Esempio n. 1
 def _do_fft(self, input, direct):
     Does the fft using fftw3f
     It caches the plan and result of the fft so that when you 
     do it again it will be faster
     This means you are limited to only using a few arrays before 
     you exhaust the machines memory
     see also release_plan
     key =
     if key in self.plans:
         output, plan = self.plans[key]
         return output
     # we've never done an fft of this array
     if len(list(self.plans.keys())) > 6:
         print("fftw3 is making too much cache")
         print("needs to be programmed to reuse the same arrays")
     if direct == 'forward':
         assert input.dtype == np.float32
         output = np.zeros(input.shape, np.complex64)
         assert input.dtype == np.complex64
         output = np.zeros(input.shape, np.float32)
     fp = fftw3f.Plan(inarray=input,
     self.plans[] = output, fp
     return output
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, u,v,k, lamb = 488, n=1.51):
        #print k**2
        #m = (u**2 + v**2) <= (n/lamb**2)
        #self.propFac = fftw3f.create_aligned_array(u.shape, 'complex64')
        #self.propFac = 1j*8*pi*sqrt(np.maximum((n/lamb)**2 - (u**2 + v**2), 0))
        #self.propFac = ((2*pi*n/lamb)*sqrt(np.maximum(1 - (u**2 + v**2), 0))).astype('f')
        self.propFac = ((2*pi*n/lamb)*cos(.5*pi*sqrt((u**2 + v**2)))).astype('f')
        self.pfm =(self.propFac > 0).astype('f')

        self._F = fftw3f.create_aligned_array(u.shape, 'complex64')
        self._f = fftw3f.create_aligned_array(u.shape, 'complex64')
        #print('Creating plans for FFTs - this might take a while')

        #calculate plans for other ffts
        self._plan_f_F = fftw3f.Plan(self._f, self._F, 'forward', flags = FFTWFLAGS, nthreads=NTHREADS)
        self._plan_F_f = fftw3f.Plan(self._F, self._f, 'backward', flags = FFTWFLAGS, nthreads=NTHREADS)
        #self._plan_F_f = fftw3f.Plan(self._F, self._f, 'backward', flags = FFTWFLAGS, nthreads=NTHREADS)
Esempio n. 3
    def psf_calc(self, psf, data_size):
        '''Precalculate the OTF etc...'''
        g = resizePSF(psf, data_size)
        g /= g[:, :, g.shape[2] / 2].sum()

        #keep track of our data shape
        self.height = data_size[0]
        self.width = data_size[1]
        self.depth = data_size[2]

        self.shape = data_size

        self.FTshape = list(
        )  #[self.shape[0], self.shape[1], self.shape[2]/2 + 1]
        self.FTshape[-1] = self.FTshape[-1] / 2 + 1

        self.g = g.astype('f4')

        self.g2 = 1.0 * self.g[::-1, ::-1, :]

        self.H = []
        self.Ht = []

        for i in range(self.shape[-1]):

            #allocate memory
                fftw3f.create_aligned_array(self.FTshape, 'complex64'))
                fftw3f.create_aligned_array(self.FTshape, 'complex64'))

            #create plans & calculate OTF and conjugate transformed OTF
            fftw3f.Plan(1.0 * self.g[:, :, i], self.H[i], 'forward')()
            fftw3f.Plan(1.0 * self.g2[:, :, i], self.Ht[i], 'forward')()

            self.Ht[i] /= g[:, :, i].size
            self.H[i] /= g[:, :, i].size
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, ps, vox, PSSize):
        ps = ps.max(2)
        ps = ps - ps.min()

        ps = ps * scipy.signal.hanning(
            ps.shape[0])[:, None] * scipy.signal.hanning(ps.shape[1])[None, :]
        ps = ps / ps.sum()
        #PSFFileName = PSFFilename

        pw = (numpy.array(PSSize) - ps.shape) / 2.
        pw1 = numpy.floor(pw)
        pw2 = numpy.ceil(pw)

        self.cachedPSF = pad.with_constant(ps, ((pw2[0], pw1[0]),
                                                (pw2[1], pw1[1])), (0, ))
        self.cachedOTFH = (ifftn(self.cachedPSF) *
        self.cachedOTF2 = (self.cachedOTFH *

        self.weinerFT = fftw3.create_aligned_array(self.cachedOTFH.shape,
        self.weinerR = fftw3.create_aligned_array(self.cachedOTFH.shape,

        self.planForward = fftw3.Plan(self.weinerR,
        self.planInverse = fftw3.Plan(self.weinerFT,


        self.otf2mean = self.cachedOTF2.mean()
Esempio n. 5
    def psf_calc(self, psf, data_size, subsamp=1):
        '''Precalculate the OTF etc...'''
        g = resizePSF(psf, data_size)

        self.subsamp = subsamp

        #keep track of our data shape
        self.height = data_size[0]
        self.width = data_size[1]
        self.depth = data_size[2]

        self.shape = data_size

        self.FTshape = [self.shape[0], self.shape[1], self.shape[2] / 2 + 1]

        self.g = g.astype('f4')
        self.g2 = 1.0 * self.g[::-1, ::-1, ::-1] = self.g[::subsamp, ::subsamp, :]
        self.gs2 = self.g2[::subsamp, ::subsamp, :]

