Esempio n. 1
def parse(file_or_cmds, onbuild=False, with_container_id=False):
    Getting the structure Dockerfile

    commands = file_or_cmds if onbuild else _to_commands(file_or_cmds)
    image = _get_dist_name(commands)

    workdir, first, user, data, onbuild_lines = '/', True, 'root', \
                                                OrderedDict(), []
    for command in commands:
        if with_container_id:
            if image not in data:
                data[image] = OrderedDict()

            if not onbuild:
                if 'workdir' not in data[image]:
                    data[image]['workdir'] = OrderedDict()

                if workdir not in data[image]['workdir']:
                    data[image]['workdir'][workdir] = OrderedDict()

                if user not in data[image]['workdir'][workdir]:
                    data[image]['workdir'][workdir][user] = OrderedDict()

            struct = data[image]
            if not onbuild:
                if 'workdir' not in data:
                    data['workdir'] = OrderedDict()

                if workdir not in data['workdir']:
                    data['workdir'][workdir] = OrderedDict()

                if user not in data['workdir'][workdir]:
                    data['workdir'][workdir][user] = OrderedDict()

            struct = data

        if onbuild:
            udata = struct
            udata = struct['workdir'][workdir][user]
        split = [v for v in command.split() if len(v)]

        instr, value = split[0].upper(), ' '.join(split[1:]).strip()
        if instr not in _INSTRUCTIONS:

        if instr == 'FROM':
            if with_container_id and not first:
                image = _hash_image_name(value)
                data[image] = OrderedDict()
                data[image]['from'] = filters.from_filter(value)
                first = False
                struct['from'] = filters.from_filter(value)
        elif instr == 'MAINTAINER':
            struct['maintainer'] = filters.maintainer_filter(value)
        elif instr == 'RUN':
            if 'run' not in udata:
                udata['run'] = []
            udata['run'] = filters.run_filter(udata['run'], value)
        elif instr == 'CMD':
            if 'cmd' not in udata:
                udata['cmd'] = []
            udata['cmd'] = filters.cmd_filter(udata['cmd'], value)
        elif instr == 'LABEL':
            if 'label' not in struct:
                struct['label'] = OrderedDict()
            struct['label'] = filters.label_filter(struct['label'], value)
        elif instr == 'EXPOSE':
            if 'expose' not in struct:
                struct['expose'] = []
            struct['expose'] = filters.expose_filter(struct['expose'], value)
        elif instr == 'ENV':
            if 'env' not in struct:
                struct['env'] = OrderedDict()
            struct['env'] = filters.env_filter(struct['env'], value)
        elif instr == 'ADD':
            if 'add' not in udata:
                udata['add'] = []
            udata['add'] = filters.add_filter(udata['add'], value)
        elif instr == 'COPY':
            if 'copy' not in udata:
                udata['copy'] = []
            udata['copy'] = filters.copy_filter(udata['copy'], value)
        elif instr == 'ENTRYPOINT':
            udata['entrypoint'] = filters.entrypoint_filter(value)
        elif instr == 'VOLUME':
            if 'volume' not in struct:
                struct['volume'] = []
            struct['volume'] = filters.volume_filter(struct['volume'], value)
        elif instr == 'USER':
            user = value
        elif instr == 'WORKDIR':
            workdir = value
        elif instr == 'ONBUILD':

        if len(onbuild_lines):
            struct['onbuild'] = parse(
                onbuild_lines, onbuild=True, with_container_id=False)

    return data
Esempio n. 2
        # If message is multi-part and has both html/text parts,
        # get only the text message
        elif self.raw_msg.get_content_type() == 'multipart/alternative':
            for part in self.raw_msg.walk():
                if h.contains(part.get_content_type(), 'text/plain'):
                    self.body = part.get_payload(decode=True)
            self.body = h.html_to_text(self.body)
            # If message is multi-part and encoded with base-64, combine plain
            # text and html text and strip all html tags
            for part in self.raw_msg.walk():
                if h.contains(part.get_content_type(), 'text'):
                    self.body = self.body + part.get_payload(decode=True)
            self.body = h.html_to_text(self.body)

        # Store data into essential variables
        self.sender = self.headers['From'].lower() = self.headers['To'].lower()
        self.date_s = self.headers['Date']
        self.date_d = h.c_date(self.date_s)
        self.subject = self.headers['Subject'].lower()

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # read from file/stdin and pipe to feedparser
    m_instance = mail()
Esempio n. 3
        # If message is multi-part and has both html/text parts,
        # get only the text message
        elif self.raw_msg.get_content_type() == 'multipart/alternative':
            for part in self.raw_msg.walk():
                if h.contains(part.get_content_type(),'text/plain'):
                    self.body =  part.get_payload(decode=True)
            self.body = h.html_to_text(self.body)
            # If message is multi-part and encoded with base-64, combine plain 
            # text and html text and strip all html tags
            for part in self.raw_msg.walk():
                if h.contains(part.get_content_type(), 'text'):
                    self.body = self.body + part.get_payload(decode=True)
            self.body = h.html_to_text(self.body)

        # Store data into essential variables
        self.sender  = self.headers['From'].lower()      = self.headers['To'].lower()
        self.date_s  = self.headers['Date']
        self.date_d = h.c_date(self.date_s)
        self.subject = self.headers['Subject'].lower()

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # read from file/stdin and pipe to feedparser
    m_instance = mail()