def fb_sendoc(request, ss="", iex_id=""): ss = assure_ss(request, ss) rd = {} if ss and ss not in get_SP500(): messages.warning(request, 'Non-SP500 stocks are not supported for Fame Sense') # return redirect else: rd['ss'] = ss if not table_exist('ff_finnews_f2') or not table_exist( 'ff_finnews_f3') or not table_exist('ff_finnews_f4'): messages.warning(request, 'Fame Sense temporarily offline') # return redirect else: check_sym = runsql( "select a.*, b.iex_related, b.iex_title, b.article_url from (select * from ff_finnews_f2 where symbol='" + ss + "' and iex_id='" + str(iex_id) + "') a, ff_finnews_iex b where a.iex_id=b.iex_id limit 1") if not check_sym: messages.warning(request, 'Fame Sense has not processed that document') else: rd['iex_id'] = iex_id rd['title'] = check_sym[0]['iex_title'] rd['url'] = "/re?s=" + ss + "&v=fb_sendoc&t=iexnews&u=" + check_sym[ 0]['article_url'] rd['watching'] = is_watching(request, ss) if ss else False return render(request, 'famebits/fb_sense_doc.html', rd)
def famelist(request, ss="", d=0, n=50, page_size=5): if not request.user.is_authenticated: messages.warning(request, 'Events and tips are disabled for non-<a href="/accounts/login/?next='+request.path+'">login</a> users.') terms = runsql("select d, term from ff_stock_w42 group by d, term order by d") if d and d not in [i['d'] for i in terms]: return redirect("/fl/") if not request.user.is_authenticated: if d: symbol_list = runsql("select a.*,, b.sector from (select rn+1 rn, symbol, dp from ff_stock_w42 where d="+str(d)+" order by rn limit "+str(n)+") a, ff_scan_symbols b where a.symbol=b.symbol order by rn") else: symbol_list = runsql("select a.*,, b.sector from (select * from ff_stock_w43 limit "+str(n)+") a, ff_scan_symbols b where a.symbol=b.symbol order by rn") else: if d: symbol_list = runsql("select a.*,, b.sector, if(c.symbol is null,0,1) watching from (select rn+1 rn, symbol, dp from ff_stock_w42 where d="+str(d)+" order by rn limit "+str(n)+") a inner join \ ff_scan_symbols b on a.symbol=b.symbol left join \ (select a.symbol, request_dt from ff_app_watchlist a, (select symbol, max(request_dt) mrdt from ff_app_watchlist where uid="+str(" group by symbol) b \ where a.uid="+str(" and a.symbol=b.symbol and a.request_dt=b.mrdt and a.action='add') \ c on a.symbol=c.symbol order by rn") else: symbol_list = runsql("select a.*,, b.sector, if(c.symbol is null,0,1) watching from (select * from ff_stock_w43 limit "+str(n)+") a inner join \ ff_scan_symbols b on a.symbol=b.symbol left join \ (select a.symbol, request_dt from ff_app_watchlist a, (select symbol, max(request_dt) mrdt from ff_app_watchlist where uid="+str(" group by symbol) b \ where a.uid="+str(" and a.symbol=b.symbol and a.request_dt=b.mrdt and a.action='add') \ c on a.symbol=c.symbol order by rn") for r in symbol_list: r['sym_id'] = r['symbol'].replace('.','-') r['bid'] = int((r['rn']-1) / page_size) for t in terms: s = t['term'].split() t['short'] = s[0]+s[1][0] term = terms[ [i['d'] for i in terms].index(d) ]['term'] if d else "Fame66" rs = {"symbol_list":symbol_list, "terms": terms, "term": term, "d": d, "SP500": get_SP500(), "max_bid": int((n-1)/page_size)} return render(request, 'famelist.html', rs)
def items(self): famelist = [ '/fl/2/', '/fl/7/', '/fl/14/', '/fl/30/', '/fl/90/', '/fl/180/' ] famehub = get_SP500() famehub = ['/fh/' + f + '/' for f in famehub] #return famelist + famehub return famehub
