def test_does_not_convert_converted_functions():
    def jit_func():  # pragma: no cover
        return 5

    converted = convert_to_jit(jit_func)

    assert convert_to_jit(converted) is converted
    assert converted() == 5
Esempio n. 2
    def visit_Call(self, node):
        node = self.generic_visit(node)
        if hasattr(node.func, 'attr'):
            # This will be hit where you have module
            # functions such as np.zeros_like.
            # We don't want fastats to modify these -
            # we see the module prefix as an indicator
            # that the author specifically wants to use
            # that function, so we just return early here.
            # To bypass this early return, import the
            # function and use without the module prefix, ie
            # from numpy import zeros_like
            # ...
            # a = zeros_like(x)
            return node

        name =
        if name not in self._globals:
            # This will be hit for items not in the
            # function globals, such as `range`
            return node
        elif name in self._params:
            new_name = self.new_name_from_call_name(name)
            new_func = self._params[name]
            self._replaced[name] = self._globals[name]
            self._globals[name] = convert_to_jit(self._globals[name])
            self._globals[new_name] = convert_to_jit(new_func)

            new_node = ast.Call(
                func=ast.Name(id=new_name, ctx=ast.Load()),
                args=node.args, keywords=[]
            ast.copy_location(new_node, node)
            return new_node
            # Lazy import because it's circular.
            from fastats.core.ast_transforms.processor import AstProcessor
            orig_inner_func = self._globals[]

            not_ufunc = not isinstance(orig_inner_func, np.ufunc)
            not_builtin = not isbuiltin(orig_inner_func)
            if not_ufunc and not_builtin:
                self._replaced[] = orig_inner_func
                proc = AstProcessor(
                    orig_inner_func, self._params,
                    self._replaced, self._new_funcs
                new_inner_func = proc.process()
                self._globals[] = convert_to_jit(new_inner_func)

        return node
Esempio n. 3
    def process(self):
        source = inspect.getsource(self.top_level_func)

        # `ast.parse` can throw an IndentationError if passed
        # standalone nested function. In this case we take the
        # more expensive code path through `uncompile`.
            tree = ast.parse(source)
        except IndentationError:
            data = uncompile(self.top_level_func.__code__)
            tree = parse_snippet(*data)

        # We have to dynamically add the jit to nested functions
        # in order to get `nopython` mode working correctly. As
        # a result we always need `jit` in globals.
        # This can be removed if/when numba supports nested functions
        # in nopython mode by default.
        globs = self.top_level_func.__globals__
        globs['jit'] = jit
        t = CallTransform(self._overrides, globs, self._replaced, self._new_funcs)
        new_tree = t.visit(tree)

        # TODO remove the fs decorator from within the ast code
        new_tree.body[0].decorator_list = [ast.Name(id='jit', ctx=ast.Load())]
        if self._debug:

        code_obj = recompile(new_tree, '<fastats>', 'exec')

        self.top_level_func.__code__ = code_obj
        return convert_to_jit(self.top_level_func)
def test_converts_simple_function():
    def add(a, b):  # pragma: no cover
        return a + b

    jitted = convert_to_jit(add)

    assert jitted(1, 2) == 3
def test_does_not_convert_jitted_functions():
    def jit_func():  # pragma: no cover
        return 5

    assert convert_to_jit(jit_func) is jit_func
    assert jit_func() == 5
Esempio n. 6
    def fs_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        return_callable = kwargs.pop('return_callable', None)

        # This deliberately mutates the kwargs.
        # We don't want to have a fs-decorated function
        # as a kwarg to another, so we undecorate it first.
        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            if hasattr(v, 'undecorated'):
                kwargs[k] = v.undecorated

