Esempio n. 1
 def setValue(self, value, unit = None, where = None):
     if where is not None:
         shape = numerix.getShape(where)
         if shape != self.shape \
           and shape == self._getShapeFromMesh(mesh=self.getMesh()):
             for dim in self.elementshape:
                 where = numerix.repeat(where[numerix.newaxis, ...], repeats=dim, axis=0)
     return Variable.setValue(self, value=value, unit=unit, where=where)
Esempio n. 2
    def setValue(self, value, unit=None, where=None):
        if where is not None:
            shape = numerix.getShape(where)
            if shape != self.shape \
              and shape == self._getShapeFromMesh(mesh=self.mesh):
                for dim in self.elementshape:
                    where = numerix.repeat(where[numerix.newaxis, ...],

        return Variable.setValue(self, value=value, unit=unit, where=where)
Esempio n. 3
class AdsorbingSurfactantEquation():

    The `AdsorbingSurfactantEquation` object solves the
    `SurfactantEquation` but with an adsorbing species from some bulk
    value. The equation that describes the surfactant adsorbing is
    given by,

    .. math::

       \dot{\theta} = J v \theta + k c (1 - \theta - \theta_{\text{other}}) - \theta c_{\text{other}} k_{\text{other}} - k^- \theta

    where :math:`\theta`, :math:`J`, :math:`v`, :math:`k`, :math:`c`,
    :math:`k^-` and :math:`n` represent the surfactant coverage, the curvature,
    the interface normal velocity, the adsorption rate, the concentration in the
    bulk at the interface, the consumption rate and an exponent of consumption,
    respectively. The :math:`\text{other}` subscript refers to another
    surfactant with greater surface affinity.

    The terms on the RHS of the above equation represent conservation of
    surfactant on a non-uniform surface, Langmuir adsorption, removal of
    surfactant due to adsorption of the other surfactant onto non-vacant sites
    and consumption of the surfactant respectively. The adsorption term is added
    to the source by setting :math:` S_c = k c (1 - \theta_{\text{other}})` and
    :math:`S_p = -k c`. The other terms are added to the source in a similar

    The following is a test case:

    >>> from fipy.variables.distanceVariable \
    ...     import DistanceVariable
    >>> from fipy import SurfactantVariable
    >>> from fipy.meshes import Grid2D
    >>> from import numerix
    >>> from fipy.variables.cellVariable import CellVariable
    >>> dx = .5
    >>> dy = 2.3
    >>> dt = 0.25
    >>> k = 0.56
    >>> initialValue = 0.1
    >>> c = 0.2

    >>> from fipy.meshes import Grid2D
    >>> from fipy import serialComm
    >>> mesh = Grid2D(dx = dx, dy = dy, nx = 5, ny = 1, communicator=serialComm)
    >>> distanceVar = DistanceVariable(mesh = mesh,
    ...                                value = (-dx*3/2, -dx/2, dx/2,
    ...                                          3*dx/2,  5*dx/2),
    ...                                hasOld = 1)
    >>> surfactantVar = SurfactantVariable(value = (0, 0, initialValue, 0 ,0),
    ...                                    distanceVar = distanceVar)
    >>> bulkVar = CellVariable(mesh = mesh, value = (c , c, c, c, c))
    >>> eqn = AdsorbingSurfactantEquation(surfactantVar = surfactantVar,
    ...                                   distanceVar = distanceVar,
    ...                                   bulkVar = bulkVar,
    ...                                   rateConstant = k)
    >>> eqn.solve(surfactantVar, dt = dt)
    >>> answer = (initialValue + dt * k * c) / (1 + dt * k * c)
    >>> print numerix.allclose(surfactantVar.interfaceVar,
    ...                  numerix.array((0, 0, answer, 0, 0)))

    The following test case is for two surfactant variables. One has more
    surface affinity than the other.

