Esempio n. 1
	def readSrt(self, fname_srt):
		fi = open(fname_srt)
		idx = None
		tm = None
		txt = None
		lastLineEmpty = True
		set = False
		lines = []
		subReplace = {}
		if self.__STNGS.has_key('subReplace'):
			subReplace = self.__STNGS['subReplace']
		subStyle = None
		fCoding = fileCoding.file_encoding(fname_srt)
		for line in fi:
			line = unicode(line, fCoding).strip()
			if len(line)>3 and line[:3]==u'\xEF\xBB\xBF':
				line = line[3:]

			line = re.sub(r'\{\\[^\}]*\}', '', line)
			if len(line)!=0:
				subStyle = []
				if subReplace.has_key(line):
					if subReplace[line].has_key('text'):
						line = subReplace[line]['text']

				if lastLineEmpty:
					    x = int(line)
						x = None
					if x!=None and txt!=None:
						ttt = tm.split('-->')
						if len(ttt)==2:
							tm1 = ttt[0].strip()
							tm2 = ttt[1].strip()
							val = (['', ''], tm1, tm2, txt.encode('utf-8'), subStyle)
							self.__insert(lines, val)
							if len(subStyle)>0:
							#print '%d\n-%s\n--%s'%(idx, tm, txt)
							#fo.write('%d\n%s\n%s\n\n'%(idx, tm, txt))
						idx = x
						tm = None
						txt = None
						set= True
					# first
					if idx==None and x!=None:
						idx = x
						set= True
				if not set:
					if tm==None:
						tm = line
					elif txt==None:
						txt = line
						txt += u'\n%s'%line
				set= False
				lastLineEmpty = False
				lastLineEmpty = True

		if idx!=None and tm!=None and txt!=None:
			ttt = tm.split('-->')
			if len(ttt)==2:
				tm1 = ttt[0].strip()
				tm2 = ttt[1].strip()
				val = (['', ''], ttt[0].strip(), ttt[1].strip(), txt.encode('utf-8'), subStyle)
				self.__insert(lines, val)

		# join lines in sub if lines > 2
		for i in range(len(lines)):
			val = lines[i]
			if len(val[3].split('\n'))>2:
				tmp = string.join(val[3].split('\n'), ' ')
				val = (val[0], val[1], val[2], tmp, val[4])
				lines[i] = val
		for i in range(len(lines)):
			val = lines[i]
			tmp = self.stylesFromSrtLine(unicode(val[3], 'utf-8'))
			if len(tmp[1]):
				val = (val[0], val[1], val[2], tmp[0].encode('utf-8'), tmp[1])
				lines[i] = val
			#print '%s %s'%(val[4], val[3])

		return lines
Esempio n. 2
	def fileInfo(self, filename):
			input: video file name
					'informer': <informer app>
					'filename': filename
								streamType,			// 0 - video, 1 - audio, 2 - subs, 3 - image
								trackID,			// ffmpeg track id ('0:0', '0:1')
								lang,				// language (3 chars)
								params = {}			// additional params (codec, width, height, dwidth, dheight ...)
					'tags': {
						'<tag_name>': '<value>',

		rv = cMediaInfo('error', filename)
		tmp, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
		ext = ext.lower()
		if ext=='.ass' or ext=='.srt' or ext=='.ttxt' or ext=='.ssa':
			rv.informer = 'none'
			rv.stream_add(cStream(2, '0%s0'%self.mapStreamSeparatedSymbol(filename), None, {'codec': ext[1:], 'encoding': fileCoding.file_encoding(filename)}))
			rv = self.fileInfoUsingMediaInfo(filename)
			if isMatroshkaMedia(filename):
				tmp = self.fileInfoUsingMKV(filename)
				if len(rv.streams)==len(tmp.streams):
					for stream in rv.streams:
						for i in range(len(tmp.streams)):
							if stream.trackID==tmp.streams[i].trackID and stream.type==tmp.streams[i].type and tmp.streams[i].params.has_key('mkvinfo_trackNumber'):
								stream.params['mkvinfo_trackNumber'] = tmp.streams[i].params['mkvinfo_trackNumber']

			if len(rv.streams)==0:
				rv = self.fileInfoUsingFFMPEG(filename)

			rv.general['mediaDuration'] = self.__mediaDuration(filename)
		except Exception, e:
Esempio n. 3
	def readAss(self, fname_ass):
		fi = open(fname_ass)
		block = 0
		lines = []
		black_list = ()
		if self.__STNGS.has_key('ASSremoveItems'):
			black_list = self.__STNGS['ASSremoveItems']
		subReplace = {}
		if self.__STNGS.has_key('subReplace'):
			subReplace = self.__STNGS['subReplace']
		lastVal = None
		styles = {}
		canMergeLines = True
		fCoding = fileCoding.file_encoding(fname_ass)
		for line in fi:
			if block==2:
				elems = line.split(',')
				t =  re.compile('Style:\s*([^,]+)').match(elems[0])
				if t:
					sName = t.groups()[0]
					t =  re.compile('\&(H[0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{6})').match(elems[3])
					if t:
						col = t.groups()[1]
						styles[sName] = (col,)
			if line[:8] == 'alogue: ':
				line = 'Di%s'%line
			if line[:10] == 'Dialogue: ':
				block = 3
			if block==3:
				#print line
				if line[:8] == 'alogue: ':
					line = 'Di%s'%line
				if line[:10] == 'Dialogue: ':
					line = line[8:]
					elems = line.split(',')
					linetext = ",".join(elems[9:])
					linetext = unicode(linetext, fCoding)

