Esempio n. 1
def plot_gaussians(xs, ps, x_range, y_range, N):
    """ given a list of 2d states (x,y) and 2x2 covariance matrices, produce
    a surface plot showing all of the gaussians"""

    xs = np.asarray(xs)
    x = np.linspace(x_range[0], x_range[1], N)
    y = np.linspace(y_range[0], y_range[1], N)
    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    zv = np.zeros((N, N))

    for mean, cov in zip(xs, ps):
        zs = np.array([
            multivariate_gaussian(np.array([i, j]), mean, cov)
            for i, j in zip(np.ravel(xx), np.ravel(yy))
        zv += zs.reshape(xx.shape)

    ax = plt.figure().add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    ax.view_init(elev=40., azim=230)
Esempio n. 2
    def run(self):

        x = [2.5, 7.3]
        mu = [2.0, 7.0]
        P = [[8., 0], [0, 3.]]
        mg = multivariate_gaussian(x, mu, P)
Esempio n. 3
def test_multivariate_gaussian():

    # test that we treat lists and arrays the same
    mean= (0, 0)
    cov=[[1, .5], [.5, 1]]
    a = [[multivariate_gaussian((i, j), mean, cov)
          for i in (-1, 0, 1)]
          for j in (-1, 0, 1)]

    b = [[multivariate_gaussian((i, j), mean, np.asarray(cov))
          for i in (-1, 0, 1)]
          for j in (-1, 0, 1)]

    assert np.allclose(a, b)

    a = [[multivariate_gaussian((i, j), np.asarray(mean), cov)
          for i in (-1, 0, 1)]
          for j in (-1, 0, 1)]
    assert np.allclose(a, b)
Esempio n. 4
def test_multivariate_gaussian():

    # test that we treat lists and arrays the same
    mean = (0, 0)
    cov = [[1, .5], [.5, 1]]
    a = [[multivariate_gaussian((i, j), mean, cov) for i in (-1, 0, 1)]
         for j in (-1, 0, 1)]

    b = [[
        multivariate_gaussian((i, j), mean, np.asarray(cov))
        for i in (-1, 0, 1)
    ] for j in (-1, 0, 1)]

    assert np.allclose(a, b)

    a = [[
        multivariate_gaussian((i, j), np.asarray(mean), cov)
        for i in (-1, 0, 1)
    ] for j in (-1, 0, 1)]
    assert np.allclose(a, b)
def plot_3d_sampled_covariance(mean, cov):
    """ plots a 2x2 covariance matrix positioned at mean. mean will be plotted
    in x and y, and the probability in the z axis.

    mean :  2x1 tuple-like object
        mean for x and y coordinates. For example (2.3, 7.5)

    cov : 2x2 nd.array
       the covariance matrix


    # compute width and height of covariance ellipse so we can choose
    # appropriate ranges for x and y
    o,w,h = stats.covariance_ellipse(cov,3)
    # rotate width and height to x,y axis
    wx = abs(w*np.cos(o) + h*np.sin(o))*1.2
    wy = abs(h*np.cos(o) - w*np.sin(o))*1.2

    # ensure axis are of the same size so everything is plotted with the same
    # scale
    if wx > wy:
        w = wx
        w = wy

    minx = mean[0] - w
    maxx = mean[0] + w
    miny = mean[1] - w
    maxy = mean[1] + w

    count = 1000
    x,y = multivariate_normal(mean=mean, cov=cov, size=count).T

    xs = np.arange(minx, maxx, (maxx-minx)/40.)
    ys = np.arange(miny, maxy, (maxy-miny)/40.)
    xv, yv = np.meshgrid (xs, ys)

    zs = np.array([100.* stats.multivariate_gaussian(np.array([xx,yy]),mean,cov) \
                   for xx,yy in zip(np.ravel(xv), np.ravel(yv))])
    zv = zs.reshape(xv.shape)

    ax = plt.figure().add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    ax.scatter(x,y, [0]*count, marker='.')


    ax.contour(xv, yv, zv, zdir='x', offset=minx-1, cmap=cm.autumn)
    ax.contour(xv, yv, zv, zdir='y', offset=maxy, cmap=cm.BuGn)
Esempio n. 6
def test_multivariate_gaussian():

    # test that we treat lists and arrays the same
    mean= (0, 0)
    cov=[[1, .5], [.5, 1]]
    a = [[multivariate_gaussian((i, j), mean, cov)
          for i in (-1, 0, 1)]
          for j in (-1, 0, 1)]

    b = [[multivariate_gaussian((i, j), mean, np.asarray(cov))
          for i in (-1, 0, 1)]
          for j in (-1, 0, 1)]

    assert np.allclose(a, b)

    a = [[multivariate_gaussian((i, j), np.asarray(mean), cov)
          for i in (-1, 0, 1)]
          for j in (-1, 0, 1)]
    assert np.allclose(a, b)

        multivariate_gaussian(1, 1, -1)
        assert False, "negative variances are meaningless"

