def resultsForScan(scanID): data, lTrain, lTest = files.loadAllInputsUpdated(scanID, classifier.PAD, allFeatures=True, moreFeatures=False) assert data.shape[-1] == len(FEATURES) labels = np.vstack((lTrain, lTest)) nLabels = labels.shape[0] xyz, labels = labels[:, :3], labels[:, 3] xyz = xyz - 1 # IMPORTANT! predictions = np.zeros(nLabels) accs, senss, specs, dices, aucs = \ np.zeros(len(FEATURES)), np.zeros(len(FEATURES)), np.zeros(len(FEATURES)), np.zeros(len(FEATURES)), np.zeros(len(FEATURES)) for i in range(len(FEATURES)): feat = data[:, :, :, i] T_ostu = threshold_otsu(feat.ravel()) for j in range(nLabels): predictions[j] = feat[xyz[j, 0], xyz[j, 1], xyz[j, 2]] accs[i], senss[i], specs[i], dices[i], aucs[i] = util.genScores( labels, predictions, 0.5, T_ostu) return accs, senss, specs, dices, aucs
def singleBrain(scanID, runOneFunc, calcScore=True, writeVolume=False, savePath=None): data, labelsTrain, labelsTest = files.loadAllInputsUpdated( scanID, PAD, ALL_FEAT, MORE_FEAT, oneFeat=ONE_FEAT_NAME) toReturn = None if calcScore: trainX, trainY = files.convertToInputs(scanID, data, labelsTrain, PAD, FLIP_X, FLIP_Y, FLIP_Z, FLIP_XY) testX, testY = files.convertToInputs(scanID, data, labelsTest, PAD, False, False, False, FLIP_XY) print("%d train samples, %d test" % (len(trainX), len(testX))) _, _, scores, _ = runOneFunc(trainX, trainY, testX, testY, scanID, savePath) print(" Results\n -------\n" + util.formatScores(scores)) toReturn = scores if writeVolume: labels = np.vstack((labelsTrain, labelsTest)) trainX, trainY = files.convertToInputs(scanID, data, labels, PAD, FLIP_X, FLIP_Y, FLIP_Z) _, _, volume, _ = runOneFunc(trainX, trainY, data, None, scanID, savePath) toReturn = volume return toReturn
def scanAnnotation(scanID): _, lTrain, lTest = files.loadAllInputsUpdated(scanID, classifier.PAD, allFeatures=True, moreFeatures=False) trainV = lTrain.sum(axis=0)[-1] trainNV = lTrain.shape[0] - trainV testV = lTest.sum(axis=0)[-1] testNV = lTest.shape[0] - testV return trainV, trainNV, testV, testNV
def generateErrorForSingleBrain(scanID): data, labelsTrain, labelsTest = files.loadAllInputsUpdated( scanID, classifier.ALL_FEAT, classifier.MORE_FEAT, oneFeat=classifier.ONE_FEAT_NAME) trainX, trainY = files.convertToInputs(data, labelsTrain, classifier.PAD, classifier.FLIP_X, classifier.FLIP_Y, classifier.FLIP_Z) testX, testY = files.convertToInputs(data, labelsTest, classifier.PAD, False, False, False) print("%d train samples, %d test" % (len(trainX), len(testX))) _, _, scores, predictions = cnn.runOne(trainX, trainY, testX, testY, scanID, None) print(" Results Train -> Test\n -------\n" + util.formatScores(scores)) delta = labelsTest[:, 3] - np.array(predictions) errorTest = np.copy(labelsTest.astype(np.float16)) errorTest[:, 3] = labelsTest[:, 3] - np.array(predictions) print("%f -> %f" % (np.min(errorTest[:, 3]), np.max(errorTest[:, 3]))) print("Switched: %d train samples, %d test" % (len(testX), len(trainX))) _, _, scores, predictions = cnn.runOne(testX, testY, trainX, trainY, scanID, None) print(" Results Test -> Train\n -------\n" + util.formatScores(scores)) delta = labelsTrain[:, 3] - np.array(predictions) errorTrain = np.copy(labelsTrain.astype(np.float16)) errorTrain[:, 3] = labelsTrain[:, 3] - np.array(predictions) print("%f -> %f" % (np.min(errorTrain[:, 3]), np.max(errorTrain[:, 3]))) errorPath = "%s/%s/Normal%s-MRA_annotationAll_errors.mat" % ( files.BASE_PATH, scanID, scanID) print(errorTest.shape) print(errorTrain.shape) allErrors = np.vstack((errorTrain, errorTest)) print(allErrors.shape) files.writePrediction(errorPath, 'coordTable', allErrors) plt.hist(allErrors[:, 3].ravel())