    >>> from fipy.variables.distanceVariable \
    ...     import DistanceVariable
    >>> from fipy import SurfactantVariable
    >>> from fipy.meshes import Grid2D
    >>> dx = 0.5
    >>> dy = 2.73
    >>> dt = 0.001
    >>> k0 = 1.
    >>> k1 = 10.
    >>> theta0 = 0.
    >>> theta1 = 0.
    >>> c0 = 1.
    >>> c1 = 1.
    >>> totalSteps = 10
    >>> mesh = Grid2D(dx = dx, dy = dy, nx = 5, ny = 1, communicator=serialComm)
    >>> distanceVar = DistanceVariable(mesh = mesh,
    ...                                value = dx * (numerix.arange(5) - 1.5),
    ...                                hasOld = 1)
    >>> var0 = SurfactantVariable(value = (0, 0, theta0, 0 ,0),
    ...                           distanceVar = distanceVar)
    >>> var1 = SurfactantVariable(value = (0, 0, theta1, 0 ,0),
    ...                           distanceVar = distanceVar)
    >>> bulkVar0 = CellVariable(mesh = mesh, value = (c0, c0, c0, c0, c0))
    >>> bulkVar1 = CellVariable(mesh = mesh, value = (c1, c1, c1, c1, c1))

    >>> eqn0 = AdsorbingSurfactantEquation(surfactantVar = var0,
    ...                                    distanceVar = distanceVar,
    ...                                    bulkVar = bulkVar0,
    ...                                    rateConstant = k0)

    >>> eqn1 = AdsorbingSurfactantEquation(surfactantVar = var1,
    ...                                    distanceVar = distanceVar,
    ...                                    bulkVar = bulkVar1,
    ...                                    rateConstant = k1,
    ...                                    otherVar = var0,
    ...                                    otherBulkVar = bulkVar0,
    ...                                    otherRateConstant = k0)

    >>> for step in range(totalSteps):
    ...     eqn0.solve(var0, dt = dt)
    ...     eqn1.solve(var1, dt = dt)
    >>> answer0 = 1 - numerix.exp(-k0 * c0 * dt * totalSteps)
    >>> answer1 = (1 - numerix.exp(-k1 * c1 * dt * totalSteps)) * (1 - answer0)
    >>> print numerix.allclose(var0.interfaceVar,
    ...                  numerix.array((0, 0, answer0, 0, 0)), rtol = 1e-2)
    >>> print numerix.allclose(var1.interfaceVar,
    ...                  numerix.array((0, 0, answer1, 0, 0)), rtol = 1e-2)
    >>> dt = 0.1
    >>> for step in range(10):
    ...     eqn0.solve(var0, dt = dt)
    ...     eqn1.solve(var1, dt = dt)

    >>> x, y = mesh.cellCenters
    >>> check = var0.interfaceVar + var1.interfaceVar
    >>> answer = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, value=check)
    >>> answer[x==1.25] = 1.
    >>> print check.allequal(answer)

    The following test case is to fix a bug where setting the adsorption
    coefficient to zero leads to the solver not converging and an eventual

    >>> var0 = SurfactantVariable(value = (0, 0, theta0, 0 ,0),
    ...                           distanceVar = distanceVar)
    >>> bulkVar0 = CellVariable(mesh = mesh, value = (c0, c0, c0, c0, c0))

    >>> eqn0 = AdsorbingSurfactantEquation(surfactantVar = var0,
    ...                                    distanceVar = distanceVar,
    ...                                    bulkVar = bulkVar0,
    ...                                    rateConstant = 0)

    >>> eqn0.solve(var0, dt = dt)
    >>> eqn0.solve(var0, dt = dt)
    >>> answer = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, value=var0.interfaceVar)
    >>> answer[x==1.25] = 0.

    >>> print var0.interfaceVar.allclose(answer)

    The following test case is to fix a bug that allows the accelerator to
    become negative.

