Esempio n. 1
 def place_ball(self, game):
     Place the ball when kicking.
     left_center = Square(7, 8)
     right_center = Square(20, 8)
     if game.is_team_side(left_center, self.opp_team):
         return Action(ActionType.PLACE_BALL, position=left_center)
     return Action(ActionType.PLACE_BALL, position=right_center)
Esempio n. 2
 def interception(self, game):
     Select interceptor.
     for action in game.state.available_actions:
         if action.action_type == ActionType.SELECT_PLAYER:
             for player, rolls in zip(action.players, action.rolls):
                 return Action(ActionType.SELECT_PLAYER, player=player)
     return Action(ActionType.SELECT_NONE)
Esempio n. 3
 def touchback(self, game):
     Select player to give the ball to.
     p = None
     for player in game.get_players_on_pitch(self.my_team, up=True):
         if Skill.BLOCK in player.get_skills():
             return Action(ActionType.SELECT_PLAYER, player=player)
         p = player
     return Action(ActionType.SELECT_PLAYER, player=p)
Esempio n. 4
 def high_kick(self, game):
     Select player to move under the ball.
     ball_pos = game.get_ball_position()
     if game.is_team_side(game.get_ball_position(), self.my_team) and \
             game.get_player_at(game.get_ball_position()) is None:
         for player in game.get_players_on_pitch(self.my_team, up=True):
             if Skill.BLOCK in player.get_skills() and game.num_tackle_zones_in(player) == 0:
                 return Action(ActionType.SELECT_PLAYER, player=player, position=ball_pos)
     return Action(ActionType.SELECT_NONE)
Esempio n. 5
 def setup(self, game):
     Move players from the reserves to the pitch
     i = len(game.get_players_on_pitch(self.my_team))
     reserves = game.get_reserves(self.my_team)
     if i == 11 or len(reserves) == 0:
         return Action(ActionType.END_SETUP)
     player = reserves[0]
     y = 3
     x = 13 if game.is_team_side(Square(13, 3), self.my_team) else 14
     return Action(ActionType.PLACE_PLAYER, player=player, position=Square(x, y + i))
Esempio n. 6
    def block(self, game):
        Select block die or reroll.
        # Get attacker and defender
        attacker = game.get_procedure().attacker
        defender = game.get_procedure().defender
        is_blitz = game.get_procedure().blitz
        dice = game.num_block_dice(attacker, defender, blitz=is_blitz)

        # Loop through available dice results
        actions = set()
        for action_choice in game.state.available_actions:

        # 1. DEFENDER DOWN
        if ActionType.SELECT_DEFENDER_DOWN in actions:
            return Action(ActionType.SELECT_DEFENDER_DOWN)

        if ActionType.SELECT_DEFENDER_STUMBLES in actions and not (defender.has_skill(Skill.DODGE) and not attacker.has_skill(Skill.TACKLE)):
            return Action(ActionType.SELECT_DEFENDER_STUMBLES)

        if ActionType.SELECT_BOTH_DOWN in actions and not defender.has_skill(Skill.BLOCK) and attacker.has_skill(Skill.BLOCK):
            return Action(ActionType.SELECT_BOTH_DOWN)

        # 2. BOTH DOWN if opponent carries the ball and doesn't have block
        if ActionType.SELECT_BOTH_DOWN in actions and game.get_ball_carrier() == defender and not defender.has_skill(Skill.BLOCK):
            return Action(ActionType.SELECT_BOTH_DOWN)

        # 3. USE REROLL if defender carries the ball
        if ActionType.USE_REROLL in actions and game.get_ball_carrier() == defender:
            return Action(ActionType.USE_REROLL)

        # 4. PUSH
        if ActionType.SELECT_DEFENDER_STUMBLES in actions:
            return Action(ActionType.SELECT_DEFENDER_STUMBLES)

        if ActionType.SELECT_PUSH in actions:
            return Action(ActionType.SELECT_PUSH)

        # 5. BOTH DOWN
        if ActionType.SELECT_BOTH_DOWN in actions:
            return Action(ActionType.SELECT_BOTH_DOWN)

        # 6. USE REROLL to avoid attacker down unless a one-die block
        if ActionType.USE_REROLL in actions and dice > 1:
            return Action(ActionType.USE_REROLL)

