Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, mesh, name = '', value = 0., unit = None, hasOld = 0, narrowBandWidth = 1e+10):
        Creates a `distanceVariable` object.

          - `mesh`: The mesh that defines the geometry of this variable.
          - `name`: The name of the variable.
	  - `value`: The initial value.
	  - `unit`: the physical units of the variable
          - `hasOld`: Whether the variable maintains an old value.
          - `narrowBandWidth`: The width of the region about the zero level set
            within which the distance function is evaluated.

        CellVariable.__init__(self, mesh, name = name, value = value, unit = unit, hasOld = hasOld)
        self.narrowBandWidth = narrowBandWidth

        self.cellToCellDistances = MA.filled(self.mesh._getCellToCellDistances(), 0)
        self.cellNormals = MA.filled(self.mesh._getCellNormals(), 0)      
        self.cellAreas = MA.filled(self.mesh._getCellAreas(), 0)
##         self.cellToCellDistances = numerix.array(MA.array(self.mesh._getCellToCellDistances()).filled(0))
##         self.cellNormals = numerix.array(MA.array(self.mesh._getCellNormals()).filled(0))       
##         self.cellAreas = numerix.array(MA.array(self.mesh._getCellAreas()).filled(0))
        self.cellToCellIDs = numerix.array(self.mesh._getCellToCellIDsFilled())
        self.adjacentCellIDs = self.mesh._getAdjacentCellIDs()
        self.exteriorFaces = self.mesh.getExteriorFaces()
        self.cellFaceIDs = self.mesh._getCellFaceIDs()
Esempio n. 2
 def _calcCellDistAndVec(self):
     tmp = numerix.take(self._cellCenters, self.faceCellIDs, axis=1)
     tmp = tmp[...,1,:] - tmp[...,0,:]
     tmp = MA.filled(MA.where(MA.getmaskarray(tmp), self._cellToFaceDistanceVectors[:,0], tmp))
     cellDistanceVectors = tmp
     cellDistances = MA.filled(MA.sqrt(MA.sum(tmp * tmp, 0)))
     return cellDistances, cellDistanceVectors
Esempio n. 3
    def _calcValue(self):

        Nfaces = self.mesh.numberOfFaces
        M = self.mesh._maxFacesPerCell
        dim = self.mesh.dim
        cellFaceIDs = self.mesh.cellFaceIDs

        faceNormalAreas = self.distanceVar._levelSetNormals * self.mesh._faceAreas

        cellFaceNormalAreas = numerix.array(MA.filled(numerix.take(faceNormalAreas, cellFaceIDs, axis=-1), 0))
        norms = numerix.array(MA.filled(MA.array(self.mesh._cellNormals), 0))

        alpha =, norms)
        alpha = numerix.where(alpha > 0, alpha, 0)

        alphasum = numerix.sum(alpha, axis=0)
        alphasum += (alphasum < 1e-100) * 1.0
        alpha = alpha / alphasum

        phi = numerix.repeat(self.distanceVar[numerix.newaxis, ...], M, axis=0)
        alpha = numerix.where(phi > 0., 0, alpha)

        volumes = numerix.array(self.mesh.cellVolumes)
        alpha = alpha * volumes * norms

        value = numerix.zeros((dim, Nfaces), 'd')

        vector._putAdd(value, cellFaceIDs, alpha, mask=MA.getmask(MA.array(cellFaceIDs)))

##         value = numerix.reshape(value, (dim, Nfaces, dim))

        return -value / self.mesh._faceAreas
Esempio n. 4
    def getCellInterfaceAreas(self):
        Returns the length of the interface that crosses the cell

        A simple 1D test:

        >>> from fipy.meshes.grid1D import Grid1D
        >>> mesh = Grid1D(dx = 1., nx = 4)
        >>> distanceVariable = DistanceVariable(mesh = mesh, 
        ...                                     value = (-1.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.5))
        >>> answer = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, value=(0, 0., 1., 0))
        >>> print numerix.allclose(distanceVariable.getCellInterfaceAreas(), 
        ...                        answer)

