Esempio n. 1
    def __import_original__(self, original_path):
        safe-copy an image from original_path into the package and set all metadata
        logger = logging.getLogger(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)

        # verify and copy the original image
        real_path = validate_path(original_path, 'file')
        filename, extension = os.path.splitext(real_path)
        self.original = '.'.join(('original', EXTENSIONS[extension[1:].lower()]))
        dest_path = os.path.join(self.path, self.original) # fix up filename extensions
        hash_orig = safe_copy(real_path, dest_path)
        self.__append_event__('copied original file from {src} to {dest}'.format(src=real_path, dest=dest_path))
        self.manifest.set(self.original, hash_orig)

        # capture and store metadata from the original file using exiftool
        # note this could be optimized by re-using a single exiftool instance, but code refactoring will have to happen
        with exiftool.ExifTool() as et:
            metadata = et.get_metadata_batch([dest_path,])
        exif_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'original-exif.json')
        with open(exif_path, 'w') as exif_file:
            for d in metadata:
                json.dump(d, exif_file, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
                logger.debug('wrote exiftool metadata for original file on {exif_path}'.format(exif_path=exif_path))
                for k in d.keys():
                    logger.debug("exiftool found: {key}='{value}'".format(key=k, value=d[k]))
        hash_exif = hash_of_file(exif_path)
        self.__append_event__('wrote exif extracted from original file in json format on {exif_path}'.format(exif_path=exif_path))
        self.manifest.set('original-exif.json', hash_exif)

        # capture and store technical metadata using jhove (TBD)
        logger.warning('no jhove metadata is created')
Esempio n. 2
 def __append_event__(self, msg):
     append an event notice to the package history
     logger = logging.getLogger(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)
     event = '{stamp} {message}\n'.format('US/Eastern')).isoformat(), message=msg)
     with open(os.path.join(self.path, 'history.txt'), 'a') as hf:
     self.manifest.set('history.txt', hash_of_file(os.path.join(self.path, "history.txt")))
Esempio n. 3
    def __import_original__(self, original_path):
        safe-copy an image from original_path into the package and set all metadata
        logger = logging.getLogger(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)

        # verify and copy the original image
        real_path = validate_path(original_path, 'file')
        filename, extension = os.path.splitext(real_path)
        self.original = '.'.join(
            ('original', EXTENSIONS[extension[1:].lower()]))
        dest_path = os.path.join(self.path,
                                 self.original)  # fix up filename extensions
        hash_orig = safe_copy(real_path, dest_path)
            'copied original file from {src} to {dest}'.format(src=real_path,
        self.manifest.set(self.original, hash_orig)

        # capture and store metadata from the original file using exiftool
        # note this could be optimized by re-using a single exiftool instance, but code refactoring will have to happen
        with exiftool.ExifTool() as et:
            metadata = et.get_metadata_batch([
        exif_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'original-exif.json')
        with open(exif_path, 'w') as exif_file:
            for d in metadata:
                json.dump(d, exif_file, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
                    'wrote exiftool metadata for original file on {exif_path}'.
                for k in d.keys():
                    logger.debug("exiftool found: {key}='{value}'".format(
                        key=k, value=d[k]))
        hash_exif = hash_of_file(exif_path)
            'wrote exif extracted from original file in json format on {exif_path}'
        self.manifest.set('original-exif.json', hash_exif)

        # capture and store technical metadata using jhove (TBD)
        logger.warning('no jhove metadata is created')
Esempio n. 4
    def __generate_master__(self):
        create a master file from the original already in the package and set all metadata
        # open original
        # capture existing ICC profile (if there is one)
        # if no ICC profile, assign sRGB
        # if ICC profile and != sRGB, convert to sRGB
        # save as uncompressed TIFF

        logger = logging.getLogger(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)

        profile_srgb2 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'icc', 'sRGB_IEC61966-2-1_black_scaled.icc')
        profile_srgb4 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'icc', 'sRGB_v4_ICC_preference.icc')
        original_path = os.path.join(self.path, self.original)
        original_image =
            raw_profile =['icc_profile']
        except KeyError:
            raw_profile = getOpenProfile(profile_srgb2).tobytes()
            logger.warning('{original} does not have an internal ICC color profile'.format(original=self.original))
            logger.debug('detected internal ICC color profile in {original}'.format(original=self.original))
        original_profile = getOpenProfile(BytesIO(raw_profile))
        original_profile_name = getProfileName(original_profile).strip()
        target_profile = getOpenProfile(profile_srgb4)
        target_profile_name = getProfileName(target_profile).strip()
        logger.debug('attempting to convert from "{original}" to "{target}"'.format(original=original_profile_name, target=target_profile_name))
        converted_image = profileToProfile(original_image, original_profile, target_profile)
        master_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'master.tif')
        tiffinfo = TiffImagePlugin.ImageFileDirectory()
        tiffinfo[TiffImagePlugin.ICCPROFILE] = target_profile.tobytes()
        tiffinfo.tagtype[TiffImagePlugin.ICCPROFILE] = 1 # byte according to TiffTags.TYPES
        converted_image.DEBUG=True, tiffinfo=tiffinfo)
        hash_master = hash_of_file(master_path)
        logger.debug('saved converted master image to {master}'.format(master=master_path))
        self.__append_event__('created master.tif file at {master}'.format(master=master_path))
        self.manifest.set('master.tif', hash_master)
Esempio n. 5
    def validate(self):
        verify completeness and fixity of the current package
        logger = logging.getLogger(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)  
            path = self.path
        except AttributeError:
            logger.warning('Package.validate() was called before Package.path was set.')
            return False
            manifest = self.manifest
        except AttributeError:
            logger.warning('Package.validate() was called before Package.manifest was set.')
            return False
        result = True

