def __init__(self): self.config = json.load(open("config.json", "r", encoding="utf-8")) self.dates = np.load(self.config["date_list"]) self.att_cover_len = self.config["attention_cover_daynum"] self.long_term_seq_len = self.config["long_term_sequence_len"] self.short_term_seq_len = self.config["short_term_sequence_len"] self.cnn_nbhd_size = self.config["cnn_neighbor_size"] self.history_feature_daynum = self.config["history_feature_daynum"] self.forecast_ahead_daynum = self.config["forecast_ahead_daynum"] self.batch_size = self.config["batch_size"] self.epochs = self.config["epochs"] self.patience = self.config["patience_earlystop"] # early_stop = CustomStopper(patience=patience) self.sampler = FeatureFactory(self.config["volume_train"], self.config["flow_train"]) self.modeler = STDNModel() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.dates import YearLocator, MonthLocator, DateFormatter from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.cross_validation import cross_val_score import sklearn as sk import collections as col import operator from features import FeatureFactory from random import shuffle ff = FeatureFactory() features = ff.getNames() print 'len features = ' + str(len(features)) currencies = [ 'AUDUSD', 'EURGBP', 'EURJPY', 'EURUSD', 'GBPJPY', 'GBPUSD', 'NZDUSD', 'USDCAD', 'USDCHF', 'USDJPY', ] shuffle(currencies)
names=['date', 'time', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume'], ) data = df.as_matrix() # train on first 60% data = data[:int(len(data) * 0.60)] opens = data[:, 2].astype(float) highs = data[:, 3].astype(float) lows = data[:, 4].astype(float) closes = data[:, 5].astype(float) volumes = data[:, 6].astype(int) # calculating features print 'calculating features...' ff = FeatureFactory() X_scaled = ff.getFeatures(opens, highs, lows, closes, volumes) # print X_scaled # set rewards print 'calculating rewards...' rewards = ff.getRewards(closes) # fitting regressor # rfc = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=30) rfc = ExtraTreesClassifier( # n_estimators=30, # max_features='sqrt' ) # predict
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import sklearn as sk from features import FeatureFactory from random import choice, random import time ff = FeatureFactory() currencies = [ 'AUDUSD', 'EURGBP', 'EURJPY', 'EURUSD', 'GBPJPY', 'GBPUSD', 'NZDUSD', 'USDCAD', 'USDCHF', 'USDJPY', ] actions = ['short', 'long'] def getReward(closes, start, end, action): closeStart = closes[start] closeEnd = closes[end] if action == 'short': reward = closeStart - closeEnd elif action == 'long':
if random() < epsilon: a = choice(actionsAvailable) # exploitation else: aMax = None QsaHighest = -1000 for a in actionsAvailable: Qsa = getActionStateValue(thetas, features[a], a) if Qsa > QsaHighest: QsaHighest = Qsa aMax = a a = aMax return a ff = FeatureFactory() alpha = 0.1 epsilon = 0.1 gamma = 0.9 if __name__ == '__main__': interval = '1440' # interval = choice(intervals) for currency in currencies: print '\n', currency, interval # load data opens, highs, lows, closes, volumes = loadData(currency, interval) print 'data loaded' dataSize = len(closes) # extract features
class STDNTrainer: def __init__(self): self.config = json.load(open("config.json", "r", encoding="utf-8")) self.dates = np.load(self.config["date_list"]) self.att_cover_len = self.config["attention_cover_daynum"] self.long_term_seq_len = self.config["long_term_sequence_len"] self.short_term_seq_len = self.config["short_term_sequence_len"] self.cnn_nbhd_size = self.config["cnn_neighbor_size"] self.history_feature_daynum = self.config["history_feature_daynum"] self.forecast_ahead_daynum = self.config["forecast_ahead_daynum"] self.batch_size = self.config["batch_size"] self.epochs = self.config["epochs"] self.patience = self.config["patience_earlystop"] # early_stop = CustomStopper(patience=patience) self.sampler = FeatureFactory(self.config["volume_train"], self.config["flow_train"]) self.modeler = STDNModel() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") def rmsle(self, y_true, y_pred): log_true = K.log(y_true + 1) log_pred = K.log(y_pred + 1) return K.sqrt(K.mean(K.square(log_pred - log_true), axis=-1)) def inverse_rmsle(self, x, n_sample): return np.power(x, 2) * n_sample def memory_monitor(self, ps): mem_used = ps.memory_full_info().uss / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 logging.warning("Memory used: {:.2f} GB".format(mem_used)) def memory_monitor_v2(self): """ Linux服务器可能无法安装psutil """ with open('/proc/meminfo') as f: mem_total = int(f.readline().split()[1]) mem_free = int(f.readline().split()[1]) _ = f.readline() # 跳过一行 mem_buffer = int(f.readline().split()[1]) mem_cache = int(f.readline().split()[1]) mem_used = mem_total - mem_free - mem_buffer - mem_cache mem_used = mem_used / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 logging.warning("Memory used: {:.2f} GB".format(mem_used)) def gen_input_to_model(self, att_flow_inputs, att_lstm_ex_inputs, flow_inputs, lstm_ex_inputs): final_input = {} valid_long_term_seq_len = self.long_term_seq_len - int( (self.att_cover_len - 1) / 2) for ts in range(valid_long_term_seq_len): final_input["att_lstm_ex_input_{0}".format( ts)] = att_lstm_ex_inputs[:, ts] for att in range(self.att_cover_len): final_input["att_flow_volume_input_{0}_{1}".format( ts, att)] = att_flow_inputs[:, ts, att] for ts in range(self.short_term_seq_len): final_input["flow_volume_input_{0}".format(ts)] = flow_inputs[:, ts] final_input["lstm_ex_input"] = lstm_ex_inputs return final_input def train(self): model = self.modeler.build_graph( graph_args=self.config, long_term_seq_len=self.long_term_seq_len, att_cover_len=self.att_cover_len, short_term_seq_len=self.short_term_seq_len, nbhd_size=2 * self.cnn_nbhd_size + 1, output_shape=3 * self.forecast_ahead_daynum) init_start = self.long_term_seq_len + 1 # 最前面的序列要用来取特征 losses = [] best_loss = 0 no_improve = 0 stop_flag = False batch_start_idx = int(init_start) for ep in range(self.epochs):"********** Epoch %d Begins **********" % (ep + 1)) epoch_end = False loss_epoch = [] step = 0 while not epoch_end: batch_end_idx = int(batch_start_idx + self.batch_size + self.forecast_ahead_daynum) if batch_end_idx >= len(self.dates) - 1: n_dates_batch = len(self.dates[batch_start_idx:]) epoch_end = True else: n_dates_batch = batch_end_idx - batch_start_idx"Sampling from date {0} to {1} ...".format( self.dates[batch_start_idx], self.dates[batch_start_idx + n_dates_batch])) x_att_flow, x_att_lstm_ex, x_flow, x_short_term, y = self.sampler.sample_stdn( mode="train", dates=self.dates, date_cursor=batch_start_idx, n_dates_batch=n_dates_batch, label_daynum=self.forecast_ahead_daynum, long_term_seq_len=self.long_term_seq_len, att_cover_len=self.att_cover_len, short_term_seq_len=self.short_term_seq_len, history_feature_daynum=self.history_feature_daynum, cnn_nbhd_size=self.cnn_nbhd_size)"Sample Completed") #"Attention Flow CNN Feature {0}".format(x_att_flow.shape)) # (6272, 21, 7, 7, 7, 4) #"Attention LSTM External Feature {0}".format(x_att_lstm_ex.shape)) # (6272, 21, 7, 25) #"Short-Term Flow CNN Feature {0}".format(x_flow.shape)) # (6272, 7, 7, 7, 4) #"Short-Term External Feature {0}".format(x_short_term.shape)) # (6272, 7, 25) #"Labels {0}".format(y.shape)) # (6272, 45) #"+" * 50) # cache_data = list() # cache_data.append(x_att_flow) # cache_data.append(x_att_lstm_ex) # cache_data.append(x_flow) # cache_data.append([x_short_term, ]) # cache_data.append(y) # pickle.dump(cache_data, open(config["saved_input_features"], "wb")) #["saved_input_features"], np.array(cache_data)) #[x_att_flow, x_att_lstm_ex, x_flow, x_short_term], y=y, # batch_size=batch_size, validation_split=config["validation_fraction"], # epochs=epochs, shuffle=False, callbacks=[early_stop]) feed_x = self.gen_input_to_model(x_att_flow, x_att_lstm_ex, x_flow, x_short_term) loss_step = model.train_on_batch(feed_x, y) "training loss at iter {} of epoch {} : {}".format( step, ep, loss_step)) loss_epoch.append( self.inverse_rmsle(loss_step, self.forecast_ahead_daynum)) if batch_end_idx >= len(self.dates): losses.append(np.sqrt( np.mean(loss_epoch))) # loss of whole epoch if len(losses) == self.patience: best_loss = min(losses) elif len(losses) > self.patience: best_loss_tmp = min(losses) if best_loss_tmp >= best_loss: no_improve += 1 else: best_loss = best_loss_tmp no_improve = 0["saved_model"] + "_epoch" + str(ep + 1) + "_loss" + str(best_loss) + ".hdf5") if no_improve >= self.patience: stop_flag = True if psutil_installed: ps = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) self.memory_monitor(ps) else: self.memory_monitor_v2() batch_start_idx += self.batch_size if batch_start_idx >= len(self.dates) - 1: epoch_end = True step += 1 if stop_flag: break best_epoch = losses.index(min(losses)) model = tf.keras.models.load_model(self.config["saved_model"] + "_epoch" + str(best_epoch + 1) + "_loss" + str(best_loss) + ".hdf5") # 给出最后一条样本的预测,去掉这条样本本身就是未来15天 x_att_flow, x_att_lstm_ex, x_flow, x_short_term, y = self.sampler.sample_stdn( mode='prediction', dates=self.dates, date_cursor=len(self.dates) - 1, n_dates_batch=1, label_daynum=self.forecast_ahead_daynum, long_term_seq_len=self.long_term_seq_len, att_cover_len=self.att_cover_len, short_term_seq_len=self.short_term_seq_len, history_feature_daynum=self.history_feature_daynum, cnn_nbhd_size=self.cnn_nbhd_size) feed_x = self.gen_input_to_model(x_att_flow, x_att_lstm_ex, x_flow, x_short_term) preds = model.predict(feed_x)"prediction result: {0}".format(preds))["saved_prediction"], preds)