def index(request): assure_session(request) is_text = True if request.user.is_authenticated and table_exist("ff_app_userpref"): q = runsql("select * from ff_app_userpref where uid = "+str(" and pref = 'home_block'") if len(q): is_text = q[0]['choice']=='txt' return render(request, 'home.html', {"SP500": get_SP500(), "is_text": is_text})
def fb_bes(request, ss=""): ss = assure_ss(request, ss) if ss and ss not in get_SP500(): messages.warning(request, 'Non-SP500 stocks are not supported for BestEver') ss = '' watching = is_watching(request, ss) if ss else False return render(request, 'famebits/fb_besteversent.html', { 'ss': ss, 'watching': watching })
def my_watch_quotes(request, ss="", n_warning=100): if not request.user.is_authenticated: return redirect("/") symbol_list = get_watched_symbols(request) if not symbol_list: messages.warning(request, 'Watchlist empty.') return redirect("/my/recent/quotes/") if len(symbol_list) > n_warning: messages.warning( request, 'Watchlist longer than ' + str(n_warning) + '. Some features are disabled.') for r in symbol_list: r['sym_id'] = r['symbol'].replace('.', '-') rs = {"symbol_list": symbol_list, "SP500": get_SP500()} return render(request, 'my/my_quotes.html', rs)
def my_recent_quotes(request, ss="", n="10", default_list=False): if not request.user.is_authenticated: return redirect("/") # symbol_list contains info on which symbols are watched symbol_list = get_recent_symbols(request) if not symbol_list: symbol_list = get_default_list() default_list = True for r in symbol_list: r['sym_id'] = r['symbol'].replace('.', '-') rs = { "symbol_list": symbol_list, "SP500": get_SP500(), "default_list": default_list } return render(request, 'my/my_quotes.html', rs)
def watchlist_entry(request, s="", action="", max_watch=30): s = assure_ss(request, s) action = action.lower() if action != "add" and action != "drop": return JsonResponse({"success": False, "message": "Invalid action"}) if request.method != "POST" or not request.user.is_authenticated: return JsonResponse({ "success": False, "message": "Invalid method or user not logged in" }) x_forwarded_for = request.META.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR') ipaddress = "" if x_forwarded_for: ipaddress = x_forwarded_for.split(',')[-1].strip() else: ipaddress = request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR') request_view = request.POST.get("view", "") watching = [i['symbol'] for i in get_watched_symbols(request)] if action == "add": if not s: return JsonResponse({"message": "Empty symbol"}) if s not in get_SP500() and not IEX_validator_single(s): return JsonResponse({"message": "Invalid symbol " + s}) if len(watching) >= max_watch: return JsonResponse({ "message": "Reached maximum " + str(max_watch) + " of watched symbols. Drop some" }) else: # action == "drop" if s not in watching: return JsonResponse({"message": "Not watching " + s}) o_watchlist = WatchList( uid=request.user if request.user.is_authenticated else None,, request_ip=ipaddress, request_view=request_view, symbol=s, action=action) return JsonResponse({"message": "Succeeded"})