    >>> nx = 5
    >>> ny = 5
    >>> dx = 1.
    >>> dy = 1.
    >>> mesh = Grid2D(dx=dx, dy=dy, nx = nx, ny = ny, communicator=serialComm)
    >>> x, y = mesh.cellCenters

    >>> disVar = DistanceVariable(mesh=mesh, value=1., hasOld=True)
    >>> disVar[y < dy] = -1
    >>> disVar[x < dx] = -1
    >>> disVar.calcDistanceFunction() #doctest: +LSM

    >>> levVar = SurfactantVariable(value = 0.5, distanceVar = disVar)
    >>> accVar = SurfactantVariable(value = 0.5, distanceVar = disVar)

    >>> levEq = AdsorbingSurfactantEquation(levVar,
    ...                                     distanceVar = disVar,
    ...                                     bulkVar = 0,
    ...                                     rateConstant = 0)

    >>> accEq = AdsorbingSurfactantEquation(accVar,
    ...                                     distanceVar = disVar,
    ...                                     bulkVar = 0,
    ...                                     rateConstant = 0,
    ...                                     otherVar = levVar,
    ...                                     otherBulkVar = 0,
    ...                                     otherRateConstant = 0)

    >>> extVar = CellVariable(mesh = mesh, value = accVar.interfaceVar)

    >>> from fipy import TransientTerm, AdvectionTerm
    >>> advEq = TransientTerm() + AdvectionTerm(extVar)

    >>> dt = 0.1

    >>> for i in range(50):
    ...     disVar.calcDistanceFunction()
    ...     extVar.value = (numerix.array(accVar.interfaceVar))
    ...     disVar.extendVariable(extVar)
    ...     disVar.updateOld()
    ...     advEq.solve(disVar, dt = dt)
    ...     levEq.solve(levVar, dt = dt)
    ...     accEq.solve(accVar, dt = dt) #doctest: +LSM

    >>> # The following test fails sometimes on linux with scipy solvers
    >>> # See issue #575. We ignore for now.
    >>> print (accVar >= -1e-10).all() #doctest: +NOTLINUXSCIPY
    def __init__(self,
        Create a `AdsorbingSurfactantEquation` object.

          - `surfactantVar`: The `SurfactantVariable` to be solved for.
          - `distanceVar`: The `DistanceVariable` that marks the interface.
          - `bulkVar`: The value of the `surfactantVar` in the bulk.
          - `rateConstant`: The adsorption rate of the `surfactantVar`.
          - `otherVar`: Another `SurfactantVariable` with more surface affinity.
          - `otherBulkVar`: The value of the `otherVar` in the bulk.
          - `otherRateConstant`: The adsorption rate of the `otherVar`.
          - `consumptionCoeff`: The rate that the `surfactantVar` is consumed during deposition.


        self.eq = TransientTerm(coeff=1) - ExplicitUpwindConvectionTerm(

        self.dt = Variable(0.)
        mesh = distanceVar.mesh
        adsorptionCoeff = self.dt * bulkVar * rateConstant
        spCoeff = adsorptionCoeff * distanceVar._cellInterfaceFlag
        scCoeff = adsorptionCoeff * distanceVar.cellInterfaceAreas / mesh.cellVolumes

        self.eq += ImplicitSourceTerm(spCoeff) - scCoeff

        if otherVar is not None:
            otherSpCoeff = self.dt * otherBulkVar * otherRateConstant * distanceVar._cellInterfaceFlag
            otherScCoeff = -otherVar.interfaceVar * scCoeff

            self.eq += ImplicitSourceTerm(otherSpCoeff) - otherScCoeff

            vars = (surfactantVar, otherVar)
            vars = (surfactantVar, )

        total = 0
        for var in vars:
            total += var.interfaceVar
        maxVar = (total > 1) * distanceVar._cellInterfaceFlag

        val = distanceVar.cellInterfaceAreas / mesh.cellVolumes
        for var in vars[1:]:
            val -= distanceVar._cellInterfaceFlag * var

        spMaxCoeff = 1e20 * maxVar
        scMaxCoeff = spMaxCoeff * val * (val > 0)

        self.eq += ImplicitSourceTerm(spMaxCoeff) - scMaxCoeff - 1e-40

        if consumptionCoeff is not None:
            self.eq += ImplicitSourceTerm(consumptionCoeff)

    def solve(self, var, boundaryConditions=(), solver=None, dt=None):
        Builds and solves the `AdsorbingSurfactantEquation`'s linear system once.