        #allocate memory
        self.H = fftw3f.create_aligned_array(self.FTshape, 'complex64')
        self.Ht = fftw3f.create_aligned_array(self.FTshape, 'complex64')
        #self.f = zeros(self.shape, 'f4')
        #self.res = zeros(self.shape, 'f4')
        #self.S = zeros((size(self.f), 3), 'f4')

        #self._F = fftw3f.create_aligned_array(self.FTshape, 'complex64')
        #self._r = fftw3f.create_aligned_array(self.shape, 'f4')
        #S0 = self.S[:,0]

        #create plans & calculate OTF and conjugate transformed OTF
        fftw3f.Plan(self.g, self.H, 'forward')()
        fftw3f.Plan(self.g2, self.Ht, 'forward')()

        self.Ht /= g.size
        self.H /= g.size
Esempio n. 6
def resizePSF(psf, data_size):
    if not psf.shape == data_size:
        #Expand PSF to data size by fourier domain interpolation
        print('Resizing PSF to match data size')
        g_ = fftw3f.create_aligned_array(data_size, 'complex64')
        H_ = fftw3f.create_aligned_array(data_size, 'complex64')

        sx, sy, sz = numpy.array(data_size).astype('f') / psf.shape

        #print sx, sy, sz

        OT = fftshift(fftn(
            fftshift(psf)))  #don't bother with FFTW here as raw PSF is small

        if data_size[2] > 1:
            pr = ndimage.zoom(OT.real, [sx, sy, sz], order=1)
            pi = ndimage.zoom(OT.imag, [sx, sy, sz], order=1)
        else:  #special case for 2D
            pr = ndimage.zoom(OT.real.squeeze(), [sx, sy],
            pi = ndimage.zoom(OT.imag.squeeze(), [sx, sy],

        H_[:] = ifftshift(pr + 1j * pi)
        fftw3f.Plan(H_, g_, 'backward')()

        g = ifftshift(g_.real)

        print('PSF resizing complete')
        g = psf

    return g / g.sum()
Esempio n. 7
    def __init__(self, shape, float_type=None, options = None):
        """ Construct an instance of FFTTasks.

        shape : tuple
          Specify array shape for FFT.
        float_type : {None, 'single', 'double'}
          Specify floating point type.
        options : {None, `iocbio.utils.Options`}
          Specify command line options:

        See also
        if VERBOSE>9:
            print 'Entering %s.__init__' % (self.__class__.__name__)
        if options is None:
            options = Options()
        flags = [options.get(fftw_plan_flags='estimate')]
        if float_type is None:
            float_type = options.get(float_type='single')


        self.shape = shape
        self.float_type = float_type

        threads = getattr(options, 'fftw_threads', 1)

        if float_type=='single':
            import fftw3f as fftw # hint: on failure to import select double float type
            cache = numpy.empty(shape, numpy.complex64)
            self.float_dtype = numpy.float32
            self.complex_dtype = numpy.complex64
        elif float_type=='double':
            import fftw3 as fftw
            cache = numpy.empty(shape, numpy.complex128)
            self.float_dtype = numpy.float64
            self.complex_dtype = numpy.complex128
            raise NotImplementedError (`float_type`)

        self._cache = cache
        self.fftw = fftw

        if VERBOSE:
            print 'Computing fftw wisdom (flags=%s, threads=%s, shape=%s, float=%s),'\
                ' be patient, it may take a while..'\
            % (flags, threads, shape, float_type), 
        self._fft_plan = fftw.Plan(cache, cache, direction='forward', flags=flags, nthreads=threads)
        self._ifft_plan = fftw.Plan(cache, cache, direction='backward', flags=flags, nthreads=threads)
        if VERBOSE:
            print 'done'


        self.convolve_kernel_fourier = None
Esempio n. 8
    def get_optimal_fft_size(cls, size, return_speedup=False, max_nof_tries=None):
        """Compute optimal FFT size from a given size.

        Usually optimal FFT size is a power of two but on the other
        hand, achieving power of two may be memory expensive and there
        may exist sizes that give more efficient FFT computation.  For
        example, if the input size is 65 then extending the FFT size
        to 128 is less efficient compared to extending the size, say,
        to 66.

        The method runs number of fft transforms (up-to the next power
        of 2) and used the actual FLOPS for finding optimal FFT
        size. So, the initial call may take some time but the results
        will be cached for subsequent calls. Note that if size>1024
        then the time spent of computing fft up to sizes <=2048 can be
        considerable. To restrict this optimization, specify

        size : int
          Specify estimate for FFT size.
        return_speedup : bool
          When True then return speed up factor.

        optimal_size : int
          Optimal FFT size.
        speedup : float
          Speed up factor of using optimal size. Returned only if ``return_speedup`` is True.

