Esempio n. 1
	def update(self, data):
		# Save the old centroid and recompute TF_DT
		old_centroid = self.centroid
		self.tweets = data, self.dt = computeTF_DT(self.tweets)
		self.centroid = self.calculateCentroid()
		return float(tweet_distance(old_centroid, self.centroid)) / min(len(tokenise(old_centroid)), len(tokenise(self.centroid)))
Esempio n. 2
def kmeans(tweets, k, maxRound, cutoff):
    init = random.sample(tweets, k)  # randomly sample k tweets
    clusters = [cluster.Cluster(t)
                for t in init]  # Use the init set as k separate clusters

    round = 0
    while round < maxRound:
        #print 'Round #%s<br>' % round
        lists = [[] for c in clusters]  # Create an empty list for each cluster
        for t in tweets:
            # Compute distances to each of the cluster
            dist = [
                float(tweet_distance(t, clusters[i].centroid)) /
                min(len(tokenise(t)), len(tokenise(clusters[i].centroid)))
                for i in range(len(clusters))

            # Find the max, which indicate the most similarity
            maxDist = max(dist)
            idx = dist.index(maxDist)

            # If the tweet doesn't fit into any cluster (below a threshold), randomly assign it to a cluster, otherwise, assign it to the cluster with maximum distance
            if maxDist < cutoff:
                lists[random.sample(range(k), 1)[0]].append(t)

        # Update the clusters
        biggest_shift = 0.0
        for i in range(len(clusters)):
            shift = clusters[i].update(lists[i])
            biggest_shift = max(biggest_shift, shift)

        # If the clusters aren't shifting much (i.e. twitter distance remain high), break and return the results
        if biggest_shift > cutoff:

        round = round + 1

    #print "Done clustering...<br>"
    return clusters
Esempio n. 3
def kmeans(tweets, k, maxRound, cutoff):
	init = random.sample(tweets, k) # randomly sample k tweets
	clusters = [cluster.Cluster(t) for t in init] # Use the init set as k separate clusters
	round = 0
	while round < maxRound:
		#print 'Round #%s<br>' % round
		lists = [ [] for c in clusters] # Create an empty list for each cluster
		for t in tweets:			
			# Compute distances to each of the cluster
			dist = [float(tweet_distance(t, clusters[i].centroid))/min(len(tokenise(t)), len(tokenise(clusters[i].centroid))) for i in range(len(clusters))]
			# Find the max, which indicate the most similarity
			maxDist = max(dist)
			idx = dist.index(maxDist)
			# If the tweet doesn't fit into any cluster (below a threshold), randomly assign it to a cluster, otherwise, assign it to the cluster with maximum distance
			if maxDist < cutoff:
				lists[random.sample(range(k), 1)[0]].append(t)

		# Update the clusters
		biggest_shift = 0.0
		for i in range(len(clusters)):
			shift = clusters[i].update(lists[i])
			biggest_shift = max(biggest_shift, shift)
		# If the clusters aren't shifting much (i.e. twitter distance remain high), break and return the results
		if biggest_shift > cutoff:
		round = round + 1
	#print "Done clustering...<br>"	
	return clusters
Esempio n. 4
def get_encoding(string, vocab):
    tokens = tokenise(string)
    return [vocab[t].index + 1 for t in tokens if t in vocab]