					#if len(linetext)>12 and ((linetext[:7]=='{\\bord3') or (linetext[:5]=='{\\be1')) and (len(elems[3])>3 and elems[3][:3]=="ed_"):
					#	linetext=''
					#if len(linetext)>12 and (linetext[:15]=='{\\fad(200,200)}') and (len(elems[3])>3 and elems[3][:3]=="ed_"):
					#	linetext=''

					linetext = linetext.replace('\\n','\\N')
					linetext = linetext.replace('\\N','\n')
					linetext = re.sub(r'\{\\[^\}]*\}', '', linetext)
					linetext = re.sub(r'([lmb](\s\-{0,1}\d+){2,8}\s{0,1}){2,}', '', linetext)	# m 0 0 l 0 150 l 250 150 l 250 0
					linetext = re.sub(r'm\s\-{0,1}\d+\s+\-{0,1}\d+\s+s(\s+\-{0,1}\d+){14}\s+c', '', linetext)	# m 5 0 s 95 0 100 5 100 95 95 100 5 100 0 95 0 5 c
					linetext = linetext.replace('\\h','')
					linetext = re.sub(r'\{[^\}]*\}', '', linetext)		# remove from subs comments {xxxx}

					blackCheck = True
					subEnd = self.timesrt(elems[2])
					if subReplace.has_key(linetext.strip()):
						v = subReplace[linetext.strip()]
						if (not v.has_key('style')) or (v.has_key('style') and v['style']==elems[3].strip()):
							linetext = v['text']
							if v.has_key('duration'):
								subDuration = v['duration']
								subEnd = self.int2time(self.time2int(self.timesrt(elems[1]))+subDuration)
							blackCheck = False

					if blackCheck:
						bl = False
						for style in black_list:
							if style==unicode(elems[3], 'utf-8'):
								bl = True
						if bl:

					while linetext.find('\n\n')>=0:
						linetext = linetext.replace('\n\n','\n')
					tmpStr = ''
					canMerge = True
					for l in linetext.split('\n'):
						ch = '\n'
						if l.find(' ')==-1 and l.find('.')==-1 and l.find(',')==-1:
							if canMerge:
								ch = ' '
							canMerge = True
							canMerge = False
						tmpStr = '%s%s%s'%(tmpStr, ch, l)
					linetext = tmpStr.strip()
					linetext8 = linetext.encode('utf-8')
					#print len(unicode(linetext,'utf-8')),linetext
					if len(linetext8)>0:
						_style = elems[3].strip()
						if _style[0]=='*': _style = _style[1:]
						_name = elems[4].strip()
						val = [[_style, _name], self.timesrt(elems[1]), subEnd, linetext8, []]
						if lastVal<>None:
							if canMergeLines and lastVal[0][0]==val[0][0] and lastVal[1]==val[1] and lastVal[2]==lastVal[2] and linetext.find(' ')==-1 and linetext.find('.')==-1 and linetext.find(',')==-1:
								lastVal[3] = '%s %s'%(unicode(lastVal[3], 'utf-8'), linetext)
								lastVal[3] = lastVal[3].encode('utf-8')
								self.__insert(lines, val)
								lastVal = val
							self.__insert(lines, val)
							lastVal = val
						canMergeLines = (linetext.find(' ')==-1 and linetext.find('.')==-1 and linetext.find(',')==-1)

			line = line.strip()
			if '[Script Info]' == line:
				block = 1
			if ('[V4+ Styles]' == line) or ('[V4 Styles]' == line):
				block = 2
			if '[Events]' == line:
				block = 3
			#if re.compile('Format\: Layer, Start, End').match(line):
			#	start = True;
			#if re.compile('\[Events\]').match(line):
			#	start = True;

		c = None
		needFontTag = False;
		for l in lines:
			style = self.getSubStyle(l[0], styles)
			if c != None and c != style:
				needFontTag = True
			c = style

		if needFontTag:
			for i in range(len(lines)):
				l = lines[i]
				style = self.getSubStyle(l[0], styles)
				strLineStyle = self.stylesFromSrtLine(unicode(l[3], 'utf-8'))
				if style!=None:
					if strLineStyle[1]==[]:
				if strLineStyle[1]!=[]:
					lines[i][3] = strLineStyle[0].encode('utf-8')
					for s in strLineStyle[1]:
		return lines