Esempio n. 1
def test_parse_args():
    actual = utils.parse_arg('a,b,c')
    assert actual == ['a', 'b', 'c']

    # should ignore spaces
    actual = utils.parse_arg(' a ,b ,c ')
    assert actual == ['a', 'b', 'c']

    actual = utils.parse_arg('a')
    assert actual == ['a']

    # should stay same for list
    actual = utils.parse_arg(['a', 'b'])
    assert actual == ['a', 'b']

    # should stay same for dict
    actual = utils.parse_arg({'a': 1})
    assert actual == {'a': 1}
Esempio n. 2
File: Progetto: yetone/ffn
def get(tickers, provider=None, common_dates=True, forward_fill=False,
        clean_tickers=True, column_names=None, ticker_field_sep=':',
        mrefresh=False, existing=None, **kwargs):
    Helper function for retrieving data as a DataFrame.

        * tickers (list, string, csv string): Tickers to download.
        * provider (function): Provider to use for downloading data.
            By default it will be ffn.DEFAULT_PROVIDER if not provided.
        * common_dates (bool): Keep common dates only? Drop na's.
        * forward_fill (bool): forward fill values if missing. Only works
            if common_dates is False, since common_dates will remove
            all nan's, so no filling forward necessary.
        * clean_tickers (bool): Should the tickers be 'cleaned' using
            ffn.utils.clean_tickers? Basically remove non-standard
            characters (^VIX -> vix) and standardize to lower case.
        * column_names (list): List of column names if clean_tickers
            is not satisfactory.
        * ticker_field_sep (char): separator used to determine the
            ticker and field. This is in case we want to specify
            particular, non-default fields. For example, we might
            want: AAPL:Low,AAPL:High,AAPL:Close. ':' is the separator.
        * mrefresh (bool): Ignore memoization.
        * existing (DataFrame): Existing DataFrame to append returns
            to - used when we download from multiple sources
        * kwargs: passed to provider


    if provider is None:
        provider = DEFAULT_PROVIDER

    tickers = utils.parse_arg(tickers)

    data = {}
    for ticker in tickers:
        t = ticker
        f = None

        # check for field
        bits = ticker.split(ticker_field_sep, 1)
        if len(bits) == 2:
            t = bits[0]
            f = bits[1]

        # call provider - check if supports memoization
        if hasattr(provider, 'mcache'):
            data[ticker] = provider(ticker=t, field=f,
                                    mrefresh=mrefresh, **kwargs)
            data[ticker] = provider(ticker=t, field=f, **kwargs)

    df = pd.DataFrame(data)
    # ensure same order as provided
    df = df[tickers]

    if existing is not None:
        df = ffn.merge(existing, df)

    if common_dates:
        df = df.dropna()

    if forward_fill:
        df = df.fillna(method='ffill')

    if column_names:
        cnames = utils.parse_arg(column_names)
        if len(cnames) != len(df.columns):
            raise ValueError(
                'column_names must be of same length as tickers')
        df.columns = cnames
    elif clean_tickers:
        df.columns = map(utils.clean_ticker, df.columns)

    return df