Esempio n. 1
def team_bias(pick_context):
    config = PickConfig()
    team_biases = [
        models.team_from_str(team_bias) for team_bias in config.team_biases

    team1 = pick_context.team1
    team2 = pick_context.team2
    two_biases_reason = '{} is a bigger bias than {}.'
    one_bias_reason = '{} is one of the team biases, but {} is not.'
    for team in team_biases:
        if team is team1:
            reason = two_biases_reason if team2 in team_biases else one_bias_reason
            return PickResult().team1_wins().because(
                reason.format(team1, team2))
        if team is pick_context.team2:
            reason = two_biases_reason if team1 in team_biases else one_bias_reason
            return PickResult().team2_wins().because(
                reason.format(team2, team1))
    return None
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self, team1, team2):
     self._team1 = models.team_from_str(team1)
     self._team2 = models.team_from_str(team2)
 def test_teamFromStr_givenInvalidTeamName_raisesRuntimeError(self):
     with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, 'not-a-valid-team-name'):
 def test_teamFromStr_givenTeamCode_returnsSameTeamGivenTeamName(self):
     expected = models.team_from_str('NYG')
     actual = models.team_from_str('giants')
     self.assertIs(actual, expected)
 def test_teamFromStr_givenInvalidTeamCode_raisesRuntimeError(self):
     with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, 'ABC'):