        See also
        if VERBOSE>9:
            print 'Entering %s.get_optimal_fft_size' % (cls.__name__)
        if size==2**int(numpy.log2(size)):
            if return_speedup:
                return size, 1
            return size
            import fftw3f as fftw
            complex_dtype = numpy.complex64
        except ImportError:
            import fftw3 as fftw
            complex_dtype = numpy.complex128
        max_size = 2**int(numpy.log2(size)+1)
        if max_nof_tries is not None:
            max_size = min (size+max_nof_tries, max_size)
        min_flops = 1e9
        optimal_size = size
        flops_cache = cls.flops_cache
        for sz in range (size, max_size + 1):
            flops = flops_cache.get(sz)
            if flops is None:
                cache = numpy.empty((sz,), dtype=complex_dtype)
                plan = fftw.Plan(cache, cache, direction='forward', flags=['estimate'])
                iplan = fftw.Plan(cache, cache, direction='backward', flags=['estimate'])
                flops = sum(plan.get_flops())+ sum(iplan.get_flops())
                fftw.destroy_plan (plan)
                fftw.destroy_plan (iplan)
                flops_cache[sz] = flops
            if flops < min_flops:
                min_flops = flops
                optimal_size = sz
        if return_speedup:
            return optimal_size, flops_cache[size] / flops_cache[optimal_size]
        return optimal_size
Esempio n. 9
    def psf_calc(self, psf, data_size):
        '''Precalculate the OTF etc...'''
        #        pw = (numpy.array(data_size) - psf.shape)/2.
        #        pw1 = numpy.floor(pw)
        #        pw2 = numpy.ceil(pw)
        #        g = psf/psf.sum()
        #        #work out how we're going to need to pad to get the PSF the same size as our data
        #        if pw1[0] < 0:
        #            if pw2[0] < 0:
        #                g = g[-pw1[0]:pw2[0]]
        #            else:
        #                g = g[-pw1[0]:]
        #            pw1[0] = 0
        #            pw2[0] = 0
        #        if pw1[1] < 0:
        #            if pw2[1] < 0:
        #                g = g[-pw1[1]:pw2[1]]
        #            else:
        #                g = g[-pw1[1]:]
        #            pw1[1] = 0
        #            pw2[1] = 0
        #        if pw1[2] < 0:
        #            if pw2[2] < 0:
        #                g = g[-pw1[2]:pw2[2]]
        #            else:
        #                g = g[-pw1[2]:]
        #            pw1[2] = 0
        #            pw2[2] = 0
        #        #do the padding
        #        #g = pad.with_constant(g, ((pw2[0], pw1[0]), (pw2[1], pw1[1]),(pw2[2], pw1[2])), (0,))
        #        g_ = fftw3f.create_aligned_array(data_size, 'float32')
        #        g_[:] = 0
        #        #print g.shape, g_.shape, g_[pw2[0]:-pw1[0], pw2[1]:-pw1[1], pw2[2]:-pw1[2]].shape
        #        if pw1[2] == 0:
        #            g_[pw2[0]:-pw1[0], pw2[1]:-pw1[1], pw2[2]:] = g
        #        else:
        #            g_[pw2[0]:-pw1[0], pw2[1]:-pw1[1], pw2[2]:-pw1[2]] = g
        #        #g_[pw2[0]:-pw1[0], pw2[1]:-pw1[1], pw2[2]:-pw1[2]] = g
        #        g = g_

        print psf.sum()

        g = resizePSF(psf, data_size)
        print g.sum()

        #keep track of our data shape
        self.height = data_size[0]
        self.width = data_size[1]
        self.depth = data_size[2]

        self.shape = data_size

        print('Calculating OTF')

        FTshape = [self.shape[0], self.shape[1], self.shape[2] / 2 + 1]

        self.g = g.astype('f4')
        self.g2 = 1.0 * self.g[::-1, ::-1, ::-1]

        #allocate memory
        self.H = fftw3f.create_aligned_array(FTshape, 'complex64')
        self.Ht = fftw3f.create_aligned_array(FTshape, 'complex64')
        #self.f = zeros(self.shape, 'f4')
        #self.res = zeros(self.shape, 'f4')
        #self.S = zeros((size(self.f), 3), 'f4')

        self._F = fftw3f.create_aligned_array(FTshape, 'complex64')
        self._r = fftw3f.create_aligned_array(self.shape, 'f4')
        #S0 = self.S[:,0]

        #create plans & calculate OTF and conjugate transformed OTF
        fftw3f.Plan(self.g, self.H, 'forward')()
        fftw3f.Plan(self.g2, self.Ht, 'forward')()

        self.Ht /= g.size
        self.H /= g.size

        print('Creating plans for FFTs - this might take a while')

        #calculate plans for other ffts
        self._plan_r_F = fftw3f.Plan(self._r,
        self._plan_F_r = fftw3f.Plan(self._F,


        print('Done planning')