    # test that we get the same results as scipy.stats.multivariate_normal
    xs = np.random.randn(1000)
    mean = np.random.randn(1000)
    var = np.random.random(1000) * 5

    for x, m, v in zip(xs, mean, var):
        assert abs(multivariate_gaussian(x, m, v) - scipy.stats.multivariate_normal(m, v).pdf(x)) < 1.e-12
def plot_gaussians(xs, ps, x_range, y_range, N):
    """ given a list of 2d states (x,y) and 2x2 covariance matrices, produce
    a surface plot showing all of the gaussians"""

    xs = np.asarray(xs)
    x = np.linspace (x_range[0], x_range[1], N)
    y = np.linspace (y_range[0], y_range[1], N)
    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    zv = np.zeros((N, N))

    for mean, cov in zip(xs, ps):
        zs = np.array([multivariate_gaussian(np.array([i ,j]), mean, cov)
                   for i, j in zip(np.ravel(xx), np.ravel(yy))])
        zv += zs.reshape(xx.shape)

    ax = plt.figure().add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    ax.plot_surface(xx, yy, zv, rstride=1, cstride=1, lw=.5, edgecolors='#191919',
                    antialiased=True, shade=True, cmap=cm.autumn)
    ax.view_init(elev=40., azim=230)
Esempio n. 8
def plot_3d_sampled_covariance(mean, cov):
    """ plots a 2x2 covariance matrix positioned at mean. mean will be plotted
    in x and y, and the probability in the z axis.

    mean :  2x1 tuple-like object
        mean for x and y coordinates. For example (2.3, 7.5)

    cov : 2x2 nd.array
       the covariance matrix


    # compute width and height of covariance ellipse so we can choose
    # appropriate ranges for x and y
    o, w, h = stats.covariance_ellipse(cov, 3)
    # rotate width and height to x,y axis
    wx = abs(w * np.cos(o) + h * np.sin(o)) * 1.2
    wy = abs(h * np.cos(o) - w * np.sin(o)) * 1.2

    # ensure axis are of the same size so everything is plotted with the same
    # scale
    if wx > wy:
        w = wx
        w = wy

    minx = mean[0] - w
    maxx = mean[0] + w
    miny = mean[1] - w
    maxy = mean[1] + w

    count = 1000
    x, y = multivariate_normal(mean=mean, cov=cov, size=count).T

    xs = np.arange(minx, maxx, (maxx - minx) / 40.)
    ys = np.arange(miny, maxy, (maxy - miny) / 40.)
    xv, yv = np.meshgrid(xs, ys)

    zs = np.array([100.* stats.multivariate_gaussian(np.array([xx,yy]),mean,cov) \
                   for xx,yy in zip(np.ravel(xv), np.ravel(yv))])
    zv = zs.reshape(xv.shape)

    ax = plt.gcf().add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    ax.scatter(x, y, [0] * count, marker='.')


    x = mean[0]
    zs = np.array([
        100. * stats.multivariate_gaussian(np.array([x, y]), mean, cov)
        for _, y in zip(np.ravel(xv), np.ravel(yv))
    zv = zs.reshape(xv.shape)
    ax.contour(xv, yv, zv, zdir='x', offset=minx - 1, cmap=cm.binary)

    y = mean[1]
    zs = np.array([
        100. * stats.multivariate_gaussian(np.array([x, y]), mean, cov)
        for x, _ in zip(np.ravel(xv), np.ravel(yv))
    zv = zs.reshape(xv.shape)
    ax.contour(xv, yv, zv, zdir='y', offset=maxy, cmap=cm.binary)
def plot_3d_covariance(mean, cov):
    """ plots a 2x2 covariance matrix positioned at mean. mean will be plotted
    in x and y, and the probability in the z axis.

    mean :  2x1 tuple-like object
        mean for x and y coordinates. For example (2.3, 7.5)

    cov : 2x2 nd.array
       the covariance matrix


    # compute width and height of covariance ellipse so we can choose
    # appropriate ranges for x and y
    o,w,h = stats.covariance_ellipse(cov,3)
    # rotate width and height to x,y axis
    wx = abs(w*np.cos(o) + h*np.sin(o))*1.2
    wy = abs(h*np.cos(o) - w*np.sin(o))*1.2

    # ensure axis are of the same size so everything is plotted with the same
    # scale
    if wx > wy:
        w = wx
        w = wy

    minx = mean[0] - w
    maxx = mean[0] + w
    miny = mean[1] - w
    maxy = mean[1] + w

    xs = np.arange(minx, maxx, (maxx-minx)/40.)
    ys = np.arange(miny, maxy, (maxy-miny)/40.)
    xv, yv = np.meshgrid(xs, ys)

    zs = np.array([100.* stats.multivariate_gaussian(np.array([x,y]),mean,cov) \
                   for x, y in zip(np.ravel(xv), np.ravel(yv))])
    zv = zs.reshape(xv.shape)

    maxz = np.max(zs)
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

    #ax = plt.gca(projection='3d')
    ax.plot_surface(xv, yv, zv, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.autumn)


    # For unknown reasons this started failing in Jupyter notebook when
    # using `%matplotlib inline` magic. Still works fine in IPython or when
    # `%matplotlib notebook` magic is used.
    x = mean[0]
    zs = np.array([100.* stats.multivariate_gaussian(np.array([x, y]),mean,cov)
                   for _, y in zip(np.ravel(xv), np.ravel(yv))])
    zv = zs.reshape(xv.shape)
        #ax.contour(xv, yv, zv, zdir='x', offset=minx-1, cmap=cm.binary)

    y = mean[1]
    zs = np.array([100.* stats.multivariate_gaussian(np.array([x, y]),mean,cov)
                   for x, _ in zip(np.ravel(xv), np.ravel(yv))])
    zv = zs.reshape(xv.shape)
        #ax.contour(xv, yv, zv, zdir='y', offset=maxy, cmap=cm.binary)