Field.billing_event] = billing_event adset[AdSet.Field.bid_amount] = bid_amount adset[AdSet.Field.daily_budget] = daily_budget adset[AdSet.Field.targeting] = targeting adset.remote_create() """ Image """ image = AdImage(parent_id=account_id) image[AdImage.Field.filename] = image_path image.remote_create() image_hash = image[AdImage.Field.hash] """ Create Creative """ link_data = LinkData() link_data[LinkData.Field.message] = message link_data[] = link link_data[LinkData.Field.image_hash] = image_hash link_data[LinkData.Field.caption] = caption link_data[LinkData.Field.description] = description link_data[LinkData.Field.call_to_action] = { 'type': cta_type, 'value': { 'lead_gen_form_id': form_id, }, } object_story_spec = ObjectStorySpec() object_story_spec[ObjectStorySpec.Field.page_id] = page_id object_story_spec[ObjectStorySpec.Field.link_data] = link_data creative = AdCreative(parent_id=account_id) creative[] = name + ' Creative' creative[AdCreative.Field.object_story_spec] = object_story_spec creative.remote_create() """ Create Ad """ ad = Ad(parent_id=account_id) ad[] = name ad[Ad.Field.adset_id] = adset.get_id_assured() ad[Ad.Field.creative] = {'creative_id': str(creative.get_id_assured())} ad.remote_create() return { 'image_hash': image_hash, 'campaign_id': campaign['id'], 'adset_id': adset['id'], 'creative_id': creative['id'], 'ad_id': ad['id'], }
def create_lookalike_ads( self, account_id, name, tiered_lookalikes, optimization_goal, billing_event, tiered_bid_amounts, title, body, url, image_path, daily_budget=None, lifetime_budget=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, campaign=None, ): """ Take the tiered lookalike audiences and create the ads """ results = { 'adsets': [], 'ads': [], } tiers = len(tiered_lookalikes) if tiers != len(tiered_bid_amounts): raise TypeError('Audience and bid amount number mismatch.') # Create campaign if not campaign: campaign = Campaign(parent_id=account_id) campaign[] = '{} Campaign'.format(name) campaign[Campaign.Field.objective] = \ Campaign.Objective.link_clicks campaign.remote_create(params={ 'status': Campaign.Status.paused, }) # Upload image img = AdImage(parent_id=account_id) img[AdImage.Field.filename] = image_path img.remote_create() image_hash = img.get_hash() # Inline creative for ads inline_creative = { AdCreative.Field.title: title, AdCreative.Field.body: body, AdCreative.Field.object_url: url, AdCreative.Field.image_hash: image_hash, } for tier in range(1, tiers + 1): # Create ad set ad_set = AdSet(parent_id=account_id) ad_set[AdSet.Field.campaign_id] = campaign.get_id_assured() ad_set[] = '{0} AdSet tier {1}'.format(name, tier) ad_set[AdSet.Field.optimization_goal] = optimization_goal ad_set[AdSet.Field.billing_event] = billing_event ad_set[AdSet.Field.bid_amount] = tiered_bid_amounts[tier - 1] if daily_budget: ad_set[AdSet.Field.daily_budget] = daily_budget else: ad_set[AdSet.Field.lifetime_budget] = lifetime_budget if end_time: ad_set[AdSet.Field.end_time] = end_time if start_time: ad_set[AdSet.Field.start_time] = start_time audience = tiered_lookalikes[tier - 1] targeting = { TargetingSpecsField.custom_audiences: [{ 'id': audience[], 'name': audience[], }] } ad_set[AdSet.Field.targeting] = targeting ad_set.remote_create(params={ 'status': AdSet.Status.paused, }) # Create ad ad = Ad(parent_id=account_id) ad[] = '{0} Ad tier {1}'.format(name, tier) ad[Ad.Field.adset_id] = ad_set['id'] ad[Ad.Field.creative] = inline_creative ad.remote_create(params={ 'status': Ad.Status.paused, }) results['adsets'].append(ad_set) results['ads'].append(ad) return results
# LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. from import fixtures from facebookads import test_config ad_account_id = test_config.account_id page_id = test_config.page_id ad_set_id = fixtures.create_adset().get_id() creative_id = fixtures.create_creative().get_id() # _DOC open [ADGROUP_CREATE_TRACKING_LIKE_MENTIONS] # _DOC vars [ad_account_id:s, ad_set_id, creative_id, post_id, page_id] from facebookads.objects import Ad ad = Ad(parent_id=ad_account_id) ad[] = 'test' ad[Ad.Field.adset_id] = ad_set_id ad[Ad.Field.creative] = { 'creative_id': creative_id } ad[Ad.Field.tracking_specs] = { 'action.type': ['like', 'mention'], 'page': page_id } ad.remote_create() # _DOC close [ADGROUP_CREATE_TRACKING_LIKE_MENTIONS] ad.remote_delete()
# You are hereby granted a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to # use, copy, modify, and distribute this software in source code or binary # form for use in connection with the web services and APIs provided by # Facebook. # As with any software that integrates with the Facebook platform, your use # of this software is subject to the Facebook Developer Principles and # Policies []. This copyright notice # shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. from import fixtures ad_id = fixtures.create_ad().get_id() # _DOC oncall [pruno] # _DOC open [ADGROUP_GET_LEADS] # _DOC vars [ad_id] from facebookads.objects import Ad ad = Ad(ad_id) leads = ad.get_leads() # _DOC close [ADGROUP_GET_LEADS]