Qsa = getActionStateValue(thetas, features[a], a) if Qsa > QsaHighest: QsaHighest = Qsa aMax = a a = aMax return a def getActionStateValue(thetas, Fsa, a): # pprint(Fsa) # pprint(thetas[a]) Qsa = sum(f * t for f, t in zip(Fsa, thetas[a])) return float(Qsa) ff = FeatureFactory() alpha = 0.1 epsilon = 0.1 gamma = 0.9 if __name__ == '__main__': interval = choice(intervals) for currency in currencies: # load data opens, highs, lows, closes, volumes = loadData(currency, interval) dataSize = len(closes) # extract features features = ff.getFeatures(opens, highs, lows, closes, volumes) # pprint(features) # load thetas
df = pd.read_csv( r'../' + currency + '1440.csv', names=['date', 'time', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume'], ) data = df.as_matrix() opens = data[:, 2].astype(float) highs = data[:, 3].astype(float) lows = data[:, 4].astype(float) closes = data[:, 5].astype(float) volumes = data[:, 6].astype(int) # calculating features print '\n calculating features...' ff = FeatureFactory() X_scaled = ff.getFeatures(opens, highs, lows, closes, volumes) # print X_scaled # set rewards # print '\ncalculating rewards...' rewards = ff.getRewards(closes) # print rewards # train split # print '\nsplitting training set' X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = ff.getSplit(X_scaled, rewards) # fitting regressor # print '\nfitting regressor' clf = ExtraTreesClassifier( # n_estimators=50,
#all_event_labels = {event_label for sent in training_set for event_labels in sent["events"] for event_label in event_labels.split(",")} NUM_EVENT_LABELS = len(all_event_labels) print("found {} event labels (incl. non-event) in the training dataset".format(NUM_EVENT_LABELS)) # create an event dictionary: {"event":[set of words labelled as this event],..} # load NOMLEX dictionary with open(nomlex_file, "r") as f: nomlex_dict = json.load(f) # extract all features from all sentences fd = defaultdict(int) for sent in training_set: for i,w in enumerate(sent["words"]): ff = FeatureFactory(sent, i, nomlex_dict) fd.update(ff.extract()) for k in fd: fd[k] = 0 print("collected {} features".format(len(fd))) print("unique features:{}".format(len(set(fd.keys())))) Scores([["O","Attack","O","O","O","Business"],["O","Business","O","Business","O","Business"]], [["O","Business","Attack", "O","O","Business"],["O","Attack","Attack", "O","Attack","Business"]]).show() nvi = 50
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.dates import YearLocator, MonthLocator, DateFormatter from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.cross_validation import cross_val_score import sklearn as sk import collections as col import operator from features import FeatureFactory from random import shuffle ff = FeatureFactory() features = ff.getNames() print 'len features = ' + str(len(features)) currencies = [ 'AUDUSD', 'EURGBP', 'EURJPY', 'EURUSD', 'GBPJPY', 'GBPUSD', 'NZDUSD', 'USDCAD', 'USDCHF', 'USDJPY', ] shuffle(currencies) for currency in currencies:
if __name__ == '__main__': # randomly select currency (due to high iteration) currency = choice(currencies) interval = choice(intervals) print currency, interval print 'loading dataframe...' df = pd.read_csv( r'../data/' + currency + interval + '.csv', names=['date', 'time', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume'], # parse_dates=[[0, 1]], # index_col=0, ) print df.tail() ff = FeatureFactory() # establish and calculate the trade set ups print '\n\nprocessing entries...' ff.getEntries(df) # print df # establish exits print '\n\nprocessing...' trades = ff.process(df) # print trades wins, losses = 0, 0 tradeWon = None tradeLost = None for trade in trades:
a = choice(range(len(ACTIONS))) # exploitation else: aMax = None QsaHighest = -1000 for a, aValue in enumerate(ACTIONS): #Qsa = getActionStateValue(thetas, features[a], a) Qsa = thetas[a] if Qsa > QsaHighest: QsaHighest = Qsa aMax = a a = aMax return a ff = FeatureFactory() ALPHA = 0.1 EPSILON = 0.1 GAMMA = 0.9 if __name__ == '__main__': interval = choice(INTERVALS) for currency in CURRENCIES: print '\n', currency, interval # load data df = loadData(currency, interval) dfIndex = df.index.values #print df ACTIONS = createActions(df) pprint(ACTIONS)