def fuzz(self): protocol = FuzzyChoice(('http', 'https',)) domain = FuzzyDomain() return "{protocol}://{domain}".format( protocol=protocol.fuzz(), domain=domain.fuzz() )
def fuzz(self): subdomain = FuzzyText() domain = FuzzyText() tld = FuzzyChoice(('com', 'net', 'org', 'biz', 'pizza', 'coffee', 'diamonds', 'fail', 'win', 'wtf',)) return "{subdomain}.{domain}.{tld}".format( subdomain=subdomain.fuzz(), domain=domain.fuzz(), tld=tld.fuzz() )
def fuzz(self): protocol = FuzzyChoice(('http', 'https',)) subdomain = FuzzyText() domain = FuzzyText() tld = FuzzyChoice(('com', 'net', 'org', 'biz', 'pizza', 'coffee', 'diamonds', 'fail', 'win', 'wtf',)) resource = FuzzyText() return "{protocol}://{subdomain}.{domain}.{tld}/{resource}".format( protocol=protocol.fuzz(), subdomain=subdomain.fuzz(), domain=domain.fuzz(), tld=tld.fuzz(), resource=resource.fuzz() )
class CaseFactory(DjangoModelFactory): tenant = SubFactory(TenantFactory) status = SubFactory(CaseStatusFactory, tenant=SelfAttribute('..tenant')) priority = FuzzyChoice(dict(Case.PRIORITY_CHOICES).keys()) subject = LazyAttribute(lambda o: faker.word()) account = SubFactory(AccountFactory, tenant=SelfAttribute('..tenant')) expires = FuzzyDate(, 1, 1),, 1, 1)) assigned_to = SubFactory(LilyUserFactory, tenant=SelfAttribute('..tenant')) type = SubFactory(CaseTypeFactory, tenant=SelfAttribute('..tenant')) class Meta: model = Case
class CourseEntitlementFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory): # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring class Meta(object): model = CourseEntitlement uuid = factory.LazyFunction(uuid4) course_uuid = factory.LazyFunction(uuid4) expired_at = None mode = FuzzyChoice([CourseMode.VERIFIED, CourseMode.PROFESSIONAL]) user = factory.SubFactory(UserFactory) order_number = FuzzyText(prefix='TEXTX', chars=string.digits) enrollment_course_run = None policy = factory.SubFactory(CourseEntitlementPolicyFactory)
class PostFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory): class Meta: model = Post title = factory.Faker("word") text = factory.Faker("text", max_nb_chars=1000) author = factory.SubFactory(UserFactory) published = FuzzyChoice([True, False]) img = factory.django.ImageField(width=200, height=200, color=FuzzyChoice( ["blue", "yellow", "green", "orange"])) @factory.post_generation def tags(self, create, extracted, **kwargs): if not create: return if extracted: for tag in extracted: self.tags.add(tag)
class SupplementStackCompositionFactory(DjangoModelFactory): user = SubFactory(UserFactory) # create the first user and pass it downwards supplement = SubFactory( SupplementFactory, user=LazyAttribute(lambda a: a.factory_parent.user)) stack = SubFactory(SupplementStackFactory, user=LazyAttribute(lambda a: a.factory_parent.user)) notes = FuzzyChoice(NOTES_TO_USE_WITH_EMPTY_SPACES) class Meta: model = SupplementStackComposition django_get_or_create = ["user", "supplement", "stack"]
class OutputTagFactory(factory.Factory): name = factory.Sequence( lambda n: f"name{n}|{n:08}-{n:04}-{n:04}-{n:04}-{n:012}|anomaly-confidence") time_series_id = factory.Sequence( lambda n: f"{n:08}-{n:04}-{n:04}-{n:04}-{n:012}") type = FuzzyChoice(OutputTagTypeChoices) description = factory.Sequence(lambda n: f"description{n}") derived_from = factory.Sequence(lambda n: f"derived{n}") class Meta: model = OutputTag
class BookLoanFactory(DjangoModelFactory): id = factory.Faker("uuid4") book = factory.SubFactory(BookFactory) imprint = factory.Faker("name") loan_start = NOW due_back = factory.LazyAttribute( lambda x: x.loan_start + timedelta(weeks=2)) borrower = factory.SubFactory(UserFactory) status = FuzzyChoice(dict(BookLoan.LOAN_STATUS).keys()) class Meta: model = BookLoan
class PathwayFactory(factory.DjangoModelFactory): uuid = factory.LazyFunction(uuid4) partner = factory.SubFactory(PartnerFactory) name = FuzzyText() org_name = FuzzyText() email = factory.Sequence(lambda n: 'test-email-{}'.format(n)) # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda description = FuzzyText() destination_url = FuzzyURL() pathway_type = FuzzyChoice((path_type.value for path_type in PathwayType)) class Meta: model = Pathway