def trainAndSave(scanID, savePath=None): epochs = N_EPOCHS batchSize = BATCH_SIZE inFeat, lTrain, lTest = files.loadAllInputsUpdated(scanID, classifier.ALL_FEAT, classifier.MORE_FEAT) labelled = np.concatenate([lTrain, lTest]) lX, lY = files.convertToInputs(inFeat, labelled, classifier.PAD, False, False, False) # simpleTSNE(lX, lY) bm = files.loadBM(scanID) brainIndices = np.array(np.where(bm == 1)).T brainIndices = brainIndices[::SUB_SAMPLE, :] nSamples = brainIndices.shape[0] print ("Training on %d sub-volumes" % brainIndices.shape[0]) xInput, xOutput, innerFeat, isTraining, trainOp, cost = buildCAENetwork9() denseNet = buildDenseNetwork() saver = None if savePath is None else tf.train.Saver() costs = [] with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False)) as sess: start_time = print ("Initializing session...") iterations = int(nSamples/batchSize) + 1 # run epochs for epoch in range(epochs): start_time_epoch = print('Scan %s, Epoch %d started' % (scanID, epoch)) np.random.shuffle(brainIndices) # mini batch for trianing set: totalCost = 0.0 for itr in tqdm(range(iterations)): batchMids = brainIndices[itr*batchSize: (itr+1)*batchSize] batchX = util.xyzRowsToVolumes(inFeat, batchMids, classifier.PAD) _trainOp, _cost =[trainOp, cost], feed_dict={ xInput: batchX, isTraining: True }) totalCost += _cost avCost = totalCost / iterations finalCost = nSamples * avCost print (">> Epoch %d had TRAIN loss: %.3f\tav: %.6f" % ( epoch, finalCost, avCost )) costs.append(finalCost) end_time = print('Time elapse: ', str(end_time - start_time)) _cost, _feat =[cost, innerFeat], feed_dict={ xInput: lX, isTraining: False }) print ('Train/Test data has cost %.3f\ av = %.6f' % (_cost * lX.shape[0], _cost)) print (_feat.shape) # Save the network: if savePath is not None: savePath =, savePath) print ("Model saved to %s" % (savePath)) return costs
def runDenseNetwork(trainID, testID, loadPath, batchSize=BATCH_SIZE): epochs = N_EPOCHS * 5 tf.reset_default_graph() volTrain, lTrainA, lTrainB = files.loadAllInputsUpdated(trainID, classifier.ALL_FEAT, classifier.MORE_FEAT) volTest, lTestA, lTestB = files.loadAllInputsUpdated(testID, classifier.ALL_FEAT, classifier.MORE_FEAT) lTrain = np.concatenate([lTrainA, lTrainB], axis=0) lTest = np.concatenate([lTestA, lTestB], axis=0) trainX, trainY = files.convertToInputs(volTrain, lTrain, classifier.PAD, classifier.FLIP_X, classifier.FLIP_Y, classifier.FLIP_Z) testX, testY = files.convertToInputs(volTest, lTest, classifier.PAD, False, False, False) print ("Dense network: %d train samples, %d test" % (len(trainX), len(testX))) print ("Building networks...") caeX, _, innerFeat, caeIsTraining, _, _ = buildCAENetwork9() net = buildDenseNetwork() xInput, yInput, trainOp, cost, numCorrect, predictedProbs = net['x'], net['y'], net['t'], net['c'], net['nc'], net['p'] runTest = True iterations = int(len(trainY)/batchSize) + 1 saver = tf.train.Saver() trainCosts, corrs = [], [] testCosts = [] with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False)) as sess: saver.restore(sess, loadPath) # run epochs for epoch in range(epochs): start_time_epoch = print('Training Scan %s, Epoch %d started' % (trainID, epoch)) trainX, trainY = util.randomShuffle(trainX, trainY) # mini batch for trianing set: totalCost, totalCorr = 0.0, 0 for itr in range(iterations): batchX = trainX[itr*batchSize: (itr+1)*batchSize] batchY = trainY[itr*batchSize: (itr+1)*batchSize] _feat =, feed_dict={ caeX: batchX, caeIsTraining: False }) _trainOp, _cost, _corr =[trainOp, cost, numCorrect], feed_dict={ caeX: batchX, # HMM caeIsTraining: False, # HMM xInput: _feat, yInput: util.oneshotY(batchY) }) totalCost += _cost totalCorr += _corr print (">> Epoch %d had TRAIN loss: %.2f\t#Correct = %5d/%5d = %f" % ( epoch, totalCost, totalCorr, len(trainY), totalCorr / len(trainY) )) trainCosts.append(totalCost) corrs.append(totalCorr/len(testY)) # Run against test set: if runTest: testX, testY = util.randomShuffle(testX, testY) totalCost, totalCorr = 0, 0 itrs = int(math.ceil(len(testY)/batchSize)) for itr in range(itrs): batchX = testX[itr*batchSize: (itr+1)*batchSize] batchY = testY[itr*batchSize: (itr+1)*batchSize] predictions, cost = densePredict(sess, caeX, innerFeat, caeIsTraining, xInput, yInput, predictedProbs, cost, batchX, batchY) totalCost += cost totalCorr += np.sum((np.array(predictions) > 0.5) == (np.array(batchY) > 0.5)) end_time_epoch = print('>> Epoch %d had TEST loss: \t#Correct = %5d/%5d = %f\tTime elapsed: %s' % ( epoch, totalCorr, len(testY), totalCorr / len(testY), str(end_time_epoch - start_time_epoch) )) testCosts.append(totalCost) # Run against test: if runTest: print('Testing Scan %s' % (testID)) testProbs = [] itrs = int(math.ceil(len(testY)/batchSize)) for itr in range(itrs): batchX = testX[itr*batchSize: (itr+1)*batchSize] batchY = testY[itr*batchSize: (itr+1)*batchSize] _feat =, feed_dict={ caeX: batchX, caeIsTraining: False }) _probs =, feed_dict={ caeX: batchX, # HMM caeIsTraining: False, # HMM xInput: _feat, yInput: util.oneshotY(batchY) }) testProbs.extend(np.array(_probs)[:, 1].tolist()) return trainCosts, testCosts, corrs, util.genScores(testY, testProbs)
def brainsToBrain(fromIDs, toID, runOneFunc, calcScore=True, writeVolume=False, savePath=None, perBrainExamples=None): trainX, trainY = None, None print("Loading points from scans: %s" % (str(fromIDs))) for fromID in fromIDs: print(" ... loading %s" % (fromID)) fromX, fromY = files.convertScanToXY(fromID, ALL_FEAT, MORE_FEAT, PAD, FLIP_X, FLIP_Y, FLIP_Z, FLIP_XY, merge=True, oneFeat=ONE_FEAT_NAME, oneTransID=ONE_TRANS_ID) if perBrainExamples is not None: idxSubset = np.random.choice(len(fromX), perBrainExamples, replace=False) fromX = [fromX[idx] for idx in idxSubset] fromY = fromY[idxSubset] if trainX is None: trainX, trainY = fromX, fromY else: trainX.extend(fromX) trainY = np.append(trainY, fromY) gc.collect() print("Train X / Y shapes = ", len(trainX), trainY.shape) toReturn = None if calcScore: toX, toY = files.convertScanToXY(toID, ALL_FEAT, MORE_FEAT, PAD, False, False, False, False, merge=True, oneFeat=ONE_FEAT_NAME, oneTransID=ONE_TRANS_ID) print("Test X / Y shapes = ", len(toX), toY.shape) _, _, scores, _ = runOneFunc(trainX, trainY, toX, toY, toID, savePath) print(" Results\n -------\n" + util.formatScores(scores)) print("\n\n\n") toReturn = scores if writeVolume: data, _, _ = files.loadAllInputsUpdated(toID, PAD, ALL_FEAT, MORE_FEAT, oneFeat=ONE_FEAT_NAME) _, _, volume, _ = runOneFunc(trainX, trainY, data, None, toID, savePath) toReturn = volume return toReturn
def volumeFromSavedNet(netPath, scanID, resultPath, xFr=None, xTo=None, useMask=True): pad = classifier.PAD tf.reset_default_graph() print("Using network %s to generate volume %s" % (netPath, scanID)) volume = files.loadAllInputsUpdated(scanID, pad, classifier.ALL_FEAT, classifier.MORE_FEAT, oneFeat=classifier.ONE_FEAT_NAME, noTrain=True) prediction = np.zeros(volume.shape[0:3]) brainMask = np.ones(volume.shape[0:3]) if useMask: brainMask = files.loadBM(scanID, maskPad=classifier.SIZE) xInput, yInput, isTraining, trainOp, cost, numCorrect, scores = ( _getNetworkFunc())() saver = tf.train.Saver() # Change these if we need only small subsegments if xFr is None: xFr = 0 if xTo is None: xTo = volume.shape[0] with tf.Session() as sess: print("Loading net from file...") start_time = saver.restore(sess, netPath) # Generate entire volume, one column of x/y at a time: print("\nGenerating all predictions for volume %s" % (scanID)) nBrain = 0 for x in tqdm(range(xFr, xTo)): for y in range(volume.shape[1]): zFr, zTo = util.maskBounds(brainMask[x, y, :]) nBrain += zTo - zFr with tqdm(total=nBrain, ascii=True) as progress: for x in range(xFr, xTo): for y in range(volume.shape[1]): zFr, zTo = util.maskBounds(brainMask[x, y, :]) if zFr == -1: continue # No brain in this column dataAsInput = files.convertVolumeStack( scanID, pad, x, y, zFr, zTo) preds = predict(sess, scores, xInput, isTraining, dataAsInput) prediction[x, y, zFr:zTo] = preds progress.update(zTo - zFr) print("Writing to %s" % (resultPath)) files.writePrediction(resultPath, "cnn", prediction) end_time = print('Time elapse: ', str(end_time - start_time))