        # make sure the minimally required components are present and have been successfully opened
        if 'master.tif' not in filenames:
            result = False
            logger.error("Validation failed to find 'master.tif' in manifest")
        if self.original not in filenames:
            result = False
            logger.error("Validation failed to find '{0}' in manifest".format(self.original))

        # verify that checksums are valid for every item in the manifest
        for filename in filenames:
            checksum = self.manifest.get(filename)
            filepath = os.path.join(path, filename)
            real_filepath = validate_path(filepath, 'file')
            if checksum != hash_of_file(real_filepath):
                logger.error("checksum verification FAILED on '{0}' in Package.validate()".format(real_filepath))
                result = False

        return result
Esempio n. 6
    def make_derivatives(self, overwrite=False):
        create derivative images
        logger = logging.getLogger(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)   
            thumbnail = self.thumbnail
        except AttributeError:
            if not overwrite:
                return False
        master_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'master.tif')
        master_image =
        master_profile ='icc_profile')

        # make and save "maximum" image, a jpeg same resolution as the master
        maximum_image = master_image.copy()
        maximum_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'maximum.jpg')
            save_image(maximum_image, maximum_path, 'JPEG', options={'optimize':True, 'progressive':False, 'quality':95, 'icc_profile':master_profile})
        except IOError:
            save_image(preview_image, preview_path, 'JPEG', options={'optimize':True, 'progressive':False, 'icc_profile':master_profile})
        self.maximum = True
        maximum_hash = hash_of_file(maximum_path)
        self.__append_event__("Wrote derivative 'maximum' jpeg file on {0}".format(maximum_path))
        self.manifest.set('maximum.jpg', maximum_hash)
        del maximum_image # save RAM

        # make and save preview image
        # Note: the resampling algorithm that gives the highest quality result (bicubic)
        # is expensive in terms of compute time, and that expense is proportional to the
        # size of the original image and the relative size of the target image. 
        # Consequently, if the starting image is significantly larger than the desired 
        # down-sampled image, we'll make a first pass with the much less expensive 
        # "nearest neighbor" resampling algorithm to get an image that is only twice the
        # size of the target, then use "bicubic" on it to get the desired outcome. The
        # wisdom of the Internet seems to point to this as a time-saving step that 
        # sacrifices little or nothing in quality. Caveat lector. Of course, if we 
        # really wanted to do this fast, we'd write it in C.
        preview_image = master_image.copy()
        del master_image # save RAM
        size = preview_image.size
        logger.debug("master size: {0}, {1}".format(size[0], size[1]))
        if size[0] > 3* SIZEPREVIEW[0] or size[1] > 3* SIZEPREVIEW[1]:
            preview_image.thumbnail(tuple(s*2 for s in SIZEPREVIEW), Image.NEAREST)
            logger.debug("did nearest pre-shrink for preview, resulting size: {0}, {1}".format(preview_image.size[0], preview_image.size[1]))
        logger.debug("resulting preview size: {0}, {1}".format(preview_image.size[0], preview_image.size[1]))
        preview_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'preview.jpg')
            save_image(preview_image, preview_path, 'JPEG', options={'optimize':True, 'progressive':True, 'quality':80, 'icc_profile':master_profile})
        except IOError:
            save_image(preview_image, preview_path, 'JPEG', options={'optimize':True, 'progressive':True, 'icc_profile':master_profile})
            logger.warning("preview image could not be written at quality 80; using defaults")
        self.preview = True
        preview_hash = hash_of_file(preview_path)
        self.__append_event__("wrote derivative 'preview' jpeg file on {0}".format(preview_path))
        self.manifest.set('preview.jpg', preview_hash)

        # make and save thumbnail image
        # Note: use the same approach as above, but start with the preview image, which
        # is surely much smaller than the master.
        thumbnail_image = preview_image.copy()
        del preview_image # save the RAMs!
        thumbnail_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'thumb.jpg')
            save_image(thumbnail_image, thumbnail_path, 'JPEG', options={'optimize':True, 'progressive':True, 'quality':80, 'icc_profile':master_profile})
        except IOError:
            save_image(thumbnail_image, thumbnail_path, 'JPEG', options={'optimize':True, 'progressive':True, 'icc_profile':master_profile})
            logger.warning("preview image could not be written at quality 80; using defaults")
        self.thumbnail = True
        thumbnail_hash = hash_of_file(thumbnail_path)
        self.__append_event__("wrote derivative 'thumbnail' jpeg file on {0}".format(thumbnail_path))
        self.manifest.set('thumb.jpg', thumbnail_hash)

        del thumbnail_image # probably not necessary to save the RAM here cuz gc will get it but anyway...
        return True