           - `var`: A `SurfactantVariable` to be solved for. Provides the initial condition, the old value and holds the solution on completion.
           - `solver`: The iterative solver to be used to solve the linear system of equations.
           - `boundaryConditions`: A tuple of boundaryConditions.
           - `dt`: The time step size.

        if solver is None:
            import fipy.solvers.solver
            if fipy.solvers.solver == 'pyamg':
                from fipy.solvers.pyAMG.linearGeneralSolver import LinearGeneralSolver
                solver = LinearGeneralSolver(tolerance=1e-15, iterations=2000)
                from fipy.solvers import LinearPCGSolver
                solver = LinearPCGSolver()

        if type(boundaryConditions) not in (type(()), type([])):
            boundaryConditions = (boundaryConditions, )

        var.constrain(0, var.mesh.exteriorFaces)


    def sweep(self,
        Builds and solves the `AdsorbingSurfactantEquation`'s linear
        system once. This method also recalculates and returns the
        residual as well as applying under-relaxation.


           - `var`: The variable to be solved for. Provides the initial condition, the old value and holds the solution on completion.
           - `solver`: The iterative solver to be used to solve the linear system of equations.
           - `boundaryConditions`: A tuple of boundaryConditions.
           - `dt`: The time step size.
           - `underRelaxation`: Usually a value between `0` and `1` or `None` in the case of no under-relaxation

        if solver is None:
            from fipy.solvers import DefaultAsymmetricSolver
            solver = DefaultAsymmetricSolver()

        if type(boundaryConditions) not in (type(()), type([])):
            boundaryConditions = (boundaryConditions, )

        var.constrain(0, var.mesh.exteriorFaces)

        return self.eq.sweep(var,
class AdsorbingSurfactantEquation():

    The `AdsorbingSurfactantEquation` object solves the
    `SurfactantEquation` but with an adsorbing species from some bulk
    value. The equation that describes the surfactant adsorbing is
    given by,

    .. math::

       \dot{\theta} = J v \theta + k c (1 - \theta - \theta_{\text{other}}) - \theta c_{\text{other}} k_{\text{other}} - k^- \theta

    where :math:`\theta`, :math:`J`, :math:`v`, :math:`k`, :math:`c`,
    :math:`k^-` and :math:`n` represent the surfactant coverage, the curvature,
    the interface normal velocity, the adsorption rate, the concentration in the
    bulk at the interface, the consumption rate and an exponent of consumption,
    respectively. The :math:`\text{other}` subscript refers to another
    surfactant with greater surface affinity.

    The terms on the RHS of the above equation represent conservation of
    surfactant on a non-uniform surface, Langmuir adsorption, removal of
    surfactant due to adsorption of the other surfactant onto non-vacant sites
    and consumption of the surfactant respectively. The adsorption term is added
    to the source by setting :math:` S_c = k c (1 - \theta_{\text{other}})` and
    :math:`S_p = -k c`. The other terms are added to the source in a similar

    The following is a test case:

    >>> from fipy.variables.distanceVariable \
    ...     import DistanceVariable
    >>> from fipy import SurfactantVariable
    >>> from fipy.meshes import Grid2D
    >>> from import numerix
    >>> from fipy.variables.cellVariable import CellVariable
    >>> dx = .5
    >>> dy = 2.3
    >>> dt = 0.25
    >>> k = 0.56
    >>> initialValue = 0.1
    >>> c = 0.2
    >>> from fipy.meshes import Grid2D
    >>> from fipy import serialComm
    >>> mesh = Grid2D(dx = dx, dy = dy, nx = 5, ny = 1, communicator=serialComm)
    >>> distanceVar = DistanceVariable(mesh = mesh, 
    ...                                value = (-dx*3/2, -dx/2, dx/2, 
    ...                                          3*dx/2,  5*dx/2),
    ...                                hasOld = 1)
    >>> surfactantVar = SurfactantVariable(value = (0, 0, initialValue, 0 ,0), 
    ...                                    distanceVar = distanceVar)
    >>> bulkVar = CellVariable(mesh = mesh, value = (c , c, c, c, c))
    >>> eqn = AdsorbingSurfactantEquation(surfactantVar = surfactantVar,
    ...                                   distanceVar = distanceVar,
    ...                                   bulkVar = bulkVar,
    ...                                   rateConstant = k)
    >>> eqn.solve(surfactantVar, dt = dt)
    >>> answer = (initialValue + dt * k * c) / (1 + dt * k * c)
    >>> print numerix.allclose(surfactantVar.interfaceVar, 
    ...                  numerix.array((0, 0, answer, 0, 0)))

    The following test case is for two surfactant variables. One has more
    surface affinity than the other.

    >>> from fipy.variables.distanceVariable \
    ...     import DistanceVariable
    >>> from fipy import SurfactantVariable
    >>> from fipy.meshes import Grid2D
    >>> dx = 0.5
    >>> dy = 2.73
    >>> dt = 0.001
    >>> k0 = 1.
    >>> k1 = 10.
    >>> theta0 = 0.
    >>> theta1 = 0.
    >>> c0 = 1.
    >>> c1 = 1.
    >>> totalSteps = 10
    >>> mesh = Grid2D(dx = dx, dy = dy, nx = 5, ny = 1, communicator=serialComm)
    >>> distanceVar = DistanceVariable(mesh = mesh, 
    ...                                value = dx * (numerix.arange(5) - 1.5),
    ...                                hasOld = 1)
    >>> var0 = SurfactantVariable(value = (0, 0, theta0, 0 ,0), 
    ...                           distanceVar = distanceVar)
    >>> var1 = SurfactantVariable(value = (0, 0, theta1, 0 ,0), 
    ...                           distanceVar = distanceVar)
    >>> bulkVar0 = CellVariable(mesh = mesh, value = (c0, c0, c0, c0, c0))
    >>> bulkVar1 = CellVariable(mesh = mesh, value = (c1, c1, c1, c1, c1))

    >>> eqn0 = AdsorbingSurfactantEquation(surfactantVar = var0,
    ...                                    distanceVar = distanceVar,
    ...                                    bulkVar = bulkVar0,
    ...                                    rateConstant = k0)

    >>> eqn1 = AdsorbingSurfactantEquation(surfactantVar = var1,
    ...                                    distanceVar = distanceVar,
    ...                                    bulkVar = bulkVar1,
    ...                                    rateConstant = k1,
    ...                                    otherVar = var0,
    ...                                    otherBulkVar = bulkVar0,
    ...                                    otherRateConstant = k0)

    >>> for step in range(totalSteps):
    ...     eqn0.solve(var0, dt = dt)
    ...     eqn1.solve(var1, dt = dt)
    >>> answer0 = 1 - numerix.exp(-k0 * c0 * dt * totalSteps)
    >>> answer1 = (1 - numerix.exp(-k1 * c1 * dt * totalSteps)) * (1 - answer0)
    >>> print numerix.allclose(var0.interfaceVar, 
    ...                  numerix.array((0, 0, answer0, 0, 0)), rtol = 1e-2)
    >>> print numerix.allclose(var1.interfaceVar, 
    ...                  numerix.array((0, 0, answer1, 0, 0)), rtol = 1e-2)
    >>> dt = 0.1
    >>> for step in range(10):
    ...     eqn0.solve(var0, dt = dt)
    ...     eqn1.solve(var1, dt = dt)

