def update_output(_, value): global tab time = np.linspace(-0.000045, 0.000045, 1e3) zero = dict( data=[dict(x=time, y=[0] * len(time), marker={'color': '#2a3f5f'})], layout=go.Layout( xaxis={ 'title': 's', 'color': '#506784', 'titlefont': dict( family='Dosis', size=15, ) }, yaxis={ 'title': 'Voltage (mV)', 'color': '#506784', 'titlefont': dict( family='Dosis', size=15, ) }, margin={ 'l': 40, 'b': 40, 't': 0, 'r': 50 }, plot_bgcolor='#F3F6FA', )) if tab is not value: if '' + str(value) in runs: tab = value return runs['' + str(value)][0] tab = value return zero else: figure = { 'data': osc.get_data(), 'layout': go.Layout( xaxis={ 'title': 's', 'color': '#506784', 'titlefont': dict( family='Dosis', size=15, ) }, yaxis={ 'title': 'Voltage (mV)', 'color': '#506784', 'titlefont': dict( family='Dosis', size=15, ), 'autorange': False, 'range': [-10, 10] }, margin={ 'l': 40, 'b': 40, 't': 0, 'r': 50 }, plot_bgcolor='#F3F6FA', ) } runs['' + str(value)] = figure, str(fgen.get_wave()) + " | " + \ str(fgen.get_frequency()) + "Hz" + " | " + \ str(fgen.get_amplitude()) + "mV" + " | " + \ str(fgen.get_offset()) + "mV" # wait to update the runs variable sleep(0.10) return figure
def update_output(_, value): global tab time = np.linspace(-0.000045, 0.000045, 1e3) zero = dict( data=[dict(x=time, y=[0] * len(time), marker={"color": "#2a3f5f"})], layout=go.Layout( xaxis={ "title": "s", "color": "#506784", "titlefont": dict(family="Dosis", size=15), }, yaxis={ "title": "Voltage (mV)", "color": "#506784", "titlefont": dict(family="Dosis", size=15), }, margin={ "l": 40, "b": 40, "t": 0, "r": 50 }, plot_bgcolor="#F3F6FA", ), ) if tab is not value: if "" + str(value) in runs: tab = value return runs["" + str(value)][0] tab = value return zero else: figure = { "data": osc.get_data(), "layout": go.Layout( xaxis={ "title": "s", "color": "#506784", "titlefont": dict(family="Dosis", size=15), }, yaxis={ "title": "Voltage (mV)", "color": "#506784", "titlefont": dict(family="Dosis", size=15), "autorange": False, "range": [-10, 10], }, margin={ "l": 40, "b": 40, "t": 0, "r": 50 }, plot_bgcolor="#F3F6FA", ), } runs["" + str(value)] = ( figure, str(fgen.get_wave()) + " | " + str(fgen.get_frequency()) + "Hz" + " | " + str(fgen.get_amplitude()) + "mV" + " | " + str(fgen.get_offset()) + "mV", ) # wait to update the runs variable sleep(0.10) return figure
className='row power-settings-tab'), html.Div([ html.Div([html.H3("FUNCTION", id="function-title")], className='Title'), html.Div([ daq.Knob(value=fgen.get_frequency(), id="frequency-input", label="Frequency (Hz)", labelPosition="bottom", size=75, color="#447EFF", scale={'interval': 1E5}, max=2.5E6, min=1E5, className='four columns'), daq.Knob(value=fgen.get_amplitude(), id="amplitude-input", label="Amplitude (mV)", labelPosition="bottom", size=75, scale={'labelInterval': 10}, color="#447EFF", max=10, className='four columns'), daq.Knob(value=fgen.get_offset(), id="offset-input", label="Offset (mV)", labelPosition="bottom", size=75, scale={'labelInterval': 10}, color="#447EFF",