        # 7. ATTACKER DOWN
        if ActionType.SELECT_ATTACKER_DOWN in actions:
            return Action(ActionType.SELECT_ATTACKER_DOWN)
Esempio n. 7
 def reroll(self, game):
     Select between USE_REROLL and DONT_USE_REROLL
     reroll_proc = game.get_procedure()
     context = reroll_proc.context
     if type(context) == ffai.Dodge:
         return Action(ActionType.USE_REROLL)
     if type(context) == ffai.Pickup:
         return Action(ActionType.USE_REROLL)
     if type(context) == ffai.PassAttempt:
         return Action(ActionType.USE_REROLL)
     if type(context) == ffai.Catch:
         return Action(ActionType.USE_REROLL)
     if type(context) == ffai.GFI:
         return Action(ActionType.USE_REROLL)
     if type(context) == ffai.Block:
         attacker = context.attacker
         attackers_down = 0
         for die in context.roll.dice:
             if die.get_value() == BBDieResult.ATTACKER_DOWN:
                 attackers_down += 1
             elif die.get_value() == BBDieResult.BOTH_DOWN and not attacker.has_skill(Skill.BLOCK) and not attacker.has_skill(Skill.WRESTLE):
                 attackers_down += 1
         if attackers_down > 0 and context.favor != self.my_team:
             return Action(ActionType.USE_REROLL)
         if attackers_down == len(context.roll.dice) and context.favor != self.opp_team:
             return Action(ActionType.USE_REROLL)
         return Action(ActionType.DONT_USE_REROLL)
Esempio n. 8
 def player_action(self, game):
     # Execute planned actions if any
     if len(self.actions) > 0:
         action = self._get_next_action()
         return action
     ball_carrier = game.get_ball_carrier()
     if ball_carrier == game.get_active_player():
         td_path = pf.get_safest_path_to_endzone(game, ball_carrier)
         if td_path is not None and td_path.prob <= 0.9:
             self.actions.append(Action(ActionType.START_MOVE, player=ball_carrier))
             for step in td_path.steps:
                 self.actions.append(Action(ActionType.MOVE, position=step))
             #print(f"Scoring with {}, p={td_path.prob}")
     return Action(ActionType.END_PLAYER_TURN)
Esempio n. 9
 def push(self, game):
     Select square to push to.
     # Loop through available squares
     for position in game.state.available_actions[0].positions:
         return Action(ActionType.PUSH, position=position)
Esempio n. 10
    def turn(self, game):
        Start a new player action.
        # Update teams
        self.my_team = game.get_team_by_id(self.my_team.team_id)
        self.opp_team = game.get_opp_team(self.my_team)

        # Reset actions if new turn
        turn = game.get_agent_team(self).state.turn
        half = game.state.half
        if half > self.last_half or turn > self.last_turn:
            self.last_turn = turn
            self.last_half = half
            self.actions = []
            #print(f"Half: {half}")
            #print(f"Turn: {turn}")

        # End turn if only action left
        if len(game.state.available_actions) == 1:
            if game.state.available_actions[0].action_type == ActionType.END_TURN:
                self.actions = [Action(ActionType.END_TURN)]

        # Execute planned actions if any
        if len(self.actions) > 0:
            action = self._get_next_action()
            return action

        # Split logic depending on offense, defense, and loose ball - and plan actions
        ball_carrier = game.get_ball_carrier()
        self._make_plan(game, ball_carrier)
        action = self._get_next_action()
        return action
Esempio n. 11
    def setup(self, game):
        Use either a Wedge offensive formation or zone defensive formation.
        # Update teams
        self.my_team = game.get_team_by_id(self.my_team.team_id)
        self.opp_team = game.get_opp_team(self.my_team)

        if self.setup_actions:
            action = self.setup_actions.pop(0)
            return action
            if game.get_receiving_team() == self.my_team:
                self.setup_actions = self.off_formation.actions(game, self.my_team)
                self.setup_actions = self.def_formation.actions(game, self.my_team)
Esempio n. 12
 def follow_up(self, game):
     Follow up or not. ActionType.FOLLOW_UP must be used together with a position.
     player = game.state.active_player
     for position in game.state.available_actions[0].positions:
         # Always follow up
         if player.position != position:
             return Action(ActionType.FOLLOW_UP, position=position)
Esempio n. 13
    def block(self, game):
        Select block die or reroll.
        # Loop through available dice results
        actions = set()
        for action_choice in game.state.available_actions:

        if ActionType.SELECT_DEFENDER_DOWN in actions:
            return Action(ActionType.SELECT_DEFENDER_DOWN)