        A 2D test case:
        >>> from fipy.meshes.grid2D import Grid2D
        >>> from fipy.variables.cellVariable import CellVariable
        >>> mesh = Grid2D(dx = 1., dy = 1., nx = 3, ny = 3)
        >>> distanceVariable = DistanceVariable(mesh = mesh, 
        ...                                     value = (1.5, 0.5, 1.5,
        ...                                              0.5,-0.5, 0.5,
        ...                                              1.5, 0.5, 1.5))
        >>> answer = CellVariable(mesh=mesh,
        ...                       value=(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0))
        >>> print numerix.allclose(distanceVariable.getCellInterfaceAreas(), answer)

        Another 2D test case:

        >>> mesh = Grid2D(dx = .5, dy = .5, nx = 2, ny = 2)
        >>> from fipy.variables.cellVariable import CellVariable
        >>> distanceVariable = DistanceVariable(mesh = mesh, 
        ...                                     value = (-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.5))
        >>> answer = CellVariable(mesh=mesh,
        ...                       value=(0, numerix.sqrt(2) / 4,  numerix.sqrt(2) / 4, 0))
        >>> print numerix.allclose(distanceVariable.getCellInterfaceAreas(), 
        ...                        answer)

        Test to check that the circumfrence of a circle is, in fact, 
        :math:`2\pi r`.
        >>> mesh = Grid2D(dx = 0.05, dy = 0.05, nx = 20, ny = 20)
        >>> r = 0.25
        >>> x, y = mesh.getCellCenters()
        >>> rad = numerix.sqrt((x - .5)**2 + (y - .5)**2) - r
        >>> distanceVariable = DistanceVariable(mesh = mesh, value = rad)
        >>> print distanceVariable.getCellInterfaceAreas().sum()
        normals = numerix.array(MA.filled(self._getCellInterfaceNormals(), 0))
        areas = numerix.array(MA.filled(self.mesh._getCellAreaProjections(), 0))
        return CellVariable(mesh=self.mesh, 
                            value=numerix.sum(abs(, areas)), axis=0))
Esempio n. 5
    def _calcFaceCenters(self):
        maskedFaceVertexIDs = MA.filled(self.faceVertexIDs, 0)

        faceVertexCoords = numerix.take(self.vertexCoords, maskedFaceVertexIDs, axis=1)

        if MA.getmask(self.faceVertexIDs) is False:
            faceVertexCoordsMask = numerix.zeros(numerix.shape(faceVertexCoords), 'l')
            faceVertexCoordsMask = \
                             self.dim, axis=0)
        faceVertexCoords = MA.array(data=faceVertexCoords, mask=faceVertexCoordsMask)

        return MA.filled(MA.average(faceVertexCoords, axis=1))
Esempio n. 6
 def _calcValue(self):
     flag = MA.filled(
                      self.mesh.cellFaceIDs), 0)
     flag = numerix.sum(flag, axis=0)
     return numerix.where(
         numerix.logical_and(self.distanceVar.value > 0, flag > 0), 1, 0)
Esempio n. 7
    def _buildMatrix(self, var, SparseMatrix, boundaryConditions=(), dt=None, equation=None, transientGeomCoeff=None, diffusionGeomCoeff=None):

        oldArray = var.old

        mesh = var.mesh
        NCells = mesh.numberOfCells
        NCellFaces = mesh._maxFacesPerCell

        cellValues = numerix.repeat(oldArray[numerix.newaxis, ...], NCellFaces, axis = 0)

        cellIDs = numerix.repeat(numerix.arange(NCells)[numerix.newaxis, ...], NCellFaces, axis = 0)
        cellToCellIDs = mesh._cellToCellIDs

        if NCells > 0:
            cellToCellIDs = MA.where(MA.getmask(cellToCellIDs), cellIDs, cellToCellIDs)

            adjacentValues = numerix.take(oldArray, cellToCellIDs)