class AccountFactory(DjangoModelFactory): username = fuzzy_lower_text(prefix='account-') foreign_id = FuzzyText() person = factory.SubFactory(PersonFactory) machine_category = factory.SubFactory(MachineCategoryFactory) date_created = factory.LazyAttribute(lambda a: default_project = factory.SubFactory(ProjectFactory) shell = FuzzyChoice(settings.SHELLS) class Meta: model = karaage.machines.models.Account django_get_or_create = ('person', 'username', 'machine_category')
class CommentFactory(WorkspaceObjectFactory): """ A command without command objects. """ text = FuzzyText() object_id = FuzzyInteger(1) object_type = FuzzyChoice(['host', 'service', 'comment']) class Meta: model = Comment sqlalchemy_session = db.session
class MovieVoteFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory): """ Creates a MovieVote """ user = factory.SubFactory(UserFactory) movie = factory.SubFactory(MovieFactory) vote = FuzzyChoice(choices=MovieVote.CHOICES) class Meta: model = MovieVote django_get_or_create = ('user', 'movie')
class RecommendationFactory(factory.Factory): """ Creates fake recommendations that you don't have to feed """ class Meta: model = Recommendation id = factory.Sequence(lambda n: n) product_id = factory.Sequence(lambda n: n + 1) customer_id = factory.Sequence(lambda n: n + 2) recommend_type = FuzzyChoice( choices=["upsell", "crosssell", "accessory", "downsell"]) recommend_product_id = factory.Sequence(lambda n: n + 3) rec_success = 0
class PathwayFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory): uuid = factory.LazyFunction(uuid4) partner = factory.SubFactory(PartnerFactory) name = FuzzyText() org_name = FuzzyText() email = factory.Sequence(lambda n: f'test-email-{n}') description = FuzzyText() destination_url = FuzzyURL() pathway_type = FuzzyChoice(path_type.value for path_type in PathwayType) class Meta: model = Pathway
class SupernovaFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory): class Meta: model = Supernova sntype = FuzzyChoice(choices=[u'Ia', u'II', u'IIb']) ra_hours = FuzzyFloat(0.0, 23.0) ra_minutes = FuzzyFloat(0.0, 59.0) ra_seconds = FuzzyFloat(0.0, 59.0) dec_sign = FuzzyChoice(choices=['+', '-']) dec_deg = FuzzyInteger(0, 89) dec_min = FuzzyFloat(0.0, 59.0) dec_seconds = FuzzyFloat(0.0, 59) z = FuzzyFloat(0, 0.5) name = factory.Sequence(lambda n: "SN/{0}".format(n)) points = FuzzyInteger(0, 100) date_added = discovery_date = FuzzyDateTime( - datetime.timedelta(days=29), astro_object = factory.SubFactory(AstroObjectFactory)
class EmailAccountFactory(DjangoModelFactory): tenant = SubFactory(TenantFactory) owner = SubFactory(LilyUserFactory) email_address = LazyAttribute(lambda o: unicodedata.normalize( 'NFD', faker.safe_email()).encode('ascii', 'ignore')) from_name = LazyAttribute(lambda o: label = LazyAttribute(lambda o: faker.word()) is_authorized = True privacy = FuzzyChoice(dict(EmailAccount.PRIVACY_CHOICES).keys()) class Meta: model = EmailAccount
class PatientFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory): last_name = factory.Faker("last_name") id_document_number = FuzzyText(length=10, chars=string.digits) job_title = factory.Faker("job") birthdate = FuzzyDate(, 1, 1)) phone = FuzzyChoice([ "+593983761752", "+13053991321", "+593987309076", "+16262005695", "+918668999704", ]) whatsapp = FuzzyChoice([True, False, True, True]) health_insurance_company = FuzzyChoice( ["Health Inc", "Moderna", "BMI", "Google Health", "Apple Health"]) email = factory.Faker("free_email") referral_source = FuzzyChoice(Patient.ReferralSourceChoices.values) class Meta: abstract = True model = Patient
