Esempio n. 1
def generate_sublocal2_nn(L):
    filename = "sublocal2_nn_L" + str(L)
    if not exist(filename):
        separated2 = np.empty(L, np.ndarray)
        for x in range(L):
            separated2[x] = np.empty(4, np.ndarray)
            separated2[x] = basis_2qubit(L, x, (x + 1) % L)
        savedata(separated2, filename)
    separated2 = loaddata(filename)
    return separated2
Esempio n. 2
def generate_sublocal(L):
    filename = "sublocal_L" + str(L)
    if not exist(filename):
        separated1 = np.empty(L, np.ndarray)
        for x in range(L):
            separated1[x] = np.empty(2, np.ndarray)
            separated1[x] = basis_1qubit(L, x)
        savedata(separated1, filename)
    separated1 = loaddata(filename)
    return separated1
Esempio n. 3
def generate_sublocal2(L):
    filename = "sublocal2_L" + str(L)
    if not exist(filename):
        separated2 = np.empty([L, L], np.ndarray)
        for x1 in range(L):
            for x2 in range(x1 + 1, L):
                separated2[x1, x2] = np.empty(4, np.ndarray)
                separated2[x1, x2] = basis_2qubit(L, x1, x2)
                separated2[x2, x1] = separated2[x1, x2]
        savedata(separated2, filename)
    separated2 = loaddata(filename)
    return separated2
Esempio n. 4
def delappointment(name):
    jsoncontent = files.readdata(datafilepath)  #getting jsonfile contents

    appointment_location = ""

    #Getting the appointment location

    for weekday in jsoncontent["saved_schedules"]:
        for appointment in jsoncontent["saved_schedules"][weekday]:
            if appointment == name:
                appointment_location = weekday  #Storing appointment location

        if appointment_location != "":  #Verifying if the appointment actually exists
                name)  #Deleting appointment
            print("[{}] deleted".format(name))

    if appointment_location == "":
        print("\033[91m[ERROR] Appointment does not exist;\033[0m")

    files.savedata(datafilepath, jsoncontent)  #Saving Changes
Esempio n. 5
def addappointment(name, day, hour, colour="DEFAULT"):
    jsoncontent = files.readdata(datafilepath)
    if colour not in colours:
        print("\033[91m[ERROR] Non supported color;\033[0m")
        print("\033[91m[ERROR] ", end="[")
        for colour in colours:
            print(colour, end=" ")
    if day in [
            "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday",
        jsoncontent["saved_schedules"][day][name] = {
            "name": name,
            "day": day,
            "hour": hour,
            "colour": colour
        }  #changing json's file's dict contents
        print("\033[91m[ERROR] The day must be a week day;\033[0m")
            "\033[91m[ERROR] [\"monday\",\"tuesday\",\"wednesday\",\"thursday\",\"friday\",\"saturday\",\"sunday\"];\033[0m"
    files.savedata(datafilepath, jsoncontent)  #Saving json file