            differences = self._getDifferences(adjacentValues, cellValues, oldArray, cellToCellIDs, mesh)
            differences = MA.filled(differences, 0)

            minsq = numerix.sqrt(numerix.sum(numerix.minimum(differences, numerix.zeros((NCellFaces, NCells), 'l'))**2, axis=0))
            maxsq = numerix.sqrt(numerix.sum(numerix.maximum(differences, numerix.zeros((NCellFaces, NCells), 'l'))**2, axis=0))

            coeff = numerix.array(self._getGeomCoeff(var))

            coeffXdifferences = coeff * ((coeff > 0.) * minsq + (coeff < 0.) * maxsq)
            coeffXdifferences = 0.

        return (var, SparseMatrix(mesh=var.mesh), -coeffXdifferences * mesh.cellVolumes)
Esempio n. 8
    def _buildMatrix(self, var, SparseMatrix, boundaryConditions=(), dt=None, equation=None, transientGeomCoeff=None, diffusionGeomCoeff=None):

        oldArray = var.old

        mesh = var.mesh
        NCells = mesh.numberOfCells
        NCellFaces = mesh._maxFacesPerCell

        cellValues = numerix.repeat(oldArray[numerix.newaxis, ...], NCellFaces, axis = 0)

        cellIDs = numerix.repeat(numerix.arange(NCells)[numerix.newaxis, ...], NCellFaces, axis = 0)
        cellToCellIDs = mesh._cellToCellIDs

        if NCells > 0:
            cellToCellIDs = MA.where(MA.getmask(cellToCellIDs), cellIDs, cellToCellIDs) 

            adjacentValues = numerix.take(oldArray, cellToCellIDs)

            differences = self._getDifferences(adjacentValues, cellValues, oldArray, cellToCellIDs, mesh)
            differences = MA.filled(differences, 0)

            minsq = numerix.sqrt(numerix.sum(numerix.minimum(differences, numerix.zeros((NCellFaces, NCells), 'l'))**2, axis=0))
            maxsq = numerix.sqrt(numerix.sum(numerix.maximum(differences, numerix.zeros((NCellFaces, NCells), 'l'))**2, axis=0))

            coeff = numerix.array(self._getGeomCoeff(var))

            coeffXdiffereneces = coeff * ((coeff > 0.) * minsq + (coeff < 0.) * maxsq)
            coeffXdiffereneces = 0.

        return (var, SparseMatrix(mesh=var.mesh), -coeffXdiffereneces * mesh.cellVolumes)
Esempio n. 9
    def _buildMatrix(self, var, SparseMatrix, boundaryCondtions=(), dt=None, equation=None):

        oldArray = var.getOld()

        mesh = var.getMesh()
        NCells = mesh.getNumberOfCells()
        NCellFaces = mesh._getMaxFacesPerCell()

        cellValues = numerix.repeat(oldArray[numerix.newaxis, ...], NCellFaces, axis = 0)
        cellIDs = numerix.repeat(numerix.arange(NCells)[numerix.newaxis, ...], NCellFaces, axis = 0)
        cellToCellIDs = mesh._getCellToCellIDs()

        if NCells > 0:
            cellToCellIDs = MA.where(MA.getmask(cellToCellIDs), cellIDs, cellToCellIDs) 

            adjacentValues = numerix.take(oldArray, cellToCellIDs)

            differences = self._getDifferences(adjacentValues, cellValues, oldArray, cellToCellIDs, mesh)
            differences = MA.filled(differences, 0)
            minsq = numerix.sqrt(numerix.sum(numerix.minimum(differences, numerix.zeros((NCellFaces, NCells)))**2, axis=0))
            maxsq = numerix.sqrt(numerix.sum(numerix.maximum(differences, numerix.zeros((NCellFaces, NCells)))**2, axis=0))

            coeff = numerix.array(self._getGeomCoeff(mesh))

            coeffXdiffereneces = coeff * ((coeff > 0.) * minsq + (coeff < 0.) * maxsq)
            coeffXdiffereneces = 0.