class BaseBookFactory(DjangoModelFactory): """Base book factory.""" title = Faker('text', max_nb_chars=100) summary = Faker('text') publisher = SubFactory('factories.books_publisher.LimitedPublisherFactory') publication_date = Faker('date_between', start_date='-10y', end_date='now') price = Faker('pydecimal', left_digits=2, right_digits=2, positive=True) isbn = Faker('isbn13') state = FuzzyChoice(dict(BOOK_PUBLISHING_STATUS_CHOICES).keys()) pages = LazyAttribute(lambda __x: random.randint(10, 200)) created = Faker('date_time') class Meta(object): """Meta class.""" model = Book abstract = True @post_generation def tags(obj, created, extracted, **kwargs): """Create Tag objects for the created Book instance.""" if created: # Create from 1 to 7 ``Tag`` objects. amount = random.randint(1, 7) tags = TagGenreFactory.create_batch(amount, **kwargs) obj.tags.add(*tags) @post_generation def authors(obj, created, extracted, **kwargs): """Create `Author` objects for the created `Book` instance.""" if created: # Create random amount of `Author` objects. amount = random.randint(3, 7) authors = LimitedAuthorFactory.create_batch(amount, **kwargs) obj.authors.add(*authors) @post_generation def orders(obj, created, extracted, **kwargs): """Create `Order` objects for the created `Book` instance.""" if created: # Create 3 `Order` objects. amount = random.randint(2, 7) orders = OrderFactory.create_batch(amount, **kwargs) order_line_kwargs = dict(kwargs) order_line_kwargs['book'] = obj for order in orders: # Create 1 `OrderLine` object. amount = random.randint(1, 5) order_lines = OrderLineFactory.create_batch( amount, **order_line_kwargs) order.lines.add(*order_lines)
class ActivityFactory(DjangoModelFactory): event = SubFactory(EventFactory) zone = SubFactory(ZoneFactory) type = FuzzyChoice(choices=ActivityType.values) start_date = FuzzyDateTime( start_dt=datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), end_dt=datetime.datetime(2019, 12, 31, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)) finish_date = FuzzyDateTime( start_dt=datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), end_dt=datetime.datetime(2019, 12, 31, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)) class Meta: model = 'events.Activity'
class AddressFactory(factory.Factory): """ Creates fake Addresses """ class Meta: model = Address id = factory.Sequence(lambda n: n) # account_id = ??? name = FuzzyChoice(choices=["home", "work", "other"]) street = factory.Faker("street_address") city = factory.Faker("city") state = factory.Faker("state_abbr") postalcode = factory.Faker("postalcode")
class ContentFileFactory(DjangoModelFactory): """Factory for ContentFiles""" run = factory.SubFactory(LearningResourceRunFactory) key = factory.Faker("file_path") title = factory.Faker("sentence") description = factory.Faker("sentence") uid = factory.Faker("text", max_nb_chars=32) url = factory.Faker("url") content_type = FuzzyChoice((CONTENT_TYPE_FILE, CONTENT_TYPE_PAGE)) class Meta: model = ContentFile
class HatFactory(DjangoModelFactory): """Factory for hats.""" style = FuzzyChoice((hat_style[0] for hat_style in Hat.STYLES)) brand = factory.SubFactory(BrandFactory) class Meta: model = Hat @factory.lazy_attribute def price(self): """Generate a random price between 0 and 400.""" return Money(random.randint(0, 400), 'GBP')
class CustomerFactory(factory.Factory): """ Creates fake customers that you don't have to feed """ class Meta: model = Customer exclude = ('number', 'street') firstname = factory.Faker('first_name') lastname = factory.Faker('last_name') email = FuzzyChoice(choices=[ '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**' ]) subscribed = FuzzyChoice(choices=[True, False]) number = factory.Faker('random_int') street = factory.Faker('street_name') address1 = factory.LazyAttribute( lambda p: '{} {}'.format(p.number, p.street)) address2 = factory.Faker('secondary_address') city = factory.Faker('city') province = factory.Faker('state') country = factory.Faker('country') zip = factory.Faker('zipcode')
class PotatoFactory(DjangoModelFactory): """ModelFactory for the Potato object.""" class Meta: # noqa model = Potato weight = FuzzyInteger(1, 1000) variety = FuzzyChoice(['Anya', 'Arran Victory', 'Blaue Viola', 'Doré', 'Duke of York', ])
class BaseProductFactory(DjangoModelFactory): """Base product factory.""" name = Faker("text", max_nb_chars=100) price = Faker("pyint", min_value=100, max_value=1_000_000) price_with_tax = LazyAttribute(lambda __x: int(__x.price * 1.20)) currency = FuzzyChoice([key for key, value in get_currency_choices()]) class Meta: """Meta class.""" model = Product abstract = True
