def _run_match(self, match_id, home_team, away_team, home_agent, away_agent): game = Game(match_id, home_team=deepcopy(home_team), away_team=deepcopy(away_team), home_agent=home_agent, away_agent=away_agent, config=self.config, record=self.record) game.config.fast_mode = True game.config.competition_mode = True print("Starting new match") try: with stopit.ThreadingTimeout(int( as to_ctx_mgr: game.init() if to_ctx_mgr.state != to_ctx_mgr.EXECUTED: print("Game timed out!") game.end_time = time.time() game.game_over = True game.disqualified_agent = return GameResult(game) except Exception as e: print( f"Game crashed by { if is not None else 'the framework'}: ", e) game.disqualified_agent = return GameResult(game, crashed=True) return GameResult(game)
def setup(self, game: g.Game): """ Move players from the reserves to the pitch """ i = len(game.get_players_on_pitch(self.my_team)) reserves = game.get_reserves(self.my_team) if i == 11 or len(reserves) == 0: return m.Action(t.ActionType.END_SETUP) player = reserves[0] y = 3 x = 13 if game.is_team_side(m.Square(13, 3), self.my_team) else 14 return m.Action(t.ActionType.PLACE_PLAYER, player=player, pos=m.Square(x, y + i))
def touchback(self, game: g.Game): """ Select player to give the ball to. """ for player in game.get_players_on_pitch(self.my_team, up=True): if m.Skill.BLOCK in player.skills: return m.Action(t.ActionType.SELECT_PLAYER, player=player) return m.Action(t.ActionType.SELECT_NONE)
def place_ball(self, game: g.Game): """ Place the ball when kicking. """ left_center = m.Square(7, 8) right_center = m.Square(20, 8) if game.is_team_side(left_center, self.opp_team): return m.Action(t.ActionType.PLACE_BALL, pos=left_center) return m.Action(t.ActionType.PLACE_BALL, pos=right_center)
def _run_match(self, match_id, home_team, away_team, home_agent, away_agent): game = Game(match_id, home_team=deepcopy(home_team), away_team=deepcopy(away_team), home_agent=home_agent, away_agent=away_agent, config=self.config) game.config.fast_mode = True game.config.competition_mode = True try: with self.time_limit(int(self.config.time_limits.game_time_limit)): game.init() except TimeoutException: print("Game timed out!") # Load from autosave #data_path = get_data_path(rel_path=f"auto/{game.game_id}.ffai") #game = pickle.load(open(data_path, "rb")) game.end_time = time.time() return GameResult(game) except Exception as e: print(f"Game crashed by { if is not None else 'the framework'}: ", e) return GameResult(game, crashed=True) return GameResult(game)
def _compete(self, match_id, home, away): game = Game(match_id, home_team=deepcopy(, away_team=deepcopy(,,, config=self.config) game.config.fast_mode = True game.config.competition_mode = True game.init() game.step() assert game.state.game_over return GameResult(game)
def run_game(nbr_of_games, enable_forward_model): config = ffai.load_config("gym-11") config.fast_mode = True ruleset = ffai.load_rule_set(config.ruleset) home = ffai.load_team_by_filename("human", ruleset) away = ffai.load_team_by_filename("human", ruleset) away_agent = Agent("Human 1", human=True, agent_id=1) home_agent = Agent("Human 2", human=True, agent_id=2) seed = 0 random_agent = ffai.make_bot('random') random_agent.rnd = np.random.RandomState(seed) for _ in range(nbr_of_games): game = Game(seed, home, away, home_agent, away_agent, config) game.init() if enable_forward_model: game.enable_forward_model() while not game.state.game_over: game.step(random_agent.act(game))
def high_kick(self, game: g.Game): """ Select player to move under the ball. """ ball_pos = game.get_ball_position() if game.is_team_side(game.get_ball_position(), self.my_team) and \ game.get_player_at(game.get_ball_position()) is None: for player in game.get_players_on_pitch(self.my_team, up=True): if m.Skill.BLOCK in player.skills: return m.Action(t.ActionType.PLACE_PLAYER, player=player, pos=ball_pos) return m.Action(t.ActionType.SELECT_NONE)
def reverse_x_for_left(game: g.Game, team: m.Team, x: int) -> int: if game.is_team_side(m.Square(13, 3), team): res = game.state.pitch.width - 1 - x else: res = x return res
def add_players_moved(self, game: g.Game, players: List[m.Player]): for player in players: adjacents: List[m.Square] = game.get_adjacent_squares(player.position, include_occupied=True) self.units_friendly[player.position.x][player.position.y] += 1.0 for adjacent in adjacents: self.units_friendly[player.position.x][player.position.y] += 0.5
def new_game(self, game: g.Game, team): """ Called when a new game starts. """ self.my_team = team self.opp_team = game.get_opp_team(team)
register_bot('scripted', MyScriptedBot) if __name__ == "__main__": # Load configurations, rules, arena and teams config = load_config("bot-bowl-ii") config.competition_mode = True # config = get_config("ff-7.json") # config = get_config("ff-5.json") # config = get_config("ff-3.json") ruleset = load_rule_set(config.ruleset, all_rules=False) # We don't need all the rules arena = load_arena(config.arena) home = load_team_by_filename("human", ruleset) away = load_team_by_filename("human", ruleset) # Play 100 games for i in range(10): home_agent = make_bot('scripted') = "Scripted Bot 1" away_agent = make_bot('scripted') = "Scripted Bot 3" config.debug_mode = False game = Game(i, home, away, home_agent, away_agent, config, arena=arena, ruleset=ruleset) game.config.fast_mode = True print("Starting game", (i+1)) start = time.time() game.init() end = time.time() print(end - start)