        if ActionType.SELECT_DEFENDER_STUMBLES in actions:
            return Action(ActionType.SELECT_DEFENDER_STUMBLES)

        if ActionType.SELECT_PUSH in actions:
            return Action(ActionType.SELECT_PUSH)

        if ActionType.SELECT_BOTH_DOWN in actions:
            return Action(ActionType.SELECT_BOTH_DOWN)

        if ActionType.USE_REROLL in actions:
            return Action(ActionType.USE_REROLL)

        if ActionType.SELECT_ATTACKER_DOWN in actions:
            return Action(ActionType.SELECT_ATTACKER_DOWN)
Esempio n. 14
    def player_action(self, game):
        Move, block, pass, handoff or foul with the active player.
        player = game.state.active_player

        # Loop through available actions
        for action_choice in game.state.available_actions:

            # Move action?
            if action_choice.action_type == ActionType.MOVE:

                # Loop through adjacent empty squares
                for position, agi_rolls in zip(action_choice.positions, action_choice.agi_rolls):
                    if len(agi_rolls) == 0:
                        return Action(ActionType.MOVE, position=position)

            # Block action?
            if action_choice.action_type == ActionType.BLOCK:

                # Loop through available blocks
                for position, block_rolls in zip(action_choice.positions, action_choice.block_rolls):

                    # Only do blocks with 1 die if attacker has block
                    if block_rolls >= 2 or (block_rolls == 1 and Skill.BLOCK in player.get_skills()):
                        return Action(ActionType.BLOCK, position=position)

            # Pass action?
            if action_choice.action_type == ActionType.PASS:

                # Loop through players to pass to
                for position, agi_rolls in zip(action_choice.positions, action_choice.agi_rolls):

                    catcher = game.get_player_at(position)
                    pass_distance = game.get_pass_distance(player, position)

                    # Don't pass to empty squares or long bombs
                    if catcher is not None and pass_distance != PassDistance.LONG_BOMB:
                        return Action(ActionType.PASS, position=position)

            # Hand-off action
            if action_choice.action_type == ActionType.HANDOFF:

                # Loop through players to hand-off to
                for position, agi_rolls in zip(action_choice.positions, action_choice.agi_rolls):
                    return Action(ActionType.HANDOFF, position=position)

            # Foul action
            if action_choice.action_type == ActionType.FOUL:

                # Loop through players to foul
                for position, block_rolls in zip(action_choice.positions, action_choice.block_rolls):
                    return Action(ActionType.FOUL, position=position)

        return Action(ActionType.END_PLAYER_TURN)
Esempio n. 15
    def turn(self, game):
        Start a new player action.
        # Start a new player turn
        players_available = set()
        for action_choice in game.state.available_actions:
            for player in action_choice.players:

        # Loop available players
        for player in players_available:

            # Start blitz action
            if game.is_blitz_available():
                return Action(ActionType.START_BLITZ, player=player)

            # Start block action
            if not game.is_blitz() and not game.is_quick_snap():
                adjacent_players = game.get_adjacent_opponents(player, down=False)
                if player.state.up and len(adjacent_players) > 0:
                    opp_player = adjacent_players[0]
                    dice = game.num_block_dice(player, opp_player)
                    favor = if dice > 0 else
                    if favor == self.my_team and dice > 1:
                        return Action(ActionType.START_BLOCK, player=player)

            # Start pass action
            ball_pos = game.get_ball_position()
            player_with_ball = game.get_player_at(ball_pos)
            if player_with_ball is not None and == self.my_team and game.is_pass_available():
                return Action(ActionType.START_PASS, player=player)

            # Start handoff action
            if player_with_ball is not None and == self.my_team and game.is_handoff_available():
                return Action(ActionType.START_HANDOFF, player=player)

            # Start foul action
            adjacent_player_squares = game.get_adjacent_opponents(player, down=False)
            if game.is_foul_available() and len(adjacent_player_squares) > 0:
                return Action(ActionType.START_FOUL, player=player)

