Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self, data):
     assert isinstance(data, list)
     assert len(data) > 0, 'Cannot construct an empty Merkle Tree.'
     num_leaves = 2**ceil(log2(len(data))) = data + [FieldElement(0)] * (num_leaves - len(data))
     self.height = int(log2(num_leaves))
     self.facts = {}
     self.root = self.build_tree()

# a STARK proving mechanism 
# from StarkWare101 Workshop
# in San Fransisco, 2/17/20

# PART 1 #

# first step is to create a list of length 1023 
# first two elements are FieldElement objects 
# representing 1 and 3141592 respectively.

a = [FieldElement(1), FieldElement(3141592)]
while len(a) < 1023:
    a.append(a[-2] * a[-2] + a[-1] * a[-1])

# quick unit test to verify a[] constructed properly
assert len(a) == 1023, 'The trace must consist of exactly 1023 elements.'
assert a[0] == FieldElement(1), 'The first element in the trace must be the unit element.'
for i in range(2, 1023):
    assert a[i] == a[i - 1] * a[i - 1] + a[i - 2] * a[i - 2], f'The FibonacciSq recursion rule does not apply for index {i}'
assert a[1022] == FieldElement(2338775057), 'Wrong last element!'

# need a generator from field element class
# need to generator a group of size 1024

g = FieldElement.generator() ** (3 * 2 ** 20)