        # TODO : ensure jit function returned
        if not kwargs:
            return _func(*args)

        # TODO : remove fastats keywords such as 'debug'
        # before passing into AstProcessor
        new_funcs = {}
        for v in kwargs.values():
            if isfunction(v) and v.__name__ not in kwargs:
                inner_replaced = {}
                processor = AstProcessor(v, kwargs, inner_replaced, new_funcs)
                proc = processor.process()
                new_funcs[v.__name__] = convert_to_jit(proc)

        new_kwargs = {}
        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            if new_funcs.get(v.__name__):
                new_kwargs[k] = new_funcs[v.__name__]

        processor = AstProcessor(_func, kwargs, replaced, new_funcs)
        proc = processor.process()
        if return_callable:
            return convert_to_jit(proc)

        return convert_to_jit(proc)(*args)
def test_raises_for_non_func():
    with raises(TypeError):
        convert_to_jit('And Now for Something Completely Different')

    with raises(TypeError):
        convert_to_jit({'answer': 42})

    callable_but_not_function = partial(sum)

    with raises(TypeError):
Esempio n. 8
from unittest import TestCase

import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import assert_allclose
from pytest import mark

from fastats.core.ast_transforms.convert_to_jit import convert_to_jit
from fastats.linear_algebra import qr, qr_classical_gram_schmidt
from fastats.scaling.scaling import standard
from import SKLearnDataSets

qr_jit = convert_to_jit(qr)
qr_classical_gram_schmidt_jit = convert_to_jit(qr_classical_gram_schmidt)

class QRTestMixin:

    def assert_orthonormal(Q):
        n = Q.shape[1]
        assert_allclose(Q.T @ Q, np.eye(n), atol=1e-10)

    def check_versus_expectations(Q, Q_expected, R, R_expected, A):
        assert_allclose(Q, Q_expected)
        assert_allclose(R, R_expected)
        assert_allclose(Q @ R, A)

    def test_ucla_4x3(self):
import numpy as np
import statsmodels.api as sm
from pytest import approx, raises
from sklearn import datasets

from fastats.linear_algebra import (
    ols, ols_cholesky, ols_qr, ols_svd, add_intercept, adjusted_r_squared,
    adjusted_r_squared_no_intercept, fitted_values,
    mean_standard_error_residuals, r_squared, r_squared_no_intercept,
    residuals, standard_error, sum_of_squared_residuals, t_statistic,
    f_statistic, f_statistic_no_intercept, drop_missing)

from fastats.core.ast_transforms.convert_to_jit import convert_to_jit

drop_missing_jit = convert_to_jit(drop_missing)

class BaseOLS(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self._data = datasets.load_diabetes()
        self._labels = [
            'age', 'sex', 'bmi', 'bp', 's1', 's2', 's3', 's4', 's5', 's6'

class SklearnDiabetesOLS:
    Linear Regression example taken from the course 'Numerical Linear Algebra'
Esempio n. 10
    size = len(A)

    for i in range(size):
        for k in range(size):
            total = nsum(L[i, 0:i] * U[0:i, k])
            U[i, k] = A[i, k] - total

        for k in range(size):
            if i == k:
                L[i, i] = 1.0
                total = nsum(L[k, 0:i] * U[0:i, i])
                L[k, i] = (A[k, i] - total) / U[i, i]

lu_inplace_jit = convert_to_jit(lu_inplace)

def lu(A):
    This performs LU Decomposition on `A`.

    This takes a square matrix `A`.

    This scales as O(n^3).

    This allocates `L` and `U` on each call.

    This is the example from wikipedia:
Esempio n. 11
from unittest import TestCase

import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import assert_allclose
from pytest import approx

from fastats.linear_algebra import lu, lu_inplace, lu_compact
from fastats.core.ast_transforms.convert_to_jit import convert_to_jit

lu_jit = convert_to_jit(lu)
lu_compact_jit = convert_to_jit(lu_compact)

class LUDecompValidator:
    This is a mixin class which tests both
    the raw Python and the jit-compiled
    version of the `lu()` function.
    A, L, U = None, None, None

    def setUp(self):
        self._A = np.array(self.A)

    def test_lu_outputs_numpy(self):
        L = np.zeros_like(self._A)
        U = np.zeros_like(self._A)

        lu_inplace(self._A, L, U)

        assert L.tolist() == self.L
Esempio n. 12
def test_does_not_convert_math_builtins():
    for func in (math.atan2, math.atanh, math.degrees, math.exp, math.floor,
                 math.log, math.sin, math.sinh, math.tan, math.tanh):
        assert convert_to_jit(func) is func