def famer_scan(request, n_symbol=20, page_size=5, ftype="ahd", max_rows=STYPE_LIST_MAX_ROWS): if not table_exist("ff_status_scan"): return redirect("/") ftype = ftype.lower() f = [i['ftype'] for i in STYPE_LIST] if ftype not in f: return redirect("/fmr/") e = next(i for i in STYPE_LIST if i['ftype'] == ftype) if e['stype'] == 'ahd': if not table_exist("ff_status_scan_o4"): return redirect("/") s = AHEAD_SQL.replace("$MAXROWS", str(max_rows)) else: s = STYPE_SQL.replace("$N_SYMBOL", str(n_symbol)) s = s.replace("$STYPE", e['stype']) s = s.replace("$SCLAUSE", e['sclause']) s = s.replace("$MAXROWS", str(max_rows)) symbol_list = runsql(s) W = [i['symbol'] for i in get_watched_symbols(request)] for r in symbol_list: r['sym_id'] = r['symbol'].replace('.', '-') r['bid'] = int((r['rn'] - 1) / page_size) r['w'] = r['symbol'] in W rd = { "symbol_list": symbol_list, "ftype": ftype, "stype": e['stype'], "url_stype": ('dme' if e['stype'] == 'cfp' else e['stype']), "ftype_name": e['name'], "ftype_desc": e['desc'], "STYPE_LIST": STYPE_LIST, "SP500": get_SP500(), "max_bid": int((len(symbol_list) - 1) / page_size) } return render(request, 'famers/famers_list.html', rd)
def bestever(request, ss="", d="180", lastn="11"): if not ss or len(ss)>5: if len(ss)>5: messages.warning(request, 'Invalid stock symbol.') try: raw_sql = "select symbol from ff_stock_w43 where rn<20 order by rand() limit 1" ss = runsql(raw_sql)[0]['symbol'] messages.warning(request, 'Showing one of the top performing stock recently: <b>'+ss+'</b>') return redirect("/be/"+ss+"/30/") except: messages.warning(request, 'Bestever cannot find any good performing stock recently.') return redirect("/") ss = ss.upper() if d.isdigit(): d = int(d) if d > 365: messages.warning(request, 'Only showing quotes for up to the past 365 days.') return redirect("/be/"+ss+"/365/") if d <= 0: d = 1 else: d = 180 cdt = - datetime.timedelta(hours=19) ds = runsql("select max(close_date) ds from ff_stock_w40 a, (select max(close_date) m from ff_stock_w40) b where datediff(b.m,a.close_date)>="+str(d))[0]['ds'] de = runsql("select max(close_date) de from ff_stock_w40")[0]['de'] rawsql = "select close_date, high, low, close, volume from ff_stock where symbol='"+ss+"' and close_date>'"+ds.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")+"'" symbol_line = runsql(rawsql) if len(symbol_line) == 0: messages.warning(request, 'No data for the stock symbol <b>'+ss+'</b>') return redirect("/be/") while not runsql("select count(1) cnt from ff_stock_w4 where close_date='"+ds.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")+"'")[0]['cnt']: ds += relativedelta(days=1) while not runsql("select count(1) cnt from ff_stock_w4 where close_date='"+de.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")+"'")[0]['cnt']: de -= relativedelta(days=1) for s in symbol_line: s['close_date'] = 1000*time.mktime(s['close_date'].timetuple()) if d < 210: rawsql = "select a.*, security, sector, subsec, hq, c.close l_close, c.d l_diff, c.dp l_dp from ( \ select rn+1 rn, symbol, round(c_diff*100,2) c_diff from ff_stock_w5 where start_date='"+ds.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")+"' and end_date='"+de.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")+"' and symbol='"+ss+"' \ ) a inner join ff_scan_symbols b on a.symbol=b.symbol left join ff_stock_w41 c on a.symbol=c.symbol order by rn" else: rawsql = "select a.*, security, sector, subsec, hq, c.close l_close, c.d l_diff, c.dp l_dp from ( \ select rn+1 rn, symbol, round(c_diff*100,2) c_diff from ff_stock_w3 where start_month='"+ds.strftime("%Y%m")+"' and end_month='"+de.strftime("%Y%m")+"' and symbol='"+ss+"' \ ) a inner join ff_scan_symbols b on a.symbol=b.symbol left join ff_stock_w41 c on a.symbol=c.symbol order by rn" symbol_desc = runsql(rawsql) if len(symbol_desc) == 0: return redirect("/be/") symbol_desc = symbol_desc[0] symbol_desc['pr'] = get_rank(symbol_desc['rn']) assure_session(request) log_bestever_session(request, ss=ss, d=d) symbol_best = runsql("select * from ff_stock_best where symbol='"+ss+"'") best_terms = [] for s in symbol_best: if s['rg'][:2] in [b['rg'][:2] for b in best_terms]: continue i = re.split('(\D+)',s['rg']) s['base_val'] = int(i[0]) s['base_unit'] = i[1] s['best_val'] = int(i[2]) s['best_unit'] = i[3] s['pr'] = get_rank(s['rn']) s['same_year'] = s['start'].year == s['end'].year if i[3] == 'm': s['url'] = '/hsm/?ds='+s['start'].strftime("%m/%Y").replace("/","%2F")+"&de="+s['end'].strftime("%m/%Y").replace("/","%2F")+"&ss="+ss s['url_range'] = '/hsm/?ds='+(cdt-relativedelta(years=s['base_val'])).strftime("%m/%Y").replace("/","%2F")+"&de="+cdt.strftime("%m/%Y").replace("/","%2F")+"&ss="+ss else: s['url'] = '/hsd/?ds='+s['start'].strftime("%m/%d/%Y").replace("/","%2F")+"&de="+s['end'].strftime("%m/%d/%Y").replace("/","%2F")+"&ss="+ss s['url_range'] = '/hsm/?ds='+(cdt-relativedelta(months=s['base_val'])).strftime("%m/%Y").replace("/","%2F")+"&de="+cdt.strftime("%m/%Y").replace("/","%2F")+"&ss="+ss s['c_diff'] = int(100*s['c_diff']) best_terms.append(s) symbol_terms = runsql("select term, d, df, dp, rn from ff_stock_w42 where symbol='"+ss+"' order by d") for s in symbol_terms: s['rn'] = get_rank(s['rn']) symbol_smry = runsql("select * from ff_stock_w43 where symbol='"+ss+"'")[0] # previous viewed symbols sk = request.session._session_key if len(sk)>30 and len(sk)<=40: uid = if request.user.is_authenticated else 0 # rawsql = "select a.symbol, a.d from ff_logging_besteversessionlog a, \ # (select symbol, max(request_dt) mdt from ff_logging_besteversessionlog where session_key='"+sk+"' group by symbol) b \ # where a.session_key='"+sk+"' and a.symbol=b.symbol and a.request_dt=b.mdt order by request_dt desc limit "+lastn rawsql = "select a.symbol, a.d from ff_logging_besteversessionlog a, \ (select symbol, max(request_dt) mdt from ff_logging_besteversessionlog where session_key='"+sk+"' or uid='"+str(uid)+"' group by symbol) b \ where (a.session_key='"+sk+"' or a.uid='"+str(uid)+"') and a.symbol=b.symbol and a.request_dt=b.mdt order by request_dt desc limit "+lastn last_ss = runsql(rawsql) last_ss = last_ss[1:] for i in last_ss: i['sym_id'] = i['symbol'].replace('.','-') else: last_ss = [] watching = 0 if request.user.is_authenticated: a = runsql("select action from ff_app_watchlist where uid="+str(uid)+" and symbol='"+ss+"' order by request_dt desc limit 1") if a: if a[0]['action'] == 'add': watching = 1 # volume rawsql = "select volume, avg_volume, std_volume, z_volume, minmin_z, maxmax_z, bin from ff_stock_vol_w8 where symbol = '"+ss+"'" vol_context = runsql(rawsql)[0] rawsql = "select * from ff_stock_vol_w4" vol_bins = runsql(rawsql) rd = {'d': d, "ds": ds, "de": de, 'ss': ss, 'symbol_desc': symbol_desc, 'symbol_line': symbol_line, 'symbol_terms': symbol_terms, 'symbol_smry': symbol_smry, 'best_terms': best_terms, "SP500": get_SP500(), "last_ss": last_ss, "watching": watching, 'vol_context': vol_context, 'vol_bins': vol_bins } return render(request, 'symbol_landing.html', rd)