            # Start movement action
            return Action(ActionType.START_MOVE, player=player)

        # End turn
        return Action(ActionType.END_TURN)
Esempio n. 16
 def coin_toss_kick_receive(self, game):
     Select heads/tails and/or kick/receive
     return Action(ActionType.RECEIVE)
Esempio n. 17
 def use_pro(self, game):
     return Action(ActionType.USE_SKILL)
Esempio n. 18
 def use_stand_firm(self, game):
     return Action(ActionType.USE_SKILL)
Esempio n. 19
 def use_wrestle(self, game):
     return Action(ActionType.USE_SKILL)
Esempio n. 20
 def coin_toss_flip(self, game):
     Select heads/tails and/or kick/receive
     return Action(ActionType.TAILS)
Esempio n. 21
 def use_juggernaut(self, game):
     return Action(ActionType.USE_SKILL)
Esempio n. 22
 def pickup(self, game):
     Reroll or not.
     return Action(ActionType.USE_REROLL)
Esempio n. 23
 def dodge(self, game):
     Reroll or not.
     return Action(ActionType.USE_REROLL)
Esempio n. 24
 def apothecary(self, game):
     Use apothecary?
     return Action(ActionType.USE_APOTHECARY)
Esempio n. 25
    def _make_plan(self, game, ball_carrier):
        #print("1. Stand up marked players")
        for player in self.my_team.players:
            if player.position is not None and not player.state.up and not player.state.stunned and not player.state.used:
                if game.num_tackle_zones_in(player) > 0:
                    self.actions.append(Action(ActionType.START_MOVE, player=player))
                    #print(f"Stand up marked player {}")

        #print("2. Move ball carrier to endzone")
        if ball_carrier is not None and == self.my_team and not ball_carrier.state.used:
            #print("2.1 Can ball carrier score with high probability")
            td_path = pf.get_safest_path_to_endzone(game, ball_carrier, allow_team_reroll=True)
            if td_path is not None and td_path.prob >= 0.7:
                self.actions.append(Action(ActionType.START_MOVE, player=ball_carrier))
                self.actions.append(Action(ActionType.MOVE, position=td_path.steps[-1]))
                #print(f"Score with ball carrier, p={td_path.prob}")

            #print("2.2 Hand-off action to scoring player")
            if game.is_handoff_available():

                # Get players in scoring range
                unused_teammates = []
                for player in self.my_team.players:
                    if player.position is not None and player != ball_carrier and not player.state.used and player.state.up:

                # Find other players in scoring range
                handoff_p = None
                handoff_path = None
                for player in unused_teammates:
                    if game.get_distance_to_endzone(player) > player.num_moves_left():
                    td_path = pf.get_safest_path_to_endzone(game, player, allow_team_reroll=True)
                    if td_path is None:
                    handoff_path = pf.get_safest_path(game, ball_carrier, player.position, allow_team_reroll=True)
                    if handoff_path is None:
                    p_catch = game.get_catch_prob(player, handoff=True, allow_catch_reroll=True, allow_team_reroll=True)
                    p = td_path.prob * handoff_path.prob * p_catch
                    if handoff_p is None or p > handoff_p:
                        handoff_p = p
                        handoff_path = handoff_path

                # Hand-off if high probability or last turn
                if handoff_path is not None and (handoff_p >= 0.7 or self.my_team.state.turn == 8):
                    self.actions = [Action(ActionType.START_HANDOFF, player=ball_carrier),
                                    Action(ActionType.MOVE, handoff_path.steps[-1])]

            #print("2.3 Move safely towards the endzone")
            if game.num_tackle_zones_in(ball_carrier) == 0:
                paths = pf.get_all_paths(game, ball_carrier)
                best_path = None
                best_distance = 100
                target_x = game.get_opp_endzone_x(self.my_team)
                for path in paths:
                    distance_to_endzone = abs(target_x - path.steps[-1].x)
                    if path.prob == 1 and (best_path is None or distance_to_endzone < best_distance):
                        best_path = path
                        best_distance = distance_to_endzone
                if best_path is not None:
                    steps = []
                    for step in best_path.steps:
                        if game.num_tackle_zones_at(ball_carrier, step) > 0:
                        if len(steps) >= ball_carrier.num_moves_left():
                    if len(steps) > 0:
                        self.actions.append(Action(ActionType.START_MOVE, player=ball_carrier))
                        for step in steps:
                            self.actions.append(Action(ActionType.MOVE, position=step))
                        #print(f"Move ball carrier {}")

        #print("3. Safe blocks")
        attacker, defender, p_self_up, p_opp_down, block_p_fumble_self, block_p_fumble_opp = self._get_safest_block(game)
        if attacker is not None and p_self_up > 0.94 and block_p_fumble_self == 0:
            self.actions.append(Action(ActionType.START_BLOCK, player=attacker))
            self.actions.append(Action(ActionType.BLOCK, position=defender.position))
            #print(f"Safe block with {} -> {}, p_self_up={p_self_up}, p_opp_down={p_opp_down}")