        return (SparseMatrix(mesh=var.getMesh()), -coeffXdiffereneces * mesh.getCellVolumes())
Esempio n. 10
File: Progetto: regmi/fipy
 def _calcFaceAreas(self):
     faceVertexIDs = MA.filled(self.faceVertexIDs, -1)
     substitute = numerix.repeat(faceVertexIDs[numerix.newaxis, 0], 
                                 faceVertexIDs.shape[0], axis=0)
     faceVertexIDs = numerix.where(MA.getmaskarray(self.faceVertexIDs), substitute, faceVertexIDs)
     faceVertexCoords = numerix.take(self.vertexCoords, faceVertexIDs, axis=1)
     faceOrigins = numerix.repeat(faceVertexCoords[:,0], faceVertexIDs.shape[0], axis=0)
     faceOrigins = numerix.reshape(faceOrigins, MA.shape(faceVertexCoords))
     faceVertexCoords = faceVertexCoords - faceOrigins
     left = range(faceVertexIDs.shape[0])
     right = left[1:] + [left[0]]
     cross = numerix.sum(numerix.cross(faceVertexCoords, numerix.take(faceVertexCoords, right, 1), axis=0), 1)
     self.faceAreas = numerix.sqrtDot(cross, cross) / 2.
Esempio n. 11
 def _rightHandOrientation(self):
     faceVertexIDs = MA.filled(self.faceVertexIDs, 0)
     faceVertexCoords = numerix.take(self.vertexCoords, faceVertexIDs, axis=1)
     t1 = faceVertexCoords[:,1,:] - faceVertexCoords[:,0,:]
     t2 = faceVertexCoords[:,2,:] - faceVertexCoords[:,1,:]
     norm = numerix.cross(t1, t2, axis=0)
     ## reordering norm's internal memory for inlining
     norm = norm.copy()
     norm = norm / numerix.sqrtDot(norm, norm)
     faceNormals = -norm
     return 1 - 2 * (, self.cellDistanceVectors) < 0)
Esempio n. 12
 def _calcFaceAreas(self):
     faceVertexIDs = MA.filled(self.faceVertexIDs, -1)
     substitute = numerix.repeat(faceVertexIDs[numerix.newaxis, 0], 
                                 faceVertexIDs.shape[0], axis=0)
     faceVertexIDs = numerix.where(MA.getmaskarray(self.faceVertexIDs), 
                                   substitute, faceVertexIDs)
     faceVertexCoords = numerix.take(self.vertexCoords, faceVertexIDs, axis=1)
     faceOrigins = numerix.repeat(faceVertexCoords[:,0], faceVertexIDs.shape[0], axis=0)
     faceOrigins = numerix.reshape(faceOrigins, MA.shape(faceVertexCoords))
     faceVertexCoords = faceVertexCoords - faceOrigins
     left = range(faceVertexIDs.shape[0])
     right = left[1:] + [left[0]]
     cross = numerix.sum(numerix.cross(faceVertexCoords, 
                                       numerix.take(faceVertexCoords, right, 1), 
     return numerix.sqrtDot(cross, cross) / 2.
Esempio n. 13
File: Progetto: regmi/fipy
   def _getNonOrthogonality(self):
       exteriorFaceArray = numerix.zeros((self.faceCellIDs.shape[1],))
       numerix.put(exteriorFaceArray, numerix.nonzero(self.getExteriorFaces()), 1)
       unmaskedFaceCellIDs = MA.filled(self.faceCellIDs, 0) ## what we put in for the "fill" doesn't matter because only exterior faces have anything masked, and exterior faces have their displacement vectors set to zero.
       ## if it's an exterior face, make the "displacement vector" equal to zero so the cross product will be zero.
       faceDisplacementVectors = numerix.where(numerix.array(zip(exteriorFaceArray, exteriorFaceArray)), 0.0, numerix.take(self._getCellCenters().swapaxes(0,1), unmaskedFaceCellIDs[1, :]) - numerix.take(self._getCellCenters().swapaxes(0,1), unmaskedFaceCellIDs[0, :])).swapaxes(0,1)
       faceCrossProducts = (faceDisplacementVectors[0, :] * self.faceNormals[1, :]) - (faceDisplacementVectors[1, :] * self.faceNormals[0, :])
       faceDisplacementVectorLengths = numerix.maximum(((faceDisplacementVectors[0, :] ** 2) + (faceDisplacementVectors[1, :] ** 2)) ** 0.5, 1.e-100)
       faceWeightedNonOrthogonalities = abs(faceCrossProducts / faceDisplacementVectorLengths) * self.faceAreas
       cellFaceWeightedNonOrthogonalities = numerix.take(faceWeightedNonOrthogonalities, self.cellFaceIDs)
       cellFaceAreas = numerix.take(self.faceAreas, self.cellFaceIDs)
       cellTotalWeightedValues = numerix.add.reduce(cellFaceWeightedNonOrthogonalities, axis = 0)  
       cellTotalFaceAreas = numerix.add.reduce(cellFaceAreas, axis = 0)
       return (cellTotalWeightedValues / cellTotalFaceAreas)
Esempio n. 14
    def _getCellInterfaceFlag(self):

