def _getFilePathsFromUrls(self, urls): ''' return a list of all file paths in event.mimeData.urls() ''' l = [] def _appendRecursive(path): if path.isfile(): #file l.append(path) else: for f in path: #for all files in folder _appendRecursive(path.join(f)) # one or more files/folders are dropped for url in urls: if url.isLocalFile(): path = PathStr(url.toLocalFile().toLocal8Bit().data()) if path.exists(): _appendRecursive(path) return l
def equalizeImage(img, save_path=None, name_additive='_eqHist'): ''' Equalize the histogram (contrast) of an image works with RGB/multi-channel images and flat-arrays @param img - image_path or np.array @param save_path if given output images will be saved there @param name_additive if given this additive will be appended to output images @return output images if input images are numpy.arrays and no save_path is given @return None elsewise ''' if isinstance(img, basestring): img = PathStr(img) if not img.exists(): raise Exception("image path doesn't exist") img_name = img.basename().replace('.','%s.' %name_additive) if save_path is None: save_path = img.dirname() img = cv2.imread(img) if img.dtype != np.dtype('uint8'): #openCV cannot work with float arrays or uint > 8bit eqFn = _equalizeHistogram else: eqFn = cv2.equalizeHist if len(img.shape) == 3:#multi channel img like rgb for i in range(img.shape[2]): img[:, :, i] = eqFn(img[:, :, i]) else: # grey scale image img = eqFn(img) if save_path: img_name = PathStr(save_path).join(img_name) cv2.imwrite(img_name, img) return img
def equalizeImage(img, save_path=None, name_additive='_eqHist'): ''' Equalize the histogram (contrast) of an image works with RGB/multi-channel images and flat-arrays @param img - image_path or np.array @param save_path if given output images will be saved there @param name_additive if given this additive will be appended to output images @return output images if input images are numpy.arrays and no save_path is given @return None elsewise ''' if isinstance(img, string_types): img = PathStr(img) if not img.exists(): raise Exception("image path doesn't exist") img_name = img.basename().replace('.', '%s.' % name_additive) if save_path is None: save_path = img.dirname() img = cv2.imread(img) if img.dtype != np.dtype('uint8'): # openCV cannot work with float arrays or uint > 8bit eqFn = _equalizeHistogram else: eqFn = cv2.equalizeHist if len(img.shape) == 3: # multi channel img like rgb for i in range(img.shape[2]): img[:, :, i] = eqFn(img[:, :, i]) else: # grey scale image img = eqFn(img) if save_path: img_name = PathStr(save_path).join(img_name) cv2.imwrite(img_name, img) return img
def _getFilePathsFromUrls(self, urls): ''' return a list of all file paths in event.mimeData.urls() ''' limg, lagenda = [], [] def _appendRecursive(path): if path.isfile(): if path.filetype() in IMG_FILETYPES: limg.append(path) elif path.filetype() == 'csv': lagenda.append(path) else: for f in path: # for all files in folder _appendRecursive(path.join(f)) # one or more files/folders are dropped for url in urls: if url.isLocalFile(): path = PathStr(url.toLocalFile()) if path.exists(): _appendRecursive(path) return limg, lagenda
class Launcher(QtWidgets.QMainWindow): """ A graphical starter for *.pyz files created by the save-method from appbase.MainWindow NEEDS AN OVERHAUL ... after that's done it will be able to: * show all *.pyz-files in a filetree * show the session specific ... * icon * description * author etc. * start, remove, rename, modify a session * modify, start a certain state of a session """ def __init__(self, title='PYZ-Launcher', icon=None, start_script=None, left_header=None, right_header=None, file_type='pyz' ): self.dialogs = Dialogs() _path = PathStr.getcwd() _default_text_color = '#3c3c3c' if icon is None: icon = os.path.join(_path, 'media', 'launcher_logo.svg') if start_script is None: start_script = os.path.join(_path, '') if left_header is None: _description = "<a href=%s style='color: %s'>%s</a>" % ( appbase.__url__, _default_text_color, appbase.__description__) left_header = """<b>%s</b><br> version <a href=%s style='color: %s'>%s</a><br> autor <a href=mailto:%s style='color: %s'>%s</a> """ % ( # text-decoration:underline _description, os.path.join(_path, 'media', 'recent_changes.txt'), _default_text_color, appbase.__version__, appbase.__email__, _default_text_color, appbase.