        #print("4. Pickup ball")
        if game.get_ball_carrier() is None:
            pickup_p = None
            pickup_player = None
            pickup_path = None
            for player in self.my_team.players:
                if player.position is not None and not player.state.used:
                    if player.position.distance(game.get_ball_position()) <= player.get_ma() + 2:
                        path = pf.get_safest_path(game, player, game.get_ball_position())
                        if path is not None:
                            p = path.prob
                            if pickup_p is None or p > pickup_p:
                                pickup_p = p
                                pickup_player = player
                                pickup_path = path
            if pickup_player is not None and pickup_p > 0.33:
                self.actions.append(Action(ActionType.START_MOVE, player=pickup_player))
                if not pickup_player.state.up:
                for step in pickup_path.steps:
                    self.actions.append(Action(ActionType.MOVE, position=step))
                #print(f"Pick up the ball with {}, p={pickup_p}")
                # Find safest path towards endzone
                if game.num_tackle_zones_at(pickup_player, game.get_ball_position()) == 0:
                    paths = pf.get_all_paths(game, pickup_player, from_position=game.get_ball_position(), num_moves_used=len(pickup_path))
                    best_path = None
                    best_distance = 100
                    target_x = game.get_opp_endzone_x(self.my_team)
                    for path in paths:
                        distance_to_endzone = abs(target_x - path.steps[-1].x)
                        if path.prob == 1 and (best_path is None or distance_to_endzone < best_distance):
                            best_path = path
                            best_distance = distance_to_endzone
                    if best_path is not None:
                        steps = []
                        for step in best_path.steps:
                            if game.num_tackle_zones_at(pickup_player, step) > 0:
                            if len(steps) + len(pickup_path.steps) >= pickup_player.get_ma():
                        if len(steps) > 0:
                            self.actions.append(Action(ActionType.START_MOVE, player=ball_carrier))
                            for step in steps:
                                self.actions.append(Action(ActionType.MOVE, position=step))
                            #print(f"- Move ball carrier {}")

        # Scan for unused players that are not marked
        open_players = []
        for player in self.my_team.players:
            if player.position is not None and not player.state.used and game.num_tackle_zones_in(player) == 0:

        #print("5. Move receivers into scoring distance if not already")
        for player in open_players:
            if player.has_skill(Skill.CATCH) and player != ball_carrier:
                if game.get_distance_to_endzone(player) > player.num_moves_left():
                paths = pf.get_all_paths(game, ball_carrier)
                best_path = None
                best_distance = 100
                target_x = game.get_opp_endzone_x(self.my_team)
                for path in paths:
                    distance_to_endzone = abs(target_x - path.steps[-1].x)
                    if path.prob == 1 and (best_path is None or distance_to_endzone < best_distance):
                        best_path = path
                        best_distance = distance_to_endzone
                if best_path is not None:
                    steps = []
                    for step in best_path.steps:
                        if len(steps) >= player.get_ma() + (3 if not player.state.up else 0):
                        if game.num_tackle_zones_at(player, step) > 0:
                        if step.distance(best_path.steps[-1]) < player.get_ma():
                    if len(steps) > 0:
                        self.actions.append(Action(ActionType.START_MOVE, player=player))
                        if not player.state.up:
                        for step in steps:
                            self.actions.append(Action(ActionType.MOVE, position=step))
                        print(f"Move receiver {}")

        #print("6. Blitz with open block players")
        if game.is_blitz_available():

            best_blitz_attacker = None
            best_blitz_defender = None
            best_blitz_score = None
            best_blitz_path = None
            for blitzer in open_players:
                if blitzer.position is not None and not blitzer.state.used and blitzer.has_skill(Skill.BLOCK):
                    blitz_paths = pf.get_all_paths(game, blitzer, blitz=True)
                    for path in blitz_paths:
                        final_position = path.steps[-2] if len(path.steps) > 1 else blitzer.position
                        for defender in game.get_adjacent_players(final_position, team=game.get_opp_team(
                            p_self, p_opp, p_fumble_self, p_fumble_opp = game.get_blitz_probs(blitzer, final_position, defender)
                            p_self_up = path.prob * (1-p_self)
                            p_opp = path.prob * p_opp
                            p_fumble_opp = p_fumble_opp * path.prob
                            if blitzer == game.get_ball_carrier():
                                p_fumble_self = path.prob + (1 - path.prob) * p_fumble_self
                            score = p_self_up + p_opp + p_fumble_opp - p_fumble_self
                            if best_blitz_score is None or score > best_blitz_score:
                                best_blitz_attacker = blitzer
                                best_blitz_defender = defender
                                best_blitz_score = score
                                best_blitz_path = path
            if best_blitz_attacker is not None and best_blitz_score >= 1.25:
                self.actions.append(Action(ActionType.START_BLITZ, player=best_blitz_attacker))
                self.actions.append(Action(ActionType.MOVE, position=best_blitz_path.steps[-1]))
                #print(f"Blitz with {}, score={best_blitz_score}")

