Esempio n. 1
def test_exch_1d():
    Test the x component of the exchange field
    in a 1D mesh, with the spin ordering:

    0 1 2 3 4 5

    mesh = CuboidMesh(nx=5, ny=1, nz=1)
    sim = Sim(mesh)
    exch = Exchange(1.0)

    sim.set_m(init_m, normalise=False)

    field = exch.compute_field()

    assert field[0] == 1
    assert field[1 * 3] == 2
    assert field[2 * 3] == 4
    assert field[3 * 3] == 6
    assert field[4 * 3] == 3

    assert np.max(field[2::3]) == 0
    assert np.max(field[1::3]) == 0
Esempio n. 2
def test_full_exch_hex_3_shells_lattice_pos():
    Test the x component of the exchange field when using 3 shells of
    neighbours in a 9 x 9 hexagonal lattice with square arrangement

    We set the s_x and s_y spin components as the (i, j) index of the
    lattice positions:
    a = 1
    shells = 3
    mesh = HexagonalMesh(a * 0.5,
    sim = Sim(mesh)
    # Set the indexes (i, j) as their s_x, s_y position
    sim.set_m(lambda r: init_m(r, a), normalise=False)

    Js = np.ones(shells)
    exch = Exchange(Js)

    field = exch.compute_field()
    assert field[3 * 0] == (1 + 1 + 0) + (2 + 0) + (2 + 1)  # f_x 1st spin
    assert field[3 * 11] == ((3 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2) +
                             (3 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 3) + (4 + 0 + 3 + 0 + 1 + 0))
Esempio n. 3
def test_full_exch_hex_2_shells():
    Test the x component of the exchange field when using 2 shells of
    neighbours, comparing the field manually.
    This is similar than the *test_full_exch_hex_9_shells* function but
    here we do not assume that the neighbours indexes are correct
    We set J=1 for NN and J=2 for NNN
    a = 1
    shells = 2
    mesh = HexagonalMesh(a * 0.5,
    sim = Sim(mesh)
    sim.spin.reshape(-1, 3)[:,
                            0] = np.arange(len(sim.spin.reshape(-1, 3)[:, 0]))
    Js = np.array([1., 2.])
    exch = Exchange(Js)
    field = exch.compute_field()
    assert field[3 * 0] == 1. * (1 + 10 + 9) + 2. * (11 + 18)
    assert field[3 *
                 11] == (12 + 10 + 20 + 1 + 19 + 2) + 2. * (21 + 29 + 18 + 3)
Esempio n. 4
def test_exch_1d():
    Test the x component of the exchange field
    in a 1D mesh, with the spin ordering:

    0 1 2 3 4 5

    mesh = CuboidMesh(nx=5, ny=1, nz=1)
    sim = Sim(mesh)
    exch = Exchange(1.0)

    sim.set_m(init_m, normalise=False)

    field = exch.compute_field()

    assert field[0] == 1
    assert field[1 * 3] == 2
    assert field[2 * 3] == 4
    assert field[3 * 3] == 6
    assert field[4 * 3] == 3

    assert np.max(field[2::3]) == 0
    assert np.max(field[1::3]) == 0
Esempio n. 5
def test_full_exch_hex_9_shells_J_rings():
    Test the x component of the exchange field when using 9 shells of
    neighbours in a 11 X 11 hexagonal lattice with square and diagonal

    We set J=1,2,3,.. for every shell and set the s_x component of the spins as
    the lattice site number:
    [0, 1, 2, 3, ... 120]

    Since we set the s_x components as the lattice position indexes, the x
    component of the field is the sum of the indexes of the neighbours
    (assuming the neighbours indexing is correct) multiplied by J[i] where i is
    the shell (1, 2, ...9), i.e. the 1st shell of ngbs is multiplied by 1,
    the 2nd shell by 2, the 3rd shell by 3, and so on

    for arrang in ['square', 'diagonal']:
        a = 1
        shells = 9
        mesh = HexagonalMesh(a * 0.5,
        sim = Sim(mesh)
        # Set s_x as the lattice site number
                            0] = np.arange(len(sim.spin.reshape(-1, 3)[:, 0]))

        # Exchange constants according to the shell
        Js = np.arange(1, 10)
        exch = Exchange(Js)

        field = exch.compute_field()

        # We only test for the 60th lattice site
        ngbs_60 = mesh.neighbours[60]
        sum_ngbs = mesh._sum_ngbs_shell

        # For every shell, find the ngb indexes in that shell and multiply the
        # sum by the corresponding J=1, 2, 3, ...
        sum_rings = 0
        for i in range(1, shells + 1):
            ngbs_range = slice(sum_ngbs[i - 1], sum_ngbs[i])
            print('J = ', Js[i - 1], '  ngbs indexes: ', ngbs_60[ngbs_range])
            sum_rings += Js[i - 1] * np.sum(ngbs_60[ngbs_range])

        assert field[3 * 60] == sum_rings
Esempio n. 6
def test_full_exch_hex_9_shells():
    Test the x component of the exchange field when using 9 shells of
    neighbours in a 9 X 9 hexagonal lattice with square and diagonal

    We set J=1 for every shell and set the s_x component of the spins as the
    lattice site number:
    [0, 1, 2, 3, ... 80]

    Since we set the s_x components as the lattice position indexes, the x
    component of the field is just the sum of the indexes of the neighbours
    (assuming the neighbours indexing is correct) because we set the exchange
    constants as 1

    for arrang in ['square', 'diagonal']:
        a = 1
        shells = 9
        mesh = HexagonalMesh(a * 0.5,
        sim = Sim(mesh)
        # Set s_x as the lattice site number
                            0] = np.arange(len(sim.spin.reshape(-1, 3)[:, 0]))

        Js = np.ones(shells)
        exch = Exchange(Js)

        field = exch.compute_field()

        # Test the x component for every lattice site, summing the neighbours
        # index and removing the -1 elements (their contribution is zero)
        for i in range(sim.mesh.n):
            assert field[3 * i] == np.sum(
Esempio n. 7
def test_exch_1d_spatial():
    Test the x component of the exchange field
    in a 1D mesh, with the spin ordering:

    0 1 2 3 4 5

    mesh = CuboidMesh(nx=12, ny=1, nz=1)
    sim = Sim(mesh)
    exch = Exchange(spatial_J)

    sim.set_m(init_m, normalise=False)

    field = exch.compute_field()

    assert exch._J[3, 3] == -1.0
    assert exch._J[5, 1] == 0.3
    assert exch._J[6, 0] == 0.3
    assert exch._J[8, 5] == 1.0
Esempio n. 8
def test_exch_1d_spatial():
    Test the x component of the exchange field
    in a 1D mesh, with the spin ordering:

    0 1 2 3 4 5

    mesh = CuboidMesh(nx=12, ny=1, nz=1)
    sim = Sim(mesh)
    exch = Exchange(spatial_J)

    sim.set_m(init_m, normalise=False)

    field = exch.compute_field()

    assert exch._J[3,3] == -1.0
    assert exch._J[5,1] == 0.3
    assert exch._J[6,0] == 0.3
    assert exch._J[8,5] == 1.0