class PropositionFactory(SQLAFactory): class Meta: model = Proposition title = MimesisField('title') content = MimesisField('text', quantity=5) motivation = MimesisField('text', quantity=8) abstract = MimesisField('text', quantity=2) status = FuzzyChoice([ PropositionStatus.DRAFT, PropositionStatus.SUBMITTED, PropositionStatus.QUALIFIED ]) ballot = SubFactory(BallotFactory)
class PromotionFactory(factory.Factory): """ Creates fake promotions that you don't have to feed """ class Meta: """ Meta class for Promotion Factory """ model = Promotion code = FuzzyChoice(choices=['SAVE15', 'SAVE20', 'SAVE30']) percentage = FuzzyChoice(choices=[10, 40, 30, 25, 5, 0, 15]) start_date = int( ( - timedelta(weeks=random.randint(1, 5))).timestamp()) expiry_date = int( ( + timedelta(weeks=random.randint(1, 5))).timestamp()) products = FuzzyChoice( choices=[['5612234', '8516634'], ['847153', '645382']]) @classmethod def batch_create(cls, count, **kwargs): """ Factory method to create promotions in bulk. Ensure that promotions with the same code will not overlap with each others """ promotions = cls.create_batch(count, **kwargs) promotions_dict = defaultdict(list) for promotion in promotions: promotions_dict[promotion.code].append(promotion) promotions = [] for promos in promotions_dict.values(): pre_expiry_date = promos[0].expiry_date promos[0].save() for promotion in promos[1:]: delta = promotion.expiry_date - promotion.start_date promotion.start_date = pre_expiry_date + random.randint( 100, 2000) promotion.expiry_date = promotion.start_date + delta pre_expiry_date = promotion.expiry_date promotions.extend(promos) return promotions
class ServiceFactory(WorkspaceObjectFactory): name = FuzzyText() description = FuzzyText() port = FuzzyIncrementalInteger(1, 65535) protocol = FuzzyChoice(['TCP', 'UDP']) host = factory.SubFactory(HostFactory, workspace=factory.SelfAttribute('..workspace')) status = FuzzyChoice(Service.STATUSES) creator = factory.SubFactory(UserFactory) class Meta: model = Service sqlalchemy_session = db.session @classmethod def build_dict(cls, **kwargs): ret = super().build_dict(**kwargs) ret['host'].workspace = kwargs['workspace'] ret['parent'] = ret['host'].id ret['ports'] = [ret['port']] ret.pop('host') return ret
class DealFactory(DjangoModelFactory): tenant = SubFactory(TenantFactory) name = LazyAttribute(lambda o: faker.word()) account = SubFactory(AccountFactory, tenant=SelfAttribute('..tenant')) amount_once = FuzzyDecimal(42.7) amount_recurring = FuzzyDecimal(42.7) expected_closing_date = FuzzyDate(, 1, 1),, 1, 1)) assigned_to = SubFactory(LilyUserFactory, tenant=SelfAttribute('..tenant')) stage = FuzzyChoice(dict(Deal.STAGE_CHOICES).keys()) class Meta: model = Deal
class ReuseFactory(ModelFactory): class Meta: model = Reuse title = factory.Faker('sentence') description = factory.Faker('text') url = factory.LazyAttribute( lambda o: '/'.join([faker.url(), faker.unique_string()])) type = FuzzyChoice(REUSE_TYPES.keys()) class Params: visible = factory.Trait( datasets=factory.LazyAttribute(lambda o: [DatasetFactory()]))
class WellFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory): class Meta: model = db.models.Well plate_number = '{:0>5d}'.format(FuzzyInteger(0, 55000).fuzz()) col = FuzzyInteger(0, 23).fuzz() row = FuzzyInteger(0, 16).fuzz() well_name = chr(ord('A') + row) + '{:0>2d}'.format(col) well_id = '%s:%s' % (plate_number, well_name) facility_id = 'HMSL{:0>5d}'.format(FuzzyInteger(0, 16).fuzz()) library_well_type = FuzzyChoice( ['experimental', 'empty', 'dmso', 'library_control', 'rnai_buffer'])
class WebsiteContentFactory(DjangoModelFactory): """Factory for WebsiteContent""" title = factory.Sequence(lambda n: "OCW Site Content %s" % n) type = FuzzyChoice([CONTENT_TYPE_PAGE, CONTENT_TYPE_RESOURCE]) markdown = factory.Faker("text") metadata = factory.LazyAttribute(lambda _: {}) filename = factory.Sequence(lambda n: "my-file-%s" % n) dirpath = factory.Faker("uri_path", deep=2) website = factory.SubFactory(WebsiteFactory) class Meta: model = WebsiteContent