        Returns 1 for those cells on the interface:

        >>> from fipy.meshes.grid2D import Grid2D
        >>> from fipy.variables.cellVariable import CellVariable
        >>> mesh = Grid2D(dx = .5, dy = .5, nx = 2, ny = 2)
        >>> distanceVariable = DistanceVariable(mesh = mesh, 
        ...                                     value = (-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.5))
        >>> answer = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, value=(0, 1, 1, 0))
        >>> print numerix.allclose(distanceVariable._getCellInterfaceFlag(), answer)

        flag = MA.filled(numerix.take(self._getInterfaceFlag(), self.cellFaceIDs), 0)

        flag = numerix.sum(flag, axis=0)
        return numerix.where(numerix.logical_and(self.value > 0, flag > 0), 1, 0)
Esempio n. 15
    def _nonOrthogonality(self):

        exteriorFaceArray = numerix.zeros((self.faceCellIDs.shape[1], ), 'l')
        numerix.put(exteriorFaceArray, numerix.nonzero(self.exteriorFaces), 1)
        unmaskedFaceCellIDs = MA.filled(self.faceCellIDs, 0)
        # what we put in for the "fill" doesn't matter because only exterior
        # faces have anything masked, and exterior faces have their displacement
        # vectors set to zero.
        # if it's an exterior face, make the "displacement vector" equal to zero
        # so the cross product will be zero.

        faceDisplacementVectors = \
          numerix.where(numerix.array(zip(exteriorFaceArray, exteriorFaceArray)),
                                     unmaskedFaceCellIDs[1, :]) \
                          - numerix.take(self._scaledCellCenters.swapaxes(0,1),
                        unmaskedFaceCellIDs[0, :]))

        faceDisplacementVectors = faceDisplacementVectors.swapaxes(0, 1)

        faceCrossProducts = (faceDisplacementVectors[0, :] * self.faceNormals[1,:]) \
          - (faceDisplacementVectors[1, :] * self.faceNormals[0, :])

        faceDisplacementVectorLengths = numerix.maximum(((faceDisplacementVectors[0, :] ** 2) \
          + (faceDisplacementVectors[1, :] ** 2)) ** 0.5, 1.e-100)

        faceWeightedNonOrthogonalities = abs(
            faceCrossProducts /
            faceDisplacementVectorLengths) * self._faceAreas

        cellFaceWeightedNonOrthogonalities = numerix.take(
            faceWeightedNonOrthogonalities, self.cellFaceIDs)