def hindsight_daily(request, ds="", de="", ss=""): to_be_redir = False if not ds: ds = request.GET.get('ds', '') if not de: de = request.GET.get('de', '') if not ss: ss = request.GET.get('ss', '').upper() maxD = - datetime.timedelta(hours=22) if maxD.weekday()>4: maxD -= datetime.timedelta(days=1) if maxD.weekday()>4: maxD -= datetime.timedelta(days=1) minD = if minD.weekday()>4: minD += datetime.timedelta(days=1) if minD.weekday()>4: minD += datetime.timedelta(days=1) hard_min = - relativedelta(months=7) hard_max = - relativedelta(months=6) SminD = minD.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") EminD = minD.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") SmaxD = maxD.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") EmaxD = maxD.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") r = re.compile('\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4}') if not de or not r.match(de) or len(de)!=10: to_be_redir = True de = maxD.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") if not ds or not r.match(ds) or len(ds)!=10: to_be_redir = True daydiff = (( datetime.timedelta(hours=19)) - datetime.datetime.strptime(de,"%m/%d/%Y")).days choices = [i for i in [7,14,21,30,60,90,120,180,210] if i>=daydiff] random_days = random.choice(choices) ds = ( - relativedelta(days=random_days)).strftime("%m/%d/%Y") if not to_be_redir: if datetime.datetime.strptime(de,"%m/%d/%Y") < hard_max : to_be_redir = True de = hard_max.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") messages.warning(request, 'The end date needs to be within the last <strong>6</strong> months. Fixed.') if datetime.datetime.strptime(de,"%m/%d/%Y") > maxD : to_be_redir = True de = maxD.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") messages.warning(request, 'Showing the top stocks up to current time only.') if datetime.datetime.strptime(ds,"%m/%d/%Y") < hard_min : ds = (datetime.datetime.strptime(ds,"%m/%d/%Y")).strftime("%m/%Y") de = (datetime.datetime.strptime(de,"%m/%d/%Y")).strftime("%m/%Y") messages.warning(request, 'Changed to monthly resolution for period longer than 6 months.') return redirect("/hsm/?ds="+ds.replace("/","%2F")+"&de="+de.replace("/","%2F")+"&ss="+ss) while not runsql("select count(1) cnt from ff_stock_w4 where close_date='"+(datetime.datetime.strptime(de,"%m/%d/%Y")).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")+"'")[0]['cnt']: to_be_redir = True de = (datetime.datetime.strptime(de,"%m/%d/%Y") - relativedelta(days=1)).strftime("%m/%d/%Y") if datetime.datetime.strptime(ds,"%m/%d/%Y") > datetime.datetime.strptime(de,"%m/%d/%Y"): to_be_redir = True ds = de while not runsql("select count(1) cnt from ff_stock_w4 where close_date='"+(datetime.datetime.strptime(ds,"%m/%d/%Y")).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")+"'")[0]['cnt']: to_be_redir = True ds = (datetime.datetime.strptime(ds,"%m/%d/%Y") + relativedelta(days=1)).strftime("%m/%d/%Y") if len(ss) > 5 or ss not in get_SP500(): to_be_redir = True ss = "" if to_be_redir: return redirect("/hsd/?ds="+ds.replace("/","%2F")+"&de="+de.replace("/","%2F")+"&ss="+ss) EminD = ds SmaxD = de _ds = ds.replace('/','-') _ds = _ds[6:] + "-" + _ds[:5] _de = de.replace('/','-') _de = _de[6:] + "-" + _de[:5] es = datetime.datetime.strptime(ds,"%m/%d/%Y") ee = datetime.datetime.strptime(de,"%m/%d/%Y") sy = es.year == ee.year _ds = str(runsql("select max(close_date) ds from ff_stock_w40 where close_date<'"+_ds+"'")[0]['ds']) assure_session(request) log_hindsight_request(request, ld="/hsd/", ds=datetime.datetime.strptime(ds,"%m/%d/%Y"), de=datetime.datetime.strptime(de,"%m/%d/%Y"), ss=ss) if not request.user.is_authenticated: rawsql = "select a.*, security, sector, c.close l_close, c.d l_diff, c.dp l_dp from ( \ select a.* from (select rn+1 rn, symbol, round(c_diff*100,2) c_diff from ff_stock_w5 where start_date='"+_ds+"' and end_date='"+_de+"' order by rn limit 10) a \ union \ select rn+1 rn, symbol, round(c_diff*100,2) c_diff from ff_stock_w5 where start_date='"+_ds+"' and end_date='"+_de+"' and symbol='"+ss+"' \ ) a inner join ff_scan_symbols b on a.symbol=b.symbol left join ff_stock_w41 c on a.symbol=c.symbol order by rn" else: rawsql = "select a.