    >>> x, y = mesh.cellCenters
    >>> check = var0.interfaceVar + var1.interfaceVar
    >>> answer = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, value=check)
    >>> answer[x==1.25] = 1.
    >>> print check.allequal(answer)

    The following test case is to fix a bug where setting the adosrbtion
    coefficient to zero leads to the solver not converging and an eventual

    >>> var0 = SurfactantVariable(value = (0, 0, theta0, 0 ,0), 
    ...                           distanceVar = distanceVar)
    >>> bulkVar0 = CellVariable(mesh = mesh, value = (c0, c0, c0, c0, c0))

    >>> eqn0 = AdsorbingSurfactantEquation(surfactantVar = var0,
    ...                                    distanceVar = distanceVar,
    ...                                    bulkVar = bulkVar0,
    ...                                    rateConstant = 0)

    >>> eqn0.solve(var0, dt = dt)
    >>> eqn0.solve(var0, dt = dt)
    >>> answer = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, value=var0.interfaceVar)
    >>> answer[x==1.25] = 0.
    >>> print var0.interfaceVar.allclose(answer)

    The following test case is to fix a bug that allows the accelerator to
    become negative.

    >>> nx = 5
    >>> ny = 5
    >>> dx = 1.
    >>> dy = 1.
    >>> mesh = Grid2D(dx=dx, dy=dy, nx = nx, ny = ny, communicator=serialComm)
    >>> x, y = mesh.cellCenters

    >>> disVar = DistanceVariable(mesh=mesh, value=1., hasOld=True)
    >>> disVar[y < dy] = -1
    >>> disVar[x < dx] = -1
    >>> disVar.calcDistanceFunction() #doctest: +LSM

    >>> levVar = SurfactantVariable(value = 0.5, distanceVar = disVar)
    >>> accVar = SurfactantVariable(value = 0.5, distanceVar = disVar)

    >>> levEq = AdsorbingSurfactantEquation(levVar,
    ...                                     distanceVar = disVar,
    ...                                     bulkVar = 0,
    ...                                     rateConstant = 0)

    >>> accEq = AdsorbingSurfactantEquation(accVar,
    ...                                     distanceVar = disVar,
    ...                                     bulkVar = 0,
    ...                                     rateConstant = 0,
    ...                                     otherVar = levVar,
    ...                                     otherBulkVar = 0,
    ...                                     otherRateConstant = 0)

    >>> extVar = CellVariable(mesh = mesh, value = accVar.interfaceVar)

    >>> from fipy import TransientTerm, AdvectionTerm
    >>> advEq = TransientTerm() + AdvectionTerm(extVar)

    >>> dt = 0.1

    >>> for i in range(50):
    ...     disVar.calcDistanceFunction()
    ...     extVar.value = (numerix.array(accVar.interfaceVar))
    ...     disVar.extendVariable(extVar)
    ...     disVar.updateOld()
    ...     advEq.solve(disVar, dt = dt)
    ...     levEq.solve(levVar, dt = dt)
    ...     accEq.solve(accVar, dt = dt) #doctest: +LSM

    >>> print (accVar >= -1e-10).all()
    def __init__(self,
                 surfactantVar = None,
                 distanceVar = None,
                 bulkVar = None,
                 rateConstant = None,
                 otherVar = None,
                 otherBulkVar = None,
                 otherRateConstant = None,
                 consumptionCoeff = None):
        Create a `AdsorbingSurfactantEquation` object.