        cellFaceAreas = numerix.take(self._faceAreas, self.cellFaceIDs)
        cellTotalWeightedValues = numerix.add.reduce(
            cellFaceWeightedNonOrthogonalities, axis=0)
        cellTotalFaceAreas = numerix.add.reduce(cellFaceAreas, axis=0)

        return (cellTotalWeightedValues / cellTotalFaceAreas)
Esempio n. 16
 def _calcCellCenters(
 ):  #cell center from bot1 and top1 (ignore coordinates of eventual bot2 and top2)
     tmp = numerix.take(self._faceCenters, self.cellFaceIDs[:2, :], axis=1)
     return MA.filled(MA.average(tmp, 1))
 def _calcValue(self):
     normals = numerix.array(
         MA.filled(self.distanceVar._cellInterfaceNormals, 0))
     areas = numerix.array(MA.filled(self.mesh._cellAreaProjections, 0))
     return numerix.sum(abs(, areas)), axis=0)
Esempio n. 18
    def _calcFaceToCellDistanceRatio(self):
        dAP = self._cellDistances
        dFP = self._faceToCellDistances[0]

        return MA.filled(dFP / dAP)
Esempio n. 19
 def _calcCellVolumes(self):
     tmp = self._faceCenters[0] * self._faceAreas * self.faceNormals[0]
     tmp = numerix.take(tmp,
                        self.cellFaceIDs) * self._cellToFaceOrientations
     return MA.filled(MA.sum(tmp, 0))
Esempio n. 20
 def _calcCellCenters(self):
     tmp = numerix.take(self._faceCenters, self.cellFaceIDs, axis=1)
     return MA.filled(MA.average(tmp, 1))
Esempio n. 21
File: Progetto: regmi/fipy
 def _calcFaceToCellDistanceRatio(self):
     dAP = self._getCellDistances()
     dFP = self._getFaceToCellDistances()[0]
     self.faceToCellDistanceRatio = MA.filled(dFP / dAP)
Esempio n. 22
 def _calcValue(self):
     normals = numerix.array(MA.filled(self.distanceVar._cellInterfaceNormals, 0))
     areas = numerix.array(MA.filled(self.mesh._cellAreaProjections, 0))
     return numerix.sum(abs(, areas)), axis=0)
Esempio n. 23
 def _calcAdjacentCellIDs(self):
     return (MA.filled(self.faceCellIDs[0]), 
Esempio n. 24
 def _calcCellCenters(self):
     tmp = numerix.take(self._faceCenters, self.cellFaceIDs, axis=1)
     return MA.filled(MA.average(tmp, 1))
Esempio n. 25
    def _calcDistanceFunction(self, extensionVariable = None, narrowBandWidth = None, deleteIslands = False):

        if narrowBandWidth == None:
            narrowBandWidth = self.narrowBandWidth

        ## calculate interface values

        cellToCellIDs = self.mesh._getCellToCellIDs()

        if deleteIslands:
            adjVals = numerix.take(self.value, cellToCellIDs)
            adjInterfaceValues = MA.masked_array(adjVals, mask = (adjVals * self.value) > 0)
            masksum = numerix.sum(numerix.logical_not(MA.getmask(adjInterfaceValues)), 0)
            tmp = MA.logical_and(masksum == 4, self.value > 0)
            self.value = MA.where(tmp, -1, self.value)

        adjVals = numerix.take(self.value, cellToCellIDs)
        adjInterfaceValues = MA.masked_array(adjVals, mask = (adjVals * self.value) > 0)
        dAP = self.mesh._getCellToCellDistances()
        distances = abs(self.value * dAP / (self.value - adjInterfaceValues))
        indices = MA.argsort(distances, 0)
        sign = (self.value > 0) * 2 - 1

        s = distances[indices[0], numerix.arange(indices.shape[1])]

        if self.mesh.getDim() == 2:

            t = distances[indices[1], numerix.arange(indices.shape[1])]
            u = distances[indices[2], numerix.arange(indices.shape[1])]

