Esempio n. 1
    def compute_next_flight_point(
        self, flight_points: List[FlightPoint], time_step: float
    ) -> FlightPoint:
        Computes time, altitude, speed, mass and ground distance of next flight point.

        :param flight_points: previous flight points
        :param time_step: time step for computing next point
        :return: the computed next flight point
        start = flight_points[0]
        previous = flight_points[-1]
        next_point = FlightPoint()

        next_point.mass = previous.mass - self.propulsion.get_consumed_mass(previous, time_step)
        next_point.time = previous.time + time_step
        next_point.ground_distance = (
            + previous.true_airspeed * time_step * np.cos(previous.slope_angle)
        self._compute_next_altitude(next_point, previous)

        if == "constant":
            next_point.true_airspeed = previous.true_airspeed
        elif == "constant":
            next_point.equivalent_airspeed = start.equivalent_airspeed
        elif == "constant":
            next_point.mach = start.mach
            next_point.true_airspeed = previous.true_airspeed + time_step * previous.acceleration

        # The naming is not done in complete_flight_point for not naming the start point =
        return next_point
Esempio n. 2
    def compute_from(self, start: FlightPoint) -> pd.DataFrame:
        Computes the flight path segment from provided start point.

        Computation ends when target is attained, or if the computation stops getting
        closer to target.
        For instance, a climb computation with too low thrust will only return one
        flight point, that is the provided start point.

        :param start: the initial flight point, defined for `altitude`, `mass` and speed
                      (`true_airspeed`, `equivalent_airspeed` or `mach`). Can also be
                      defined for `time` and/or `ground_distance`.
        :return: a pandas DataFrame where columns are given by :attr:`FlightPoint.labels`
        start = FlightPoint(start)
        if start.time is None:
            start.time = 0.0
        if start.ground_distance is None:
            start.ground_distance = 0.0


        flight_points = [start]

        previous_point_to_target = self._get_distance_to_target(flight_points)
        tol = 1.0e-5  # Such accuracy is not needed, but ensures reproducibility of results.
        while np.abs(previous_point_to_target) > tol:
            self._add_new_flight_point(flight_points, self.time_step)
            last_point_to_target = self._get_distance_to_target(flight_points)

            if last_point_to_target * previous_point_to_target < 0.0:

                # Target has been exceeded. Let's look for the exact time step using root_scalar.
                def replace_last_point(time_step):
                    Replaces last point of flight_points.

                    :param time_step: time step for new point
                    :return: new distance to target
                    del flight_points[-1]
                    self._add_new_flight_point(flight_points, time_step)
                    return self._get_distance_to_target(flight_points)

                    replace_last_point, x0=self.time_step, x1=self.time_step / 2.0, rtol=tol
                last_point_to_target = self._get_distance_to_target(flight_points)
            elif (
                np.abs(last_point_to_target) > np.abs(previous_point_to_target)
                # If is defined, it means that we look for an optimal altitude and
                # that target altitude can move, so it would be normal to get further from target.
                and self.interrupt_if_getting_further_from_target
                # We get further from target. Let's stop without this point.
                    'Target cannot be reached in "%s". Segment computation interrupted.'
                    "Please review the segment settings, especially thrust_rate.",
                del flight_points[-1]

            msg = self._check_values(flight_points[-1])
            if msg:
                _LOGGER.warning(msg + ' Segment computation interrupted in "%s".',

            previous_point_to_target = last_point_to_target

        flight_points_df = pd.DataFrame(flight_points)

        return flight_points_df