Esempio n. 1
def api_facebook_auth(request, output_format='json'):
    """Authenticate a user who is already logged into Facebook into the site."""

    #logger.debug("entering api_facebook_auth()")

    data = {} # Response data 
    status = 200 # Ok

    # Check to see if there's a cookie indicating that the user
    # is logged in with Facebook.
    fb_user = facebook.get_user_from_cookie(request.COOKIES, \

        if fb_user:
                user_profile =  UserProfile.objects.get(\

            except UserProfile.DoesNotExist:
                #they're not, so we need to create them and move em along
                fb_graph = facebook.GraphAPI(fb_user['access_token'])
                fb_profile = fb_graph.get_object("me")
                username = fb_profile['first_name'] + fb_profile['last_name']
                password = fb_profile['id']
                base_user = User.objects.create_user(username=username,\
                                                     password=password, email='na')
                user_profile = UserProfile(user=base_user,\

                # Log the user in without authenticating them
                # See
                user_profile.user.backend = \
                login(request, user_profile.user)
                #logger.debug("User %s logged in." % (user_profile.user))

                # Set up our return data
                data['username'] = user_profile.user.username 
                data['uri'] = '/api/%s/users/%s/' % (output_format, \

            raise NoFacebookUser

    except NoFacebookUser as detail:
        status = 401 # unauthorized
        data['error'] = "%s" % error

    return HttpResponse(content=json.dumps(data), mimetype='application/json',
Esempio n. 2
def weblogin(request):
    on the login page we can accept django username/password or they can use
     the facebook login button
         if the user enters django credentials, we check those in do_login 
         if the user hits the facebook login button, they move through 
            we use Facebooks external authorization flow (which we verify in
            the auth method)

    template_dict = {}
    template_dict['fb_app_id'] = settings.FB_API_ID
    template_dict['auth_page'] = 'authenticate'

    fb_user = facebook.get_user_from_cookie(request.COOKIES, \
                                            settings.FB_API_ID, \

    if fb_user:
        template_dict['fb_user_detected'] = True

    if request.method == 'POST':
        #the user has submitted the form 
        form = LoginForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            #things look good, log the user in
            fUsername = form.cleaned_data['username']
            fPass = form.cleaned_data['password']
            return do_login(fUsername, fPass, request)
            #user done messed up, let em know
            template_dict['form'] = form
            return render_to_response('static_login.html',template_dict,\
        #the user is either coming to the login page from another page
        #or they had some issues submitting input correctly
        form = LoginForm()
        template_dict['form'] = form
    return render_to_response('static_login.html',template_dict,\
Esempio n. 3
def auth(request):
    Facebook auth uses the Javascript SDK to authenticate in the browswer
    and it stocks a cookie

    The cookie is read on the server side in the **auth(request)** method
    * if that cookie exists and a django user doesn't, we create a django
     user and move them to the site
    **I set the username to be the first+last name to avoid spaces

    The password becomes the facebook id, b/c no one should ever have to
     enter it and the authenication on for our django site is a formality 
     since facebook verified the user

    NOTE: The login page, when the user clicks the sign in via FB button a
     JS callbacr function is called and on successful logins it routes the
     browser to /authenticate to run necessary checks

    if that cookie exists and a django user does, we move them to the site
    if no cookie exists, we move them onto the login page
    NOTE: if a user has a django account there is no method for them to add
     a facebook account if they decide to log in VIA facebook their prior 
     account won't be merged, thus we have two unique accounts with no

    if request.user.is_authenticated():    
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/')

    # Check to see if there's a cookie indicating that the user
    # is logged in with Facebook.
    fb_user = facebook.get_user_from_cookie(request.COOKIES, \

    if fb_user:
        #user has a FB account and we need to see if they have been 
        #registered in our db
            user_profile =  UserProfile.objects.get(\
            #we need to log the FB user in
            #TODO: send message telling the user they have been logged in
            # via FB
            user_profile.user.backend = \
            login(request, user_profile.user)

            return HttpResponseRedirect('/')

        except UserProfile.DoesNotExist:
            #they're not, so we need to create them and move em along
            fb_graph = facebook.GraphAPI(fb_user['access_token'])
            fb_profile = fb_graph.get_object("me")
            username = fb_profile['first_name'] + fb_profile['last_name']
            password = fb_profile['id']
            base_user = User.objects.create_user(username=username,\
                                                 password=password, email='na')
            new_user_profile = UserProfile(user=base_user,\

            return do_login(username, password, request)

       #no residual auth tokens found, move the user to login 
       return HttpResponseRedirect('login')