Esempio n. 1
def createTeam(firstIndex,
  This function should return a list of two agents that will form the
  team, initialized using firstIndex and secondIndex as their agent
  index numbers.  isRed is True if the red team is being created, and
  will be False if the blue team is being created.
  As a potentially helpful development aid, this function can take
  additional string-valued keyword arguments ("first" and "second" are
  such arguments in the case of this function), which will come from
  the --redOpts and --blueOpts command-line arguments to
  For the nightly contest, however, your team will be created without
  any extra arguments, so you should make sure that the default
  behavior is what you want for the nightly contest.
    locationFinder = Finder()
    # The following line is an example only; feel free to change it.
    return [
        eval(first)(firstIndex, locationFinder),
        eval(second)(secondIndex, locationFinder)
Esempio n. 2
  def __init__(self, ensembleType, finder, nClassifiers, modelPath, percentOfTraining=0,\
                duplicatesAllowed=False, randomSeed=42, rerankType='vote', countOther=True):
    """ Create an ensemble classifier.
        type = 'feature', 'featureType', 'abstract'
        finder = classifier to create copies of
        nClassifiers = number of classifiers in the ensemble
        percentOfTraining = is percentage of the training set used for each classifier's training set
        (if 0, then the training sets are disjoint and there is no overlap)
        duplicates = are duplicate training examples allowed
        entityTypes = list of mention types (e.g. group, outcome) to find
    Finder.__init__(self, finder.entityTypes)
    self.finderType = 'ensemble'
    self.type = ensembleType
    self.finder = finder
    self.nClassifiers = nClassifiers
    self.duplicatesAllowed = duplicatesAllowed
    self.percentOfTraining = percentOfTraining
    self.randomSeed = randomSeed
    self.baggedFeatures = []
    self.modelPath = modelPath
    if self.modelPath[-1] != '/':
      self.modelPath = self.modelPath + '/'
    self.countOther = countOther
    self.rerankType = rerankType
    self.modelFilenames = []    
    for i in range(self.nClassifiers):
      self.modelFilenames.append('%s%s.%d.train.model' %(self.modelPath,self.entityTypesString,i))

    self.ensembleTypes = set([])
    for i in range(self.nClassifiers):
      for eType in self.entityTypes:
        self.ensembleTypes.add(self.toEnsembleLabel(eType, i))
Esempio n. 3
 def __init__(self, entityType, sentenceFilter, useDetected=True):
     """ create a component that can be trained cluster similar mentions 
     of a given type. 
     useDetected = True if detected mentions should be clustered. 
                   Otherwise cluster annotated mentions
     Finder.__init__(self, [entityType])
     self.finderType = 'clusterer'
     self.sentenceFilter = sentenceFilter
     self.useDetected = useDetected
Esempio n. 4
 def __init__(self, entityType, sentenceFilter, useDetected=True):
   """ create a component that can be trained cluster similar mentions 
       of a given type. 
       useDetected = True if detected mentions should be clustered. 
                     Otherwise cluster annotated mentions
   Finder.__init__(self, [entityType])
   self.finderType = 'clusterer'
   self.sentenceFilter = sentenceFilter
   self.useDetected = useDetected    
Esempio n. 5
 def __init__(self, entityTypes, tokenClassifier):
   """ Create a new mention finder to find a given list of mention types.
       entityTypes = list of mention types (e.g. group, outcome) to find
   Finder.__init__(self, entityTypes)
   self.tokenClassifier = tokenClassifier
   if self.tokenClassifier != None:
     self.finderType = 'mention.'+self.tokenClassifier.classifierType
     self.finderType = 'mention'
Esempio n. 6
  def __init__(self, groupFinder, outcomeFinder, eventrateFinder, numberFinder, modelPath, jointAssignment=True, \
               useRules=False, maxTopK=2, theta=0.8):
    """ Create a new re-ranker.
    Finder.__init__(self, ['group', 'outcome', 'eventrate', 'on', 'gs'])
    self.groupFinder = groupFinder
    self.outcomeFinder = outcomeFinder
    self.eventrateFinder = eventrateFinder
    self.numberFinder = numberFinder
    self.modelPath = modelPath
    self.featureIds = {}
    self.trainFolds = 5
    self.maxTopK = maxTopK
    self.jointAssignment = jointAssignment
    self.useRules = useRules
    self.theta = theta
    self.labelingWeights = []
#    self.labelingWeights = self.poissonWeights()
    self.labelingWeights = self.linearWeights()
#    self.labelingWeights = self.exponentialWeights()    
    for i, w in enumerate(self.labelingWeights):
      print '%2d %.8f' % (i, w)
Esempio n. 7
 def __init__(self, entityType1, entityType2, useLabels=True):
     """ create a new mention-quantity associator given a specific mention type
         and quantity type. """
     Finder.__init__(self, [entityType1, entityType2])
     self.finderType = 'associator'
     self.useLabels = useLabels
Esempio n. 8
 def __init__(self, entityType1, entityType2, useLabels=True):
     """ create a new mention-quantity associator given a specific mention type
         and quantity type. """
     Finder.__init__(self, [entityType1, entityType2])
     self.finderType = 'associator'
     self.useLabels = useLabels
Esempio n. 9
	def __init__(self):
Esempio n. 10
 def __init__(self, entityTypes=[]):
     """ Does nothing """
     Finder.__init__(self, entityTypes)