__author__ ) if right_header is None: # if no header is given, list all pdfs in folder media as link d = _path right_header = '' for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(d, 'media')): if f.endswith('.pdf'): _guidePath = os.path.join(d, 'media', f) right_header += "<a href=%s style='color: %s'>%s</a><br>" % ( _guidePath, _default_text_color, f[:-4]) right_header = right_header[:-4] QtWidgets.QMainWindow.__init__(self) self._start_script = start_script self.setWindowTitle(title) self.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(icon)) self.resize(900, 500) # BASE STRUTURE area = QtWidgets.QWidget() self.setCentralWidget(area) layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() area.setLayout(layout) #header = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() # layout.addLayout(header) # grab the default text color of a qlabel to color all links from blue to it: # LEFT TEXT info = QtWidgets.QLabel(left_header) info.setOpenExternalLinks(True) # LOGO header = QtWidgets.QWidget() header.setFixedHeight(70) headerlayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() header.setLayout(headerlayout) logo = QtSvg.QSvgWidget(icon) logo.setFixedWidth(50) logo.setFixedHeight(50) headerlayout.addWidget(logo) headerlayout.addWidget(info) layout.addWidget(header) # RIGHT_HEADER userGuide = QtWidgets.QLabel(right_header) userGuide.setOpenExternalLinks(True) userGuide.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignTop | QtCore.Qt.AlignRight) headerlayout.addWidget(userGuide) # ROOT-PATH OF THE SESSIONS rootLayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() rootFrame = QtWidgets.QFrame() rootFrame.setFrameStyle( QtWidgets.QFrame.StyledPanel | QtWidgets.QFrame.Plain) rootFrame.setFixedHeight(45) rootFrame.setLineWidth(0) rootFrame.setLayout(rootLayout) layout.addWidget(rootFrame) self.rootDir = QtWidgets.QLabel() self.rootDir.setAutoFillBackground(True) self.rootDir.setStyleSheet("QLabel { background-color: white; }") # FILE-BROWSER self.treeView = _TreeView() self.fileSystemModel = _FileSystemModel(self.treeView, file_type) self.fileSystemModel.setNameFilters(['*.%s' % file_type]) self.fileSystemModel.setNameFilterDisables(False) self.treeView.setModel(self.fileSystemModel) treelayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() splitter = QtWidgets.QSplitter(QtCore.Qt.Orientation(1)) self.fileInfo = _PyzInfo(splitter, self.fileSystemModel, self.treeView) self.treeView.clicked.connect(self.fileInfo.update) splitter.addWidget(self.treeView) splitter.addWidget(self.fileInfo) treelayout.addWidget(splitter) layout.addLayout(treelayout) # get last root-path self._path = PathStr('') if CONFIG_FILE: try: self._path = PathStr( open( CONFIG_FILE, 'r').read().decode('unicode-escape')) except IOError: pass # file not existant if not self._path or not self._path.exists(): msgBox = QtWidgets.QMessageBox() msgBox.setText("Please choose your projectDirectory.") msgBox.exec_() self._changeRootDir() self.treeView.setPath(self._path) abspath = os.path.abspath(self._path) self.rootDir.setText(abspath) rootLayout.addWidget(self.rootDir) # GO UPWARDS ROOT-PATH BUTTON btnUpRootDir = QtWidgets.QPushButton('up') btnUpRootDir.clicked.connect(self._goUpRootDir) rootLayout.addWidget(btnUpRootDir) # DEFINE CURRENT DIR AS ROOT-PATH btnDefineRootDir = QtWidgets.QPushButton('set') btnDefineRootDir.clicked.connect(self._defineRootDir) rootLayout.addWidget(btnDefineRootDir) # SELECT ROOT-PATH BUTTON buttonRootDir = QtWidgets.QPushButton('select') buttonRootDir.clicked.connect(self._changeRootDir) rootLayout.addWidget(buttonRootDir) # NEW-BUTTON if self._start_script: newButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton('NEW') newButton.clicked.connect(self._openNew) layout.addWidget(newButton) @staticmethod def rootDir(): try: return PathStr( open(CONFIG_FILE, 'r').read().decode('unicode-escape')) except IOError: # create starter return PathStr.home() def _goUpRootDir(self): self._setRootDir(self._path.dirname()) def _defineRootDir(self): i = self.treeView.selectedIndexes() # if not self.treeView.isIndexHidden(i): if i: if self.fileSystemModel.isDir(i[0]): self._setRootDir(PathStr(self.fileSystemModel.filePath(i[0]))) def _changeRootDir(self): path = self.dialogs.getExistingDirectory() if path: self._setRootDir(path) def _setRootDir(self, path): self._path = path self.rootDir.setText(self._path) root = self.fileSystemModel.setRootPath(self._path) self.treeView.setRootIndex(root) # save last path to file if CONFIG_FILE: open(CONFIG_FILE, 'w').write(self._path.encode('unicode-escape')) def _openNew(self): p = spawn.find_executable("python") os.spawnl(os.P_NOWAIT, p, 'python', '%s' % self._start_script)