            if indices.shape[1] > 0:
                ns = self.cellNormals[..., indices[0], numerix.arange(indices.shape[1])]
                nt = self.cellNormals[..., indices[1], numerix.arange(indices.shape[1])]
                ns = MA.zeros(self.cellNormals.shape[:-1] + (0,))
                nt = MA.zeros(self.cellNormals.shape[:-1] + (0,))

            signedDistance = MA.where(MA.getmask(s),
                                               sign * s,
                                               MA.where(abs(,nt)) < 0.9,
                                                        sign * s * t / MA.sqrt(s**2 + t**2),
                                                                 sign * s,
                                                                 sign * s * u / MA.sqrt(s**2 + u**2)
            signedDistance = MA.where(MA.getmask(s),
                                      sign * s)

        self.value = signedDistance

        ## calculate interface flag
        masksum = numerix.sum(numerix.logical_not(MA.getmask(distances)), 0)
        interfaceFlag = (masksum > 0).astype('l')

        ## spread the extensionVariable to the whole interface
        flag = True
        if extensionVariable is None:
            extensionVariable = numerix.zeros(self.mesh.getNumberOfCells(), 'd')
            flag = False
        ext = numerix.zeros(self.mesh.getNumberOfCells(), 'd')

        positiveInterfaceFlag = numerix.where(self.value > 0, interfaceFlag, 0)
        negativeInterfaceIDs = numerix.nonzero(numerix.where(self.value < 0, interfaceFlag, 0))[0]

        for id in negativeInterfaceIDs:
            tmp, extensionVariable[...,id] = self._calcTrialValue(id, positiveInterfaceFlag, extensionVariable)

        if flag:
            self.value = self.tmpValue.copy()

        ## evaluate the trialIDs
        adjInterfaceFlag = numerix.take(interfaceFlag, cellToCellIDs)
        hasAdjInterface = (numerix.sum(MA.filled(adjInterfaceFlag, 0), 0) > 0).astype('l')

        trialFlag = numerix.logical_and(numerix.logical_not(interfaceFlag), hasAdjInterface).astype('l')

        trialIDs = list(numerix.nonzero(trialFlag)[0])
        evaluatedFlag = interfaceFlag

        for id in trialIDs:
            self.value[...,id], extensionVariable[id] = self._calcTrialValue(id, evaluatedFlag, extensionVariable)

        while len(trialIDs):

            id = trialIDs[numerix.argmin(abs(numerix.take(self.value, trialIDs)))]

            if abs(self.value[...,id]) > narrowBandWidth / 2:

            evaluatedFlag[...,id] = 1

            for adjID in MA.filled(cellToCellIDs[...,id], -1):
                if adjID != -1:
                    if not evaluatedFlag[...,adjID]:
                        self.value[...,adjID], extensionVariable[...,adjID] = self._calcTrialValue(adjID, evaluatedFlag, extensionVariable)
                        if adjID not in trialIDs:

        self.value = numerix.array(self.value)
Esempio n. 26
    def _calcValue(self):
        flag = MA.filled(numerix.take(self.distance._interfaceFlag, self.mesh.cellFaceIDs), 0)
        flag = numerix.sum(flag, axis=0)
        corner_flag = numerix.where(numerix.logical_and(self.distance.value > 0, flag > 1), 1, 0)

        return corner_flag | self.mask
Esempio n. 27
 def _calcFaceToCellDistanceRatio(self):
     dAP = self._cellDistances
     dFP = self._faceToCellDistances[0]
     return MA.filled(dFP / dAP)
Esempio n. 28
 def _calcCellVolumes(self):
     tmp = self._faceCenters[0] * self._faceAreas * self.faceNormals[0]
     tmp = numerix.take(tmp, self.cellFaceIDs) * self._cellToFaceOrientations
     return MA.filled(MA.sum(tmp, 0))
Esempio n. 29
 def _calcAdjacentCellIDs(self):
     return (MA.filled(self.faceCellIDs[0]),
                          self.faceCellIDs[0], self.faceCellIDs[1])))