Esempio n. 1
def sliceSamples(angle, b, fftShape, center=False):
    Generate the b points along slice at angle of DFT space with shape.
    r, s = fftShape
    p, q = farey.get_pq(angle)
    u = []
    v = []
    offsetU = 0
    offsetV = 0
    if center:
        offsetU = r / 2
        offsetV = s / 2
#    increment = 1.0/math.sqrt(p**2+q**2)

    u.append(0 + offsetU)
    v.append(0 + offsetV)
    for m in range(1, (b - 1) / 2):
        u.append((1.0 / p) * m + offsetU)
        v.append(-(1.0 / q) * m + offsetV)
    for m in range(-(b - 1) / 2, 1):
        #        print "m:", m, "delP:", -(1.0/p)*m + offsetU, "delQ:", (1.0/q)*m + offsetV
        u.append((1.0 / p) * m + offsetU)
        v.append(-(1.0 / q) * m + offsetV)
#    print "u:",u
#    print "v:",v
    return u, v
Esempio n. 2
def toDRT(projections, angles, N, P, Q, center=False):
    Convert the Mojette (asymetric) projection data to DRT (symetric) projections.
    Use the iFRT to reconstruct the image. Requires N+1 or N+N/2 projections if N is prime or dyadic respectively.
    Returns the resulting DRT space as a 2D array
    size = int(N + N/2)
    dyadic = True
    if N % 2 == 1: # if odd, assume prime
        size = int(N+1)
        dyadic = False
    m = 0
    frtSpace = np.zeros( (size,N) )
    if dyadic:
        print("Dyadic size not tested yet.")
        #for each project
        '''for index, proj in enumerate(projections):
            p, q = farey.get_pq(angles[index])
            m, inv = farey.toFinite(angles[index], N)

            frtSpace[m][:] = finiteProjection(proj, angles[index], P, Q, N, center)'''
    else: #prime size
        for index, proj in enumerate(projections):
            p, q = farey.get_pq(angles[index])
            m, inv = farey.toFinite(angles[index], N)

            frtSpace[m][:] = finiteProjection(proj, angles[index], P, Q, N, center)
    return frtSpace
Esempio n. 3
def finiteProjection(projection, angle, P, Q, N, center=False):
    Convert a Mojette projection taken at angle into a finite (FRT) projection.
    dyadic = True
    if N % 2 == 1:  # if odd, assume prime
        dyadic = False
    shiftQ = int(N / 2.0 + 0.5) - int(Q / 2.0 + 0.5)
    shiftP = int(N / 2.0 + 0.5) - int(P / 2.0 + 0.5)

    finiteProj = np.zeros(N)
    p, q = farey.get_pq(angle)
    m, inv = farey.toFinite(angle, N)
    #    print "p:", p, "q:", q, "m:", m, "inv:", inv
    translateOffset, perp = farey.finiteTranslateOffset(angle, N, P, Q)
    angleSign = p * q

    if dyadic:
        for translate, bin in enumerate(projection):
            if angleSign >= 0 and perp:  #Reverse for perp
                translateMojette = translateOffset - translate
                translateMojette = translate - translateOffset
            translateFinite = (inv * translateMojette) % N
            if center:
                translateFinite = (translateFinite + shiftQ + m *
                                   (N - shiftP)) % N
            finiteProj[translateFinite] += bin
        for translate, bin in enumerate(projection):
            if angleSign >= 0 and perp:  #Reverse for perp
                translateMojette = int(translateOffset) - int(translate)
                translateMojette = int(translate) - int(translateOffset)

            if translateMojette < 0:
                translateFinite = (N - (inv * abs(translateMojette)) % N) % N
                translateFinite = (inv * translateMojette
                                   ) % N  #has issues in C, may need checking
            if center:
                translateFinite = (translateFinite + shiftQ + m *
                                   (N - shiftP)) % N
            finiteProj[translateFinite] += bin

    return finiteProj
Esempio n. 4
def isKatzCriterion(P, Q, angles, K = 1):
    Return true if angle set meets Katz criterion for exact reconstruction of
    discrete arrays
    sumOfP = 0
    sumOfQ = 0
    n = len(angles)
    for j in range(0, n):
        p, q = farey.get_pq(angles[j])
        sumOfP += abs(p)
        sumOfQ += abs(q)
#    if max(sumOfP, sumOfQ) > max(rows, cols):
    if sumOfP > K*P or sumOfQ > K*Q:
        return True
        return False
Esempio n. 5
def angleSubSets_Symmetric(s, mode, P, Q, octant=0, binLengths=False, K=1):
    Generate the minimal L1 angle set for the MT for s subsets.
    Parameter K controls the redundancy, K = 1 is minimal.
    If octant is non-zero, full quadrant will be used. Octant schemes are as follows:
        If octant = -1, the opposing octant is also used.
        If octant = 0,1 (default), only use one octant.
        If octant = 2, octant will be mirrored from diagonal to form a quadrant.
        If octant = 4, 2 quadrants.
        If octant = 8, all quadrants.
    Function can also return bin lengths for each bin.
    angles = []
    subsetAngles = []
    for i in range(s):
    fareyVectors = farey.Farey()
    maxPQ = max(P, Q)

    fareyVectors.generate(maxPQ - 1, 1)
    vectors = fareyVectors.vectors
    sortedVectors = sorted(
        vectors, key=lambda x: x.real**2 + x.imag**2)  #sort by L2 magnitude

    index = 0
    subsetIndex = 0
    binLengthList = []
    binLengthList.append(projectionLength(sortedVectors[index], P, Q))
    while not isKatzCriterion(P, Q, angles,
                              K) and index < len(sortedVectors):  # check Katz
        index += 1
        p, q = farey.get_pq(sortedVectors[index])  # p = imag, q = real

        binLengthList.append(projectionLength(sortedVectors[index], P, Q))

        #        if isKatzCriterion(P, Q, angles):
        #            break

        if octant == 0:

        #add octants
        if octant == -1:
            nextOctantAngle = farey.farey(p, -q)  #mirror from axis
            binLengthList.append(projectionLength(nextOctantAngle, P, Q))
            if mode == 1:
                subsetIndex += 1
                subsetIndex %= s
        if octant > 0 and p != q:
            nextOctantAngle = farey.farey(q, p)  #swap to mirror from diagonal
            binLengthList.append(projectionLength(nextOctantAngle, P, Q))
            if mode == 1:
                subsetIndex += 1
                subsetIndex %= s
        if octant > 1:
            nextOctantAngle = farey.farey(p, -q)  #mirror from axis
            binLengthList.append(projectionLength(nextOctantAngle, P, Q))
            if mode == 1:
                subsetIndex += 1
                subsetIndex %= s
            if p != q:  #dont replicate
                nextOctantAngle = farey.farey(
                    q, -p)  #mirror from axis and swap to mirror from diagonal
                binLengthList.append(projectionLength(nextOctantAngle, P, Q))
                if mode == 1:
                    subsetIndex += 1
                    subsetIndex %= s

        if mode == 0:
            subsetIndex += 1
            subsetIndex %= s

    if octant > 1:  #add the diagonal and column projections when symmetric (all quadrant are wanted)
        nextOctantAngle = farey.farey(1, 0)  #mirror from axis
        binLengthList.append(projectionLength(nextOctantAngle, P, Q))

    if binLengths:
        return angles, subsetAngles, binLengthList
    return angles, subsetAngles