def login(): if request.method == "POST": username = request.form["username"] password = request.form["password"] db = get_db() error = [] cur = db.execute( """SELECT "id", "password" FROM "user" WHERE "username" = :user;""", {"user": username}) user = cur.fetchone() cur.close() if user is None: error.append("User '{:s}' does not exist.".format(username)) elif not check_password_hash(user["password"], password): error.append("Bad password for user '{:s}'.".format(username)) else: session.clear() session["user_id"] = user["id"] return redirect(url_for("index")) flash("\n".join(error)) return render_template("auth/login.html")
def load_authed_user(): user_id = session.get("user_id") if user_id is None: g.user = None g.groups = [] else: cur = get_db().cursor() g.user = cur.execute( """SELECT "id", "username" FROM "user" WHERE "id" = :uid;""", { "uid": user_id }).fetchone() g.groups = [ r["groupname"] for r in cur.execute( """ SELECT "groupname" FROM "group", "user_in_group" uig WHERE 1 AND "id" = uig."group_id" AND uig."user_id" = :uid ; """, { "uid": user_id }).fetchall() ] cur.close()
def authorize_user(user): if g.user is None: return False else: if isinstance(user, (list, tuple)): return any(authorize_user(u) for u in user) authed = False if user[0] == '@': cur = get_db().execute( """ SELECT g."id" FROM "group" g, "user_in_group" uig WHERE 1 AND g."groupname" = :group AND uig."user_id" = :uid AND g."id" = uig."group_id" ; """, { "group": user[1:], "uid": g.user["id"] }) if cur.fetchone() is not None: authed = True cur.close() elif user == g.user["username"]: authed = True return authed
def delete(id): # get_post(id) db = get_db() db.execute("""DELETE FROM "post" WHERE "id" = :pid;""", { "pid": id }).close() db.commit() return redirect(url_for("blog.index"))
def get_files(id): cur = get_db().cursor() files = [BlogFile( join_path(current_app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"], row["filename"]), counter=row["counter"], id=row["id"] ) for row in cur.execute( """SELECT "id", "filename", "counter" FROM "file" WHERE "post_id" = :pid;""", {"pid": id} )] cur.close() return files
def download(fid): cur = get_db().execute("""SELECT "filename" FROM "file" WHERE "id" = :fid;""", {"fid": fid}) res = cur.fetchone() cur.close() if res is None: abort(404, "There is no file with id {:d}.".format(fid)) else: filename = join_path(current_app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"], res["filename"]) if isfile(filename): return send_file(filename, as_attachment=True) else: abort(404, "The file '{:s}' could not be found.".format(filename))
def index(): db = get_db() cur = db.execute(""" SELECT "id", "title", "body", "ref_date" FROM "post" ORDER BY "ref_date" DESC ; """) posts = cur.fetchall() cur.close() return render_template("blog/index.html", posts=posts)
def update(id): if request.method == "POST": title = request.form["title"] body = request.form["body"] dt = request.form["date"] error = [] if not title: error.append("The title must not be empty.") if date: try: dt = date.fromisoformat(dt) except ValueError: error.append( "Date must be given as 'YYYY-MM-DD' or left empty.") dt = None if error: flash("\n".join(error)) else: db = get_db() db.execute( """ UPDATE "post" SET "title" = :title, "body" = :body, "ref_date" = :date WHERE "id" = :pid;""", { "title": title, "body": body, "date": dt.isoformat() if dt else None, "pid": id }).close() db.commit() add_files(id, request.files.getlist("files")) return redirect(url_for(".show", id=id)) return render_template("blog/update.html", post=get_post(id), files=get_files(id))
def add_files(pid, files): db = get_db() cur = db.cursor() for file in files: if file.filename: try: fname = secure_filename(file.filename)["UPLOAD_FOLDER"], fname)) cur.execute( """ INSERT INTO file ("filename", "post_id") VALUES (:name, :id) ; """, { "id": pid, "name": fname }) db.commit() except: flash("Failed to save file '{:s}'.".format(file.filename))
def create_group_command(name): """Create new user group.""" db = get_db() cur = db.execute("""SELECT "id" FROM "group" WHERE "groupname" = :name;""", {"name": name}) if cur.fetchone() is not None: echo("Group '{:s}' does already exist.".format(name)) cur.close() return try: db.execute("""INSERT INTO "group" ("groupname") VALUES (:name);""", { "name": name }).close() db.commit() except SQLiteError as err: echo("Failed to create group '{:s}': {:s}".format(name, err.args[0])) return echo("Group '{:s}' created.".format(name))
def create(): if request.method == "POST": title = request.form["title"] body = request.form["body"] dt = request.form["date"] error = [] if not title: error.append("Title must not be empty.") if date: try: dt = date.fromisoformat(dt) except ValueError: error.append( "Date must be given as 'YYYY-MM-DD' or left empty.") dt = None if error: flash("\n".join(error)) else: db = get_db() cur = db.execute( """ INSERT INTO "post" ("title", "body", "ref_date") VALUES (:title, :body, :date); """, { "title": title, "body": body, "date": dt.isoformat() if dt else None }) db.commit() pid = cur.lastrowid # flash(len(request.files.getlist("files"))) add_files(pid, request.files.getlist("files")) return redirect(url_for(".show", id=pid)) return render_template("blog/create.html")
def get_post(id): cur = get_db().cursor() post = cur.execute( """ SELECT "id", "title", "body", "ref_date" FROM "post" p WHERE "id" = :pid ; """, { "pid": id }).fetchone() cur.close() if post is None: abort(404, "There is no post with id {:d}".format(id)) return post
def create_user_command(name, group=None): """Create a new user.""" db = get_db() cur = db.execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION;") if cur.execute("""SELECT "id" FROM "user" WHERE "username" = :name;""", { "name": name }).fetchone() is not None: echo("User '{:s}' does already exist.".format(name)) cur.close() return if group is None: group_id = None else: group_res = cur.execute( """SELECT "id" FROM "group" WHERE "groupname" = :name;""", { "name": group }).fetchone() if group_res is None: if confirm("Group '{:s}' does not exist. Create it?".format(group), default=True): try: cur.execute( """INSERT INTO "group" ("groupname") VALUES (:name);""", {"name": group}) except SQLiteError as err: echo("Failed to create group '{:s}': {:s}".format( group, err.args[0])) cur.execute("ROLLBACK TRANSACTION;") cur.close() return group_id = cur.lastrowid else: echo("I did not create user '{:s}'.".format(name)) cur.close() return else: group_id = group_res["id"] while True: password = prompt("Enter a password for user '{:s}'".format(name), hide_input=True, type=str) if len(password) > 5: break echo("Password not acceptable, too short.") try: cur.execute( """INSERT INTO "user" ("username", "password") VALUES (:name, :secret);""", { "name": name, "secret": generate_password_hash(password) }) if group_id is not None: cur.execute( """INSERT INTO "user_in_group" ("user_id", "group_id") VALUES (:uid, :gid);""", { "uid": cur.lastrowid, "gid": group_id }) cur.execute("COMMIT TRANSACTION;") except SQLiteError as err: echo("Failed to create user '{:s}': {:s}".format(name, err.args[0])) cur.execute("ROLLBACK TRANSACTION;") cur.close() return if group_id is None: echo("User '{:s}' created.".format(name)) else: echo("User '{:s}' created as member of group '{:s}'.".format( name, group))