          - `surfactantVar`: The `SurfactantVariable` to be solved for.
          - `distanceVar`: The `DistanceVariable` that marks the interface.
          - `bulkVar`: The value of the `surfactantVar` in the bulk.
          - `rateConstant`: The adsorption rate of the `surfactantVar`.
          - `otherVar`: Another `SurfactantVariable` with more surface affinity.
          - `otherBulkVar`: The value of the `otherVar` in the bulk.
          - `otherRateConstant`: The adsorption rate of the `otherVar`.
          - `consumptionCoeff`: The rate that the `surfactantVar` is consumed during deposition.

        self.eq = TransientTerm(coeff = 1) - ExplicitUpwindConvectionTerm(SurfactantConvectionVariable(distanceVar))

        self.dt = Variable(0.)
        mesh = distanceVar.mesh
        adsorptionCoeff = self.dt * bulkVar * rateConstant
        spCoeff = adsorptionCoeff * distanceVar._cellInterfaceFlag
        scCoeff = adsorptionCoeff * distanceVar.cellInterfaceAreas / mesh.cellVolumes

        self.eq += ImplicitSourceTerm(spCoeff) - scCoeff

        if otherVar is not None:
            otherSpCoeff = self.dt * otherBulkVar * otherRateConstant * distanceVar._cellInterfaceFlag
            otherScCoeff = -otherVar.interfaceVar * scCoeff

            self.eq += ImplicitSourceTerm(otherSpCoeff) - otherScCoeff

            vars = (surfactantVar, otherVar)
            vars = (surfactantVar,)

        total = 0
        for var in vars:
            total += var.interfaceVar
        maxVar = (total > 1) * distanceVar._cellInterfaceFlag

        val = distanceVar.cellInterfaceAreas / mesh.cellVolumes
        for var in vars[1:]:
            val -= distanceVar._cellInterfaceFlag * var
        spMaxCoeff = 1e20 * maxVar
        scMaxCoeff = spMaxCoeff * val * (val > 0)
        self.eq += ImplicitSourceTerm(spMaxCoeff) - scMaxCoeff - 1e-40

        if consumptionCoeff is not None:
            self.eq += ImplicitSourceTerm(consumptionCoeff)

    def solve(self, var, boundaryConditions=(), solver=None, dt=None):
        Builds and solves the `AdsorbingSurfactantEquation`'s linear system once.
           - `var`: A `SurfactantVariable` to be solved for. Provides the initial condition, the old value and holds the solution on completion.
           - `solver`: The iterative solver to be used to solve the linear system of equations.
           - `boundaryConditions`: A tuple of boundaryConditions.
           - `dt`: The time step size.
        if solver is None:
            import fipy.solvers.solver
            if fipy.solvers.solver == 'pyamg':
                from fipy.solvers.pyAMG.linearGeneralSolver import LinearGeneralSolver
                solver = LinearGeneralSolver(tolerance=1e-15, iterations=2000)
                from fipy.solvers import LinearPCGSolver
                solver = LinearPCGSolver()
        if type(boundaryConditions) not in (type(()), type([])):
            boundaryConditions = (boundaryConditions,)
        var.constrain(0, var.mesh.exteriorFaces)
                      solver = solver,
    def sweep(self, var, solver=None, boundaryConditions=(), dt=None, underRelaxation=None, residualFn=None):
        Builds and solves the `AdsorbingSurfactantEquation`'s linear
        system once. This method also recalculates and returns the
        residual as well as applying under-relaxation.


           - `var`: The variable to be solved for. Provides the initial condition, the old value and holds the solution on completion.
           - `solver`: The iterative solver to be used to solve the linear system of equations. 
           - `boundaryConditions`: A tuple of boundaryConditions.
           - `dt`: The time step size.
           - `underRelaxation`: Usually a value between `0` and `1` or `None` in the case of no under-relaxation

        if solver is None:
            from fipy.solvers import DefaultAsymmetricSolver
            solver = DefaultAsymmetricSolver()
        if type(boundaryConditions) not in (type(()), type([])):
            boundaryConditions = (boundaryConditions,)
        var.constrain(0, var.mesh.exteriorFaces)

        return self.eq.sweep(var, solver=solver, boundaryConditions=boundaryConditions, underRelaxation=underRelaxation, residualFn=residualFn, dt=1.)