*, security, sector, c.close l_close, c.d l_diff, c.dp l_dp, if(d.symbol is null,0,1) watching from ( \ select a.* from (select rn+1 rn, symbol, round(c_diff*100,2) c_diff from ff_stock_w5 where start_date='"+_ds+"' and end_date='"+_de+"' order by rn limit 10) a \ union \ select rn+1 rn, symbol, round(c_diff*100,2) c_diff from ff_stock_w5 where start_date='"+_ds+"' and end_date='"+_de+"' and symbol='"+ss+"' \ ) a inner join ff_scan_symbols b on a.symbol=b.symbol left join ff_stock_w41 c on a.symbol=c.symbol left join \ (select a.symbol, request_dt from ff_app_watchlist a, (select symbol, max(request_dt) mrdt from ff_app_watchlist where uid="+str(" group by symbol) b \ where a.uid="+str(" and a.symbol=b.symbol and a.request_dt=b.mrdt and a.action='add') \ d on a.symbol=d.symbol order by rn" symbol_list = runsql(rawsql) pr = "" for i in symbol_list: i['sym_id'] = i['symbol'].replace('.','-') if i['symbol'] == ss: pr = get_rank(i['rn']) rawsql = "select a.*, round((a.close-c.low)/c.low*100,2) gp, rn from ff_stock a use index (ff_stock_i1), ff_stock_w4 c, \ (select a.* from (select rn, symbol from ff_stock_w5 where start_date='"+_ds+"' and end_date='"+_de+"' order by rn limit 10) a union \ select rn, symbol from ff_stock_w5 where start_date='"+_ds+"' and end_date='"+_de+"' and symbol='"+ss+"' \ ) b where a.symbol=b.symbol and a.close_date >= '"+_ds+"' and a.close_date <= '"+_de+"' \ and b.symbol=c.symbol and c.close_date = '"+_ds+"'" symbol_line = runsql(rawsql) for s in symbol_line: s['close_date'] = 1000*time.mktime(s['close_date'].timetuple()) rs = {"SminD":SminD, "EminD":EminD, "SmaxD":SmaxD, "EmaxD":EmaxD, "ds": ds, "de": de, "ss": ss, "es": es, "ee": ee, "sy": sy, "symbol_list": symbol_list, "symbol_line": symbol_line, "pr":pr, "SP500":get_SP500(), "rq": generate_ranged_query(), "ytd": generate_ytd_query() } return render(request, 'hindsight_daily.html', rs)
def hindsight_monthly(request, ds="", de="", ss="", maxyear=5): to_be_redir = False if not ds: ds = request.GET.get('ds', '') if not de: de = request.GET.get('de', '') if not ss: ss = request.GET.get('ss', '').upper() maxD = - datetime.timedelta(hours=22) if maxD.weekday()>4: maxD -= datetime.timedelta(days=1) if maxD.weekday()>4: maxD -= datetime.timedelta(days=1) hard_min = - relativedelta(years=maxyear) SminD = hard_min.strftime("%m/%Y") EmaxD = maxD.strftime("%m/%Y") r = re.compile('\d{2}/\d{4}') if not ds or not r.match(ds) or len(ds)!=7: to_be_redir = True random_years = random.choice(list(range(1,6))) ds = ( - relativedelta(years=random_years)).strftime("%m/%Y") messages.warning(request, 'Showing the top stock symbols during the last <strong>'+str(random_years)+'</strong> years.') if not de or not r.match(de) or len(de)!=7: to_be_redir = True messages.warning(request, 'Not a valid end date - reset end date to last trading day') de = maxD.strftime("%m/%Y") if not to_be_redir: if datetime.datetime.strptime(de,"%m/%Y") > maxD : to_be_redir = True de = maxD.strftime("%m/%Y") messages.warning(request, 'Showing the top stocks up to current time only.') if datetime.datetime.strptime(ds,"%m/%Y") < datetime.datetime.strptime(hard_min.strftime("%m/%Y"),"%m/%Y") : to_be_redir = True ds = hard_min.strftime("%m/%Y") messages.warning(request, 'Showing the top stock symbols during the last <strong>'+str(maxyear)+'</strong> years