        #print("7. Make cage around ball carrier")
        cage_positions = [
            Square(game.get_ball_position().x - 1, game.get_ball_position().y - 1),
            Square(game.get_ball_position().x + 1, game.get_ball_position().y - 1),
            Square(game.get_ball_position().x - 1, game.get_ball_position().y + 1),
            Square(game.get_ball_position().x + 1, game.get_ball_position().y + 1)
        if ball_carrier is not None:
            for cage_position in cage_positions:
                if game.get_player_at(cage_position) is None and not game.is_out_of_bounds(cage_position):
                    for player in open_players:
                        if player == ball_carrier or player.position in cage_positions:
                        if player.position.distance(cage_position) > player.num_moves_left():
                        if game.num_tackle_zones_in(player) > 0:
                        path = pf.get_safest_path(game, player, cage_position)
                        if path is not None and path.prob > 0.94:
                            self.actions.append(Action(ActionType.START_MOVE, player=player))
                            self.actions.append(Action(ActionType.MOVE, position=path.steps[-1]))
                            #print(f"Make cage around towards ball carrier {}")

        # Scan for assist positions
        assist_positions = []
        for player in game.get_opp_team(self.my_team).players:
            if player.position is None or not player.state.up:
            opponents = game.get_adjacent_opponents(player, down=False)
            for opponent in opponents:
                att_str, def_str = game.get_block_strengths(player, opponent)
                if def_str >= att_str:
                    for open_position in game.get_adjacent_squares(player.position, occupied=False):
                        if len(game.get_adjacent_players(open_position, team=self.opp_team, down=False)) == 1:

        #print("8. Move non-marked players to assist")
        for player in open_players:
            paths = pf.get_all_paths(game, player)
            for assist_position in assist_positions:
                assist_path = None
                for path in paths:
                    if path.steps[-1] == assist_position:
                        if path.prob == 1:
                            self.actions.append(Action(ActionType.START_MOVE, player=player))
                            self.actions.append(Action(ActionType.MOVE, position=path.steps[-1]))
                            #print(f"Move assister {} to {assist_position.to_json}")

        #print("9. Move towards the ball")
        for player in open_players:
            if player == ball_carrier:
            if game.num_tackle_zones_in(player) > 0:
            if ball_carrier is None:
                paths = pf.get_all_paths(game, player)
                shortest_distance = None
                path = None
                for p in paths:
                    distance = p.steps[-1].distance(game.get_ball_position())
                    if shortest_distance is None or (p.prob == 1 and distance < shortest_distance):
                        shortest_distance = distance
                        path = p
            elif != self.my_team:
                paths = pf.get_all_paths(game, player)
                shortest_distance = None
                path = None
                for p in paths:
                    distance = p.steps[-1].distance(ball_carrier.position)
                    if shortest_distance is None or (p.prob == 1 and distance < shortest_distance):
                        shortest_distance = distance
                        path = p
            if path is not None:
                if len(path.steps) > 0:
                    self.actions.append(Action(ActionType.START_MOVE, player=player))
                    self.actions.append(Action(ActionType.MOVE, position=path.steps[-1]))
                    #print(f"Move towards ball {}")

        #print("10. Risky blocks")
        attacker, defender, p_self_up, p_opp_down, block_p_fumble_self, block_p_fumble_opp = self._get_safest_block(game)
        if attacker is not None and (p_opp_down > (1-p_self_up) or block_p_fumble_opp > 0):
            self.actions.append(Action(ActionType.START_BLOCK, player=attacker))
            self.actions.append(Action(ActionType.BLOCK, position=defender.position))
            #print(f"Block with {} -> {}, p_self_up={p_self_up}, p_opp_down={p_opp_down}")

        #print("11. End turn")
Esempio n. 26
 def quick_snap(self, game):
     return Action(ActionType.END_TURN)
Esempio n. 27
 def blitz(self, game):
     return Action(ActionType.END_TURN)