only.') while not runsql("select count(1) cnt from ff_stock_w2 where close_month='"+(datetime.datetime.strptime(de,"%m/%Y")).strftime("%Y%m")+"'")[0]['cnt']: to_be_redir = True de = (datetime.datetime.strptime(de,"%m/%Y") - relativedelta(months=1)).strftime("%m/%Y") if datetime.datetime.strptime(ds,"%m/%Y") >= datetime.datetime.strptime(de,"%m/%Y"): to_be_redir = True ds = (datetime.datetime.strptime(de,"%m/%Y") - relativedelta(months=1)).strftime("%m/%Y") if len(ss) > 5 or ss not in get_SP500(): to_be_redir = True ss = "" if to_be_redir: return redirect("/hsm/?ds="+ds.replace("/","%2F")+"&de="+de.replace("/","%2F")+"&ss="+ss) EminD = ds SmaxD = de _ds = ds.replace('/','') _ds = _ds[2:] + _ds[:2] _de = de.replace('/','') _de = _de[2:] + _de[:2] es = datetime.datetime.strptime(ds,"%m/%Y") ee = datetime.datetime.strptime(de,"%m/%Y") sy = es.year == ee.year assure_session(request) log_hindsight_request(request, ld="/hsm/", ds=es, de=ee, ss=ss) if not request.user.is_authenticated: rawsql = "select a.*, security, sector, c.close l_close, c.d l_diff, c.dp l_dp from ( \ select a.* from (select rn+1 rn, symbol, round(c_diff*100,2) c_diff from ff_stock_w3 where start_month='"+_ds+"' and end_month='"+_de+"' order by rn limit 10) a \ union \ select rn+1 rn, symbol, round(c_diff*100,2) c_diff from ff_stock_w3 where start_month='"+_ds+"' and end_month='"+_de+"' and symbol='"+ss+"' \ ) a inner join ff_scan_symbols b on a.symbol=b.symbol left join ff_stock_w41 c on a.symbol=c.symbol order by rn" else: rawsql = "select a.*, security, sector, c.close l_close, c.d l_diff, c.dp l_dp, if(d.symbol is null,0,1) watching from ( \ select a.* from (select rn+1 rn, symbol, round(c_diff*100,2) c_diff from ff_stock_w3 where start_month='"+_ds+"' and end_month='"+_de+"' order by rn limit 10) a \ union \ select rn+1 rn, symbol, round(c_diff*100,2) c_diff from ff_stock_w3 where start_month='"+_ds+"' and end_month='"+_de+"' and symbol='"+ss+"' \ ) a inner join ff_scan_symbols b on a.symbol=b.symbol left join ff_stock_w41 c on a.symbol=c.symbol left join \ (select a.symbol, request_dt from ff_app_watchlist a, (select symbol, max(request_dt) mrdt from ff_app_watchlist where uid="+str(" group by symbol) b \ where a.uid="+str(" and a.symbol=b.symbol and a.request_dt=b.mrdt and a.action='add') \ d on a.symbol=d.symbol order by rn" symbol_list = runsql(rawsql) pr = "" for i in symbol_list: i['sym_id'] = i['symbol'].replace('.','-') if i['symbol'] == ss: pr = get_rank(i['rn']) rawsql = "select a.*, c_min, round((close-c_min)/c_min*100,2) gp, rn from ff_stock a, ff_stock_w2 c, \ (select a.* from (select rn, symbol from ff_stock_w3 where start_month='"+_ds+"' and end_month='"+_de+"' order by rn limit 10) a union \ select rn, symbol from ff_stock_w3 where start_month='"+_ds+"' and end_month='"+_de+"' and symbol='"+ss+"' \ ) b where a.symbol=b.symbol and DATE_FORMAT(a.close_date, '%Y%m') >= '"+_ds+"' and DATE_FORMAT(a.close_date, '%Y%m') <= '"+_de+"' \ and b.symbol=c.symbol and c.close_month = '"+_ds+"' and mod(day(close_date),5)=1" symbol_line = runsql(rawsql) for s in symbol_line: s['close_date'] = 1000*time.mktime(s['close_date'].timetuple()) rs = {"SminD": SminD, "EminD": EminD, "SmaxD": SmaxD, "EmaxD": EmaxD, "es": es, "ee": ee, "sy": sy, "ds": ds, "de": de, "ss": ss, "symbol_list": symbol_list, "symbol_line": symbol_line, "pr": pr, "SP500": get_SP500(), "rq": generate_ranged_query(), "ytd": generate_ytd_query() } return render(request, 'hindsight_monthly.html', rs)